Crowd: SCW! SCW! SCW!

The first shot of the show that we see is a panning shot of the ten thousand plus fans crowded within the Broadmoor World Arena. Men and women, boys and girls, fans of all ages make up the SCW Universe and they are all showing their support for their favorite Superstars and Bombshells! And finally, the camera focuses on a close up shot of Justin Decent, standing inside of SCW's six-sided ring.

Justin: Hello everyone and welcome to Sin City Wrestling "Climax Control" debut right here in Colorado Springs, Colorado!

The crowd cheers!

Justin: Now please help me welcome the Hostess With the Mostess for "Climax Control" -- Miss Amanda Hugginkiss!

The crowd cheers as Amanda struts out in a black lace halter top, mini skirt bottom and high heels with heavy makeup and a long, flowing blond wig. Amanda has her microphone up and the song begins.

Amanda: I didn't realize how dead this club would be
I don't make frequent trips out here to BFE
But you found my weakness:
Drinks for free
I hope nobody sees you leave this place with me
It's shameless but it's true
You're homely but I'll sleep with you

I live for truth and beauty but there's room for change
I'm faithful to myself but I could use some strange
And strange is precisely
The term for you
You'll be a two at ten but you're a ten at two
Congratulations, dude
You're homely but I'll sleep with you

You claim you stole my heart
There's a crime but it isn't theft
I guess tonight you're Mr. Right
'Cause everyone else has Left

I swear that I have
Never been a sellout for an easy score
Unless you count last weekend or the week before
I don't want beer goggles
Those still see
Instead I need a full tequilabotomy
And you should get one too
You're homely but I'll sleep with you

Is beauty just skin deep?
Well, your skin destroys that myth
How much Patron makes me think you're hot?
I'll have to plead the fifth

And now I finally
Understand why hookups all occur at night
It's easier to find a place devoid of light
Don't take it personal
When I ask
Would you please put on this Freddy Krueger mask?
It helps improve my view
You're homely but I'll sleep with you

F-U-fugly-G-fugly oh my
F-U-fugly-G-fugly oh my

The song comes to an end and Amanda 'curtsies' and blows kisses to the cheering crowd before she heads backstage and vanishes behind the curtains.

The camera shot then transitions to ringside where Belinda Simone and Jason Adams sit at the broadcaster booth.

Simone: Hello everyone and welcome to the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs for the "King For A Day" edition of Climax Control! On behalf of my colleague Jason Adams…

Adams: All Hail King Guy!

Simone: … Yes. Anyway, we are well on our way to setting sail aboard the Princess Cruise for Summer XXXTreme XII on August 02! Already we have three title matches decided…

Adams: And lots more to come!

Simone: And tonight we kick the night off with the unorthodox fashion of King Guy with the first-ever Bob Ross Invitational Battle Royal where there is paint stationed inside and outside of the ring for the Bombshells to land in should they be so unlucky as to get eliminated! We have Ariana Angelos! Bella Madison! Eiley! Melissa! And Victoria Lyons! And the winner gets a shot at the Roulette Championship!

Adams: Not to mention that by Royal decree, Ariana has to fight with both arms tied behind her back!

Simone: Indeed!

Adams: Well we WERE supposed to see the big in-ring return of Kris Ryans as he takes on Lyle Kasey but unfortunately… Kris got on the wrong plane and somehow ended up in Timbuktu! Figure that one out! So that match has been pushed back a week!

Simone: We will also bear witness to the return of none other than Andrea Hernandez who did NOT get on the wrong flight and Andrea faces Krystal Wolfe in her big return!

Adams: King Guy comes up with some great and original ideas! He's booked Justin Smith against "Bulldog" Bill Barnhart in a Dogfood match! The winner has to force the opponent to eat dog food!

Simone: Hall of Fame inductee and Wrestler of the Year, Alicia Lukas, returns to the six-sided ring as she faces a familiar foe in Seleana Zdunich!

Adams: I don't know which of these guys upset Good King Guy but he's went above and beyond by booking the Brat aka Jayden Harris against Alexander Raven in a Thirty Minute Iron Man match where you can only win by submission! I have a feeling King Guy is doing this to irk Victoria Lyons fort her preferential treatment toward Alexander Raven!

Simone: And in our Main Event, King Guy is doing what has never been done before! He is making the Golden Briefcase winner DEFEND his prize in a six-man ladder match! You heard me right! It's Mister Golden Briefcase Rodrigo Afonso defending against ENTITY, the reigning Internet Champion Peter Vaughn, Helluva Bottom Carter, poor Artie and … get this! None other than J2H! All this and more on King For A Day Climax Control!

The excitement from the crowd could truly be felt. All seven thousand fans in attendance were loud and letting it be known they couldn't wait for the night to truly begin. All of the sudden there was a loud voice that spoke over the speaker system getting the attention of all in attendance.

VOICE: All of you minions in attendance tonight. If you will rise and show proper respect to your King!

As soon as those words were heard. The speaker instantly began to play a very familiar song. "I'll Be There." by the Rembrandts. It didn't take long for a certain portion of the crowd to start singing along. On the stage area a King's Carrier could be seen coming out. Four men holding it up high while GUY with his crown and all sat smack dab in the middle of it being fed grapes by two beautiful women. In seeing the man there was a positive reaction from the crowd.

Adams: I have been dreading this night all week Belinda.

Simone: What? Why?!

Adams: We're about to see the just most off the wall stuff and I'm not ready for it. I am still in shock that this man even won the match to be able to run this show here tonight.

Simone: You're afraid of change Jason. I think this might end up being one of the most entertaining shows of the year!

Back on the stage, Guy had begun to get done from the carrier. His feet touched the floor and instantly someone from his little group was handing him a gold microphone with the top shaped like a crown. His painted lips widened as he gripped the mic. His music dying down as soon as it was in his hand. Allowing the King for the day to address the people.

Guy: Huzzah!

His trademark comment was also chanted along with by the crowd. This only allowed his smirk to grow a little more in excitement.

Guy: Yiiiis! Yiiiiis! My minions tonight's our night. A night we should've had over a year ago. But the holy Christian figure banned Guy then. But he could not deny Guy or his minions this year!

There was a little bit of a chuckle that came from the man with the crowd continuing to show their support.

Guy: Tonight you are going to see many-many great matches. Put together by King Guy. The Main Event being Guy's Bizarro world. The first of its kind! History making! Then you get to see Guy's other best-best friend in the form of Jayden Harris taking on douchebag Alexander! 30 Minutes of Submission!

It didn't appear that the crowd was too sold on that announcement. Several boos could be heard causing the King to have a bit of a frown on his expression.

Guy: Woah woah! Not cool minions! He isn't that bad... But! If that's not your cup of tea King Guy has brought to you an all exclusive match! Maybe the first time ever seen in SCW. A dog food match! Yiiiis! Just because Bulldog Bill is a doggo doesn't mean he shouldn't be included. Look at how thoughtful King Guy is!

There was a little bit of a mixed reaction from the crowd. Although Guy stood there on the stage as he patted himself on the back like a job well done. Before bringing the microphone up.

Guy: And then maybe the match that King Guy is personally looking forward to the most. The first ever Bob Ross Invitational Battle Royal for the Number One Contendership of the SCW Bombshell Roulette Championship. Who's excited to watch Ariana Angelos choke...

Guy is interrupted by the town crier from last week, blowing a royal fanfare into a horn, before once again reading from a scroll.

Town Crier: Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Please rise and show your adulation for the Queen of SCW, The Head Lyoness, VICTORIA LYONS!!

Adams: It's the queen! The queen is here!

Simone: Only, she's not queen anymore. I think she might be a little delusional here.

Like last week, she walks to the ring to her theme "Sweet Dreams" by Vin Jay, a red carpet being rolled out in front of her as she waves and smiles to the crowd, who are of course booing her, she gets into the ring, and smiles at Guy, as she's given a microphone.

Guy: How dare yew! How dare yew interrupt Guy and his minions?!

Victoria Lyons: Hello my king. First off, may I say what a masterful card you have concocted here tonight. Truly a card only you could create.

The crowd boos some, sensing her words to be a little condescending.

Victoria Lyons: But I have an idea that could make it better. See, Miles Kasey and HBC didn't play fair on my show. They did not properly fight like they were tasked to. I think that deserves punishment. Much like you've done with Ariana Angelos, a genius move by the way.

The crowd boos again, knowing she's just trying to butter Guy up some.

Victoria Lyons: If I may, perhaps we could surprise them tonight. Your main event has enough people, and I'm sure HBC can be easily replaced by..well just about anyone. Instead, make them fight again, and this time raise the stakes, litterally. Book them in a SCAFFOLD MATCH. Then one of them has to throw the other off the side, their little tricks won't work this time. They disrespected royalty, in the old days they'd have you hanged for disrespecting a queen. We can't let their disrespect go unpunished. You NEED to do this. It;s the right thing to do.

Guy stood there that time listening to the words that came out of the blonde's mouth. Although he personally looked very unimpressed. It appeared at least now she was done talking.

Guy: Goodness! Guy thought he was going to fall asleep with all that rambling!

His words got an instant reaction out of the crowd. Lots of laughs coming from them. Victoria on the other hand didn't look impressed. Not even by the long shot, but as clueless as ever Guy continued on.

Guy: If King Guy isn't mistake. At no point did he show up last week and TELL you what to do on your show. He didn't TELL you WHAT matches to make. He didn't TELL you what STIPULATIONS to put into action. Nah nah. King Guy minded his business, because deep down he knew he could run a better show than you. All about competition Queeny!

There was quite the smirk on his painted lips. Clearly enjoying this moment.

Guy: With that being said. King Guy says thanks but no thanks. He will not be taking your suggestion into play. Maybe if you would have conducted yourself a little better. Maybe Miles and the Bottom Carter would have followed along with your match. But you're not respected. Your royalty is a sham. Therefore you get what you got. Deal with it sugar britches!

Following his statement. Guy took notice to those eyes of Victoria. They were locked on him with hate in each one. This was not what she had expected and things were about to get worse.

Guy: Now since you were so rude by coming out here during YOUR king's time. Then to go on to be so demanding. King Guy should take action. Hit you with a punishment to make you understand! There are plenty of King's personal Royal Security in the back that would have no problem escorting you out of here tonight. Taking away your chance at the Battle Royal!

All of the sudden the crowd let out a collective "Oooh You're In Trouble" chant. Guy found himself smirking a little wider at their chant. Just eating it up that they were behind him.

Guy: But... that's not what your King will conduct himself. Instead perhaps King Guy will change the stipulation and have you join Ariana with BOTH of your hands TIED behind your back for tonight's Battle Royal! Is that how you would like to go about things tonight minion Victoria?!

Victoria Lyons: ME?! I have done NOTHING!! It's them who need to be punished!! I AM THE QUEEN OF SCW AND THEY DISRESPECTED ME!! But it's ME you punish, because I simply want the king to do the right thing? How is THAT fair?

Much like many would have expected. This wasn't what she wanted but her attitude surely wasn't helping the situation at hand. Guy bringing his microphone back to his lips.

Guy: Well if you don't want to be at a MAJOR disadvantage tonight. Your King would highly suggest you head to the back and wait for your match!

Victoria Lyons:....fine, whatever. But this is a damn farce and you know it. You'll pay for this. With all the power of the queen, you will pay for this.

A scowl on her face, she retreated to the back. She may have been cruel, but she wasn't stupid and didn't want to risk her chance to become number one contender for the Bombshell Roulette Championship.As she sulked to the back, she still mumbled that the guy was going to pay. With the woman now off the stage and heading to the back. Guy turned himself back around to the crowd.

Guy: Now that we're no longer experiencing the Wicked Witch of Sin City Wrestling cramping our style. King Guy wants to wish all of you a very excellent night! This is going to be the most entertaining night in history. Mark those royal words!

His smile remained across his lips with the crowd cheering him on. This brought the music back as Guy turned around and climbed back onto the King's Carrier. With a simple motion of his hand they began to carry him back behind the curtain.

Simone: Well, I would say our King didn't make friends with our Queen. That was an intense interaction!

Adams: Listen, I know that she's technically not queen anymore. But I think I'd prefer back to back weeks of her evil ways than to deal with what's coming tonight.

Simone: Sometimes I wonder about you, Jason.

Adams: There's no need to wonder. At least with her in charge it's a little more sensible!

Simone was seen just sitting there at the commentator's table just shaking her head a little bit from side to side. Before the cameras cut away and headed to the back for the time being.

LIVE! August 4th, 2024! On board the Princess Cruise...!


The scene opens backstage were we see as the Greek American Bombshell Ariana Angelos is pacing around.

Ariana: What do you expect me to say about this Battle Royal? The fact that the moron in a cape wants me to injure myself is clear as day.

Ariana spits to the ground.

Ariana: I meant what I said! I'm not cooperating with this bullshit! And if that Guy With The Cape thinks otherwise than he's a bigger idiot than I thought!

Ariana storms off as the scene fades.

The cameras were now backstage and King Guy was still being carried through the back. However he was quick to speak up when something caught his attention.

Guy: Stop! Your King demands!

Once those words left his lips. Everyone stopped in their tracks allowing Guy to hop down from the carrier. Straightening the crown on his head he began to take a couple of steps over towards someone. This allowed the cameras to follow along and reveal that person was none other than Jayden Harris. The young star stood there with a bag of chips in hand.

Guy: Huzzah! Minion Jayden!

The glare that consumed Jayden's expression when he realized Guy was standing there was quite telling.

Jayden Harris: What the hell do you want?

Guy: Still feisty as ever. Your King wants nothing but one thing.

Jayden Harris: Well that's too damn bad!

Guy: Aw no need to be bitter! Your King has given you quite the chance to shine tonight. All you have to do is say thank you!

The idea of giving thanks was not at all the thought that crossed Jayden's mind. He met Guy with an immediate scoff sound. Taking some chips from the bag and tossing them into his mouth.

Jayden Harris: Not happening.

Guy: Don't make this difficult Minion Jayden! A simple thank you is all your king is asking for.

Jayden Harris: I know you're not bright, but clearly you're also a deaf fuck too. It's not happening. Fuck off.

Guy: If that's how you're going to be. You leave King Guy no choice. I'm going to have to cancel your---

Before he could even finish his statement. Jayden tossed those chips down and grabbed a hold of Guy quickly locking him in a Half Nelson Choke. Instantly Guy's arms were railing around and he was gasping for air. Jayden glared at the back of the man's head as he continued to squeeze.

Jayden Harris: You're going to cancel what?! Huh?!

Guy was gasping a little harder. His words being literally choked out of him.

Guy: Never... Mind... Stop... Please!

As those words were choked out of him. Jayden finally let go of the choke hold he had applied and shoved the man away from him. Guy's crown almost fell off his head as he fell to his knees. He sputtered a little bit as Jayden stood over him for a second.

Jayden Harris: I'm not the one to mess with, freak. Stay out of my business!

Before giving Guy a chance to respond. Jayden began to storm off down the hall. Guy finally found it in himself to put the crown back on straight as he stood up. Holding his neck a little bit.

Guy: That boy strong! Goodness!

He coughed and sputtered once again, as he began to make his way back over to the carrier. This is when the cameras found themselves cutting away from the backstage area and heading back out to the ring for the first scheduled contest of the night.

The cameras were coming back to the ringside area. It was time for the first official match of the night and based on the crowd response they couldn't wait to see it happen. Arena goes dark as the ominous tones of New Year's Day's "Shut up" begins to blare. The entrance lights up as does the video screen that shows climbing up a set of stairs we see with each step taken by a different footwear. Saddle shoes followed by heels followed by Chuck Taylors followed by a pair of wrestling shoes with kickpads.

Justin: The following contest is the first ever Bob Ross invitational battle royal! All to crown a number one contender for the SCW Bombshell Roulette Championship! Introducing first at this time from New York, New York... BELLA MADISON!

The roar comes over the sound system as we see Bella standing on top of the entrance. She stands wearing her wrestling gear along with a ring jacket with the hood up and starts making her way to the ring. Towards the end of the chorus she hops up on the ring side and climbs to the second rope, drops the hood of the jacket with a smirk and a wink as the song fades out.

"Love you to Death" from Type O Negative: We hear a violin and a piano playing softly in the background before the dark voice of Peter Steele can be heard softly singing until he utters the Beast is Going to get ya yea. This causes flames to shoot out from the entrance ramp as Melissa walks out to the arena accompanied by CCPE's CEO Kat Jones

Justin: Now coming down to the ring accompanied by Kat Jones!!! Standing at five foot nine and weighing in at one hundred and thirty pounds! Hailing from Manhattan, New York. 'Lady Goth' MELISSA!

Melissa and Kat walk towards the ring, totally ignoring the crowd until they reach the middle of the ramp way. Melissa extends her arms as we hear Peter Steele sing Your wish is my command, causing Kat to take off her robe that she is wearing revealing her in ring wrestling gear. She walks towards the ring, slides underneath the bottom rope and stares at the crowd for a moment before turning her attention towards the crowd as we hear the chorus softly start to swing Let me Love you to death, Melissa then stands up and walks over towards her corner to await her for the rest of her opponents.

Inside the ring four of the women were backed into their corners while Ariana stood in the middle of the ring with Dawn. The referee was securing the rope around the woman's wrist and making sure her arms were tightly tied behind her back. Ariana's face said it all she was not happy. With the secured rope Dawn slid out of the ring to stand by the rest of the officials. The bell then sounded.

The arena lights dim as "Sweet Dreams" by Vin Jay plays, and Victoria Lyons appears onstage, and makes her slow and haunting walk to the ring. She glares at some of the fans, and even bites at a few as she passes by.

Justin: And now making her way to the ring. All the way from Charlotte, North Carolina. She is 'The Head Lyoness' VICTORIA LYONS!

As she gets in the ring, the lights go back on, as Victoria raises her arms in a V in the middle of the ring, as if looking for worship, and giving the camera a creepy smile. This is when her music was starting to fade out as she glared over at Bella and Melissa. Waiting for the next two women set to make their way out to the ring for thai match to officially get under way.

"Nightmare (Reprise)" by Halsey begins to play and the lights flicker a few times before they stay on and Eiley walks out onto the stage. She smirks before stopping at the top of the ramp, her hands on her hips. She stands there for a few seconds with her hands on her hips before she walks down the ramp, ignoring the fans as she walks to the ring.

Justin: Introducing next. Coming from Honolulu, Hawaii... EILEY!

She stops at the bottom of the ramp and looks around before walking to the steel steps and jobs up them before stepping onto the apron and then getting into the ring between the top and middle rope. She stands in the middle of the ring and does a simple pose before moving off to one of the turnbuckles and climbs up and sits on the top turnbuckle.

It was now time for the final woman of the match to make her way out. The very woman that was going to be at quite the disadvantage. The opening guitar riff to "In the Middle of the Night" by Within Temptation hits the speakers and the crowd comes unglued as Ariana emerges from the back wearing a long cloak with her initials on the back and with her back to the crowd.

Justin: And the final opponent for this battle royal. Coming out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 'The Greek Goddess' ARIANA ANGELOS!

Ariana spins around right as the song kicks into high gear with the opening lyrics, she poses for the crowd as she makes her way down to the ring before rolling into the ring and removing her cloak ready for her match.


Ariana found herself in a bad way with Bella, Eiley, Melissa, and Victoria all rushing the woman. It started with a sharp elbow to the jaw from Victoria that stumbled her. Eiley was next in line as she ran up and caught Ariana right under the chin with a knee smash. She fell back against the ropes and bounced off them as Melissa caught her right in the chest with a massive chop spinning Ariana all the way around. Where she was met with a powerful clothesline from Bella that took her right off her feet. Ariana hitting the mat heard and quickly rolled to the edge of the ring.

Adams: This is what I mean by the way Belinda. Does Ariana really deserve to be in a situation like this?

Simone: It's not really my place to say whether she deserves it or not. What I will say is clearly Guy is a very petty man. He didn't forget about some things she said to him. And now this is his payback.

Adams: Payback? But wasn't everyone just judging how cruel Victoria was with her booking a week ago? But this is okay to the people.

Simone: Jason! I'm not the one that booked it. Don't take it out on me. Maybe once in a while Ariana should learn to just be quiet.

This is when the match began to break down. Bella leaping onto Melissa and backing her into the corner with a series of punches. Meanwhile Eiley grabbed a handful of Victoria's hair and ran towards the side of the ring trying to toss the woman out. Victoria wrapped both her arms around the top rope to make it difficult to do so. Eiley then focused on lifting her up by her waist, but that's when Victoria drove her elbow on top of her skull forcing Eiley to let go of her.

Melissa was trapped in one of the corners as Bella stood on the middle rope and started to land a series of punches. The crowd counted along. She got to about a seven count when Victoria grabbed a hold of Bella's hair and yanked her backwards with force causing Bella to slam into the mat with force. Clutching the back of her neck right away. This allowed Melissa to explode right out of the corner and leaped into the air taking Victoria down with a SPINNING WHEEL KICK to a massive response from the fans.

Simone: These women are getting spicy here in the early going!

Adams: The one thing I will say about this match as goofy as it is. Guy did choose some good competitors to battle out for this number one contendership.

Simone: I honestly can't think of a better match than this to name a contender. It's so unique and giving a chance for women to shine that haven't shined in a while.

Adams: Well we could have certainly done without the paint and kiddie pools. This could have been just a regular battle royal. It would have been respected more.

Melissa was getting back to her feet after that move of hers. The moment she turned around Eiley was right there throwing a bucket full of cotton candy pink paint right into the woman's face. The paint splattered everywhere and blinded Melissa for a moment. She fell back against the ropes as Eiley followed up with a CLOTHESLINE against the ropes, but thankfully for Melissa it didn't carry her over. It just made her fall against them a little more.

On the other side of the ring Ariana was using her knees to get up to her feet. Before getting her feet up under her. The first thing she took notice too was the empty bucket of paint that Eiley had thrown. She quickly hooked the front of her foot into the bucket, as she did so Bella was rushing towards her. Quick thinking Ariana flung her foot forward causing the bucket to SMACK Bella right in the face splashes of paint still left in it went everywhere as Bella fell back down.

Adams: Good lord! A steel bucket to the face! There's no way Bella doesn't come out of this match with a broken cheek bone after that!

Simone: Honestly with the situation that Ariana is in. I can't say that I blame her for using whatever she can get her hands... I mean feet on!

Adams: Ha! That was clever. Maybe one of your best lines yet, Belinda.

Simone: I am just glad I don't exist on twitter. I could only imagine the rage fueled tweets that would come from Ariana.

From behind Victoria grabbed a hold of Ariana's shoulders and spun her around. No sooner than she did Ariana reacted fast with a TOE KICK to the gut of Victoria to double her over. Leading to Ariana taking several steps before coming back with a RUNNING KNEE LIFT to Victoria to knock her off her feet. Ariana spun herself around to see Eiley running towards her. Ariana tossed herself all the way on her back to avoid Eiley. Quickly kipping back up and turning around to land a DROPKICK to the back of Eiley. That kick caused Eiley to fly up and over the top rope. Coming crashing down in a pool of purple paint as it splashed everywhere.

Justin: Eiley is eliminated!

Adams: I know that Ari had a legitimate gripe this week with how things are playing out for her. But we just saw her eliminate Eiley with no arms!

Simone: At one point Eiley was one of the most promising Bombshells on the SCW roster. Oh how the mighty have fallen!

Adams: We know Ariana isn't going to let this one go for a long time!

Ariana took a couple of steps back looking at what she was able to accomplish. Eiley was throwing a fit in that paint just unhappy to have landed in it. Victoria came right up behind Ariana and spun her around to land a stiff kick to the gut to double her over. Within seconds she lifted Ariana up and then drove her down in the middle of the ring with "THE CLEANSING" as Ariana's head smacked the back of the mat with force with the concern of a possible concussion. Victoria shoving Ariana's legs off of her.

She had quite the wicked smirk on her lips as she found herself standing up. As soon as she stood up though Bella let out a scream before leaping onto Victoria and taking her down. Bella landed right on top of the woman as she grabbed her head and started to slam it off the mat over and over again. Something inside the woman seemingly just snapped for the second. On the fifth time of driving Victoria's head into the mat. She rolled off of her and then grabbed a handful of Victoria's head to lift her up.

Simone: For those that might be wondering why Bella is being so violent with Victoria. It has a lot to do with what happened last week.

Adams: Ohh?!

Simone: Rumor has it she's very unhappy that she made Carter and Miles face each other last week. In fact a five letter word that starts with a B was used to describe her.

Guy: Yaaaaaas! Spill that tea sis!

Adams: What the... Where did you come from?!

Guy: I'm King Guy! This is my show minion Jason. And I'm multi-talented so I'm here to show these commentator skills.

Adams: No! God No!

Simone: This night just keeps getting better and better!

Bella was doing her best to throw Victoria over the top rope, but she was fighting with everything she had. Both her legs and her arms wrapped around the top rope. Little did Bella know it was Melissa walking right up behind her with one of those buckets of pain. She found herself spinning Bella around and then slamming the bucket of lime green paint on top of Bella's head covering it for a moment. Bella was frozen there for a second as Melissa took a step back laughing a little.

That's when Bella reached up and took the bucket off her hair. Her blonde locks were just stained with paint as it dripped all over her gear and to the mat. The annoyed look in Bella's eye was a very telling sign. As she took the bucket and then tossed it right at Melissa. She used both hands to catch the bucket before it could catch her in the face. No sooner than she caught it Bella exploded forward with a YAKUZA KICK smashing the bucket into Melissa's face.

Guy: Wowers! Can we call her Bucket Head or is that a bad idea?

Simone: If you're talking about Bella. I don't think that would be the brightest thing you've ever done. Did you not just see that kick?!

Adams: Belinda! Look at who you are talking to. He doesn't know what's going on right now. Don't even bother wasting your time.

Guy: Don't make Guy come across this table and give you a wet willy.

Adams: Stay over there!

Melissa had stumbled back towards the ropes. That steel bucket to the face seemed to have really rung her bell a little bit. Bella was far from done as she rushed towards the ropes closest to Melissa and connected with "BEAUTIFUL DISASTER" drilling Melissa right in the face causing her to topple over the top rope but she grabbed a hold of the ropes with both hands. Trying to prevent herself from being eliminated from the match after all there was a championship match on the line.

Bella found herself grabbing her own bucket of paint from one of the corners. As she swung it over the top rope with all she had and hit Melissa right in the face with it sending yellow paint everywhere but at the same time causing Melissa to let go of the top rope. The woman falling into the kiddie pool of blue paint to be officially gone from the match.

Justin: Melissa is now eliminated!

Bella looked proud of herself as she turned around. Once she did there was Victoria waiting on her. She landed a kick right to the woman's gut before taking Bella and placing her on her shoulders. Whatever iit was she had planned was quickly interrupted. Victoria turned towards the middle of the ring with Bella on her shoulders and that's when Ariana came leaping off the second rope with a ROLLING SENTON landing on both ladies and taking all three of them down to the mat.

Adams: Well that's one way to get around your arms being tied behind your back. Use your entire body as a weapon!

Guy: Boo! Boo the midget lady!

Simone: I gotta know Guy. What's with the hate for Ariana? Why did you have to put her in this type of situation?!

Guy: King Guy is a petty-petty King when you show zero respect to him. Ariana is annoying and honestly... you don't get to be a bad person all your life without bad things happening to you. Tonight your King is Ariana's karma!

Adams: I really think this is considered bullying at this point.

Guy: King Guy will show you bully. Bully deez nu...

Simone: Woah woah! Let's not get into it gentlemen!

Ariana struggled to get to her feet due to that rope around her wrist but nevertheless she was the first on her feet after taking both women down. Bella was the first one to get to her feet as Ariana leaped up to catch her on the back of the head with a ENZUIGIRI KICK that sent her flying into the ropes where she crashed against the middle rope. Ariana used this as an opening as she went rushing towards the ropes and hit them with force to carry herself across the ring.

Catching Bella in her prone position with a nasty knee right to the back of the head to keep her stunned. Ariana backed up away from the ropes and found herself in trouble. Victoria spun her around and kicked her in the gut. She wrapped her arm around Ariana's head and went for "LYONESS ROAR DD-NOOOO!" Ariana used one of the only methods she had to survive by stomping on the foot of Victoria with everything she had to break the hold. Ariana then ran right at her and used her body to her advantage.

Connecting with a SHOULDER BLOCK that not only took Victoria off her feet but sent her crashing into one of the corners where she happened to fall into one of the buckets of pain causing it to splash everywhere. Ariana turned right back around to Bella who was trying to get up to her feet. When she did Ariana bumped into her with her shoulder and tried to keep her pressed against the ropes in an attempt to get her to topple over.

Simone: Ariana sweetheart. That's not going to cut it.

Guy: Where is Pretty Ricky when you need them to play that song grind on me? What in the world is King Guy watching right now?!

Adams: Something that you created that is quite unfair might I add.

Simone: Jason. Let it go.

Guy: Womp! Womp! Womp!

Bella finally caught Ariana with a back elbow that sent her stumbling backwards. Victoria came right up behind Ariana and flung her towards the ropes. She was trying to get her to go up and over it, but Ariana wasn't going without a fight. Even with no arms, she was doing all she could to fight back. Bella saw this and found herself rushing towards both women with her arms stretched out.

Aiming for a DOUBLE CLOTHESLI-NOOOO! Victoria and Ariana together ducked down to catch Bella with a BACK BODY DROP out of the ring. She hit that kiddie pool full of hot pink paint with force as it went splashing everywhere. The moment that Bella sat up, she had realized what happened and slammed her hands down into the paint with a little bit of frustration.

Justin: Bella Madison has been eliminated!

Adams: Against all odds. Ariana has made it down to the final two. If she can get Victoria out of here. She's the number one contender for the Bombshell Roulette Championship!

Simone: All that complaining she was doing on social media and she's come this far. Like I said before. Ariana has the potential to be great, but she stands in her own way with her attitude.

Guy: Nope! No! Nah! Not on this King's watch.

Simone: Hey! Guy, where are you going?!

Adams: Belinda! Stop him!

Inside the ring Victoria was landing a series of forearms to Ariana's face as she kept her in the middle of the ring with those forearms. All of the sudden Ariana brought on of her legs up and KICKED the arm of Victoria to block the forearm. Before she leaped into the air for a SINGLE LEG HIGH KICK taking Victoria right off her feet for the moment. This allowed Ariana to back up in the corner taking a look around and assessing the situation.

This was hers for the taking but how was she going to make the most of it in her state. All of the sudder Ariana found herself losing her balance as she fell right down on her backside splashing paint everywhere. As she fell, she took a look at her feet and saw they were covered in the said paint. She looked to the right of her and on the outside of the ring with a paint bucket in hand was Guy. He was the one that just poured the paint all over her shoes sending the woman into a rage.

Simone: Oh boyyyyy! Ariana has blown her top!

Adams: You damn right she has! And rightfully so! Guy shouldn't have gotten himself involved!

Simone: I mean I think it's all out of humor, but...

Adams: But nothing! Men do not get involved in women's matches and vice versa! You know the rules as well as I do.

Simone: Let's take it easy there Jason. It's not as deep as you think it is.

Ariana was struggling to get to her feet as she was slipping thanks to that paint, but she was shouting at the King. Guy took a couple of steps back with a huge grin on his face clearly enjoying the response he was getting. Before he brought his hand up and started to make a pointing gesture for the woman to turn around. Ariana was so enraged with what he had done, she didn't pay any attention to it. Which was bad for her considering Victoria was behind her.

Right away the Head Lyonness grabbed a hold of Ariana's waist with one hand and her head with the other before dumping the woman right over the top rope. Ariana's body splashed into that pool of paint sending it everywhere. There was a mixed reaction from the crowd. Happy to see Guy, but the last thing they wanted to see was Victoria with the win. Ariana was screaming at the top of her lungs in frustration all while Guy stood there laughing!


Justin: Here is your winner and the NEW number one contender for the SCW Bombshell Roulette Championship... VIIIICCCTTOOOORRRRIIAAAA LYYYYYOOOONNNNSSS!

Inside the ring Victoria had dropped down to her knees and held her hands up in the air as a sign of celebration. The boos were starting to trickle in a little more now. As the true feelings for the woman were coming out, but it didn't change the outcome of the match.

Adams: This isn't right! This isn't right at all. Christian has to do something. Mark has to do something. Someone has to make this right!

Simone: You know as well as I know. Referee decisions and match decisions always stand! And honestly, I don't think Guy was trying to help Victoria win!

Adams: Then what the hell would you call it Belinda?!

Simone: I think he was just trying to have fun and things kinda went the way they did.

Adams: That's horse crap and you know it!

By now Guy was starting to walk back up the ramp with that smirk still crossed his lips. All like he was trying to taunt Ariana who was sulking in that pool of paint. Fuming. Maybe the angriest she had ever been and her facial expressions showed it. There was one final image of Victoria celebrating in the ring before the cameras cut to the back.

Tempest (c) vs Julianna DiMaria

The scene opens backstage where we see Krystal Wolfe leaning against the wall while her minions Kelly and Hayley are standing by.

Krystal: It's the return that no one asked for.

Kelly: Alicia or Andrea.

Krystal pauses.

Krystal: Both but Andrea more so, especially since our latest match was created at the last minute.

Hayley: And as for this match?

Krystal: I look forward to kicking her ass, simple! And after that? I've still got my eyes on the Internet Title.

Kelly: Yah, who holds that thing again?

Hayley: Wasn't it the winner of that fourway match at My Bloody Valentine?

Krystal: You mean Tempest and yes.

Kelly and Hayley exchange nervous looks.

Hayley: Yeah I'm not getting in the ring with her again.

Krystal: What?!

Kelly: Don't you remember what happened last time?

Hayley: We got creamed!

Krystal: That was because you challenged her to a handicap sparring match.

Hayley: Does it make a difference?

Krystal shakes her head.

Krystal: Idiots! let's go already!

Krystal and her minions walk off as the scene fades.

Andrea Hernandez is looking largely calm and collective with her return match to Sin City Wrestling looming. She's watching something on her phone and she's looking like she might be a bit remorseful when she's watching whatever it is. She doesn't quite reveal anything yet but when she sees the camera come on her, she takes a bit of a breath before she begins to speak.

Andrea: So, what I have decided to watch tonight as I make my in ring return to Sin City Wrestling is a match that for a little bit, was hard for me to watch back…

Andrea reveals what is on her screen, which is the very clip of her first loss in SCW back in 2019 which was to Alicia Lukas in a non-title match as she held the SCW Bombshells World Championship at the time.

Andrea: This was the fifth time I had a match in SCW. I had gone into this match against Alicia Lukas, who obviously at the time was at the top of her game, having wins over Bobbie, Mercedes and Bella with the latter coming at a High Stakes, my first one at that. So, I was rather confident that I might be able to really break the door down and announce myself as a future contender. Unfortunately, it didn't happen that way.

Andrea pauses as she seems to be changing screens on her phone for a bit.

Andrea: I am not going to lie. That loss crushed me. It wasn't THE loss that started my downward spiral or anything. That would come a few months down the road and if you know my story, you know exactly which one it is. This was the loss, however, that I believe turned the locker room against me and caused them to root for me to fail. Why do I say that? Well, after the loss, I was crushed like I said. But I wanted to come off stronger than how I was feeling in public, so I went and posted this on Twitter…

Andrea reveals a near five year old tweet which reads "Just a delay of the inevitable"...

Andrea: I didn't mean that in a bad way. I wanted to show that in defeat, I was strong and that I wasn't going to allow it to slow me down and stop me from reaching my fullest potential.

Unfortunately, Alicia quote tweeted that and criticized me for not being humble and it was widely interpreted as me having this huge ego that didn't know how to accept a loss. So, to anyone that I pissed off with that tweet, I'm sorry. I should've worded that WAY better… or hell, just not even tweet that night at all. I understand why people would start to hate me and root for me to fail after that but I'm a lot better about things now.

Krystal Wolfe on the other hand… I figured that she wasn't going to believe me.

I don't need her to believe me. I don't need her approval. See, the big difference between her and I is that I own my shit and she just makes a bunch of excuses for her failures. I'm actually glad that my return match is against her because at the end of the day, this kind of gets a monkey off of my back. She too, took a cowardly potshot at me without mentioning me by name when she called me a "washed up former bombshell" who said this really fucked up thing about how I made up the mental health thing as an excuse because I lost my winning streak and Internet title to…

What's her face…

Not important…

Anyway… it was a stupid thing to say and one of the most overlooked Krystal Wolfe "foot in mouth" moments that nobody talks about much. I know she's had far worse ones since then but either way, this is where I shut her up and I put her behind me. I don't hold any ill will against her otherwise, but the fact of the matter is, she's walking away with a loss that is going to be extremely bitter for her to swallow. She hates me and she's going to do whatever it takes to make sure that my return is a failure. I'm not going to let it happen.

I meant what I said when I said that the Andrea you're seeing this time around is a stronger, far better one than you remember seeing. Beating Krystal and getting that first bit of unfinished business resolved will be my first step on that…

Andrea confidently stands up and walks out of the room as the scene ends.

In the parking lot area Guy was seen waving his hands towards a semi truck. That was slowly backing up with that ever so annoying beeping sound being heard.

Guy: That's it! Back it up! Back it up a little more!

His hands waved a few more times before the semi truck ended up hitting the concrete flip of the little docking area Guy was standing on. When it hit it with a bit of a thud. Guy made a little bit of a face.

Guy: Oops... Uh you're good right there!

The driver's side door to the semi truck came open with the driver just looking back at Guy shaking his head a little bit in disappointment before hopping out and starting to walk to the back of the truck. All of the sudden Calvin Harris could be seen entering the view. Looking around a little bit before settling his eyes on the King for the day.

Calvin Harris: It's worse than I could ever imagine...

Right away the expression on Guy's face lit up with excitement. Beaming from ear to ear as he tossed his arm around Calvin.

Guy: Huzzah! I knew my Jester wouldn't let Guy down. About time you got here!

Calvin eyeballed Guy for a second. He reached up and grabbed a hold of the arm of Guy and pulled it off of him. Tossing it down some.

Calvin Harris: We've had this talk before. I'm not your jester. First and foremost.

Shaking his head a little bit from side to side.

Calvin Harris: And I wasn't even going to show up. I didn't want no part of the fuckery you're causing. Alessandra made me go.

Guy: Wow. So she loves me more than you? King Guy always knew she was a lovely lady.

Calvin Harris: I'm going to be the next one to strangle you. If you don't watch your damn mouth!

Behind them the truck driver could be seen lifting up the door to the semi. Inside of it several bags of dog food could be seen sitting on palettes. Calvin just took one peek over his shoulder to see it and then went back to shaking his head in a very unimpressed manner.

Guy: What?!

Calvin Harris: You do realize that what you've done here tonight is ridiculous! Not just that but you have rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. You're making yourself a massive target.

Guy: Psht! No one is going to dare cross their King. My minions love me!

Calvin Harris: Do they? Because I couldn't log on to twitter for twenty four hours without seeing Ariana going the hell off about the match you put her in tonight.

Guy: And? She's not important. Nor is she one of Guy's minions. She deserves the bad stuff that happened to her tonight.

Calvin Harris: Okay! And what about all of this then?

He was referring to the truck behind him full of dog food. Like it was some kind of cue the truck driver walked up with a clipboard with Guy.

Truck Driver: Sign here for your shipment!xx

Guy: Huzzah! Just load it in that room around the corner! Your King would appreciate it!xx

Guy took the clipboard in hand for a brief moment jotting his name down before turning his attention right back to Calvin.

Guy: This is Guy being fair! Bulldog Bill can't help that he has four paws. He should be able to compete in a match where he has a chance!

Calvin Harris: I don't know how many times someone has to tell you. Bill isn't a freaking bulldog dude. He's a living human being.

Guy: Riiiight! Let me guess the next thing you're going to tell me is a convicted Felon can run for president! It doesn't make sense Calvin!

Calvin Harris: Well actually.... Ugh. Nevermind!

The frustration was starting to settle in on the former wrestler's face. Throwing his hands up in defeat.

Calvin Harris: You don't want to listen to me. Then don't listen, but I am telling you. I can sense it. Something bad is going to happen to you. You're letting THAT get to your head.

He was pointing right at the crown that sat ever so perfectly on the head of Guy. Of course Guy just touched his crown with a proud smirk not seemingly caring too much about the advice that was being given to him.

Guy: Your king appreciates your concern, but King Guy knows his minions and knows that not a single one of them would harm him. They're having the time of their life with Guy in control tonight. He sees all smiles. Hears all laughs. Most fun they've ever had. Yiiiis. Yiiiis indeed!

Calvin Harris: Alright well when shit hits the fan and I turn out to be right. Don't come looking for me for help. Cause I'm just going to tell you. I told you so!

Rolling his eyes Calvin found himself walking away from Guy leaving him standing there alone. With a simple wave of his hand Guy turned back to the truck driver as he began to unload the dog food from the truck. This is when the cameras cut somewhere else.

Diamond Steele could be seen walking through the backstage area. Her head is wrapped up and she just breathes heavily as she looks into the camera.

Diamond: Last week I was all set to simply do my job. To be honest I have no issue with Kallie… If the fans wanted us to face off with one another I would be all for it. However what I didn't appreciate is the simple fact that Victoria tried to force me to do something that I clearly didn't want to do.

Diamond looks deeper into the cameras as she continues to speak.

Diamond: It's quite clear that there seems to be issues between the two of us and I am not going to stand by and watch you make a mockery of everything that I am about. I do not respect you and I don't appreciate you trying to take me out. With all of that in mind I want to make something clear…

Diamond looks deeper into the cameras as she speaks some more.

Diamond: I am going to seriously hurt you… I am going to beat you, and I will get even. I don't care if you thought that being royalty for a day was going to make you super special but mark my words that I am going to beat you to a bloody pulp and I will make a mark on you, and use you as an example. So in other words watch your back because I am going to hurt you in one way or another.

With that Diamond smirks as we go elsewhere.

Justin: Our next match is expected to be interesting and exciting. It is a Standard Rules match pitting Krystal Wolfe versus Andrea Hernandez.

Simone: Krystal Wolfe is the type of wrestler I enjoy. She is a middle-of-the road wrestler but she knows how to handle herself in the wrestling ring and she can get nasty when she needs to.

Adams: I like Andrea Hernandez as she has been very successful in the wrestling ring and her comeback to Sin City Wrestling will benefit the Federation.

Justin: First to make her way to the ring, she is from Adelaide, Australia, and she comes into this match as Five Feet Five Inches and One Hundred Twenty-Five pounds, please give a great Colorado Springs, Colorado, welcome for KRISTAL WOLFE!!!

The piano and drum intro to I PREVAIL'S cover of "BLANK SPACE" is heard over the speakers in the Broadmoor World Arena and once the vocals kick in Krystal emerges from the back onto the landing and kneels down on one knee and we hear the lyrics of "I CAN MAKE THE GOOD GIRLS BAD FOR A WEEKEND!" And as soon as those lyrics kick in Krystal springs to her feet shedding the cloak then she marches down to the ring with a stare with a purpose as she stares down the ring. "TELL ME I AM A NIGHTMARE DRESSED LIKE A DAYDREAM" comes over the speakers as Krystal circles around the ring before jumping on the apron. Krystal then rests her arm on one knee as she surveils the crowd before jumping into the ring. Once she makes a walk around the ring Krystal settles into a corner to await the arrival of Andrea Hernandez and the look on her face lets us know she is fully ready for this match.

Simone: A classy entrance for a classy woman. What more could you ask for?

Adams: What more could I ask for? I can ask for you to shut up.

Justin: Next to make her way to the ring, she is from Phoenix, Arizona, and she comes into this match at five feet four inches and one hundred twenty-five pounds, please give a great Colorado Springs welcome for ANDREA HERNANDEZ!!!

"Summertime Sadness" hits the speakers in the arena. We watch as Andrea Hernandez walks out onto the platform to strong cheers from the crowd. Andrea acknowledges the crowd and she is completely focused on the task at hand. When Andrea arrives at the ring she gets up on the ring apron and uses the top rope to slingshot herself into the ring. When she lands in the ring she acknowledges the crowd even further as she leans against the corner, looking intently across the ring at Krystal Wolfe, waiting for the match to start.

Simone: Yawn! Boring!

Adams: Yeah you say that now but when Andrea defeats Krystal I want you to tell me you made a mistake about her.

Simone: Also since both wrestlers are nearly the same height and weight I know you will start with the comments that neither wrestler has the advantage over the other due to being equal in height and weight. Nice try but Krystal Wolfe has the advantage as she is no doubt the more aggressive wrestler.

Adams: There you go again Belinda. You think that a wrestler with a bigger ego and attitude is always going to get over on their opponents. Wrestling is not just about height and weight and attitude. Wrestling is about who can out-maneuver their opponents and move quickly to avoid counters by their opponents.

Referee Jasmine St. John motions for Krystal and Andrea to join her in the center of the ring. She then runs down to the two wrestlers that this is a Standard Rules match with the winner being the wrestler who can earn a pinfall or submission or if their opponent is unable to continue in the match. Referee St. John further informs Andrea and Krystal that she will only give two warnings on illegal holds or weapons being used and if she has to issue a third warning then the wrestler violating the rules will be Disqualified. She asks Krystal and Andrea if both understand how strictly she will officiate their match and both acknowledge what she is telling them. Finally Referee St. John pats down both wrestlers to ensure that they do not have any weapons on them, and no foreign substances on their bodies and wrestling attire. Satisfied that both wrestlers are clean she tells both to return to their corners and when they hear the bell from the Timekeeper, which officially starts their match, they are to come out of their corners and get into the action of their match. As soon as both wrestlers have returned to their corners the Timekeeper rings the bell.


This match is officially underway and Referee St. John does not have to motion for the two wrestlers to come out of their corners since both come running out of their corners and they quickly meet face-to-face a short distance from each other and we have an intense stare-down. The two start trading comments but we cannot make out what they are saying as they are not wearing microphones. The two continue with smack talk and taunts while inching closer to each other. In a flash Krystal Wolfe lands a hard slap to the face of Andrea Hernandez. Not one to take a slap and not return the favor Andrea quickly lands a hard slap to the face of Krystal. Immediately the two start trading punches and Referee Jasmine St. John steps between the two and admonishes both of them for illegal punches. She informs Andrea and Krystal if they continue to violate the rules of their match she will seriously consider a Disqualification on the offender and if both of them are guilty then both will get disqualified and the match will be a Draw. Not wanting to get a Draw in the match both Krystal and Andrea just glare at each other and the looks on their faces sums up how upset they are with each other.

Adams: That was about what I was expecting these two to do when the bell rang. Nice that Referee St. John quickly stepped between the two and got them under control.

Simone: The only control you are going to see during this match is when Krystal takes total control of this match and she soundly defeats Andrea.

Referee St. John motions for Krystal and Andrea to get back into the action of the match. The two quickly approach each other and they start trading forearm smashes and elbows to the other. After trading numerous blows Krystal goes for another forearm smash but Andrea blocks the attempt and grabs the arm of Krystal then she spins around behind Wolfe and she has a hammer lock applied. Before Andrea can apply pressure to the hold Krystal manages to spin out of the hold and then she applies a hammer lock on Andrea. Krystal Wolfe manages to get pressure applied to the hammer lock but since they are close to the ropes Andrea Hernandez steps her leg through the ropes which is cause for a break and Referee Jasmine St. John steps in and tells Krystal to release the hold and step back from Andrea to allow her to come out of the ropes.

Simone: I will be honest here that when Krystal applied the hammer lock on Andrea I figured this match was over. I did not feel that Hernandez would have what it takes to get out of the hold.

Adams: That is what you get with a thinking wrestling in Andrea Hernandez, who is ring smart. As soon as Krystal had the hammer lock applied Andrea knew if she got to the ropes she could get a break call from the Referee and that is what happened.

Referee St. John tells Andrea to come out of the ropes while at the same time she tells Krystal to remain back until Andrea has come out of the ropes. When Hernandez comes out of the ropes she quickly slides over to the nearest corner where she leans back into the corner. Referee Jasmine St. John motions for the action to continue and immediately Wolfe runs hard at Andrea in the corner but Hernandez has her arms over the ropes and she kicks her legs out causing Wolfe to slam her chest into the feet of Andrea. The force of Krystal slamming her chest into the feet of Andrea causes her to stumble backward where she lands hard on her butt then she manages to try to stand up but she drops to her knees.

Adams: That hard blow to the chest of Krystal Wolfe knocked my breath out of me just watching it.

Simone: I hope Krystal did not suffer more than a bruised ego with that blow.

Adams: From what I saw there is a chance when she stumbled backward then landed hard on her butt that possibly she caused a compression injury.

Adams: I hope it is not that and that it is just a temporary thing.

While Krystal is still on her knees, and it appears she may still be having pain and trouble standing, Andrea walks up to her and she administers a knee to the chest of Krystal. Although Wolfe remains on her knees the knee to her chest did have power behind it. Hernandez backs off several paces then she launches herself toward Wolfe but Krystal manages to drop to the side and then roll over to the ropes where she ties herself in the ropes. This causes Referee Jasmine St. John to step between the two and she orders Andrea to stay back until she can get Krystal to come out of the ropes.

Simone: I am not sure if that was a gut reaction to roll over to the ropes to get the Referee to get between the two or if she did not suffer as much damage as we thought when she landed hard on the mat earlier.

Adams: Only Krystal can answer that question.

Simone: It appears Krystal is ready to come out of the ropes and when she stood up I did not see any sign that she is still having pain.

As soon as Kristal comes out of the ropes Referee St. John asks her if she is okay to continue in the match and Wolfe informs the Referee she is okay. With that reply from Krystal we see Referee St. John motion to both wrestlers to continue with the action of the match. Krystal Wolfe plays it cautiously keeping focused on Andrea Hernandez. Andrea moves in a motion that means she is ready to charge on Krystal but she holds back for now when Krystal moves to the side and moves away from her. The look on the face of Hernandez tells us she is tired of the delay and she then takes off in a run toward Wolfe. As Andrea is approaching Krystal we watch as Wolfe executes a drop kick that lands hard in the chest of Hernandez. The drop kick did not knock Andrea down but she did stop moving. As Hernandez is regaining her focus on Wolfe we watch as Krystal executes a spear that drives Andrea to the mat. Wolfe quickly dives on top of Hernandez for a pin. Referee St. John drops into place and checks the shoulders of Andrea and satisfied her shoulders are on the mat she begins a count on the attempted pinfall.


After the one count has been delivered Andrea Hernandez gets her shoulder up and she shoves Krystal Wolfe off of her with a huge shove.

Adams: No victory there for Krystal.

Simone: Andrea got fortunate that she was not damaged by the drop kick and spear she received from Krystal or this match would have been over.

Krystal immediately gets into the face of Referee Jasmine St. John to complain about her slow count on his pin attempt on Andrea. Referee St. John admonishes Wolfe by stating that SHE is the official Referee of this match and the requirement is for the Referee in a match to ensure that the shoulders of a wrestling being pinned are, in fact, on the mat before the Referee can begin a count on the attempted pin. She tells Krystal to stop complaining or she will issue her a warning. Referee St. John then tells Krystal to get back into the action of the match and stop complaining to her.

Adams: Oh, boy, the Referee gave Krystal so much a piece of her mind that I am sure the brain of Wolfe is about to fry.

Simone: The term fried brain seems to be a reference you would understand. Ha ha ha! Do not concern yourself too much, Jason, as I do not want you to burn our your remaining active brain cells trying to over-think the situation.

Krystal gives up trying to argue with Referee St. John so she turns around to face Andrea and she is immediately hit with a knee to her stomach by Hernandez. Wolfe doubles over from the knee to the midsection but she quickly stands upright to confront Andrea but Adrea is quick to grab onto Krystal and she executes a Sit-Out Facebuster dropping Wolfe face-first into the mat. Hernandez then drags Wolf to her feet and drops her to the mat with a DDT.

Adams: Wow! Andrea Hernandez sure is fired up.

Simone: For once I have to agree with you. Unless Krystal Wolfe can regain herself and mount a huge attack on Andrea this match is going to be over.

While Krystal Wolfe is on the mat and not making an attempt to get up we watch as Andrea Hernandez quickly mounts the top ropes of the corner and she executes her Phoenix Splash landing hard onto Krystal. Andrea then executes a Sit-Out Facebuster on Krystal then she turns Krystal over onto her back and goes for the cover while firmly hooking both legs of Wolfe. Referee St. John drops and begins the count on the pin attempt.





This match is over and Referee St. John tells Andrea Hernandez to get up off of Krystal Wolfe and to stand to the side and Andrea does so. Referee St. John gives Justin Decent her officially ruling on the match and Justin presents the results to the fans.

Justin: Ladies and Gentlemen the official decision of Referee Jasmine St. John in this match is that the winner, by Pinfall, is ANDREA HERNANDEZ!!!

Referee Jasmine St. John raises the hand of Andrea Hernandez for the win. After she drops the hand of Hernandez we watch as Andrea makes one trip around the ring to play all sides of the crowd before she exits the ring and heads up the ramp to return to the backstage area. Back in the ring we see Krystal Wolfe getting up to her knees and Referee St. John is asking her if she needs assistance to get out of the ring to return to the backstage area and she tells the Referee she can make it into the backstage area under her own power. Krystal then slides out of the ring and slowly makes her way up the ramp to return to the backstage area.

Adams: To be fair about this match, Belinda, even I am surprised at how aggressive and persistent Andrea Hernandez was in this match. For sure she wanted to make a good showing for her return to active wrestling but what she did in this match went beyond my expectations.

Simone: Unfortunately I will agree with you this time but I am very sure Krystal Wolfe will demand a re-match with Andrea Hernandez.

Alexander Raven (c) vs Helluva Bottom Carter v TBD v TBD

The opening beats to "Happy" by Pharrell Williams starts to play, and the fans cheer, knowing just who they are about to see. They start clapping along to the music for several seconds as they wait.

Simone: Well that's Bobbie's music, but she's not scheduled to wrestle tonight.

Adams: But we're about to find out what she's coming out here…Oh.

Before Adams can finish his sentence, Bobbie Dahl steps through the curtain, a disappointed look on her face as she is sporting a walking boot on her left leg. She walks slowly to the ring, high diving fans along the way, but it is clear she is not in the best of moods.

Adams: Looks like the injury to her leg last week was serious after all!

Simone: Yes, but how serious? And where is Artie?

Once to the ring, Bobbie carefully steps through the ropes. She walks over to the other side where Justin Decent hands her a microphone and she heads back to the center of the ring. Once her music dies down, she has to wait for the fans to quiet down also in order to break her silence and say what she needs to say. It only takes a few moments and she finally raises the microphone to speak.

Bobbie: So as you can see, I'm not out here for a particularly good reason. I had hoped after a week of rest I'd be good to go and work my way back up the ranks and get back into title contention, but unfortunately…that's not going to happen right now.

The crowd lets out disappointed sounds as she lowers the microphone for a moment. She frowns and lets out a sigh as she looks down at her injured leg.

Bobbie: What I thought was just a sprain or deep bruise, turned out to be a hairline fracture that is going to put me out of action for about six to eight weeks. I'm hoping I heal sooner, because my time in SCW is not done. My time as a champion in SCW is not done yet, and as soon as I get back, I'm going to do whatever it takes to become a champion again. I don't care who it is, but I'll be watching and planning.

She looks into the camera, a fiery determination in her eyes.

Bobbie: Alexandra Calaway. Tempest. Kayla Richards or whoever is a champion when I get back…you're all on my list. One of your titles will be mine. You can count on it.

She waves into the camera and smiles before dropping the microphone as her music hits again and she makes her way backstage.

Adams: Short and sweet! Bobbie just put all Bombshell Champions on notice!

Simone: But…where was Artie?!

We switch to the backstage area where the dressing rooms for the wrestlers are located. The roving camera person is focusing their camera on Scott Oliver who is the backstage interviewer. When they come to the door of the dressing room where Bill and Bea Barnhart is located Scott knocks on the door. The door opens and Bill and Bea invite Scott and the camera person to come inside. Once the camera person is in place and focusing on Bill, Bea, and Scott, the session begins.

Scott: Bill it appears that the King For The Day has decided you will have a Dog Food match against Justin Smith. The concept in your match is the first wrestler to be able to slam their opponent's face into dog food is the winner.

Bill: For sure this is a match made for me. I am extremely familiar with dog food as I feed Iris most of the time. And the concept of me being able to slam Justin's face into a pile of dog food makes me happy.

Scott: I have not seen specifics on the match so I will ask you if you received additional information concerning dog food and slamming Justin's face into the dog food.

Bill: I have not heard anything more than what was presented on the wrestling card. Until we get into the ring and the Referee informs us of the ways we can win the match we can only speculate on those ways.

Scott: Ways such as?

Bill: For me I feel it would be fun if there were several large dog food bowls set up around the ring each having dog food in them. That way as we maneuver around the ring I can slam Justin's face into the nearest bowl of dog food. And, Scott, sometimes those serving as Queen For A Day or King For A Day decide to change up the rules and stipulations of the twisted matches they came up with. There would be no surprise if the Guy With The Cape throws a few twists into our match. It honest doesn't matter, Scott, as I am going to win easily anyway.

Scott: You are being fairly quiet Bea. How come you have not jumped in with your comments?

Bea: Because you were asking Bill questions and not me.

Scott: I have two questions for you, Bea, then I am done with this interview session. First question is what you think of this Dog Food Match where the winner is the wrestler who can slam the other wrestler's face into the dog food? Second question is while you are at ringside serving at Bill's Manager will that mean you will resort to interfering in the match or using something like the spray perfume to disable Justin?

Bea: Scott although low blows do not affect women as hard as it affects men I take offense to your suggestion that I interfere in Bill's matches or that I spray certain substances into the faces of others to disable them. It was already proven, after nearly one year of investigation, that the only liquid I had in my perfume bottle was water. As for the Dog Food Match between Bill and Justin I feel it will be an interesting and amusing type of match. And if our friend, Andrew, who is taking care of Iris at our home in Lawrenceville, Georgia, tuns in to watch Climax Control 297, I am sure Iris will be drooling all over the place when she sees Bill and Justin and the dog food that is involved in the match.

Scott: I thank both of you for giving me time for this interview. I will be off now to find others to interview.

Bea: Thanks Scott.

Bill: Thanks Scott. Bea we need to get to the staging area to be ready to make our entrance for my match.

By now the cameras were making their way back out to the ringside area for the next scheduled contest of the night. All of the sudden "Raise Your Glass" by Pink hits the speakers and we see Bill Barnhart walk out from the backstage area holding a pink glass chalice in his hand. He is followed by his English Bulldog Iris leading her by a pink leash attached to her pink diamond-studded collar.

Justin: The following contest is a Dog Food Match. You will only see a winner crowned after they slam their opponent face first into dog food. Introducing first from Lawrenceville, Georgia. Weighing in at two hundred and forty pounds. 'Bulldog' BILL BARNHART!

When the song comes to the lyrics RAISE YOUR GLASS Bill Barnhart raises the chalice into the air. The crowd gives a mixed reaction to Barnhart. The two make their way to the ring where Bill hands the chalice to a ring attendant to hold onto until the match is over. Bill enters the ring then walks around the ring playing the crowd before settling into a corner.

The opening riffs of Madness by Liliac hits the speakers as Justin "Tarrytown Tormenter" Smith comes out to the stage, looking smug. He stands there as the crowd gives him boos. The New York Smasher walks from one side of the stage to the other with a swag in his step. He looks around the crowd, and starts to walk towards the ring slowly, stopping halfway down the ramp and turning his head with his nose in the air to look at the crowd, their faces showing that they do not like the way he is looking down upon them.

Justin: And now making his way to the ring. From Tarrytown, New York. Weighing in at two hundred and fifty pounds. 'The Tarrytown Tormenter' JUSTIN SMITH!

The Tarrytown Tormenter lowers his head slowly and turns back to face the ring, walking down towards the apron. Justin climbs up to the apron and steps between the top rope and the middle rope, looking around at the fans as they continue to boo him. With the music starting to die down Justin turns around to face Bill.


As soon as the bell sounded both Bill and Justin found themselves meeting in the center of the ring. Both men engage in a series of blows. Punches just flying with neither of them getting the upper hand for a second or two. That was until Bill landed a massive CHOP to the chest to break up the bunches. That chop sent Justin backing up to the corner holding his chest. The moment he let his hands down the red hand print of Bill could be seen right there in the middle of his chest.

This was the opening that was needed as Bill grabbed a hold of Justin's throat and tossed him back the rest of the way in the corner. Taking Justin's arms and wrapping them over the top rope exposing that chest of Justin's. Bill lined his hand up before connecting with a second CHOP that could be heard echoing throughout the arena. Justin's face said it all, it was painful. Of course Bill wasn't done as he lined the man up for a third CHOP that was so hard it dropped Justin to his knees.

Guy: Chop City!

Adams: That's quite a heavy hand that Bill has there!

Simone: Comes with being such a massive man. But I feel for Justin right now. You can see the blood coming to the surface on his chest from those chops.

Adams: If I know Justin like I think I do. He's a man that actually thrives off pain. All this is going is lighting a fine up under him.

Bill found himself grabbing a hold of Justin's head and pulled him up to his feet. Only for him to connect with a fourth CHOP that knocked Justin off his feet and sent him rolling out of the ring. Bill turned to the crowd holding his hand up as if it was some prize. There were some boos coming from the crowd as they saw Bill being a bully more than anything. But he didn't seem to pay much attention to the reaction of the crowd as he turned to start climbing out of the ring.

Once he was on the apron Justin proceeded to come out of nowhere with a CHOP BLOCK that brought Bill down to one knee on the ring apron. From there Justin began to club the big man into the back of the neck wearing him down a little bit at a time. Bill was trying to recover, but Justin then used his wits about him. Trapping Bill between the ring and the ring apron. Starting to unload with a series of punches and chops of his own.

Justin wasn't letting up with those hits. That was until Bill planted his massive hand against the chest of his opponent and shoved him back. Justin hit the guardrail briefly, but he came forward again with a SPEAR slamming Bill's lower back against the edge of the ring thanks to him being trapped between it and the ring apron. Bill dropping down holding his back in pain disappearing behind the ring apron. Drew Patton walked to the side of the ring to try and convince them to bring it back in the ring.

Simone: Drew is out here trying to convince them to bring it back in the ring, but these are the type of men that aren't going to listen.

Adams: They should! Drew is the official! But what I want to know is why he's not coming them out right now?!

Simone: To be fair Jason. This is the first time we've ever seen a Dog Food match. We don't know what the rules do or do not allow. All we know is what you have to do to win.

Adams: Again another ridiculous stipulation!

Guy: Haters are going to hate. Keep sipping that haterade!

Adams: Ugh! Why do I have to deal with this man?!

Simone: Guy, out of curiosity. Did you ever consider booking Jason for a match?!

Guy: Oooh! Maybe Guy should go in the back and talk to the Holy Christian! Make some last minute changes! Huzzah!

Justin had lifted up the ring apron to go back on the attack and saw that Bill was nowhere to be seen. The confusion on his face said it all as he peered under the ring. On the other side Bill had crawled out but he didn't crawl out empty handed. He had a sixty pound bag of dog food in his hands. Justin lowered the apron and stood himself up still confused by it all. Finding himself turning around and that's when he walked into trouble.

Bill taking that bag of dog food and SLAMMING it over the top of Justin's head like he would a steel chair. The bag rips open and sends the pieces of dry dog food everywhere. Justin himself was floored to the concrete floor of the building holding his head with both arms. Bill tossed that bag of dog food to the side and then reached down to peel Justin off the floor. Turning briefly and tossing him back into the ring under the bottom rope.

Simone: I got a feeling that might've hurt just as bad as getting hit with a chair. Especially with a man like Bill wielding the weapon.

Guy: Quick second here folks. Guy would like to thank the Kooper Soopers for providing the dog food for this match. All dog owners should shop there!

Adams: You know for booking such a ridiculous match. You couldn't have been so cheap and actually got some name brand dog food!

Guy: Listen here jabroni. Guy had to act quick before the Holy Christian knew I stole his credit card!

Simone: Uh, if Christian comes out here in a fit of rage after hearing that. I'm leaving. I want nothing to do with that man's wrath.

Guy: Uh... he's listening?

Adams: You really are an idiot aren't you?!

Bill was lifting the ring apron up for a brief second. This time pulling out a dog food bowl along with two giant cans of wet dog food. Slamming them down on the edge of the ring apron before rolling into the ring. Bill stood himself up and grabbed a hold of one of those cans of dog food. He turned around with something in mind but as soon as he turned around. Justin delivered a KICK right between the legs of Bill forcing the giant man to drop down to his knees.

Adams: Drew! Disqualify this man!

Guy: Nope! That didn't even hurt. The Bulldog has been neutered from the information King Guy has been given. Nothing illegal here.

Adams: You do realize Bill isn't a real dog right?!

Simone: There's no point Jason. Just stop while you're ahead!

Bill was on his knees with those wide eyes. Clearly experiencing pain after that kick. Justin wasted no time at all grabbing that can of dog food that Bill had dropped. He held it in his hand for a brief second before taking said can and CRACKING it against the skull of Bill. The lip of the can catching Bill right on the eyebrow and splitting the man wide open. Blood spilling out onto the apron. Justin looked at the can in his hand that was now caved in a little bit. Looking impressed by the damage it had done.

Justin then turned to the dog food bowl and walked over towards it picking it up. Before popping the top to the can of food in his hand, pouring the wet dog food into the bowl. The crowd found themselves cheering oddly, enjoying what they had seen. Once the can was empty he tossed it out of the ring and put the food bowl back on the mat but this time in the middle of the ring. Only to bring his attention to the second can of dog food. A smirk crossed Justin's face as he picked it up.

By now Bill had crawled over towards the ring ropes and was using them to help stand himself up. Blood was pouring down his face thanks to that can cutting him open. Justin wasted no time approaching Bill as he grabbed the back of his head and led him towards the center of the ring. A well placed kick to the back of Bill's knee cap put him down on his knees. Justin yanking his head back and holding that now open can of dog food up high. The crowd let it be known how they felt.

Crowd: Make Him Eat It!


Crowd: Make Him Eat It!


Crowd: Make Him Eat It!


Simone: Wait! Is he going to pour that into his mouth?!

Adams: Oh just the thought of what that smells like or would taste like makes me want to vomit.

Guy: Oh if Guy remembers correctly. That one was salmon and peas. It didn't taste that bad.

Simone: What? You tasted that?!

Guy: Of course! King Guy isn't a savage! He had to make sure it was good to eat!

Inside the ring Justin was able to pour it when all of the sudden Bill GRABBED him by the throat and with ease rose to his feet while lifting Justin up for a CHOKESLAM in the middle of the ring. Causing that open can of wet dog food to just go flying all over the ring canvas. Justin laid out flat not moving as Bill stumbled back down to one knee and sat there for a moment trying to collect his bearings again.

Adams: That was a well timed chokeslam! Bill really dug himself out of a hole there.

Simone: Would that have been the end though? Or do you actually have to slam them face first into it?

Adams: See how dumb this all is Belinda! But I tell you what if someone poured dog food into my mouth. That's it match over. Regardless of specific stipulations!

Guy: Huzzah! Your royal King forgot something important for this match! I'll be right back!

Adams: Or you could just not come back at all?!

Simone: What else could this match even need?!

By that point Guy had removed his headset and was sprinting towards the backstage area. Back inside the ring Bill had seemingly recovered as he stood up stalking Justin who was starting to get up himself. He stood up and right away Bill grabbed him for the "BULLDOG SL-NO!" Justin grabbed the open wound on Bill's eye lid. Digging his fingers into it to prevent the slam as Bill dropped to his knees in pain. Justin made sure to land on his feet.

He then reached around the wide waist of Bill, starting to pull him back to a vertical base, but it was clear he had even more in mind. Justin started to lift Bill off his feet for a GERMAN SUP-NOO! At the last second Bill used his weight to come back down and then landed a BACK ELBOW to the side of Justin's head forcing him to break the hold on him. By the time Justin had recovered Bill was grabbing a hold of his throat and BEIL TOSSING him into the corner. Justin hit it with force.

All of the sudden GUY could be seen returning from the back. However he was wheeling down a palette full of dry dog food. Probably twenty bags stacked on top of each other.

Adams: What the hell is this?!

Simone: Uh, well that's more dog food. I guess that's what he meant by he forgot something for the match.

Adams: This night is just getting worse and worse as it goes on. Can it just end now?!

Guy rolled that palette right there to the ringside area before he started to sprint back over to the commentator's table. Inside the ring Bill had lifted Justin up by his waist and sat him up on the top turnbuckle. Before he started to climb it up as well. Straddling the second rope and landing a HEADBUTT forcing Justin to lean way back coming close to fall but Bill grabbed him by his head to stop it. Bill then tried to climb up a little higher.

Simone: Woah! This is uncharted waters for Bill.

Guy: Uh not true. All dogs know how to naturally swim.

Adams: I swear after this show is over. I'm asking for a pay increase if I ever have to deal with this man on commentary ever again.

Guy: King Guy could just make himself a permanent member of this team!

Simone: Ohh a three person commentary team?! This has worked out well so far if you ask me!

Adams: Please don't encourage it!

Bill managed to get both of his feet under him as he stood up on the top rope and then pulled Justin up as well. All of the sudden Justin landed a HEADBUTT of his own before quickly wrapping his arms around Bill's entire body and leaping from the corner to the OUTSIDE with a BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX ON TOP OF THE PALETTE OF DOG FOOD to a massive response from the crowd.

Crowd: Holy Sh*t! Holy Sh*t! Holy Sh*t!

Justin had managed to land on top of Bill and roll right off the palette landing on his feet on the outside. Bill on the other hand was rising in pain on top of those bags considering there was no give to them with how many there was and how high they had been stacked.

Adams: That was an insane move by Justin! A belly to belly to the outside?!

Simone: My hats off to these two. You know not knowing what to expect with this kind of match. They're out here making the most of it and laying it all on the line.

Guy: Huzzah! Match of the Year candidate if you ask Guy! And it's because of your King. You are welcome!

Simone: I like you Guy, but I don't know if I'd be going as far as calling it a candidate for Match of the Year!

On the outside Justin was reaching up on that palette and pulling the bloody body of Bill off the bags of dog food. He started to lead Bill towards the ring pushing him up onto Once he was in the ring Justin pulled himself up onto the ring apron for a moment before climbing inside the ring. Finding himself getting in a taunting stance calling for Bill to stand up.

Little by little Bill began to stand up. Getting to one knee before pushing up and getting to his feet. Once he stood up Justin drilled the man right in the gut to double him over. Justin took Bill's head and put it right between his legs. Before reaching over and wrapping his arms around the massive waist of Bill. Attempting to lift him up for "THE STRIK-NOOO!" Before he could lift him up Bill took Justin right over the top of him with a BACK BODY DROP in the middle of the ring.

Guy: Justin tried to defy the laws of physics!

Adams: What do you know about the laws of physics?!

Guy: If you did your research. You'd know that King Guy went to college with Bill Nye. We discovered many things together about the laws of physics.

Simone: Wouldn't that make you sixty something?!

Adams: Can we focus here?! That was a big body drop by Bill. Good way to turn things around!

Justin hit the mat with force as he rolled over and found himself laying right there next to the dog food bowl. He found himself scooping his arm over the bowl and pulling it in. Bill had started to come up behind Justin as he reached down and grabbed a hold of Justin. Once he attempted to pull him up. Justin grabbed the back of his head and tried to pull Bill down into the bowl of dog food. Bill's hands pressing against the mat and trying to prevent his face from making contact.

Simone: Wow! Justin played Opossum perfectly and suckered him in!

Adams: All he has to do is force Bill's face into that bowl and this match is over!

Guy: Wait. Huh?! King Guy is confused! Justin is an Opossum?! He doesn't have fur!

Adams: Neither does Bill, but you keep calling him a dog!

Guy: He calls himself that!

Simone: Boys, boys! Simmer down!

Drew was on his hands and knees in the ring to make sure he was getting a good eye on what was going on. All of the sudden Bill took his massive hand and slammed it against Justin's head, bouncing it off the mat like a basketball and forcing Justin to let go of him. In a fit of anger Bill stood himself up and then violently grabbed a hold of Justin by his neck to pick him up. Forcing his head between his legs before lifting Justin upside down for a brief moment.

Bill then leaped straight up into the air kicking his legs out from under him and driving Justin head first into the mat with a nasty looking PILEDRIVER right there in the middle of the ring. Justin's neck folded up under itself before he fell against the mat seemingly out cold and showing no signs of movement. For a moment Bill just sat there with a glare in his eyes looking over at the now unconscious Justin before starting to get up to his feet.

Adams: That's it! I don't know how Justin could even think about competing after that.

Simone: I think that's maybe the angriest I have ever seen Bill.

Guy: Sounds like someone needs to go for a walk after this. King Guy will get one of his minions to take the Bulldog around the block when this match is over like the good boy he is!

Adams: You're really one of the most irritating people on earth. I hope Bill comes over here and just bites your face off.

Simone: Woah! Jason!

Guy: I'll call animal control!

Bill was now on his feet towering over the downed Justin. It didn't take much for him to grab a hold of his arms and drag him just a couple of inches back over to the bowl of dog food. Then Bill grabbed the back of his head and lifted it up briefly to shove Justin face down into the bowl. Right away Drew was calling for the bell.


Justin: Ladies and gentlemen. Here is your winner, 'BULLDOG' BIIIIILLLL BAAAARRRNNNHAAAARRTTT!

Bill instantly let go of Justin's head leaving the man face down in that dog bowl. Right away Drew grabbed a hold of the arm of Bill raising it into the air. Of course there were some mixed reactions from the crowd. Some boos and some cheers, but nevertheless Bill was the winner.

Guy: Huzzah! Bravo! Brav-freakin-o! King Guy is going to suggest that this become a trademark match for Sin City Wrestling. The people loved it!

Simone: It was a very unique match. Far more entertaining that I think many would have given it credit for but...

Adams: But don't sugar coat it Belinda. This will never happen again. It shouldn't happen again. Not a chance anyone ever signs off on it being a trademark match for us.

Guy: Bet you couldn't do better. Hater McHaterson!

Simone: Either way. Big congrats to Bill Barnhart tonight. A much needed win for the man!

Inside the ring Justin was starting to lift his head out of the bowl. That wet dog food dripped off his face and down into the bowl. The man started to come to terms with what had happened. Trying to wipe his face off. Outside the ring Bill had both of his hands raised in the air showing off his ego with the win, before the cameras cut away from the ringside area.

Backstage at the Broadmoor World Arena, the general atmosphere is one of hustle and bustle activity as every employee, be a reporter or makeup artist or manager, is hustling to and through to better ensure that all goes as smoothly as possible for the evening, knowing that Co-owner Christian Underwood expects nothing short of perfection in the productivity of his and Mark Ward's show.

And speak of the devil, and the cordonef off room that had been designated as the office area for the two powers that be, Christian himself is seated at his desk, his eyes glued to the laptop screen before him while tapping the end of an ink pen against his lips, fully engrossed in his planning in what was to come in the coming weeks. So much so that he was not prepared for his office door to come swinging open with a loud clatter against the wall and standing there if it's none other than Victoria Lyons with a put-off expression on her face.

She marched inside of the office with nary a word and to simply stood there, staring at Christian with her arms folded over her chest.

Christian: Well, I have to give you points for courage at least.

Victoria: Are you serious? You're going to reward them for that two bit theater act? They had a job to do, and refused to listen. Guy won't do anything about it, so I have to go over his head to you, where hopefully you do the right thing and rebook them against each other, and I want a scaffold match this time, that way they can't pull any tricks and ruin a perfectly good show!

Christian stares at Victoria with a blank expression, his eyes only roaming up briefly to the crown she's still wearing on top of her scalp before returning to looking her in the eye.

Christian: Help me out here. Who exactly are you talking about?

Victoria scoffs and rolls her eyes.

Victoria: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern! Who the hell do you think? I'm talking about Miles Kasey and HBC. I want them punished for disobedience and tried for treason!

Christian makes a pitying face.

Christian: Oh I think I get it now. You're pissy because the boys outsmarted you.

He then frowns and shakes his head before resuming his typing on the laptop in front of him.

Christian: Yeah, I'm not going to do that.

Victoria: Seriously? I thought you were the smart one. Maybe I should have gone to Mark first after all.

Christian simply freezes. He stops typing and slowly looks up at Victoria, his expression unreadable.

Christian: What are you, six? You don't get what you want from Mommy so you think you'll go running to get a different answer from Daddy instead?

He chuckles and brings his elbows up on the edge of the desk and steeples his fingers with a wicked smile.

Christian: First of all, the beauty of playing the whole "Good cop/bad cop" routine with us is that you never really are quite certain which is going to play which role at any given time. Oh sure I've been labeled as the asshole boss for years and with good reason while Mark has been the more level-headed one. But here's the thing, he has even less patience for fools than I do. And you want to go to him and stomp your feet and act like a Karen who's complaining her caramel, creme de menthe, white chocolate powder, butterscotch, English toffee, peppermint and white coffee isn't hot enough.

Christian scoffs.

Christian: He would throw your bony butt out of his office faster than you could process what went wrong! And me…?

He then rests his chin on his joined fingers and smiles.

Christian: I'm the guy who made Miles Kasey fight in a Scaffold Match over a tank of piranha. Now… do you really want to go around and test either one of us?

Victoria: I just want you to do that AGAIN. But book Miles against HBC. I'll even leave the piranhas up to you. Just, do the right thing, that's all I'm asking.

She still stood there, some paint still dripping from her hair after her earlier match onto the floor of Christians office. Christiasn stares at her, then his eyes slowly drift to the small puddle of paint that is forming on his office floor. He chews his bottom lip and nods, then looks up to her and smiles. He nods.

Christian: Alright, in two weeks. When we hit California I promise you that I'll do the 'right thing'. Now…

Christian makes a 'shooing' motion with his hand and only when "Queen" Victoria takes her exit, satisfied she got her way, does Christian stand up from his chair. He looks over his desk and at the paint on the floor before rolling his eyes and sitting back down.

Alexandra Calway (c) vs Victoria Lyons v Mercedes Vargas v TBD

Julianna DiMaria is hanging out in the hallway as she minds her own business and thinks about what may be coming down the road for her. She's in a bit of a better mood at the moment considering what came out of her adventures last week. Even when Ms. Rocky Mountains shows up, she doesn't seem to be bothered by this at all.

Ms. Rocky Mountains: Julianna… I was wondering if…

She pauses when she notices that Julianna is rolling her eyes.

Julianna: Yeah, of course. There's actually something positive to talk about for once.

Ms. Rocky Mountains: You do seem quite a bit less burdened since Into the Void…

Julianna: Yeah, I'm sure I had my fair share of Bombshells that wanted me to slip into that void, right? Look, let me just reiterate that I didn't like the situation that I found myself in last week. Had Alexandra and I lost that handicap match, that really would've been a black mark on both of our careers. Thankfully, that didn't happen at all. I could've done without Harper's sore loser nonsense afterward but…

Julianna shrugs before she changes the subject.

Julianna: The thing that ultimately matters the most is that I have myself an Internet Championship match and the hope that I have is that it is against Tempest. She's been a hell of an internet champion. I don't want to get that twisted. But I'd be very disappointed if she lost that title between now and then because she's the champion that I want to face. I don't want to face someone that was lucky enough to catch her on a bad night. In fact, she was even talking about doing that whole open challenge thing. If she feels that she needs to do that, then that's okay by me… as long as she wins.

Ms. Rocky Mountains: Most Bombshells on the roster would show a fear of Tempest though…

Julianna: Honey, let me ask you something. Am I "most Bombshells"?

Ms. Rocky Mountains says nothing.

Ms. Rocky Mountains: You realize how big she is and how for most of them, she'd be a challenge that is too tall of a task to overcome. But, I can agree that you are not considered "most Bombshells". I do admit that I, and many, thought that you would have a sudden collapse after Into the Void, but based off of what I am seeing from you, it seems as though this is not the case at all. You managed to pull through this. How?

Julianna: I want to touch on the first thing. Tempest's size is something I have no concern about. I know it's not a thing here in Sin City Wrestling, but I've won plenty of intergender matches in my career. In fact, my first two world championships were against men. The way I see it, wrestling Tempest is just like wrestling a man. Well, for me it is. I'm not saying Tempest is a man at all…

Ms. Rocky Mountains: Yeah, I get where you're going with that…

Julianna: Now, as for how I was able to get through the events of Into the Void…

Julianna takes a pause and a deep breath knowing this is still a touchy subject for her.

Julianna: Perspective, that's what. I know this division has a history of Bombshells where they have treated the world title like life and death or where they have this mega devastating loss that they allow to cripple the rest of their careers. I'm not going to name drop, but you should know what I mean by that. I told myself that no matter what happened at Into the Void, that I was going to get up and keep moving and that's what I'm doing. With that in mind, I'm not going to talk about Into the Void. That's old news now. I'm looking forward and when I look forward, I hope I see Tempest right in front of me. You're looking at the woman that is going to dethrone her in the end.

I WANT to be the one.

It would be an accomplishment that comes as close to winning a world championship without winning one as it can possibly get. I'm a work in progress and I have a long way to go, but I will get to the level I want to be that and I'll exceeded it too. Beating Tempest for that title will go a long way toward that. I've done my part with that match and hopefully she does her and holds onto that title…

Julianna remains determined as she walks out of the picture and the interview ends.

The cameras go to the backstage area where Scott Oliver is standing with none other than Eddie Lyons.

Scott Oliver: Hey bros, I'm here with former Roulette champion Eddie Lyons. Who last week found himself banned from the show at the queens request. She claims it was punishment for losing the Roulette Championship.

Eddie laughs slightly before speaking.

Eddie Lyons: My cousin really raised some hairs didn't she? Look, as someone who knows her better than anyone around here, all I can say is we just need to move past it. She did Miles and Carter wrong, no doubt. But she WANTS everyone to get angry, she wants you all up in arms because that's what she feeds off of. The more upset you get, the more you feed into exactly what Victoria wants. As for me? Yeah she's trying to break me, or teach me some sort of lesson for losing the Roulette Championship, then she took it out on Aiden too. I want to make it clear, Aiden Reynolds was the better man that night. That's all. Sucks his reign had to be so short because my cousin wanted to be petty. Know that her actions don't represent me. There's a reason why I try to fight with honor, because I have family members like HER making our family name look bad.

Scott Oliver: Well, where would you say Eddie Lyons goes from here?

Eddie Lyons: Honestly Scott? I' don't know. I've always been more of a wherever the wind takes me. But I do want to be a champion again. However I understand I have to start back from the bottom, and that's fine. I'll earn my way once again to a Roulette Championship match, or maybe even a Internet or World Championship. Point is, Eddie Lyons is going nowhere and he's ready to go through anything in his path to get back on top. Raven, Peter and Finn should keep their eyes open because they might have a lion stalking them before long.

Scott Oliver: What about the intergender tag titles?

Eddie Lyons: Hey, If there's a Bombshell who wants to team up and try, I'm willing to give it a shot. You'd have to bear with me though. I'm not used to tag team wrestling, as BttF proved. But the challenge is part of the fun right? But yeah, if any Bombshell is interested, let me know and we'll see what we can do.

Scott Oliver: Anything else?

Eddie Lyons: Not really, just let it be known Eddie Lyons is still on the scene and he's looking to claw his way back up. Whatever SCW throws my way, I'll take head on. I like the element of surprise, not knowing what's next. Just give me an opponent, that's all I need. Line them up, and let me knock them down. Championships be damned, just let me fight, because as I've always said, it's about HONOR BEFORE GLORY.

With a nod to the camera, and fist bump to Scott, Eddie exits camera left.

Simone: Welcome back to Climax Control and our next match! Last week, Alicia Lukas returned to SCW after more than a year away and immediately set her sights on Harper Mason! They are set to face off at Summer

Treme but first we have Alicia's return match as she takes on Selana Zdunich in singles action.

Adams: And speaking of Harper, she's with us on commentary for this match!

Harper: Hey guys!

Harper is indeed sitting next to Belinda and Jason alongside Josh.

Simone: Harper you were accused of being a nepotism baby by Alicia last week, an accusation that you've insisted isn't true………..

Harper: Which it isn't.

Harper shakes her head.

Harper: Jessie apparently had a shortlist of Bombshells she wanted to have take her spot on the roster, I just happened to be the easiest to convince because of our familial ties.

Adams: What about Alicia? What are your thoughts on her?

Harper: I respect her as a wrestler but I'm curious to see if her time away from SCW has allowed her to return to her old ways, let's take it Justin!


Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"I still wear this crown" By Kittie hits as Alicia steps out with a black hoodie over her upper half with the hood up over her long blond hair. She stands on the stage and reaches up flipping the hood back and looking down at the ring before pointing her finger guns with a smirk.

Justin: Introducing first, from Atlanta, Georgia and making her return to Sin City Wrestling, "The Strong Style Southern Belle" ALICIA LUKAS!

She makes her way down to the ring and runs up the steps before climbing the ropes on the outside, she flips the hood back before putting her arms out , she smiles at the crowd before leaping into the ring from the outside and taking off the hoodie

Simone: Alicia looks ready to prove that she's back to her old ways.

Adams: And show Harper what's in store for her in the coming weeks.

Harper: And I'll be watching closely!

Justin: And her opponent!

The arena fades to black as the screen lights up and we are treated to an old school movie countdown image.




Justin: From Halmstad, Sweden, "The Cat" SELEANA ZDUNICH!

Suddenly the countdown is stopped by claws slashing through the image and a cat's roar sounds through the arena. Janet Jackson's "Black Cat" blasts through the speakers and Seleana Zdunich walks through the entranceway and makes her way to the ring, slapping hands along the way.

Harper: Seleana did beat Alicia for the World Bombshell Title back in 2019 so there's a lot of history between these two!

Simone: You've done your homework!

Harper: Hey, just because I was fourteen when that match happened doesn't mean I wasn't watching and I just made you guys feel old, didn't I?

Jacob goes over the rules with both women but Alicia makes the first move, blasting Seleana with a stiff forearm to the face and prompting Jacob to call for the bell.


Simone: And this match is underway!

Harper: Well, I guess I know that Alicia isn't above throwing cheap shots!

Adams: Think you'll be ready for it?

Harper: Hard to say.

Once the bell rings Alicia keeps laying not Seleana with the forearms to Seleana's face but once the element of surprise has worn of Seleana starts firing back and the two blonde bombshells start trading blows in the middle of the ring, Alicia breaks the brawl with a knee life to the mid-section before she backs Seleana up to the ropes and whips her across, however Seleana ducks under the lariat on the rebound and hits Alicia with a snap Hurricanrana! Seleana holds on for the pin.



And Alicia kicks out.

Simone: Alicia doesn't seem to have lost a step but Seleana's no slouch either!

Harper: That or Alicia's been training for this comeback for months, I'd believe it either way.

Adams: Wouldn't surprise me knowing Alicia!

Both women get back to their feet but Seleana presses the advantage by hitting her old rival with a dropkick that sends Alicia outside he ring! Jacob starts the ten count but the count doesn't even make it to the count of five before Seleana goes for a dive through the ropes but Alicia catches her and drives Seleana back first into the ring apron! Alicia than grabs Seleana by her long hair and drags her over to the announcer's table, more specifically towards Harper.

Alicia: This is what awaits you Harper!

Harper: Maybe focus on the match rather than me?

Alicia: Focus on this!

Alicia goes to slam Seleana face first into the announcer's desk but Seleana backs it before using elbows to Alicia's mid-section! Seleana then hops on the announcers desk and hits Alicia with a Tornado DDT on the floor! Seleana then rolls Alicia back into the ring before she goes for a pin.



And Alicia kicks out! Not to be deterred Seleana drags Alicia to a corner and heads to the top rope! Seleana goes for a Moonsault but Alicia gets the knees up, winding Seleana and follows that up with a Powerbomb!

Simone: That Moonsault may have been the turning point.

Harper: That and the Powerbomb!

Adams: You might be right because Alicia's going for a pin!



And Seleana kicks out! However Alicia follows that up with a Boston Crab in the middle of the ring! Jacob quickly changes position to check on Seleana but Seleana refuses to give up the fight and crawls towards the ring ropes to try to break the ring ropes, Alicia tries to stop Seleana in her tracks but it's no use as Seleana grabs the bottom rope, breaking the submission hold as Jacob forces Alicia to break it up.

Simone: Seleana's still in this after that Boston Crab!

Adams: It's still anyone's game.

Harper: Seleana won't give up that easily but Alicia won't make it easy either!

Alicia waits for Seleana to get back to her feet and when she does Alicia goes to blast her with a forearm but the Swede ducks it, connects with a roundhouse kick to stun Alicia and then goes for a move on the rebound like she did at the start of the match but this time Alicia ducks under it and hits Seleana with a bridging German Suplex for the pin.



And Seleana gets the shoulder up, Alicia doesn't let up though as she picks up Seleana and goes for another German Suplex but this one gets reversed into a roll up by Seleana!



And Alicia kicks out!

Simone: Neither woman are backing down here!

Harper: They're both former World Bombshell Champions, circumstances around Seleana's title win aside, so that's not surprising.

Adams: What is surprising is that Alicia hasn't tried to send any more messages your way Harper.

Harper: Give it time!

Both women get to their feet and start trading blows in the middle of the ring, neither woman being able to keep the advantage for long! But eventually Alicia and Seleana go for a running clothesline at the same time and it results in a double down! Jacob starts the ten count and the fans cheer on Seleana while booing Alicia.

Simone: Whoever gets up first will have a huge advantage.

Adams: As has often been said.

Harper: Doesn't make it any less true!

Seleana gets up to her feet first and waits for Alicia to get back up to hers, signalling that she's ready to end the match in the process, Seleana goes for the Kottaga but Alicia blocks it, carries Seleana over to the ring ropes and launches her out of the ring.

Simone: Alicia just sent Seleana flying with that Kattoga counter!

Harper: Not sure why, I mean, where's the fun in a countout win?

Adams: You're not wrong there Harper!

Alicia follows Seleana out of the ring and picks her up, she then points at Harper before picking up Seleana in a Powerbomb position and LAUNCHES SELEANA INTO HARPER, KNOCKING HARPER AND HER CHAIR OVER!

Simone: Good god! Alicia may have just taken out both Harper and Seleana!

Adams: And she's not done with Seleana!

Alicia picks up Seleana and the ring and follows her in before hitting Seleana with the Georgia Drop! Alicia goes for the pin!





Justin: Here is your winner, ALICIA LUKAS!

Simone: Alicia wins her return match but I don't think she's done with Seleana!

Adams: Meanwhile Harper is getting up after having Seleana yeeted into her!

Alicia leaves the ring and grabs a steel chair before returning to the ring, ready to go to town on Seleana! Jacob tries to get her to back off but…………….


Alicia looks up and Harper hits her with the Masonline Special sending the chair flying! Alicia rolls out of the ring before Harper can press her advantage but Harper is staring down the older wrestler as she checks on Seleana with Jacob.

Simone: It's safe to say tht things are only going to get more heated between those two.

Adams: And I'm here for it!

Harper and Alicia stare each other down as Alicia retreats up the ramp.

Cameras found themselves cutting from the ring to the backstage arena. In specific it was inside the locker room of one particular star. That star being the second generation talent, Jayden Harris. He sat there in a steel chair using wipe tape to wrap around one of his fists. Taking a second to look up from the tape to address them.

Jayden Harris: Last week Christian wouldn't allow me in the arena. Because he was very much aware of what I intended to do if I had gotten my hands on you, Alexander.

His eyes shifted back down to the tape. Bringing it around his right fist a few times. In doing so he was making sure it was nice and tight.

Jayden Harris: After the man spared you from what was surely going to be one of the worst beatings of your life. You should have been thankful. But as always you're an ungrateful fuck with the mentality the entire world is out to get you. When in reality not a single person truly gives a shit about you. Aside from Luna and that's just because she's never felt the touch of a true man. If she did, she'd leave you high and dry without a second thought.

Just the arrogant smirk that crossed his lips in that moment was enough to rub people the wrong way. It was surely going to rub the man he was talking about the wrong way and that's what he wanted more than anything.

Jayden Harris: But I get it. Right now you think you're untouchable. You managed to wrap you lips around the tiny little pecker belonging to J2H. You think as long as you're servicing him. He's going to have your back. As long as you're servicing him. It's going to keep you in the limelight. As long as your servicing him. There's no way that you can fail. But the truth of the matter is Alexander. J2H isn't THE man around here anymore. He hasn't been for a very long time. His word isn't the holy bible like it used to be. People don't say how high when J2H tells them to jump. No, they've all seen him for what he is. A fraud, but you want to latch to that. Because you're a fraud yourself.

Tearing the tape off. He took the end of it and made sure to lay it flat against the rest of the tape so it wouldn't come undone. Before taking the tape and now starting to wrap up his left hand.

Jayden Harris: And you know what's funny about this Alexander? It's two on one. Two on one for a rookie. You all say I'm inexperienced. You all say I'm a nepo-baby. You all say, I'm not as good as I think I am or as good as my father trained me to be. But it's still talking TWO MEN to take on a kid that's just over twenty one years old. I'd have to say your actions prove the opposite of your words. You are both afraid of me. You're both afraid of what I can do. And you're both afraid that once I get my feet under me. The name Harris is going to fucking dominate this company once again. I don't blame you for being scared, but it's going to take a lot more than two on one to stop me.

Each wrap around his wrist, the tape was getting tighter and tighter. Before he tore off the end again and laid it flat so it couldn't come undone. Balling up both fists to really make sure it was tight and secure. Only to bring his eyes back up to the cameras.

Jayden Harris: Even with my old man telling me to back down and walk away from this fight. I refuse to let you or that bitch J2H have any type of success ever again. I can be the first to admit that right now. The two of you are winning the battle, but this is a war that we're engaging in. Even Germany won a couple battles before they eventually lost the war. Don't let the small victories make you think this is over. Because it's far from it...

In that moment Jayden rose from the chair he was sitting in and shoved it back. Taking a couple of steps towards the cameras making them come up to keep focus on his facial expressions.

Jayden Harris: Trust me when I tell you. I'm going to take pride in choking you the fuck out!

Palming the cameras with that taped right hand of his. He shoved it back causing the camera man to lose balance for a brief second. By the time they had recovered they were catching Jayden walking out the locker room door. With the assumption of heading to the ring for his match. Cameras then found themselves cutting elsewhere once again.

Finn Whelan (c) vs Sean Parker

We see Caleb Storms in the backstage area accompanied by Adrinne and Katie.

Adrienne: So, Carter's in that Golden Opportunity Match.

Caleb: I noticed.

Katie: Big opportunity for him huh? And with the match at CC 400?

Caleb: I know.

Adrienne: Any thoughts?

Caleb turns to the two women.

Caleb: Regardless of how this match tonight turns out? I think it's time we had a face to face meeting next week!

Adrienne: And here I thought you were just gonna talk about the match.

Katie: Until it happens.

Caleb: That too!

Caleb and the two ladies walk off as the scene fades.

Cameras were panning back to the ringside area. It was now time for the next scheduled contest of the night. The surge of excitement from the jam packed arena could be felt. Each fan in attendance had high vibes, but little did they know they were about to be brought down. The opening beat to "Bad Man" by Polo G began to play over the building's speakers. That was more than enough to start turning those high vibes into low ones. From the song alone it had the crowd booing pretty heavily. Letting their voices be heard even if it wouldn't change anything as far as the outcome goes.

Cameras found themselves cutting over towards the ring entrance area. Standing right there peering out into the sea of fans with a big of a sour expression on his face was none other than "The Brat" himself. Jayden's sour expression didn't let up for even a second. Letting the boos being thrown in his direction simply roll off his back. Thumbing over his nose briefly, he began to march towards the ring.

Justin: The following contest will be contested under Ironman Submission Only rules. With a thirty minute time limit! Introducing first making his way to the ring. From Chicago, Illinois. Weighing in at two hundred and five pounds. 'The Brat' JAYDEN HARRIS!

By that point Jayden had made his way towards the ringside area. Ignoring the rude remarks being tossed in his direction by those fans with the front row seats. He found himself stopping right at the ring steps to peer around the arena with that same soured expression. There was a slight eye roll that escaped the second generation wrestler. Before he began to journey up the steps and walk across the ring apron.

Once Jayden hit the middle of the apron. He swung his left leg over the middle rope and climbed inside the ring. That bombastic side eye on his expression said everything it needed to say. He was not interested in being bothered. Approaching one of the corners of the ring. Leaning chest first into the corner and glaring out at the crowd. Simply waiting for the bell to ring for the scheduled contest.

The lights begin to dim as the opening melody of "Watch The World Burn" plays through the speakers. Alexander Raven slowly steps out onto the stage, metal pipe in one hand. He comes to a stop at the center of the top of the ramp, and looks over the crowd. A cacophony of boos raining down on him. A smile spreads across his face, as he taps the pipe against his temple lightly.

'Yeah I got voices in my head again, tread carefully.'

As the song kicks into gear, he slowly begins to walk down the ramp. A slow, measured stride taking his time. As he walks down he swings the pipe towards the outstretched hands of the fans at ringside.

Justin: And now his opponent. Making their way to the ring at this time. Hailing from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty five pounds. He is the Roulette Champion. 'The Napalm King' ALEXANDER RAVEN!

Threatening to take their heads off if they get too close. As he gets to the step he stops and bounces from side to side. Further boos and disdain from the raucous crowd.

'I'll brandish a weapon, teach all you motherfuckers a lesson.'

He slams the pipe down several times on the steps, before throwing it down right next to them, climbing the steps rapidly. Walking the length of the apron to his right, he wipes his feet aggressively on the apron, before stepping between the top and middle ropes. The crowd roaring their displeasure as he runs to the opposite ropes, throwing his arms out wide to his sides bathing in the vitriol. He checks the buttons at his wrists on his shirt and begins to slowly pace the rampside of the ring.


As soon as the bell rang Jayden hauled ass across the ring before Raven even had a chance to move. Leaping up and connecting with a huge STINGER SPLASH in the corner just flattening the Roulette Champion against the turnbuckles in the corner. Jayden took a step back as Raven came stumbling out of the corner due to momentum.

Right away Jayden hooked the man by his head and neck before reaching down to grab a hold of Raven's legs connecting with a massive EXPLODER SUPLEX that sent Raven flying across the ring. Jayden quickly got right back to his feet as he turned around to see Raven trying to get to his feet with the help of the ropes. No sooner than he stood up Jayden was on him.

Landing a couple of shots to the gut with those bare knuckles before grabbing the champion by his arm and whipping him across the ring. Raven hit the ropes and came off them with intentions of turning the match around but Jayden ducked under his arm and then grabbed a hold of Raven again connecting with a HALF NELSON SUPLEX driving the man down on his head and neck with force.

Simone: Jayden is starting this match off hot!

Adams: Listen, we all know that I'm not a Jayden guy. I'm never going to be a Jayden guy. But...

Guy: Nonsense! Everyone loves Jayden! Badass chip eating best friend of mine! Why wouldn't you want to be a fan?!

Adams: Anyway. As I was saying I'm never going to be a Jayden guy, but what Alexander Raven tried to do at Into The Void is unforgivable. He made his bed when he did that. Now he has to lay in it.

Simone: Based on what we're seeing. Alexander didn't come prepared tonight and it's not looking good!

Raven had rolled towards the edge of the ring and laid there on the apron under the bottom rope. Jayden was back on his feet and clearly not done as he marched right over to him. Stepping through the ropes to where he was on the apron. He reached down and grabbed a handful of Raven's hair, yanking him to his feet. To which Jayden tried to hook him for something but Raven had other plans.

He shoved the young star back with force and caused Jayden to collide with the ring post for a second. This allowed Raven the time he thought he needed as he began to charge across the apron but right away Jayden caught him with a EUROPEAN UPPERCUT to stop Raven in his tracks and caused him to stumble backwards.

Only for Jayden to then grab a hold of the Roulette Champion and leap off the ring apron driving Raven down onto the concrete floor with a NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX driving the air right out of Raven. The champion could be heard gasping in pain as he rolled over clutching his ribs. Jayden again got right back to his feet with a smug smirk on his lips. Oddly enough to some cheers from the front row.

Adams: He is making it clear he is out to hurt this man.

Simone: Well he did warn Alexander days ago. This is a thirty minute match no matter what. He was going to take all thirty of those minutes to cause him the most discomfort that he could.

Adams: If I were Alexander right now. I'd be questioning my decisions to cross this kid. Cause despite all of his inexperience as a rookie. He's beating the hell right out of him and motivated by anger.

Guy: Why is anyone surprised douchebag Alexander is losing this right now? He doesn't win that often!

Simone: He did just win the SCW Roulette Championship last week.

Guy: Pfft! Guy could win that in his sleep. Easy peasy!

Adams: We saw your wrestling skill at Into The Void. Let's not get too big of an ego!

Jayden found himself starting to attack the ribs of Raven. He dropped down and drove his knee into the side of the man's rib cage. Instantly resulting in a painful groan coming from the Roulette Champion. Jayden wasn't letting up though as he landed another knee strike and then another. Jasmine found herself climbing out of the ring as she got right in Jayden's face to tell him to take it back in the ring.

The scowl that covered the young man's face said it all, but nevertheless he grabbed a hold of Raven by his hair and pulled him up off the ground to toss him back in the ring. Jayden was quick to slide in alongside Jasmine before he grabbed a hold of Raven's arms and stretched them out behind him while planting his knee into the ribcage of the Roulette Champion for a modified submission.

Guy: Ooooh! It's tappy tap time!

Simone: I don't know if we're going to see Raven tap this early on, but I will say that Jayden is doing what he said he was going to do. He's finding a body part and attacking.

Adams: There's no denying that I dislike Alexander as much as everyone else, but I have to remain unbiased here. He does have quite the fight in him. He can take a beating and keep on ticking.

Simone: That is the truth. It takes you really having to push him to his limits before you see any quit in the man's eyes.

Jasmine was checking on Raven seeing if he was willing to say he taps or to actually tap out, but it wasn't going anywhere. Raven was biting his knuckle to prevent any more painful groans coming from him. Jayden was yanking back harder the arms while pushing his knee further into that ribcage. All intentions of causing as much pain and as much damage as possible.

Justin: There are twenty five minutes left in this match!

Of course Justin's voice could be heard echoing throughout the speakers. When all of the sudden Raven reached up and connected with a THUMB TO THE EYE right of Jayden to force him to break the hold. Jasmine was attempting to warn Raven for the underhanded tactic but he blew right by her. Clubbing Jayden right into the back of his neck and dropping the second generation star down to his knees.

Raven then grabbed a hold of Jayden by his head and neck turning around with him to take off charging across the ring. Before tossing the young star through the ropes and SHOULDER FIRST into the steel ring post. The sickening thud of bone beating steel was heard for a brief second before Jayden was seen rolling out of the ring yelling in pain and agony.

With the cameras getting a little closer it was clear that Jayden's shoulder had popped out of place. He was favoring that shoulder with his other hand, but Raven was like a shark that smelled blood in the water. He rolled out of the ring right away and delivered a stiff BOOT to the chest of Jayden and sent him flying back into the barricade landing shoulder first. Another yell of agony escaped Jayden's mouth.

Adams: That's nasty looking! Jayden's shoulder is out of place!

Simone: Jasmine should call this match right here and now. I know we all want to see a winner, but we don't know what kind of damage is done to that shoulder.

Guy: Huzzah! Never! That chip devouring monster will not let the match end like that. King Guy knows his bestie!

Adams: Dude! Didn't he almost choke you out backstage earlier?!

Guy: Sir... Kind Guy has no memory of this!

Simone: Lack of oxygen to the brain will do that!

Jayden was trying to get back up to his feet, but it was Raven that delivered a kick right to the shoulder to keep him down. By now Jasmine had seen enough as she got right back to the outside this time was in Raven's face telling him to take it back into the ring. All the Roulette Champion did was smirk from ear to ear like the devious man he was. Before walking past her to grab Jayden who was trying to get away.

Raven proceeded to hook Jayden from behind as he lifted him up and then delivered a BACK SUPLEX right on the hardest part of the ring - that being the ring apron. Jayden landed on that shoulder and again screamed out in the main he was going through. Raven didn't have a care in the world as he shoved the kid under the bottom rope and into the ring the rest of the way.

Jayden was rolled onto his knees as he was trying to get up to his feet. However before he could Raven leaped into the air for a KNEE DROP right onto the injured shoulder. Before quickly grabbing that arm and applying a CROSSFACE in the middle of the ring. Being sure to yank back on that head and neck of Jayden while adding pressure to the dislocated shoulder. Shouting at Jayden to tap out.

Simone: If I was Jayden, I'd just tap right here. There's still plenty of time to turn this thing around. Gotta do damage control when you're injured the way he is.

Guy: What are we even talking about minion Belinda?! He doesn't even need that shoulder. It's useless at this point. Just chop it off. Keep going. Bestie Jayden is a BEAST. As Birdman once said put some RESPEK on his name!

Adams: Serious question. Did you ever graduate high school? There's no way you did when you're this dumb. Jayden is going to need both arms to continue to fight, you idiot!

Guy: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me, Jason!

Raven had Jayden stretched to the max as Jasmine was right there to keep an eye out for a tap out, but it wasn't happening. Jayden was determined to get out of it. That's when he THREW his head back and caught Raven right on the bridge of the nose forcing the man to break the hold he had on Jayden. Raven rolled over holding his nose in pain which allowed Jayden to get to his feet favoring his arm.

Raven was able to turn around as he saw Jayden getting up. He rushed in and with one arm Jayden caught him off as he lifted Raven up before bringing him right back down onto his knee for "NEXTGEN" once again catching Raven on the nose and dropping him to the canvas. Raven rolled over holding said nose as blood could be seen starting to trickle through the creases of his fingers.

Jayden found himself stumbling back for a second. As he fell into the ropes, that's when he then wrapped that injured arm of his around the top rope tightly and then yanked back. Instantly popping his shoulder back into place. Taking a second to shake his arm out to make sure all was good.

Guy: Ma! Get the camcorder! We got blood out here!

Adams: Two back to back shots to Raven's nose. It could be broken.

Simone: Are we just going to ignore the fact Jayden just popped his shoulder back into place like a savage?! I hope he knows what he's doing. That really should have been handled by a doctor.

Adams: If it doesn't and it ends up getting him out of here for a little while. I'm not going to complain. Might sympathize with him when it comes to Alexander, but the kid is still a dirty sob.

Guy: Doesn't that mean he is obsessed with pretty girls?!

Adams: That's sim... nevermind. You're hopeless!

Despite the blood rushing down his nose now. Raven was back on his feet and a little bit angrier. He quickly approached Jayden and landed a right hand to the face. This only led to Jayden reaching out and grabbing a Raven by the nose, squeezing it with all his might. Raven groaned in agony as he dropped to his knees and started to try to pry the hand of Jayden away.

Justin: There are now twenty minutes left in this match!

Raven couldn't get the hand loose as Jayden applied even more pressure. Jasmine took notice and dropped to one knee to get a close look. Seeing if this was going to be enough to make Raven tap out from the match.

Simone: What a submission move here by Jayden. Very unique if you ask me.

Guy: It's called the Nose Burglar!

Adams: I don't think it's a legal submission if I'm being honest. And I find it very hard to believe that;s the name of the move.

Guy: Are you his best friend?! No no you are not. King Guy is! Therefore King Guy knows all of Jayden's moves! Don't ever question that again or he'll have to HAWK TUAH, Spit on that thang!

Simone: Ewwwww!

Adams: Please, don't! For the love of god. Please don't!

All of the sudden Raven used both hands and started to stand up before kicking Jayden right in the gut to break the hold he had on his nose. Jayden doubled over was the perfect opening for Raven. He then hooked the man's arms before dropping the second generation superstar with "THE KINGSLAYER" forcing Jayden to spike his head off the mat.

Raven just sat there wiping blood away from his nose while glaring at the downed superstar. Finding himself reaching over and in a fit of rage wrapping his hands around the throat of Jayden trying to squeeze the life out of him. Jasmine was right there to inform him that it was an illegal choke hold but Raven wasn't having any interest in listening.

Adams: Come on Jasmine! Just disqualify him! That can't be allowed!

Simone: If we're being honest with ourselves here Jason. We both know that Alexander doesn't care about the rules and he's going to bend them however he can!aa

Guy: Is it a bad time for King Guy to tell you he tried to get Summer's Eve to sponsor this match. Specifically sponsor Alexander!

Simone: You better hope he doesn't hear those sly remarks Guy. You might find yourself in the same situation!

Guy: Pfft. Guy isn't scared. He'll just kick him right in the fleshy patch where his nuts used to be!

Inside the ring Jasmine had enough. She had let them both get away with bending the rules but this had gone too far. With Raven refusing to break the choke hold she stood up and began to shout out as she counted.

Jasmine: ONE!

Raven didn't bother to stop. He was putting more pressure on the throat of the young man who was starting to turn blue in the face.

Jasmine: TWO!

Jayden could be seen reaching up and grabbing the hands of Raven in an effort to free himself from having the life choked out of him.

Jasmine: THREE!

Those hands were starting to become forced off of the throat of Jayden by the young man's strength but that's when Raven landed a knee to the ribs causing Jayden to quit fighting for that second. Raven placed his hands back in place around his throat.

Jasmine: FOUR!

Before it could go any further Raven let go of the choke hold. Jayden rolled over gasping and coughing. Trying to breathe again as Raven stood up with a smirk on his lips. Clearly very proud of himself and what he was able to achieve. Jasmine quickly was right there to warn Raven about what he had done, but he just walked right past her stepping on the back of Jayden's neck raising his hands into the air from a massive response from the crowd which was all boos.

Guy: Which one of you wants to take a bet that his feet smell like onions?

Adams: Are you ever going to tell us what's wrong with you?!

Simone: I don't care what his feet smell like. I just want the man to play by the damn rules!

Adams: Look at who we're talking about here Belinda. It's never going to happen!

Justin: There is now fifteen minutes left in this match!

Taking his foot off the head of Jayden. Raven then reached down and grabbed the weakened star pulling him up to where he was on his knees. Right away the Roulette Champion applied "THE CONSPIRACY" with Jayden having nowhere to go. His arms were flailing around as the previous illegal choke that Raven had him in had truly weakened the young star. So it didn't take long for Jayden to start fading.

Once again Jasmine kneeled there with a close up view of the submission hold watching Jayden's eyes start to close with that fading manner. She grabbed a hold of one of those arms that had now gone limp and lifted it up into the air. She held it up high and then dropped it but Jayden KEPT his arm up showing some signs of fight still in him. Raven shook his head as he tried to squeeze his arms even tighter.

All of the sudden Jayden stood straight up on his feet and reached behind him to grab a hold of Raven's head before he dropped on his backside for a modified STUNNER forcing Raven's jaw to smack off the tip of his head and more importantly force him to break the hold. Raven and Jayden both now laying on the mat trying to collect their bearings from a match that was truly going the distance.

Guy: Bah Gawd! He hit him with the Stone Jayden Stunner!

Simone: Here comes the cease and desist letters!

Adams: I would love nothing more than for Christian to come out here and just pull him off commentary. It would make tonight tolerable.

Simone: Speaking of being able to tolerate. Jayden's body is truly tolerant tonight. Taking the best that Raven has to offer and still finding a way to keep on fighting.

Jayden was starting to crawl over towards the corner and using it to pull himself up in the corner. Once he turned around he heard the yell of Raven who was coming in hot for a SPLAS-NOOOO! Jayden rolled out of the way at the last second causing Raven to smack chest first into the turnbuckle pads and come stumbling out of them. By then Jayden was mid sprint towards the ropes.

He bounced off them with everything he had and was coming right back as Raven turned around. That's when Jayden leaped right into the air and connected with "EYE ROLL" catching the Roulette Champion right on the chin with the superman punch causing him to crumble to the mat. There was a massive pop from the crowd. Oddly enough they were behind the kid.

Slamming his hands against the mat started to really show the fight was back in him. Jayden reached for the head of Raven and pulled him in. Within seconds he had the Roulette Champion locked in the middle of the ring with a TRIANGLE CHOKE leaving him nowhere to go. Right away Raven started to punch the legs and knees of Jayden to try and break the hold but it wasn't happening.

Jayden just grabbed a hold of his arm that was pulled through his legs and yanked on it while bridging his body off the mat with his thighs firmly around the head of Raven. That submission had Raven dropping to his knees as it seemed like the fight was slowly being squeezed out of him.

Adams: The triangle choke is one of the most deadly submissions to ever be invented. There's so much going on with that move.

Guy: No one likes triangles. King Guy personally thinks someone should invent the circle-choke. Everyone knows that circles are the best shapes!

Simone: I don't think you even know what you're talking about at this point. And I've been on your side all night. It's been a breath of fresh air. But circle choke? Uh.

Jayden was trying to squeeze his legs a little tighter with Jasmine right there on her knees trying to check on Raven. That's when Raven showed some signs of life as he used his strength to stand straight up and lift Jayden up off the mat while still being in that choke. Jayden looked around with some panic in his eyes as Raven rushed backwards and SLAMMED Jayden back first onto the top turnbuckle.

Still with a firm hold on Jayden. Raven turned around and then delivered a POWERBOMB in the center of the ring which forced the second generation star to let go of the Triangle Choke. Yet in one of the smoothest transitions seen. He no sooner let go of the hold and his legs unwrapped from Raven's head that Raven grabbed both of his legs and flipped Jayden onto his back.

Applying the BOSTON CRAB right where he had him. Raven yanked on those legs and then forced himself to sit down onto the back of Jayden a little more. Forcing the young man to scream out in pain as he was trying to find a way to break the hold but Raven had it secured.

Justin: We are down to just ten minutes! Yes, ten minutes left in this match!

Raven wrenched back on that hold a little more. No more pressure could be put on the lower back of Jayden if he had tried. Jayden had his hand lifted high in the air as if it was about to happen. Jasmine right there to call for the first fall of the match, but before he could tap out. Jayden just slammed his hand down on the mat and pushed up with both hands starting to crawl to the ropes with Raven on his back weighing him down.

Guy: Crawl my friend! Crawl!

Simone: If Jayden is able to reach those ropes. It'll force Raven to have to break the hold!

Adams: I think Jayden's back gives out before he gets there. Look at the torque Alexander has on those legs and the pressure he's putting on his back.

Guy: Let's go Jayden! Let's go Jayden!

The crowd heard the Guy's chants and found themselves going along with it. The chants of "Lets Go Jayden" getting louder and louder within the second. Raven looked around the venue with hate in his eyes before shouting at the crowd to shut up but all that did was motivate them more and more. Jayden willing himself to get closer to the ropes.

Adams: I don't think I would have ever thought I'd hear a Let's Go Jayden chant. Have these fans lost their minds?

Simone: Well to be fair Guy is a little bit on the persuasive side!

Guy: Huzzah! Yiiiis minions! Listen to your King!

Adams: Thank god his reign of royalty is over after today!

That's when Jayden could be seen reaching out and grabbing that bottom rope. Jasmine quickly rose to her feet and told Raven he had to break the hold, but it was clear the last thing Raven wanted to do was let go of the submissions. However he didn't have a choice. In a frustrated manner he slammed the legs of Jayden into the mat before standing himself up screaming at the fans in frustration.

Jayden was lying there on the ring apron holding his lower back in pain. There was a very good chance that the damage had been done. He was slowly using the ropes to stand himself up when Raven clocked him with a forearm to drop him back down to his knees on the ring apron. Raven then grabbed a hold of his head to start pulling him up but Jayden countered by grabbing the head of Raven and dropping down.

Hanging the throat of the Roulette Champion over the top rope and sending him flying back towards the ring. He dropped down on one knee holding his throat gasping for air. Jayden leaped over the ropes to get back into the ring as he rushed in and connected with "THE BEHEADING" laying Raven out cold with the lariat to the back of the neck.

Simone: What a lariat to the back of the neck! That had to really hurt.

Adams: We are seeing that for someone as young as Jayden is. He does hit with force. That's usually something that takes time to learn.

Simone: To be fair as much as I don't like to speak about his old man. I'd imagine Michael really showed the kid what it takes to be a wrestler.

Guy: More like King Guy showed him everything. It's what best friends do!

Inside the ring Jayden was pacing around the downed Raven trying to figure out his next move. That's when he grabbed a hold of the ankle of Raven and applied the ANKLE LOCK right there in the middle of the ring. Raven instantly rose up on his hands and let out a yell as everyone watched Jayden twist that man's ankle at an angle that it should never be in.

Raven planted his knuckles into the mat continuing to yell in pain and agony. Finding himself with nowhere to go as Jayden then attempted to lock his legs around the leg of Raven. Raven could sense this and suddenly found himself ROLLING FORWARD, sending Jayden across the ring and breaking the hold. Raven hobbled to his feet with pain shooting down his ankle.

Jayden came rushing towards him but Raven acted quick with a foot to the gut to stop him in his tracks. Still hobbling a little, he grabbed a hold of Jayden and found himself lifting the second generation star up just to drive him down on his neck with "RAVEN'S SPINE" leaving them both laying there on the mat with no signs of movement. This match had taken its toll and had them spent.

Justin: We are down to the final five minutes!

Inside the ring Jasmine had kneeled down between the two men and checked on them. She didn't want to have to utilize the ten count, but it may have ended up coming to that. With neither one of them moving just yet.

Adams: As much as it pains me to say this! If it wasn't for this being a submission match. I think it would be over right about now.

Guy: Whatcha talkin about Willis?!

Simone: I kind of gotta agree with Guy on this one Jason. Raven's Spine has put several away, but Alexander isn't even moving right now. If this was a normal match, he'd still have to make the cover.

Adams: That may be true, but I still think it would be over.

Simone: Again debatable, but Guy. I have to know. You're the one that booked this match. What happens if neither of them get a submission before the time expires?!

Guy: Huzzah! Ever heard of Sudden Death?!

Simone: Oh my!

Back in the ring Jasmine had stood herself up as she was able to start the ten count, but as she got to one. Both men at the same time started to push themselves to their feet. Within seconds they had stood up as Raven landed the first shot with a CHOP to the chest. Jayden stumbled back a couple of steps but came right back with an UPPERCUT to the jaw that sent Raven reeling backwards.

Raven then stepped up with a huge RIGHT HAND to the jaw of Jayden causing the man to slump backwards as he fell into the ropes but quickly came back with a REBOUND LARIAT that flipped the Roulette Champion inside out before he hit the mat face first. Jayden let out a power yell as he slammed his arm against his chest and then turned around with his eyes focused on Raven calling for him to stand.

Guy: Can you feel it?! Can you feel it?!

Simone: Feel what?!

Guy: The end is near!

Adams: We're down to about two minutes here. Jayden has to lock something in now!

Little by little the drained and spent Raven was starting to get to his feet. He found himself backing up to Jayden, unsuspecting of what was waiting for him. This is when Jayden snatched him from behind and locked "INTO THE LIGHT" in very tightly. Jayden wraps both his legs around the body of Raven to wear him down with his weight as well as the choke. Jayden squeezed tighter with those arms as the Roulette Champion started to fade, dropping down to his knees before falling down on his side with Jayden still holding on. The crowd got excited for this as it was coming down to the wire.

Justin: We're down to one minute!

Adams: Wow! This really is going to come down to the wire.

Simone: There's still time in this minute. Jayden could make Alexander tap!

Guy: Pfft. Put some respect on my bestie's name. King Guy won't say it again. He WILL make him tap!

Adams: Well right now Alexander looks like the panic is setting in.

On his side in the ring Alexander's eyes were bulging out of his head from the half nelson submission being applied. He was trying to get his hands around Jayden's arms to pry them away, but it wasn't any use. Jayden wasn't allowing it. Starting to shake his arms back and forth with that grip around Raven's head and neck essentially shaking him about as well. That's when Raven's eyes could be seen starting to close and the fight dwindling out of him. All of the sudden the crowd could be heard chanting along with the clock that they could see.







Simone: We're going to see sudden death! This is insane!

Adams: Alexander is so close to passing out!

Guy: Tap you doucher! Freakin' tap!




All of the sudden J2H could be seen sliding into the ring and jumping on top of Jayden. Unloading with a series of punches leading to Jasmine calling for the bell to avoid a fall to Jayden by disqualification.

Guy: Hey! Hey! That's not what King Guy said could happen!

Simone: All due respect here your royalness but that is the Living Legend, J2H! He doesn't care about your wants or anyone else's.

Adams: Damnit to hell! Another good match ruined because of this... alliance between J2H and Alexander!


Jayden: 1 | Alexander: 0




The match was officially over, but it didn't stop J2H from doing what he felt he needed to do. He had dragged Jayden off of Raven and was just unloading with those stiff punches. The loud boos coming from the crowd were getting louder and louder by the second.


Raven now started to pull himself up to see what was going on. Catching his breath as he stumbled over and started to stomp on Jayden with J2H keeping him pinned down with those punches.

Adams: Can Jasmine step in? Can we get some security out here? Something!

Simone: Jayden made enemies out of J2H long long ago. It's something that he should have known was going to come back to haunt him.

Adams: Regardless. Two on one?! Come on now. Like I said I'm not the biggest Jayden fan, but at least fight him man to man one on one!

Guy: These two both need some Summer's Eve!

J2H was starting to grab a hold of Jayden's hair and pull him up to his feet. Once he got him up on his feet. He grabbed a hold of the man's arm and twisted it before connecting with "KISS THIS" driving his foot right up into the jaw of Jayden before letting go of his arm. The stunned Jayden didn't even have a chance to fall to the mat.

Before Raven quickly scooped him up onto his shoulders before planting the second generation star in the middle of the ring with "RAVEN'S SPINE" as the crowd watched on booing heavily. Raven stood up to his feet standing side by side with J2H with Jasmine now in their faces telling them to get out of the ring. They had smirks on their faces backing up to the ropes with a job well done mentality.

Guy: King Guy is going to have to do something about this!

Adams: Yes, please do.

Guy: Wait. Did we just become best friends?!

Adams: No. Never in a million years. But I just want the right thing to be done.

Simone: I don't know Jason. I can feel this friendship budding between the two of you!

By now Raven and J2H had climbed out of the ring backing up the ramp taking a look at their work. Jasmine inside the ring kneeled down beside Jayden who was trying to pull himself up but it wasn't exactly working out. He laid there on the mat glaring over at both men for the final image before the cameras cut to the backstage area for some more action.

We find ourselves at the backstage area and it is there where we can see two women walking throughout the area. The fans begin to boo when we finally see that it is both Courtney Pierce and her wife Prudence "Ruby" Pierce. They both smile as Ruby flicks her hair as Pussy Willow walks up to the both of them.

Pussy: Hey there I honestly didn't expect to see you two back here…

Ruby smirks as she leans into the microphone and gives a cocky response.

Ruby: That's quite outrageous… You should always expect to see Prudence Pierce walking through the backstage area. You want to know something?! I know it has been quite some time since everybody has seen my beautiful wife Courtney. Let's be honest though. She had dominated the bombshells division. She had become a World Bombshell Champion, an Internet Champion. She was pretty much the woman everybody hated. Some felt she disrespected the title but I don't see that at all. She did what she had to do and came away as a threat.

Courtney: And if I had the chance I would do it all again.

Pussy looks at the both of them as she continues to speak.

Pussy: So my question is why are you both here now?!

Ruby: You want to know why Prudence Pierce and Courtney are here… It's simple because as of tonight yours truly is an active member of the roster. That means all of the times everybody felt I was annoying and I got involved in Courtney's affairs, you all have the chance to get those receipts if you will. Although Courtney is also back but the roles are going to be reversed. She will be my manager and my wife will make sure that I beat everybody that is in my way. I will do what I need to do and showcase why I have all of the ability in the world to be the best.

Pussy: So now that you are back what are you targeting?!

Courtney smirks as she answers.

Courtney: There is one person Prudence has her eyes on. She has had her eyes on this person for well over a year. The very woman who had broken her arm and caused her to be on the sidelines, she can preach about Pretenders but the truth is Ruby wants to fight Krystal Wolfe.

Ruby: Damn right I do and I will get my revenge. We both came into the business around the same time from two different wrestling schools. She took advantage of me in a match and sent shock waves throughout the wrestling world. Now that I am back it's time I get back what belongs to me and that's my respect. Krystal I hope you are watching because I will get my revenge. I promise you that much so watch your back bitch.

With that the two Pierces walk away as we go elsewhere.

The scene opens backstage at Climax Control where we see Harper Mason talking with her manager Joshua Acquin.

Harper: Not sure if being a part of the King's madness would've been any better than what Victoria put me through last week honestly.

Joshua: It is a close call but now your in the sights of Alicia Lukas.

Harper nods in response as she brushes some hair over her shoulder.

Harper: I know and Alicia's got her return match against Seleana later, I'm curious to see if she's lost a step or two since ww last saw her.

Joshua: And if she hasn't?

Harper: Then it'll make our march at Summer XXXTreme all the more epic, though I am eager to show her that I'm not a nepotism baby like she thinks I am.

Joshua: At least she isn't accusing you of being Jessie 2.0.

Harper: Yeah, that would've gotten on my nerves, still I'll be watching her match closely.

Joshua: And so will I.

Harper and Josh walk off as the scene fades.

"Dreamkiller" Kayla Richards (c) vs Luna Pasilno

It was now time for the main event of the evening. Cameras were settling in at ringside with all the referee's starting to come out from the back. The opening beats to "Eye of The Tiger" begin to play throughout the arena. The fans in attendance cheer and starting "drumming" along, as the music plays for several moments. A fog machine fills the backstage entrance up with fog and moments later, Artie bursts through the curtain joined by Bobbie Dahl, to a round of cheers!

Justin: The following contest is under Guy's Bizarro World rules and is for the Golden Opportunity briefcase! Introducing first at this time from Las Vegas, Nevada. Weighing in at one hundred and fifty pounds... ARTIE!

Artie punches at the air, pumping himself up for the fight ahead as Bobbie stands at his side, smiling proudly but with a hint of nervousness. After a few moments, they make their way to the ring. Artie high fives the fans along the way, doing his best not to show his inexperience. Bobbie follows behind him for a brief moment before turning to head back up the ramp. Artie skips around the ring awaiting the rest of his opponents as his music begins to fade.

The slow opening to "The Devil In I" by Slipknot could be heard playing throughout the venue's speakers. Along with the theme the venue's lights began to dim down. Not quite pitch black, but enough to set the mood for the person making their entrance. Of course an instant response from those in attendance rumbled throughout the walls. Needless to say, it was not the most positive response. Quite loudly they booed. By the time their response truly began to fill the venue. On the stage stood a figure with his head bent forward hiding his face. His hands put together in an almost praying manner. Seeing the figure only resulted in more hatred being spewed in their direction from the crowd. When the words "Step Inside. See the Devil In I." echoed throughout the speakers, the figure lifted their head to reveal that black and white mask that covered their identity. Spitting some kind of red mist into the air before lifting their eyes to the roaming cam. Lips curled into a sadistic smirk as they began to walk down the ramp.

Justin: And now on his way to the ring. From the Abyss. Weighing in at two hundred and eighteen pounds. They are known as 'The Forgotten' ENTITY!

Having this figure introduced to the crowd in attendance seemed to make it all that more real for them. Because following the proper introduction those boos rung out once again. Easily ten times louder than they had been. About that time the masked figure known as The Forgotten One had approached the ringside area. Gripping the middle rope of the ring and pulling themselves up onto the apron from the floor. Turning their back to the ropes to briefly glare out into the seats where the fans sat booing. The smirk only grew more before they turned and swung their leg over the middle rope to climb into the ring. Upon being in the ring the Forgotten One took center of the ring finding themselves dropping down on both knees. Tilting their head up to look at the ceiling of the venue.

Once again spitting that red mist into the air. This seemed to be the trigger for the lights to return to their normal state with the music starting to fade out. The masked figure got to their feet and backed into the nearest corner waiting for the match to begin. "Tomorrow Never Comes" by Rancid plays over the sound system as Rodrigo comes down the ramp on his skateboard as he high-fives the fans along the way. He then stands on the ramp with his skateboard as the announcement comes with cheers coming from the crowd.

Justin: Now on his way to the ring. From Lisbon, Portugal, he weighs in one hundred and seventy pounds; he's a skateboarding wrestling prodigy, and the Golden Opportunity briefcase holder, RODRIGO AFONSO!

After the announcement, he does a couple of kickflips on his skateboard to attract the crowd, all of which cheer for him. He kicks the skateboard up and slides straight into the ring with his face painted up. He climbs on the turnbuckle for a roar as he beats his chest like a beast with the crowd cheering for him as he got down from the turnbuckle and does a kickflip once again on his skateboard before he slides out of the ring to give his skateboard to the ring crew before sliding in the ring again, sitting behind a turnbuckle waiting for his opponent to come out.

The lights in the arena go out, causing the usual hysteria from the crowd. After a few seconds, Peter Vaughn's face appears on the big tron, darkly smirking down at the fans.

Justin: And now on his way to the ring at this time. All the way from Dallas, Texas. Weighing in at one hundred and eighty five pounds. He is the current Internet Champion. 'The Mechanic' PETER VAUGHN!

After Vaughn finishes speaking, he begins to laugh. His laughter carries on as the Tron video overtakes his image, beginning with "This Time It's Different" by Evans Blue. Vaughn comes out from the back, smiling at the reaction he's getting. He stops on the ramp, surveying the hatred from the crowd. From Vaughn's reaction, you'd think they were chanting his name, as he walks down the aisle with a cocky smile. He heads straight through the ropes and into his corner, stretching and preparing for a fight.

The lights in the arena drop out to pitch black, before gold and blue lights flash around the top of the entrance ramp as a heavy guitar rift. P.O.D's "Lights Out" plays and as the lyrics "It goes one for the money homie, two for the show. We tore the roof off this mother now it's time to blow." is sung, J2H confidently walks out on to the stage with Austin Parker.

Justin: On his way to the ring. Being Accompanied by Austin Parker. From Beverly Hills, California, weighing in at one hundred and seventy five pounds, He is 'The Living Legend' J 2 H!

Austin is wearing faded blue jeans, a plaid shirt, cowboy boots and hat, as he walks slightly in front of the shirtless J2H, wearing gold shorts, boots and knee pads with "J2H" written on the back of the shorts. J2H looks around the crowd before he walks towards the ring with, a confident look on his face. The lights brighten slightly as he gets closer to the ring, stepping up the steps and through the middle of the ropes and into the ring. He moves towards the center of the ring, putting his arms to either side as gold pyros spit up from the turnbuckles. J2H looks to the sky before looking down and round the fan, cockiness dripping from the young man. He turns to Austin giving him a head nod. Austin seemingly understood as he started to walk to the back. J2H turning back to glare at the men in the ring.

There was just one person that remained. That's when 5 Seconds of Summer's hit "No Shame" erupts over the sound system and the crowd turns to the stage where Helluva Bottom Carter dances out onto the stage amidst the cheers of the SCW Universe! Clad in his favorite Ostrich jacket and sparkling lavender shades over his eyes, Carter bows and sweeps at the waist, blowing a kiss.

Justin: And the last man for this match. From Seattle, Washington, weighing one hundred and seventy six pounds, he is 'The Hardcore Bottom' HELLUVA BOTTOM CARTER!

Carter runs toward the ring, slapping hands offered out to him all around the ringside area. He then hops up onto the ring apron in a split and slides beneath the bottom rope. He crawls seductively on all fours until he arrives in his corner. He pulls himself up and removes his shades and jacket, passing them out to the ringside attendant before laying across the top corner, awaiting for the match to begin.


With the bell sounded all six men found themselves standing there in the ring. Keeping an eye on each other. Not sure who was going to make the first move and considering the high stakes of the match. The crowd was giving off that big fight feel energy with their reaction. All of the sudden Entity blasted J2H with "SOON FORGOTTEN" catching the former multi-world champion under the chin with the deadly kick as he dropped down to make the cover with Drew right there to count.




Justin: J2H will serve five minutes in the penalty box!

Adams: Woooooooooow! I didn't see that coming right out the gate!

Simone: Entity literally blind sided the Living Legend with that superkick!

Guy: Isn't he blind himself? That's why he wears a mask right?!

Drew was helping roll J2H out of the ring where the other referees helped the man to his feet to walk him towards the box before they shut the door and locked it. In the ring Entity was staring at the other men with a sinister smirk on his face. They were just as shocked as everyone else after what they had seen. Only to realize there was more of them than there was of him. Rodrigo, Artie, Carter, and Vaughn quickly all formed an alliance for a moment as they rushed the masked figure.

Taking their turns in connecting with punches and kicks. Slowly but surely wearing him down. Entity was down on one knee when Artie waved everyone away. They all backed up for a second before Artie came rushing in and connected with a perfect FACE WASH across the masked face of Entity sending the man out of the ring and causing him to hit the ground on the outside. Now that Entity was gone the brawl in the ring broke out. Carter and Vaughn squaring off. Rodrigo and Artie doing the same.

Simone: I can't say I fault these men for doing what they just did. They got rid of the ever unpredictable Entity while maybe the biggest threat in the match J2H is in that penalty box. Smartest thing they could do!

Adams: It was smart of them, but it wasn't smart on Entity's part. Making himself such a target when he wanted to taunt them the way they did.

Guy: Well that guy deserves to get a butt-whooping like that. Who hides behind a mask anyway? That's just coward stuff. Duhhh!

Adams: Aren't you hiding behind a mask? It's face paint. Kind of the same thing.

Guy: Wow! Imagine saying all people that were masks and face paint look alike. That's some mask-cist stuff!

Simone: Uh, I don't think that's a thing Guy!

Vaughn had Carter in the corner just unloading on him with a series of punches to the face and gut. Refusing to let him out of the corner even for a second. Artie could be seen getting the best of Rodrigo with their brawl. A couple of punches to the head backing him up to the ropes. That's when Artie grabbed a hold of the wrist of Rodrigo and WHIPPED him across the ring. Rodrigo went right for the ropes on the other side but when he got there he bounced off them to leap back grabbing Artie in the middle of the ring for a HANDSPRING CUTTER driving Artie into the mat with force.

Rodrigo got right back to his feet as he turned around to see Vaughn coming right for him. The Briefcase Holder was quick to land a kick to the gut of the Internet Champion. Before taking him down with a huge STUNNER causing Vaughn to spring into the air high before landing on the mat and quickly rolling out of the ring. Carter then grabbed a hold of Rodrigo and spun him around to take the man down with a WRISTLOCK ARM DRAG but Rodrigo rolled all the way through back on his feet. Before exploding forward and sending Carter over the top rope with a CLOTHESLINE to see the man topple to the outside.

Guy: Look out everyone! The weakest link is on a roll!

Simone: Rodrigo took a lot of offense to being put in this match and being forced to defend that briefcase. It's looking like he's out to prove a point.

Adams: It's about time. This is about the only match that Guy made that I'm on board with. I don't care that Rodrigo hasn't cashed in, but he's openly said he doesn't care about the briefcase before. That's the problem I have.

Guy: Well he learned today didn't he?! King Guy knows how to make the world go around!

On the outside Carter was starting to get to his feet as Rodrigo had been eyeing him up the entire time. That's when he turned and went running towards the ropes to hit them with force. Rodrigo came running back and leaped through the ropes for a SUICIDE DIV-NOOOO! In mid air Vaughn intercepted Rodrigo with a DROPKICK to the head that resulted in him landing on the apron and Rodrigo crashing and burning to the arena floor. Vaughn got down off the apron before finding himself being blasted with FOREARM to the face by Carter.

On the outside of the ring Entity could be seen starting to drag out a pair of ladders. Lifting up the first one and laying it across the ring apron as well as the barricade. Before picking up a second ladder and doing the same thing. Inside the ring Artie had a ladder in hand and was sliding into the ring with it. Picking up the ladder, Artie took one look at the bag that was hanging above the ring that had the key in it. He took a deep breath before setting up the ladder. Once it was secure he started to climb it, but he only got to the third step before Carter slid in and pulled him down off of it.

Carter went for something but Artie quickly blocked it. Before kneeing the Hardcore Bottom right into the gut to force him to double over. Artie then took the head of Carter and bounced it off the side of the ladder. Carter quickly flew back and rolled back out of the ring holding his head. Artie turned his attention back to the ladder, starting to climb it again.

Adams: I'm surprised by Artie's initiative here.

Simone: I'm not, not at all. Artie has gotten the wrestling bug. He wants to prove he belongs now. He's got a long way to go, but he could be one of the best with dedication.

Guy: Pfft! He looks like he's afraid of his own shadow!

Simone: Oh come on now. You want to talk about respect on Jayden's name earlier. Respect Artie, he's come a long way in a very short time!

Artie was on the fourth step when Vaughn came up from behind him and yanked him down. Artie landed on his feet before Vaughn connected with a massive chop to the chest causing Artie to stumble back some. All of the sudden Rodrigo could be seen LEAPING OVER the top of Artie from one of the corners as he connected with a huge CROSSBODY onto Vaughn and rolled them back to the outside with Rodrigo landing on top of Vaughn to unload with a series of punches. Once again leaving Artie alone in the ring as he began to climb the ladder again holding his chest where the chop had taken place.

Within seconds Artie was at the top of the ladder as he reached out to grab the black bag hanging above the ring. He was trying to untie it when ENTITY appeared from behind him at the top of the ladder. Artie froze in fear as he could sense the evil behind him. He slowly turned around to meet the soulless eyes of Entity but it was for all of a second with the Masked Enigma quickly lifting Artie onto his shoulders as he stood there on the ladder. Artie could be heard screaming as he was trying to wiggle himself free, but Entity had a good hold on him.

Simone: Woah! This looks like it's about to get dangerous!

Guy: Yiiiiiiiiiiiiis! Bring on the violence. Guy's bizarro world embodies it! Show them what this match is all about my minions!

Adams: I don't like the look in Entity's eye. Something isn't right.

Simone: Has there ever been anything right with him?!

Adams: Fair point Belinda, fair point!

Entity looked at the ladders on the outside of the ring that he had personally propped up. With the most evil smirk plastered across those painted lips. Entity LEAPED off the ladder and drove Artie THROUGH THE LADDERS with "INTO THE ABYSS" to a massive response from the crowd. The sound of metal banging and bending was heard for a brief second before the cameras cut over. Artie was out cold as Entity found himself rolling away laughing in the most demonic way.

Guy: Bah Gawd! He's Broken In Half!

Adams: This isn't the time for the mocking Guy! Artie looks like he is seriously hurt here!

Simone: What the hell was the Entity thinking?!

Adams: Belinda! This is a man that set Goth on fire. Not once but twice! There is no reasoning with him!

Simone: I just hope that Artie is going to be okay!

Jasmine and Jacob kneeled down beside Artie trying to check on him. As Drew was waving down medical personnel who were rushing out from the back. Seconds later Bobbie herself could be seen running down the ramp not far behind the EMTs. Entity was grabbed from behind by Vaughn who then slammed him face first into the ring apron before rolling him back into the ring to continue the fight. On the outside Bobbie was visibly shaking up as she watched the EMTS start to carefully load Artie onto the backboard, his night was clearly done.

Inside the ring Vaughn was unloading with those punches to Entity rocking the masked figure with each one. He then grabbed a hold of the wrist of Entity and attempted to whip him. Entity put a stop to it as he pulled Vaughn in and connected with a massive HEADBUTT that sent the Internet Champion stumbling across the ring. Before Entity could do anything else Rodrigo came from behind Entity and wrapped his small arms around the head and neck of the masked figure for a SLEEPER HOLD right there in the middle of the ring. He hung on as Entity tried to fight him off.

Simone: Rodrigo is doing his damndest to put Entity to sleep right now!

Adams: At five foot six and only a hundred and seventy pounds. I think it would take two of Rodrigo to try and put Entity down with a sleeper!

Guy: Huzzah! Guy finally knows who he reminds me of!

Simone: Who?! Rodrigo?!

Guy: Yiiis! Guy was always jealous of the orange people that lived in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory!

Adams: He's not an oompa loompa! Are you mad?!

Guy: He totally is, he's just a non orange one!

Entity found himself reaching behind him and grabbing a hold of Rodrigo's head bringing him over his shoulder to fling him to the mat with force. Rodrigo got up to his feet and found himself now standing between both Vaughn and Entity. The two men took one look at each other before taking a look at Rodrigo to form an alliance. Entity came in with a SHUFFLE SIDE KICK at the same time Vaughn connected with a ROARING ELBOW to the other side of Rodrigo's head. Taking the current briefcase holder out of the match for a moment.

Both men seemed pleased with their effort. However as soon as they turned around Entity and Vaughn were met with a SPRINGBOARD DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE from Carter that took them both off their feet. On the outside Jasmine could be seen unlocking the penalty box for J2H as his five minutes were up. He was frothing at the mouth to get into the ring and go after the man that had eliminated him. Once the door came open J2H took one step out before the DOOR SWUNG BACK into his face knocking him back into the penalty box. Cameras panned out to show that the man behind the door was JAYDEN HARRIS as he swung it open and then climbed into the box to start unloading with punches on J2H.

Guy: Everyone rise on your feet! My bestie has arrived!

Adams: Jayden is here! Jayden is out for revenge from earlier in the night!

Simone: I bet J2H is regretting sticking his nose in Jayden's business!

Adams: Especially with no Alexander Raven in sight to help out!

Jayden had J2H pinned up against the side of that box just unloading with forearms. Jasmine was trying to gain some control and get Jayden out of there but it wasn't working. Jayden slammed J2H's head against the bars of the box before dragging him out of it. Taking a hold of J2H's head again but this time leading with it as Jayden tossed the Living Legend over the barricade and into the crowd. They were losing it with excitement finding themselves this close to the action. Jayden got a running start before LAUNCHING himself over the barricade with a DIVING TACKLE to take J2H back down in the crowd.

Before getting right back to his feet and grabbing J2H to pull him up. Throwing punches that were leading them further and further away from the ring. Deeper into the crowd. Cameras finding themselves cutting right back to the ring. Carter and Rodrigo were now working together. As they had Entity up on the top turnbuckle before each one of them climbed the second rope. Taking one look behind them to see the ladder laying there on the mat. Before hooking Entity and taking him off the top turnbuckle with a DOUBLE SUPERPLEX slamming Entity onto the ladder!

Simone: Oooh! Entity's tailbone hit that ladder in a nasty way!

Adams: There's no denying that's going to truly affect his ability to climb a ladder!

Guy: Rub some salt in it. Ain't no thang but a chicken wang!

Adams: Let's see you get slammed on a ladder and see how you move after.

Guy: Uh... yeah your King is currently retired from in-ring competition!

Rodrigo got to his feet as he grabbed a hold of the very ladder that Entity had been slammed on. Picking it up to set it up in the middle of the ring. No sooner than it was set up Carter grabbed a hold of the man he just had an alliance with and spun him around. With a well placed kick to the gut Carter took Rodrigo down with "PASSION FRUIT" while hooking the legs of the briefcase holder. Right away Jacob slid into the ring to make the count.




Justin: Rodrigo will spend five minutes in the penalty box!

Carter released the cover he had on Rodrigo with a little bit of a shrug to his shoulders seemingly doing what he felt he had to do. Jacob was rolling Rodrigo out of the ring for him to be assisted to the box. As Carter took this opportunity to start climbing the ladder. He reached the top of it within seconds as he grabbed a hold of the black bag and then untied it to pull it down!

Adams: Carter has the key! Carter has the key!

Simone: He sure does Jason, but that's just part of this match. He now has to take that key and unlock the briefcase that's in the glass case at ringside!

Guy: Huzzah! So many puzzle pieces to this match.

Adams: Do I even want to know where you drew inspiration for all of this?

Guy: Jigsaw... would you like to play a game Jason?!

Simone: Nope! That's a big nope. You are on your own partner!

Taking the time to step down from the ladder, Carter finally met the mat. However no sooner than he was standing feet first to the mat. Vaughn slid right into the ring behind Carter and leaped into the air grabbing him from behind to drive him into the mat with "REVENGED" with force. Carter quickly dropped the bag as he rolled over holding the back of his head and neck. Vaughn had quite the smirk on his face as he picked up the bag and opened it up to reveal that golden key.

Simone: Peter has got to be the ultimate opportunist at times. That man just waits and waits for the perfect time to shine. Then strikes with everything he has.

Adams: Wait. Is this even legal? Carter is the one that pulled down the key.

Simone: I'm not the one that made the match. Ask him!

Guy: Oh yiiiis. It is very legal. Anyone can have the key. Anyone can have the briefcase. All that matters is who hangs it!

Adams: The chaos... we haven't even seen the half of it I feel!

Vaughn was climbing right on out of the ring with the key in hand. His eyes were focused on that glass case where the golden briefcase could be seen sitting in it. Taking the key, he placed it right into the hole where it belonged but all of the sudden he was CLUBBED from behind thanks to Entity. Vaughn quickly fired back with a punch. However as he did Entity came back with a kick to the gut. The Internet Champion doubled over which proved to be a mistake. Entity taking his head and dragging him away from the glass case.

Before placing Vaughn's head right between his legs. He lifted the Internet Champion up for a brief moment before driving him down head first to the concrete floor of the arena with "TAKEN TO THE GRAVE" causing the entire crowd to gasp in horror over the devastating move. Entity shoved Vaughn's now unconscious body away from him before standing up, Entity had quite the smirk on his lips as he grabbed a hold of the key and twisted it unlocking the glass case. With the door to it coming open Entity reached inside to pull out the golden briefcase!

Guy: Look at how pretty that thing is! Guy loooooooooooooves goooooolllldddd!

Adams: Calm down there Goldmember!

Simone: I have to admit with the chaos of this match. I'm surprised the briefcase is free so quickly! We're now just one climb of a ladder away from this match ending!

Entity held the briefcase in his hands up above his head. An immediate collective boo came from all the fans in attendance. His smirk widened as he stepped over the body of Vaughn and slid into the ring. As soon as Entity stood up Carter was trying to do the same thing. Entity wasn't going to let that happen as he rushed in and attempted to WHACK Carter in the back of the head but he must've had eyes in the back of his head as he DUCKED just in time causing Entity to miss wildly.

From swinging that briefcase so hard and missing, it caused Entity to drop the briefcase. Entity had a shocked look on his face as Carter came up behind Entity and grabbed a hold of that mask. He began to yank on it with everything he had. Trying to take the mask off but Entity's gloved hands came up right away and tried to prevent that from happening.

Guy: You can do it! Rip his freaking mask off!

Simone: History is repeating itself here. Remember their singles match a few months ago?!

Adams: Carter used that mask to his advantage and pinned Entity.

Simone: Some say that loss is the reason Entity never recovered.

Adams: I don't know if I'd say never recovered, but he certainly hasn't lived up to the hype.

Carter was tugging even harder, starting to cause the mask to come up off the head of Entity. Then in an attempt of desperation Entity kicked his foot back and LOW BLOWED Carter. Right away the Hardcore Bottom let go of the mask and dropped down to his knees. An enraged Entity forced his mask down before grabbing the gold briefcase. With no hesitation at all he spun around and DROVE the BRIEFCASE into the side of Carter's head knocking him back against the mat. Entity made the cover on Carter catching Jasmine's attention as she slid in to make the count.




Justin: Helluva Bottom Carter will serve five minutes in the penalty box!

As soon as Jasmine's hand hit the mat for a third time. The always angry Entity stood up and grabbed the hair of Carter before RAGDOLLING the man out of the ring to the referee's on the outside. They had no choice but to help Carter up and start to put him inside the box with Rodrigo. Entity taking the time to look up at the hook above the ring. He quickly picked that briefcase back up off the mat from hitting Carter before starting to climb the ladder. Showing signs of being slower and in some pain, but he kept on climbing.

Adams: Not this man. Not Entity! Anyone but Entity!

Simone: Two men in the penalty box! Peter is out of commission! J2H and Artie both gone from the match! This is Entity's for the taken!

Guy: Karma does not reward evil people. Trust your King on that!

Adams: ... Well Entity is pretty evil and it looks like it's about to reward him now!

Guy: Like King Guy said! Trust your King!

Entity was just reaching the top of the ladder. Bringing the briefcase up and setting it there as he reached for the hook to bring it over. Entity then started to lift the briefcase up. Before Vaughn could be seen LEAPING from a ladder he set up on the outside. He connected with a FLYING BODY PRESS onto Entity taking the masked figure off the ladder as both men came CRASHING to the mat below with the briefcase. Both men just laid there seemingly out of it for the time being leading to the entire arena starting to chant out loud.

Crowd: Holy Sh*t! Holy Sh*t! Holy Sh*t!

Drew and Jacob found themselves sliding into the ring out of concern. As they checked on both men, they could be seen moving around. Barely but they were moving. Soon enough Vaughn finally found himself rolling over to his knees. He was holding his ribs a little clearly from the impact of hitting the mat with Entity having some effect on him, but he was determined to get to his feet. Punching the mat to try and get rid of the pain before slowly standing up.

Vaughn was looking around for the briefcase as he saw it laying in the corner where it had landed. Stumbling towards the briefcase. On the outside Rodrigo was grabbing the bars of the penalty box shaking them. He was down to the last ten seconds of being in there and it was driving him nuts. Vaughn had the briefcase and turned back around to head for the ladder, as Drew unlocked the penalty box for Rodrigo. He came sliding into the ring with force and just blind sided the Internet Champion with a SPEAR that sent them both crashing into the ladder knocking it over.

Guy: Is this man speedy gonzales?! Holy crap!

Simone: I think that may have been the fastest I ever saw anyone slide into the ring.

Adams: Out here breaking world records! Someone might want to call up Guinness!

Desperation must have been settling in on Rodrigo starting to realize that this might be coming to an end for him. He grabbed that briefcase and dragged it to the center of the ring before turning back around to grab a hold of Vaughn pulling him up to his feet. Quickly Rodrigo connected with a SCOOP SLAM on Vaughn driving him down on top of that golden briefcase. Vaughn popped up in pain briefly before laying back down on the briefcase. Rodrigo then pointed to the top rope turnbuckle to a pop from the crowd. Clearly he had something in mind.

Stepping through the ropes before starting to climb the very corner that he pointed to. As soon as he was on the top rope Rodrigo took one look at Vaughn before making a cut throat motion and then leaping off for a MOONSAULT SENTON on top of the BRIEFCASE in the middle of the ring. Rodrigo bounced off of Vaughn's body and landed right on his knees. The crowd cheered the young man on as Rodrigo got right back to his feet and grabbed the ladder that he had knocked over. Standing it right back up and making sure it was secure in the middle of the ring.

Once he was satisfied, Rodrigo walked over and grabbed the briefcase pulling it out from under the body of Vaughn. This was his chance to shine and his chance to prove he could keep that briefcase. Rodrigo was slow, but doing his best to get up that ladder as fast as he could. Dragging the briefcase up the ladder with each step that he made.

Adams: Rodrigo is in prime position! I know a lot of people counted the man out, but he won that briefcase originally for a reason. This kid has promise!

Simone: For him to be in the ring with the likes of the men he's in here with and having a moment where he's this close to winning and retaining his briefcase. It says all it needs to Rodrigo has truly arrived!

Guy: Booooooooooooooooooooring!

Adams: At least the man has it in him to be here every week. A lot more than you can say for yourself.

Simone: Let's not take personal shots Jason.

Guy: Your king is really getting sick of your tongue. I'm about to make some calls to my minions in the back to come out here and handle business.

Adams: Oh I'm sooooo scared.

Simone: You've seen what his crazy mind has cooked up tonight. Do not taunt him!

Rodrigo was at the top of the ladder. Reaching up with one hand to grab the hook and then reaching up with the hand that had his briefcase in it. Trying to put it on the hook. That's when a CHOP to the back took pace Rodrigo groaning in pain as he leaned forward. Turns out that chop had come from Entity who was now grabbing the legs of Rodrigo and getting up under him. Within seconds he had Rodrigo in a position where he was sitting on his shoulders. In a frantic manner Rodrigo dropped the briefcase in the ring as it hit the mat and then bounced to the corner.

On the outside Jacob was walking over to the penalty box with Carter's time starting to expire. He was starting to lift the latch up to the door when Rodrigo came CRASHING into the penalty box thanks to a POWERBOMB from inside the ring to the outside. Rodrigo's body dented the door of the penalty box inward and caused it to topple over with Rodrigo's body on top of the door. Carter's time expired but he couldn't get out.

Simone: What an underhanded move! Entity knew Carter's time was coming up!

Adams: You know damn well he did! I hate to admit this, but that was actually genius on his part!

Simone: Are you really taking his side?!

Adams: No not at all! It's just a bright move!

Guy: ... Maybe Jason is the masked man! He's got evil ways to him!

Adams: How can I be the masked man if he's there and I'm right here!

Guy: CGI!

Simone: Oh boy, I think I've truly heard it all tonight.

Adams: The headache this man has given me tonight!

Carter could be heard shouting at the referee's to get Rodrigo off the door and to help him out. Jacob and Drew sprung into action as the cameras cut back to the ring. Entity was picking up the briefcase from off the mat as he turned around to face the ladder. However as soon as he turned around Vaughn rushed the man and connected with a SLING BLADE taking the masked figure off his feet. Entity found himself rolling right out of the ring leaving Vaughn alone with the briefcase. The smirk that was on the Internet Champion's face said it all. He knew it was over. He was about to win it all.

Snatching the briefcase off the ground and turning towards the ladder. He was soaking it in as he took one step at a time up the ladder. Hearing the boos seemed to get a little louder with each step he took, but the hate seem to motivate him as the smirk on his lips spread a little more. On the outside Jacob and Drew got Rodrigo off the penalty box but now the struggle of getting the door to open was bent. They were pulling as Carter frantically kicked the door with all he had trying to get it to open.

Adams: If this is how Peter wins. There's no way he can say he's the better man when Carter is literally trapped!

Simone: It's Peter, we're talking about Jason. He doesn't care about being the better man or how he wins. As long as he wins.

Guy: A win is a win. That King Guy will always stand by.

Simone: Even in a situation like this? We know you're a little out there but you have to know this isn't right!

Adams: This dude doesn't know two plus two Belinda. He doesn't have any common sense knowledge either.

Guy: It's five!

Adams: See! My point!

Simone: This night has been one to remember folks. I swear.

Carter KICKED upward once again and the DOOR SWUNG right open freeing himself from the penalty box. As fast as he could, Carter was crawling out as he looked towards the ring, seeing Vaughn was starting to approach the top of the ladder. He started to reach up and hang that briefcase on the hook, but just before he could succeed. Carter had leaped from the ring apron, to the middle turnbuckle, and then to where Vaughn stood connecting with a MISSILE DROPKICK causing Vaughn's legs to give out, the ladder to bend, and both men to crash to the ring mat. Every single fan in attendance seemed to let out a sigh of relief knowing it wasn't over yet.

Simone: That couldn't have come down anymore to the wire!

Guy: King Guy is impressed. That was indeed a close one!

Adams: A second later and Peter Vaughn would've been the Internet Champion AND the Golden Opportunity Briefcase holder!

Carter was holding his lower back a little as he forced himself back to his feet. He took one look over at Vaughn who was trying to get back to his feet already despite the fall. Right away Carter went for the cover as he climbed to the top rope and perched himself there for just a brief second. Long enough to wait for Vaughn to turn around. Once he did, Carter threw himself out and caught the Internet Champion "FRUIT FLY" driving Vaughn's head off his shoulder before sending him flying across the ring. Carter sat up realizing that he was the only one left standing in the ring.

Right away he forced himself up to his feet and proceeded to grab a hold of the ladder that was knocked over. Grabbing the legs to it and spreading it out to make it stand up straight. Making sure it was secure Carter frantically looked around the ring for the briefcase. Finding it laying on the edge of the ring apron, as he quickly snatched it up and then turned back towards the ladder. Reaching out and began to climb it one step at a time. Dragging that briefcase up with him. At this point it had to feel heavy with the further and further the match went.

Guy: The Bottom has the briefcase! But can he hang it?!

Adams: Carter has the perfect chance right now.

Simone: Could you imagine what this would do for Carter's career?! It would finally put him over the top!

Guy: About freaking time if you ask your King!

Carter was closing in on reaching the top of the ladder when Vaughn found himself crawling over and reaching the other side of the ladder. Reaching out for it and starting to pull himself up. Carter tried to be a little faster when he took notice of Vaughn climbing the other side. Once he was at the top Carter reached for the hook and pulled it over to start lifting his other hand up with the briefcase on it. He was close to hanging it when Vaughn landed a RIGHT HAND to the side of Carter's head breaking it up for the time being. Vaughn then landed another punch.

Then landed a third which had Carter starting to slump down the ladder some. Vaughn grabbed the hand that had the briefcase in it and was attempting to jerk it out of Carter's hand, but it wasn't going to happen without a fight. Carter now swinging with his left hand to connect with a few punches refusing to let go of the briefcase. Both men engaged in a slug fest at the top of the ladder which had all the fans on the edge of their seats as they watched.

Simone: One of these men has got to give up!

Adams: You'd have to assume one of those punches is going to clean the clock of the other. But so far they're just eating them like cupcakes!

Guy: Who has cupcakes?! Gib to your King!

Adams: Go ahead. Go get in the ring. I'm sure they'll give you one!

Simone: Jason! Don't set the poor man up like that!

At the top of the ladder, the two of them continued to slug it out at the top of the ladder. All of the sudden life could be seen back in Entity as he pulled himself up on the ring apron. He looked at the two men slugging it out at the top of the ladder before grabbing the top rope to SPRINGBOARD into the air. Entity was mid-flight when he spit mist for "BLINDING NIGHTMARES" right into Carter's face before he hit the mat hard rolling back out of the ring as Carter could be heard screaming at the top of the ladder blinded by the red mist that covered his face.

Guy: Ewwwwww! What was that?!

Simone: Entity just blinded Carter with that red mist!

Adams: He can't see! He cannot see! This is the worst position to be in at the top of a ladder!

Vaughn could be seen yanking the briefcase out of Carter's hand before CLOBBERING it across the face of the blinded man. Carter instantly fell off the ladder and hit the mat below. The crowd was in shock as Vaughn reached up and grabbed the hook. Before taking the briefcase and HANGING it in place. Causing the bell to ring right away.


Justin: Here is your winner and the NEW Golden Opportunity briefcase holder, PEEEETTTTEEEERRR VAAAAUUUGGGHHHNNNNN!

Vaughn leaned against the ladder in pain, but that smirk of his was shining through slowly lifting his hand up in victory. The cameras showed a wide shot of the chaos and bodies laying around the ring from all that had taken place. Fans started to boo heavily as it didn't appear this was the outcome they had wanted, but there was no changing it.xx

Adams: This may have been one of the craziest matches I have ever seen!

Guy: Yiiiis! Yiiiiis! Stroke King Guy's ego. Very gooooood!

Simone: I don't think you're going to get much more out of Jason after that Guy, but I will say that overall this was a very entertaining night. Good job on your end.

Guy: Huzzah! The King knows how to please his people.

Adams: And thank god this night is over. I don't have to deal with him anymore!

Guy: Pfft, letting that hater show. That being said, Guy has to go in the back and find the holy Christian. Got a big idea to discuss before the show ends!

The headset came off of Guy as he could be seen sprinting away from the commentator's booth. Back inside the ring Vaughn was now climbing down the ladder with the briefcase back in his hand. Once his feet hit the mat, Drew brought over the Internet Championship causing Vaughn to snatch it up. Taking the title and the briefcase to lift it high above his head. Showcasing his dominance with the booing fans all around. This was the last image before the cameras cut backstage rapidly.

Cameras had left the ringside area where the main event had just wrapped up. When they managed to catch up with the King of the evening. GUY was smiling from ear to ear for a show well done. Rounding the corner, he found himself bumping right into Scott Oliver. Right away Guy threw his hands up into the air in an excited manner.

Guy: Huzzah! The man that smells like funny trees!

Scott Oliver: Uh... you smell that?! Don't tell anyone. It was just one smoke break. And the show is pretty much over!

Guy: Fines! Fines all around for you!

Scott Oliver: Shhhh! Come on man, be cool!

Guy: Pfft! Sir, do you know who you're talking to? It's King Guy! He invented cool!

His lips curled a little more into a smirk.

Scott Oliver: Listen man. I'm not telling you this as a way to kiss up and make sure you don't tell on me or anything but...

Guy: That sounds fishy... But go on. Stroke your King's Ego!

Scott Oliver: A lot of the talk among people in the back was this was one of the most entertaining shows of the year. It's going to be a little hard to top. Honestly good job. We all needed some of the laughs we've got!

Guy: Yiiiis! Yiiiiiis! King Guy does have a brilliant mind!

Literally, he reached behind himself and patted himself on the cape that covered his back. Scott standing there with an arched eyebrow shaking his head from side to side.

Guy: As a matter of fact King Guy was on his way to talk to the Holy Christian fella about keeping your King around a little longer. He clearly knows how to deliver to his minions. This show is better than anything the Queen could ever do and it can get even more wild and crazy from here. So many ideas!

Still covered in paint, an annoyed Victoria approaches Guy.

Victoria Lyons: There you are! Would you look at me? I look ridiculous! It's going to take HOURS to get this paint out of my hair!!! I am the Queen of SCW!! Look at me!!

She glares at Guy annoyance in her eyes

Victoria Lyons: You think this is funny don't you? You think this is a joke?! You are the only joke around here, while I am the future of the Bombshell division and the entire company. You're no true king. You're just...just....just some guy in a stupid cape!

Guy: Pfft. Guy is more than that. He's also technically the REASON you won! Better respect that or...

She glares at Guy right in his eyes, and then with a smirk and no warning, suddenly kicks him square in his royal jewels! As Guy lays on the ground, clutching to his little soldiers, she squats down over him, grinning.

Victoria Lyons: Long live the Queen.

With that, and a flip of the hair that ends up getting some paint droplets to splatter on Scott Oliver she walks away from the scene, as the cameras focus back on Guy lying there on the ground holding the royal jewels. Within a few seconds the cameras faded to black ending the show.

THANK YOU! to everyone who wrote for this show!

THANK YOU! to everyone who wrote for this show!