Climax Control

The crowd is alive with energy inside of the Estadio Luna Park in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The camera scans around the capacity crowd, cheering and waving while holding up signs for their favorites. The energy is at an obvious fever pitch when Justin Decent, standing inside of the ring alongside famed Argentine singer, Juan Pedro Lanzani.

Justin: Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of Christian Underwood, Mark Ward, and everyone in Sin City Wrestling, we would like to welcome you to the famed Estadio Luna Parkin Buenos Aires, Argentina for Climax Control!

The fans in attendance cheer!

Justin: Now to sing the Argentine National Anthem, please help me welcome ... Juan Pedro Lanzani!

The fans are on their feet, cheering the famed Argentine recording artist! Justin passes the house microphone to her and as the music begins to play, Juan Pedro Lanzani opens the show...

Juan Pedro Lanzani: Oíd, mortales, el grito sagrado:
"¡Libertad! ¡Libertad! ¡Libertad!"
Oíd el ruido de rotas cadenas
ved en trono a la noble igualdad

Ya su trono dignísimo abrieron
las Provincias Unidas del Sud
y los libres del mundo responden:
"¡Al gran pueblo argentino, salud!"
"¡Al gran pueblo argentino, salud!"
Y los libres del mundo responden:
"¡Al gran pueblo argentino, salud!"
Y los libres del mundo responden:
"¡Al gran pueblo argentino, salud!"

Sean eternos los laureles,
que supimos conseguir,
que supimos conseguir.
Coronados de gloria vivamos
o juremos con gloria morir!
O juremos con gloria morir!
O juremos con gloria morir!

The song ends and the crowd cheers! Juan Pedro Lanzani smiles and takes a bow before she passes the house mic back to the hands of Justin Decent and is assisted from the ring as the show is set to begin!

Simone: Hello and Welcome to beautiful Argentina, where we are live with Climax Control. I'm Belinda Simone

Adams: And I'm way too hooked on TV shows but you can call me Jason Adams.

Simone: Seven matches of pure entertainment for you tonight and we start with the Bombshells.

Adams: Candy Overton has stepped up the ladder, becoming a number one contender but tonight she's up against a woman looking for her first SCW win. They say the opening matches set the tone for the show and this one is sure to do that, we have two high flying, technically gifted stars here and they will be putting it all on the line to entertain you. Can't wait for this one.

Simone: One half of the Tag Team champions are in action tonight.

Adams: Andrew Watts is back in the ring and he's up against a former Tag Team champion in Joshua Acquin. Joshua has been on a slide lately, but a victory against Andrew Watts would fire him straight up the ranks. The problem? Andrew doesn't lose too often which makes it a huge challenge for Joshua. Should be be successful, it could be the biggest win of Joshua's SCW career.

Simone: Goth has been on a huge roll lately, having won week in, week out for months.

Adams: Tonight he is up against a big challenge, big being the right word as he's in the ring against Dark Tiger Sebastian Hardin. The Hardin's made it clear that solo gold is on their mind and Dark Tiger has that chance tonight. Goth has been on fire lately, destroying opponent after opponent, Can Dark Tiger buck that trend?

Simone: Debuts fill up seventy five percent of the next match.

Adams: Very big debuts, because Desmond Knight is an SCW star, and he's teaming with a very powerful force in Helena Ring. They will be going up against the third debutant in the match, Lyah Lindberg and recently returned Ben Jordan. Hot Stuff last week forced the girlfriend of Drake Green to sign a contract to wrestle here, and quickly stopped Drake Green from debuting with her as her partner, but never stopped Drake's friend Ben from stepping in. Ben will wanna continue his winning streak but the other three will be desperate to get off on the right foot here. Anything can happen in this mixed tag match.

Simone: Internet Championship on the line!

Adams: Everyone's favorite loony Despayre is here tonight but he's fighting a man who takes pleasure in causing pain, Connor Murphy! Murphy's forgot more moves than most remember, he's a dangerous, dangerous man, but Despayre has dealt with everything thrown at him. Connor is desperate to become a champion here and this could be the night. Despayre will have to bring everything he's got to get past the challenger.

Simone: Hometown lady Mercedes Vargas will be entertaining her hometown fans.

Adams: But she's up against a bag of nuts and loose screws in Alexis Edwards. Alexis is crazy and would love nothing more to embarrass Mercedes in her home land, but there's a lot of pride on the line here and pride could drive Mercedes through. No one likes to lose at home, and Mercedes is no different. She will be giving it everything she has to shine through and pick up the win, but Alexis is capable of causing an upset.

Simone: Main Event time!

Adams: Bombshell Internet Championship on the line as Amy Marshall makes her first defense, but she's up against a woman who is attempting to become a champion for the first time in SCW, Lucy Seraphina. Lucy has caught the bosses eye lately with her solid performances in the ring, but Amy is a pro, a champion at every level and will not take Lucy's challenge lightly. This could be a match to truely remember.

Simone: It will be Jason.

Adams: I know, so less yacking and more face smacking!

The show is under way as suddenly Monster and Animal I have become hits as Goth and Samuel McPherson walk out to the arena as they are followed by Goth’s wife Sapphira. The fans boo the SCW Roulette champion and the other Monstimals stable partner as they enter the arena. Samuel enters the ring first as Goth assists his wife and gets in as last. He walks over to the ring announcer and demand the microphone from Justin.

Goth: "I know that deep down inside your stinking guts you are overjoyed to see us huh???"

Goth is welcomed by an overwhelming ovation of boos from the fans as he laughs at them.

Goth: "You see this Samuel??? See how people suddenly turn their back on you when you join forces with two other men and show power the week after????"

Samuel McPherson: "Yaarrp!"

Goth: "I could not have said it any better Samuel, you see. It already tells me that people like the sympathy persona’s for their ability to make them feel that they can identify with them. Men like Drake Green sure as hell got his money’s worth when me, Samuel and Raab destroyed him."

Crowd: "Assholes!! Assholes!!!"

Goth: "As the crowd give us their approval…."

Goth bursts out in laughter as he allows the crowd to get even louder

Goth: "Because I’m too blind to see your ignorance and I’m too much of an asshole to care!! We are those who break those who are meant to be broken!! We are those who have watched from the sidelines for way too long. No, now it is our time to create a legacy that is far beyond your very own imagination!! And if it means that we have to take names and spill their blood to get the job done…. We will do it!!!!"

The crowd boo even louder as Goth looks at Samuel.

Goth: "Doesn’t this just sound like the sound of those whose lives are wasted to us Samuel???"

Samuel McPherson: "Yaarrp!"

Goth: "And to those who can identify with us, those who feel limited because you are different. Those who do not have anything to hold onto… I give you the NEW SCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!! Lord Raab!!!!!"

Monster by Skillet plays over the sound system as Henry Losak steps out and then comes the new SCW World Heavyweight champion Lord Raab with the title around his waist as Henry walks in front of Lord Raab down the ramp as Henry holds the ropes open for Lord Raab as he steps through the ropes with the lights going to dim as Raab slashes his hand across his neck and as soon as he puts his arm down, the pyro comes straight out of the turnbuckles as he then has his hands up with the pyro sparking out of them, celebrating Raab's moment of glory with Goth, Samuel and Sapphira in the ring with them as they let Raab stand in the middle of the ring as Goth gives the microphone to Raab before he speaks to the crowd.

Lord Raab: "Ah, who gives a fuck about you fans with my hard work of being champion goes only to myself along with Samuel and Goth of course. They are the ones that had faith in me to be holding this glorious belt. I have no plans on changing the design at all because being the SCW World Heavyweight champion fits perfectly to me and I already heard rumours about Kain taking time out after I've destroyed almost the life out of the man. He gave up just like that."

Crowd boo the hell out of The Monstimals and Raab couldn't care less about the crowd booing him and he speaks again.

Lord Raab: "As long as I'm champion, Sean Jackson won't get another championship shot because he's been champion in the past and plus, we need to shake things up a bit in this division, something that's been lacking heavily over the past few months. People like from what Henry told me about a certain wrestler recently that he's a monster like me on Casey Williams deserves a title shot against me to prove that there's on..........."

Henry Losak: "The one and only monster of SCW which is of course Lord Raab himself."

Goth: "That's right and we embrace this monstrous force with us to the ring along with the animal of Samuel and the devil of me."

Samuel McPherson: "Yaarrp."

Lord Raab and Goth hold their titles in the air with Raab saying this is mine bitches which raises even more boos in the crowd as he even hugs the title and he speaks again.

Lord Raab: "Yes and I also take great interest in giving Simon Jones another chance of a title shot against me as well along with Ben Jordan as well, people who have proven to be Heavyweight contenders. I'd like to think Brother Grimm would be too, but it's far too early to determine on that. Maybe even Tim Staggs would be another good choice as well, but they all got to prove to beat me before getting their title shots against me."

Henry Losak: "These monsters, animals and devils are the ones destructing the earth right now with their brute force and power as it was proven last week after ripping the limbs off from Drake Green. These last two weeks have been fun for us The Monstimals group and that will continue on in the future of SCW."

Goth: "While I have to leave you guys, I got to go to the back with my lovely wife who is the best looking lady out of all of you disgusting whore chicks in the crowd as I got a beating to put on Sebastian Hardin for my Roulette title later tonight, but as long as we hold these Roulette and the World Heavyweight titles, we are a force to be reckoned with."

Goth holds his title in the air as Sapphira gives a handshake to Raab for his achievement and Goth lifts the rope open for Sapphira to get out of the ring and they walk up to the ramp towards backstage as it leaves the other members of The Monstimals in the ring as Henry speaks.

Henry Losak: "That's right that Goth has a title to defend which I'm sure he'll defend with no problems at all, but the beatings and the punishing will continue throughout the entire time Raab, Samuel and Goth are wrestling on this roster and hopefully have Samuel make his debut for SCW very soon in a team with either Raab and/or Goth very soon. We'll let you freaks continue with the show for now."

Lord Raab: "But let me make thing one clear Casey, until we get in the ring, you better watch me in the ring whenever I have my next match, showing what a true monster can do in the ring. Yes we'll let you idiots enjoy the show of Goth beating the shit out of Sebastian Hardin for his Roulette title tonight and watch us be the destructive force of SCW. Raab era has arrived and I will show my team what I can do to defend this wonderful title at costs. Lets leave this stupid fans to watch how Goth defends his title."

Samuel McPherson: "Yaarrp."

While Samuel and Henry leave the ring, Raab raises his arms up with the title on his left hand before placing them down with the pyro coming out of the turnbuckles as he goes in between the ropes to leave the ring as he holds the title in the air before walking backstage as the cameras go back to ringside for the action to start in the wrestling ring.

Justin: The following contest is the opening match of the night and is a Bombshell match. Introducing first...

I told 'em all where to stick it
I left town with a dime to my name
Said Im done with all of my fake friends
Self-righteous pawns in a losing game
Got my band and a light that won't go out
Been burning since the day I was born
So I'll cry just a little then I'll dry my eyes
Cause I'm not a little girl no more

Grow up by Paramore begins to blare all across the sound system and as it does Kate Steele along with her husband Todd Warren begins to emerge from the back curtain. Kate has a huge smile on her face as she stares at the roaring crowd who are all cheering her on. She begins to sprint down the aisle as she claps the hands of outstretched fans.

Justin: From Berkshire, England. Weighing in at one hundred and ten pounds, she is The Siren Kate Steele!

And some of us have to grow up sometimes
And so if I have to I'm gonna leave you behind
Some of us have to grow up sometimes
And so if I have to I'm gonna leave you behind
We get along for the most part
Me and reality, the light in the dark
And we live alone, in two different worlds
Me in a fantasy, you and your memories
But we get along

Kate finally makes it to the ring and she quickly runs up the ring steps as she grabs the turnbuckle as hard as she can. She immediately leap frogs over the ropes and bounces about before she points at the crowd cheering her on. She closes her eyes placing a single finger over her lips offering the Shhhh sound which all the fans follow in. She takes her place in the corner afterwards waiting for the match to begin.

Justin: And her opponent....

The opening riff of "That's The Way" echoes throughout the sound system as the house lights drop down. A classic film style countdown begins on the screen as the crowd is beginning to become rather intrigued by what is happening. Before the counter hits zero, silence befalls the sound system.

"Everybody wants an easy ride on the merry-go-round that we call life
Take a drive on cruise control, then you wake to find it's a winding road
I had my dreams in view when the money ran out and the engine blew
Hung my tears out to dry, then my dreams fell outta the clear blue sky
And I, I was walking in the clouds feeling so safe and sound
'Til something else knocks me down"

The words burst through the sound system as plum and silver lights begin to bounce around the sold out arena. A woman with dark, raven hair steps out from behind the curtain as the crowd has no idea what is happening. The raven hair female walks down the ramp holding a silver clutch in her right hand while stopping at the bottom of it. She gives a half smile half smirk towards the crowd before looking over her shoulder back toward the stage.

"Oh and that's the way it is
You gotta roll with the punches
Oh and that's the way it goes
You gotta bend when the wind blows
You live, you learn
You crash, you burn
It's hit or miss
And that's the way it is"

The crowd has started to murmur underneath their breaths as a woman sucking on a lollipop walks out from behind the curtain. The crowd lets out a sigh of relief as they realize that it's Candy Overton making her presence known to the world. She is sucking on her trademark lollipop while waving toward the crowd. Her facial expressions almost change in an instance when she notices the raven haired female standing at the bottom of the ramp. The woman holds that clutch she had been holding high into the air as Candy slowly walks down the ramp.

Justin: Introducing at this time being accompanied to the ring by Miss Ravenwood. She hails from Salt Lake City, Utah but currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada please welcome Candy Overton.

"One fine day you wake up, completely, hopelessly fallen in love
He's just what you're looking for, the only problem is that the man's not sure
Another guy will give you everything, the only problem is you don't feel a thing
Well I know from experience, nothing's ever gonna make perfect sense
Oh, one day you get what you want, but it's not what you think, then you get what you need"

Candy finally meets Miss Ravenwood at the bottom of the ramp. Miss Ravenwood gets almost right in Candy's face as she is berating her. Candy shakes her head while sticking a lollipop into her mouth. She hops up onto the ring apron, enters it the normal lady way and continues to wave at her fans. Miss Ravenwood openly slaps Candy across the face as the song begins to fade.


Candy and Kate move to the middle of the ring, both ladies putting their hands out and slapping each others before locking up in the ring, Kate pushes Candy back to the ropes and Jasmine calls for the break. Kate breaks clean and steps back. Candy advances and the two lock up again, this time Candy spinning Kate towards the ropes and pushing her back on them. Candy breaks cleanly and moves away. The two lock up a third time in the center of the ring and Candy slips behind Kate, lifting her off her feet and planting her face first in to the canvas. Candy moves around Kate, locking her in a front face lock before lifting her to her feet and quickly dropping her with a sharp DDT.

Simone: Great chain wrestling there.

Candy stands over Kate and pulls her to her feet, moving in behind her and grabbing her head before charging and dropping her with a bulldog! Kate's head bounces off the floor and she tries to roll away but Candy pulls her to her feet, lifting her over with a quick snap suplex. Candy stands up and rolls away and waits for Kate to return to her feet. As she does, Candy moves in behind, jumping in the air and wrapping her legs around Kate's head from behind before dropping back with a reverse hurricanruna!

Adams: Wowzer!

Candy flips Kate on to her back and goes for the cover. Jasmine drops down to make the count


Kate gets a shoulder up!

Adams: Kate is very much still in this one.

Candy pulls Kate to her feet and whips her towards the ropes. Kate bounces back and catches Candy with a spinning wheel kick, catching her on the jaw and turning the tide of the match. Candy rolls away but Kate quickly moves in with a stomp before pulling Candy to her feet. Kate moves behind Candy and lifts her over and off her feet with a quick German suplex, slamming Candy's head in to the canvas. Kate moves away from Candy and to the ropes, grabbing the top rope and jumping, bouncing on the middle rope and spinning around, landing a springboard legdrop on to Candy's chest.

Simone: Kate building up a head of steam here.

Kate moves over to the corner and pulls herself on to the ropes, she turns to face the ring before jumping off with a frog splash, crashing down on Candy! She quickly hooks the leg and Jasmine drops down to make the count


Candy forces Kate off.

Adams: Kate really showed off her high flying ability there, she was like a bird, or a plane.

Kate pulls Candy to her feet and nails her with a martial arts kick to the leg with her right foot, followed by a left to Candy's arm. She tries to catch Candy with a third to the head, but Candy ducks. Kate keeps spinning and goes for the leg sweep but Candy leaps over it. As Kate spins to face Candy again, Candy spins around and hits a roundhouse kick to the face!

Adams: Last time I saw something like that, I was watching a ninja movie.

Kate gets back to her feet but Candy charges towards the ropes. She bounces back and jumps in the air with a flying head scissiors, wrapping her legs around Kate's head and pulling her over. Kate rolls through and gets back to her feet, but Candy moves in and jumps in the air again and lands a dropkick on to Kate's chest and sending her against the ropes. Candy charges at Kate, but Kate moves to the side and Candy runs chest first in to the ropes. Kate pulls her backwards and rolls her in to a pin, Kate sitting on Candy's legs, but before Jasmine can count, Candy kicks her off, sending Kate chest first in to the ropes. As she stumbles backwards, Candy pulls her over in a schoolboy pin, but Kate rolls away and springs to her feet before Candy can get up and jumps up in the air with a standing senton, crushing Candy under her weight.

Simone: Great standing senton.

Adams: These two are putting on a wrestling clinic here.

Kate pulls Candy to her feet and hooks up her head. Kate quickly lifts Candy in the air and drops her down with a brainbuster!

Simone: That rocked the ring!

Kate rolls Candy on to her back, covering her and Jasmine drops down to make the count


Candy barely kicks out!

Simone: How did she kick out of that?

Kate shakes her head and gets to her feet, pulling Candy with her. She lifts Candy on her back in a Samoan drop position.

Simone: Kate could be looking for the Punk Driver!

Candy wiggles off Kate's back and lands on her feet behind her. Candy hooks up Kate's head and lifts her over with an inverted suplex, driving the back of Kate's head in to the canvas! Candy pulls herself on top of Kate and hooks the leg. Jasmine drops down to make the count


Kate pushes her shoulder up, breaking the count.

Simone: I thought that was it.

Adams: By the mass intake of air from everyone here, so did the fans.

Candy brushes the hair out of her eyes and gets to her feet. She pulls Kate to her feet and kicks her in the gut, pulling her in to a double underhook and dropping her down with a facebuster.

Simone: Candy building up momentum now.

Candy pulls Kate to her feet, hooking up her head and charges at the ropes, she uses it as a springboard and jumps around with a bulldog.

Simone: Tooth Decay!

Adams: No!

Kate pushes Candy off, sending her flying across the ring and landing hard on her back. Kate straightens up and looks towards the ropes. She moves over and pulls herself up on the top rope. She smirks as she places a single finger to her lips to quiet the crowd. The crowd becomes quiet before she jumps to the top turnbuckle. Candy stands back up and Kate leaps off the turnbuckle flipping over her opponent to drive them directly into the mat with a powerful blockbuster!

Simone: Silence Is Golden.

Adams: People have been telling that for years, whenever I talk too much.

Kate rolls Candy on to her back and hooks the leg. Jasmine drops down to make the count



Justin: The winner of the match, Kate Steele!

Simone: Now that's how you start off a show.

Adams: That was so backwards and forwards, both these women deserved to win this one, but Kate Steele picks up her first win in SCW.

The camera focuses on Kate Steele, her arms raised, before cutting back elsewhere.

The Bombshell champion, Mikah is seen walking directly into Mark Ward and Christian Underwood's office, wearing a pair of short daisy duke like jean shorts and thigh high black suede boots. She had transformed her own MIKAH black shirt into a crop top, baring her midriff. Christian looks up as the door smacks against the wall and he rolls his eyes as he sees Mikah standing there, a bottle of Jack Daniels in one hand, with two glasses and a liter of coke in the other hand.

Mikah: “Christian, how is it that you can't even have your idiotic staff do such a simple task as giving me my own locker room? Because it appears that I do not have my own locker room today. I am going to assume that it is your doing, of course.”

She nods her head before setting the Jack Daniels on Mark's desk and the liter of Coke next to it.

Mikah: “So, since I do not have a locker room to hole myself up in, I will be using your office as one. I know Mark won't mind but since this is YOUR fault, Christian, I do see this as the ONLY solution.”

Christian: I'm sure we can find you a dumpster to sit in. It's where we keep the trash.

Hot Stuff fires his eyes at a smiling Christian, but Mikah takes it upon herself and sits down in an empty chair, crossing one leg over the other before grabbing one of the glasses and making herself a drink. She sets the other glass up and looks at Mark, raising an eyebrow.

Mikah: “Do you want a glass too?”

Christian slowly shakes his head. Mikah takes a drink of her Jack and Coke before setting it down on the edge of Mark's desk.

Mikah: “This is going to be such a fun night.”

The scene opens with Casey Williams backstage in the gorilla position. The opening horn and guitar rift to Cradle of Filth's "Thank God For The Suffering" start to blast through the speakers, as red and dark blue lights start to flash, the blue cutting through the red to create a purple effect. The fans boo as the lyrics kick in.

"I, I still recall, the first full moon of May
‘Neath whose rays we lay together
And those bright nights on glassy waves
When we would glide lightly away
From the grain
For wicked flights of pleasure

Those visions fade
Like ghosts to life’s parade
Though incisions once made Her so vivid
A scarlet whore
With both heels in the door
Of a heaven severed from me, insipid"

Casey Williams appears at the top of the ramp, looking around at the crowd and not moving, his eyes burning holes through the crowd.

"And midst the writhe of parapets
Where angels sigh, lonely she sits
Upon the lip
Only a slip from whence I beg Her

That I would wish
Her kiss a chrysalis
To break to make my fluttered heart amiss
And in those frozen moments won
From grief that creeps to wreathe the sun
In drapes inwove with deaths head wing
I thank God for the suffering"

Casey lets out a roar, his arms out wide before he looks around the crowd, focused. The Freight Train Of Pain starts to walk towards the ring slowly, stopping halfway down the ramp and turning his head to look at the booing crowd, their thumbs pointing down. Casey shakes his head slowly and turns back to face the ring, walking down towards the apron. Casey puts his hand on the rope, and pulls himself up on to the ring apron and steps over the top rope, staring around at the booing fans. Casey raises his arms as the fans boo louder and motions for a microphone.

Casey: I am putting Lord Raab on notice. I am coming after him and his Heavyweight title, because he and Goth ruined what was a well deserved celebration of my opponent last week in Drake Green. As much as Drake and I may not like each other, we have a mutual respect for each other, seeing we both elevate the other to be a better competitor, and better at our own skills outside the ring.

Casey cackles as the scene fades to black.

Love the Way You Hate Me - Like a Storm bursts over the speaker system, the arena instantly livens up as the crowd stand to their feet, some booing, some cheering, but all of them respecting. The arena lights slightly dim as an explosion of sparks and mini fireworks erupt at the top of the entrance ramp. As the explosion fades Andrew Watts comes walking down the entrance ramp, Watts has a look of confidence on his face, as he sets for his following match. Watts smirks as he makes his way down the entrance ramp, staring ahead at the ring. Behind him, Ethan Alexander and Desiree Parker walk to the ringside area.

Justin: Making his way to the ring, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing in at 248 pounds. The Original Renegade, Andrew Watts!

Watts makes his way to the ring and he hops up onto the apron. Watts pauses for a second, holding onto the top rope, staring into the ring before he enters in through the middle rope. Watts walks to the center of the ring where he pauses for a second, looking down at the ground for a few seconds, our cameras staring straight at Watts. Watts head shoots up, looking forward, his right arm shooting into the air, his hand in the renegade formation(Kliq sign) as he stands like this for a few seconds, before his music fades and he walks to a nearby corner, ready for his match.

Simone: Watts looks ready for this match for sure. I hope Acquin will be ready for this.

Adams: Speaking of Acquin…

“Nightmare” Hits the PA as Joshua walks out from the back with boos from the crowd. As he walks slowly to the ring he avoids all contact from fans.

Justin: And his opponent from Las Vegas Nevada, weighing in at 227 pounds…Joshua ACQUIN!

Once in the ring he goes up to the middle rope of the turnbuckle, drawing boos from the crowd as he holds up his arms.

Adams: He looks ready too. This could be anyone’s match tonight.


The referee motions for the bell and Andrew quickly moves across the ring and takes Joshua off his feet with a clothesline. Acquin gets to his feet, one hand rubbing at his chest as he glares back at Watts. The pair locks up in a collar and elbow tie up that Acquin turns into a headlock on Watts. Grinding down on his ear, Acquin forces Andrew to the mat by flipping him over his hip with the headlock still applied. Watts fights his way to his hands and knees then twists the arm around his neck into a hammerlock on Acquin. Both men move up to their feet again.

Adams: If the start of this match is any indication, we are going to be in for a barn burner here

Simone: Look at you Jason, insightful and articulate. When did you get replaced?

Adams: Well aren’t we funny tonight?

Watts and Acquin lock up again and Acquin is able to force Watts into the corner and plaster him against the turnbuckle. Climbing on the middle rope, Joshua is able to rain down hard right hands as the fans count with him. At ten he jumps to the mat and then backs up as Watts shakes his head trying to clear it. Backing into the opposite corner, Acquin watches Andrew Watts stagger out of the corner and charges across the ring with a running clothesline that takes Watts into the ropes and with a hard kick, Acquin sends him out of the ring to the floor. Watts scoots backwards and pulls himself up on the barricade as Ethan Alexander moves to protect him. Acquin moves to the ropes and taunts Watts as the referee tries to force him back enough so that he can start counting Watts out. Acquin just pushes the referee back and reaches for Watts who was trying to climb back into the ring.

Adams: Acquin caught him I think, this doesn’t look good for the tag champion.

Simone: It looks like he has some back up though so Acquin should be smart and stay back.

Reaching up, Watts wraps a hand around the back of the head of Acquin and drops to the floor which pulls Acquin throat first on the top rope. Staggering away, Acquin again reaches for his neck as Watts quickly rolls into the ring and climbs the ropes. Acquin turns into a flying forearm that rocks him out of his boots. Watts quickly drops for a pin as he grinds his forearm into the face of his opponent. Acquin manages to kick out at two and rolls to the outside. Watts grabs the referee and gets his attention as Ethan Alexander catches Acquin and levels him with an American uppercut before rolling him back into the ring and the clutches of Watts. Grasping Acquin by the arm, Watts shoots him into the ropes and catches the rebounding Acquin, spinning to deliver a spinbuster. Grabbing his head, Acquin is rolled slightly and Watts pulls him into a pin.

Simone: This is quite possibly the end of the match. Watts definitely drove Acquin into the canvas that time.

Adams: Look, he managed to kick out.

Acquin rolls to the outside as Watts growls at the referee about a slow count. Acquin is sucking in his air as Ethan Alexander stalks towards him. Before he reaches Acquin, he is doubled over by a kick from Acquin. Grasping Alexander by the hair, he delivers a facebreaker knee smash that sends Ethan to the floor. Angrily, Watts rushes the ropes but Acquin is ready for him. Grabbing him by the leg, Acquin trips up Watts and pulls him out of the ring. Grabbing the head of Watts, Acquin rushes him towards the ring steps where he whips the tag champion into the steel. Acquin smirks as he leans over the fallen Watts who throws a punch that manages to catch Acquin in the chin spinning him around.

Simone: Even when he is down, Watts is able to fight back.

Adams: But it looks like he just made Acquin mad.

Inside the ring, the referee has reached an eight count before Watts rolls under the ropes and into the ring. Acquin is quick to follow him in and delivers a chop block to the back of Watts knee which brings the man down. As Andrew rolls over, Acquin smirks then using a jumping knee drop to the downed champion. Quickly grabbing his leg, Acquin rolls up Watts but only manages a two count as Andrew forces his shoulder up. Acquin slams his hands on the mat in frustration as Watts gets to his feet slowly. Moving closer, Acquin is about to grab Watts but is surprised as Watts steps into him and grasping him around the midsection, delivers a hard belly to belly suplex that lays out Acquin. Both men lay on the mat for a moment as they catch their breath. The referee begins to count as both men roll to their hands and knees. Watts is the first to a vertical base and watches as Acquin also gets to his feet but closer to the ropes. Charging to the ropes, Andrew Watts delivers his Shot of Anarchy which sends Acquin back to the mat but under the ropes.

Simone: Watts will not be able to make a pin with Acquin laying under the ropes like that.

Watts notices Alexander moving to Acquin and catches the referee’s attention by motioning that something seems to be wrong with his equipment. As he does, Ethan Alexander pulls Acquin to the floor and delivers some knees to the midsection then rolls Acquin into the ring. Watts moves around the referee and picks up Acquin who has made it to his knees. He whips Acquin into the ropes. Acquin manages to stop himself by grabbing the rope as Watts misses with a single legged dropkick. Acquin grabs the leg and wrapping it around his own, drops into a figure four that torques the legs of Watts making him scream in pain. Both men sit in the middle of the ring, Acquin taunting Watts about the pain as the referee is asking him if he wants to submit. Rolling around in pain and trying to force Acquin over onto his stomach, the tag champion shakes his head no, screaming at the referee in frustration as he finally manages to turn the hold against Acquin who is quick to break it.

Adams: That was close enough but luckily Watts was able to turn him

Watts gets to his feet and gingerly limps to the corner. Acquin follows him and then whips him across the ring into the corner while following him in with a running clothesline. Watts sags in the corner as Ethan gets on the apron to distract the referee. Acquin charges across and sends Alexander to the floor with a high knee strike then turns towards Watts once more. With a smile, he pulls the champion out of the corner and then kicks him in the midsection. As Watts is doubles over, Acquin ties up his arms and spinning him delivers the Nightmare. Watts falls like a ton of bricks and Acquin rolls him over and grabs his leg to pin Watts. The referee slams his hand down to the canvas.




Getting to his feet, Acquin holds his hand out for the referee to hold it up as Ethan helps Watts from the ring.

Justin: Here is your winner…Joshua ACQUIN!!

Adams: I don't believe it!

Simone: Acquin was able to pull it out in the end but for most of the match was fighting in a handicap match with the tag champions.

The camera's go back to Mark and Christian's office, where Mikah is still seated in her chair and drinking her Jack and Coke. Christian didn't look too happy with the situation.

Mikah: “Poor Andrew.”

She pouts her bottom lip out before sipping on her drink before shooting a glare over in Christian's direction.

Mikah: “I really think you should make better matches. And not stupid ones like Candy Overton vs Kate Steele. Nobody wants to see them, you know.”

Christian gets a thoughtful look on his face

Christian: Hmmmm, like Mikah Vs Twisted Sister in a no DQ match.

HS: Hey, Twisted Sister is my weapon, get ya own hand grenade.

Mikah shrugs her shoulders before taking another drink of her Jack and Coke and finishing it off before looking over at Mark.

Mikah: “I seriously do not even know how you work with him. Is he always around?!”

Mikah raises her eyebrows in Mark's direction before she shrugs and makes herself another drink.

HS: I have no idea, he's like a bad smell that not even Fabreeze can sort out.

Christian rolls his eyes at Hot Stuff

Mikah: “First, he makes horrible matches and then he gives a potential rapist a job. Way to go Christian.”

She grabs her glass and raises it to Christian in a mock toast like gesture before she takes a drink of it. She leans back and lets her long blonde locks nearly touch the floor as she rests her head on the back of the chair.

Mikah: “I bet Raab wishes he got these perks and was this important.”

She pauses for a singular moment before smirking.

Mikah: “I really need to get Drake Raab's number.”

Mikah takes another sip from her drink as she thinks about doing just that.

The camera opens up backstage in a locker room, presumably Drake Greens. The fans begin cheering as they see newcomer Lyah Lindberg pacing back and forth, already in her eye-catching metallic pink ring gear. The cheers only pick up as the camera fades out more and Drake Green is shown next to his protege.

Lyah walks a circle around Drake, the expression on her face is one of nervousness.

Lyah: Dude, there are more people out there than I’ve EVER seen in any one place in my entire life. I’m going to fall on my face. You know how clumsy I am.

Drake laughs.

Drake: You'll be just fine. Remember it doesn't matter who's out there. It just matters who's in front of you.

Lyah: Easy for you to say, you’ve done this like a million times in your 40 year career, right?

Lindberg lets out a burst of laughter, teasing her mentor. She stops in front of him, running her hand through her blonde hair.

Lyah: Whatever, I can do this. I know Ben has my back. Is that asshole Hot Stuff going to be there? Did I really just verbally call him Hot Stuff? I think I should go throw up now, I feel dirty.

Drake grabs some tape out of his black duffel bag and grabs Lyah's right wrist. He starts to tape it up as he smiles at her.

Drake: I'm sure he'll be watching but it doesn't matter. You're gonna do fine ok?

Lyah: He’s an idiot. He would take ten Lyah’s before one Drake? What a goon.

Lyah flexes her fingers a little, the black fingernail polish an obvious contrast to her bright ring gear.

Lyah: So, give me your best strategy for the Modern Day Wonder Woman. She’s like 3 of me put together. What the hell were they feeding her all of her life?

He tightens the tape around her wrist.

Drake: Just remember to make her hurt. Don't worry about trying to be fancy. Play to your skills, dude. Move fast, hit hard, and make her tap.

Lyah: Okay, I got it. I think.

Lindberg questions herself as she pulls her hand away quickly, surprising Drake. She stares down at the tape around her wrist and shakes her head.

Lyah: This looks ridiculous. Why are you taping my wrist?

Drake: You wanna break your wrist?

He stares at her for a second with a serious look on his face.

Drake: Well?

Lyah: Sorry, dude. You know what you’re doing. I don’t mean to be a major pain in the butt.

She places her wrist back in front of him, allowing him the chance to finish the job.

Lyah: I never thought I would be wrestling in Argentina. I’m used to wrestling in one place and even then it was only two matches. How does he see money in me? I’m not a bimbo like Veronica, or a she-hulk like Helena. Why am I really here, dude? Keep it real with me.

Lindberg stares at Drake, an almost expressionless look on her face, except for a hint of concern in her eyes.

Drake finishes taping her right wrist and then looks up at her with a concerned look on his face.

Drake: I don't know.

He takes her left hand and begins taping that wrist.

Drake: I think you have potential to be special, Lyah, I really do. And I know that Mark, despite all his faults, can see talent...raw talent...better than anyone. But I'm afraid that's not why you're here.

Lyah: I know that isn’t why I’m here. He can spout whatever BS he wants about money, but I’m pretty sure he wants to do more than just hurt you physically, he wants to get in your head. He wants to use me to get to you. I’m basically a pawn.

She smirked, but it was sarcastic in tone.

Lyah: Looks like that’s all I’m ever good for. One foster family to the next, one wrestling company to the next, whatever. I just want to go out there and hit something now.

He finishes taping.

Drake: Look...I think Mark's anger is different this time. He seems more serious. More controlled. I don't think he'd hurt you or anything but I'm not entirely sure he wouldn't put you in a situation where you might get hurt. Just go out there and fuck some shit up. Do what I know you can do. And if you do...there might just be some pudding waiting for you…

Lyah’s eyes light up as a smile crossed her face. She holds her now taped wrist up, and makes a fist as she bumps hers with Drake’s.

Lyah: Now we’re talking. One ass kicking coming right up, followed by dessert.

Lindberg looks towards the door.

Lyah: Now, help me find Ben. And I don’t want you at ringside. Stay back here and keep your old butt safe. Okay?

He laughs.

Drake: Don't worry I'm staying right here…

Lyah: Good. Sit down. I’ll find Ben.

As Drake sits on the bench in his own locker room, Lyah pecks his forehead with a quick kiss.

Lyah: If you move, I’m totally kicking your ass later. Just a heads up.

Drake laughs as Lyah heads for the door to find her tag team partner for the evening, Ben Jordan.

Simone: It’s time for our first Title Match of the night and it’s the latest in Goth’s Open Challenge for the Roulette Championship as Goth takes on Sebastian Hardin of ROAR!

Adams: Sebastian is, literally, one of the biggest men on the roster and Goth will have a tall order ahead of him if he wants to retain!

Simone: You’ve been waiting all night to use that pun, haven’t you?

Jason nods and Belinda sighs in annoyance.

Simone: Let’s take it to Justin!

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCW Roulette Championship!

The crowd cheers in response as Man in the Box hits through the sound system as the arena goes black except for a bright white light that shines through the entire entrance way. On the Titan Tron we see the name Goth appear with the figure of the classic clip of Alice in Chains with the sown shut eyes emerges behind the name.

Justin: Introducing first! From New York City, weighing in at 249lbs he is the reigning and defending SCW Roulette Champion Goth!

The figure that we know is Goth emerges with Sapphira by his side who holds the championship belt across her shoulder as he holds his stick in his hand for blind and visual impairment as he moves to the ring. He slowly walks up the steps with the stick in front of him, helping him to climb the steps. He climbs through the ropes and hands Sapphira his stick before kissing her mouth hand watches her walk to the time keeper.

Simone: Goth won a hard fought victory over Steve Ramone two weeks ago but we’ll soon see if he can pull out a repeat performance!

Adams: We still don’t know the stipulation come to think of it.

Justin: And introducing the challenger!

A spotlight is shone on the ramp as Dark Tiger and Jeremiah stand on the ramp, and they head down the ring. The Fans go wild for them, and Jeremiah fist bumps with the fans.

Justin: Ladies and Gentlemen. Making his way to the ring area, accompanied by “Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin and Diamond, from Richmond, Virginia, he stands seven foot, one inches tall and weighs in at 290lbs he is The Beast of Darkness “Dark Tiger” Sebastian Hardin!

Dark Tiger steps over the ring ropes and Jeremiah lowers the ropes for Diamond as she enters and he enters the ring and they get in the ring, and Diamond rips off Jeremiah’s camo pants to reveal his wrestling gear and she kisses Jeremiah and she leaves the ring, Jeremiah whispers some words of encouragement to Dark Tiger before he joins Diamond on the outside.

Simone: Don’t let his size fool you, Sebastian can move around that ring just as well as any of the smaller males!

Adams: Yeah! I remember that one time we all saw him beat off two men at the same time in the middle of the ring!

Simone: Err…..

Adams: I really should’ve worded that better!

Ms. Rocky Mountains: Ready gentlemen?

The two men look up and see Ms. Rocky Mountains on the titantron ready and willing to spin the wheel, they nod in response and Rocky spins the wheel as the men watch on intently, after a few moments it stops on a stip that prompts Diamond and Sapphira to leave the ringside area.

Simone: And our first title match will be a Lumberjack Match!

Adams: Let’s hope that this doesn’t end the same way as the last Lumberjack Match….or Lumberjill Match since that was for the Bombshell Internet Championship!

As soon as the women leave the ringside area about a dozen wrestlers pour out one by one namely Steve Ramone (and his bodyguards), Tim Staggs and Connor Murphy of The Nobodies, Travis Nathanial Andrews, Kain, Casey Williams and J2H, Andrew Watts and Ethan Alexander of Danger Zone and Joshua Acquin who join Jeremiah at ringside, Jacob frowns and leans outside of the ring to address a few of the Lumberjacks.

Jacob: I know a few of you have beef with each other but that isn’t what this match is about! If, say for example, Steve so much as elbows Tim in the face when throwing someone back in the ring I’ll throw you all out and have the bosses send out new Lumberjacks!

The crowd cheers the announcement and the lumberjacks at ringside argue with Jacob but he’s not listening, after he retrieves the belt from Goth he holds it high in the air before handing it over to the timekeeper and signalling for the bell.

Simone: And this match is underway!

Adams: Normally the Lumberjacks on the outside are meant to keep the competitors inside the ring but after Jacob’s ultimatum I don’t see this ending well.


Sebastian and Goth immediately start brawling in the middle of the ring as the crowd watches on intently alongside the Lumberjacks at ringside, however it doesn’t take long for at least one of the wrestlers to get sent to the outside as Goth manages to back Sebastian against the ropes and goes to clothesline him over only for Sebastian to counter it by backdropping him to the outside.

Simone: That didn’t take long.

Adams: Casey Williams is storming over to Goth before any of the other Lumberjacks can stop him, this might be bad news for the champ!

Once Casey reaches Goth he helps up the champion only to ram him back first into the arena wall earning him a stern warning from Jacob which he ignores as he continues to lay into the champion with his fists before Cyrus and Andreas pull him off allowing Steve to roll Goth back into the ring where Sebastian wastes no time in going for a cover 1….2….and Goth kicks out.

Simone: What’s gotten into Casey?

Adams: Well he did state in his promo earlier that he had a problem with the Monstetimals attack on Drake Green last week so this must be his chance at taking out that anger.

Sebastian picks up Goth and, quickly realizing what will happen if he continues to throw Goth to the outside, decides instead to focus his attack in the ring in the hopes of having a fair match, with that in mind Sebastian gets Goth in position for, and hits, a sit-down Powerbomb and holds on for the pin 1….2….and Goth kicks out again.

Simone: As if having to deal with one powerhouse wasn’t bad enough.

Adams: I guess Goth should count himself lucky that he’s on good terms with Steve otherwise he’d have four!

Sebastian shakes his head at the failed pin attempt and decides to go a different route and one rarely seen from a man of his size, namely a submission hold, more specifically a chin lock with Dark Tiger’s knee driven into the champions back as the Lumberjacks look on but Goth isn’t about to tap, unfortunately for him it looks like he’ll pass out instead.

Adams: Here we go again.

Simone: Want me to get your Tarot Cards out Jason?

Jacob raises Goth’s arm once and it falls, Steve cheers Goth on from the ringside area, to Casey’s annoyance, as Jacob raises Goth’s arm once again only for it to drop again.

Adams: I don’t need them because this is one of the biggest clichés in wrestling! And that’s saying a lot!

Simone: Good point.

Jacob raises Goth’s arm a third time and this time, as Jason predicted, it stays up! Sebastian tries to keep Goth grounded but it doesn’t work in spite of his size and strength advantage so Goth gets to his feet and tries to fight out of the chin lock the usual way with several elbows to Sebastian’s stomach but unlike the other cliché this one doesn’t work as Sebastian keeps the chin-lock on Goth locked in so Goth tries another tried and true method by ramming him into the turnbuckle, however Goth doesn’t realize where he is and he instead backs Sebastian to the ropes where the momentum takes them both over the top rope.

Simone: And here we go again!

Adams: And Casey’s like a seven foot tall, muscle bound kid in a candy store.

Indeed Casey has stormed over and starts stomping away at Goth on the outside before the other lumberjacks can get to him and Sebastian and, like before, Jacob shouts at Casey for violating the rules for the Lumberjacks and Casey couldn’t care less, Casey gets an idea before picking up Goth and calling for a Powerbomb before pointing to the ring apron.

Simone: Oh come on! That could end Goth’s career!

Adams: Somebody stop him!

Thankfully for Goth Sebastian gets up and clotheslines him away from Goth before sliding back into the ring allowing the other Lumberjacks to get Goth into the ring before Casey can recover from the attack allowing Sebastian to go for another cover 1…..2….and Goth kicks out again! Sebastian shakes his head again before picking up Goth only for him to hit a sit-out jawbreaker on Sebastian stunning the big man.

Simone: Goth’s back in this!

Adams: As long as he doesn’t end up on the outside again.

Sebastian stumbles around whilst Goth recovers from the attack and by the time they both recover they are back to brawling with one another again and once again Goth gets the advantage over the big man after he dodges a wild right hand from Sebastian and counters it with a running lariat but it doesn’t take the big man down completely only knocks him off balance, however when Sebastian rebounds Goth blasts him with a Superkick that does knock him down.

Simone: Not easy to take a big man down like that!

Adams: Then again kicking anyone in the face pretty much works for anyone! Just ask Tim!

Tim overhears this and glares at Jason for the comment as Goth goes for a cover on Sebastian 1….2….and Sebastian kicks out! Goth shakes his head before deciding to go for his finisher, namely the Chaos ADDT but after Goth grabs Sebastian’s head Sebastian shoves him off and goes for the Eye of the Dark Tiger!

Simone: New champion!

Adams: No! Goth fights out of it!

Goth fights out of the Torture Rack and hits a reverse DDT on the way down! Goth goes for a cover on Sebastian 1….2….and Sebastian out of the pin attempt! Both men get to their feet and Sebastian goes for a clothesline but Goth ducks under it and manages to hit Sebastian with the Chaos ADDT!

Simone: Chaos ADDT!

Adams: This match is over!

Goth goes for a cover 1….2…3!!!!

Justin: Here’s your winner and still SCW Roulette Champion Goth!

Goth rolls out of the ring before Casey can get to him as he’s handed his title.

Simone: Another defence by Goth.

Adams: I wonder who’ll be next? Any of the Lumberjacks would be a worthy challenger!

After Goth has won his match, he grabs the microphone and kicks his opponent out of the ring. He demands his title as he helps his wife into the ring and hands her the title. She places the championship belt across her shoulder as Goth turns his attention towards the camera’s

Goth: Did the entire SCW pay attention towards the beating I dished out to this pathetic tag team wrestler??? Is this what I am going to be facing every time that I put my belt on the line??? If that’s the case, then SCW better just make this title mine for eternity and have me destroy each and every wrestler that sets foot in the ring against me!!!

The crowd boos Goth as the Roulette champion spits in the ring.

Goth: I beat a man for this belt that took pride of holding on to this title. He represented something that it made me want to test my ability against and see whether I could still hang!!! Where is the desire of those who want this belt?? Or are we too scared shit to face a threat to your own career?? Are we going to settle with the Internet championship??? Because if nobody is going to seriousloy put their money where their mouths are!! Then I’m going to go out there and find some fresh blood to deal with!!!!

Simone: Oh my, Goth is really irate!!!

Adams: Henry got some work to do with this one!!!

Goth: So tell me people, are you going to settle with being second best?? Or are you going to risk your career for glory against the very BEST Roulette champion ever in this company. Because if you dare to confront me, I will make you regret the day that you set foot inside the squared circle! The choice is yours!!!

With that Goth drops the microphone as he and his wife walk out of the ring as Man in a Box hits.

Simone: Who is going to be next to face Goth in the ring for that belt???

Backstage, Connor Murphy can be seen looking for something. Nearby, Pussy Willow is watching him in confusion. Finally her curiosity gets the better of her and she approachs the searching Connor.

Pussy Willow: Just what are you doing Connor?! Did you lose something?

Connor looks up at Pussy and smiles as he leans against the equipment box he had been looking behind. His eyes keep darting around looking for something.

Connor Murphy: You know love, I was looking for the heart I lost for ye.

Pussy rolls her eyes.

Pussy Willow: Really Connor, you expect me to believe that considering that you have a title match tonight that you are intent on finding your lost heart? Seriously, what are you looking for?

Sighing, Connor reaches for Pussy and pulls her close to lean against the box too. He looks around to see if they are alone then leans closer to the interviewer.

Connor Murphy: If you must know, I am looking for HIM.

Pussy Willow: Him? Him who?

Connor Murphy: SHUSH! I’m looking for the bear if you must know. I tried to trap him and from the looks of it, he found my traps and knowing him and his little buddy, they are probably trying to trap or trick me to save the Internet title. I wouldn’t put it past that furry little f*c…

Pussy Willow: This is a PG show Connor and I am a lady so no cursing!

Connor Murphy: Fine…that furry little imp of Satan who will be probably doing the protecting thing that bears are known for. So between you and me, I am going to try and prevent anything happening before our match like that bear attacking me or something. As a matter of fact, I shouldn’t even be staying in one place making myself an easy target. Nice talking to you Pussy, see you after my match tonight. Maybe you might want to celebrate or something.

Connor waggles his dark brows and smirks in Pussy’s direction before hearing a sound that spooks him slightly. With a pat on the back for Ms Willow, Connor takes off down the hall and around the corner leaving Pussy more confused than ever.

In the backstage area, standing in front of a hanging SCW banner is none other than "Stoner" Scott Oliver along with the Mental Rapist Sean Jackson and his advocate Marshall Owens. Because Sean isn't scheduled to wrestle tonight, he is dressed in slacks as well as a button down dress shirt.

Upon receiving his cue, Stoner raises the mic and the interview begins.

Oliver: Sean, last week Lord Raab won the....

Before Stoner gets to finish, Sean waves him off and immediately begins to speak his own mind.

Jackson: You know Scott, there are defining moments in every person's life. From the lowly janitor, all the way to the front office, there are moments where either you make the right decision, or you make the wrong one.

As Marshall's face screams of utter contempt, The Mental Rapist turns from Stoner and towards the camera.

Jackson: Congratulations Christian, you should be proud of yourself.

Stoner rolls his eyes, but keeps his mouth shut.

Jackson: First you allow Gabriel to stick his nose into my business, making it possible for Kain to steal the championship, and now Lord Raab is the world champion.

You can tell Sean Jackson isn't happy, but there's nothing he can do about it now. His King of the hill contract cashed in long ago, now his attention is towards another prize.

Jackson: Then you allow Simon Jones and Drake Green to come back, further making a mockery of this once great company. Great only because of Mark Ward...

The fans inside of the facility take offense to the comments and give Sean Jackson the business. Of course, that doesn't go un-noticed by Stoner who does some interrupting of his own.

Oliver: Now wait a minute Sean, Christian has done a lot of good for SCW. He has shown himself to be a great owner and someone who can counter what Mark Ward is doing.

Sean mocks Stoner by moving his mouth while the backstage interviewer is speaking.

Jackson: Give me a break Stoner, Christian couldn't carry Mark's jockstrap, much less match his expertise as an owner. But enough about the mistakes of Christian...

Oh yes, there is bigger fish to fry in Sin City Wrestling.

Jackson: Because I made a promise to a little girl, and I plan on keeping it.

Marshall places his hand on the former world champion's shoulder as he continues speaking.

Jackson: Simon, I'm happy you finally put your emotions in check and allowed little Matty to have my special gift. I know it was difficult to keep that temper under wraps, but in the long run, it will be beneficial in showing your daughter how she is supposed to act.

Marshall nods his head.

Jackson: It showed me that there was still hope for you yet, that maybe Family Social Services wouldn't be needed to protect little Matty...

Now Stoner was really taking offense to the direction this interview was going. If anyone knew anything about Simon Jones, it was this...

He loved his family.

Oliver: Hold up Sean, once again I find myself taking offense to your mis-guided comments. For weeks now you have taken aim at a little girl, and it isn't....

Jackson: What is that dribble you are spewing Stoner?

Scott stops, distracted by the interruption.

Jackson: I haven't told a single lie tonight and you know it. I offered Matty a stuffed teddy bear and Simon Jones attacked me without provocation. But because it is Simon, you are willing to give him a free pass.

The Mental Rapist points an accusing finger towards Stoner.

Jackson: You know, I've realized something. When it comes to a certain few in this company, you act like a love sick adolescent who can't wait to exchange love notes.

Stoner takes complete offense, but doesn't take the bait.

Jackson: But with people like me, you stand there like you are in repressed agony, as if everything I say about your precious love interests are wrong...

Now Stoner takes a deep breath before letting it out slowly, adding special emphasis on the exhale.

Jackson: You can breath heavy all you want Stoner, but its a fact that there is a blatant double standard here with Sin City where it involves you...

He points in the direction of the announce team.

Jackson: Belinda Simone....

Back towards the combined office of Mark Ward and Christian Underwood.

Jackson: And even Christian...

Marshall leans in ever so slightly.

Owens: Get back on track.

Nodding, Sean relents and changes direction back to Simon Jones.

Jackson: Where was I? oh yes, there is hope for you yet Simon. For you see, I made little Matty a promise that she would get her daddy back, and that is exactly what I'm going to do.

In a not so subtle move, Sean turns his attention away from Simon and towards a more deserving target.

Jackson: Matty, have faith little one. I will not allow your father to continue robbing you of a child-hood you so richly deserve. I know he wants to keep being selfish, to keep putting his own personal wants ahead of your needs....

He smiles.

Jackson: But I promise, as sure as I'm standing here tonight...I will give your father back to you. Whether he wants to be with you or not.

His index finger shoots in the air, the smile getting larger.

Jackson: And to show that I'm sincere little Matty, I have an even better surprise lined up for you. An even better teddy bear...

As was the case a few weeks ago, Marshall once again gets a look of concern on his face.

Owens: Sean, let's think about this for a moment.

Sean completely no sells the moment, not even giving it a second thought.

Jackson: Trust me, you will love it.

Turning his face towards Marshall, Sean gives a wink before walking away, his path already determined. However, Marshall isn't happy about it.

Owens: This is all Christian's fault.

Still confused, Stoner just stands there as Marshall steps out of the scene as well.

The intro of “Simon Says” By Drain STH plays over the arena’s PA system, and to a cheer from the fans, Simon Jones walks out onto the entry stage. Simon slowly makes his way towards the ring, savouring the reception from the crowd, and doing his best to slap hands with each of the fans that reach out to him on either side of the aisle. After arriving at the ringside area, Simon clambers into the ring, and goes to collect a microphone from Justin Decent. He then walks to the centre of the ring, where he waits for his music to cease playing.

Simon: Good evening, Buenos Aires. Give me a cheer if you've enjoyed the show so far.

This elicits a cheer from the crowd.

Simon: Come on, you can do better than that; I said, give me a cheer if you're enjoying the show.

The fans respond with a louder cheer.

Simon: That's more like it. I hope all of you that are here tonight appreciate just how fortunate you are, to have Climax Control be staged in your city for a second time - Buenos Aires is the first city outside of the US to have the honour of playing host to SCW more than once.

With his free hand, Simon rubs his chin.

Simon: You may be wondering why I'm here, at Climax Control, when I'm not scheduled to compete, and could instead be at home with my family. Well, I'm here because I wanted to get to stand in the SCW ring again, in front of our great Argentinean fans.

The crowd cheers again.

Simon: You see, the previous occasion that SCW visited Buenos Aires - almost two and a half years ago - was the first time I ever appeared in front of the SCW cameras. Back then, I wasn't even a member of the SCW roster - I was here to promote an upcoming match in ACW - and yet you people still gave me a warm welcome.

Simon smiles.

Simon: Because of that moment, I will always have fond memories of Buenos Aires, and so, seventy-eight episodes of Climax Control later, I'm glad to be able to stand here again, inside the six-sided ring, in this building.

Simon glances around, at the fans present inside Estadio Luna Park.

Simon: Seven weeks have passed since I announced my return to SCW, and it would be fair to say that things haven't quite gone the way that I would have liked; at Summer XXXTreme, my attempt to become the first ever three-time SCW World Heavyweight Champion ended in disappointment.

Simon sighs, before continuing.

Simon: I'm not about to give up on my quest just yet, though. And with Lord Raab having taken the title from Kain, he is now the man to beat - and Raab, just like the rest of the men in SCW, with the exception of your stablemates in The Monstimals, I've got my eyes on that title of yours. However, like I said last week, if I'm going to get another shot at the title, I'll have to earn it; I assume that I can expect to be back in action next week, and so a victory in Paraguay would be good place to start.

Simon nods his head.

Simon: But, before any of us begin to turn our attention towards next week's show, there's still plenty to come this evening - including Alexis Edwards...

Boos can be heard from the crowd.

Simon: ...against Mercedes Vargas.

The boos turn to cheers.

Simon: Yeah, I'm looking forward to that one too. So I think what I ought to do right now is vacate the ring, so that we get on with the show - I'm going to go backstage, put my feet up, and watch the rest of the proceedings. So thanks for indulging me, and I hope that you enjoy the remainder of the show.

As the fans cheer him once more, Simon hands the microphone back to Justin Decent. "Simon Says" by Drain STH then begins to play again, as Simon steps through the ropes, and as he heads backstage, he slaps hands with some more of the fans.

Justin: The following mixed tag team match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first......

"Kick in the Teeth" by Papa Roach plays and the crowd starts to cheer. They do not have to wait long before Helena bursts onto the small ramp and stage area and does a sexy muscle pose. From there she begins a high energy and frenzied romp down the aisle hugging fans and tagging hands. The crowd gets riled up with her and roar even louder as she makes it to the end of the ramp and heads around the entire ring side area, even stopping by to russle around with the commentating crew.

Justin: from Denton, Texas, she stands 6 feet 3 inches tall and weighs one hundred and eighty pounds. Please welcome, the "Modern Day Wonder Woman" Helena Ring

As she slows down, she scans the first few row to find a worth young boy or girl to interact with. Once she finds him, she leans her back against the rail and lets him grab onto her muscular yet sexy arm, then lifts up with him attached to her. She does a few repetitions before gently setting him back down and ruffling his hair with his hands. Then, in a sudden dash, she slides unde rthe bottom rope and pops up inside the squared hell. Helena runs the ropes a few good times and bounces around to limber herself up as she waits for her opponent.

The Lights throughout the entire Sin City Wrestling arena dim simultaneously on out throughout the entire arena as it plunges into darkness as “Critical Acclaim” By Avenged Sevenfold begins to blare on out of the sound system across the arena. As it does a white strobe light flickers on and can be seen throughout the arena as if on cue, out of nowhere “Showtime” Desmond Knight appears and can be seen swinging around to face the fans as a devilish Cheshire cat like grin can be seen on Knight's face. Knight paces the entrance isle, left to right as he does the fans of Sin City Wrestling can be heard giving him nothing but disapproval and disdain as he steps out into entrance isle as various chants of "You Suck" and “You’ve been Canceled” can be heard along with various Jeers, and boo’s, before finally retaking center stage.

Justin: and her tag team partner. "Weighing in tonight at Two-hundred and Fifteen pounds, he stands approximately Six foot Zero inches in height. He hails from British Columbia, Canada he is... "SHOWTIME” DEEEEEEEEESMOND KNNNNNNNNNNNIGHT!!!!!"

Knight slowly walks down the entrance isle, as he does he stands in the center of the isle as the white strobe light turns to a solid piercing light blue light which can be seen shinning down upon him and illuminating his figure which can be seen being illuminating under the light as he stands in the entrance isle looking out into the darkness that surrounds him for a few seconds. Knight soaks in boo’s and jeers, and chants of disdain from the fans. His eyes burn with intensity, and hatred towards those booing him, his body pounding with adrenaline and blood lust on his mind as he makes his way down to the ring. Knight slowly walks on down the isle, once at ringside he walks around to the steel steps and walks on up them. Knight wipes the bottoms of his boots off on the ring canvas below him, before entering the ring finally. Once inside the ring he climbs the nearest turnbuckle and throws out his arms as he continues to soak in the jeers, and remarks of disdain from the fans at ringside and those that can be heard throughout the arena being shown toward him as he waits for his opponent to come on out from behind the black curtain to do battle.

Simone: Helena doesn't seem to be all that impressed with her tag partner here tonight.

Adams: This match will be an interesting one.

'Going Under' begins playing as Lyah Lindberg makes her way to the top of the entrance way.

Justin: and their opponents, first from Oakland, California, she is Lyah Lindberg

She begins walking to the ring, making her way over to the fans and high fiving a few of them. She stops in front of the ring steps, looking out at the crowd one more time before stepping up them and into the ring.

Simone: She looks so scared to be in that ring tonight.

Adams: I don't blame her. Mark Ward bullied her into signing that bogus contract.

The opening guitar riff to "Blame it on the Boom Boom" by Black Stone Cherry starts to play. The riff repeats itself once more. A British flag appears on the screen, waving with a gray filter and the lyrics kick in.

I Like big love, black love, white love, your love
Here we go
Sit back, hold up, open up, just enjoy the show
I Like ice cream, whip cream, nasty dreams
Do you know? Can you feel what I mean?

Say Hey eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
Oh oh oh oh
Say Hey eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh.

The familiar face of Ben Jordan appears on the screen. The fans instantly burst in to cheers as a smiling Ben Jordan appears at the top of the ramp, dressed in a white shorts with matching knee pads and boots. Ben looks around the crowd, his trademark smile on his face. He turns his head to the left, winking at the crowd before slowly walking down the ramp. He moves to the left, running his hand along the fans, high fiving as many as possible, before moving to the right and doing the same. Ben stops in front of a fan with a phone and moves next to them, allowing them to take a selfie with the smiling Englishman

Justin: And her tag team partner, making his way down the aisle! From London, England, weighing 220 pounds, he is Ben Jordan!

He stands outside the ring, looking up at ring, before moving to the steps and jumping up them. He ducks down and in to the ring through the middle and top rope and spins in to the corner, climbing on the top rope and raising his hands. He quickly jumps down and moves towards the center of the ring, looking at his opponent.

Adams: Have no fear for the Cockney King is here

Simone: Lyah can breath a sigh of relief now but she had better get ready for anythi...

Belinda can't even finish her sentence as "Then The Morning Comes" starts playing over the sound system. The live crowd turns their heads toward the stage as Ben glances up towards the stage as well. Gold smoke begins to fill the stage as Travis Nathaniel Andrews steps through out from the back wearing a black leather jacket over his brand new "Must See Superstar" T-shirt with dark wash designer jeans and designer boots. The crowd erupts in loud boos as his trademark smirk appears on his face.

Simone: What in the hell is he doing out here?

Adams: I have no idea. There's nothing in my notes. What about yours?

Simone: I got nothing either.

Travis slowly removes his sunglasses as he and Ben lock eyes. Ben is trying to tell Travis to get out of here but Travis just ignores him while placing his sunglasses back on his face. He continues down the ramp as he fixes his leather jacket. He walks around the ring while Ben has yet to take his eyes off him. The smirk never leaves Travis's face as he gets closer to the commentary table. Travis looks back up and notices Ben staring a hole into him. He slowly points back at him while shaking his head. Ben cocks his left eyebrow up as Desmond Knight jumps Ben from behind while connecting with a forearm to the back of his head.

Adams: What a cheap shot by Desmond?

Simone: He had better thank Travis for the assist then.


Holly Wood quickly signals for the bell as Desmond continues his assault by leaping over the top rope while slamming Ben's throat across them. Desmond lands on the arena floor and glances over toward Travis. Travis shrugs his shoulders while reaching down for his headset. He places it on his head while shooing Desmond away.

Adams: This is an unexpected surprise.

Andrews: I told everyone that the Must See Superstar will be on Climax Control.

Simone: Yes, you did but why are you out here?

Travis scoffs at the stupid question as Desmond slides back into the ring. Ben is still grasping at his neck as Desmond starts putting the boots to him. He continues to stomp a mudhole in Ben as Lyah looks a little concerned right now. Desmond stops the punishment, walks over to Lyah and starts mocking her. Lyah is trying to fight through the butterflies but the constant mocking from Desmond was starting to piss her off. The total lack of experience is coming into play as he is giving Ben Jordan enough time to recover. Desmond starts to snicker as he turns his focus back to Ben.

Adams: That lack of experience is going to hurt Desmond tonight.

Andrews: Eh

Simone: What? Are you not impressed?

Andrews: I'm wondering why this goof ball is getting more ring time than me.

Ben kips back up to his feet which causes Desmond's jaw to drop. Desmond shakes his head while landing three good punches to the jaw. However the fourth punch gets blocked as Ben counters with a hard right of his own. The punch rocks Desmond a bit as his punch gets blocked again. Ben lands another hard right across the face of Desmond as he starts to rock on his heels. Ben continues with the flurry of right hands before capping them off with a single leg enziguri. The tip of his boot catches Desmond flush behind the ear as he falls to the canvas.

Adams: What athleticism from Ben right there

Simone: I wonder if the ladies are going to get involved in this match.

Andrews yawns through his mouthpiece as he still isn't impressed. Meanwhile, Helena is slapping the turnbuckle in her corner while sticking her hand out. Desmond starts to stir as Helena continues to urge for a hot tag. Ben realizing that grabs a hold of Desmond's ankle and drags him back to the center of the ring. Helena yells a little as Ben lifts Desmond back up. He wraps his arms around Desmond while glancing back towards his own corner. He is trying to keep this match between him and Desmond. However, Desmond catches Ben with a thumb to the eye as he releases him. Desmond quickly looks behind Ben before snapping off a quick front dropkick. The force of the kick sends Ben into his corner.

Desmond chuckles underneath his breath while walking over to the corner. He grabs a hold of Lyah's hand as Holly admonishes him. He shots her a dirty look while connecting Lyah's hand to Ben's shoulder. The action forces Holly to acknowledge that a tag has been made. The look of terror comes across Lyah's face as Desmond holds the ring ropes open for her. Lyah nervously enters the ring as Desmond smirks a little.

Simone: Desmond needs to get out of the ring.

Adams: I don't like the look of this.

Andrews: Finally something worth watching for once.

Desmond begins to circle Lyah as he looks her up and down. Helena is starting to get impatient as she screams at her partner and demands to be tagged into the match. Desmond reluctantly walks over towards his corner and tags his partner into the match. The fans start to cheer again as both ladies shake hands before continuing.

Andrews: Oh, I think I'm going to be sick.

Lyah and Helena finish off their quick handshake as they start to circle each other. Helena reaches her arms out for a collar elbow tie up but Lyah catches her with the bottom of both boots. Helena stumbles a bit after the dropkick lands. Lyah notices that Helena is still on her feet as she bounces off the ropes. She comes off them looking to connect with a shoulder block but gets knocked down to the canvas. Helena reaches down and picks her back up. She grabs a hold of her arm and flings her into the corner. Helena follows her into the corner but Lyah manages to get both feet up. Helena stumbles a bit as Lyah gets up onto the top turnbuckle. She stands up while leaping off with a high crossbody.

Helena, however, catches Lyah in midair and drops her back first across her knee.

Simone: What strength from this woman

Andrews: Are you even sure that's a woman?

Adams: If she looks like a woman, walks like a woman and talks like a woman. Then she must be a woman.

Andrews: Whatever

Lyah screams out in pain as Helena drives her into the mat while lying on top of her. Holly Wood slides into position as she slaps the canvas.



Lyah manages to roll her shoulder up as Helena stands up to her feet while keeping a tight grip around her waist. While holding Lyah in her arms, she flings her overhead with a beautiful bridge. Holly again gets into position.



Lyah kicks out again as Helena lets go of her. She sits up while trying to figure out what will put her away. Helena stands back up as she lifts up her arm. She looks at while motioning for Lyah to get up.

Andrews: Is this pathetic shit storm over yet?

Simone: What you got somewhere else to be?

Andrews: That was a rhetorical question

Lyah does finally begin to stir as Helena moves a little closer. Helena nearly takes Lyah's head off with that discus clothesine as she was turning around. Helena slaps her leg before running the ropes. As she is about to bounce off the ring ropes, Desmond reaches over and tags himself back into the match. Helena doesn't seem to be happy about that as he shoos her out of his ring. Lyah is still down on the canvas as he starts to stalk her.

Andrews: What the hell you waiting for Knight?

Adams: What are you doing Travis?

Andrews: Waiting for this clusterfuck to end, why are you still talking?

Desmond starts to lick his lips as Lyah slowly starts to stir. She has no idea that Desmond Knight has tagged himself back into the match. She does manage to get on one knee as she notices Desmond out of the corner of her eye. Desmond lifts his arms toward her looking to do something real sinister towards her when Ben Jordan comes springing off the ropes and connecting with a forearm smash to the top of his head.

Andrews: What the fuck is that blowhard doing?

Simone: He's saving the day. Since Desmond is tagged into the match, Lyah really doesn't have to tag back out.

Andrews: Just like an old relic huh.

Lyah quickly leaves the ring as Ben continues to tag Desmond's face with repeated forearm shots. With each shot, Ben pushes Desmond back towards the ring ropes. Before Desmond actually touches them, Ben kicks him in the solar plexus. He follows it up with a front facelock while tossing the free arm over his shoulder. He hooks the tights while lifting him into the air. He bounces Desmond's legs off the ropes before falling backwards. The impact from the suplex causes Desmond to bow his back up a bit. Ben quickly shoots back up to his feet as Desmond slowly gets back up as well. Desmond goes to throw another punch as Ben catches him and takes him back down to the mat.

Adams: This could be it.

Andrews: Ooh, I'm so fucking scared.

Ben places the arm between his legs while locking both hands around Desmond's face. He yanks back as Holly checks to see if Desmond wants to get up. Helena tries to break it up but Lyah stops her with a superkick knocking Helena off the ring apron. Lyah then follows it up with a slingshot cross body as she lands directly onto her. Holly continues to check on Desmond as Travis throws the headset off his head. Desmond screams a little as he repeatedly taps his hand on the canvas. Holly signals toward the time keeper as the bell sounds.

Justin: Here is your winner by submission, Lyah Lindberg and BEN Jordan

The crowd erupts into cheers as Lyah is pulling herself back into the ring. Ben is helping her back to her feet as they start to celebrate their victory.

Simone: What a well deserve victory

Adams: It was a hard fought victo...

Travis Nathaniel Andrews is seen sarcastically clapping his hands while ripping the microphone out of Justin's hands.

Andrews: Just sit there and shut up

He says while hopping up onto the ring apron. Lyah is inching towards the ropes as Travis holds his hand out.

Travis Nathaniel

Andrews: Lady, if I were you. I wouldn't fucking move right now.

He swings one leg through the ring ropes while pulling the other through. The cheers from crowd instantly changes to jeers of disdain towards Travis. His smirk returns to his face as he looks at both individuals.

Andrews: That was just fucking awful. How these nimrods could cheer for a couple of talentless hacks like yourselves is beyond me? Then again, I don't give a fuck why these brainless twits chose to cheer twats like you Ben Jordan. I thought my presence out here would make this match just little entertaining but even I was having a hard time keeping my interest level up for this drivel.

Travis pauses for a brief second as he takes a moment to soak in the jeers before looking directly at Lyah.

Andrews: Out of all the signings that have happened recently, I think Mark found a gem in you. I mean the bombshell division needs a glorified jobber. What happened to being this fiery person? Did you leave your fierce personality in Drake's shorts?

Lyah's face scrunches up as her eyes are filled with intensity. She tries to move closer to Travis but Ben puts a hand in front of her.

Andrews: Did I touch a nerve? Good. As for you Ben, at Summer XXXtreme, you cost me the chance to be a champion.

Travis turns his body as Ben is watching on with a little confusion on his face. Without given a notice, Travis nearly kicks Ben's head off with side thrust kick.

Simone: I think we just saw some teeth fly out from Ben's mouth.

Adams: What a kick

Travis kneels down while grabbing a handful of Ben's hair and lifting him up.

Andrews: At High Stakes V, your career will come to end. You don't have to like it but you will just have to DEAL WITH IT.

Travis slams the microphone handle down on Ben's head as "Drop Dead Cynical" starts to blare. A satisified grin appears on his face as he rolls out of the ring. Lyah is checking on Ben Jordan as Travis slowly walks back up the ramp.

Simone: This war between Travis and Ben continues to escalate.

Adams: It's going to be an all out bloodbath

The cameras move backstage once again to Mark and Christian's office to see Mikah still seated in what she's claimed her chair but this time had a bowl of popcorn. There was also some random pieces scattered around Christian's desk, giving the indication that she'd been throwing pieces of popcorn in his direction.

Mikah: “Stupid, stupid tag team match. You know, maybe your name tag on your desk should say, 'Christian Underwood The boss with a fetish for Tag Team matches.”

She smiles at him before moving her championship down into her lap after placing the bowl of popcorn on the floor.

HS: I think he has a thing for lots of people getting sweaty at the same time.

Christian looks at Hot Stuff, ignoring Mikah

Christian: And you don't?

HS: Only with certain movies with a lot more boobs in them

She just shrugs and smiles again before grabbing her drink and finishing it off again before looking at Mark. She smiles at him before making herself another drink.

Mikah: “Oh! I forgot! I got you a present, Marky Mark for expunging that loss from my record. I have to go get it though.”

She stands up and fixes her shorts, although the fixing didn't really help as her butt was almost showing and her stomach was still showing as well.

Mikah: “I'll be right back! Don't miss me too much Christian!”

Christian: Oh I'll try not to.

Ignoring Christian's sarcastic tones, she winks at him, showing him mock appreciation before she walks out of the office, a small strut to her strut as she goes to her limo to get Mark his present.

In the backstage area, Alexis Edwards is seen standing by, rather impatiently, as backstage interviewer, Pussy Willow, raises the microphone to her own lips. She is all smiles, which is a vast contrast to Alexis' near scowl.

Pussy: Welcome back to Sin City Wrestling Climax Control coming live from...

Before Pussy can finish bringing us back, her eyes wander off camera, and a look of surprise comes over her face. After a second, that fades, and her smile widens even bigger. She looks back to the camera in a professional manner.

Pussy: I am standing by with Tim Staggs and Alexis Edwards of The Nobodies. Come on Tim, get in the shot.

The camera pans over to see a less than pleased Tim Staggs leaning against the wall in his black hooded jacket, and his hands buried deep in his pockets. He simply snarls at the camera before his eyes rest on Alexis. The two seem to be almost having a silent conversation, which is so rudely interrupted by the interview in progress.

Pussy: Or don't? Tim, the world still has so many questions about...

Tim: Fucking can it you porn star reject! Alexis and I need to have a little heart to heart here, so if you'd kindly...

In a not so kind manner, Tim juts his head backward, signalling for Pussy to hit the road. She seems taken aback by Tim's choice in vocabulary, as is Alexis. Even the normally blue Bombshell has to think about it for a second before she chimes in.

Alexis: Tim, can you give me just a minute? I’m in the middle of something here…

Tim: Isn't that always the case lately? You can come to me and expect me to drop everything at the drop of a dime for you to talk, yet I'm the asshole when I bring this up?

Alexis: I never...

Tim holds his hand up to silence Alexis, which only serves to silently infuriate her. He doesn't seem to care. The tension between the two of them is very apparent when Pussy Willow does her best to ease herself out of the situation without drawing the wrath, er, attention from either Nobody. Tim takes a few steps closer to Alexis, his scowl growing slightly.

Tim: I'm not interested in that right now. What I want to know won't be so easy to explain. Why?

Alexis' face twists into a bit of fake confusion, but Tim makes an irritated signal to cut it out. He stares down at the smaller Bombshell, almost menacingly.

Tim: You can't bullshit a bullshitter, Lexi. In case you forgot, my dad practically invented bullshit, so I've grown up around it my whole life and I can smell it coming from a mile away. You know exactly what I'm talking about, and if you don't, let me give you a hint...

Tim rolls up his sleeve slightly, keeping it covered from the camera's view. Alexis' eyes widen a bit in surprise before Tim quickly rolls his sleeve back down.

Tim: I had to see what could be so great about your secret obsession that you had to keep it all to yourself, not even letting in your supposed *air quotes* best friend in on it.

Alexis: Maybe that is why I didn’t really want to tell you in the first place, Tim! Now I have to have this on my shoulders knowing you started it also. It’s no something that is very easy to even begin to explain, which is why I never--

Tim: I don't want to hear any more goddamn excuses, Lexi! The fact of the matter is that I trusted you with everything. I trusted you enough to let you in. I showed you all of my demons. Every deep, dark secret I had up until a few weeks ago, I told you about. I needed you, and you were there for me. Do you know how it makes me feel that you denied me the privilige to do that for you? It fucking sucked! You can spin it any way you want inside of that twisted mess of a head you've got there, but the fact of the matter is that you don't trust me. I'm sure you have your reasons, but at this point, I really don't give a damn. It's that cut and dry to me, Lex. You know me, but I clearly don't know you like I thought I did.

Alexis: I...

Tim: Actually, I don't know you at all. I tell you what, if you do just one simple thing for me, then I'll wipe this mess clean, and we can start over.

Alexis starts to respond in a bit of anger, when Tim's last words catch her by surprise. She sighs a breath of relief, before laughing it off.

Alexis: Anything. Just name it, Tim.

Tim: It's simple. I know your secret, so it shouldn't be any trouble. I just want you to say it out loud.

Tim nods his head as the color drains from Alexis' face. She mutters "Here? Now?" under her breath, and Tim nods his head before motioning over toward the camera. Alexis shakes her head, waiting for Tim to clue her in to some joke she might not be aware of. When it doesn't come, her face sours and she gets visibly angry at his suggestion.

Alexis: I…I’m sorry. But what is the point in me actually saying it if you know now?! What does it prove having me say it here in front of the damn camera?!

Tim: I didn't think so... I tell you what, Alexis... Until you prove to me that you actually give a damn about our friendship, I'm going to act like said friendship... never existed. At this point, we're simply business associates in The Nobodies until you feel like opening up to me like a real friend would.

Tim doesn't even give Alexis a chance to respond as he simply strolls off with a newfound confidence in himself. Alexis stares at him in pure frustration and hurt all rolled into one. She struggles to come up with the words to express herself right now, so instead, she simply lets out a growl.

Alexis: Tim? TIM!?

When Tim doesn't listen, Alexis kicks at the wall in anger before crossing the hallway, slamming the palms of her hands against the wall before turning and sinking down to the floor.

“Diamond Eyes” by Shinedown begins to blare out as Drake Green walks out from behind the curtain. He has a determined, more serious than usual, look on his face. He walks past the fans and beelines straight for the ring, grabbing a microphone from Justin as he does. The crowd cheers for him but Drake, standing in blue jeans, black and white converse sneakers, and a black blazer over a white version of his “ONE MORE TIME” t-shirt. He quiets the crowd down before he speaks.

Drake: You know…I’m sorry for the lack of theatrics tonight but I’m just not in an entertaining mood. Last week Mark Ward made a statement. His statement wasn’t that Drake Green wasn’t welcome in SCW. His statement wasn’t that he would send McPhearson, Goth and that disgrace of a SCW World Champion Lord Raab…


Drake: …after me to attack and put me though a table. No…Mark Ward’s statement was more disgusting and much more personal. Now I try to keep my private life as private as I can. I’m not one to post all over twitter about who it is I’m dating and what else is going on behind the scenes. Last week I invited my girlfriend Lyah Lindberg to watch me compete because she had never seen me in the ring live before. I bought her a front row seat and wanted her to have a great time. I never expected Mark Ward to stoop that low.

He paces around the ring.

Drake: You see, Mark Ward drew a line in the sand last week and then decided to walk right across it. He went too far. And like I’ve said many times before, I can go farther. So when you get pushed around what do you do? When you are clearly outnumbered in a fight that by design you cannot win, what do you do? Do you give up? No…I don’t give up. Do you continue to fight one against three, four, five…how ever many people Mark Ward throws at me? I could…but I would lose. It’s a simple numbers game at that point.

He stops pacing.

Drake: Some say you turn to your friends for support…to stand by your side and fight. And as alluring as that option is…I don’t want to subject my friends to the same kind of disgusting and despicable tactics that Mark Ward clearly has no issue throwing at me. So what you do. I’ll tell you what you do…

His face gets angry.

Drake: You go to war.


Drake: And you don’t go into battle alone, SCW Universe. No…you go with soldiers. You go with Mercenaries…you go with GUNS FOR HIRE!

Massive pop.

“The End” by Roadrunner United begins to play as the houselights dim, Axel and Brody step out to a chorus of cheers, the two stand on the stage looking around at the audience. After a moment they turn to one another, raising their arms up and slap hands as the two glare at one another, the two then step away and walk down the aisle way with Axel acknowledging the crowd more than Brody. Ethan steps up onto the ring apron whilst Axel climbs the steps and walks along the apron to the opposite apron; Brody steps in as Axel climbs the rungs of the turnbuckle and points out at the crowd with Brody standing near the ropes with his arms raised, Axel steps on the top rope and jumps into the ring. The two step towards Drake, who nods whilst smiling with glee, handing the microphone to Ethan Brody as the music fades down. As Brody raises the microphone up, Axel snatches it off him, smiling from ear to ear as he rakes his hair out of his face.

Landon Axel: My bald headed friend said last week that we’ve got unfinished business and we have.

Ethan walks over and takes the microphone, glaring at Axel who just smiles like a court jester, Brody shakes his head and looks around at the audience with one hand in his jean pocket as he casually paces.

Ethan Brody: ‘The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy’. Drake Green and I spoke in great length during this week. We came to the conclusion that ‘two most powerful warriors are patience and time.’ We maybe guns for hire but we both know the importance of one thing, the beginnings, we shared our beginnings on our journey with this man and what is happening is something we cannot stand idly by and allow. It isn’t like a mutual understanding, it isn’t about friendship, shit it isn’t even about the money, our beginnings came with an unexpected twist. Family. We don’t let ‘family’ down and that is why we stand by this man’s side. War is before us and we’re ready for a fight!

Ethan hands the microphone back to Drake, Brody and Axel stand behind him as the crowd chant ‘GFH’ multiple times, Drake quiets the crowd down one more time.

Drake: So I hope you’re ready Mark Ward because I’m coming for you…and a WAR is coming with me. So people of Buenos Aires…MY PEOPLE….WHAT MOTHER FUCKING TIME IS IT?!


“Diamond Eyes” begins to play again as Drake drops the mic and all three men head back up the ramp. Slapping hands of fans as they walk.

Justin: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the SCW Internet Championship!

Untravelled Road's throbbing beat and clapping begins to play as Connor Murphy comes out on stage, one arm shaking with the beat over his head as the other pulls his cigarette from his lips while holding a red solo cup. Starting down towards the ring, he jokes and smirks at the fans.

Justin: Introducing the challenger! Hailing from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada ... Connor MURPHY!

Connor stops part way around the ring at the announcers table to take one final puff of his cigarette then looks for something to put it out in. With a smirk and a nod at Belinda, he motions putting out the cigarette in her drink only to wave it off and put his glass down on the table and drop the butt into it. Climbing into the ring, he wipes at his nose then smirks for the fans again.

Adams: I'm confused.

Simone: There's a surprise.

Adams: No, I mean, is Connor Murphy a face or a heel? On one hand, he jokes with the fans, on the other hand ... he's a Nobody.

Simone: You make a valid point Justin.

Jason turns and stares at Belinda.

Simone: I know. It frightens me too. But one thing we can be sure of is that Connor Murphy has scored some major upsets inside of that ring, and tonight he could very well walk out of Buenos Aires as the new Internet Champion.

The crowd quiets, as does his music, and Connor leans back in his corner to stare at the ring entrance.

Justin: And his opponent...!

"Let's fake an answer for the curious
Let's fake it all for the fame
They'll think delivering was easy
Living the fairy tales and the lies, lies"

The pulsating beat of Orgy's "Opticon" begins to sound over the public address system of the arena. The fans turn their attention to the stage atop the entry ramp and their wait is soon rewarded. Accompanied by Synn, Despayre steps out onto the stage, holding his teddy bear, Angel, by the fuzzy arm in one hand, with Synn at his side and they are greeted enthusiastically with cheers.

Justin: Accompanied to the ring by Angel and Synn! From Vancouver, British Columbia, weighing 168 pounds, he is the current reigning and defending SCW Internet Champion -- Despayre!

Despayre holds his teddy bear pal up for the fans, and is rewarded with cheers and chants of "Angel!" "Angel!", and the "trio" begin their descent towards the ring.

"Message from opticon
Blast from the fashion bomb
So helpless, guess what?
You're out of time
Message from opticon
Blast from the fashion bomb
So helpless, guess what?
You're out of time"

Synn climbs up onto the ring apron and holds the ropes open for Despayre to carefully climb through, then the father figure steps inside himself. Despayre holds Angel up high over his head until Synn escorts him over to his respective corner for the start of the match.

Simone: Have you ever noticed Despayre has fun with all the other referees but Jasmine?

Adams: Hey. It'd take a real plonker for any of these guys to give that bird guff.

Despayre dutifully hands the Internet belt over to Jasmine as Synn steps out of the ring. The referee then shows it to Connor and holds it aloft for everyone in the arena to see. Cheers and applause follows.

Simone: There is nothing more exciting than a championship match.

Jasmine hands the title belt out to Justin and calls for the bell.


At the sound of the bell, Connor stalks Despayre from out of his corner, while the champion bounces around the ring in his usual excited manner. Connor stops and watches as Despayre hops and bounces about, while the fans rally behind both wrestlers...

Simone: I'm not sure Connor knows quite what to make of Despayre.

Adams: Does anybody?

Despayre suddenly stops and jumps at Connor, but the challenger greets him with a boot that doubles the champion over. Connor then slaps on a side headlock and grinds the hold in.

Adams: I guess if you're going to counter Despayre's hyper activeness, just stop him from moving.

Despayre tries to break Connor's grip but physically is unable. He then opts to use the ropes to send Connor off in an Irish whip, finally managing to do so. As Connor comes off of the ropes, Despayre drops down to the mat and Murphy leaps over him and runs off of the far side. Despayre jumps up and tries to hip toss him over, but Connor blocks it. Connor then counters with a reversal and tries to hip toss his opponent, but Despayre lands on his feet. Despayre then leaves his feet and brings Connor over with a monkey flip. Connor quickly gets up and as Despayre races toward him, Connor throws him over with a Japanese arm drag. Both men are right up and jump for dropkicks at the same time! Connor is quick to his feet in a fighting stance as Despayre is on all fours like an animal, staring him down while the Argentinean crowd applauds!

Simone: We are seeing some fantastic exchanges right off the bat.

Both men slowly start to circle the ring once again and prepare to lock up, when Despayre stops and smiles, waving 'hello' to a perplexed Connor. He then starts jumping around on the spot but as he turns back again to face his challenger, Connor lashes out and clotheslines Despayre!

Adams: Oh he almost took Despayre's head off with that clothesline!

Simone: That's where Despayre's excitable nature can be a detriment inside of the ring.

Connor is right down on top of Despayre in a cover and hooks the leg!

Despayre kicks out!

Connor pulls Despayre up by the arm and short-arm clotheslines him right back down. He hangs onto the champion's arm, pulls him to his feet, and hits a second short-arm clothesline and right into a second cover.

Despayre kicks out again.

Adams: Connor is done playing around! He wants Despy's title and he wants it bad!

Connor drags Despayre up to his feet and grabs him around the waist from behind and brings him back with a release German suplex, folding the champion in half! Connor drops down atop the back of Despayre's bended knees in yet another cover!

Despayre gets his shoulder up!

Connor is on his knees, staring at Jasmine.

Adams: Think Connor is getting frustrated already?

Simone: If he is, its his own fault. Anyone who has seen Despayre compete can see how hard it is for anyone to keep him down for a cover.

Connor drags Despayre over to the ring ropes and hangs him halfway through the middle and bottom ropes, then delivers a hard boot to his back, sending Despayre tumbling out to the ringside floor.

Simone: I have never understood why a challenger does that in a title match. They can't win the championship if the champion gets counted out.

Adams: I think Connor is just taking some frustrations out on Despy.

Simone: Well those frustrations may cost him some gold.

Jasmine backs Connor away from the ropes and starts her count...


Despayre gets to his feet against the ring apron and Connor breaks the count to go after him. Connor reaches through the ropes to grab him when the champion reaches up and grabs two handfuls of Murphy's hair and snapmares him through the ropes and Connor hits the ringside floor with a hard smack!

Adams: Ouch! Did you hear his back hit the floor!?

Simone: And that's where Connor's impatience cost him right there!

Despayre quickly shakes off the abuse he suffered at Connor's hands and rags his challenger to his feet and slams his head into the ring apron. Despayre then shows a little strength and scoops Connor up and body slams him on the floor!

Simone: Not the most powerful scoop slam by the little guy but it got the job done!

Adams: Well there isn't that big of a size difference here.

Despayre pulls Connor up into a front face lock as the count begins anew.


Connor suddenly bulls Despayre back and slams him hard up against the ring post! Despayre grabs the back of his head and Murphy races toward him, but Despayre catches him with a drop toe hold and Connor crashes into the ring steps!


Despayre pulls Connor up and rolls him back inside of the ring, then climbs up onto the ring apron, then to the top of the nearest corner. Connor slowly gets to his feet and turns around and walks right into a missile dropkick by the champion!

Adams: Nailed it!

Despayre with the cover!

Connor kicks out!

Despayre pulls Connor up to his feet and doubles him over with a kick to the stomach, then immediately traps him in the Octopus hold! Connor yells out in pain as Despayre has his head, neck and upper body contorted in a very painful and awkward manner!

Simone: Can Despayre get the submission? There's really nowhere for Connor to go!

Adams: It isn't stopping him from trying, though!

Standing in the hold, Connor shifts his feet slowly toward the ropes, inching his way closer and closer. Slowly but surely he gains ground as he refuses to submit or tap at Jasmine's request. He reaches out with his free arm, turning his body just enough to be able to grab the middle rope.

Adams: He got it! Despy has to break!

Despayre seems reluctant to let go and Jasmine starts to issue a count, prompting the champion to quickly release the Octopus hold. But no sooner does he do so than suddenly Connor has his arms wrapped around him in a bear hug and he throws Despayre in an overhead suplex, sending him crashing upside down in the corner!

Simone: That came from out of nowhere!

Both men are hurt as the match has taken its toll, and Jasmine starts a count.


Connor forces his way to a vertical base...


And Despayre drags himself to his feet with the use of the ropes. Connor is right there, grabbing him by the head and he starts bringing knee after knee up into his midsection. Jasmine tries to get him to back off but instead, Connor drives Despayre right back into the corner with a vicious flurry of punches, lefts and rights to the head as Despayre uses his arms to try and shield himself! Jasmine has had enough and counts!


Before he can be disqualified, Connor drags Despayre from out of the corner and sets his head between his knees. he wraps his arms around the champion's waist and lifts him up and over with an overhead bomb, sending Despayre crashing face and chest first!

Simone: Say what you will about Despayre's unorthodox ring style, but Connor himself is pulling a few tricks out of his hat as well!

Despayre rolls over onto his back and Connor is immediately on top with the cover, hooking both legs tightly!

3 - No! Despayre kicks out!

Adams: Look at Connor's face! He thought he had it!

Simone: A number of people thought he had it!

Connor looks down at his fallen opponent, then starts to scale the corner, facing the fans. Just as he reaches the top and starts to stand, Despayre is back on his feet and he hits the ropes, causing Murphy to lose his balance and fall on the corner!

Adams: Oh there go any plans he has for the ring rats for afterwards!

Simone: Must you use that derogatory term!?

Slowly the champion climbs up the corner behind Connor, until he stands on the very top behind the challenger. Despayre then jumps up and scissors Connor's head and throws him clear from the top with a top rope reverse hurricanrana!

Adams: Oh! HELL no!


Connor falls to his back and Despayre body splashes him in a cover!

3 - NO! Connor gets his shoulder up!

Adams: How the HELL did he kick out!?

Simone: I don't know but we are seeing just why Connor Murphy is such a threat inside of that ring!


Despayre pleads with Jasmine but she reiterates that it was only a two count! Despayre then stands up and grabs Connor by the feet and steps a leg through...

Adams: He's going for the Scorpion Cross lock!

Connor starts fighting to get away from the hold!

Simone: And Connor Murphy knows it too! If Despayre locks this hold in, it's all over!

Connor manages to grab a handful of Despayre's long hair with one hand and punches him in the face with the other, knocking him off of him!

Adams: Desperate times and all that...

Despayre staggers aside, holding his face, and Connor grabs him up and drops him in a back breaker across his knee. Connor then pulls him back up and body slams him near the corner. Connor takes control again and backs up the corner, standing on the middle turnbuckle when Despayre gets back up and runs up the corner! Despayre tries to bring him down but Connor fights him off with rights to the head, knocking him back to the canvas! Despayre remains standing and runs up again, but this time he jumps and dropkicks Connor in the chest! Connor almost falls backwards from the top but manages to grab the ropes to steady himself!

Simone: Thank god he caught himself or that would have been a nasty fall!

Despayre climbs up the corner again, but he gets to the top and jumps around, bringing Connor from the top with a Top Rope Bear'L Roll!

Adams: HOLY SH-!

Despayre has the legs hooked automatically as Jasmine counts!



Justin: Here is your winner, and still SCW Internet Champion -- Despayre!

Simone: Despayre retains but my GOD did Connor Murphy ever give him the fight of his life!

Synn climbs up onto the ring apron, with the championship and Angel in his hands, but before he can climb through the ropes...

Adams: hey! Hey hey hey!

... Sean Jackson, with his wife Pamela right behind him, races down to ringside and grabs Synn by the foot, pulling him off the apron and making him fall against the ringside and to the floor!

Simone: What the HELL is the Mental Rapist think he's...!?

Adams: Oh hell no! He has Angel!

Sean Jackson indeed does have hold of the beloved teddy bear and rolls inside of the ring! Despayre turns around and his eyes widen and his face blanches of color at the first thing he sees!

Despayre: Let him go! LET HIM GO!!!

Despayre takes a step toward Sean but 'the Mental Rapist' grabs the teddy bear by the arm and head as if threatening to tear it apart, forcing Despayre to come to an immediate halt! Sean Jackson throws the Internet title belt down to the mat and points at it. Despayre isn't paying any attention to the gold though as his sole attention and concern is for his best friend!

Sean: The title! I want a title match you little retard!

Simone: Oh god, Despayre doesn't understand! He's not thinking about the title! He's thinking about the teddy bear!

Adams: Look at him! The kid is freaking out!

Indeed, as Despayre's face is wet with tears and he is almost lurched over at the waist, begging and pleading for Sean Jackson to let Angel go! Sean taunts the tormented grappler, cuddling the teddy bear and stroking his head...

Sean: I don't know. I think Angel would rather leave with me. I know a little girl who would just love...

Despayre: No he wouldn't! He's MY friend! Not yours!

Despayre tries to take another step toward Sean but Jackson again threatens the teddy bear, forcing Despayre to stop as Pamela watches on from on the ring apron, a smile of approval on her face.

Simone: I can't believe Sean Jackson is using that teddy bear as a bargaining chip! What a sick and twisted...!

Adams: Well why the hell do you think he calls himself the Mental Rapist for god's sake!?

Sean again points at the title belt but Despayre is in too much hysterics to grasp what Sean wants when suddenly a shriek of surprise catches both their attention! Sean turns his head and starts at the sight of Synn on the ring apron -- AND HE HAS HIS HAND AROUND PAMELA'S THROAT!!!

Adams: Oh no! OH NO! Synn's got Pamela! He has Sean Jackson's wife!

Simone: Okay this has officially gone too damn far!

Sean's face tightens with rage at another man laying a hand to his wife and he points directly at the leader of the Sins...

Sean: Take your f##king hands off of her you son of a...

But in answer to that, Synn points at the teddy bear in Sean's own grip!

Synn: FIRST! You hand that bear back to him! Safe and unspoiled!

Sean Jackson takes a step toward where Synn has hold of Pamela but Synn draws her closer toward him, stopping Jackson from coming any nearer! Pamela scratches and claws at his grip but Synn is 6'8" and near 280!

Synn: Do it!

Sean: You wouldn't dare you son of a...!

Synn smirks and tilts his head.

Synn: You obviously do not know me or what the hell I am capable of! Give. Him back. The bear!

Proving his point, Synn lifts Pamela off of her feet, making as if he were about to choke slam her...


And he hurriedly throws Angel toward Despayre who eagerly grabs his best friend and scurries out of the ring!

Synn: NOW -- slide the title belt over here!

Absolutely fuming, Sean Jackson KICKS the Internet title belt over to the ropes and it falls to the ringside floor! Synn finally lowers Pamela and nudges her back away from him, releasing his grip! Synn drops down to the ringside floor where Despayre quickly joins his father, hugging him fiercely for saving Angel! Sean rushes over and helps his coughing wife into the ring, getting her away from Synn!

Adams: I can't believe what we just saw! A stand off! A real stand off!

Synn grabs the fallen belt and with Despayre practically glued to his side, backs up the entrance aisle with his eyes firmly glued onto Sean Jackson's own which are filled with hatred!

Simone: I don't know what in hell started this, but just like that it has gone beyond a championship! First Angel, then Pamela Jackson....

Adams: Shit just got personal!

The lights in the arena go black as "Sex Metal Barbie" by In This Moment plays over the speakers. Red lights take over the stage, flashing along to the beat of the music. The fans give off a mixed reaction of cheers and boos. After a few seconds, a figure comes out of the shadows in a black hooded jacket, zipped up, and a pair of black pants, down to the black faux fur boots. The person is looking down, their hair dangling for a moment.

Simone: This is a rare occasion. Usually, The Nobodies travel like a pack of wolves, but we're getting to see one of the masked Nobodies out here all alone.

Adams: From what I hear, this one has gone rogue on a number of occasions, trying to prove to Tim Staggs that she's ready to be unmasked.

She has her hands tucked into the hood of her jacket, walking along as if the venue were empty, paying attention to nobody. She doesn't seem to care one bit as she comes to the end of the ramp. She pulls her hands out of her pockets and darts up to the apron, leaping up. She turns around, holding her hands up in the air for a second, seeming to feel the music. After a moment she turns around and enters the ring. She has her eyes locked on the curtains as she puts a foot up on the pad, arms sprawled out on the ropes for a moment before she walks over to Justin Decent, ordering a microphone.

Nobody: What? No "This is boring" chants? No "You suck" chants? Nothing? Wow, I must really be uninspiring, huh?

The masked Nobody stands there as a murmur of indifference is heard across the Argentinian crowd. She waits for a second for some sort of reaction, shrugging her shoulders as she does a slow turn. She sighs into the microphone.

Nobody: Well, I've had to sit in the back and listen to boring sluts and dickheads come out here with there bullshit posturing and pissing contests, so you can listen to me for a minute.

Crowd: BOOOOOO!!!

Nobody: A reaction at least! So you aren't braindead zombies. Good to know... Now, I know I'm not as dolled up as some girls around here. I don't perpetuate this idea that I'm better than everyone else, because let's face it... women who walk around here with that attitude aren't fooling anyone... unless it is themselves. There's plenty of airheads in the back. Just look at our World Bombshell Champion. She's basically Delia on Rosetta Stone...

The crowd chuckles mildly at the quip, however, it is enough to satisfy the masked Nobody standing in the ring. She shrugs her shoulders and begins to pace back and forth. After a moment she raises the microphone to her lips to speak.

Nobody: I could go on for days about what is wrong with this division, and the sad part is that I've never wrestled professionally before. Just imagine all of the hypocritical bullshit I could call out if I had.

Crowd: BOOOOOO!!!


A hush falls over the crowd as the masked female shouts with authority into the microphone. She turns to look around at them as she prepares to go on a tyrade.

Nobody: This is the era of The Nobodies! The underbelly of this business is going to be exposed, and no one is safe from the ugliness that will come from it! Not your Bombshell Champions. Not your beloved Mr. Showtime. Not the retarded kid's teddy bear. Not even "Hot Sss..."

The opening chords to "Imperium" by Machine Head are heard over the speakers and the lights dim, as the song picks up in speed strobe lightning flashes accross the arena to the beat of the drums until....

"HEAR ME NOW!!!!!"

The first lyrics are screamed by Rob Flynn as the lights come back on and the song kicks into high gear and Jessie steps out from the backstage area, the crowd boos her but Jessie ignores them as she makes her way down to ringside, Jessie slides into the ring and throws up the horns, but her eyes do not leave the masked Nobody in front of her. She glares right at her, but from what we see, it's very mutual. The music fades out as Jessie takes one step closer to the masked female. In turn, the masked female steps closer as well. She raises the microphone to her lips, just a few inches away from Jessie's face.

Nobody: You have some mighty big lady balls, coming out here all by yourself. Or, did you bring your little present from last week?

Jessie shakes her head from side to side, mouthing something to the masked female, to which she gets a laugh in return.

Nobody: You stupid bitch... You know, you're even dumber than you look, and let me tell you, that's pretty fucking dumb! I mean, for fuck's sake...

Jessie takes one more step closer, bumping her chest against the hooded female's chest, knocking her back a few inches. She then reaches and grabs the microphone right out of her hand. Jessie puffs her chest out as she sucks in a deep breath. She starts to say something, when she drills the microphone right into the side of the masked female's face! She sends the mask flying across the ring in the process. The masked female quickly covers her face, pulling her hood down as far as she can to conceal her identity. Jessie bashes her across the back of the head, tossing her down to the mat. She begins stomping wildly on the masked Nobody, practically grinding her into the mat. After a moment, she grabs onto the back of the hood, and smashes the hooded female's face into the mat, trying to break her hold on the hood to expose her. The masked female rolls over and sticks her feet to Jessie's stomach, giving it her all, kicking Jessie onto her backside. Jessie scrambles to her feet, but the masked female rolls out of the ring. She shouts at Jessie as she walks her way toward the back.

Simone: That went from zero to a hundred in no time at all...

Adams: We saw another beat down and unmasking, but I don't think that's how she imagined it would go.

Jessie leans over the top rope, pointing to herself with authority as she shouts at the retreating masked Nobody.

Mikah is seen backstage with a big box in her arms as she is walking back toward Mark and Christian's office before she is stopped by Ms. Rocky Mountains herself.

Ms. Rocky Mountains: “Mikah, what's in the box?!”

Mikah gives the brunette interviewer a look as she sets the box on the floor for a minute. She adjusts her top before looking down at the box.

Mikah: “Hot Stuff's present for being so kind and expunging that thing off of my record for me. And if you think I'm going to elaborate more on that, then you have to be stupid.”

Mikah gives the interviewer another look before looking at the box again, a look of adoration on her face.

Ms. Rocky Mountains: “Do you plan on addressing the fans at all tonight?”

Mikah lets out a laugh before shaking her head no.

Mikah: “Are you kidding me?! After how they treated me last week?! You're delusional, Rocky. I've got no desire to step foot out of my locker room for the night.”

Mikah pushes her hair out of her face before giving Rocky an expectant look.

Mikah: “Are you done?”

Ms. Rocky Mountains: “One last thing, next week will you still be using Mark and Christian's office as a locker room?”

Mikah laughs again before patting Ms. Rocky Mountains on the head in a condescending sort of way.

Mikah: “There's a reason you're a backstage interviewer and not a commentator or ring announcer, isn't there?”

Mikah just gives Rocky a look as if she felt sorry for her.

Mikah: “This is all Christian's fault, you know. If he would have gone through the correct steps and made sure that I had my own locker room, like I deserve, I wouldn't be in his office. But it's not just his office either, I'm sure Mark doesn't mind me being there at all! In fact, I have to get back...”

Mikah bends down and picks the overly large box up and looks at Rocky one last time.

Mikah: “I am sure that Christian is missing his office buddy right now.”

Mikah doesn't give the interviewer the time to respond as she walks off in the direction of Mark and Christian's office.

The camera opens up on a close up shot of the SCW World Tag Team Championship belts, perched on a purple velvet pillow on a small pedestal. The scene draws back to show that the pedestal is atop the stage of the Estadio Luna Park building, and standing behind the podium is none other than SCW Co-Owner, Christian Underwood.

Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, I have an unfortunate announcement to make. For undisclosed reasons, Mark Ward and I have come to the decision that Ethan Alexander and Andrew Watts of Danger Zone have been temporarily suspended from active competition in Sin City Wrestling. And because of that decision, we have come to the unfortunate conclusion that the World Tag Team Championships are, as of this moment, being declared vacant.

The camera again focuses on the championship belts before returning to Christian.

Christian: I am here to announce that on October 18, in San Juan, Puerto Rico at our next Supercard event, High Stakes IV, we will be holding a special tag team event to crown brand new World Tag Team Champions. Details on this match, as well as our first official match announcements for High Stakes IV, will be made next week in Asunción, Paraguay. Until then...

Christian salutes the crowd and picks up the pillow with the championship belts.

Christian: Enjoy the rest of the show.

Christian turns around and exits the stage, passing through the curtains and into the backstage area.

Referee Jacob Summers climbs into the ring as Justin Decent stands ready to begin the introductions for the next match up...

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The lights in the arena go black as “Freak Like Me” by Halestorm plays over the sound system. Red strobe lights shine around and thick smoke fills the entrance. A figure emerges from behind the curtain, dressed in a baggy black hoodie. The crowd in attendance gives off a mixed reaction of boos and cheers as the hooded figure moves to the music before she pulls the hood back revealing herself to be Alexis Edwards.

Justin: Introducing first, from The Streets, weighing 120 pounds ... ALEXIS EDWARDS!

She ignores the fans, pretending as though she can’t hear them at all before she dashes her way down to the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope. She jumps up to her feet, raising her right hand in the air as she unzips her hoodie with her left then removes it, tossing it across the ring where it lands on the top rope. She makes her way over to one of the corner turnbuckles as her music dies down and she stares towards the backstage curtain, waiting for her opponent.

Adams: The Streets? Where exactly is that supposed to mean?

Simone: I imagine Alexis uses that terminology to make us either feel sorry for her, or think how tough she must be to walk the streets and survive.

Adams: Sooooo ... she's a street walker?

Suddenly, the arena lights turn off and the crowd is hyped up for what was in store. As the opening of "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me" by U2 blares across the PA system, the mood of the crowd changes instantly and the arena is under the subtle glowing of the lights. As the lyrics finally kick in, a figure emerges; the highlight of their attire is being under the illusion. Mercedes Vargas stops short of the entrance ramp, hands on waist, and overlooking the crowd.

Simone: And here comes the hometown girl!

Justin: And her opponent...!

The fans immediately ignite in an uproar of cheers!

Justin: Coming down the aisle, from Buenos Aires, Argentina, weighing in at 127 pounds, MERCEEEEEDEEEES VAAAARGAAAAS!

Adams: Listen to this pop!

Cheers and catcalls soon greet her. Oblivious and yet satisfied with their reaction for several seconds, she flips her long hair, then makes her way to the ring. As she goes up the steps and walks to the end of the ring apron, she climbs to the turnbuckle, then turns her head back as the camera shows her determined expression-perhaps a message that her opponent will be in for a tough fight. Suddenly Alexis charges! She does not wait for the bell and attacks Mercedes from behind, knocking her out over the top rope and to the floor below! The crowd is in a state, booing at the ambush from behind and Jacob has little choice but to call for the bell!


Simone: This is insane! Alexis didn't even give Mercedes a fair shot at starting this match!

Alexis practically shoves Jacob aside and climbs out onto the apron and jumps off, clubbing the risen Mercedes in the back with a double axe handle! Alexis then backs up a step and jumps forward, delivering a big boot to Vargas's chest, knocking her to the floor!

Simone: Alexis Edwards is no wall flower. She has to have studied tapes of Mercedes Vargas and she has seen there are reasons why the woman is one of the most decorated in Sin City Wrestling history!

Adams: Yeah so she jumped her from the start to get the advantage!

Alexis drags her opponent to her feet via two big handfuls of her long tresses and she slams her face into the ring apron! Alexis then turns to the fans and she immediately begins arguing with a group of Mercedes Vargas supporters!

Simone: For Christ sake! Stop arguing with the fans and pay attention to your opponent!

Alexis flips the fan off and turns around, and Mercedes Vargas charges right at her, tackling her opponent back against the steel barricade! The fans cheer as Mercedes starts throwing fists into the head of Alexis Edwards! Alexis tries to fight her off but Vargas is on fire and she grabs two handfuls of Alexis's hair and returns the favor from earlier by using her hair as a handle to throw her to the floor the hard way!

Adams: THAT'S what I can get Alexis for Christmas! A scalp massager!

Before Alexis can recover, Mercedes grabs her and rolls her back inside of the ring, then follows to continue the match inside of the ring for the first time since the bell rang!

Simone: It's about time!

Alexis staggers to her feet and falls back into the near corner, where Mercedes follows in, assaulting her opponent with boots to the midsection! Mercedes then climbs the corner, pinning Alexis in and Vargas starts throwing fists to her head with the fans counting along!


Adams: I think Alexis is finding out she jumped the wrong Bombshell!

Indeed as Mercedes drops down to the mat, only to press her boot up against the pinned in Alexis's throat, choking her as Jacob counts against her!


Mercedes breaks and Irish whips Alexis into the ropes, and on the rebound, she catches Edwards' arm and takes her down to the mat into a Fujiwara armbar, but almost immediately Alexis scrambles madly into the ropes!

Simone: Give Alexis Edwards credit! She did not want to be caught in that hold by Mercedes Vargas and got out of it quickly!

Mercedes lets go of her and stands up, only to start planting the boots into the body of Alexis! Vargas pulls her to her feet and goes for an Irish whip but Alexis manages to reverses it, and on the rebound she catches Vargas in a Tilt-A-Whirl upside down position and drops her right on her head!

Adams: OH MY...! I've never seen a Tilt-A-Whirl piledriver before!

Simone: Well you have now! Thanks to Alexis Edwards!

Mercedes is flat on her back, holding her head, and Alexis is right on top of her for the cover!

3 - Kick out!

Simone: Oh that was close! Alexis almost scored an upset win here!

Alexis throws Mercedes back down and covers her a second time!

Kick out again by Mercedes!

Adams: If she didn't get the pin the first time, what makes her think she would have the second?

Alexis utters an audible curse and stands up and punt kicks Mercedes in the stomach, sending the former multi-time champion tumbling over! Alexis grabs a handful of her hair and drags her to her feet, only to send her back to her knees with an elbow smash to the back of the neck! Alexis backs up to the corner and mounts the middle turnbuckle, then jumps off for a double foot stomp to the middle of Mercedes' back, sending her crumbling forward!

Simone: Mercedes neck has been weakened and Alexis is on it like a shark smells blood in the ocean.

Alexis sits perched on the small of Vargas's back and she cups her hands under her chin and wrenches back in an inverted camel clutch! Jacob checks for the submission but Mercedes is not ready to all it quits. Alexis then keeps hold of her chin and thrashes her from side to side, further worsening the damage to the neck! When she won't submit, Alexis takes her frustrations out on Vargas, letting go of her chin and instead pulling back with a handful of her hair, tearing at her scalp! Jacob counts against her and Edwards mocks the official by counting along!


Alexis lets go and slams Mercedes' face to the mat! Alexis pulls her opponent up to her feet by the arm, then pulls her right into a short-arm clothesline. Alexis goes for the cover again.

Mercedes gets her shoulder up!

Pulling her to her feet, Alexis goes for another short-arm clothesline, but Mercedes ducks the blow and ducks behind Alexis, rolling her up into a fast schoolgirl pin!

Alexis kicks out!

Simone: Mercedes almost pulled a fast one on Alexis!

Mercedes gets up and rushes her, but Alexis sees her coming and counters with a spine buster and immediate cover!

Mercedes kicks out again!

Alexis slams her hands into the mat in frustration!

Simone: So many near falls in this hard fought contest!

Adams: Yeah and its pissing Alexis off!

Alexis draws her foe up to her knees by the hair and unloads a right hand that almost knocks Vargas backwards. Mercedes sits back up and Alexis throws another shot at her head! The fans start to rally behind their hometown girl and Mercedes answers the shot with one of her own, landing a fist to Alexis's mouth! Alexis throws a right hand, and Vargas throws another!

Adams: We got two hell cats brawling!

Indeed as both women are on their knees, trading bone jarring blows to each others' lovely faces! The brawl escalates as both women fight their way to their feet while continuing to trade blows! A shot from Alexis knocks Vargas back into the ropes and Mercedes comes off with a flying spear, wiping Edwards out! Mercedes is right on top of Edwards, straddling her chest and pinning her down and throwing fist after fist into her exposed head! Jacob is forced to count against her, no matter her level of popularity!


Mercedes finally rolls off of her opponent, not wanting to be disqualified in her own hometown! A dazed Alexis gets up on wobbly legs and Mercedes clotheslines her! Alexis stumbles back up and is clotheslined right back down again! Mercedes shouts out to the crowd who answers back with cheers! Alexis manages to once again drag herself to her feet and Mercedes uses the ropes to slingshot back against her with a high cross body!

Alexis kicks out!

She sits Edwards up into a seated position and then Mercedes races off of the ropes from behind her and wheels around, striking her in the back of the head with a spin wheel kick!

Simone: Pay back it would seem for all those shots to the head and neck!

Alexis crumbles to her back, seemingly out like a light! Mercedes shows no mercy and drags her to her feet, into an arm wrench, then lashes out with a hook kick to the face!

Adams: Tango For Two!

Alexis goes down and Mercedes is down for the cover!

3 - NO! Kick out!

The crowd cries out in despair as Mercedes stares in disbelief at the official!

Adams: This match just keeps getting better and better!

Mercedes finally pulls her opponent up to her feet and attempts send her into the ropes but somehow, Alexis reverses it and Irish whips Vargas instead! Mercedes comes off and literally somersaults right up the body of her opponent to perform a Hurricanrana -- only to have Alexis counter by simply dumping her down into a sit out power bomb!

3- NO!

Adams: GOD! This match has been EPIC!

Simone: And it still is not over!

Both women are on their backs, hurt and utterly exhausted! Jacob stands over them but in the end, has to issue his count.


Alexis manages to get to her feet first, pulling Mercedes up along with her. She tries to send her into the far corner with an Irish whip but Mercedes reverses it! Mercedes dashes in after her and jumps for a Stinger splash, but Alexis moves!

Simone: She almost hit the steel post!

Alexis ducks behind Mercedes and grabs her from behind in a rear waist lock. Alexis then brings her over for a bridging German suplex but her leg buckles...


Adams: Both Bombshells' shoulders are down!

Mercedes lifts her shoulder...


Adams: What... what happened!? Who won?

The bell rings and as Mercedes raises her arm in the air, so too does Alexis Edwards!

Simone: Both women think they won this match! We need to hear from Justin to settle this!

Jacob leans out of the ring to confer with Justin Decent.... the referee then steps back inside and approaches the two women...

Justin: Ladies an gentlemen, here is your winner...

And much to the shock of Alexis, Jacob raises the arm of Mercedes Vargas!

Justin: The winner is ... MERCEDES Vargas!

The crowd explodes with cheers as Mercedes celebrates! Alexis is in a FURY! She shoves the referee and screams in his face!

Adams: I'm... I'm so confused.

Simone: Both women's shoulders were down with that suplex pinning combination. I think what happened is that before the three count, Mercedes lifted her shoulder off of the mat but Alexis didn't!

Adams: You mean... she pinned herself?

Simone: Basically, and is Alexis Edwards going to be pissed!

Mercedes is hugging fans at ringside as she exits the ringside area, while Alexis's tantrum in the ring continues!

Adams: 'Going' to be?

The camera moves back to Mark and Christian's office to see the box now sitting on Mark's desk and Mikah standing in front of it, blocking Christian's view.

Mikah: “Open it!”

Hot Stuff opens the box, looking down inside. He reaches in and pulls out a picture frame.

Mikah: “It's a picture frame of all the events that occurred the past couple of weeks. See..”

Mikah points to one.

Mikah: “That's when you ordered the attack on Drake Green...”

She points to another one.

Mikah: “And that's when you knew that you had gotten your way when you made Lyah Lindberg sign a contract. Oh! And this one is my absolute favorite!”

She moves up onto the balls of her feet, leaning on his desk as she points to another one.

Mikah: “And this is when you gave good ole Christian over there a Red Hot. It's my absolute favorite!”

She turns around to face Christian and flashes him a happy smile.

Mikah: “Do you want to see, Christian?!”

Christian: Oh about as much as I want you here... Just in case you think I'm actually serious, that means no.

She shrugs her shoulders before looking down in the box again before prompting Mark to look in as well and then to pull out his favorite bottle of liquor.

Mikah: “And of course, it wouldn't be a present without your favorite stuff.”

Mikah sits back down and crosses one leg over the over and looks at her nails before looking at Christian then smiling at Mark.

HS: Thank you, I have the perfect place to put both.

Hot Stuff puts the frame on his desk facing Christian

HS: See buddy, you can always be reminded of a great few weeks

Christian shrugs

Christian: Don't suppose you have one in there of me kneeing him in the nuts, do you?

Hot Stuff holds his hand up to Christian and turns his attention back to Mikah.

Mikah: “It's just a thank you for taking care of one thing last week, now if the person who can't keep his hands to himself would get his own payment of sorts, we'd be good.”

Mikah puts a slight pouty look on her face as if it was horrible to even think about Drake Green or what she'd accused him of doing at Summer XXXTreme.

Justin: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Hostess With the Mostess for "Climax Control" -- Miss Amanda Hugginkiss!

The fans cheer as Amanda shuffles out, dressed in a floral print mu, gray wig, nylons rolled down around her knees and wielding a cane. The crowd laughs and applauds as the music for "Livin La Vida Loca" starts playing...

Amanda: I get solicitations for cemetery plots
I hired statisticians to count all my liver spots

Each day a new prescription, more pills keepin' me alive
Got 20/80 vision, I still go out and drive

I might forget a simple task and ask you to explain
I might forget what I just said and then say it once again
You might think that I'm insane (I'm not!)

Shirt's on inside out, I'm havin' a senior moment
Made snacks from puppy chow, having a senior moment
I'm sitting still so long you might think I'm in a coma
It's just all about having a senior moment (Let's nap!)
I'm having a senior moment (Again!)
I'm having a senior moment

Woke up around four-thirty, wasn't sleeping very well
I had some pizza with pepperoni
And now I've got gas, oh what a smell

When you come by to visit, I'll describe my every pain
And I'll be sure to wear Depends, you'll never see a stain
Now please hurry back again (Real soon!)

Left the ice cream out, I'm havin' a senior moment
I can't hear so I shout, havin' a senior moment
I bathe just once a week, that explains the strange aroma
Kissed dog, pet the frau, having a senior moment (Confused!)
I'm having a senior moment
I'm having a senior moment

I'll go out for a walk along the well-marked circle lane
You'll follow me because you know that I'll just get lost again
It's as certain as the rain (I'm wet!)

I locked myself out, just havin' a senior moment
No day goes by without havin' a senior moment
So where am I at now, is this Maine or Oklahoma?
Guess I'll laugh about havin' a senior moment (Ha ha!)
I'm having a senior moment (Once more!)
I'm having a senior moment

(These days I gotta gotta watch what I eat)
(Keep my Beano near)

(I'm old!)

I'm having a senior moment
I gotta lotta "what am I doing?" moments
I gotta watch my RLTV

The crowd cheers as Amanda waves her cane menacingly and teeters backwards before catching her balance. She shakes a finger towards the crowd before turning around and shuffling back behind the curtains to applause.

Mikah giggles a bit as she's a bit on the drunk side as she tries to stand on the chair, before looking at Christian. She then turns her attention back to Mark.

Mikah: “The main event is coming up, you know.”

Mark nods his head as he worked on whatever it was that he did. She leans forward, placing her elbows on his desk and propping her chin up.

Mikah: “I wish you could just leave now and we could just go get drunk; let bozo the clown over there take care of things. But I understand that he can't be trusted with even the simplest of tasks.”

Mikah nods her head with understanding.

HS: Yeah, every time I'm not here, he does something stupid, like hire Drake Green.

Mikah gets down off of the chair and grabs her championship and slings it back over her shoulder before winking at Mark.

Mikah: “I would stay to watch the main event but frankly, it's rather boring. And I do have to go take a shower before our drinking festivities start.”

She smiles at Mark before sticking her tongue out at Christian.

Mikah: “Goodbye, Christian. I hope you adored my presence tonight; hopefully it's a reminder to you that you must make sure that I have a locker room next week. Or this will occur again.”

She winks at him before walking out of the office, a strut to her step. Christian stares at Hot Stuff

Christian: So she buys you gifts, you go out on dates...

HS: They're not dates, they're drinking sessions

Christian: They're dates. Anyway, buying gifts, dates, so I gotta ask, does she wash your boxers too? Make you breakfast in the morning?

HS: Shut up. It's not like that.

Christian: Keep on talking, maybe someday, someone will believe it.

Hot Stuff shakes his head as the scene fades

Simone: Main Event time folks! And the Bombshells are headlining tonight!

Adams: A couple of fantastic bombshells at that!

Justin Decent: Ladies and Gentleman it is now time for our main event of the evening and it is for the Bombshell Internet Championship!!

Crowd: POP!

Justin Decent: Introducing first is the challenger…

Assassin by Muse starts to play as soon as the chorus hits Lucy jumps out from the stage and tosses her cloak off.

Justin Decent: Making her way to the ring. From Moscow, Russia…weighing in at 121lbs…LUCY SERAPHINA!!

Lucy looks around and starts to swiftly moves down the ramp. Lucy jumps onto the stairs and climbs over the turnbuckle. She flips herself in and goes to the center. She screams loudly and gets ready to fight.

Simone: Lucy is looking to join her tag partner in holding singles gold tonight. Not many people think she can do it, but I wouldn’t underestimate this one.

Adams: Yeah, she just looks like she has a ton of talent.

Simone: Because her look has anything to do with her in-ring ability?aa

Adams: When you look like Misty, it does…

The arena goes suddenly dark, as a child's voice plays over the p.a, as her words also flash up on the screen in red.

I can hear you breathing Nobody here in the cradle does that anymore How did you get in? Will you help me?

Justin Decent: And her opponent...

The bassy sounds of the drums begins to play as the cello then kicks in over the p.a and finally the guitar kicks in as green lights swirls around the entrance.

The boogie
The boogie
The boogie Man

The boogie
The boogie
The boogie Man

The boogie
The boogie
The boogie Man

The boogie
The boogie
The boogie Man

The song then kicks in and Amy rushes out holding her face and then suddenly stops half way down the ramp to reveal her face.

Justin Decent:Making her way to the ring…From Juneau, Alaska…Weighing in at 128lbs…She is the Bombshell Internet Champion…The Punk Princess…AMY MARSHALL!!!

Amy wears a black leather surgical face mask decorated with a Cheshire Cat Smile and above that Amy Marshall is written in red and in Japanese.

Simone: One has to wonder how Amy’s ankle is doing these days. She’s faired pretty well lately, but it hasn’t had a proper chance to rest and heal as it should.

Adams: She’s a fighting champion, Belinda!

Simone: That she is, Jason.

Amy then continues down the ramp, as slaps the hands of the awaiting fans, she then climbs into the ring, where she then climbs the turnbuckles and surveys the crowd before climbing back down heads to the center of the ring where she hands her Internet title to Drew Patton. Drew stands between both women, holding the belt high above him before he walks over and hands it to the timekeeper. Amy and Lucy stare towards one another, waiting for the bell to ring but neither has to wait very long as Drew calls for the bell.


After the bell rings, Amy approaches Lucy, holding her hand out to the challenger in a show of good sportsmanship. Lucy looks around apprehensively and takes a few hesitant steps towards Amy, but Amy assures her of her good intentions. Lucy begins to extend her hand slowly as the crowd goes wild, some booing and some cheering for both women.

Adams: I’m a little confused by this, Belinda.

Simone: I think Lucy is as well, Jason. But this stinks of bad news to me.

The two women finally exchange a quick, friendly handshake, but when Lucy goes to let go, Amy quickly catches her off guard as she yanks her towards her, wraps her arm around her and delivers a Saito suplex causing Lucy to land on her neck and shoulders! Amy gets back to her feet quickly and reaches down to pull the Lucy back to her feet. She goes to whip Lucy against the ropes, but Lucy counters it and shoves Amy towards the ropes. Amy grabs a hold of the ropes and as she goes to turn around, Lucy bends down and lifts Amy up and over the top rope, but Amy lands on her feet on the ring apron!

Simone: That Saito suplex sure didn’t effect Lucy much if she was able to bounce back that quickly.

Adams: And now she’s climbing the turnbuckles.

As Amy steps through the ropes and back into the ring, Lucy has stepped up to the second turnbuckle. When Amy turns to face her challenger, Lucy jumps off the turnbuckle right at Amy, deliving a low diving crossbody! Both women crash back to the canvas, but Amy quickly rolls out of the way and out of the ring, choosing to collect herself on the outside. The crowd is loving every second of the performance from both women, but Lucy refuses to let Amy waste any time on the outside.

Simone: If Amy gets herself counted out, she wouldn’t lose her title. I know she wants to prove she can keep a hold of the title, Jason, but does she really want to do it this way?

Adams: I don’t know. Why don’t you go ask her?

As Lucy has gotten back to her feet she is standing on the opposite side of the ring staring right at Amy standing on the outside. She charges across the ring and attempts to do a baseball slide under the bottom rope, but Amy steps to the side quickly and Lucy crashes right to the floor below! The fans in the front row lean forward to get a better view as Amy reaches down and pulls Lucy up by her hair and brings her over to the barricade and slams her head against the barricade to a very excited front row crowd. Drew shouts at Amy, ordering her to get back in the ring, along with Lucy, but his shouts fall on deaf ears.

Simone: Amy wants to wear Lucy down as early as possible and it seems it’s working.

After having her head slammed against the barricade, Lucy is seeing stars and Amy rolls back into the ring, but she has something up her sleeve as she immediately heads over to one of the corner turnbuckles and climbs to the top rope. She stands on the top rope as the crowd goes wild and she waits for the opportune moment, which is just about to present itself.

Adams: Lucy has no idea what Amy is about to do. Isn’t she a witch? Shouldn’t she see this coming?

Simone: I’m not too sure that is how that works, Jason.

Adams: I’ll have to ask my wife then. Maybe she can give Lucy some pointers.

Lucy stumbles back to her feet trying to get a sense of where she is and when she turns around, she doesn’t even have time to think as Amy flies off of the top turnbuckle in a somersault and crashes right against Lucy, sending both women crashing back to the floor and the crowd goes wild!


Simone: Amy’s ankle must be feeling a lot of better for her to be taking risks like that! What a move from the champion!

Adams: Hey, she’s putting her body on the line and doing whatever it takes to retain her title. You really can’t fault her for that.

Both women are feeling the effects of that move, but Amy is the first to pull herself back to her feet and slide back into the ring. Lucy is a little more dazed and confused and as Amy takes the time to get back to her feet in the ring and Drew tries to get Lucy back in the ring, both women start to come back around. Amy is staring right at Lucy as Lucy reaches for the second rope, getting ready to pull herself back up to the apron.

Simone: It doesn’t look like Amy wants to let her back into the ring and Lucy knows it.

Amy stands back, but she never takes her eyes off of Lucy as she hesitantly steps through the ropes. Amy holds her hand up and approaches Lucy, daring the challenger to lock hands again, only this time not hiding her intentions. The crowd starts cheering again as Lucy doesn’t hesitate this time and locks hands with Amy and the two battle to take control over the other. Eventually Lucy just slightly powers over Amy and twists the champions arms before she kicks Amy in the midsection and Amy stumbles back.

Simone: Jason,what are you doing?

Adams: Studying Lucy closely. I’m just trying to make sure she’s not the old Misty in disguise.

Simone: The old Misty?

Adams: Yeah, you know. The Misty before Melody and Roxi got a hold of her. The resemblance is uncanny!

Simone: There is only one Misty, Jason. And that is most definitely not her.

When Amy stumbles back, Lucy doesn’t waste a second as she reaches for the champion, grabbing her head, and delivers a quick swinging neckbreaker and she immediately drapes her arm over Amy and Drew drops down for the count.


2…Amy quickly kicks out! Lucy doesn’t seem very happy but she gets back to her feet dragging Amy with her and over to one of the corner turnbuckles.

Simone: I have to give it to both of these women tonight. They’re showing that they belong in the main event and they both have what it takes to be a champion here in SCW.

Adams: And I think Lucy is tired of being around her tag partner, Melanie, with no gold.

Lucy returns the favor to Amy when she starts slamming her head repeatedly into the top tunbuckle. After a few times, she surprises everyone when she scoops Amy up hangs her onto the top turnbuckle upside down!

Simone: What on early is she doing here?!

Adams: I’m not sure, but the blood flowing to Amy’s brain has to be very uncomfortable.

Lucy takes a few steps away from the turnbuckle as Amy struggles in this awkward position. A few seconds later, Lucy charges at Amy before she leaps forward towards Amy, causing both feet to connect with Amy’s face and the champion dislodges from the ropes, crashing back to the canvas! Lucy jumps back to her feet proudly as Drew checks on Amy who is holding her face.

Simone: Amy could easily have a broken nose if Lucy kicked her in the right position, Jason. That was a spectacular move from Lucy.

Adams: She’s pulling out no stops tonight. I love it!

No sign of blood is seen from Amy and she insists she is fine. As soon as Drew takes a step away, Lucy charges back over towards Amy, but Amy rolls down and manages to trip Lucy, sending her crashing face first against the second turnbuckle. Amy quickly gets back to her feet, turns around and drags Lucy away from the corner turnbuckle. She slams Lucy face first down into the canvas before she squats down over Lucy’s back, grabs a fistful of Lucy’s hair and arches her head back. She locks her hands together around Lucy’s chin and pulls Lucy back in a camel clutch, not holding back on the pressure applied.

Simone: Lucy could be in trouble here, Jason. She seems to be in a lot of pain and Amy knows it.

Adams: Well, I’m sure Amy was in a lot of pain with that kick to the face before, but you don’t see her crying, do you?

Lucy is screaming out in pain as Amy increases the pressure. Drew kneels down asking Lucy if she wants to give up, but Lucy just keeps shouting no and Amy keeps the hold locked in. The crowd hasn’t once quieted down during this entire match and Lucy tries her best to use them as motivation to get out of the hold as she reaches forward towards the ropes, which are just out of her reach.


Simone: Some of the fans here rallying their support for the challenger, but I’m sure Amy is blocking them out.

Adams: AMY! AMY! AMY!

Simone: Or…listening to your loud mouth.

Lucy continues to reach for the ropes and Amy shakes her head, refusing to break the hold. Lucy then starts slowly pulling herself, and Amy, towards the ropes, trying to grab the bottom rope. It takes her some time, and a lot of struggling, but she eventually gets just close enough to grab the bottom rope, but even then Amy doesn’t break the hold. Drew orders her to break the hold, but she shakes her head and he starts his mandatory count.

1…2…3…4…Just before the five count, Amy is forced to break the hold or face disqualification. Drew warns her not to do that again, but she just gives him a smug look and backs away as Lucy holds on to the ropes and nurses her neck and back.

Adams: She wouldn’t have lost the title by disqualification.

Simone: True, but I’m sure she wants to prove she can do this cleanly and with no controversy.

Lucy pulls herself back to her feet with assistance from the ropes and Amy sees this as an opportunity. She charges at her and just as she is about to clothesline Lucy over the top rope, Lucy drops down, pulling the top rope down just enough so Amy flies right over and crashes to the floor on the outside and the crowd goes wild again! Lucy shakes her head, trying to collect herself as Amy is on her back on the floor, feeling the effects of her crash landing.

Simone: So much back and forth action with this one tonight. I really can’t even begin to guess who will win this one.

Adams: I can! A Bombshell will win it!!

Simone: Hello Captain Obvious.

Similar to early on, Amy gets back to her feet, leaning against the ring apron. This time, Lucy charges at her and drops down with a baseball slide, crashing right against Amy and Amy stumbles back, causing a great reaction from the crowd! Lucy slides to the outside and walks over to the downed champion, reaching down to pull her back to her feet. When she does, Amy begins fighting back, grabbing a hold of Lucy’s hair and delivering a few punches!

Simone: And once again, Drew is trying to get both women to get back into the ring.

Amy kicks at Lucy’s legs until Lucy stumbles back and falls to her knees, giving Amy the opportunity to get back to her feet. Meanwhile, Drew has started his count.

3..Amy launches herself at Lucy, delivering a spear to the challenger and both women crash back down to the floor as the crowd once again goes wild, loving the athletic display from both women!

Simone: This match is proving to be something else, Jason. Amazing performance from both women.

Adams: If it’s something else, what is it exactly?

Simone: It’s a figure of speech, idiot!

6..Amy gets back to her feet, pulling Lucy with her. She goes to shove Lucy back first against the ring apron, but Lucy grabs her by the head and delivers a headbutt that has both women momentarily seeing stars but Lucy ignores them and spins Amy around, tossing her against the ring apron, midsection first!

Adams: Ouch…that knocked the wind out of me just watching it!

Simone: And yet you’re still talking…

9...Lucy grabs a hold of the back of Amy’s tights and her head and tosses her back into the ring under the bottom rope. Just before the ten count, Lucy slides in under the bottom rope, saving herself and allowing the match to continue.

Simone: Both Amy and Lucy look exhausted now, but there really doesn’t appear to be an end in sight.

Both women get back to the feet, and Amy is still holding her midsection when Lucy shoves her towards the ropes. She rebounds back and Lucy catches her by the back of her head with a fistful of hair and Amy fights to break free but Lucy refuses to let go of her hair. Amy tries to get away, but when she does, Lucy yanks her back by her hair, pulling her down into a backbreaker!

Simone: Fallen Sorrow!

Adams: You were saying, Belinda?

Lucy drops down and rolls Amy on to her back, hooking the leg and Drew drops down for the count.





Justin Decent:Ladies and gentleman here is your winner and the NEWWWW Bombshell Internet Champion…LUCY SERAPHINA!!!!

A ring official hands the Bombshell Internet title to Drew Patton and he brings it over to Lucy Seraphina. She starts celebrating as her music hits the sound system once again and Drew hands her the title and raises her other hand in victory!

Simone: She did it! We have a new Bombshell Internet Champion, Jason!

Adams: Congrats to Lucy, but Amy looks absolutely broken right now.

Amy is back to her feet, holding her back. She is staring towards Lucy as the new champion is holding the title high and then clutches it to her chest proudly. Amy shakes her head disappointedly and before she turns around to exit the ring, Lucy turns around and extends her hand towards Amy for a handshake. Just as the two shake hands, the crowd goes wild and looks towards the ramp as someone is making a mad dash towards the ring!

Simone: Oh God, it’s Alexis Edwards! What the hell is she doing?!

Alexis slides into the ring and jumps back to her feet then dives towards Amy, delivering a forearm to the back of her head that sends Amy crashing against Lucy! Both women crash to the canvas as Alexis begins her assault! She delivers a few hard stomps to the back of Amy’s head then follows it up with a leg drop! When she gets back to her feet, she reaches down to pull the now former champion back to her feet, but Lucy Seraphina clobbers her, trying to get some payback of her own, while helping Amy, but Alexis has other plans.

Simone: What the hell does Alexis want with Amy Marshall?!

Adams: I don’t think it’s just Amy Marshall she’s after…

When Lucy spins Alexis around, Alexis delivers a quick uppercut, followed by an elbow to the gut. She then spins Lucy around, scoops her up and delivers a Kudo Driver!

Simone: Put on Notice! Alexis just delivered the Put on Notice to the new champion! And now what is she doing?

Alexis reaches down and picks up the Bombshell Internet Championship belt, clutching it in her hands. She turns around and locks her eyes right on Amy who is getting back to her feet very unsteadily. She stalks the former champion and when Amy is back to her feet, Alexis leaps at her, clobbering her in the back of the head with the title!! Both Amy and Lucy are down in the center of the ring as Alexis stands between the two of them, smiling wickedly and holding the Internet Title high above her as several SCW officials storm down to the ring to check on both women.

Simone: Unbelievable. It seems we now know what Alexis intentions are and what a way to make them known.

Adams: Well…she did want to get herself noticed. What better way than after the main event?

Alexis looks down at her handy work one last time before she lowers the belt and drops it over a barely conscious Lucy. She steps over Amy Marshall as the ring officials are now checking on both women and exits the ring to a bad reaction from the crowd.

Simone: That's all we have time for, join us next week for more hard hitting action!

Thank you! To Chris, Mark, Maggie, The Lord MK, Annie, Dustin, Mikah, Fizz, Erik, Sean Jackson, Casey, Gerrit, Sam, Simon Jones, GFH. Also again to Annie for the great match banners and for all you guys who keep us pushing on.