The crowd is alive with energy inside of the Gold Mine Gym in Long Beach, California . The camera scans around the capacity crowd, cheering and waving while holding up signs for their favorites.
A spotlight then begins to shine and the crowd cheers as ring announcer Justin Decent steps out onto the stage. The handsome exhibitionist jogs out to the ring, slapping hands to the fans who reach out to him.
He is handed the microphone by Jason Adams as he runs up the ring steps and climbs inside of the six-sided SCW ring and walks around, pumping his fist in the air to the tune of the crowd's chants;
Justin then hops up onto the corner turnbuckle and smiles, looking out around at all of the fans filling the rows of seats around the gymnasium itself. He drops back down and takes his place in the center of the ring and brings the microphone up to his lips.
Justin: Hello everyone and welcome to the Gold Mine Gym right here in Long Beach, California and welcome to Sin City Wrestling "Climax Control"!
The crowd cheers!
Justin: Now please help me welcome the Hostess With the Mostess for "Climax Control" -- Miss Amanda Hugginkiss!
The crowd cheers as Amanda walks out, dressed in a ginger beehive hairdo, a fatsuit covered by a Hawaiin print muumuu, and carrying a large hoagie sandwich in one hand, and the house microphone in the other. The music immediately starts playing and Amanda's performance begins!
Amanda: Some girls like to buy new shoes
I know how to keep a woman satisfied
That's all they really want
Girls, they want
She eats like she got a hole in her neck
That's all they really want
Girls, they want
They just want to
They just want to
They just want to
And others like drivin' trucks and wearing tattoos
There's only one thing that they all like a bunch
Oh, girls, they want to have lunch
Oh, girls just want to have lunch
When I whip out my Diner's Card their eyes get so wide
They're always in the mood for something to munch
Oh, girls, they want to have lunch
Oh, girls just want to have
Some lunch
Don't ask 'em to dinner or breakfast or brunch
'Cause girls, they want to have lunch
Oh, girls just want to have lunch
Want to have lunch
Girls wanna have
And I'm the one that always gets stuck with the check
Can't figure out how come they don't weigh a ton
Oh, girls, they want to have lunch
Oh, girls just want to have
Is some lunch
Don't know for certain but I've got a hunch
Those girls, they want to have lunch
Oh, girls just want to have lunch
Want to have lunch
Girls wanna have
They just want to
They just want to
Girls just want to have lunch
Girls just want to have lunch
They just want to
They just want to
They just want to
They just want to
They just want to
The song ends and the crowd laughs and applauds for Amanda's usual comedic performance. Amanda prances around the stage, smiling and blowing kisses to all corners. She then goes to take a big bite of the gaping hoagie when the contents spill out everywhere at her feet. She looks down forlornly at the mess and glances up to the rafters and shakes her head.
Simone: Hello everyone, and welcome to Climax Control! I am Belinda Simone.
Adams: And I'm Jason Adams. I'm tired and irregular so I'm out of witty things to say.
Simone: You did say 'witty'?
Adams: Yeah, why?
Simone: Nothing. The whole 'irregular' remark made me think you meant something else.
Adams: I blame that cheap continental breakfast the hotel served us. Who ever heard of banana bran muffins? It confused me colon, it did!
Simone: Oookayyyy! If we can bypass my colleague's irregularities, and I mean that in more ways than one, it's time to fill everyone in on tonight's show where we officially kick off the second annual Blast From the Past Mixed Tag Team Tournament!
Adams: It took some doing but we got sixteen men and sixteen Bombshells signed and split into sixteen teams for a single elimination tournament.
Simone: It starts tonight with Landon Axel of Guns For Hire teaming with Jessie Salco to take on the debuting Andrew Garcia and Traci Patterson.
Adams: Gene Banton Junior returns to Sin City Wrestling to team with former Roulette and Tag Champion, Amy Marshall, and they take on 'da man' himself, Jordan Williams and a returning Bombshell, Karina Koji!
Simone: It's always great to see stars returning to SCW after a hiatus. Real Money Jimmy Ringo is paired with the Prodigy herself, Lizzie Short, to take on former Heavyweight Champion Simon Jones and the returning Party Girl, Brandi Shotze.
Adams: I know I'm rooting for Brandi and Simon's team. That Shotze throws some celebratory parties to die for! Then the team people are already predicting go all the way, current Heavyweight Champion Giani Di Luca and Emma Rose take on the team of Roxi Johnson and the returning Argento.
Simone: They have got a great many people betting on them but nobody should count any of these teams out. The remainder of the opening round takes place next week, but tonight we also have some singles action as J.D. Phoenix takes on the debuting Brittany York.
Adams: Every time that woman opens her mouth it makes me want to YORK!
Simone: She does seem to have that affect on people, doesn't she? Then Dante Mephisto debuts in Sin City Wrestling, taking on Michael Hardy to round things up.
As the announcers Jason Adams and Belinda Simone are talking, an interruption occurs.
v/o: "Can you feel it coming? In the air, tonight?"
The lights in the arena shut down, leaving the crowd in the dark, as bright flashes start to burst through out, acting as it were streaks of lighting. A dark crimson color light illuminates the entrance area as a thick mist rolls across the entrance ramp.
A hush falls over the arena as the crimson mist pours off the entrance ramp and into the crowd. Without warning, crimson colored lights explode throughout the arena. A video explodes on the screen as you can see the letters slowly fade in, and as it does a very well known theme begins to filter out throughout the arena...
v/o: "I said. Can you feel it coming? In the air, tonight?"
As soon as the voice over ends, you hear the voice of Phil Collins start up with...
"I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord"
As the popular Phil Collins song "In The Air Tonight" begins to play, the letters on the big screen finish forming with a nickname now well known with this theme....
The Mental Rapist
Through the crimson mist, a ring of fire can now be seen as the fans can see two people rising up from the floor. The arena erupts into boos and slight cheers as the two people are quickly recognized as the REAL NeWA World Heavyweight Champion Sean Jackson and the evil jezebeth Vanessa. Jackson is motionless while Vanessa stands bladed, her curves showing up beautifully against the backdrop. Once both have risen like a phoenix from its ashes, they step out of the ring of fire with Sean completely focused, his face adorned with a serious look while Vanessa runs her hands down the curves of her body and to her hips.
"Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord."
A slight smile forms on his face. Lord only knows what's floating around in that screwed up head of his, especially with the Vietnamese darkling at his side. After soaking up the reaction for a few moments, he motions that it's finally time to make their way to the ring.
They begin the slow walk down to the ring as the crimson spot lights glisten off of Vanessa's dark Vietnamese skin and cast a pale reflection on Jackson. Vanessa wearing a low cut blood red dress with a long slit showing off her well toned legs and cleavage while Jackson is dressed in a white shirt with the NeWA logo on the front. Just above the logo is the words "ENTER" and "FUCK SHIT UP". On the back of the shirt is the word "LEAVE" with the NeWA logo in complete disarray with blood pouring from the bottom. He is also wearing blue jeans and boots.]
As soon as they enter the ring, a spotlight bathes Sean Jackson as he takes to the turnbuckles and slowly climbs up. As he sets foot on the middle turnbuckle, the ring is surrounded in falling pyro on all sides of the rings as he peers out at the fans at ringside. Much to the approval of a clapping Vanessa, he then hops down off the turnbuckle and leans against the ropes. As the pyro dies out, the lights come back on, returning the light to the arena. Within moments, he is handed a house mic from one of the ring crew and the rest is history.
Jackson: "Ladies and gentlemen, I know that you must be confused as to why I'm here. Well be confused no longer because I'm about to tell you why I'm here."
The smug look on Sean's face is only part of the story. It's not so much that he left the NeWA, but that he left the NeWA with THE NeWA world heavyweight title. Something that has to stick in the craw of one Brad Batee.
Jackson: "I am here because how better to stick it to a piece of shit like Brad Batee, than to come here to Sin City. The place where Batee went overboard in showing his true self as a third rate hack job who couldn't pour piss out of a boot with a hole in the toe and directions on the heel."
As Sean continues to talk, he begins to pace. All the while, Vanessa's eyes follow him with blind pleasure. Her plan to destroy the NeWA is now in full swing, with a forum to do so anytime she wants.
Jackson: "You remember Sin City don't you Brad?"
The rhetorical question brings a smile to his own face. He knows that as soon as Batee catches wind of this, he will hit the proverbial roof.
Jackson: "Of course you do. You remember how you fucked over Spike Staggs, you remember how you screwed up an entire card, and an entire alliance with the departure of three regions. All because you wanted to be a bitch hypocrite with the way you ran things."
Sean's eyes dart from the camera and in the many directions of the fans inside of the arena. It is time to air some dirty laundry, ALOT of dirty laundry.
Jackson: "Case in point Brad, I like your double standard of stripping Spike Staggs of the title belt last year, then going off and doing something far WORSE with your Spectre being, then not being, back to being TS Jeremiah Woods."
Sean holds up his index finger, knowing that he has just caused mass confusion.
Jackson: "Oh wait, it gets better. Now then you all know the story of how Spike got stripped of the world title. But what you don't know is how Brad Batee stripped me of the world title in a match that never took place, and in favor of a person who allegedly wasn't even on the roster. That person being TS Jeremiah Woods. Now then, the significance of Jeremiah Woods? He was the same Spectre who faked his own death so he wouldn't have to face me."
Confused? you aren't alone.
Jackson: "Then after allowing this imposter to defend MY title for a couple of months, I was able to win it back after Batee was unable to keep me out of the title hunt. The excuse he used was that there was this supposed contract dispute with Spectre, so in order to NOT fuck shit up, he hired a supposed look a like named TS Jeremiah Woods."
Sean again looks directly into the camera, speaking directly to Brad Batee.
Jackson: "But when even THAT couldn't stop me from getting the belt back, what do you do Brad? That's right, you run off like a little child. You threw a temper tantrum, took your ball and ran home like a spoiled little brat. Where I might add, you stayed until you were no longer in the voting minority and stripped me a second time of the belt for absolutely no reason."
Sean chuckles a bit as he rubs his chin with his thumb and index finger.
Jackson: "So therefore, here I am. In Sin City Wrestling as THE REAL NeWA world heavyweight champion. Now I know that you've already had that over the top rope battle royal in which you've crowned Hard Rock Dave Steele as your new NeWA heavyweight pretender...."
The big screen again comes to life and a visual of a trophy case comes into view. Sitting in that trophy case is in fact, the NeWA world heavyweight title. The very title that Dave Steele could only wish he had around his waist.
Jackson: "But fortunately for the rest of the wrestling world, that pretender is NOT wearing the most prestigious title belt in all of professional wrestling. For you see Brad, if you're going to be fucking stupid enough to strip your champion of the belt, at least be smart enough to do it where you can take it from him right then and there. Because Brad, the NeWA is supposed to be all about tradition, and tradition means that titles are won AND lost inside of the ring. Not because of some mean nothing proclamation from some third rate hack who wouldn't know the difference between a wrist lock and a wrist watch."
Jackson: "But yet, we are talking about you Brad. So the words smart and Brad Batee should never, EVER be used in the same sentence. Case in point Brad, the NeWA is now down to just two regions...TWO...."
Sean finds himself holding up two fingers.
Jackson: "That being the PRA and your beloved BACW. Now then, you sent me a private message, telling me to keep the negativity down. Well Brad, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but telling me to keep the negativity down when I'm no longer in the NeWA, isn't going to stop anything. It's only going to make me want to spread the news faster, and to as many people as I possibly can. That's right Brad, by the time I'm finished spreading the message, the entire wrestling world is going to avoid you and that garbage dump you're trying to pass off as the NeWA."
For anyone who REALLY knows Sean Jackson, knows that this has been a long time coming. I mean really, it's Sean Jackson? did you expect anything less?
Jackson: "I mean, look at what you've got. Outside of Matt McClain, Dare Logan, and Malik Johnson of the Mid South Syndicate, what do you REALLY have? Sebastion Ocean is gone, Darrel Besolve is gone, Derek Parks is gone, Spectre is MIA. But hey, Dave Steele IS your world heavyweight pretender now...right?
Another chuckle.
Jackson: "Oh wait, I almost forgot, Kurt Chavez has come back again, hasn't he? How many times does that make now? Yes Brad, how long will Chavez be back this time? maybe to win the world title once more before disappearing for good? yes, that seems to be the kind of consistency that you're looking for. Right?"
Sean stops pacing and takes up position directly in front of the evil jezebeth Vanessa. As begins to talk, she takes her hands and begins to run them through his hair and down his neck, to his shoulders.
Jackson: "Meanwhile, I'll be here in Sin City where the model of consistency is entirely different. I'll be here in Sin City where the owner actually knows how to take care of his super stars. I'll be here in Sin City where the owner actually rewards his super stars for being here on the daily, rather than just being his puppets."
Can you just see the furniture flying in Batee land?
Jackson: "Face it Brad, I'm here in Sin City because I don't work for any pussy ass bitches. I got what I wanted, that being the NeWA world heavyweight title and as my shirt clearly reads..."
Sean points to his shirt.
Jackson: "I enter, I fuck shit up, and then leave. It's that simple. You see unlike you, I don't half ass do anything. I am the NeWA world heavyweight champion and there isn't a fucking thing that you can do about it. You're nothing more than a third rate hack owner who was practically handed one of the greatest promotions in the world, only to run it into ground, ruining what was once a proud organization. A proud organization that had regions all over the world and more than a hundred active wrestlers...."
Jackson: "And for what? so you could push BACW? Well Brad, look at your beloved BACW now. I bet you can't even name five wrestlers on the roster who could make it here in Sin City as janitors, much less as wrestlers...."
For the first time, Vanessa breaks her silence and in that seductive Vietnamese accent, and begins speaking.
Vanessa: "I told you Sean. I told you that it was all just a scam. I told you before King of the Death Match and Lord of the Ring that Batee would feed you to the wolves. That he was only going to use you to make Spectre and Derek Parks look better. At least Parks finally came to his senses and left. But true to form, there was Batee replacing him with the on again, off again Kurt Chavez. But now, now we are here in Sin City where it all makes sense. Sin City, the new home to the "Mental Rapist" and the evil jezebeth herself...."
Can you just see the wheels spinning in her beautiful, but dangerous, little head? Yep, Sin City definitely sounds like a much better place than some third rate garbage dump ran by Brad Batee.
Vanessa: "I can just see it now. Sin City, a place ripe for the picking of fresh souls."
At that moment, Vanessa moves to the front of Sean Jackson and places a hand on each side of his face.
Vanessa: "Thank you for this wonderful gift. I knew that you were the one when you first walked through that door..."
Vanessa leans in and gives him a small, but passionate kiss on the lips before slightly leaning back out.
Vanessa: "And for that, you will continue to be well compensated. I promise."
With that, Vanessa begins to leave the ring. Sean hesitates for a split second before a shit eating grin forms on his face. He knows exactly what Vanessa is eluding to.
Jackson: "And THAT Brad, is how you keep your stars happy. You should try it sometime."
As Sean prepares to drop the mic, he stops himself. It's almost as if he left out a helpful piece of advice.
Jackson: "But if you do, make sure to invest in knee pads and a bib. The knee pads because knowing you Brad, you will be down there for a very long time and the bib?"
Jackson: "The bib will make sure that you catch every drop because face it, if you give blow jobs like you run wrestling companies, it's going to get pretty messy down there, and we all know your boys don't like messes."
With that, Sean drops the mic and a heavy static sound fills the arena.
Simone: Earlier tonight former BACW and NEWA Heavyweight Champion Sean Jackson made is SCW debut making his intentions for SCW???s Titles very clear!
Adams: But until he makes his in ring debut he won???t be a blip on any of the male champion???s radars.
Simone: That wasn???t tonight???s only debut however as debuting for the ever popular Bombshell Division is ???The Blueblood??? Brittany York and in just a few moments she will take on JD Phoenix in her debut match!
Adams: Let???s take it to Justin!
Justin: The following Bombshell Contest is scheduled for one fall!
???Beautiful, Dirty, Rich??? by Lady Gaga hits the speakers as images on the Jumbotron show a graphic of the British Union Jack waving in the wind. Then standing at the entrance with a bunch of reporters and paparazzi dressed in her school girl wrestling outfit is none other than The Blueblood herself, Brittany York posing for the camera. As the pictures are being taken some men in black suits and sunglasses sweep away reporters after Brittany finishes posing. She then struts down with her bodyguards in to towards the ring as the announcer addresses the audience.
Justin: Coming to the ring first, hailing from London, England. Weighing in at 118 lbs. Standing at 5 ft. 5 in she is making her SCW Debut: ???THE BLUEBLOOD??? BRITTANY YORK!
When she arrives to the ring, one of the bodyguards sits on the second rope lifting the third up so Brittany York can enter the ring easily. She does not ignore the booing she gets from the fans she seems to like it with a sick and twisted arrogant smile. To Brittany York they hate her because they know she is better than all of them. Her bodyguards disperse leaving her in the ring without their protection. She does not need them now as she gets ready for her match.
Simone: Brittany York is definitely arrogant but we???ll see if she can back it up in the ring.
Adams: She???s been compared to Matthew Kennedy in terms of her demeanor since her debut in the company, I can definitely see it and I???m wondering if she???s Matthew???s real prot??g??.
Simone: Jason, this is an announcer???s desk, not a rumor mill!
Justin: And her opponent!
"What's Good" by Spanky featuring JJ Demon hits the PA systems, and the fans in attendance knows exactly whose music that is, so they burst out in a furry of cheers. Before long, the curtain opens and The Leader of the Bro Army herself, J.D. Phoenix, jumps out with a huge smile on her face as she looks around the crowd.
Justin: From San Diego, California, she is ???The Princess of Kickass??? JD Phoenix!
Simone: JD and Brittany couldn???t be more different from each other if one of them got a sex change!
Adams: Speaking of Brittany, it seems she???s gotten angry because of JD???s nickname!
Indeed Brittany has started yelling at Justin for calling a commoner a princess but Justin just shrugs his shoulders saying that it???s just a nickname, J.D. doesn???t notice this as she then lightly jogs down the ramp, slapping her fans hands and pointing at them before she arrives to the ropes, and enters through the bottom one. When J.D. gets in the ring, she jumps on the turnbuckle and crosses her arms, and leans back in a thug like manner before jumping down and going to the rest of the turnbuckles to do the same thing. However the San Diego native never gets a chance to finish her entrance because as soon as she hops down from the top turnbuckle she gets hit with a clothesline by Brittany!
Simone: Now that???s just uncalled for!
Adams: Try telling that to Brittany!
Brittany starts stomping a mudhole in JD as she recovers from the sneak attack whilst Drew Patton has no choice but to start the match before trying to pull of Brittany from JD, she glares at him as she stops stomping the living hell out of JD.
Brittany: Get your hands off me you bloody commoner!
Simone: He???s just doing his job!
Adams: Once again, try telling her that!
Brittany finally lets up but only after being threatened with a disqualification by Drew as she forces JD back to her feet and sets her up for a Suplex, however a couple of knees to the head from JD quickly puts those plans to rest as she gets out of the Suplex attempt, grabs Brittany???s head in mid-air and drives her down to the matt with a DDT.
Simone: What a reversal from JD!
Adams: Brittany obviously underestimated JD because of her class and now she???s paying for it!
JD quickly rolls Brittany onto her back and goes for a cover
JD doesn???t argue with the ref rather she brings Brittany back to her feet only to get her eyes raked by the debuting Brit! JD stumbles around for a bit giving Brittany, who is once again completely ignoring Drew???s warnings, a chance to take her over with a beautiful German Suplex!
2???..and Brittany just as quickly kicks out!
Simone: Questionable tactics aside that was a beautiful move by Brittany!
Adams: And she???s holding on for a cover!
1???..2???..kick out by JD!
Unlike JD Brittany does argue with the ref over the apparent slow count but Drew is having none of it and is clearly getting tired of Brittany???s tactics in the match so far to boot, Brittany rolls her eyes in response only to get surprised with a roll-up by JD!
2???..kickout by Brittany and the two Bombshells are quick to get back on their feet!
Simone: So far JD has more near falls than Brittany in this match!
Adams: But as we saw in the Bombshell Title Match at My Bloody Valentine it takes just one pin-fall to win the match!
The two Bombshells start exchanging some technical wrestling in the ring each impressing the audience with their skills on the matt, it???s JD that finds a flaw in her opponent???s offense first however as she is able to connect with a Dropkick to the face whilst Brittany is sat down on the ground! Rather than go for a cover however JD drags Brittany over to a turnbuckle and starts climbing up.
Simone: JD is traditionally a brawler but she has been known to take to the skies!
Adams: Has Brittany suffered enough damage to stay down though?
Apparently she hasn???t because as soon as JD is in the top turnbuckle Brittany leaps up and hits her with an Uppercut stunning her in the process! Before JD can have a chance to recover Brittany jumps up to the second turnbuckle, fires off a couple of punches to JD???s head before hooking her up for a Superplex???.
Simone: Both Bombshells are in the air for the Superplex!
Adams: Wait, is JD trying to reverse it in mid-air?!
JD tries to use the same method she used to get out of the previous Suplex attempt but can???t due to being in mid-air and both Bombshells hit the canvass with a thud! Neither Bombshell is moving so Drew starts the count to ten.
Simone: This would be an embarrassing way to end the match for Brittany as she would???ve been knocked out by her own Superplex!
Adams: Well it???s not going to happen now as Brittany is back on her feet first at the count of seven and if I???m not mistaken she???s signaling for the end!
Brittany waits for JD to get back to her feet and when she does she calls out ???Birthright??? before kicking JD in the stomach, placing her head between her legs and hooking up her arms, however JD isn???t interested in what she has planned instead backdropping out of the attempt and sending the Brit reeling, this time it???s JD who signals for her finisher as she waits for Brittany to get to her feet.
Simone: We???ve seen this before she???s setting her up for ???The Thug Life???.
Adams: If JD hits this then Brittany???s debut will be a disaster!
JD kicks Brittany in the stomach before folding her arms and leaning back gangster style, she does this for two long however as Brittany is able to recover and rake her eyes again! Rather than give JD a chance to recover she spins her around and successfully hits the Birthright!
Simone: Birthright! This match is over!
Adams: Not according to Brittany!
Brittany looks down on JD???s prone form before shaking her head and locking in a Reverse Indian Deathlock on JD, JD wakes up just in time to scream out in pain as she tries to reach for the ropes but it???s no use and she has no choice but to tap out!
Justin: The winner of the match by submission ???The Blueblood??? Brittany York!
Simone: I???m being told that Brittany calls that ???The Royal Pain???!
Adams: Considering that she took issue with JD???s nickname before the start of the match I don???t think there???s a better name for it!
Brittany doesn???t let go off the hold at first despite her music playing and, eventually, the bell ringing, she eventually does let go but it???s clear that JD is hurt!
Simone: That was uncalled for! She could???ve ended JD???s career!
Adams: Like it or not if she continues to show this much aggression in the Bombshell Division then she will be a force to be reckoned with!
.... 6pm....
#WhatsInYourHead? #Zombie #IKnowSomethingYouDont #FollowNow #CantYouSeeItsNotMe #ViolenceBringsSilence #Looknow
The opening rift to Busta Rhyme and Ozzy Osbournes???s "This Means War!!" start to blast through the speakers, as red and yellow lights start to flash, the yellow cutting through the red to create a orange effect. The fans boo as the lyrics kick in.
"Just make sure them, them drums is smackin???
This, means, WAR!!"
Andrew appears at the top of the ramp, looking around at the crowd and not moving, his eyes burning holes through the crowd.
"Take a look inside
You can run and you can hide
If you cross my path
I'll make sure you feel my wrath
Give and you receive
Cherish every breath you breathe
Scriptures on the wall
Those who betray all must fall"
Andrew lets out a roar, his arms out wide before he looks around the crowd, focused. The Honorable Warrior starts to walk towards the ring slowly, stopping halfway down the ramp and turning his head to look at the booing crowd, their thumbs pointing down. Andrew shakes his head slowly and turns back to face the ring, walking down towards the apron. Andrew puts his hand on the rope, and pulls himself up on to the ring apron and steps between the middle and top rope, staring around at the booing fans. Andrew raises his arms as the fans boo louder.
Andrew: Go ahead and boo me, but boo me for being a great competitor who causes a lot of pain to his opponents, not because I can spit in Ben???s face. Now, Landon, Jessie, you two have the experience over Traci and myself, but Traci and I are confident in our skills and know that we can defeat you two. You guys can be as confident as you want, being former champions and all, but you guys also lost those titles to better people. Traci and I will prove that we are better than the two of you.
Andrew then walks backstage as the fans boo him for his remarks towards the men in the background.
The lights of the arena go out, as a golden light begins to go over the crowd, and stops at the back of the entrance, as ???Brony Metal Medley??? by Bronyfied begins to play over the loud speakers. The crowd begins to cheer as the tron comes to life above the stage showing different scenes from the matches that Necra had been in, mixed with Egyptian signs, and other things from Egypt. The words ???How many points do I receive???? echo's over the crowd as the stage becomes covered in a heavy mist. Necra rises out of the stage with her hand on top of a rather large black panther's head. She takes a hold of a black leash and leads the creature down the ramp way with her follower Sara behind her. Necra makes her way to the ring, staring forward all the way, as if lost in a trance. She reaches the ring, and hands off the leashed panther to Sara as she bows to her Goddess. Necra walks up the stairs and she slides in under the ropes and stands in the middle of the ring, only to raise her hands and bring them down setting the ring posts a blaze with flame, as gold and black glitter falls onto the crowd.
Simone: What is Necra doing out here?
Adams: I don't know but she looks different.
Simone: But she does know how to make an entrance.
Adams: She's not being flashy as she usually is though.
Simone: She still has what it takes to be a Bombshell!
Necra calls for a mic and gets one handed to her, as the crowd cheers loudly.
Necra: Now I know what you are wondering what I'm doing out here... I've been in this company for a while now, and won the Bombshell Roulette Title twice now, and the Bombshell Tag Titles, but there is still one that I haven't gotten my hands on...
Adams: I knew she was out here for something more then to be seen!
Simone: Does it really surprise you?
Necra paces around the ring, and smiles to herself, as the crowd becomes a mix of boos and cheers.
Necra: The Bombshell Title has slipped through my grasp time and time again, but this time... This time I will take what is mine. Now I know Gothika is the Champion but that will change in time, and by time, I mean soon... Very soon.
Simone: Wow! Is she throwing out a challenge to Gothika?
Adams: I think she is.
Necra: Now I know you're here tonight, and you can hear me. So why don't you come out here and look me dead in the eye and give me your answer?
Simone: If Gothika comes out here it's not going to be pretty.
Adams: That's for sure. It could result in a brawl right here in the middle of the ring.
Necra looks at the entrance, waiting for Gothika to show. The entrance way remains empty, and Necra smirks as she turns from the entrance and back to the crowd in the arena.
Necra: It looks like she's scared... What a shame. I wanted to see if she was a woman that could defend her title against me, but I guess not. I was and have always been right about you Gothika, you are nothing more a fraud, and a worthless Champion.
Simone: Gothika is a great Champion, and Necra is just upset that she hasn't got the title yet.
Adams: It's not from lack of trying. She's tried several times only to have it slip through her fingers.
Necra looks around at the crowd, and lowers her head.
Necra: I'll give you one more chance to come out here and face me in the middle of this ring right now! If you don't I know then you are completely useless.
Simone: There is really no need to call Gothika useless... I think Necra is just upset that she hasn't had a chance to face Gothika yet.
Adams: I think there might be more than that. Necra is one of the biggest Bombshells in the SCW and has proven herself time and time again. If she does win the Bombshell Title she will become a Triple Crown Champion.
Necra looks toward the back as a chant for Gothika begins. Necra shakes her head and turns back to the crowd once again.
Necra: Just like I thought... Worthless and useless... I want an answer soon Gothika, and if not I will do everything that I can just to get my hands on you and your title.
Simone: I wonder if Gothika will answer her challenge?
Adams: I don't know, but if she does it will be one hell of a match.
Necra tosses the mic down, and slides under the ropes and down the stairs to where Sara waited with the large panther. The crowd cheers as she takes the leash from Sara and they head back up the ramp way as Brony Metal Medley begins to play once again.
Simone: It's been one hell of a night so far, but we still have more to come folks. Stay tuned.
Justin: Our next match is an opening round match in the Blast from the Past tournament! Introducing first! Accompanied by Katie Patterson, from Dallas, Texas, weighing 143 pounds, Traci Patterson!
Here Come The Boom - POD starts to play over the PA System and the fans get up to their feet. With that Traci and Katie walk out from behind the curtain. Traci then poses on the top of the stage with Katie points at Traci. The pair then walk down to the ring and slap fans hands as they do this. Katie then gets up on the apron and holds the ropes open for Traci. Traci then slips in and walks over to the corner. She then poses on the turnbuckles while Katie claps her. Traci then gets down and opens the ropes for Katie to leave.
Justin: Her tag team partner is from Oakland, California, weighing 245, making his SCW debut ... he is the Honorable Warrior, Andrew Garcia!
The opening rift to Busta Rhyme and Ozzy Osbournes???s "This Means War!!" start to blast through the speakers, as red and yellow lights start to flash, the yellow cutting through the red to create a orange effect. The fans boo as the lyrics kick in.
"Just make sure them, them drums is smackin???
Andrew appears at the top of the ramp, looking around at the crowd and not moving, his eyes burning holes through the crowd.
"Take a look inside
Andrew lets out a roar, his arms out wide before he looks around the crowd, focused. The Honorable Warrior starts to walk towards the ring slowly, stopping halfway down the ramp and turning his head to look at the booing crowd, their thumbs pointing down. Andrew shakes his head slowly and turns back to face the ring, walking down towards the apron. Andrew puts his hand on the rope, and pulls himself up on to the ring apron and steps between the middle and top rope, staring around at the booing fans. Andrew raises his arms as the fans boo louder.
This, means, WAR!!"
You can run and you can hide
If you cross my path
I'll make sure you feel my wrath
Give and you receive
Cherish every breath you breathe
Scriptures on the wall
Those who betray all must fall"
Justin: And their opponents! First from Miami, Florida, weighing 120 pounds ... Jessie Salco!
The lights dim as the fast, charging riff of "The Art of Partying" by Municipal Waste tears the PA System a new one and Jessie comes out with her brother Jake, the two do some headbanging at the top of the ramp before Jessie gets a running start before sliding into the ring, once she's on her feet she poses for the crowd before showing off her NXT armband and waiting for her partner.
Justin: Her tag team partner is from Galveston, Texas, weighing 264 pounds ... Landon Axel!
???The End??? by Roadrunner United begins to play as the houselights dim, a spotlight shines upon the entrance as Landon Axel steps out to a chorus of cheers, he smiles broadly as he walks down the aisle and walks to the ring steps and climbs them and stands on the ring apron. Absorbing the atmosphere for a moment before stepping through the ropes, walking over to the furthest turnbuckle and climbs up to the second rope, Axel acknowledges the crowd by pounding his chest and lifting his arms up. The music plays as the referee checks his books waist and knuckles for foreign objects before it fades away.
Traci and Jessie are staying in the ring as Landon and Andrew goes behind the ropes.
Adams: It looks like we are starting this one off with the ladies, just the way I like it.
Simone: This should be an interesting match up. Both of these fighters have showed a lot of promise recently.
The two women circle each other before Traci moves in for a lock up. Jessie rolls out of the way and is quickly up on her feet. She tries to grab Traci from behind but is met with a stiff elbow from Traci. Jessie staggers back and Traci spins around grabbing Salco and bringing her down with a belly to belly suplex.
Simone: This match up is going to about power and speed.
Adams: Like a gazelle vs...umm a hippo or something.
Traci picks Jessie up and throws her into the nearest corner. That is followed up with a brutal shoulder tackle.
Simone: Did you just call Traci a hippo?
Adams: umm hippos are the fast ones???.in water at least???.don???t let her hurt me.
Traci grabs Jessie out of the corner and this time she whips her into the ropes. Traci tries for a discus clothesline but Jessie ducks under it. She bounces off the ropes and catches Traci by surprise with a drop kick. Salco is up quick running for the opposite ropes and rebounds with a flying elbow that hits Traci before she can get up.
Adams: Salco is heading for the top rope.
Simone: She is trying for a quick moonsault.
Traci is ready for it and rolls out of the way. Both girls are now getting up quick. Jessie tries for a kick to Traci midsection and Traci returns the favor with a forearm smash that knocks Salco off her feet. Traci lifts Salco up trying for a powerbomb that Salco manages to escape from slipping behind her opponent. Salco going for the ropes again but on the rebound is caught with another discus clothesline.
Adams: Oh man she nearly took Salco???s head off with that.
Simone: The power behind Traci Patterson is scary.
Salco is struggling to get up after that and Traci is not wasting any time. Lifting Salco to her feet and hits a gut wrench suplex. She has Jessie up again and up into a gorilla press. Somehow Salco gets out of it dropping behind and catching Traci into a reverse DDT. The crowd loves it.
Simone: Where did that come from!
Salco is crawling towards her corner after that desperation move and makes the tag to her partner. You can see the frustration on Traci???s face but she goes back to her corner as well.
Adams: This match was almost done, now I have to remember who these guys are.
Simone: Yes, try to remember the half of the roster that doesn???t have boobs.
Both Landon Axel and Andrew Garcia rush out of their corners ready to attack. The two men meet in the middle of the ring throwing punches. Garcia starts to take the advantage driving Axle back. He hits him with a European uppercut that cause him to stagger back but Landon comes back with an axe handle, only to be met with a hard headbutt from Garcia.
Adams: That is a big head to get hit by!
Axel is down on his butt, Garcia steps back and tries to drive a knee into Landon???s face before he rolls out of the way. Landon is on his feet, Garcia is swinging at him but Axel is too quick. Axel hits Garcia hard and catches him in a bull dog.
Simone: These boys are hitting hard, both men come in here wanting to make a good show to start this tournament
Landon Axel gets Garcia up who swings an elbow causing Landon to take a step back but he keeps swinging. Garcia hits back and keeps throwing punches. Andrew whips Landon into the ropes and catches him in Lou Thesz that looks like it winded him. Garcia is one him quick setting him up for a facebuster and then tries for the quick pin.
Axel kicks out and Garcia does not look pleased. Traci, his partner is holding her hand out for the tag.
Simone: Looks like Traci wants back in but Garcia is waving her off.
Adams: Well yeah, he has the momentum right now, why would he give it up.
Garcia kicks at Axel while he is down out of frustration. He then grabs one of Landon???s legs and tries to get him in a single leg Boston crab. Axel won???t let it happen and twist out of it kicking Andrew in the gut. Axel rolls backwards and rises up with an uppercut. Garcia stuns but stays on his feet. Landon hits him with a backhand chop then bounds off the rope hitting Andrew with a big chop block.
Simone: Looks like that momentum is lost.
Landon Axel is quick to get Garcia off his feet and lifts him up into a shinbreaker. And then another. When he tries for the third, Andrew slams his head into Axel, who lets him go. Both men are moving slow while both ladies are reaching out for the tag.
Adams: Again with that huge head! That is going to leave a mark.
Again Garcia motions Traci to quit and Landon takes that moment of distraction to hit Garcia with a double axehandle. Garcia stumbles back closer to his corner, Landon chasing after. He hits the Death Sentence causing Garcia to fly back. Traci slaps his back as he flies into his corner but Landon does not see the tag. He pulls Andrew from the corner and slams him down to the ground going for a Texas cloverleaf.
Adams: Oh man, Axel is going for the Axelled!
Simone: It won???t work, Traci made the tag and the referee saw it. He is telling Landon to break the hold.
Traci is coming out of her corner and you can tell Garcia is angry, so is Landon. Traci on the other hand is all smiles and the crowd cheers her on. Salco looks a little less confident but Landon slaps her on the back telling her to finish this. Patterson charges forward but Salco is ready for her, bounding back on the rope and hits a springboard clothesline on Traci. Both ladies up quick.
Simone: Well the guys might not be happy with this turn of events but the bombshells are ready to fight.
Adams: Yeah but can Salco do more but survive out there.
Salco and Traci start throwing blows with Jessie being driven back to the corner. Traci slams in to her with a huge shoulder slam, and does it again. Jessie is looking very winded. Traci goes in again and Salco pulls up using the ropes to dodge Patterson. Traci slams into the ringpost.
Simone: Traci really took a big hit there.
Adams: Salco is scrambling!
As Traci stumbles back in pain, Jessie leaps from the turnbuckle hitting a tornado DDT.
Simone: It is the Circle of Death from the corner.
Adams: Jessie is rolling Tracing up and going for the pin.
Simone: What a surprise!
Adams: Wow! Salco pulled off a big surprise.
Salco is up quick as the fans cheer her on. She has her hands up in victory and rushes over to Axel to give him a high five.
Simone: Jessie Salco and Landon Axel are the first team to advance to the next round in Blast From the Past.
New Low starts to play thru the speakers. As the lyrics start we see Jon Dough coming from the curtains as he sings his theme song along with the SCW crowd. Jon Dough is seeing walking down the ramp to the ring.
Jon Dough: I have no space
How did I get so far
Jon Dough & SCW Crowd:
Crowd Only: No I won't let go
I've been right; I've been left
I've been right; I've been left
Jon Dough: I cannot help feeling like
So many directions
Jon Dough & SCW Crowd: I've got a new low
Well who am I?
SCW Crowd: Yeah so do I
Jon Dough & SCW Crowd: I've been right; I've been left
No room to move around
And this box is getting smaller
I'm trying to get out
From where I was
When did I decide
To lose my way
Who have I become
I've got a new low
All 52 cards in a row
I see now that I won't let go
Well who am I?
A cold shoulder left to cry
You feel bad, well so do I
Yeah so do I
I've been wrong; I've been left behind
I've been up, but mostly down
I've been wrong; I've been left behind
I've been up, but mostly down
I have so much at stake
So I lock myself inside my head
And I just run in place
I don't know which way to go
I'm so busy doing nothing
I got nothing to show
All 52 cards in a row
I see now that I won't let go
SCW Crowd: No I won't let go
A cold shoulder used to cry
You feel bad, well so do I
I've been wrong; I've been left behind
I've been up but mostly down
I've been right; I've been left
I've been wrong; I've been left behind
I've been up but mostly down
Jon cuts the song half way thru, we see Jon Dough in the middle of the ring. Crowd is heard cheering and clapping. Jon puts the mic closer to his mouth???
The crowd is heard cheering and chanting Jon Dough's name
Crowd: Jon Dough! Jon Dough! Jon Dough!
Jon Dough: Well, well, well.
Jon looks at his waist looks at his SCW Tag Team title. The crowd cheers louder.
Jon Dough: well so now I'm a two time SCW Tag Team Champion. But see things are different now. See my old partner took the easy way out and left SCW altogether.
Crowd: Boo!
Jon Dough: You know a few weeks ago I would have questioned you guys for that reaction. However I still prefer that you don't boo Aaron, see him doing what he did made SCW staff change a few things. One of those things was making sure the tag team div. gets stronger and better and I think in due time we The Fans will see the results of their change. I mean look they gave me a partner who we all know is a SCW loyal and is not leaving any time soon.
Jon looks down again at his waist
Crowd: Jon Dough, Jon Dough, Jon Dough
Jon Dough: Thank You but really guys it???s not just about Jon Dough anymore.
???Salt in the wounds??? begins to blast throughout the Gold Mine Gym, fans get up on their feet , looking around to see which side of the gymnasium Frost will enter from, but the typical spotlight that flashes over them and the dimly lit lights did not occur. Instead from the entrance way steps a man, who revealed himself at the super-show as being the masked enigma, Lucian Frost, he is wearing a gray suit with his hair styled a certain way. In his hand is the clasped strap of the SCW Tag Team Championship. He gracefully walks down the small aisle way and up towards the ring, walking around the ring steps and around the ring until he stops near the announce table, Jason Adams looks at him with slight caution whilst Belinda Simone doesn???t look impressed. Lucian places the championship strap on the table, catching the attention of Justin Decent who walks over and hands Lucian a microphone, the music fades away as Justin walks back over to his chair and Lucian looks down at Jason Adams and Belinda Simone.
Lucian Frost: My Bloody Valentine saw a lot of changes within Sin City Wrestling, Mark Ward becoming ACW Heavyweight Champion, my former partner Kain???s departure, Casey Williams retired, but the one thing that was pretty much overlooked was the unmasking of Lucian Frost. A small chant from fans nearby slowly imitated by all in attendance, Lucian lowers his microphone, the chant of ???Frost! Frost! Frost!??? is near deafening before it slowly dies away and Lucian raises his microphone back up. Lucian Frost: The masked enigma is no more, the code of the SCW biggest cypher was decrypted and solved, the man standing before you is the man who has been a part of this promotion since signing a contract in two thousand and eleven. Many wanted a brutal looking man, perhaps so disfigured that the mere sight would cause you to vomit, however this is who I am and I stand before you today.. Lucian looks down at the announcement booth and smiles. Lucian Frost: well, I stand before you, Belinda and Jason, today as a new man. Not just any new man, I stand before you as your Sin City Wrestling Tag Team Champion! Frost touches the main faceplate of the championship. Lucian Frost: I want you, Belinda, to recall something you said just before My Bloody Valentine. Something I???ve got the audio guys in the back to play for the audience and yourself here today. Guys, if you would. The audio clip plays from the ending of Guns For Hire versus Goth and Brother Grimm. Simone: Guns for Hire with vital victory leading into their first championship defense, maybe they???ll be the team of 2014, beating Sinful Obsession record and proclaiming the tag division as their own. Adams: Been said too many times, only time will tell on that one! Belinda looks up at Lucian and nods her head, Lucian glances around at the audience before looking back at the announcer, he smirks as he lifts the tag team championship off the table and holds it high in the air. Lucian Frost: How a simple statement could prove to be oh-so-wrong. My Bloody Valentine saw the crowning of yet another Tag Team Championship duo, the supposed team of two thousand fourteen isn???t the Gun???s for Hire but perhaps the unlikeliest of duos in myself and my partner, Jon Dough. Lucian walks over to the ring, leaping up onto the ring apron and quickly climbing into the ring, the audience begins the echoing chant of ???Jon Dough! Jon Dough! Jon Dough!??? Lucian unclasps the Tag Team Championship and drapes it over his shoulder before lifting the microphone up to his lips. Lucian Frost: Yet again I full gracefully into the hands of the Lethal Lottery system, last time around I was partnered with the man known as the ???king of kings??? Kain. We not only partnered well but we defeated the longest reigning Tag Team Champions in this promotions history, they went on to win the World Tag Team Championships of the fallen alliance, we were creating waves of our own by defeating the young lions and other challengers before falling on the sword. Our reign wasn???t to be matched for a very long time, the titles changed hands like a pack of chewing gum amongst friends, each taking the packet and taking on bit out then passing it along to the next. Blood Omen ended the reign of, quite possibly, the greatest tag team to ever grace this ring and the team that was dubbed the new ???sinful obsession??? would fall once again to the man who ended the original Sinful Obsession???LUCIAN FROST! ???The End??? by Roadrunner United begins to play as the houselights dim, Axel and Brody step out to a chorus of cheers, the two stand on the stage looking around at the audience. Ethan Brody takes the lead as they walk down the aisle, Landon Axel slaps the hands of the crowd, Brody stares into the ring as the music fades away with Guns for Hire standing ringside. Ethan Brody: I want to congratulate you, Lucian, and your partner Jon Dough of course. I hate to admit it but I think we definitely underestimated you at My Bloody Valentine, we fall victims like majority of teams here in SCW, as being a one win wonder and leaving nothing but the monarch of ???Former Tag Team Champions??? before any of our names. Landon slaps the back of his partner, looking into the ring with fire in his eyes, Ethan Brody licks his lips before continuing. Ethan Brody: But like you Lucian, this is the dawn of a new era, SCW has not just signed the true NWA World Heavyweight Champion, but he is also the World Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Champion, the mental rapist, Sean Jackson! A huge cheer for the world???s heavyweight champion Ethan Brody: His arrival shows just where SCW is going, from the ashes arises the phoenix and that phoenix will flourish bigger and better than ever, and just like that phoenix our title reign was burnt to a crisp thanks to you two. But from the ashes arises a stronger, wiser and more focused team in Guns for Hire! We will be executing our right as former champions to a rematch! A clause I wish we could execute right here, right now, but the blast from the past tournament has put to bed that option. Plus you don???t look dressed to compete, Frost, but I???m sure in a few weeks the match will be made and we can prove that Belinda Simone???s comments were indeed justified as we become Two Time Tag Team Champions! ???The End??? begins to play with the fans purring with excitement, Lucian Frost leans against the top rope and shares an exchange with Ethan Brody, Landon Axel walks along the aisle slapping the hand trying to get a Gun???s for Hire chant going. Simone: Well I admit I was wrong as Frost and Dough did become the new champions, but I still believe Guns for Hire can be the next ???Sinful Obsession???, these two teams will meet in the near future and I???m sure this will be the start of something big. Adams: If the same audios guys are in the back, can you get me the recorded clip just then? The ???I admit I was wrong??? part so I could possible set up next week a button next to me so I can just press it and it says ???I admit I was wrong??? Simone: Brody and Frost???s gaze hasn???t broken. Adams: I did feel a part of me died when looking into Frost???s eyes. The opening chords to Alter Bridge's "I Know It Hurts" starts to blast through the speakers and the lights in the arena drop down slightly. Flashing blue lights hit the entrance ramp as cheers emulate from the fans. Ben Jordan appears at the top of the ramp and looks around at the crowd. Guns for Hire turns around to see the former Triple Crown Champion of ACW standing there, the crowd chant ???Cockney king! Cockney king!???. The music fades away with Ben Jordan pacing backwards and forth on the stage with microphone in hand. Ben Jordan: Alright fellas, I think you guys are forgetting something, something real important. The crowd cheers as the former SCW Heavyweight Champion Jordan Williams walks out behind his partner, Ben smiles as he glances behind him, Jordan Williams nods as he folds his arms as Ben Jordan raises the microphone up. Ben Jordan: Since announcing Jordan as my partner, we???ve been the dogs bollocks, beating everyone including you, Lucian, on our victorious road so far. Granted you fellas where champions and lost, I think you???ll agree as well as the fans will agree, that we???ve earned our shot at those titles!
Lucian Frost: I think I speak for my partner and I when I say that we welcome any challenger, I did that before when Max Burke and his partner Trevor Irons challenged me and Kain, history repeats itself as looks like we???ve got ourselves a three way dance!
Ben Jordan: Geezer, I have a lot of respect for you as a former and current champion in two divisions. Your partner is a two time division champion. I have respect for you guys too, you gave me and Mickey a good run for our money in ACW, Guns for Hire are the team to watch this year. But so are we mate! My Bloody Valentine we showed Mickey Boy and Jimmy Boy a thing or two, they thought they could beat us, they were wrong fellas and here we are. Not going to piss you lot about but I think the tag division is going to the dogs bollocks this year!
The chant of ???Cockney King??? begins to escalate once again.
Simone: always a popular figure here in SCW.
Ben Jordan: And Guns for Hire, don???t underestimate us like you did the champions, will ya, otherwise ya???ll be in trouble my son. Champions I hope you realize what is painted on your chests, it???s a dart board, I???m pretty nifty with my arrows son, 180 will definitely be in order with a nine darter, finishing on the bullseye! In other words, Frost and Dough, that bullseye of the championships has just gotten that bit bigger.
Jordan Williams looks at his partner with a smirk, Ben imitates throwing some darts towards the champions, Landon Axel looks at Brody who doesn???t take his eyes off Ben and Jordan.
Ben Jordan: Anyways we will see you guys real soon, Laters!
"I Know It Hurts" begins to play as Ben Jordan places the microphone down on the stage, Jordan Williams taunts the crowd to a huge ovation, Ben Jordan claps the audience before staring down at Guns for Hire and the Tag Champions. Jon Dough stands next to his partner, leaning in to whisper something into Frost???s ear, he nods as the two stand in unison and raise the championships aloft. Landon Axel takes a couple steps up the ramp, looking at Ben and Jordan, Brody stands sideways and glances between the two teams.
Simone: You can cut the tension with a knife, all three teams are ready to face one another, there battles could possibly be contenders for matches of the year!
Adams: I don???t remember a time where three teams all want the Tag Team Championships, it???s always been one team and no-one else, this is a unique and very weird scenario we???ve just witnessed!
Simone: And you???ve seen some unique and weird scenarios in your time, Jason, I???ve seen your internet history.
Adams: research purposes only.
Backstage Karina gets ready with her two most loyal allies: the giant sociologist and wrestling enthusiast Glory and time traveler Dea. She is dressed for a fight, gear on and hoodie up.
Karina: I am not sure I like this new crazy. I am nervous. I never get nervous.
Glory: Maybe your not all that crazy dear.
Karina: Well that is not good. How I am suppose to be hard drinking leader of chaos movement if I not crazy?
Glory: Your charm and the fact that your a highly trained fighter.
Karina shrugs and hops out of her chair. She looks at Dea.
Karina: Your SURE I am going to win this thing?
Dea: I am positive that you win one of the blast from the past tournaments. Either that our you lied when I first met you....
Karina: Da, in the future. Anything else you can tell me.
Dea: we are going to start dating soon.
Karina looks at her with confusion then allows herself a small smile. She then flips her hoodie down and stretches her neck.
Karina: Well if I am about to date a time traveler I should go pick up a win.
Karina strides off with her two friends following.
The camera focuses solely on the six-sided ring in the center of the gymnasium, with Justin Decent and senior referee, Jasmine St. John, standing in their positions inside.
Justin: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is an Opening Round match in the Blast From the Past mixed tag team tournament! Introducing first! Accompanied by the Goldenboy Gene Banton! From Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 227 pounds ... making his return to Sin City Wrestling ... Gene Banton Jr.!
The opening trumpet of Arthur Fiedler???s ???La Virgen de la Macarena??? perhaps best known as the bullfight song heralds a burst of multi-colored pyrotechnics at the head of the ramp. Curious faces bustle towards the railing lining the aisle their collective gaze drawn to the curtains bearing the SCW logo. Trembling briefly the satin grey drapery is parted forcibly by a pair of hands belonging to the Goldenboy Gene Banton Jr. He pauses succinctly, standing between the vibrant illuminations bringing his hands to his hips allowing the crowd to take in the display. Overhead a giant LCD screen dubbed the ???jumbotron??? flashes images of the young man performing in the ring, speaking into a microphone and posing with a bevy of bikini clad beauties. Finally, he breaks into a stride, confidently swaggering his way to the ring ignoring the thrusting of outstretched hands, his lips curled into a confident smirk as his gleaming cobalt lenses dial into their destination, the ring where his business will be conducted in earnest. His manager and father, Goldenboy Gene Banton follows behind several paces, allowing his son the entirety of the spotlight. Climbing the iron steps and stepping between the ropes, the youngster extends his arms in presentation acknowledging the vociferous reception of the mob.
Adams: Not a very popular kid, is he?
Simone: Small wonder, given he inherited his charm from his father.
Justin: His tag team partner hails from Juneau, Alaska, weighing 128 pounds ... the 'Punk Princess' Amy Marshall!
The opening lyrics of Scream by the Mistfits hits over the pa.
"Whoaa ohh ohhh x 3
No sooner had those lyrics finished, the guitar cuts back in and strobe lighting begins to flicker.
"A chill runs up your spine
Amy appears at the top of the ramp, where she surveys her surroundings before raising her arms to make an X sign.
"It's driving me insane
Amy then begins to head down the ramp, as she ignore the fans around her before climbing inside the ring, where she climbs the turnbuckle and raises her arms high before blowing a single kiss towards the crowd. Amy then jumps off the turnbuckle where Jr. tries to drape an arm around her shoulder but she reacts solely by shoving him aside. Geno Jr. just shrugs and smiles in a cocky manner.
It crawls into your brain.
The freezing touch of fear."
Although you try to fight
Dragged from the silence where you hide
'til you... Scream"
Simone: Looks like he has his dad's way with women as well.
Justin: Introducing their opponents! First, from the Carpathian Mountains, Romania, weighing 116 pounds ... please welcome back to SCW ... Karina Koji!
The arena goes black, then purple lights fill the arena. ???The Ruler and the Killer??? by Kid Cudi starts to blare from the loudspeaker and soon after it starts Karina Koji enters. She stares at the ring, seemingly unaware of the audience at first. Her oversized hoody hides most of her face and she is dragging a large metal bat behind her. When she reaches the ring she lifts up her hoody and smiles to the audience. She tosses the bat aside and enters the ring.
Simone: It's great to see Karina Koji make her return to SCW, and what better way than by entering the Blast From the Past tournament!
Adams: Last year she was teamed with Despayre and made it to the semi-finals. Given who her partner is this year, she could go all the way.
Simone: Given who her partner is, would you care to rephrase that?
Justin: Her tag team partner hails from Atlanta, Georgia, weighing 250 pounds, he is 'One In A Million' Jordan Williams!
The camera pans around the crowd for a bit before focusing on the entrance and the aisle where the fans have flags and banners lined up that say ???Marauder-gun???, ???Emerald Dragon???, and ???Jordan Williams??? in Japanese characters, when "Subconscious" hit???s the PA System. The crowd erupts into cheers as Jordan emerges and the fans reactions grow louder. Jordan throws up the double guns pose and begins walking down the aisle. Jordan has his arms up in the air, with his trademark smirk etched across his face. Jordan climbs onto the apron, then leaps over the top rope effortlessly. Jordan climbs onto the middle turnbuckle and throws the double guns pose up again as the fans rock the arena with thunderous cheers.
Adams: Geno Junior doesn't look too impressed with Jordan, does he?
Simone: he's got a harsh lesson coming, if that's the case. Jordan has held multiple championships wherever he's competed, including the SCW Heavyweight Championship. Only a fool would gloss over his reputation.
Jasmine St. John finishes checking both Karina and Jordan and speaks with them. Jordan confers with Karina over who is to start when across the ring, Geno Jr. slaps Amy on her backside and steps outside to the apron, and Amy begins reading him the riot act!
Simone: Oh yeah. That team is getting along just FINE.
Adams: Geno didn't even ask Amy if she wanted to start. But it looks like the Bombshells are going to anyway.
Jordan steps outside across the ring and Jasmine calls for the bell.
Amy and Karina meet in the center of the ring. Karina offers her hand to the Punk princess of SCW, but Amy frowns and slaps her hand away. Amy then dives into Karina, driving the returning Bombshell back into the near corner. Amy immediately begins driving her shoulder into Karina's midsection over and over, taking the wind right out of her body.
Simone: Amy isn't wasting any time. She's going to work on Karina right from the get go!
Jasmine tries to get Amy to back off but she steps back only long enough to give the official pause and then she lands an open handed shot to Koji's head, sending her opponent reeling. Amy then dives in and grasps her around the throat with both hands and savagely chokes away at her with such force that Karina loses her footing and falls to the mat in the corner with Amy still all over her.
Adams: Look at Geno Junior cheering Amy on. He's really rooting for his partner.
Simone: I think it's more like he's getting off on watching two women fight.
Jasmine hurries in and tries to get between Amy and Karina, but finally has to grab Marshall by the arm and she physically pries Amy off of her opponent. Amy whirls around and screams at the official, rearing a fist back.
Simone: I wouldn't do that! Its a fast way to get disqualified!
Adams: And get a fat lip! Jasmine's not afraid to fight back! Just ask Drew.
Thinking better of it, Amy lowers her fist and instead turns to go back to work on Karina when she is doubled over with a fist buried into her stomach. Karina then jumps to her feet and throws a roundhouse right, decking Amy and dropping her to the canvas. Karina goes right after her and grabs two handfuls of Amy's mohawk and she snapmares her over the hard way, three straight times in rapid succession. Amy quickly rolls out of the ring, getting a breather as Karina makes a grab but misses.
Adams: Boy if Amy thought Karina wouldn't be willing to fight fire with fire, boy was she mistaken!
Junior is right down on the floor and he hurries over and grabs Amy in a tight embrace, trying to console (grope) her but she struggles and shoves him off. Geno backs away, a smile on his face and holds his hands up in innocence as Amy berates him.
Simone: I thought Amy would have her hands full with Karina but it seems she's having more trouble with her tag team partner.
Suddenly Karina reaches out through the ropes and has Marshall by the hair! Amy screeches as Karina drags her up onto the ring apron and pulls her backwards over the top rope, hanging her horizontally with her feet dangling on the top rope. Jasmine orders her to let her go and she starts to count -- and Karina just lets go and Amy crashes on the back of her head!
Adams: Well, to be fair she DID say 'let go'!
Simone: And she did.
Karina starts to go after her but Amy scoots back and ducks halfway through the ropes, buying herself some time while holding the back of her head. Karina backs off at Jasmine's urging and slowly, Amy moves back inside of the ring and stands up. Karina calls her out and holds a hand up, beckoning her on.
Simone: I think Karina is wanting a test of strength.
Adams: Really? Can chick wrestlers do that?
Simone: Seriously? Care to arm wrestle with me over that little statement?
Adams: I would ... but I have a paper cut on my pinky.
Amy stares hard at Karina and inches closer, then turns and screams at the fans to "SHUT UP!" which only incites them to heckle her even louder.
Adams: Has any fan, in the history of this sport, ever actually did what they were told when a wrestler's told them to shut up?
Amy steps up to Karina with a smile, knowing she has a slight advantage in height and weight. Amy reaches up and the two women lock their one hand -- then reach up and they lock their other hand, but before they can engage in the test, Karina kicks up and dropkicks Amy square in the chest.
Simone: Karina just played Amy.
Karina grabs a handful of Amy's hair and pants and drags her to an upright position and fires her off against the ropes. Amy rebounds and Karina lashes out with a clothesline and sends Marshall pivoting in a tailspin to the canvas! Karina dives for her opponent but Amy quickly scrambles over to her corner and tags in Gene Jr.
Adams: Oh Karina was so close!
Simone: But now we're going to see what the fruit of the Goldenboy's loins can accomplish.
Geno Jr. climbs through the ropes and unabashedly 'shoos' Karina aside and beckons Jordan to get inside of the ring.
Simone: Seriously? How conceited can that kid get?
Adams: Have you met his father?
As the rules stipulate, Karina, shaking her head, marches back over to her corner as Jordan steps inside of the ring. Jordan smirks, shaking his head as he and Geno Jr. circle the ring, sizing one another up while Junior beckons the fans to react louder toward him. The two men then pause and Jordan moves to lock up, but Junior ducks under the attempt and smiles, pointing at his temple and strutting. Quite pleased with himself.
Simone: Proud that he avoided a lock up?
Junior turned around and gestured for Jordan to come on, ready to do this. Jordan shakes his head and they go for the lock up -- and AGAIN Junior ducks it and holds his arms out, presenting himself to the jeering crowd with a little strut to his walk as his father on the outside shouts to him. Junior turns around -- and is clotheslined almost out of his boots by a charging Jordan! The crowd cheers!
Adams: Jordan is done playing games with Junior!
Jordan immediately covers Geno Jr. and hooks the leg tightly!
Jordan grabs Junior by his blond curls and drags him roughly to his feet and lays a forearm shot to the sternum, knocking the young rookie into the ropes. Jordan follows up with a knife edge chop, sending Junior reeling and holding his chest in pain. Jordan grabs him and goes for an Irish whip but Junior holds on and reverses it. Jordan comes rebounding off and Junior drops to the mat and Jordan runs over him to the far side. Jordan rebounds and Junior goes for a leapfrog but Jordan catches him and drops him down on his knee in an inverted atomic drop.
Junior kicks out!
Adams: And thus ends the Banton line!
Jordan sweeps Junior's legs out from under him and then falls back, catapulting the rookie into the corner where his handsome face slams into the top turnbuckle. Junior staggers back a step and Jordan comes flying in with a Stinger splash, crushing him chest-first into the corner. Junior stumbles back and around -- and Jordan comes running and performs a handspring elbow into the corner ala the Great Muta!
Simone: Jordan is giving this kid a wrestling lesson that he obviously did not want!
Jordan grabs him in a side headlock and gets a running start, going for a bulldog but at the last moment, Junior hangs on and instead brings Jordan crashing back down with a side suplex! The Goldenboy applauds on the outside as Amy shouts at her partner, getting behind him!
Simone: Okay I have to admit that was an impressive counter there by Geno Junior.
Junior staggers to his feet, clearly rattled by Jordan's offense. He then spots the downed Jordan Williams and he grabs the ropes and uses them to springboard back into a fluid moonsault and cover, hooking the leg!
Jordan kicks out!
Adams: Boy I don't know how a legend like Jordan would have reacted to being pinned by a nineteen year old rookie!
Junior grabs Jordan as his father applauds from the outside and pounds the apron. He pulls Williams to his feet and brings him up and over with a flipping release dragon suplex, affectionately referred to by Junior as the Sugar Rush.
Simone: Now that was nice!
Junior scrambles over and covers Jordan again, hooking the inside leg.
Junior cries out in protest at the referee, demanding that it was a count of three as even Amy protests from her corner. Junior brushes past Jasmine and in a fury, starts laying the boots to Jordan.
Kick out!
Adams: I think we're starting to see a bit of Daddy's temper surfacing.
Junior backs up and stalks Jordan as the veteran rises to a vertical base. Junior then jumps up from behind, attempting a leapfrog transitioned into a one-handed bulldog, but Jordan counters and catches Junior, holding him up on his shoulders!
Adams: Uhhh ohhhhh!
And Jordan collapses back, driving Junior to the canvas in the Electric Chair drop! Both men lay on the mat, hurt as Jasmine issues her mandatory count!
And Jordan manages to tag Karina!
The crowd cheers as Karina Koji charges into the ring! Junior stands up and back pedals at the charging Romani Bombshell, but she leapfrogs right over him and crashes into Amy Marshall with a Thesz press! Karina unloads on Amy with a flurry of right hands but Amy fights her off and rolls her off, pinning her under her own weight and throws lefts and rights into Koji's head and face.
Adams: There are reasons why they say women fight nastier than any man!
Simone: Mostly because it's true!
Amy pulls her up by the hair, ignoring Jasmine's objections. Amy goes to Irish whip her into the far corner but Karina reverses it. Amy jumps onto the turnbuckles and springboards off, catching Koji with a Asai DDT!
Simone: Good god! What impact Karina's skull just made with the canvas!
Geno Junior cheers her on as Amy makes the cover!
Amy questions Jasmine but the official maintains her stand while Jordan stomps and claps, rallying the crowd behind Karina as Amy screams for the fans to stop. Amy sits Karina up, then dashes into the ropes and comes off with a Shining Wizard knee strike to the head. Amy covers her again, and hooks a handful of tights for good measure!
Karina shoots her shoulder up!
3 - No! Karina kicks out!
Adams: Look at the look on Amy's face! She can't believe it!
Simone: Even with a handful of tights Amy couldn't keep Karina Koji down!
Amy drags Karina up and whips her hard into the corner, following in with a flying forearm smash with nowhere for Koji to go. Amy then brings her over with a gut wrench suplex. Amy smirks, pleased with herself, and begins to ascend to the top as Geno Junior applauds. Amy sizes her downed opponent up and then jumps, going for a Shooting Star press -- but Karina brings her knees up into Marshall's midsection!
Adams: Ohhhh HELL no!
Simone: A fall like that could easily have broken a rib!
Both women struggle to drag themselves to their feet, using the ropes to pull themselves up! Amy turns around and Karina lashes her boot out, nailing Marshall full in the face with a superkick! Amy goes down like she was shot and Karina collapses on top of her for the cover!
3 - No! Amy gets her shoulder up!
Simone: What resiliency the former champion has!
Karina then gets to her feet and grabs Amy by the legs.
Simone: Is she going for the Lion Tamer!? That was one of her favorite holds as I recall.
Amy fights and struggles as Junior yells, but Karina wins out and she manages to turn Amy over! Amy screams in pain from the agonizing hold but she shakes her head no wildly, refusing Jasmine's questions if she wants to give up! Amy slowly forces herself up onto her elbows, trying to ease the torturous pain! She starts to crawl toward the ropes and finally manages to grab the bottom rope! Karina continues to crank the pressure on, refusing to break as Jasmine instructs! Jasmine starts to count but reaches three when Karina finally breaks. Karina drags her up with two handfuls of hair and drives two hard knee strikes up into her head as Amy tries to shield herself. Karina then sends her into the ropes with an Irish whip but both women have the same idea and jump for high cross bodies -- and crash in midair!
Adams: Doncha hate when that happens?
Both women are on the mat, hurt, as their partners call out to them, holding their extended arms for the tag! Jasmine starts to count!
And Karina tags Jordan! The crowd goes absolutely wild as Jordan charges across the ring and grabs the top rope, bringing Junior in the hard way! Jordan brings him to his feet and sends him flying into the ropes and high into the air with a back body drop - Junior landing hard on his tailbone! Jordan plays to the crowd only briefly before dragging his opponent back up. Jordan sends him into the near corner but Junior runs right up the turnbuckles and jumps back off, nailing Williams with a missile dropkick!
Adams: This kid really is showing he can handle himself inside of the ring!
Simone: Shh! Junior's got a big enough head as it is.
Adams: How would you know? Have you been looking in the men's showers again?
Jordan falls backwards, head over heels from the impact, but forces himself right back to his feet -- and right into a step up enzugari by Geno Junior! Jordan hits the mat and Junior stands tall and proud, flexing his backside for Karina to see!
Simone: Wow. just ... wow.
Adams: Butt flexes turn you on do they?
Junior then reaches down for Jordan but the veteran pulls him into an inside cradle!
3 - No! Junior escapes!
Simone: Jordan almost caught the rookie!
As Junior gets up, Jordan rushes into the ropes and comes off with a slingblade!
Adams: TG4U!
Jordan makes the cover, but before Jasmine can make the count, Amy starts to enter the ring! She runs to break it up but Karina spears her! The two women begin brawling on the mat as the crowd goes wild and Jasmine tries to break them up! Jordan stands up, swearing at the possible costing of a victory, when Junior swings an uppercut right between Jordan's legs!
Adams: Oh it SUCKS to be Jordan Williams!
Junior taunts Jordan's discomfort, clutching 'himself' and hopping up and down, mocking him.
Simone: That kid is a royal pain in the...
Adams: I can't keep making the save here people!
Then, Junior proceeds to drop and roll out of the ring.
Simone: Now where's he going? Like it or not, he had Jordan!
Junior answers this by reaching over the barricade and grabbing a steel folding chair.
Adams: Uhhh ohhh!
Junior smiles to the crowd and slides the chair inside, climbing in right after.
Simone: Don't do it! He's going to cost himself the match!
Junior sizes Jordan up as Williams rises slowly, Jasmine still distracted by the two women trading punches across the ring! Junior swings the chair in an overhead blow -- but Jordan blocks it, grabbing the chair! Jordan tears it out of the rookie's grip and the crowd cheers enthusiastically as Junior backs off, holding his hands out and pleading innocence!
Adams: Oh sure! It was just an accident he grabbed the chair and tried to hit him with it.
Simone: Happens all the time.
Jordan looks livid and backs Junior up several steps, when suddenly Junior just falls back over to the mat!
Adams: What...?
And Jasmine turns around and sees Jordan holding the chair -- and Junior down on the mat and not moving! Jasmine confronts Jordan!
Simone: Oh no...
Jordan shakes his head, pleading to the referee, but Jasmine calls for the bell!
Simone: No!
The crowd erupts in boos as Junior suddenly comes alive and rolls out of the ring, joining his father!
Justin: Here are your winners as a result of a disqualification ... Amy Marshall and Gene Banton Junior!
The crowd boos viciously at this announced outcome as Jordan pleads his case with Jasmine but to no avail! Jordan turns and sees a jubilant Junior pointing at him from the outside and laughing merrily as Gene Senior raises his son's arm in victory! Amy joins them, staring into the ring as Karina questions Jordan as to what happened but he throws the chair down to the mat and is fuming!
Adams: Oh Jordan Williams is NOT a happy man!
Simone: I don't know what is pissing him off more. The fact he and Karina lost, or that Gene Junior actually outsmarted him!
Junior grabs Amy is a celebratory embrace and swings her around but Marshall fends him off and just makes her exit, with Junior chasing after her.
Justin: Ladies and gentlemen, please join us as Amanda Hugginkiss makes a very important public service announcement.
The crowd applauds politely as Amanda steps out onto the stage in a tasteful business dress and hair style with glasses on. She sets a briefcase down onto a small table that is set up in the center of the stage, then pops it open. Reaching inside, Amanda holds up a bottle of...
Amanda smiles and the speakers kick on.
Amanda smiles and winks as the spotlight fades out and the SCW-Tron switches to the backstage area where 'Hot Stuff' Mark Ward is holding up a glass filled with ice and, yes, tequila.
HS: I'm Hot Stuff Mark Ward, and I fully endorse this product. When I have a few full glasses of tequila, I always end up doing something fun that I fully regret later. Christian Underwood leans into the shot with a bottle of tequila and fills Mark's glass full, then winks coyly at the camera before slipping out again. Mark just stares off-camera at him and sneers. HS: Not. Enough. Tequila. EVER! Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first! Making his SCW debut! From Chicago, Illinois, weighing 233 pounds ... Mephisto! The Lights throughout the entire Sin City Wrestling arena simultaneously begin to flicker out one by one before finally going completely out, and engulfing the entire arena in darkness, as the arena goes completely dark ???Quantus Tremor Est Futurus??? By Ishikawa Tomohisa begins to blare on out of the PA Sound system and out steps "The Black Rose" Dante Mephisto from behind the black curtains.
Dante stands alone in the isle as fans can be heard booing him and making marks of disgust Mephisto soaks in the abhorrence of hatred towards him as if they were cheers of joy as he continued looking out into the darkness that surrounds around him.
After a few minutes Dante slowly strides on down to the ring, once at ringside he walks around to the steel steps and walks on up them and enters the ring. Once inside the ring Dante throws out his arms (Viva la Randy Orton)and poses for a few seconds as he awaits for his opponent to come on out from behind the black curtains. Adams: That is one strange dude. The lights go black in the arena. The lighting begins to change as the song begins to play showing a video so similar to his career???His theme song begins to play.
"Mayday, mayday this ship is slowly sinking.
Just as the final line finishes, the song bursts in loudly with guitar and drums coming into one and as they do so, the smoke circles the stage as the lights hit. Michael comes rushing out from behind the black curtain for the fans to see him and they go ballistic as their favorite enigma is ready to do battle. After coming out from the back, Michael immediately stares down the ring from the top of the ramp, he makes eye contact with ring. Justin: Introducing from St. Louis, Missouri!!!! He is The Enigma... MICHAEL! HARDYYYYYY! His eyes wander through the building, spotting the multiple multi-colored signs made in support of Michael Hardy and the career he's had. How he saw the Creatures and they were hoping he could pull out the victory here tonight. As Michael continues to make his way to the end of the entrance ramp, he stops as the ramp forms into the floor around the ring and the Creatures and their chants lead him to the entrance floor. With his head dropped to his chest, he slowly raises it so that he is looking directly at the ring. Michael then slowly turns his attention to the steel steps still taking in the fans approval or disapproval whichever the case is. Walking across half of the apron, Michael steps in between the top and middle rope to get inside the ring. Once in the ring, he quickly turns to his right and walks down the ropes to the bottom right turnbuckle. Using his hands to pull himself up onto the middle turnbuckle, Michael brings his body up to a full standing position and throws his arms out to his side and stares out into the crowd. This same sequence occurs for all the turnbuckles. Waiting for his music to die down and the Creatures began to chant, "HARDY! HARDY! HARDY!???
They think I'm crazy but they don't know the feeling.
They're all around me circling like vultures.
They wanna break me and wash away my colors...
Wash away my colors!"
The two young atheletes slowly size each other up, circling the perimeter of the ring. Nearly equal in height, Mephisto holds a slight weight advantage. They lock up, collar and elbow, struggling for the advantage when from out of nowhere, Michael sends Mephisto skidding across the ring, the result of a lightning quick armdrag.
Simone: Impressive.
Mephisto stands, angry that his opponent so quickly showed him up, and finds Mr. Hardy smiling and applauding himself for the well-times maneuver, or Mephisto for getting up so quickly. Mephisto comes in and the two tie up again, but this time it's Mephisto taking advantage by scooping Michael up and slamming him down to the canvas. Mephisto does not waste time and immediately starts to lay in the boots to Hardy, stomping him as the official tries to get him to ease up.
Adams: Hey, this is what happens when you show Mephisto up.
Mephisto grabs a handful of Michael's hair to drag him to his feet and unloads a heavy fist right to the temple, knocking him back a few steps. He grabs Hardy's arm and Irish whips him hard into the corner, following in and driving him arm into Hardy's throat with a harsh clothesline. Michael staggers out and Mephisto grabs his arm and whips him into the far corner, running in after him again, but this time Michael times it perfectly as he somersaults ala Ric Flair in the corner and lands right on the ring apron. Mephisto comes up and Michael drives his shoulder into Mephisto's gut, knocking the wind out of him, then grabs his head and drops to the arena floor, catapulting Mephisto's throat against the top ring rope.
Mephisto staggers backwards, clutching his neck, and Michael slithers inside of the ring and grabs Mephisto's arm, twisting it around his throat and bringing him down hard with a Regal neckbreaker. Michael quickly makes the cover!
Michael grabs Mephisto and pulls him up to his feet, but only to bring him right back down with a side-Russian legsweep.
2!.....Mephisto kicks out!
Adams: Hardy's a pretty smart guy. He knows he's weakened Mephisto's neck and is going to work on it.
Simone: Well if Mephisto ever did have a weak spot, it would be the neck...or above the neck rather.
Michael drops a leg across his throat and covers him again.
Michael pulls Mephisto to his feet and sets him up for an Irish whip into the ropes but Mephisto reverses it only Michael holds onto his hand and doubles him over with a kick to the stomach and takes him over with a Northern Lights suplex!
2!.....Again Mephisto kicks out!
2!.....Mephisto gets a shoulder up!
Adams: Damn that Michael isn't wasting any time. He's going for the pin every damn chance he gets!
Simone: Well the boy may be creepy but he ain't no fool. He doesn't get paid by the hour.
Michael starts to pull Mephisto up but Mephisto suddenly barrels forward and forces Michael back into the corner and starts to drive his shoulder into his midsection repeatedly as the referee tries in vain to break it up and seperate them. Mephisto whips him into the ropes and scoops him up, dropping him down againstt he mat with a side suplex! He pulls Mr. Hardy to his feet and whips him into the ropes for an attenpted lariat but Michael ducks behind him for a crucifix rollup but slides down his back ina sunset flip and jacknifes him!
2!.....Mephisto kicks out!
Michael goes for another whip but Mephisto reverses it and runs right in after him and clotheslines him with enough force to knock Hardy right out of the ring and to the concrete floor below! The referee starts a count but Mephisto breaks it up by going out after his opponent!
Adams: And NOW things get interesting!
Simone: Hardy's a skilled tactician but they're in Mephisto's territory now.
Michael recovers and starts to get up but Mephisto has two handfuls of his hair and slams his face into the hard ring apron, then wraps his arms around his waist and drives him straight back against the steel barrier! Mephisto then scoops him up, setting him high for an atomic drop but instead drops him crotch-first onto the railing!
Adams: Ohh! As a man I can feel poor Michael's pain!
Simone: Well if he were at all dating I'd say there goes his plans for later tonight but I guess that cliche is thrown out the door.
Michael's face is grimacing with pain when Mephisto runs right up and leaps, tackling him right off of the barrier with a leaping clothesline, dropping him to the floor! Finally, at the referee's insistence, Mephisto rolls Michael back inside of the ring and follows him in. He sends Michael into the ropes and catches him witha Tilt-A-Whirl backbreaker right across the knee, then drops down intoa cover.
2!.....Kick out!
Mephisto then grabs a handful of Michael's tresses and slams his face hard into the corner, then grabs two handfuls and drags his face across the top rope, giving him a nasty rope burn on the forehead. Mephisto spins him around and starts choking him blatantly with both hands as the referee lays in his count to break it.
Mephisto breaks, but just long enough to break the count and then goes back to choking his foe. Mephisto then strikes with a chop right across the chest, prompting a hearty, "WHOO!" to elicit from the capacity crowd. Mephisto Irish whips him into the ropes and swings but Michael ducks, hits the far side and comes running right into a spinebuster! Mephisto covers him, hooking the leg!
3-NO! Michael kicks out!
Adams: Damn! That Hardy guy can really take a beating!
Simone: Yeah but can he come back from one is what I want to know.
Mephisto is on his feet, laying in the boots to the downed Michael Hardy, then he turns and heads for the coner. Facing the crowd, he starts to climb up, but once he stands on the middle turnbuckle, Michael is on his feet and runs up from behind and brings him crashing down to the mat with a Russian legsweep that fells BOTH men!
Adams: Goddamn! I have never seen that move done from that height before!
As both men suck in the oxygen and try to recover from the pain racking their bodies, the referee starts his madatory count. As he nears the count of "eight," Mephisto finally drags himself to his feet as Michael uses the ropes to do the same. Mephisto swings but Michael does as well and the two men are suddenly engaging in a slugfest right in the center of the ring! However this is Mephisto's specialty, not the tactician Hardy's, and Mephisto gains the upperhand with both a rake of the eyes and a fist to the temple. He Irish whips Michael for a roundhouse right but Michael comes off with a swinging neckbreaker from behind.
Simone: I guess he can come back from a beating, and from the one Mephisto's been laying on him that says a lot!
Adams: And notice he's going right back to work on that neck from earlier.
Michael picks Mephisto up and sets him up on the top turnbuckle, facing the fans. Michael then turns away, takes him by the head and brings him down the hard way with a D-Von neckbreaker!
Adams: Good god! If Mephisto's neck isn't broken after that it'll be a miracle!
Michael could have gone for the pin, but instead chooses to climb the corner and perch himself up on the top turnbuckle. Looking down at the fallen Mephisto, he sizes him up and leaps, performing an incredible Swanton bomb!
Simone: And he calls that the Joking Toxin!
Adams: How the hell did he even DO that!?
Michael covers Mephisto and hooks the leg and the referee moves into position,
Justin: Here is your winner, Michael Hardy!
The crowd cheers as the referee raises Hardy's arm in victory.
The opening drums to Five Finger Death Punch???s "I.M.Sin" start to blast through the speakers, as red and dark blue lights start to flash, the blue cutting through the red to create a purple effect. The fans boo as the lyrics kick in.
"What a fucking poser, that's all you'll ever be!
Don't get any closer, or you'll meet the real me!
I am, who I am, you can't destroy me!
I am, what I am, you can't deny me!
I want out, but I could never surrender.
Try and break me down, but I won???t let you win.
You can call me out, but I know you???re a pretender.
You may think your god, but I know that I am sin!"
Casey Williams appears at the top of the ramp, looking around at the crowd and not moving, his eyes burning holes through the crowd.
???I am SIN! I am SIN!
I am SIN! I am SIN!
I won???t fucking buy it!
I never have and I never will!
Keep fucking trying!
I'm just waiting for the blood to spill!"
Casey lets out a roar, his arms out wide before he looks around the crowd, focused. The Freight Train Of Pain starts to walk towards the ring slowly, stopping halfway down the ramp and turning his head to look at the booing crowd, their thumbs pointing down. Casey shakes his head slowly and turns back to face the ring, walking down towards the apron. Casey puts his hand on the rope, and pulls himself up on to the ring apron and steps over the top rope, staring around at the booing fans. Casey raises his arms as the fans boo louder. Casey then motions for a microphone.
Casey:??????If there was ever a time for you to walk the fuck away, it???s right fucking here, right fucking now.??? Now, that I am done quoting Five Finger Death Punch, I came out here to say goodbye to all of my fans, and all the people in the back who I have had the privilege to compete with or watch compete since the day SCW opened. I also want to make a special thanks to Hot Stuff Mark Ward and to Christian Underwood for signing me to the deal they did when they did, because without them, I would still be looking for a place that I call home, and now that I found Las Vegas as my new home. I can say that SCW was like my extended family, especially with guys like Kain, Goth, Steve Ramone, Nick Jones, Simon Jones, all the members of NXT; both current members and past members, Tommy and Erik Staggs, James Huntington-Hawkes III, Ben Jordan, Matthew Kennedy, Frost, Wyatt Peterson, Ryan Jones, Aleksei Koji, Tom Dudely and all the other people who I have worked with, either as an ally, a rival, or had the pleasure to watch compete. I also want to make a special shout out to 2 tag teams that inspired me to target the tag titles first, Chett ???Hangman??? Hawkins and ???Big??? Steve Scanlon, as well as Sinful Obsession members Despayre and Gabriel for all their hard work that they put in all the time. Hell, you all know my long lasting rivalry with Despayre and Gabriel and how I never beat either one of them, but that???s life in this business. This day is bitter sweet for me, but I have a family to take care of, and a wrestling school to run, and where I was running myself thin, I didn???t want to sacrifice my family, nor my new school. I figured I will still be in the business that I love, just in a different role in it, and I am happy with it, seeing how successful I have been here in SCW over the last two plus years, and in AWA and PrYde before that. On that note, I bid farewell to all of you. Oh, Jason Adams, Belinda Simone, I got a little something for you guys!???
The crowd chant ???Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na??? as Casey drops the mic and walks to the commentators, spins them in their chairs and then heads back and ???I.M.Sin??? hits the speakers.
Justin Decent: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is part of the Blast From the Past Tournament. Introducing first, from Birmingham, England, standing at 5 feet 11 inches and weighing in at 225 pounds, he is???SIIIIIIIIMON JOOOONESSSSSS!!!
The intro of ???Simon Says??? By Drain STH plays over the arena???s PA system, prompting Simon Jones to walk through the curtains and out onto the stage, to a cheer from the fans. As he makes his way towards the ring, Simon slaps hands with some of the fans on either side of the aisle. After arriving at the ringside area, Simon climbs the steps up onto the ring apron, then steps through the ropes, and as he does so he glances to his left, then to his right, before walking to the side of the ring closest to the camera and pausing to look out at the crowd. Simon then turns around and walks towards the opposite side of the ring, but before he reaches the ropes, he turns to his right and heads for the corner of the ring, where he climbs to the second turnbuckle, to further cheers and applause from the fans.
Justin Decent: And his partner, from Lynchberg, Tennessee, standing at 5 feet 6 inches and weighing in at 145 pounds, she is???BRRRRRANDI SHHHHHOTZZZZE!!!
The opening chords to "Boom Boom" by The LoCash Cowboys blasts through the speakers. As the vocals kick in, Brandi Shotze appears at the top of the ramp. She looks around the crowd nodding and starts to walk down the ramp. She climbs the steps and gets in ring. Brandi walks to the corner and stands on the middle turnbuckle. She raises her arms and jumps down, staring across the ring
Justin Decent: And their opponents! Introducing first, from Miami, Florida??? standing at 6 feet 4 inches and weighing in at 245 pounds??? He is??? JIMMMMMY ???REEEEEEEEEEAL MONEYYYYYY??? RINGOOOOOOOOO!!!
???C.R.E.A.M.??? by the Wu Tang Clan quietly starts to play through the speakers as the crowd starts to boo. Out steps Jimmy ???Real Money??? Ringo. Ringo stands in his shiny black wrestling trunks with a chrome ???$??? sign on one side. He holds both ends of the white towel wrapped around his neck as he smiles and waves at the booing crowd members. He raises his arms and enjoys the boos raining down on him, giving a twisted sort of smile.
Crowd: BOO!
Adams: He really knows how to get the applause from the ghosts in attendance.
Simone: Jason, not even the dead can stand this guy???
The lights from the ceiling reflect off of the Gucci sunglasses that Ringo has on covering his face. He makes his way up to the steel steps and then slowly slip in between the ropes. Jimmy reaches over toward Justin and grabs the microphone. He puts it up to his lips and tries to speak but he???s drowned out by the crowd???s booing. He smiles for a moment before quieting them down.
Ringo: Gimme the damn mic so these idiots can have the pleasure of listening to Money talk?
.Crowd: BOO!
Ringo: My name is real money and I am better than you. Now tonight is just about the biggest waste of my time, going against these no names while teaming with another no name???
Crowd: Ringo Sucks! Ringo Sucks! Ringo Sucks!
Ringo smiles as he pauses, looking over at his opponents with a cocky smirk on his face. He shrugs his shoulders and then mouths away from the microphone ???That???s it?????? laughing as he looks out into the audience.
Justin Decent: And his opponent, from Watford, England, standing at 5 feet 6 inches and weighing in at 140 pounds, she is being accompanied to the ring by ???The Lord??? Matthew Kennedy, she is??????THE PRRRODIGY??? LIZZZZZIE SHHHHORT!!!
The guitar intro to ???Love Bites??? by Halestorm begins to blare over the PA System and once the vocals hit Lizzie Short comes out with Matthew Kennedy. by her side, she marches down to the ring and enters it while eyeballing her opponents, as well as he partner. Matthew gives her a nod before stepping over toward the Announcers Table.
Belinda: Oh no, he???s coming over here??? What is Matthew Kennedy doing?
MK: Why, I???ve come to get the best seat in the house to watch my prot??g?? up close, naturally. Besides, you should be happy to see me!
Jason: If by happy, you mean searching for a vomit bag, then yes??? very happy to see ya mate???
Lizzie works on Brandi, keeping her grounded with vicious stomp after stomp. She looks out into the booing crowd and shouts out and taunting them, inciting even more booing. Ringo laughs on the outside as Lizzie goes back to working over Brandi. She bounces off of the ropes and comes crashing down with a flying elbow drop. She rolls over with amazing agility and then bounces off of the ropes again, this time missing with a Plancha. Brandi rolls out of the way and Lizzie stumbles on her feet. Brandi swings with a clothesline, but Lizzie ducks it. As she does, she swings back with a hard kick that knocks Brandi off her feet??? or it would if Brandi didn???t catch it. Lizzie goes for an Enziquiri, but Brandi is quick thinking and catches the other leg. She gets Lizzie in a wheelbarrow position and then raises a knee to Lizzie???s gut. As she does so, Lizzie walks forward with her hands, squeezing her legs around Brandi???s neck. Both women scream when Lizzie twists with a Spinning Leg Scissors, sending Brandi down to the ground.
Jason: What I wouldn???t give to have been Brandi Shotze right there???
Belinda: You disgust me sometimes. Like, REALLY disgust me. Just so we are clear??? And that was an amazing maneuver by Lizzie Short there.
MK: I agree with you, Belinda. I???m almost ashamed to call him a fellow Englishman??? Disgussss??? nevermind, I see your point, Jason.
With both women down on the ground near Jimmy???s corner, he acts as if she is about to get inside, and Simon is not having it. He steps through the ropes and Jasmine rushes over to stop him. Jimmy climbs inside of the ring and goes to help Lizzie lift Brandi off of the mat. As Simon and Jasmine argue, Lizzie and Jimmy lift Brandi up to her feet and they fling her into the ropes. They prepare for a double hiptoss, but Brandi comes flying forward with a high crossbody that levels both of her foes. She quickly gets up to her feet and begins stomping away at anything that moves. Brandi pays equal attention to both Lizzie and Jimmy as she begins to dish out the boots. Jimmy rolls out of the ring, shouting to Jasmine that Brandi is breaking the rules until realizing that this would make him guilty as well. Meanwhile, Brandi picks Lizzie up and tosses her into the ropes. As she comes back, Brandi hits her with a Flapjack. As soon as she does, Jimmy tries to slide in the ring, shouting at Brandi. Brandi turns around and waves Jimmy toward her.
Belinda: Brandi is imploring Ringo to step foot in the ring, but Jasmine isn???t allowing it. She doesn???t care if Jimmy is a man or not!
Jason: It isn???t Tornado Tag, but Brandi wishes it was right about now.
MK: She???d better pay attention to Lizzie, because that???s the person who will be taking her out, not Ringo.
Jimmy rolls his eyes as the fans shout at Lizzie to get inside. She looks back and shouts at them. Brandi picks Lizzie up and flings her into Jimmy. Jasmine signals the tag. Ringo scowls as he holds onto the ropes. He glares over at Simon Jones, spouting off a few bits of trash talk. Simon returns it as they come to the center of the ring. Jasmine stands between them and then gives the official start. Both men step back a bit, sizing each other up as they circle one another. Simon goes for a quick lunge, but stops short as Ringo prepares for it. Jones takes a few steps backward as they continue to circle one another.
Jason: There is so much disgust on Simon???s face right now, but both men are building slow momentum here..
Belinda: Both men know that as much as they detest one another, both men want to take this win. Ringo and Jones are both known for their ability to conserve energy for the proper moment.
With the constant circling, Ringo is caught off guard for the slightest of moments when Jones is suddenly behind him. He goes to swing backward, but Simon carries him back with a float over suplex, landing him hard against the mat. He bounces off of the ropes and then comes crashing down with a legdrop to the chest of ???Real Money???. He lifts his stunned opponent, and then whips him across the ring. As he rebounds, Simon goes for a back body drop, but ???Real Money??? comes across hard with a kick to his chin. As he stumbles back, Jimmy lunges forward for a clothesline that levels Jones. The crowd boos for the rambunctious, egotistical Ringo, who is leaping up in a quick display of celebration.
MK: It is almost as if he has stolen a page right out of my book??? Lizzie???s training benefits spread out to a lost cause. At least you can???t say I???m not charitable.
Belinda: Ringo is acting as if the fans are cheering him on, and that only makes them hate on him that much more.
Jason: But ???Real Money??? feeds off of this kind of energy.
The crowd boos louder and louder until Ringo turns into a hard Spinning Heel Kick that nearly knocks the taste out of his mouth, gaining cheers from the audience for Simon. Ringo holds onto his jaw as he spins around in a full circle. As he comes back, Jones hits a hard European Uppercut to Jimmy, and then moves behind him and plants him hard against the mat with a nearly perfect German Suplex that he hooks on for a pin.
Belinda: We could be in for an early victory here from Simon.
MK: Nope??? Besides, Lizzie was bound to save that bloody Itie if it got anywhere near a 3 count.
Barely at the two count, Ringo slips his shoulder off of the mat. As he rolls off and Jones gets up, ???Real Money??? darts forward with a barrage of heavy punches and kicks on the slightly smaller Jones. He uses this to his advantage as he backs him into a corner. He hits a hard knee to the gut, and then sizes Simon up for a knife???s edge chop to his chest. The crowd echoes a resounding ???oooh!??? before Ringo hits another. He looks around in satisfaction, nodding his head to the audience and their boos as if it were signs of support.
Jason: This guy sure knows how to deliver a chop. You could probably hear those outside of the building tonight!
Belinda: I agree with you there, Jason. Is that a first?
Jason: It probably is. Also it???s the first time I said something where you didn???t look like you wanted to slap me across the back of my head
With that distraction, Simon slips from out of the corner, holding onto his chest for a moment. He stands directly behind Ringo before he even realizes that Jones had escaped the corner. Ringo looks winded as he turns to Lizzie, ready to tag her in. The crowd looks stunned as Jones wraps his arm around Ringo???s throat and twists over with a spinning neckbreaker. It isn???t long before Simon drops an elbow down onto Jimmy???s check, standing up and repeating the process quickly two more times. He drapes over Ringo who is staring up at the ceiling almost seeming a bit confused as his brain is shaken. He is then dragged to his feet by the former Heavyweight Champion and thrown over to the corner with precision. Jones looks around for a moment and then crashes into Ringo with what is supposed to be a flying body splash, but Ringo drops down quickly, causing Jones to collide with the top turnbuckle. He wastes no time this time around as he rolls Simon up into a schoolboy pin.
Belinda: Excellent form, but the execution was just a bit premature, not even getting a two count for ???Real Money??? there..
Jason: There is definitely no lack of guts or determination from ???Real Money???. You have to give him that at least.
MK: You forgot to mention that he is teamed with Lizzie Short, trained by the best man to ever set foot in an SCW ring. He???s bound to win this match.
Before the second count, Jones kicks out. Jimmy grips onto his arms and lifts him up, shoving his head between his legs. He looks around quickly and then lifts Jones up into a powerbomb position. Jones flails to try getting free, even trying for a punch to Ringo???s face. It is all for nothing as Ringo sends him down to the mat in a maneuver that shakes the entire ring, and the building as the cheers are nearly deafening. Ringo drops down for another pin.
Brandi isn???t ready to be counted out. She steps inside of the ring, ready to break the pin when Simon does it on his own. Jasmine orders Brandi out when Ringo leaps across the ring, tagging Lizzie in by surprise, tripping her to the outside in the process. Lizzie slams her hands on the mat and then slides inside of the ring. She gets nose to nose with Brandi, who gives her one hard shove. Lizzie turns around and gives it right back. The two ladies then come to blows, pounding each other in the face, back and forth. Brandi gets the upper hand and corners her far away from their partners. She climbs the turnbuckle and begins quickly hammering away at Lizzie as the fans try to keep up.
As Brandi???s fist is about to come hammering down for the tenth, Lizzie brings her down with a heavy powerbomb that shakes the ring. Lizzie smirks as she keeps Brandi???s legs hooked for a pin. Jasmine drops down for the count.
Belinda: There is no way that Brandi Shotze is giving up that easily.
Jason: I???m glad it isn???t over. We haven???t had our Bombshell fix for the night.
MK: And Lizzie hasn???t beaten that dirty yank to a pulp yet???
Jason is audibly scratching his head as Brandi comes crashing down on Lizzie with a standing body splash. Brandi lifts Lizzie up to her feet and tosses her into the corner where she goes for a splash, but Lizzie ducks it. She rolls out of the ring and looks up at Brandi. Brandi shouts out at her to get back in, but Lizzie shouts back at her, shaking her head. She points to Jasmine and begins shouting louder and louder. She laces her fingers into her hair and begins tugging at it angrily. Ringo even shouts for Lizzie to get back into the ring as Jasmine starts a count.
Lizzie begins pacing back and forth, muttering things under her breath as Brandi taps her foot patiently. She smiles as she looks over to Simon who seems a little confused.
Belinda: Lizzie???s slight inexperience is starting to show here along with her frustration.
Jason: But, I???m not complaining since she is walking right in front of us, giving us a nice view of what she???s???
MK: Hold your tongue, Jason! That???s my student right there??? Come on, Lizzie! Get back in there!
Lizzie turns around to speak to Matthew at the announcers table, but she is too close to the ring for her own good as Brandi reaches through the ropes and brings the rookie up by the hair! Lizzie screams in agony as she gets dragged onto the apron. She fires away shot after shot at Brandi before hitting a Guillotine on the top rope. She climbs inside of the ring and Brandi spears her to the ground, mounting her for a series of punches. Lizzie uses all of her might to escape as Jimmy shakes his head, leaning on the ropes in disappointment. He holds out his hand as Lizzie comes over for the tag. Jimmy slides his hands over his hair as he drops down to the mat, talking trash to Lizzie. Matthew Kennedy rips off his headphones to confront Ringo as Lizzie backs into Brandi who sets her up for the Redneck Slam, shaking the ring. She drops down for the pin.
Justin Decent: Your winners??? advancing to the next round of the Blast From the Past Tournament??? BRANDI SHOTZE and SIMON JONES!!!
Jason: I can???t believe what just saw from Ringo out there???
Belinda: Ringo practically Giani Di Luca???d Lizzie Short right there, and...
As Ringo and Kennedy argue on the outside, Ringo rolls inside. Brandi and Simon have their arms raised in victory. Ringo checks on Lizzie, seeming as if he were sorry for this. He glares at Brandi and Simon off to the side, soaking in the cheers, and he quickly climbs the turnbuckle. He watches them for a moment as Lizzie stirs, before launching himself off of the ropes and crashing down on Lizzie with the Money Shot! The fans seems disgusted at Ringo as Kennedy rolls inside of the ring. Ringo quickly exits as Kennedy checks on Lizzie, leaving the winners of the bout almost at a loss for words.
Belinda: Scratch the ???practically??? part of my last statement??? He has outdone Di Luca???s previous deed, and I???m pretty sure he???s in violation of the SCW rules there???
The fans immediately start booing as the ring crew files through the curtains, carrying the makeshift runway known to the fans as a sign that Mean Girls is coming. The ring crew quickly fastens the runway to the ring, giving a signal to the back. More of the ring crew steps out onto the stage as the previous crew climbs onto the apron, steadying their cameras at the curtains. The flashes start as Holly Wood comes out onto the stage in a tight black dress that climbs up almost high enough to see something that shouldn???t be seen. She is wearing tall black pumps to give definition to her milky smooth legs. Her hair is waved out with large Gucci sunglasses covering her eyes. She removes them, her lips quivering as if she is holding in a secret. Her doe-like eyes wander off before she drops her Gucci purse to her side, marching forward down the runway like she owns it.
Belinda: I???ve got to say that when I heard Delia signed on as an active competitor, I had hoped we wouldn???t be subjected to weekly fashion shows???
Jason: I don???t mind one bit. Especially if the others wear dresses as small as that one???
Next up, Angelica comes out from the curtains, already on fire. The cameras continue to snap, sending bright flashes across the venue. Angelica has a small black bag in her hand with a toy breed of some sort sticking out of it. Her hair is pulled up, cascading down her shoulders like a chocolate fountain. Her arms are covered in sheer black, leading up to a top that accentuates her curves, a slit that goes down to her navel, revealing a sparkling navel ring, the sheer holding it together tightly. The skirt hugs her behind, showing just a bit of cheek. She marches forward, her knee high leather boots commanding her as she pulls down her skirt, quickly approaching Holly.
Jason: They are getting shorter!!!
Belinda: I know, I???m just as disgusted??? oh, sarcasm???
There is a slight pause as both ladies pause at the apron, posing for various glamour shots from the cameras. The fans toss trash onto the runway as they boo the ladies in front of them. Just then, Delia comes out, stealing the show as usual. She is wearing a black leather cap, keeping her short blonde hair tucked tightly behind her left ear. She is wearing a large hoop earring that almost touches her shoulder. Her glasses take up half of her face, and her lips seem to take up the other half. Diamonds and white gold line her neck, attached to the top of the dress, fashioned like a choker, a charm hanging down in her cleavage that reads ???Cold Hard Bitch??? in diamonds. Her black top is ripped at the bust line, threatening to give an NSFW glance at the goods. The bottom half of her outfit is a skimpy pair of shorts with the cheeks cut out almost completely, and fur lined boots that reach to her knees. She pulls the glasses off and tosses them into the crowd, shouting as she flashes the charm around her neck.
Belinda: She calls those gaudy shades charity? She really is living up to the charm, isn???t she Jason? ??? Jason?
Jason: Da-da-da-duhhhh???
There is a soft groan into the microphone from Belinda as Delia marches forward, her deep red lips parted as she bears her pearly whites at the audience. She raises her hands above her head, grinding it to the beat of the music in a manner that would shock the SCW Twerking Champion himself. Bounce, bounce, bounce like hypnosis. She stops with a slap and then her inner snob comes out as she turns her nose up at the mounting cheers, turning them immediately back to boos. She joins Angelica and Holly on the apron as the cameras snap photos of their indecent displays of ass shaking. You can almost hear Jason Adams fall out of his chair as a crackling static comes from the announcers table. They stop with a smile amongst one another before Delia gets into the ring, followed by her friends. She stands in the center of the ring as the flashes continue to flow. Angelica fetches a microphone for Delia, holding it in front of her mouth as her nostrils flare in rage. She sighs into the microphone before speaking in her thick French accent.
Delia: Z???is???. Is unacceptable!!! I am a star! I am z???e most famous person to ever walk in z???e Sin City Wrestling ring! Yet, all I ever receive is D-List treatment! Boos??? trash... and a locker room z???at says no???sing of my presence. I am fierce, and I will not go anywhere. I saw a roster full of women???s who do no???sing and you cheer for z???em? Disgusting!
More boos fill the venue as Delia takes the microphone from Angelica, looking around in anger as she takes it all in. She slowly brings the microphone back to her lips, taking a deep breath to calm herself down.
Delia: But z???e greatest of injustice??? You have one of z???e biggest people to enter SCW sign z???e contract for active competition, and you don???t give z???em any in-ring acceptance? Not so much as z???e interview? I will not accept z???is. I will not leave z???e ring until I get recognizes as z???e star z???at I am???
Delia extends her arm out toward Angelica, dangling the microphone in front of her friend in a form of a temper tantrum. Angelica snatches the microphone, looking angry herself as she walks to the edge of the ring, staring right at the entryway.
Angelica: We will NOT settle for less than the best here! As Delia???s manager and assistant, I will exert every bit of power I have to hold this ring hostage until we get a public interview??? in this ring!
Angelica crosses her arms over her chest, tapping her feet impatiently as the fans continue to boo her. She waves it in as she steps back next to Delia and Holly Wood. They continue this stand off for a few more moments before Angelica raises the microphone to her lips once more.
Angelica: We are wai-ting!
With this, Ms Rocky Mountains comes through the curtains, hurrying along so much that she nearly trips on the runway. The fans cheer in relief as she comes to the ropes. She climbs through and apologizes to the ladies for taking so long, but none of them want to hear it. Angelica shoves the microphone into Rocky???s ample chest as she steps back to allow the almost absent Delia just stands there, her nose up at Rocky.
MRM: Please give a warm welcome to the newest Sin City Wrestling signee, Delia??? Darling if you must!
The audience simply responds with more boos and another round of trash being thrown into the ring. Delia rolls her eyes and leans into the microphone, speaking in the most insincere fashion possible.
Delia: S???ank you???.
MRM: It is a pleasure to have you here. Might I ask what made you decide to switch over to active competition after expressing on social media that you would not ???waste??? your time with the roster here?
Delia: Yes??? I decided to pull z???e page out of Amy Marshall???s book and challenge weak champions to satiate my own low self esteem???
Delia smirks arrogantly as she looks out into the audience, getting a light chuckle from them while they try not to show too much support for her. Delia winks at them and then turns back to Rocky.
Delia: No, it is clear z???at I do not suffer from inferiority to anyone, no?
MRM: Yes, very clear.
Delia: Oh, so you s???ink I am full of myself, Ms. Mountains?
MRM: What? No! I was just???
Delia: ??? agreeing wi???s me? Weak minded people fill z???ese walls, no? Z???is is exactly why I decided to wrestle. Many women s???ink just because I am world class model, known on z???e six inhabitable continents of z???e world z???at I can not fight. I can, and I will. Rest assured???
Delia lifts her nose once more, acting as if she is too good for this interview that she requested. She lifts her hat off of forehead, allowing it to breath as Rocky nods her head.
MRM: Well, I look forward to seeing you in action here. I???ve heard great things???
Delia: *Laughs* Oh, come now, darling??? you can???t be serious??? No???sing good has ever left anyone???s lips about Mean Girls, and we like it z???is way, don???t we girls?
With the distraction, Angelica comes out of nowhere with a chair to the back of Rocky???s head, knocking her to the ground as Delia begins stomping on her wildly. She throws her arms in the air wildly as Holly lifts Rocky up from the mat. Her and Angelica hold Rocky still as the audience boos wildly. Delia reaches into Holly???s purse and pulls out a tube of lipstick. She swipes it madly across Rocky???s face before writing ???Tits??? on her forehead. She tosses the lipstick out of the ring as Holly pouts at the waste of her lipstick. Delia walks around in a full circle before slapping the taste out of Rocky???s mouth and then pulling her forward for Le Bitch Bomb right into the turnbuckle!
Belinda: Oh my god! Each week these girls make me detest them more and more, even when I don???t think it???s possible???
Jason: I agree, but I don???t want to say it too loud or they might not twerk on their way out???
Delia wipes her hands off as she looks down to the reporter on the ground. She snubs her nose once more as ???Phresh Out the Runway??? begins playing again. Delia straightens her hat as all three ladies throw their handbags over their shoulders and walk in a straight line to the ropes. They exit under the middle rope, rising slowly as they shake their behinds. This time, the fans don???t respond very well. They laugh and walk up the runway and to the curtains, turning their heads to face the fans once more, blowing them kisses before disappearing behind the curtains.
Simone: Hold on! Something is happening backstage! Quick! get a camera back there!
The camera switches backstage where Goth and Conner Murphy are engaging in a wild brawl in the hallway! Advertised as a match for this evening, the pair never even make it to the ring as they slam each other's heads and bodies with lefts and rights! Goth sends Conner reeling back with a straight fist to the jaw but Conner recovers and dives right into him, bulling his body into Goth's, sending both men into a table set up against the wall, shattering it! The two men are lying in the remnants of the table and Conner is atop the 'Gothic One' and continues the punishment when the SCW Roulette Champion, Brother Grimm, dashes onto the scene and drives a hard knee into the back of Murphy's skull!
Conner falls off of Goth and Grimm grabs the desired challenger to his feet and throws him hard against the wall! Conner slumps down and Goth comes up and the two tag team partners begin laying the boots into the down Conner! Suddenly Michael Hardy makes the save, diving into Grimm and knocking him to the floor! Michael starts swinging as Conner sweeps Goth's legs out from under him and goes on the attack as security officials and staff swarm the scene and begin to break the melee' up!
Back to the ringside area!
Adams: I think things just got that much ore interesting in the men's Roulette division!
Justin: Ladies and gentleman, the following match is our main event of the evening!
The crowd pops!
Justin: Introducing first???
"Outsider" plays over the PA system. Once the lyrics begin, Roxi Johnson emerges from the backstage area, She pauses at the top of the entranceway, soaking in the atmosphere.
Justin: From Tampa, Florida???she is the ???Superhero??????Roxi Johnson!
She stares ahead at the ring and begins a slow walk towards it. She pauses from time to time looking around the arena. After a moment, she steps on the apron, and enters the ring through the ropes. Once inside, she runs to the nearest corner, jumps on it, and raises her arms to the cheers of the audience.
Justin: And her tag team partner???
???Die for You??? by Otherwise plays and Argento comes to the ramp. He looks around the crowd and then he raises an arm, and part of the crowd that respects and cheers for Argento does the same.
Justin: Ladies and Gentlemen, coming to the ring, born in Venice Italy, now residing in Orlando, Florida. He stands 6' 7" and he weighs in at 270 lbs, he is the Silver Fox, he is the returning ARGENTO!!!!
Argento comes to the ring and enters it, and makes the same pose and silver pyro comes from the turnbuckles.
Justin: And their opponents??? Hailing from Dunedin, New Zealand, standing at 5 feet 11 inches and weighing in at 127 pounds, she is??? one half of the SCW Bombshell Tag Team Champions???Emma Rose!!!
???Able to Love??? by Benny Benassi plays over the public address as Emma Rose comes out onto the stage. She blows a kiss to the fans before working her way down the aisle. Emma gets inside of the ring and walks over to the turnbuckle showing off her Tag Team title to the crowd.
Justin: And her partner???
???Wrecked??? by Killbot blasts over the speakers. The fans immediately turn their attention to the entryway. A few cameramen file through the curtains. Giani comes down to the ring, he supplies his own blast of pyros that rain down on him as he pauses, looking from side to side as the cheers form. He looks from side to side once more with a smirk forming on his face. He looks at what seems to be each and every fan before throwing his fist in the air, getting the crowd pumped as he pumps his fists.
Justin: Weighing in at 285 pounds???from Seaside Heights, New Jersey???he is reigning SCW Heavyweight Champion??????The Italian Stallion??? Giani Di Luca!
He sprints down the ramp, stopping at the bottom, spinning a complete 360 while leaping one foot with his arms out at his sides. He comes to the head of the ring and jumps onto the ring apron before climbing under the top rope. He bounces from the ropes, then runs over to the far turnbuckle and raises his fist high in the air for his fans and camera crew. He leaps down and darts to the other side of the ring, working the crowd as he pats his NXT arm band. He jumps down and jogs in place.
After a few seconds, Giani and Argento step outside of the ring to allow Roxi Johnson and Emma Rose to start us off. Emma charges immediately but the crafty former Bombshell Champion side steps her and trips her down to the mat. She goes to drop a quick elbow but Rose moves out of the way quickly and Roxi smashes her elbow down hard against the canvas. Emma jumps up quick and plants her boot in to the face of Roxi, who is on her knees. Johnson falls back limp and Emma goes for the cover.
Adams: No! She kicked out!
Roxi kicks out at the last second and Jasmine raises up two fingers. Emma pulls Johnson up off of the mat and pulls her head over her shoulder and hits her with a hard looking snap mare before getting up and kicking Johnson hard across the back.
Simone: That hurt me!
Roxi screams out in pain and Emma bounces off the ropes and lands a dropkick, basically baseball sliding in to the face of her opponent. She hooks Roxi???s leg again and St. John drops down for the count.
Adams: Again Roxi just gets out of that pin!
Emma peels Johnson up off of the mat again and this time sends her in to the ropes with an Irish whip. Rose looks to land a hard hitting clothesline but Roxi surprises her with a kick to gut and then grabs her by the head and rapidly slams her face down in to the canvas with a DDT.
Adams: Finally Roxi Johnson looks alive!
Simone: She needed to do something Jason or otherwise this one could???ve been over quick.
Argento begins to slam his boot down on the apron trying to get his partner back in to the match. Emma begins to get to her feet and both women get to standing at the same time. Roxi dives over to the corner and slaps the hand of Argento just before Emma could make a move.
Adams: She made the tag! Emma has to tag out too!
Simone: Yes, Jason???we know.
Adams: Yes, you see because under SCW rules, in a mixed tag-
Simone: WE KNOW!
Adams: Fine???I???m just gonna sit here and spin my chair???
Emma walks over and tags Giani who steps between the ropes and receives a thunderous applause from the California crowd.
Simone: The crowd is excited to finally see the Heavyweight Champion in action.
Both Argento and Di Luca walk up to the center of the ring and size one another up. They lock up in a Greco Roman test of strength, which Giani easily wins, forcing the returning Argento down to one knee. After a few moments of struggling Giani releases the lock with his left hand and then connects with a hard uppercut, dropping the Silver Fox down to the mat. Giani picks him up and sets him up for a vertical suplex, hits it, and then goes for the pin. Jasmine St. John drops down for the count.
Adams: He barely got a two count!
Simone: I thought you were just gonna spin?
Adams: I???m???just???.shut up!
Giani picks his opponent up off of the mat and then sends him bouncing off the ropes with a powerful Irish whip. He goes for a vicious looking clothesline but Argento ducks and runs right by him. He bounces off the ropes and comes back but is immediately hit with a hurried powerslam and Giani hooks the leg, looking for the win.
Adams: No! Argento kicked out!
Jasmine again holds up two fingers and the match continues. Giani goes to pick up Argento off of the mat but the Silver Fox connects with a fist in to the gut of the Champion. He follows it up with an open hand slap across the face of Giani which backs him up a few feet. Seeing his opportunity, Argento jumps to his feet and charges at Di Luca. Giani ducks and Argento runs right by him. He bounces off the ropes and launches in to the air and Di Luca doesn???t have time to get out of the way.
Adams: The Silver Fox has returned!
Argento hits his patented Superman punch which shocks the Heavyweight champion but the veteran Di Luca, realizing he???s been dazed, rolls out of the ring before Argento can capitalize.
Simone: What a great strategy play by Di Luca to get out of harm???s way and try to regroup for a moment.
Adams: I don???t know how long he???s gonna have???
Back in the ring, this big man Argento sprints toward the ropes and launches straight through them hitting Di Luca with a suicide dive.
Adams: What a fantastic display of athleticism by the Silver Fox!
Both men seem a bit hurt now down at ringside as their two partners, Rose and Johnson, try to cheer them on from the apron as Jasmine St. John starts her count.
Argento is the first to get to his feet. He grabs Di Luca and whips him in to the steel barricade. He goes to follow it up with a hard running knee but Giani slides out of the way sending his opponent crashing in to the barricade himself.
Giani lands a hard clothesline before sliding in to the ring. Argento follows just a few seconds behind him, which stops St. John???s count. Giani makes the tag to Emma which forces Argento out of the ring and back in comes Roxi Johnson and the crowds pops a bit for the two Bombshells.
Adams: Woo hoo!
The two women charge at each other but Roxi ducks and runs passed her. She comes back up hits a hard looking dropkick right to the face of Emma. Roxi calls out to the crowd looking to put things away???
Simone: She could be setting her up here???
Roxi goes to wrap her legs around Emma???s head to set up her Justice Lock finisher but Emma pushes her off and turns her around and grabs her in a full nelson lock.
Adams: Here we go???its??? Kia Kaha time!
Rose goes to hit her finishing move but Johnson kicks her off. She runs over to the ropes, springboards herself, and kicks Emma square in the face.
As Johnson goes for the cover Giani tries to run and break up the pinfall but Argento runs in and cuts him off. Jasmine drops for the count.
Justin: Here are your winners???Roxi Johnson and Argento!
Simone: And just like that! The favorites of this year's Blast from the Past have been eliminated in the opening round!
Adams: That just goes to show how anyone can be beaten in this event!
Simone: This event is the most unique and unpredictable in the entirety of Sin City Wrestling, and next week we bring to you the final four matches of the opening round! For Jason Adams...
Adams: Wheeeeeeee!
Simone: Who should come to a stop from spinning by next week, I'm Belinda Simone! Good night everybody!
Thank You! to Chris, Mark, Erik, Sam, Aleksei, The Lord MK, Sean Jackson, Frost, Wong, Casey, Necra and to all you guys who work so hard for us! And to Vixen for those awesome match banners