Author Topic: Devil versus Angel  (Read 337 times)

Offline Alexis Edwards

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    • Alexis Edwards
Devil versus Angel
« on: September 02, 2015, 11:16:44 PM »
~*~Monday August 24th~*~
~*~Sweet Home Las Vegas~*~
~*~Location: Staggs Dungeon~*~
~*~Off Camera~*~

What did I tell ya?  How are all you people who were doubting me feeling now that I proved all you asswipes wrong?  I walked into that match with one goal…to walk out a winner.  And poor little Sammi Marlowe paid the price.  I unleashed all my pent up anger and frustrations on that little bitch and walked out a winner.  I told you all…I’ve suffered one loss in SCW already and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let it happen again.

Overall Summer XXXTreme III was pretty good.  The Nobodies went two for three on the show, which isn’t bad, but I know Connor is kicking himself that he didn’t bring that Roulette Title to the Nobodies where it belongs.  No biggie, he’ll get it sooner or later.  You can count on it.

After spending a week on that cruise, I really had no interest in staying on board any longer.  I can’t speak for Tim or Connor, as I really don’t know what they chose to do, but I hopped on a flight back to the states as soon as I could.  And here I am.  Back home in some peace and quiet.  

Peace.  And quiet.  Yeah, I don’t really know if that’s such a good thing.  

I’m not exactly sure what time it is, but I know it’s somewhere in the middle of the night.  I snuck back into the Staggs Dungeon when it was safe and threw my bags in Tim’s dad’s office.  I should get comfortable on the sofa and get some sleep, but surprisingly enough, I’m pretty wired right now.  So sleep isn’t on the cards.  

I walk out of the office and look around the gym area.  It’s mostly dark, but the street lights from outside are filtering into the building just enough that I can see my way around.  I take in a deep breath and walk over to the ring.  I slide in under the bottom rope and scoot over to one of the corners.  I pull my knees up to my chest and just stare around the ring, staying exactly where I’m at.  I lean my head back and close my eyes, thinking about everything that has gone on over the last couple of weeks.  More specifically Tim, my best friend, being pissed off at me.  And while I still can’t admit it to him, he has every reason to be.  

I start bouncing my leg, jittery as the emotions and stress start to build up inside me once again.  I clench my hands into fists, pretty sure I’m turning my knuckles white and as I try to fight the feelings that are about to overwhelm me.

“Lex…Lex…Lex…You know what you have to do babe.”

I lean my head quickly and open my eyes, looking around in search of the source of the female voice I just heard.  I don’t see anybody, though.

~*~Lex~*~: Huh?  Who the fuck said that?  Show your face asshole before I kick your ass.

“**laughs** That might be a little hard to do honey.  Unless of course you’re prepared to beat your own ass.  Then again, that might not be such a bad idea.”

I jump up to my feet, and just as I’m about to jump out of the ring and go turn on the lights running the risk of getting myself caught, the voice speaks up again.

“Doesn’t my voice sound familiar, Lex?  It really should.  Granted, I have a cleaner mouth than you do, but…”

~*~LEX~*~: I’m not in the mood for dumbass riddles, asshole!  Now show your face because you’re starting to piss me off.

“Suit yourself.  Back up a little bit, though, would ya?”

I’m a little confused at her last statement, but I stay right where I’m at, directly by the ropes.  No more than a second later, I go flying back as she appears right in front of me…like in a poof of smoke, crazy shit!  I stare up at her, blinking my eyes, and she really is no stranger to me.  She’s…she’s me!  Well…a form of me I think.  She has my dark hair, but she’s dressed…totally unlike me, in a red sleevless mini-dress and red stiletto heels.  Even my sister wouldn’t dress that slutty.

~*~LEX~*~: Ok this is some seriously fucked up shit.  I really need to get some sleep or something, because unless Riley and I have some super slutty triplet sister, I’m seeing things.

“Isn’t it obvious, Lex?  I’m you.  Well…a part of you.  I’m that devilish side of you that leads you to do the bad stuff.  The fun stuff actually.  You know, you really should dress like this, because I look damn hot.  Admit it.”

Yeahhh…I really need sleep.

~*~LEX~*~: Sorry, but I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing that shit.  I’m not some slut desperate for attention.

~*~DEVIL LEX~*~: Maybe not for this kind of attention, but you really should be.  But damn girl, you are desperate for attention.  Just admit it.

I laugh and turn around, looking away from her…from me…from I don’t even know who the fuck.  I pull at my hair and before I know it she’s standing right back in front of me!

~*~LEX~*~: Fuck, what do you want from me!  Leave me alone!  All I wanted to do was relax and get some peace and quiet before everything goes back to shit again!

~*~DEVIL LEX~*~: Trust me, I know that more than anyone babe.  You need to relax.  Chill.  Unwind.  Catch where I’m going with this?

I stare at her, just blinking.  I know what she’s talking about, but I’m not falling for it.  Now that Riley isn’t around, most of the stress that comes with her being around has left with her, so I’m already much more relaxed.  At least I’m trying to convince myself that I am.

~*~LEX~*~: Yeah I know where you’re fuckin’ going with that and you can just drop it.  I don’t need to do that right now.  I’m fine.  I’m chill.

She tosses her head back and laughs at me then folds her arms across her barely covered chest and shakes her head.

~*~DEVIL LEX~*~: You and I both know you’re lyin’ sweet cheeks.  There’s nothing wrong with needing to unwind and escape for a little while.  I’m not here to judge you sweetie.  I’m here to help you and point you towards what you need to do and right now, what you need is waiting for you in your duffel bag.  

I want so bad to argue with her…with myself…but I can’t.  I’m left speechless and as she nods and motions her head towards the office where my duffel bag is, I’m just about to turn around and do what she’s telling me I need to do when another voice…a sweeter and more caring one…stops me.

“Alexis, sweetie, don’t listen to her.  You know that’s not the right thing to do.”

Before I can even ask who is speaking to me this time, another apparition appears before me.  This one looks like me also, but is wearing a modest white dress.  She could almost pass for Riley, but again, she’s sporting my dark hair.  I close my eyes and pull at my hair, convinced I’m now losing my fuckin’ mind.

~*~LEX~*~: What the fuck is happening to me?  I don’t need this shit.  Not now.

The “angel” side of me approaches me and places a very concerned yet comforting hand on my shoulder.  I refuse to look at her.

~*~ANGEL LEX~*~: Of course you don’t, sweetie.  You’ve had to deal with so much pain and heartache in your life.  But listening to that demonic side of you when she’s trying to push you to do horrible things is not what’s best for you.

~*~DEVIL LEX~*~: Who the hell are you calling demonic?  There’s nothing demonic about me, angel face.

I open my eyes to see the two exchange glances and this whole thing is quickly getting too weird for me.

~*~LEX~*~: And I suppose you know what is best for me?  

Angel eyes turns her attention back to me and with a warm smile, she nods.

~*~ANGEL LEX~*~: You might not agree with it, Alexis, but you need your sister.  You need Riley.  Don’t shut her out as you have been doing.

Now I toss my head back and laugh, and so does Devil eyes.  This chick can’t be serious, but judging by the look on her face, I know she is.

~*~LEX~*~: That’s complete bullshit and you know it.  I don’t need that little attention whore in my life.  Just seeing her and hearing her high pitched holier than thou voice makes me want to puke.

~*~DEVIL LEX~*~: You tell her babe.  You can survive by yourself just fine, and there is nothing wrong with doing what you’ve been doing.  Ultimately though, babe, we can point you in whatever direction we want, but you make the final decision.  And you know what your decision this time will be.

~*~ANGEL LEX~*~: And I’m trying to tell her it doesn’t have to be.  She can head down another path.  A better one.

The two begin bickering back and forth, each claiming they know what is best for me.  I take in a deep breath before I toss my hands in the air, getting the attention of both of them again.

~*~LEX~*~: Look, I don’t need this shit, okay?!  I don’t need to be pulled in two different directions by two parts of me or whatever the fuck you two are.  I’d like to just make decisions for myself!  

I look at Angel eyes and put my foot down.

~*~LEX~*~: I don’t need my goody two shoes sister in my life…ever.  All she does is bring me more stress and bullshit, and I can’t deal with that.  Ultimately, having her in my life, leads me to do what she…

I point to Devil eyes.

~*~LEX~*~: …is trying to tell me what I need to do.  I do that shit when I feel I need to and right now?

I turn and face Devil eyes.  She was sporting a cocky grin on her face, but it quickly fades when I turn my attention to her.

~*~LEX~*~: I don’t need that shit.  I’m fine just the way I am.  I’m relaxed, but I won’t be much longer if you two don’t just leave me the fuck alone.  Got it?

The two exchange glances again.  Devil eyes looks away and shrugs her shoulders and Angel eyes just frowns with disappointment.  She is the first to break the long silence.

~*~ANGEL LEX~*~: I respect your decision, sweetie, but for your sake, I hope you come to your senses.  Your sister loves you as much as you’re trying to convince yourself and everyone else that she doesn’t.  There is nothing like the bond of twin sisters and you need that kind of love and support in your life.  I hope you realize that, sweetie.

She places her hand on my shoulder again before she vanishes out of sight.  I shake my head, trying to wrap my brain around all of this and look back to Devil eyes.  She rolls her eyes and pays more attention to her long blood red colored nails, than the look on my face.

~*~DEVIL LEX~*~: Whatever you say, babe.  Deep down, though, you know what Angel eyes told you is a load of crap, otherwise you never would have headed down the path that you did.  Life your life the way you want to.  And what you know what you want…is what I’m telling you.  Bye girl.

And just like that she, too, vanishes before my eyes.  I’m too confused and lost for words that I collapse to the canvas and bury my head in my hands.  I take in a few deep breaths before I decide to head to take a shower.  When I walk into the office and open my duffel bag to grab some clean clothes, I’m caught off guard when I find a note written in Riley’s hand writing.  For some reason I still don’t understand, I read the note.  Call it curiosity.

“Dear Alexis- I know you told me to stay out of your life and that you don’t want to speak to me, but I just can’t do it.  No matter what you think or what you say, I will always love you.  You’re my twin sister and I can’t just throw away that bond as easily as you.  I know Mom and Dad have never shown you the same attention as they have me, and I’m truly sorry for that.  I’d give anything to change that if I could.  Please, Alexis, don’t shut me out.  I need you as much as you need me.  You just can’t admit you do.  I’ll see you soon. –Riley.

P.S- By the way, as I said, I saw the marks on the cruise.  Please stop, Alexis.  Before it gets too far…Just…Stop.”

I feel my nostrils flare as I read the note and I crinkle the piece of paper in my hand.  When I drop it on the floor and look back into my gym back, my eyes fall directly on what Riley was asking me to stop doing.  There was a reason she left the note on top of it.  She wanted me to see it and she was hoping her words in the letter would somehow get me to stop.

“What did I tell you babe.  You need this.  Don’t listen to Angel eyes and don’t listen to your sister.  This is your salvation…”

Without hesitation I snatch it out of my duffel bag, completely forgetting to grab clothes.  I dart out of the office and towards the women’s locker room, heading towards my escape…my salvation.  This is definitely what I need and for a moment, I swear I hear the devilish laughter inside my head.


~*~Tuesday August 25th~*~

After that totally fucked up conversation, or hallucination, with myself yesterday, I was up half the night.  When I was sure the coast was clear for the night, I just kept myself busy, getting in a work out here or there, hoping I would tire myself out, and eventually I did.  But it wasn’t soon enough.  It was around five a.m when I was finally exhausted enough and I crashed on the couch in Spike’s office.  I was confident that either I would wake up before Spike showed up and caught me on the couch, or that Tim would at least do what he promised and make sure I didn’t get caught.  Apparently, I was wrong on both assumptions.

I’ve never been much of a sound sleeper, and I’m not sure how long I’ve been out, but I’m startled awake when I sense an ominous shadow standing over me.  My eyes dart open and I’m looking up at the angry face of Tim’s dad, Spike Staggs.

~*~LEX~*~: Oh shit!

I fall off the couch with a loud thud.

~*~SPIKE~*~: Yeah, oh shit is right.  You mind telling me what the fuck you’re doing in here?

I scramble to my feet, but Spike stands directly in front of me, refusing to let me leave without an explanation.  A few moments later, I spot Tim standing outside in the gym area, glancing in quickly.  I notice that smirk on his face and I’m fuming, but Spike snaps his fingers in front of my face, bringing my attention back to him.

~*~SPIKE~*~: Answer me damn it!  What the fuck are you doing in here?!

~*~LEX~*~: Alright!  Damn!  Chill, dude!  I came here for a late night workout last night and crashed on your sofa.  I didn’t think there would be a damn problem with it.

~*~SPIKE~*~: And why would you assume that?  How did you even get in here?

I glare out of the office at Tim.

~*~LEX~*~: Why don’t you ask Tim.  He’s the one who’s been letting me crash here.  For the last year and a half.

Spike’s eyes widen at hearing this little bit of information and when he turns and glares at Tim, I can tell by the look on Tim’s face, he’s going to be even further pissed off at me than he already was.  Spike calls Tim over and he slowly walks over after rolling his eyes.  Tim makes it a point to now avoid eye contact with me.

~*~TIM~*~: What?

~*~SPIKE~*~: Have you been letting Alexis crash here in my office for the last year and a half?

Tim rolls his eyes again and shrugs, but he doesn’t say a word.  I fold my arms across my chest and wait for the impending shit storm.  Tim wanted to get me in trouble?  Well, turn about is fair play.

~*~TIM~*~: Thanks a lot, Lex.  And here I thought we were friends.

~*~LEX~*~: Oh so NOW we’re friends?  You’ve barely spoken a single fucking word to me over the last couple of weeks and you didn’t do what you promised by making sure I didn’t get caught in here!  And you want to talk about us being friends?!

~*~TIM~*~: Oh, I’m sorry if I have a different definition of what friends were, Lex!  You know, like the ones that talk to each other which is something YOU can’t do these days!

I wasn’t expecting the shit storm to happen between me and Tim but needless to say, it did.  We begin screaming and yelling at each other and Spike stands between the two of us.  When he’s had enough, he throws his hands in the air and gets out attention the best way Spike Staggs can.


Tim and I immediately go quiet and turn and look towards his dad.  Spike is fuming, and I can see the fiery look in his eyes even through signature sunglasses.

~*~SPIKE~*~: Look, I don’t know what the fuck is going on with you two, but sort this shit out.

Spike looks directly at me.

~*~SPIKE~*~: As of right now Alexis, your nights of sleeping on the sofa here in MY office are officially done.  There are more than enough hotels for you to choose from, so you can find other sleeping arrangements.

~*~LEX~*~: He was just offering me a place to stay until I got back on my feet.  

~*~SPIKE~*~: Yeah well you’re an adult and you’re employed with SCW now, so you can figure something out for yourself.  Consider yourself lucky that I’m not banning you from here.

Tim’s eyes widen, and before he has a chance to say anything, Spike turns to face him.

~*~SPIKE~*~: You and I will discuss your part in this at home.  Alexis, get your shit out of my office.  I’ve got work to do.

Normally I would argue, but quite frankly, Spike Staggs scares the shit out of me.  He is about the only person I can say that about.  I quickly grab my things and head out of the office.  I’m rummaging through my bag trying to find what I need and I hear Tim following behind me.

~*~TIM~*~: Looking for something?

Because I have my back facing him, he can’t see me roll my eyes.  I let out a frustrated growl before I respond.

~*~LEX~*~: Fuck off, Tim.  I’m not in the mood for your shit.  I need to figure out where the hell I’m gonna go now.  All thanks to you, by the way.

~*~TIM~*~: I don’t know why you stuck around here as long as you did.  Clearly our friendship didn’t mean the same thing to you as it did to me.  I guess as long as you had a free place to stay you were cool, right?  

He couldn’t be farther from the truth and when I spin around to look him in the eyes, I’m clenching my fist at my side.  I don’t want to punch him.  I want to do something else, but I can’t find what I fuckin’ need in my bag.

~*~LEX~*~: You were the one who told me I could stay so don’t turn this shit around on me and make me out to be an asshole!  I had no problem going to a hotel but you asked me to stay so I did.

~*~TIM~*~: Yeah because you weren’t gonna turn down charity, were you?  I don’t need to make you out to be the asshole, Lex, because you are!

I throw my duffel bag down on the ground in between me and Tim and my eyes grow wide.  I throw my hands in the air, grabbing at my hair in frustration.

~*~LEX~*~: You fuckin’ needed me here!  So I stayed!  Alright?!  I wasn’t going to wander around the streets when you needed me, okay?  God Damn…

I take my gaze away from him, not fully prepared to see the look on his face.  I reach down and pick up my bag again as I start rummaging through it once again, looking for what I needed.  I’m not paying attention to Tim and a moment later, he clears his throat, bringing my attention back to him.  I look to what he is holding in his left, waving it towards me, and I’m left speechless.

~*~TIM~*~: This wouldn’t happen to be what you’re looking for, would it?

I stare at the small all too familiar razor blade in his hand.  He clearly knows more than I thought he did, but I shake my head denying it anyway.

~*~LEX~*~: Why the fuck would I be looking for that?

Tim laughs and shakes his head.

~*~TIM~*~: Cut the bullshit, Lex.  Alright?  I know you’re secret, so you don’t need to lie to me anymore.  Riley told me everything on the cruise.

My eyes widen, and while I want to be angry at Riley for telling Tim something that was none of her business to tell, I’m not.  I’m just left speechless.  Tim tosses the razor blade on the floor in front of me, but I don’t reach down to pick it up right away, as I just stare at him.

~*~TIM~*~: You know, you’re spewing all that shit about how much I needed you, but you can’t even fucking admit that you needed me, too.  You’ve been cutting yourself and I had to find out from your sister.

I quickly glance down to the razor blade sitting on the floor and I’m fighting back tears.

~*~TIM~*~: Pick it up.  Clearly you want to.  Or need to.  I don’t fucking know, and I sure as hell don’t understand why.  But next time you rake that blade across your skin, I want you to think about how I could have helped you but you were too fucking ignorant to let me do it.  Fuck you, Lex.

He shoves his way past me without another word and once he does, I sink to my knees.  I’m unable to hold back the tears now as I stare down at the razor blade.  And as much as I want to quickly grab it and make a run for the women’s locker room, I can’t.  I just stay there for several minutes, crying and wondering what my next move will be.


~*~Thursday September 3rd~*~
~*~Wellington, New Zealand~*~

I’ve had a lot of time over the last week to think.  Too much time actually.  I’ve talked to Connor a few times and he still has no idea what is going on, but Tim still won’t talk to me.  I hoped shit would be sorted out by the time we had to be in New Zealand, but I guess I was wrong.  So I was forced to fly to New Zealand by myself and I still have no fuckin’ clue what is going to happen.

I need to focus on my match coming up on Sunday.  It’s my biggest match yet and one that could prove to be a bit of a hassle considering it’s a tag team match.  I don’t work well with other women, that much is very clear with the masked Nobodies, but I might not have too big a problem on Sunday.  Anyone else would have a problem with teaming with Mikah, but me?  I oddly like the bitch.  But maybe it’s just the fact that we both can’t fucking stand Veronica Taylor.  I don’t know.

Anyway, I know I have to get ready for that match and more than likely, make plans to meet up with Mikah sometime in the next couple of days, but my mind is too distracting right now.  I haven’t been in New Zealand long, but all I’m concerned about is trying to call Tim…again.  I don’t know how many times I’ve called him over the last week, but he hasn’t returned any of those calls or texts.  But I have to give it another shot.  I’m not giving up.

I take my phone out of my pocket after I get into my hotel room.  I drop my duffel bag on the floor and dial Tim’s number, hoping he’ll answer.  But, I’m left disappointed as once again, the call goes straight to voicemail…Meaning he hit the “fuck you” button when he saw my number on the screen.  The voicemail recording goes through its recording and I leave him another message.  Probably the last one.

~*~LEX~*~: Yo, Tim…It’s me again.  Look, I’ll try and make this quick and I’ll do you a favor and make this the last one…But I just want you to know that you were right…I’ve been a total asshole and I haven’t told you everything, but…there’s an explanation for that…I just need you to hear me out…Call me back…Text me or whatever…Just let me explain, because I can guarantee that whatever Riley told you…Well, she doesn’t know shit.  So…just call me back, okay?  Or I’ll hunt you down at the show on Sunday because we need to talk…Like really talk…

I end the call and set my drop my phone down on the edge of the bed.  As has been the case a lot lately, the silence starts to get to me.  The guilt over how I’ve treated Tim, who was supposed to be my best friend, starts to drive me crazy and before I know, the devilish voice inside me reminds me of what I need to do.  I don’t even fight it as I reach for my duffel bag, and search through it until I find my razor blade and take it out.

I scoot myself over against the edge of the bed, propping my legs up.  I pull my right pant leg up, staring at the various marks on my leg.  A few are more recent of course, but there are a few aged scars from a while back.  I put the blade to my leg and just as I am about to rake it across my skin, my phone starts to ring.  I drop the blade on the floor and quickly reach for my phone, thinking it’s Tim calling me back, but I don’t even look at who is calling.

~*~LEX~*~: About fuckin’ time you called me back!  Look, Tim, I know—

But it’s not Tim, and I’m about to learn just who it is.

~*~RILEY~*~: Lexi?  It’s Riley!  I’m so glad you answered!

I roll my eyes and let out a growl.

~*~LEX~*~: Riley?  How the fuck did you get my…Nevermind.  Tim gave it to you, didn’t he?

~*~RILEY~*~: Please don’t be mad at him, Lexi.  I can tell he really cares about you.

I prop my phone between my ear and my shoulder and let out a laugh.  I grab the razor blade from off the floor, bringing it to my leg.

~*~LEX~*~: Please don’t act like you know him, Riley, because you don’t.  And you don’t fucking know me, either.  I don’t know what you told Tim on the cruise, but now I have to explain a bunch of shit that he’ll never understand.  You just added a ton of shit to my plate that I really didn’t need right now.  You had no fucking right to do that, Riley.

I close my eyes and rake the blade across my skin and blood trickles from the fresh wound.  I take in a breath as quietly as I can.  I close my eyes as I’m immediately relaxed from a feeling I can’t even begin to explain.

~*~RILEY~*~: Well, judging by his mood, I thought he already knew.  I mean, I was pretty mad at you when first caught you, but—

~*~LEX~*~: But what, Riley?  You want to be pissed off at me, then go right ahead and be pissed.  I really don’t care.  But you just went and made Tim even more pissed off at me and now I don’t even know if I can fix it.

~*~RILEY~*~: But you want to fix it, don’t you?  You’re not going to continue shutting him out like you keep doing to me, are you?

I crack my neck from side to side, getting closer to just ending the call.  I don’t know why I haven’t already done it.  I stare at the cut on my leg and the small trail of blood.

~*~LEX~*~: What I do is none of your fucking business, Riley.  I shut you out for several reasons and you know damn well what those reasons are.  I don’t need to keep reminding you of that shit.

~*~RILEY~*~: Lexi, you need to come home.  You need help.  This family needs help—

~*~LEX~*~: Don’t you fucking tell me what I do or don’t need you self-righteous little bitch!  You want to know something, Riley?  I was fine until you showed up back in my life and fucked things up again!  I sensed it was happening.  I was hoping I was wrong, but hey, I guess I had a little bit of that twin ESP bullshit you brag about all the time.  The fact is, Riley, I’m trying to make a life for myself and I’m doing something I enjoy but you came back around and are trying to fuck everything up for me, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let it happen!

I make another cut on my leg, right next to the other one, going a little deeper this time.  More blood trickles out of this wound this time, and the stinging pain is enough to distract me and keep my temper in check.  I hear Riley draw in a deep breath.

~*~RILEY~*~: That’s not what wrestling is to you Lexi.  You and I both know it.  It’s basically what the cutting is to you, isn’t it?

~*~LEX~*~: Please stop talking about something you know nothing about, Riley, because you’re only pissing me off more.  The fact is, I enjoy beating the shit out of prissy bitches and whores that remind me of you.

~*~RILEY~*~: Lexi if you continue doing what you’re doing, it’s only going to get worse, you know that?  You’re only going to get worse. And I don’t want to lose you forever…

~*~LEX~*~: YOU ALREADY LOST ME YOU DUMB BITCH!  Get that through your fucking skull and leave me the fuck alone!!!

I don’t give Riley a chance to respond again as I end the call and turn my phone on silent, tossing it back on the bed behind me.  In a fit of rage I whip the razor blade across the room and let out a growl.  I don’t know when or if things will start going right, but I can only hope I can get my mind focused in time for my match on Sunday, because I really don’t feel like feeling the wrath of Mikah on top of everything else.


~*~Shooting Team SuperHero~*~

“When I signed my contract with SCW, I wasn’t exactly signing up to be in the tag team division.  Granted, that’s not exactly what this match is, but like it matters?  The fact is that I’d rather beat a bitch myself than have to worry about teaming with someone else, even if it is someone who I can sort of get along with.  And I never thought I’d admit that I sort of get along with Mikah, because let’s face it…Does anyone?”

“Mikah is the World Bombshell Champion right now and I won’t sit here and lie and say she doesn’t deserve it because the fact of the matter is that she’s one tough bitch.  I’d say tougher than I am, but when push comes to shove, I could give Mikah a run for her money, and I’d walk away on the winning side, but I’ll save that argument for a later time if needed.  I’m teaming with her this week, and I’m really in no mood to piss her off on top of everything else.”

“So it looks like after Roxi and Keira lose their singles titles, they’re being given another opportunity at gold, but this time being groomed to go for the tag titles?  Alright…fair enough, but wouldn’t it be a good idea to, I don’t know, put them up against an experienced tag team instead of just teaming two people who have never teamed together, much less like being in tag team matches?  Then again, there really is like zero interest in the tag titles anyway, so I guess it really doesn’t fuckin’ matter to me.  Roxi and Keira’s first official test to prove that they want the tag titles as bad as they, or at least Keira has said, they do is against me and Mikah and, well…that’s some pretty bad fuckin’ news for Team Superhero.”

“I see an awful lot of these two chicks on Twitter and I have to admit…they’re pretty fuckin’ weird.  Like…seriously fuckin’ weird.  At least Keira is.  Roxi is just overly happy all the time, but Keira?  I don’t even know how to explain this chick.  She all but said that she’d like to wear my skin and eat my liver the other day, obviously trying to scare me, but who the fuck even says that?”

“People like to compare me to some guy named Rage.  I don’t know much about him, but after looking up some information about him, I think Keira is a lot more like him than I am.  I mean, have you seen that chick’s temper?  I just hate people.  I don’t get all bat shit crazy like Keira does.  And the funny thing to me?  The bitch is teaming with her biggest fucking weakness!  Right, Keira?”

“Let me tell you something, Keira.  Smart people wouldn’t make it blatantly fuckin’ obvious what sets them off and gets them all frustrated and on the edge of losing you.  But you?  Well, you’re not exactly smart, are you?  Nah, all someone has to do is look funny at Roxi and you lose your shit wanting to end careers and what not.  Well guess what, Keira?  I’ll be looking to do some good damage to your wife, and not in some kinky sexual way that you two seem to enjoy.  It’ll actually be pretty damn fun having you stand by and watch as I kick your wife’s ass…maybe while Mikah holds you back.  I don’t care what supposed super powers you two claim to have…They won’t be able to stop me.”

“Keira…your wife really fuckin’ annoys me.  Like so much so that I just want to slam her face into the canvas over and over again.  Bust up her nose.  Let the blood flow, and I know Roxi is probably watching this thinking…now what did I do to her?”

“Roxi…you didn’t do shit to me.  Not personally.  You’re just so…damn…happy!  Nobody is EVER that fuckin’ happy all the time!  You can try and make up some bullshit, Roxi, but we all know the truth.  You’re a damn fake, and you know it.  Deep down, you’re one fucked up chick, but you can’t admit it.  You want people to believe that you’re some kind of normal, but you’re not.  You’re far from normal.  You and your wife both.”

“Don’t get me wrong…Ya’ll can love each other all you want.  That ain’t my problem here, but, here’s a question for you two.  Do you REALLY believe that people want to see your sick kinky bullshit all over Twitter?  Ya’ll might as well video tape what happens in the bedroom because you basically give a play by play every day!  Maybe once Mikah and I are through whooping you two all over the ring, you can make a kinky nurse video or something.  Just don’t post it on Twitter, because people really don’t want to see that shit.”

“Now, it’s no secret that Keira has been dying for the both of you to team together and go after the tag team titles, and from what I’ve heard, she wanted it to be against the Mean Girls when they held the titles.  Too bad Keira was forced to wait because Roxi first had the Internet title and then Keira had the Roulette title.  Not the Mean Girls are no more and the freaks of SCW, The Fallen, have the tag titles.  I gotta be honest, I really couldn’t care less about who has the Bombshell Tag Titles, because I have zero interest in them.  But the fact is, Mikah and I have been put together as some test to the two of you…a test that you’re clearly going to fail.”

“I’m pretty sure you’ll have no problem beating the Fallen and being everybody’s favorite Team Superhero Bombshell Tag Team Champions, but against a member of Danger Zone and The Nobodies?  Team Superhero doesn’t stand a chance.”

“People are probably placing bets on how long it’ll take before Mikah and I self distruct…before one of us is beating the shit out of the other, but guess what?  That ain’t gonna happen.  Because I really don’t want to lose another match so if it means playing nice with the World Bombshell Champion?  So be it.  I don’t see what everyone’s problem with her is anyway.  Sure she’s an opinionated bitch, but then again, so am I.  Maybe that’s why we sort of get along.”

“Mikah, neither one of us has a thing for tag team matches, but I’m willing to work with you on this one and show all these fuckin’ haters who the top two bitches in this company are.  I may not be a champion, but I’ll be a champion soon enough, and you’ve already proven you’re a bad enough bitch in my book, so I don’t have a problem with you…yet.  You do what you need to do, and I’ll do what I need to do.  As long as we both understand that losing isn’t a fucking option with this one.”

“Hell, you could do what you did in your last tag match and just let me beat the bitches by myself.  I really don’t care.  I’m not going to cry about it or complain and judge you for it, because I’d just handle business myself.  As long as I get my shot against both of them, I don’t…fucking…care.”

“And once this match is done and we deal Team Superhero their first disappointment…You can go drinking with, in your words, the best co-boss ever…Mark Ward.”

“I’ll see you all on Sunday when this Nobody will be wrestling among a bunch of somebodies.”

“Peace, bitches!”