Author Topic: No chance for Vero  (Read 345 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
No chance for Vero
« on: July 06, 2015, 09:01:59 AM »
 After the show is over and Amanda and Vero have lost against Delia and Mercedes again, Amanda really is upset. She really wanted to get these titles back, but what bothers her even more is the fact that it’s now the third time she has lost against her former friend Deliah and that goes on her nerves. Completely furious she storms into the backstage area and wants to leave the arena, but then she gets stopped by a camera team. Normally Amanda likes it to talk and also to pose for the fans, but today she really isn’t in the right mood for an interview. A bit annoyed she looks at the camera team and is about to leave, but then she stops again. The pretty redhead turns around and she even manages it to smile a bit, even though she really doesn’t feel too good, but before anybody vann ask her a question, she begins to talk.

“Sorry guys, I’m really not in the mood for an interview, but there are a few things I have to say. So lemme begin with the stable or better the tag team, the Mean Girls. Prolly you all wanna know how it goes on with us and I will tell you. So to make it short, the team of the Mean Girls doesn’t exist anymore.”

Amanda takes a deep breath and pauses for a moment. It’s not that she is sad, but in some way she is disappointed, even though it has been her own decision to break up her partnership with Vero.

“I think you all know what had happened during the last weeks. Vero and Deliah began to trouble and Vero kicked out Deliah out of our stable and Mercedes followed her. It’s not that I’m really sad about these losers leaving us and at first I was pretty happy to stay at Vero’s side, but slowly I began to see this different.
Just look, the last months Vero and me haven’t been really successful as a tag team. We even lost twice against Deliah and Mercedes and it hasn’t been my fault. Just remember who got pinned all the time, it hasn’t been me, it has been Vero. So we can summarize it and say that it has been Vero’s fault that we lost the titles and didn’t get them back tonight and this really pisses me off.”

Again she pauses and takes another deep breath. Then she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a cigarette and a lighter. She inhales deeply and blows out a smoke ring, then she continues.

"Ok, it can happen that you don't do good in a match and it can happen that you get pinned, but during our last matches it happened a bit too often to Vero. It’s normal that you lose a match, but it’s not normal for the tag champions to lose every match, because that means that there is something wrong with our team and I can tell you what it is, it is Vero.
If you ask me, then she has lost her spirit. Prolly her time is just over and she prefers it to get fucked by her useless boyfriend instead of focusing on our matches and on the success of our team. Yes, exactly this is her problem and now, sadly, also my problem, because I have been her partner.”

For a moment Amanda looks to the ground and she really is a bit frustrated, but then she looks up again. She doesn’t smile, but it seems that she isn’t too sad about the whole situation.

“And if you listened good, then you hear the word ‘was’. That means, that I’m not her partner anymore. Now you might say that it is pretty late to come to this conclusion, and prolly that’s right. Keira and also most of the other divas in this company told me, that Vero is only using me. They said, that she can’t wrestle and that she’s only my partner because I’m the better wrestler and I bring her success. Even though this is prolly the truth, I didn’t wanna hear it. I know that I’m the better wrestler, but as long as we worked good as a team and as long as she hold my back, it has been ok for me, but now this seems to be over. I have no problem with supporting weaker wrestlers, but not if this costs my career, the it’s too much.”

For a moment the pretty redhead clenches her fists and she growls, but then she relaxes again. She has made her decision and so it will be ok for her and everything will change.

“Yes, she begins to ruin my career, at least she makes me look like a complete loser and that’s a thing I can’t tolerate. As I said before, people told me that she is only using me and these people have been right. Without me at her side, Vero is nothing, just a worthless nobody. And to be honest, I couldn’t care less. Shall she do what she want.
Yes, I don’t care anymore. I must admit, that it’s already a few weeks that I think like that, but I wanted to wait till our rematch to proclaim that our partnership is over, but now it is official. There are no Mean Girls anymore, at least not with me at their side.
To be honest, the whole thing went on my nerves for a pretty long time. I didn’t like all these backstage attacks, I didn’t like the fucking cheating in our matches and I also didn’t like these bitchy bimbos anymore. They are no real wrestlers and if you ask me, then I’d say that they belong into a reality show and not into a wrestling ring.
But anyway, this time is over and I don’t wine about that loss and about the things that had happened. At the beginning this partnership had brought me some success, but now, as this is over, it’s time to look forward and to focus on new goals.”

Again Amanda drags at her cigarette and now even a small smile comes into her face and like usually she looks cute like hell, even though she's completely serious with what she has to say.

"And now we come to these new goals. Well, it's not hard to find out what I've in mind. I told you that I have enough from teaming up with Vero and that’s true, but I also have enough from tag matches in general. That means, that from now on I won’t do them anymore. From now on I will focus on singles matches and on getting one of these titles there. Yes, and you will see that I will have success, because I’m the best female wrestler in this fucking company.
Yes, you have heard right, I’m the best. Mikah, Amy, Roxi and Keira, they are all nothing compared to me. It’s not only that they are all ugly, they are also crappy wrestlers and their performances in the ring are laughable. Yes, these girls are joke and it’s a shame that they are members of a wrestling company.
But anyway, soon you will see that I was right with what I just said.”

Amanda drops her cigarette and wants to continue, but then she hears the clicking of some high heels and turns her head. Immediately she sees her wife and manager Rose walking down the hallway and a happy smile comes into her face. A last time she turns back to the camera team.

“Sorry guys, but now you’ll have to excuse me. I’ll give you another interview right before my next match …”

Then she runs over to Rose and jumps into her arms. She kisses Rose again and again and she’s happy to have someone here who comforts her, but then she sniffles. In some way she is happy that she hasn't been the one who got pinned, but it still hurts to lose such an important match.

“Shit, shit, shit, it sucks so much. I really had hoped that we would get these titles back and that we would get our revenge, but we failed again and all this because of this stupid bitch Vero. I could kill her …”

Holding Amanda close, Rose runs her fingers through Amanda’s long and beautiful her. She loves her wife so much and it hurts her to see Mandy that sad and so she does everything to comfort her.

“Aww, don’t be sad, you did good and it hasn’t been your fault that you lost this match. But now don’t worry about it anymore, this bitch isn’t worth to think about. Haha, and you shouldn’t kill her, cuz I think you wouldn’t like it to end up in jail here in this country. So instead of killing Vero we should better see to get a cab and drive back to the hotel. Our flight back to the USA will be tomorrow and so we have some time to relax.”

Still sniffling a bit, Amanda nods. She still is a bit sad and frustrated, but, like usually,  the thought of spending a wonderful day with her wife comforts her a bit and she begins to feel a bit better, but she still is sad and frustrated. This time it won't be so easy to make her smile again.

“But it still sucks …”

Now Rose runs her fingers lightly over Amanda’s back and the petite young woman begins to giggle lightly. She becomes goose bumps and squirms a bit, but she stays tightly pressed against Rose and listens to her.

“True, but just see it as a new chance. Eventually you got rid of these losers and bitches and now you can focus on your career. It’s much better for you to fight alone and you’ll have more success than with this useless partner. And the people will see what a great wrestler you really are.”

Now her hand has reaches Mandy’s ass and she squeezes it lightly, so that Mandy jumps and shrieks. Rose smiles as she sees that she really found one of Amanda's spots and now she has some hope that she will find a way to cheer her wife up again.

“And you’re much too cute to play the Mean Girl. II know that the fans will love you when you fight alone. You’re SCW’s cutest and sexiest diva and everybody will fall in love with you.”

Amanda always has been a bit cocky and so she loves what Rose just told her. A broad smile comes into her pretty face and she giggles happily. She tilts her head a bit to the side and winks at Rose.

“So you think that I’m cute? Well, then you should show me what you have in mind for SCW’s cutest and sexiest diva.”

Amanda is still in Rose’s arms and tightly pressed against her, so that Rose can feel that Mandy’s nipples are stiff now. She smiles and shakes her head. It's so damn easy to turn Amanda on and even though Rose is used to it, it still surprises her every time.

“You’re really so damn kinky, but I love it. And I’m happy when you can laugh and smile again.”

Playfully she slaps Mandy’s cute ass and again Amanda shrieks. The slap hasn't been very hard and it really hasn't hurt Amanda, but Mandy slowly comes in a playful mood and she loves this treatment.

“And smile and laugh you will a lot. Haha, at first a lil spanking and then …well, I have some new feathers and I bet you will love it to feel them everywhere on your body. Haha, this will make you forget all the stress of this damn show.”

Again Rose kisses Amanda and squeezes her butt. Then she takes her by her hand and the two leave the arena. Now Mandy’s good mood is back and she almost can’t wait to be alone with Rose again. It’s already pretty late, but it’s not hard to find a taxi that brings them to their hotel. Amanda is already so excited, but at first the two decide to have a drink at the hotel bar. They order and sit down on a chair, while they wait for their drinks.
Their drinks arrive and they take a sip, as a guy approaches them and Amanda looks up. At first she thinks that it’s one of her fans and so she smiles at him, but as she hears what he wants, her smile freezes.

“Excuse me Madam, but my boss, the sheik, would like to meet you for a little private session.”

At first Amanda thinks, that he just wants to have a drink with her and to talk to her, but as his servant tells her that he pays good, her jaw drops down. Really annoyed she glares at the guy.

“Ok mister, first, I’m not into such things. I’m a wrestler and no whore. And second, I’m married. Yes, and I’m married to a girl and we are happy.”

As she sees his surprised face, she laughs out. Probably she has already gone too far, but sassy as she is, it's not possible to stop her. Rose makes her a sign, but Amanda ignores it and continues to speak.

“I know that it’s prolly forbidden here in this country, but I don’t give a fuck. And now you must excuse me, me and my wife will leave here and we will go to our room and we will have wonderful forbidden sex there. And in the meantime you can tell your sheik that he shall jerk off. Bye …”

Amanda downs her drink and before the surprised and shocked guy can say anything, she takes Rose by her hand and they hurry to get back to their room. Amanda hops onto the bed and laughs, but Rose is a bit worried.

“Hey, you really shouldn’t have insulted the sheik. This could bring us to jail and that’s a place I really don’t want to be.”

But Amanda only shrugs. She still is willing to have some fun with Rose now and is about to kiss Rose, but Rose is a bit worried and so she shoves her back gently. She would love to play with Mandy, but at the moment it's probably better to get away here.

“No, please not now. We really better should leave. Maybe they send us somebody to kidnap us or they call the cops and that’s not better. Let’s better check out here and take a cab to the airport. As sooner as we get away here as better.”

Amanda is a bit disappointed, but she nods. She loves Rose and doesn’t want to scare her and so she does what Rose tells her to do. The two pack their stuff and as they are finished with packing, Amanda kisses Rose again.

"Ok, ready? So we can leave here, haha, but not before …”

But just as she wants to shove Rose on the bed, she hears the noises of arriving cars and looks out of the window. As she she sees the cops arriving, her jaw drops down. Now she is worried too and she realizes that Rose has been right with her worries.

“Oh shit …we really are in trouble. Prolly you were right and I shouldn’t have insulted the sheik.”

And before Rose can answer, Amanda grabs her by her hand and with her free hand the bags. Then they run out of their room. As they come to the lift, they already hear foot steps in the hallway and seconds later the knocking at their door. Damn, and the lift still isn’t there. So they open a door and run down the stairs. Now it’s really time to hurry up. As they come down to the basement, they see some cops there too and Rose pulls Amanda back.

“Shit, and what now?”

Amanda also doesn’t know what to do, but then she gets an idea. They walk a bit back and as they pass the room of the maids, they enter. After looking around a bit, they find two uniforms that could fit and so they put them on. After covering their hair with a scarf, they put their bags on a baggage cart and slowly walk out of the room. They try not to look to nervously and eventually they pass the cops. So they push the baggage cart to the parking lot and think about what to do now. Amanda sighs.

“Damn, that was so fucking narrow, but what shall we do now? With these clothes we can’t go to the airport. It would really look a bit strange.”

After looking around a bit, they see a big car and hide behind it. Trying to make no noises, they change their clothes again and so they look like normal tourists again. Amanda still covers her red hair and even though it’s night, she puts on her sunglasses. Then they walk to the street and thanks God they see a taxi and stop it. They pay the driver and he brings them directly to the airport. Both women are a bit eased, but Rose still worries about what comes next.

“Hopefully they won’t look for us at the airport.”

But Amanda puts her hand on her knee and smiles, at least she tries it. She still is a bit scared, but, like usually, she tries to be optimistic and ignores all her bad thoughts.

“I don’t think so. And I’ll try to change our flight. Maybe we can get one tonight. Then we are safe.”

At the airport Amanda looks around, but it seems that nobody is searching for them. So she goes to the first counter and asks whether she can change their flights, but the guy there tells them, that it’s not possible at the moment. No arguing helps them, but as Amanda bribes him, she gets another flight tonight. Really eased they think about what to do now, because they aren’t sure whether the cops are still looking for them. So they leave the building and sit down on a bench behind the building, hoping that no cops will come by. Now it seems that everything becomes good and Amanda laughs out.

“Damn, that flight has really been pretty expensive for me …But as long as we get away without ending up in jail, it is ok.”

Nervously they look at their watch and thanks God it’s time for the check in. So they enter the building and go to the check in. They show their passports and it takes really long. The officer looks at their documents and after a really long time he tells them to follow him. Amanda is so worried that she almost wets herself, but there’s nothing she can do, so she and Rose follow him into another room. There they stand and they are really scared. There are some more cops insides the room and Amanda is pretty sure that they will arrest them.
Now the cop who has brought them there approaches them and puts off his dark sunglasses. He looks at them, a bit coldly, but then he smiles.

“Ok Miss Cortez, I just have a message for you from my boss the sheik. He wants to tell you that he is sorry that you misunderstood him earlier at the bar. He wanted nothing bad from you and he only wanted to invite you to come to his palace for a drink, but sadly you understood it wrong and ran away. But he’s not mad and if you visit Dubai again, then you should really visit him. Oh, and he tells you that you did a really good match.”

Amanda and Rose are so eased and now Amanda almost cries, but she manages it to fight back her tears. She tries to smile again, and even though it’s only a grimace, she looks so damn hot. Then she thanks the officer.

"Thank you so much for the nice words and tell your sheik that we are sorry for the misunderstanding. If I should ever come to Dubai again, I will be honored to visit him. Thank you so much.”

The officer nods and now he escorts them out of the plane. He has changed their tickets and now they have their seats in the first class with a special service and slowly Amanda and Rose calm down a bit. They sit there in their seats, with a glass of champagne in their hands and look at each other, then they burst out laughing.

"Damn, sometimes I'm so fucking stupid ...."

Rose laughs too and she winks at Amanda. It doesn't happen very often, that Amanda admits that she made a mistake, but this time she did.

“Only sometimes?”

Playfully Amanda punches her against her arm and Rose screams out, even though it has only been a really light punch. The other passengers look at them, but the couple doesn't care much.

“Hey, that’s mean. Especially after I almost peed into my pants. I already saw us in jail, or even get whipped or stoned. Damn …I’ve never been so scared before.”

Rose nods and takes a sip of her champagne. Too good she knows how Amanda feels, but thanks good everything became good and the trouble is over.

“Me too, but thanks God everything became good and nothing happened. But you still should be a bit more careful with whom you insult. It’s not the first time that we got in trouble because you couldn’t shut up.”

Feeling a bit guilty, Amanda looks to the ground. She knows that Rose is right and that all this has been her fault and so she doesn’t protest.

“That’s true and I know it, but it’s not so easy. It’s so easy to offend me and you know how short tempered I am. Sometimes I really can’t hold back and then it happens and the trouble begins. It’s the same with SCW. I mean there I also get trouble all the time, even though very often I don’t wanna be mean. I’m just a bit sassy ….and I’m so sorry. I really try to change it.”

Still feeling sorry, she bites her lip and looks at Rose, hoping that her wife won't be mad at her. Amanda loves some trouble, but not with Rose and it always hurts her to see Rose upset.

“And I love you the way you are. Just promise me to be a bit more carefully the next time.”

Amanda nods, but before she can answer, a stewardess asks them whether they want something more, but they don’t and so Amanda shakes her head. The stewardess leaves them alone and now they have some time to relax after all this stress.
Rose tries to read a book and leans back, while Amanda turns around in her seat and tucks up her legs. She hugs them and rests her chin on her knees, while she watches Rose reading her book. She doesn’t like such long flights and so she is bored. After a few minutes she tries it to talk to Rose again, but Rose ignores her and tries to continue reading, but Amanda doesn’t give up so easily. Again she bothers Rose and eventually Rose has enough. She sighs and puts her book away.

“Damn, you can be annoying like a little child. No, wait, you’re worse than a child, you’re a pain in the ass.”

That’s not exactly what Amanda wanted to hear, but at least Rose talks to her and doesn’t ignore her anymore. Cocky as Amanda is, she hates it to get ignored and if she isn't in the center of everyone's attention.

“I’m no pain in the ass, I’m just bored. By the way, when is the landing of our plane?”

Rose roles her eyes and sighs Sometimes her wife really can be childish, but in some way it's also cute.

“And again you act like a child.”

Now she imitates Amanda, but it's not so easy for her and she tries not to laugh, even though the whole situation is really funny.

“Daddy …when do we arrive …”

While Amanda is a bit offended and pouts, Rose starts to laugh. It’s right that Amanda can be annoying, but in some way she is so cute and Rose never can be mad at her. So she smiles and leans over to kiss Amanda, but Amanda still pouts and turns her head away.

“C’mon, now stop acting so childish …”

But Mandy sees this different and now she’s the one who ignores her wife. Her head still turned to the side, she doesn’t answer and now Rose sighs. Sometimes it can be really a bit stressing and for a moment she thinks about what to do. After another attempt to talk to Mandy, that wasn’t successfully, she reaches over and grabs Mandy’s ankles. She pulls them over on her lap and removes Amanda’s flip-flops. With a smile in her face she begins to massage Amanda’s feet, knowing how much the petite redhead loves this, but Mandy can be so stubborn. Even though she really loves it and even though she normally would have giggled and purred, she bites her teeth and stays quiet. So Rose shakes her head and looks at her.

“So you don’t like it anymore? Well, so let’s try something different.”

With a smile in her face, she begins to spider her fingers over the tops of Mandy’s feet and her ankles and Amanda bites her teeth. She laughs it, and normally she would giggle, but she still fakes to be mad and so she tries her best to stay quiet, but Rose knows that Mandy will crack soon. She continues this treatment for a pretty long time, but then she wants to hear Mandy’s cute girlish giggling. So she runs her sharp nails lightly over Amanda’s soft and sensitive foot bottoms and the cute redhead begins to wiggle her feet. For a few more seconds she manages it to hold back her laughter, but then a really cute giggling can be heard.
Some people look at them and smile, because Mandy looks so pretty and cute and so Rose continues to torture her love in this cute way. Now she also runs her fingers under and in between Mandy’s cute little toes and the tattooed young woman really begins to laugh. Sometimes she even shrieks and everybody can see how much fun she has. It’s such an innocent and cute little game and so the people smile at the two, even though Mandy slowly gets aroused. Between her giggling she manages it to talk.

“If you don’t stop it, then we will have to go to the restroom. Hehe …”

But Rose has no intentions to stop it and she knows that Amanda really loves what is happening to her, so she continues to tickle and massage her. Then she winks at her wife.

“No way …no restroom for you …”

Amanda’s eyes widen, but she doesn’t pull her feet away and she also couldn’t have done it, because Rose has trapped them between her legs and Mandy is almost helpless now.

“But …but …I ..I might cum here …”

Now it’s Rose’s turn to laugh and she shrugs. It would be a bit embarrassing, but in some way the thought of making Mandy cum in public is also hot.

“Well, then do it, as long as you don’t become too noisy …”

And so it goes on for the rest of the flight. Amanda giggles and purrs and after a while her giggling is mixed with moaning and she really enjoys herself, but eventually they have arrived their goal and the plane begins to land. It’s time to check out and Amanda is completely spent. She’s exhausted and still can feel Rose’s fingers everywhere at her feet and she’s almost to tired to walk alone, so Rose helps her. They get their luggage and leave the airport, where Rose calls a cab. Eventually they are on the backseat and Amanda rests her head against Rose’s shoulder.

“Damn, this was such an awesome flight. Hehe, if this what I get after a loss, then I promise to lose all my matches from now on.”

Rose smiles and ruffles her hair. Being together with Mandy is always fun and she enjoys every single minute of it.

“You’re really such a kinky lil girl. But wait, if you win your next match, then it will even become better. Haha, then I’ll take care that we are alone and that your pussy gets enough attention too..”

She kisses Amanda on the cheek and holds her close, while Amanda slowly falls asleep. The next days Amanda spends most of her time in bed with relaxing and with recovering from her long flight and she almost forgets her job and all that stress at SCW. When she doesn't sleep, she spends all her time with her family, her wife Rose, her son and her stepdaughter and all in all it’s a wonderful time, but then she gets an unexpected visit.
it's still pretty early in the morning and Amanda hasn't expected a visitor at this early time, especially not her stepsister and trainer Casey, because normally Casey is at the gym for her morning workout. But now she stands in front of Amanda's house, with a huge smile in her face, and as Mandy opens the door, she hugs her. Then she enters the house and after Amanda gave her a coffee, she takes a seat at the kitchen table.

"Well, I think you haven't expected me here so early, but I was on my way to the gym and after I've looked at the SCW website, I thought I should come here to tell you what awaits you next.”

A bit worried Amanda looks at her sister. At this time she normally prepares the breakfast for her family and isn't in the mood for talking about her job, but now Casey is here and there won't be a chance to get rid of her without listening to her too. So she only raises an eyebrow and waits what comes next.

“I've seen your last match and I must say that I'm sorry that you couldn't take the win and get your titles back. I always thought that you and Vero were a good team, but now I see that it's better for you to fight alone. You are the better wrestler and without this bimbo at your side you will have more chances.”

In some way Amanda sees this the same way and she nods, but she still doesn't know the real reason why Casey is here. Probably she didn't come just for a small talk.

“But to tell you this isn't the real reason why I'm here. I came because I thought we should start immediately with your training and I wanted to pick you up.”

For a moment she pauses and takes a sip of her coffee, but then she continues. She must find a way to motivate Amanda and starting with some compliments could be a good start for it.

“I've seen the new match card for next week and I think you will like the match you're booked in. You will have to face your former partner Vero, but that's not all. I know that you want a singles title and this will be your perfect chance, because the winner of this match will get a title match for the bombshells title, for Mikah’s title. So I think it could be really interesting for you.”

As she hears this, Amanda's jaw drops down. It's true that she wants to get a title again, but she never thought that it will be so easy for her to get in a title match again. And it will also be a great chance to show that she's the strongest wrestler of the former Mean Girl stable. So a huge smile comes into her pretty face and she claps her hands.

"Wow, that's the best news of the last days. After all these losses I have been already frustrated and it didn't look to good for me and my career, but this changes everything. It's already for sure that I'll be the next no.1 contender for the title.”

Amanda really is a bit cocky and arrogant and Casey doesn't like that. Being full of self confidence is ok, but Amanda goes a bit too far and so Casey stops her.

“Hey, there I wouldn't be so sure. I know that you're good and that Vero is a stupid bimbo, but from time to time she makes good fights too and then she can become really dangerous. So be carefully that she doesn't kick your ass. You'll need a lot of training and you must take care not to underestimate her.”

Even though Amanda doesn't like to hear such stuff, she still knows that Casey is right, and so she nods. But she can't help it and so she still protests a bit.

“Damn, I know, I won't underestimate her. But you don't have to worry. I know that we lost the last two matches, but that wasn't because of me, it has been Vero's fault and not mine. Ok, against Deliah I lost too, but she's the only one of the Mean Girls whom I would call a wrestlers, …besides me. All the others are a joke.
But I don't wanna only talk about the former Mean Girls, I won't do that anymore. As you already know, I broke up with the a mean Girls and I don't wanna have to do anything with them anymore. Their behavior goes on my nerves, their fighting style, their cheating and everything else.
Now many people don't believe me that I'm honest with my plans, but if I give Vero the beating up of her life, then they will know that I really mean what I have said. Yes, this will separate me completely from th m and this is good for my career. Eventually the fans will see that I can do more in the ring than looking sexy and stealing the wins with cheating. I'm a great wrestler and the whole wrestling universe will know that soon.”

For a moment she pauses and she's really happy with how everything has developed. Her losses still hurt, but at least it will be a great chance for a new beginning and sometimes it's good to make a new start.

“And it's great that it will give me chance to get the main title of SCW's women's division. Ok, any of the other titles would have been great too, especially beating up and humiliating Keira would have been awesome, but taking away the main title from this bitch Micah is really so fucking great. It's not that I have a real problem with Micah, but she's a mean slut and I think this wannabe criminal shouldn't be th champion, it's a disgrace for the whole women's division. But anyway, soon her time as the champion will be over.”

Again Casey interrupts her. She agrees with what Amanda says, but she's a bit worried, that Amanda could underestimate her real opponent and this could be a damn big mistake.

“But don't forget Vero, I know she will do everything too o become the new no.1 contender.”

Amanda nods in agreement. Too good she knows that the arrogant Vero will be everything to get another title soon.

“That's true. I think it's her biggest dream to get a singles title and maybe this is one of the reasons why she did so bad during our last matches. In some way I had the feeling that she didn't want to have the tag titles back. I can understand that, but I can't tolerate it. I have been her partner and so it has been her duty to give the best in her last match, but she didn't do it and this has been a big mistake, for which she will pay now. She ruined my chance to get the tag titles back, so as a punishment I will shatter her dream of becoming champion again. I'll make sure that she will never ever come even close to a title match again. That might be mean, but I think she deserves this more than anybody else. Persons like her belong into a whore house, but not into a wrestling ring and they shouldn't be part of title matches.”

For a moment she pauses and gets them a new coffee, then she sits down again and continues. She takes another sip of her coffee and then she begins her little speech.

“But you're right and I take care that I don't underestimate her. I'll spend the next days and nights in the gym, training with you. Yes, I'll make sure that I'm fit as never before in my life and that it will be a match that nobody will ever forget, especially not Vero.
Yes, after I'm done with her, there will be nothing left from her. Her dreams will be shattered, her body will be broken and the best thing will be that her career will be over. Eventually SCW will get rid of this disgusting hitch. She'll never ever bother anybody again with her arrogant behavior, she won't insult the fans anymore and she won't get on the nerves of the other wrestlers anymore. After I'm done with her, she will be history, and really soon everybody will forget that she has ever existed. Her time will be over and to be hones, I'm really happy about this.
Ok, it's not that I really hate her, but in some way she's no real wrestler. As a model she might be good, but not insides a wrestling ring. But her lack of fighting skills isn't her biggest problem. The biggest problem is her fucking behavior. Nowadays any diva who wants to get success acts like the mega heal, or at least she tries to and with Vero it's the same, even though I think she really is that mean. So now tell me why a champion has to be a sadist and a slut. There's really no reason to act like this. You can also take the win in a match without backstage attacks and without cheating and I will prove that this is possible. I'll end the terror reign of these mean bitches and I'll make sure that the fans will love and respect the women's division again.”

Again Amanda pauses for a moment and sighs, but then she continues.

“Ok, I admit that I was a member of this mean girls stable. I attacked and injured Deliah and a few others too. I cheated, I lied and alł this crap, but now you must believe me, I'm sorry for all this and I'll make sure that it won't happen again. I can't undo what I have done, but I promise that I will try my best to make this place a better place. Yes, and this you can see as a promise and if you know me, then you know that I always keep my promises.
So and now some last words for Vero and the fans. This next show will be the end of Vero's career and it will be a new begin for me. Yes, the Goddess is back and I'll be the next no.1 contender and soon the next bombshells champion.”

Now after she is finished with her little speech, Amanda puts their cups back into the kitchen sink. Then she gets her bag with all her stuff she need for training and comes back into the ring. With a smile in her face she takes Casey's hand and now the two leave the house to drive to the gym.
Half an hour later they arrive there and it seems that the normally so lazy Amanda is really motivated now. They change their clothes and the training begins and this time Amanda even does some cardio, even though she really hates it. Next comes some weight lifting and Amanda does pretty good. For such a small and petite girl she is really strong and so this training is no bigger problem for her.
One hour later the two sisters make a little break and drink a water and then they climb into the ring. Like usually they have in mind to do a trainings match. Casey is a professional MMA fighter and so she shows Mandy many new moves, especially some really mean submission holds. Amanda learns really fast and even though she loses most of these matches, she still manages t to make Casey tap out, which makes her really proud, especially as Casey is a physically very strong young woman. If she manages it to make her stricter tap out, then defeating Vero can't be a bigger problem and so she's really confident.
So eventually they have finished their training and, a bit tired but satisfied, they slowly go back to their locker room. Mandy still breathes heavily, but it doesn't take her much time to catch her breath. After she got rid of her sweaty clothes, she looks at Casey and winks.

"Well, now I think I'm really ready for everything. Vero will have no chance and then Micah is next. These two idiots stand behind me and my next goal, getting this title, and so I will wipe them away like this.”

Laughing out Amanda snaps her fingers and winks at her younger sister.

“And I promise to make you proud, you'll be the trainer of SCW's best and most dangerous wrestler, yes, you can say that you trained the Goddess.”

Now the two sisters high five and then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 7012


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0