Author Topic: The beginning of an end  (Read 352 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
The beginning of an end
« on: May 26, 2015, 04:54:14 AM »
 Amanda's last match at SCW has been the complete chaos again. She had to face Delia and as everybody expected it, she had lost that match, but this wasn't her main problem. The worst thing has been that Delia almost tickled Amanda into submission and this was so damn humiliating for the tough little diva. Now, after her match is over, she's back in her locker room and almost cries. She feels so crappy, so that she doesn't want to see anybody and so not even her wife Rose is with her.
Still in her ring gear she stands in front of her mirror and wipes away some tears. Even though Amanda is really spent, she still looks cute and hot and that makes her feel a little bit better. But then she lifts up her shirt a bit and as she sees the red marks from Delias fingers on her ribs and her tummy, she growls again.

“You fucking bitch will pay for this. I'm gonna kill ya.”

Amanda pulls down her shirt again and lights a cigarette. For a moment she wants to sit down on a chair, but she's too nervous and so full of rage. She runs up and down in her room and doesn't know exactly what to do to let off some steam. Then she remembers that she will have to face Delia again next week and that this will be a titles match. After she defeated her titles so many times during the past months, this thought really doesn't worry her. Maybe this will be her chance to get her revenge on Delia. In some way this is a sad thought, because she really had seen Delia  as her friend, but after the humiliation of the last night, she really looks forward to kick her ass.

“This has really been a bit too much. You might have thought that it was funny to make me scream and laugh like a little school girl, but it isn't. No it wasn't funny, it was so fucking mean. You made me look like a complete weakling, who begged for mercy and for this you will pay. Yes, and I'll make sure that it'll be a really high price.”

A bit nervously and still in rage she drags at her cigarette. For a moment she wants to call her wife Rose, but with her bad mood this isn't a good idea. She doesn't want any trouble with the person, she loves most on earth.

“And the next time we will meet you will see that this was the biggest mistake of your fucking life.”

Eventually Amanda sits down, but she still isn't quieter than before. She feels so hurt and humiliated and it almost drives her insane, but she already has her plans for a really brutal revenge.

"I really thought that you were my friend. Ok, we had had some problems in the past, after Vero kicked you out of our stable and after our little Twitter war, but I thought that our trouble was over. So how could you do this to me? Do you wanna end my fucking career by showing all the others my worst weakness?
Well, in some way for me it looks like this. I really hope that such a thing won't happen again, but prolly all the other divas here are too stupid to see how easy it is to make me submit. But anyway, that's not the main problem right now. The main problem is that you are a fucking jealous bitch and that you can't live with the fact that you're a sore loser.
You might have won that match, but you only did it, because you were cheating. The only thing that helped you to get the win was that you weakened me with your fucking tickle attack. But even there you showed that you have no brain. You know me for a really long time and so you should have known that you would really have destroyed me if you would have tickled my feet, but you were to dump to realize this.”

Now Amanda laughs out. In some way this thought is funny, but then all her anger comes back. She clenches her fists and bites her teeth, while a growling can be heard.

“So you think that I might not be too pissed after this match that almost turned into a fun match, but I am and I'm looking forward to get you in the ring again. Well, and this will happen soon. Next week we will fight for the titles and there you will see that you have absolutely no chance against me, Amanda Cortez. Well, you will have the help of your stupid partner Mercedes again, but this time she won't have the chance to knock me out with a chair again, this time I will be the one who destroys you two.”

For a moment she pauses and a mean smile comes into her pretty face.

“Now you might wanna know how I can be so sure to say that I'm the winner and I tell you. Deep insides you know that I'm the better wrestler and you know that you wouldn't have a chance to take the win in a fair match against me. And your partner …well, there's nothing much to say about Mercedes. She might have been a champion for a while, but as long as I'm a member of the Mean Girls she never took the win. All she did was talking and talking, but at the end she always ended as the one who got pinned, so do you really think that she could be a threat for me and Vero?
I don't think so and if you're realistic, then you must admit that I'm right. She's a loser and nothing will ever change this. Maybe she has been better in the past, but now her glorious times are over and it's time for her to retire. But before she gets the chance to retire, I'll make sure that she will pay for her sneaky attack. Call me mean, but the price for this attack will be a visit in the hospital for her. Yes, she will leave the ring on a stretcher and I'll make sure that her injuries will be so bad that she will never recover from them.
But now it's enough with the talking about this losers. She's not worth my time and all I say about her is, that the chapter Mercedes will end with our next match.”

Still with a mean smile in her face the dark haired beauty makes a cut throat gesture. For a very short moment it looks like Amanda is finished with her speech, but then her other opponent, Delia, comes into her mind again and she laughs again.

“So let’s come back to you, Delia. After I’ve heard what you said about me on Twitter, I get the feeling, that you don’t take me seriously, but that might be a mistake, a deadly one. You think that you can take the win by tickling me a bit and sometimes this even works, but not this time. Don’t forget, that this will be a very important match for all of us. It’s not only that it’ll prolly be the end of our feud, the final match, no, it’s also a main event where our titles are on the line.
It’s not that I’m so ambitious that I really need a title, but there’s one thing I wanna prove and this is, that I’m the best female wrestler in this company. All these morons thing, that I can only take a win by cheating, because I’m a MEAN GIRL, but that’s not true. I can also fight alone and I think, that I have proved that in the past as I became the champion, or as I defeated this idiot Keira. I think, that I don’t have to prove it again, but I will do it in our next match. I can’t promise that it’ll be completely fair, but I can promise, that it’ll be the fight of your life and that you’ll never forget it.”

For another very short moment Amanda pauses and drags at her cigarette, then she blows out a smoke ring and watches it fade away.

“Well, with you and your career it’ll be almost the same as with this lil smoke ring, you both will fade away and there will be nothing left from you. You might have been a great wrestler in the past, but your time is over now. It has been over since you lost your title against this loser Amy. I really can’t understand how anybody can lose against such a person. She’s ok, but her wrestling skills are pretty crappy and that means, that you’re even crappier than her.
But that’s not the only bid loss you had in the past. Just remember what Twisted Sister did to your face as you met her backstage. She ruined it completely and without our help it would have become even worse. Oh, and if I remember it right, then you cried and screamed like a little school girl. Haha, not really the way a champion acts.”

With an evil smile in her pretty face Amanda shakes her head.

“But that was nothing against what will happen to you during our next match. There I will ruin your face completely and I’ll make sure that you can never look into a mirror again without throwing up. Yes, you will look like an ugly monster, but that fits perfectly to your ugly soul. So be warned, at the next show your career and also your life will end. You will never be the same as before again.
So let’s summarize this, after we are done with you, Vero and I will still be the champions and you and Mercedes will leave this company as the sore losers you are.”

Then another thought comes into her mind and the dark haired beauty really doesn’t like this thought.

“Ok, that’s something I normally don’t talk about, but this time I will do it. I really don’t think that this could happen, but for the case we lose, I will break up my partnership with Vero. It’s not that I wanna blame her, but if we lose this match, then it’s not my fault, it’s hers.
During all of our matches in the past I have been the one who brought us the win. I never got pinned and without me the Mean Girls would have been dead long before Delia and Mercedes left. Without me they would be nothing, just like all the other unimportant divas in this company.
So if this really should happen, what I don’t believe, then I will never do a tag match again. Then I will do singles matches and the next title will be mine. Prolly this is even better for me, because I don’t need useless weaklings around me.
But for now we are the champions and I’m pretty sure that this won’t change so fast.”

For now Amanda has enough of the talking about her opponents and she stands up again. She slips into her flip-flops, grabs her bag and is about to leave her room, as the door opens and Rose enters the room. With a smile in her face, Rose hugs and kisses Amanda.

“I’m so sorry that this bitch won …and without Mercedes sneaky attack you would have been the winner.”

Rose still has her arms around Amanda’s waist and now she giggles in such a cute way.

“But I must admit that Delia’s idea with tickling you was awesome. You looked so damn cute as you hang there, upside down and laughed yourself almost to death.”

As she hears this Amanda rolls her eyes, but then she smiles too. Too good she knows that Rose loves it to see her in distress.

“Very funny …but please not in a match where everybody can see it. I looked like a complete moron.”

But Rose shakes her head.

“No, you didn’t. You looked cute and sexy.”

Now Amanda gives it up. It brings her nothing to argue with Rose and so she doesn’t answer. She takes Rose by her hand and wants to leave the room with her, but Rose has other plans. She closes the door behind her and drags Amanda to the couch. Then she sits down and pulls Amanda down to her, so that she kneels in her lap. Her arms are wrapped around Amanda and she caresses her back in a lovingly way.

“And do you know what?”

Amanda raises an eyebrow and she really doesn’t know what comes next.

“It tuned me on so much to see you in this cute situation …”

Now Amanda laughs out.

“Hell, why did I know that?”

Rose still smiles and licks her lips. Her hands move down Amanda’s sides, down to her butt, and she squeezes it, so that the smaller girl shrieks and jumps, but Rose is stronger and so she holds her in place. Now she runs her hands over Amanda’s long and pretty legs and the pretty dark haired girl gets goose bumps everywhere, but Rose isn’t finished yet. Her hands move a bit more down and now her fingers spider all around Amanda’s petite ankles. This is really more than Mandy can stand and she giggles in her cute and girlish way. Her feet wiggle, so that her flip-flops fall off, but Rose doesn’t stop her sweet torture.

“Hey, didn’t I already get tortured enough tonight?”

Rose shakes her head and continues to tickle Mandy’s ankles.

“I don’t think so, at least not by me. Oh, and you might need a bit training, so that you aren’t so exhausted if it happens to you in a match again. Haha, and we should start this training right now.”

She continues a bit longer and Amanda giggles and squirms. Her body rubs against Rose’s and it makes her nipples become all stiff. She also feels such a tingling between her legs and she wishes that Rose would continue with what she does. And Rose continues, but she fakes that she doesn’t see how aroused Amanda is and continues to talk.

“By the way, I’ve heard that your next match is in Egypt?”

Still giggling and wiggling her feet Amanda nods. She wants to kiss Rose, but Rose turns her head a bit to the side, so that Mandy’s kiss lands on her neck.

“Well, then I will come with you again. I always wanted to see the pyramids and I also always wanted to do a camel ride. But that’s not the main reason. I know that they have great weed there and I don’t want you to get in trouble. So I’ll take care that you don’t make any mistakes.”

A bit irritated Amanda looks up.

“Hey …I think that they won’t kill me if I smoke a joint.”

Now Rose becomes honest as she answers.

“Well, this not, but they will arrest you and the jails there are no fun. Oh, and you might get a bastinado and we both don’t want that these cute feet get hurt.”

With this she runs her fingers over Amanda’s soft and sensitive foot bottoms and the tattooed cutie laughs and giggles again. She writhes in Rose’s lap and begins to squeal. Still wiggling her feet, she curls her toes and it’s clearly visible that she enjoys herself so much. Instead of an answer she only kisses Rose passionately. She’s pressed tightly against her love and she almost explodes. Then Rose runs her fingers under and in between Mandy’s cute little toes, her most ticklish spot, and Amanda laughs hysterically. Slowly it’s torture again, but when Rose does it to her, then Amanda loves it more than anything else. Her laughing is mixed with moaning and her hips move rhythmically, so that her crotch rubs against Rose’s. Rose moans too and it doesn’t take too long and the two really go wild. After some more tickling, Rose flips Amanda around and pins her down. Again they kiss and their hands explore their bodies everywhere.
After making love for a really long time, they are both completely exhausted. Tightly pressed against each other they lay on the couch and breathe heavily. Then Rose stands up and gets them a water. She sits down besides Amanda again and smiles happily.

“Damn, I really needed this. I already wanted it during your match …”

As she hears this, Amanda smiles happily.

“Aww, that’s so cute. But now it’s time that we get home. I bet the kids are already waiting for us.”

Rose thinks for a moment, but then she shakes her head.

“I don’t think so. I could bet that they are busy with something else and that they are happy to have some time alone, without us.”

Immediately Amanda understands what Rose means and she laughs.

“Prolly yes …I always forget that they are almost grown up.”

The little conversation goes on for a bit longer, but eventually Rose stands up. She helps Amanda up too and they leave the locker room and go to the parking lot. Then they climb into Amanda’s truck and Mandy starts the engine while Rose leans back on the passenger’s seat.

“Yeah, they are young adults now and they need time alone. But anyway, I think we could need a little rest too and at home in our bed it is more comfortable than in this locker room. So hurry up.”

They drive off and Amanda lights a cigarette again. She inhales and blows the smoke out of the window. Then she turns her head to Rose.

“Oh, and we should call Casey when we are at home. I think she should come with us to Egypt too. It’s good if I have my personal trainer with me”

Rose nods and pulls out her cell phone. After talking some minutes, she puts it back in her pocket. Then she looks at Mandy.

“Ok, done. Now we only have to book the flights, but this we can do tomorrow. At first a little rest and some more fun ..”

They both laugh and now Amanda has reached their trailer. They climb out of the truck and as Amanda opens the door, Rose approaches her from behind, grabs her by her waist and throws her over her shoulder. Mandy giggles and struggles with her legs, while Rose carries her to the bed room and then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 3114


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0