Author Topic: Destroying her worst Opponent  (Read 416 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
Destroying her worst Opponent
« on: March 11, 2013, 04:24:27 AM »

Destroying her worst enemy

The last weeks really could have been better for Amanda. After her short winning streak she lost in that mixed tag match and now she even lost her titles against the Fallen. It's understandable that the proud little diva is more frustrated. She really tried everything, but it seems that everything went wrong and so she left the ring as the desperate loser again.
Ok, normally Amanda can live with a loss, but losing a title always hurts and so she's really sad. She thinks about what to do and about her goals in this company, but at the moment she has no idea what to do. In some way she doubts that she will get a rematch, but even if she gets one, she doesn't want to face the Fallen again. This beating up really has been too frustrating and she doesn't want to get a new one again. So the chance of getting the tag titles again isn't too big.
The next possibility would be to go for the bombshells title again, but even if she would qualify, she still had to face Odette, Vixen or Misty and that's prolly as worse as facing the Fallen.
So it doesn't look really good for her and its pretty hard to decide what to do. Now Amanda sits in her huge mobile home and looks out of the window. From her window she can see the ocean and the high waves, so for a moment she thinks about going surfing to calm down again. But in some way she isn't in the mood for surfing and so she sits down on a bench and growls. It's really boring and she doesn't feel good, so she takes some tobacco and some marihuana and roles a joint. She lights it and inhales deeply, keeping the smoke insides hit lounges as long as possible. It doesn't take long and she gets stoned and this makes her feel a bit better, even though she still is frustrated.

Shit, that whole thing slowly gets on my nerves.

She growls as she drags at her joint again. Then she stands up and steps out of her mobile home. Even though it's already pretty late in the afternoon Amanda still is only dressed in her sleep shirt. As she steps into the hot sand she shrieks and jumps. Then she hurts over to a deck chair, tucks up her legs and rubs her burning feet.

Fuck, why is it so fucking hot?

Trying to avoid to step into the hot sand again, she sits on her deck chair and drags at her joint again. She leans back and relaxes a bit, while she looks at the ocean and watches the waves become higher and higher. Again she thinks about surfing, but that joint had made her pretty tired. So she just sits there and dozes a bit, but in some way it isn't as relaxing as usually. She wishes that Laura would be here to cheer her up, knowing that Laura would know something to do to make her happy, but sadly Laura is at the gym to let off some steam. So Amanda is all alone and has to deal with her problems alone. She drags at her joint again and sighs.

I really don't know what I make wrong here. At first everything looks good and I win these fucking titles, but then I can't defeat them. It happened with this fucking bombshells title and now with the tag titles. In some way it looks like I'm to stupid or not good enough to hold a title for a longer time. Shit, this hurts and I don't wanna be a fucking loser.

Now it drives the tears into her eyes and she sniffles. She really wishes that she wouldn't be alone or that Laura would be here with her. At least then she would have someone to talk. But before her mood gets even worse, she hears the revving of some bikes and curious as she is she looks up. The bikes stop in front of her mobile home and then she sees that it's her sister Casey and some of her friends. They wave at Amanda and then Amanda sees that they brought some beers and other stuff with them. They come over to Amanda and Casey kisses her sister on the cheek. Then she sits down on the bottom end of the deck chair and gives Amanda a beer.
Casey is Amanda's younger sister and she has tried her luck to with wrestling, but she never liked it. She prefers MMA and she is also pretty successful, especially with the mma school she owns. Now she looks at Amanda and she sees immediately that Amanda doesn't feel good. She smiles at her sister.

Hey, don't worry too much. I have seen your match and you haven't been that bad. Everybody loses from time to time, that happens, even though I must admit that it hurts when it's in a title match. But I know you, you'll get a new title soon and everything will be ok again.

Amanda nods, but she still isn't convinced. She takes a big sip from her beer and growls.

Maybe, maybe not. At the moment I'm not so sure. I feel like a complete loser who gets beaten up by everybody and that's no nice feeling.

Casey takes the joint from Amanda and drags at it, then she gives it to one of her friends. Then she downs her beer.

Nah, that's not true. When I remember it right, then you're the one who kicks asses and it's not often that you're on the receiving end. Haha, at least as long as nobody tickles you into submission, but I don't think that this happens too often in the ring.

Amanda laughs a bit because Casey's good mood is really infecting. She looks at her sister and shakes her head.

Thanks god it doesn't happen in the ring.

Casey smirks at her sister. Even though she's two years younger than Amanda she always has been bigger and stronger as her bigger sister and so Mandy mostly lost when the two came in trouble, especially as Casey never had remorse to take advantage from Amanda's weakness. She tickled her older sis till she was a mess and even longer. But now she doesn't has anything mean in mind and only wants to cheer Amanda up.
But Amanda is suspicious, especially as Casey sits at the bottom end of the deck chair. So Amanda tucks up her legs to bring some distance between her feet and her sister.

But lets come back to the reason why we are here. I thought that you need some cheering up and what's better than a good surf?

But Amanda shakes her head. Sometimes she can be really stubborn, so Casey tries something else.

Well, then lets go swimming. You're already half naked, so you can just hop into the water.

But Amanda also doesn't want to swim and slowly Casey becomes a bit impatient. She roles her eyes.

Hey, do you really think we came here all the way and watch you how you complain about everything. Forget this fucking match and let's have some fun. Ok, this is your last chance, I'll give you a nice foot massage and then we go surfing. Deal?

But she doesn't wait for Amanda's answer. Instead she grabs her by her ankles and places her feet into her lap, while her friends get the surf boards and the wet suits. Then she massages Amanda, knowing exactly that this will help her sister to feel better and within a few minutes Amanda smiles again.

Why did I know that this helps?

Amanda has this happy smile in her face and as Casey pours some sun lotion over her feet and continues the massage, Amanda crows and purrs.

It's prolly cuz you're my sister and you know me for such a long time. So you should know what I like. And prolly you're right. Maybe I'm not so bad and it has just been bad luck. But it still goes on my nerves. And it's not only this fucking match that bothers me, there are some more things. First there's this trouble with this slut Jessie. She does her best to bother me and to ruin my matches. And then there's Necra. I did my best to get her with my lil voodoo ceremony, but in some way it backfired. I thought that she would get a crush on Amy, but all what happened was that I got almost seduced by her. At the moment there really does too much wrong. I'll really have to change something.

Casey laughs a bit as she hears this.

She seduced you? You must tell me.

Amanda thinks for a moment and then she continues.

There didn't happen much. I met her before our match and talked to her. It's not that I love her, but I really wanted her as a friend and during our match I had remorse to hurt her. Damn, I didn't even get mad at her as she insulted Laura and this really worries me.

Now Casey giggles.

Aww, Mandy's in live.

Amanda looks at her younger sister and kicks her playfully, but the stronger Casey grabs her by her ankles and traps them between her legs.

You shouldn't have done that especially as you know how it could end.

She continues to massage Amanda, but Casey wouldn't be Casey if she wouldn't have something mean in mind. She really loves her sister, but teasing her is just too much fun and she never can resist.

We came here to have some fun and exactly this we will have now.

Casey winks at her friends who killed the time with drinking beer and smoking weed. Pretty fast two of them grab Amanda by her wrists and hold her down while Casey still has her ankles trapped between her legs. With a wicked smile in her face she begins to run her sharp nails over Amanda's sensitive foot bottoms and Mandy laughs hysterically. She struggles, but her friends hold her down and so she has no chance to get away. Casey really knows her sister and so she begins to run her fingers under and in between Amanda's cute toes. Mandy curls and wiggles them, but it doesn't help and Casey has no intention to stop, even though Amanda already is a sweaty mess.
After a pretty long time Amanda is already almost delirious, but they all have their fun to terrorize the dark haired beauty and also Amanda enjoys herself. But then a car stops in front of the mobile home and Laura climbs out of it. She approaches the group and Casey smiles at her, but she doesn't stop tickling Mandy.

Hey guys, what goes on here?

Amanda sees her love and hopes that she will rescue her.

Hehe, thanks god you're here, they torture me. Please help me or I pee my pants.

Casey ignores Amanda's begging and now she focuses on Amanda's cute toes while she smirks at Laura.

What goes on here? Well we came here for going surfing, but Mandy's in a bad mood and doesn't want. So we try to convince her. And what about you?

Please stop it ...mercy
>The whole situation is really too funny and Laura laughs a bit. She sees that it's pretty torturous for Amanda, but also that Mandy seems to like it. So she doesn't interfere.

I just came out of the gym and wanted to take a nap, but going surfing sounds fun. I'm a little bit tired, but maybe a bit later. I think I'll make a little rest, maybe two hours, and then we all go surfing. This way I can relax and you guys have some more time to convince Mandy to come with us.

Mandy's eyes widen in horror.

Two hours? I'll be dead when you come back. Please ...lemme go

But it's too late and Laura already went back to the mobile home and Casey and her friends have no intention to stop their fun.
Two hours later Amanda is completely wrecked and Laura comes back. She wears already her wet suit and in one hand she has Amanda's.

Ok guys, time to let her go. The waves are waiting.

Casey and her friends let Amanda go and even though the petite diva is really exhausted and her sides hurt from all this laughing, she kicks Casey and jumps up. Then she runs into the direction of the shore. Casey and her friends follow her, but they are to slow and Amanda has already reached the water. She turns around and laughs cheery.

Try to get me if you can you morons, haha

Even though she still wears her sleep shirt, she jumps into the water and starts swimming. Casey and her friends come to the water too. They are still completely clothed, but they don't care and follow Amanda, trying to get her again.
They are all a bit childish and Laura shakes her head while she watches them play around. She shrugs and then she brings the surfboards and wetsuits down to the water. The others are playing around in the water, but as Laura gives them a sign they come back to the beach and get rid of their wet clothes. It doesn't take long and they are all dressed in their wet suits. Everybody grabs a surfboard and now the group spends the rest of the day with riding the waves.
A few hours later they come back to the beach and as they got rid of their wetsuits Amanda lights a campfire while Laura gets them some more beer and now the party begins. Even though Amanda's mobile home isn't far a way, they all sleep at the beach. Everybody is in his sleeping bag and pretty soon it becomes quiet.
The next morning they all have breakfast together and then Casey and the rest of the gang leave. Now only Laura and Mandy are left and the two think about what to do. Laura suggests some training and Amanda prefers doing nothing and so they begin to argue again.

Damn, no training again. We have such a nice weather, so we could really do something else.

She laughs a bit.

And I think I did enough for my stamina yesterday. Haha, my sis tickled me till I was completely out of breath and then this surfing all day. I think that really should be enough for this week. C'mon, lets do something else. And I should repair my bike.

Against this Laura doesn't has to say anything. So she drives to the gym and Amanda goes back to her mobile home. It doesn't take long and she gets dressed in an old and tattered jeans, a small tank top and some flip flops. Then she takes all the stuff she needs for repairing her Harley and leaves the house again. Amanda is pretty good in repairing engines, but this time it seems to be a bit more complicated and she has no much success. She could bring her bike to a garage, but she's to proud to give up.
It's the same as with everything in her life. When she has started something she never gives up until she has success. And this brings her back to her lost match and she growls. She stands up and goes back to her mobile home to get a beer. Then she goes back to her Harley. But before she continues to repair it, she takes a deep sip of her beer. Then she roles a marihuana cigarette and lights it. Laura doesn't like smoking weed, but she's far away at the gym and Amanda can do whatever she wants.

Ok, one title is gone, but that doesn't mean anything. I can try it again or I can go for a new one. That's not the end of days. And to be honest, who needs a title?

Amanda drags at her joint and sneers. She never took all these things here seriously, but she hates it to lose and also to look weak in the ring. Success isn't everything for her, but she loves it to play the bad girl and so being weak or looking like a loser isn't allowed.

At least I don't need one. The only thing that really pisses me off is that they all say that I only got it cuz Laura gave it to me and now I wasn't able to defeat it. That really lets me look like a loser and that's a thing I really don't like. So it seems that I'll have to make a complete new start again, but that's not really new to me and I'm used to it. So we will have to see what comes next. I could try to get the tag titles back, but I could also try my luck with a few singles matches.

Now she sits down besides her bike. She drags at her joint again and with her free hand she rubs her bare toes that slowly became a bit cold. She could have put on some shoes, but she loves it to run around barefoot and to show her pretty feet with the nice tattoo on one of them.

And the best start would be to get that fucking slut Jessie I to a match. Slowly I'm getting sick of getting beaten up by her. Losing a title is crap, but getting beaten up outsides the ring is even worse. And for my taste it happened a bit too often the last weeks. Fuck, I'm the heel here and so I shouldn't be on the receiving end. But anyway, that will change soon. They will all see what happens when we get the power here in this company. Then they'll regret that they pissed me off so much.

She growls a bit, but all in all she isn't too frustrated anymore because of her loss. The thought of her team being the stronger one and of Erik becoming the boss at scw is really temptingly. Still with the joint in her mouth she continues to work on her Harley.

But whatever happens, the next matches will be better. I'll be back and I'll be stronger than ever before. I don't know whether they'll gimme a title match again, but whatever they do, I'll fuck up everybody whom they throw I to my way. I'll show them all that I'm the most dangerous wrestler in this company.

Her work is almost done and the petite girl stands up. She looks at her bike and is really curious whether she had success or not. Then she tries to start the engine and it works. Amanda jumps and crows. After listening to the sound of her bike for a few minutes she shuts it off again and brings all the tools back into the garage. Then she slowly goes back to her trailer home. Her hands and feet are all dirty and she even has oil in her pretty face. As she sees the mess she starts to laugh. Then she enters the small bathroom and fills the tub. She gets rid of her dirty clothes and steps into the hot water. Then she takes some soap and a brush and begins to clean her dirty hands. As she tries to continue with her feet she shrieks. It tickles her and so she gives it up. Now she closes her eyes and dozes a bit, so that she doesn't hear that Laura came back. Laura looks at her girlfriend and shakes her head. She can't believe that Mandy is already high so early in the afternoon.

Are you high again?

Amanda opens her eyes and laughs in a sassy but cute way. She is high and she knows that Laura doesn't like it, but at the moment she doesn't care. She will pay for it later, but right now she only feels good and relaxed.

Yes, a lil bit, but my bike is running again. So we can make a lil trip soon.

Laura doesn't like it to see her love like this, but she must admit that Mandy looks so sexy, all naked in the tub. She smiles and then she takes a washing glove and the shower gel, ready to help Mandy getting clean again..

At least one good thing. So let me help you to get clean.

Carefully she starts to wash Amanda and as she runs her hands over Amanda's slippery and soft skin the dark haired girl starts to moan. Especially as Laura takes care for her breasts and her privates Amanda becomes a bit louder. But Laura still is a bit pissed cuz Amanda took drugs again. It's really time to teach her a lesson.

Ok, and now lets try to get those feet clean too.

Amanda enjoys herself so much so that she doesn't suspect anything. She lifts up her legs so that Laura can take care for them. And now Laura pours some shower gel over her legs and feet and rubs them gently so that Amanda moans again. Especially as she runs her fingers under and in between Amanda's cute toes the dark haired girl really goes wild. She purrs and moans and it really turns her on. Her eyes are closed again and she really loves it, but then Laura gets a wicked smile into her face.

It seems that this here doesn't work properly, but I have another idea, haha ..

She reaches besides her and picks up the brush. She knows exactly how ticklish her love is and that it will almost kill her, but she can't resist. It's just too much Finn to see the cute Amanda laugh and squirm.

Even though I think that it's more than you can stand.

Now she traps Amanda's ankles under one arm like in a headlock while she starts to brush the bottoms of her petite feet. Amanda's skin is so sensitive and after being in the warm water for such a long time it's even worse. The thousands of small bristles run over each spot of her feet simultaneous and it tickles like hell, so that Amanda laughs hysterically. Desperately she taps on the edge of the tub, but Laura isn't willing to let her go. Mandy deserves this little punishment and she looks so cute and sexy. So Laura continues till Mandy's feet are really clean, but even then she doesn't stop it. Amanda's face is red from all that laughing, tears are running down her cheeks and her sides begin to hurt and her poor foot bottoms are pink from the hard brushing. Laura has a sadistic smile in her face and continues to terrorize her poor friend. After more than 30 minutes she eventually shows mercy and lets Amanda's feet go. Still completely out of breath and hysterical Amanda pulls them back and looks at Laura.

So you learned your lesson?

Even though Amanda is completely wrecked, she giggle and winks at Laura. The whole treatment has been really torturous for the petite girl, but like usually it turned her on. Her cute feet are really one of her most erogenous body parts, right after her boobs and her pussy. Her smile becomes lasciviously and she licks her lips, so that her tongue piercing becomes visible.

I think so. But if this is my punishment I'll smoke weed all day, hehe. And you know what happens when you tickle me that brutally?

Laura knows that Amanda is a bit submissive, but this was really meant as punishment, so she's a bit puzzled. Before she can do anything Amanda has grabbed her by her arms and pulls her down into the tub. She kisses Laura and shoves her tongue into her mouth twirling it around. With one hand she holds Laura close while her free hand rips down Laura's clothes. No she runs her fingers over Laura's back, down to her ass and she squeezes it. Her naked bodies rub against each other while they still kiss and they are completely in ecstasy. They explore every spot of their bodies with their fingers, their lips and their tongues and the moaning and screaming becomes louder and louder. It doesn't take very long and they both trash around and the whole bathroom is a mess, but they don't care. They forget everything around them and all that's important is making love.
After it's over they're completely exhausted and put of breath. They dry themselves and then they leave the bathroom.
Half an hour later Laura sits on a deck hair in front of the mobile home, while Amanda lights the barbecue. It's still in the afternoon, but after making love they are both hungry and so Amanda makes them some burgers. In the meantime Laura takes Amanda's iPad and checks her mails. Pretty curious she looks at the one from SCW and then she tells Mandy that she will have to face Odette again. At first Amanda isn't very happy, especially after her first match against Odette has been pretty stressing, but then she shrugs it off.

Well, in some way I knew that this will happen one day. I just hoped that it wouldn't be so early. It's not that I'm not prepared, I'm always prepared, but I still had hoped that I would have some time left before this happens. But anyway, complaining doesn't help me. They made the decision and so I have to live with it. And in some way I'm even happy that it's Odette. Ive faced almost every diva here in this company and only Misty is missing in this list a d I must admit that I would be scared to face Misty. I think she's stronger than me and that it wouldn't have a good ending ....

Laura wants to say something, but Amanda shuts her up by raising her hand. She knows that Laura only wants to help her to think positive, but at the moment she doesn't need it. She's more than confident to take the win in her next match.

You don't have to tell me that I can defeat everybody in this company, cuz I know that it's not true. There are these motherfuckers from the Fallen and there is Misty. But don't worry, it doesn't frustrate me, cuz I don't have to fave them. Misty is in our team, so it's only Odette and Odette I can handle. This fuckin bitch thinks that she's so great, so important, so georgous, but she isn't. I faced her before and I took the win and I can do it again, whenever and wherever I want. This fucking slut can't scare me, I'll wile her away like this ...

Amanda snaps her fingers and laughs out in a dirty way. Then she turns back to the barbecue and brings the burgers to the table. She sits down and they both eat now. Amanda is really relaxed and it seems that noting can worry her. As she has finished her burger she lights a cigarette and inhales deeply.

Just think of our last match, there Odette really didn't look that great and this time it'll be even worse for her. I really don't know how she can have the guts to try it again against me. Is that courageous or only stupid? If you ask me then I would say it's stupid.
Just think about all the things that happened since we are here at SCW. I've been the women's champion and we've been tag champions and pretty soon I'll have gold again. But what is with Odette? Ok, she had had a few wins here and some of her matches didn't look that great, but die she ever even come near to a title? I think the answer is no. The only chance she had was against me and there she failed. I destroyed her dreams and I will do it again, but this time I won't only destroy her dreams, I will destroy her body, I will end her career.

Amanda laughs again in her sadistic way. It really seems that she enjoys it to have such sadistic and mean thoughts. She looks at her love and winks.

And I have some very special reasons to do this. The first reason is that I really hate this stupid bitch. I hate the way she looks, I hate her behavior and I hate it that the fans love this fucking slut. But that's not all. The other reason is the fact that I offered Eric my help and that we are on his side now and I think Odette is in this fucking team of these fucking good guys. God damn, how much I hate these fucking morons.
I really will give my best to destroy this group of useless morons and Odette will be my first victim. I think this will be a wonderful start of this little war.

Amanda drags at her cigarette again. Slowly she comes in rage. Now she isn't submissive and cute anymore, now she's strong and full of power, just the way the fans see her in the ring..

I don't know why I decided to help Eric, but prolly it's because I don't like all these morons who play the good ones. They always so straight so honorable and so laughable. Haha and it's fun to see how much these fucking fans love them and how disappointed they are when one of their heros receives a beating up. But they slowly should get used to it, cuz I'll take out all these wannabe heroes and Odette will be the first of them who will suffer and who will end up in hospital.

But now Laura interrupts Amanda. She agrees completely with what Amanda has to say, but there's one thing incorrect and Laura hates incorrect things.

Ok, you'll destroy her, but I think with one thing you're wrong. The fans don't love her anymore. I don't know exactly why, but it must have something to do with her behavior and that thing with her lover Gabriel. Or is it her former lover?

Amanda looks a bit puzzled, but then she sneers. She hates all these love stories that are going on at SCW. Romantic stuff never has been her thing and she has no problem with showing what she thinks about such stuff.

Shit, I don't give a fuck whether anybody loves her or not. All I care about is to look for a way to make her suffer. Oh, and one more thing, I don't give a fuck whether she has dumped her lover or not. Damn, who cares about such things? We are in a wrestling company and not in such a soap opera. But sometimes I think that the girls her behave more like these soap starlets. Just look at all these boring love stories, all these wannabe vampires and the rest of this laughable crap. It's stupid and disgusting and one of the most disgusting things was that boring crap between Gabriel and Odette. Haha, it seems that she realized this too, but sadly it's too late for changing anything. Her career will end the same desperate way her fucking relationship did and nothing can prevent this. Shall she dump her lovers or insult her stupid fans. For me it doesn't change anything and in some way for her it didn't change anything too. She tried to show that she's tough and that she can be a bad girl too, it I think she failed completely. She just changed one stupid lover against the next one and I think she will continue to bother us with her boring love stories again. It doesn't make me respect her and it doesn't make me like her. All I can still say about her is that she's a fucking loser and at our match I will show this again. I'll show her what a real bad irk is and what such a bad girl can do in the ring. Haha, this slut is doomed.

Amanda drags at her cigarette again. Then she stands up and walks over to Laura. She smiles at her love and sits down on her lap, putting her hands on Laura's shoulders, looking at her in a really lascivious way. She plays with her tongue piercing again..

You know what? I'm ready for the next round. Hehe, all this talking about violence is such a huge turn on and it makes me so damn horny. Haha ...
Shall they all think that I'm the submissive little girl, but that's a fucking big mistake. I have a sadistic side too and when it comes to fight, then this sadistic side is ruling. Haha, it's to funny that they all realize what I can do in the ring when it's too late.

Amanda winks at Laura and then she continues, coming in a really sadistic mood now.

Well, prolly Odette doesn't underestimate me the same way as all the others do it, but she still thinks that I don't take all this here serious. Prolly she thinks too that I'm more focused on my modeling and my fun with all my friends, but pretty soon she will see that this has been a mistake. Ok, I don't take everything serious, but that doesn't mean that I can't kick asses and her ass will be the next one I kick. It's not that I must have a title to survive and that my career is really important for me, but there's one thing I really hate and this is losing. Yes, I hate it even more that this slut Odette. So this match will be exactly what I want, another win for me and the destroying of the persons I condemn most.
Yes, I hate her, I condemn her and I'll do my best to make her disappear from here. Shall she go to hell.

Amanda bends forward a d their lips meet. The kiss becomes passionately and Amanda presses her petite body against Laura, but then she breaks the kiss again and looks at her love.

But as we talk about hell ....the last time I tried to weaken my opponents with this little voodoo ceremony and sadly it didn't work. I thought about trying it again, but in some way I think it won't be necessary. Against this bitch I can win without the help of the gods. Haha ...

She gets up from Laura's lap and turns around. Now she looks at the barbecue and gives it a really hard kick, so that all the glowing coals are laying on the floor. Amanda stands there and she takes a deep breath. Her eyes are closed and for a moment she doesn't move, but then she opens her eyes again. A smile comes into her face, but it looks like she's in trance. Then she steps forward into the glowing coals. For some reason she doesn't feel any pain and the coals also don't burn her bare feet. She raises her arms and laughs out maniacally.

Yes, I don't need the help of any fucking gods, cuz I AM THE GODDESS and I'll destroy everything that comes into my way and everybody who isn't willing to worship me.

Now Amanda steps out of the glowing coals. Her feet are dirty, but they aren't burnt and nothing is injured. It takes a few seconds and she seems to be normal again. She looks at Laura again and smiles, but this time it's a nice and friendly smile.

You see, there's nothing that can hurt or destroy me. So tell me any reason why I should be worried or scared. I can do whatever I want and whenever I want and I'll have success with it. But anyway, now it's enough with all this crap, I'm a bit tired of talking about losers and I think it's time for having fun again.

The dark haired girl winks at Laura and takes her by her hand. Gently she pulls her up and drags her into the direction of the mobile home, then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 6450


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0