Author Topic: A Late Night Snack....  (Read 433 times)

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    • Raynin
A Late Night Snack....
« on: February 15, 2013, 11:59:57 PM »
 Event: Climax Control...   Sunday 02/17/2013

Venue: Boys and Girls Club...  Carson City, Nevada


Opponent:  With Raynin,  vs TIAMI TYLER and BECKY "RAGDOLL" JONES

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The Angels have returned to the Sin City Wrestling Federation, and did so with a thunderous impact.  Well, at least for the Bombshell Tag Team Champions.  Raynin and Gothika sent them a hello they won't soon forget.  Now, it's time for their return match, and the Angels stand ready to soar against the team of Tiami Tyler and Becky "Ragdoll" Jones.  Will the team be able to continue to electrify the Bombshell Division and rocket to the top?  Let's see what things shall become...

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 ...  A BIT OF THE RED ...  

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Time:. February 13, 2012...  9:45 PM...

Place:  Las Vegas, Nevada... On the street...  Near the strip...


It's a chilly night this St. Valentine's Eve.  The shops were bustling with folks all vying for those last minute expressions of that most heartfelt of emotions. The candy a greeting card aisles at the drug stores had been picked over until they were nothing but bare bones... the skeletal remains of a lone crush card all that remained of locations stuffed to maximum capacity with furry, fluffy teddy bears sporting red and pink hues and dressed like cupids, next to toy trains stuffed with candy hearts, and sporting signs that read 'I choo choo choose you!' and loads of foil wrapped heart shapped boxes all stuffed with the sugary confections... It was enough to make your teeth ache with the saccharine sweetness of it all.  And amidst all of the mad dashing to find that perfect gift to express how these folks felt about one another...  She came strolling on by.

She felt mighty good right about now...  and the aura of confidence that permeated every ounce of her at that moment literally dripped off of her like honey off of a honeycomb.  She was on a high unlike anything else... save one thing.  And part of that was due to the fact that she planned to indulge herself in that ultimate high later that night...  

She'd dressed herself in what she considered proper attire for a hunt...  The super tight, black leather, low rise jeans she wore clung to her hips like a second skin, and accentuated the movement of her hips as she strolled down the street.  The light caresses the curves of her butt as she moves, having been given that extra little lift that only a good pair of five inch tall, high heeled, platformed black leather, knee highed boots can can give, attracting the eye of almost everyone as she moves at a measured pace.  The extra inches putting her normal five foot eleven inch frame at almost six foot five inches of towering beauty, which makes her even more formiddable to watch.  But I think it was the see through black shirt that was being held together by only two buttons over a black peek-a-boo lace bustier that what made the outfit a killer attraction.  The muscles of her stomach show starkly against the black of her clothing, and move seductively as she walks on.  Her black leather jacket she had slung over one shoulder as she strolled down the streets, her shoulder length hair blowing slightly in the wind.  And if that didn't catch your eye... the sultry look on her face, coupled wiht the dark rose hued lipstick she was wearing just made the look that much more inviting.  She caught every man's eye that was out and about... and most of the females' too.  Not because she looked like a hooker, or anything, but simply because her look demanded and commanded your eye.  Something about her just made you have to look and follow her every move.

And what had her in such good spirits today?  It was because she'd finally returned to the place where she felt she belonged.  The place where she knew she could finally indulge herself in that which she loved once more...  She'd returned to the world of Professional wrestling.

The moment she'd stepped back on stage had been magical for her.  The intensity of the crowd had just pushed her hunger to a new level, and the attack on the Bombshell Tag Team Champions had almost thrown her into a feedinig frenzy.  It had literally left her breathless in the intensity of the feeling.  She hadn't felt that way in so long... not since the last time she'd stepped into the ring, and won a title... something she's still yet to do in the SCW.  But she was confident that THAT would be somethign that would change soon.

As she moved through the still crowded streets of people leaving the casinos after blowing their wad on one more roll of the dice, or gorging themselves in the decadently stocked buffets, or doing naughty things in the hotel rooms, all she could think about was sating that desire that was burning in her gut...  And no, it's not the one you're thinking...  She had a hunger that was bubbling through her for action.  And since she would have to wait until Sunday at Climax Control to get the in-ring action she craved, she figured a littlet hunt and sating of another hunger was in order.

Had the hapless people surrounding her not been so intently focused on her tits and ass, they might have noticed that her hunger was so intense that her fangs literally couldn't stay behind her lips.  But then, this is Vegas baby... and the unusual and strange is sometimes commonplace, and people tend to keep that, 'what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas' mentality and not pay attention to anything but their own needs, wants and desires.  Hell, she could probably be naked, on fire, dancing the cha cha on top of a whale wearing a tutu right now, and they probably woudn't give two shakes of a fleas ass on a rat's tail about it.  But that actually worked out perfectly for her as it meant she could hunt and feed in peace.

She looks over her shoulder and she sees her shadow, trailing her at a respectable thirty feet of distance.  The SCW cameraman that they assigned ot her this time is new, but he was very good at his job.  The microphone he'd slipped on her so he could pick up each and every word she spoke was so small, she couldn't even see it down the shadows of her cleavage, and it pickedu perfect sound.  She knew Mark Ward was paying out the nose to make sure that she and her friends had their airtime properly taken care of.  I mean, why wouldn't he?  She, Darknyss, and their friends had been bringing this guy beaucoup bucks hand over fist for years now.  And she wasn't about to stop just yet.  In fact, she was going to make this new guy earn his pay.  She wondered if he would keep the camera rolling, or if he'd lose his lunch at the first sight of what she was about to do tonight.  She smirked as she kept walking and smiled to herself as she starts to speak.

"You know... people always want to know why I do some of the things that I do.  Is it because I'm a little bit crazy or deranged?  Is it because I like to think outside of the box, and think being in the box is too plain?  Is it because I like a little chocolate in my peanut butter?  Hell yeah it is.  But then, it's the people who say that they're not crazy that are the ones who are truly crazy.  I've accepted all of my little idiosyncricies and I've actually come to enjoy them."

A guy in an old beat up oldsmobile rolls by her and leans out the window and whistles at her as she's walking.  She blows a kiss to him as he waves, then slips her hand in her front pocket as she keeps walking, then shrugs a bit.

"I mean, after the hell I've been through... I think a little bit of insanity is the least of my worries."

She slides a hand through her hair and tosses a few stray strands that had slipped into her face back as she keeps walking, seemingly headed to somewhere and nowhere at the same time.

"So many people want to know where I've been...  Well, I've been looking into exactly what I am.  Am I a vampyre?  Am I human?  Am I a hybrid?  Maybe even a dhamphir...  no one can say for sure.  I am vampyric, that's for sure.  My hunger for blood and intense emotions, coupled with the quite obvious fangs, and the weird eye color changing thing notes me as one... But even the youngest of vampires say I don't quite smell right.  The heat and the cold don't bother me...  I have their strength... well some of it actually.  I can't like pick up a car with one hand, or bench press an elephant...  And I can't fly... which I have to admit, the first time I saw Tomas take off like a bullet, I was awestruck.  I was like one of our fans when they first meet us.  I just stood there with my jaw dropped to the ground and was like, 'wow!!  cool!!'...  It was so totally embarassing.  So... where was I...  Let's see...  I heal like a vampire... But that's about where things go weird.  I can live in the sun and it doesn't affect me in the slightest.  I'm still as strong... I don't burst into flames, or age rapidly... I don't turn to a puddle of goo... and I for damned sure don't sparkle.  Trust me... there are no sparkly vampires...  I don't care WHAT all of the Edward lovers say... VAMPIRES DON'T SPARKLE!!"

She chuckles and shakes her head, then sighs heavily as she keeps walking, completely obilivious to the chill in the air.

"I age like a human though.  I swear, when Calis, the head of one of the covens of Arizona saw the laugh lines by the corners of my mouth, she practically shrieked in fear.  But then, she was turned when she was only fifteen years old, and hasn't seen a wrinkle on her skin ever.  But that's something I'm glad I DON'T have to deal with...  Imagine being stuck in that bubbly, highschool age for the rest of your life... the hormones alone would drive be batty!!"

She slips her hand from her pocket and slides it along the flesh of her stomach gently, feeling it rumble as the arc of hunger fills her.  She pats it gently and smiles as she continues to look around at the people milling around on the streets.

"I personally love garlic... Silver looks quite smashing on me...  And I'm still a good little catholic school girl who says her hail mary's and our father's and goes to confession twice a week.  I don't have all of the abilities of the old ones...  But I don't have their weaknesses either.  But unlike most of the humans of this world who look at me like I'm a freak, they accept me as one of them.  It's almost like being with my friends... Most of the time."

She slips her jacket on her arms as she keeps walking, and flips her hair out of her collar, her pace picking up slightly.

"So... for those of you who are new on the SCW scene... that's the long and short of me.  I'm just one bad ass bitch with a penchant for nibbling a little bit too hard on people's neck and drinking the sweet essence that flows through their veins.  And the interesting part of it all, is the way I use my strengths in the ring.  Tiami Tyler and the Rag Doll...  That is one name I just can't wrap my mind around... the Ragdoll...  Why would you want to call yourself a ragdoll?  They're floppy...  they're decorated all weird with huge red circles for blush on their cheeks, and they have the craziest hair...  Do you call yourself the Ragdoll because you don't know how to do your makeup?  Or do you perpetually look like you stuck your finger in a light socket and are having a bad hair day?  Hmmm...  See, my name it has meaning... The Vampyric Angel...  It used to be the Punk Angel before... well... I think you can guess..."  

She does a fanged bunny ear motion with her fingers and chuckles, then she sighs and shakes her head.

"So many try to imitate... but never can duplicate.  My sister and I were the original Punk Princesses...  Ten years of going out there and whooping ass and taking names...  proving you didn't have to fit in the little barbie doll molds to be on top...  And now look at what we have...  A flippin' RAGDOLL?!!  I MEAN COME ON!!"

Her eyes flare with an evil inner light and she throws her head back and laughs.

"I will turn you from a ragdoll into a blood doll.  First, I'll throw you around the ring like the ragdoll you claim to be, and then, I will sink my fangs into your throat and feast on your fear and pain, and I will drop you like a left over piece of trash to the mat and pin you for the one, the two and the three.  Why? Simply because I can, and I want to.  I'm hungry... I'm hungry for a win... I'm hungry to sink you and each and every other bombshell in this division into a pit of despair and self loathing because when you look on me you see nothing but vampyric awesomeness and you know you simply can't measure up!  And when I'm done with you, and you're left on the mat, broken and bleeding, you will understand exactly what I meant when I said I will FEED MY NEED!!"

She sees an attractive young man in his mid twenties come around the corner and smile at the sight of her.  He steps up to her and slips an arm around her waist and leans in whispering something in her ear.  She throws her head back and starts to laugh as her fangs flash in the light of the nearby store and she strikes, her fangs slipping into his flesh as she pulls him into the darkness of an alley, his screams filling the night to end in a low gurgling whine as the scene fades out.


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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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