Author Topic: A Horror Team  (Read 498 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
A Horror Team
« on: October 22, 2012, 07:42:01 AM »

A Horror Team

After Laura's suspension and after they got stripped from their titles Amanda has been really frustrated and also sad. Ut took a pretty long time till she got over it and she still is waiting for the day when Laura comes back into action. During her long career Amanda has always fought alone, but since she's together with Laura, they are in a tag team and Amanda was really happy about this. It feels so good to have someone in her corner who holds her back and she doesn't wanna miss this feeling anymore. So it's a bit strange to be all alone again and Amanda doesn't like this fact. The only thing that comforts her is the fact that Laura will be back soon and then they will try to go for gold again.

But in the meantime she will have to fight alone and to look for some new goals. The only good thing in this situation is that the bosses gave her the chance to go for another title and Amanda took this chance. In a really hard match she could defeat Vista and another girl and now she's really close to her goal to become the champion in this company. She is more than happy and has spent the next days with making party with her friend and love Laura Jackson. But now the time for making party is over and Amanda has to take care for her business again. The best thing would be to start with the training for her next match.

But before she could start with her training and her preparations, she has gotten a call from a few fetish video producers and they have booked her. It seems that her success in her last matches has also brought her some more success in her other job as a model. Almost the whole next week Amanda has spent with traveling through the country, from one photo shooting to the next. The whole thing has been pretty stressing, but it brought her pretty much money and she also has had her fun doing these shootings. Mostly she got tied up, spanked or tickled till she was completely breathless and almost peed herself, but sometimes she also posed as a dominatrix and Amanda really loved this kind of work.

Now she's back home, her ass still a bit sore and at her feet she still can feel the tickling, but she's in such a good mood. She opens the door of her huge trailer home and as she sees Laura, she runs over to her, jumps into her arms and doesn't wanna stop kissing her. Laura is much stronger than Amanda and so she has no problem to stop her and after a while she just takes Amanda and places the smaller girl on the couch.

Damn, do you wanna kill me?

But she laughs as she says this and looks at her cheery friend, while Amanda slips out of her shoes and lights a cigarette. She looks up to Laura and has such a lovingly smile in her face.

Nah, I would never do that, I'm just happy to be back at home and to be with you again.

She smiles again and looks so cute as she does so. Laura sits down besides her and puts her arm around Amanda's shoulder, while Amanda huddles a bit closer to her friend and love. She feels so wonderfully and safe when she's in Laura's arms.

The last week has been so stressing, at first this match, where I really never thought that I would take the win and then this lil tour with all the photo shootings. I'm really happy to be back at home and to be with you again. Yay, now we have some time to relax and to have fun.

She turns around on the couch so that she faces Laura and puts her feet into Laura's lap. Now she winks at her love and wiggles her cute toes. The dark haired cutie loves it so much to get a foot massage and also to get tickled on her toes. It might be weird, but it helps her so much to relax and Amanda also looks so cute when she laughs and giggles.

Please, make me laugh and giggle, tickle me, I really need it now.

Laura laughs a bit as she hears this, but she begins to give Amanda a long and nice foot massage so that the pretty dark haired girl purrs and giggles like usually. She squirms a bit and it feels so good.

Didn't you get enough tickles the last days as you were on your tour?

Amanda smiles happily at Laura and drags at her cigarette. She inhales deeply and blows out a smoke ring, then she looks at Laura and winks. Again she wiggles her cute lil toes.

But nobody makes it as good as you. Hehe, you know how much I love it to be at your mercy. It's so wonderful and I feel so free when you do it.

The pretty young woman smiles again and Laura continues to massage her. From time to time she lightly tickles Amanda cute toes so that the tattooed girl giggles and they both have their fun. Now Laura continues her massage so that Amanda is able to talk again and so she continues.

As we joined here, I really didn't think that it would become that stressing. First this battle royal, then the tag match and your suspension and now this match against Vista and Josie. Damn, this was really hard and from time to time it was even pretty narrow. I really thought that one of them would pin me or knock me out, but anyway, at the end I had success and now nothing and nobody can stop me on my way to gold. This time I will have success. And then we will have to see that you come back, so that we can get these fucking tag titles. I'm really fed up of seeing Trish and Bianca as the champions. It's really time to stop their reign.

Amanda growls a bit and she slowly comes in rage, so Laura thinks about a way to cheer her up again. For a moment she stops her massage and now she runs her fingers really lightly over Amanda's pretty legs and down to her feet. Then she takes care for Amanda's cute toes and the pretty girl laughs and giggles again. She loves it, but now it becomes a bit too much and she tries to pull her feet away, but Laura has trapped them between her legs and so Mandy is helpless at her mercy.

This way I love you more than being angry. You have such a cute laugh and giggle.

And laughing and giggling Amanda does. Slowly she even becomes hysterically and so Laura gives her a small break, so that she can recover a bit. Amanda breathes heavily and her long black her is a mess from all the struggling and squirming. Her pretty face is red and she looks so cute, being so exhausted.

Ok Hun, and when we are finished here, it's time to do some training for your next match. I really wanna see you as the champion, but that's not all, I don't have much to do and so some training would be awesome to kill the time a bit.

Amanda breathes heavily and it takes a while till she can speak again. She knows exactly what Laura means and she can understand her friend. Sure, she wanna get another win, but it's even more important for her to find a way so that Laura doesn't get too frustrated. She nods and smiles at Laura.

Your right, we really could need a training. I wanna become the next champion and I also need a few more wins and you are the best trainer I can imagine. Hehe, but if you keep tickling me, then I won't be able to do some training, then I need sex first. Hehe, you really know how to turn me on.

Laura smiles and she begins to tickle her cute friend again, but this time only lightly, so that Amanda can really enjoy it. She smirks at her love as she sees her cute reactions and she loves what she sees. Laura loves it so much to make the tiny girl happy, especially as its that easy.

Ok, you'll get what you want, first we have some fun and then we two drive to the gym and get you ready and fit for your next match. I don't wanna see you get pinned. Oh and you really should do something for your stamina and your strength. Your moves are really good, but you are to weak. That's a thing we have to work on.

Amanda knows that Laura is right, but she would never admit it. She fakes to pout a bit, even though its a bit hard when Laura massages her, but Amanda is pretty good in acting and so it looks convincing.

Damn, that's really not fair. I might not be the strongest wrestler, but for most of these chicks it should be enough. I can defeat almost everybody here and I think I already proved it. And in all the other companies I've been, I've also won almost every match. They don't call me the Goddess of War without a reason. I'm the ultimate force here and at the next show I will prove this again.

Laura smiles as she hears Amanda's words. She knows that Amanda is really good in the ring, but she still doesn't like this cocky behavior and so she tickles Amanda a bit harder again. This time she takes really care for Mandy's cute toes and really soon Amanda begs for mercy.

Yeah, but a really ticklish and cute lil force ...

She smiles at Amanda and everybody can see how much she loves the petite dark haired girl. Amanda is so lovely and almost everybody likes her and her cute laugh.

But there's something more that I have to tell you. This week you have free and I'm back from my suspension. I have a match and it's in the same tournament you're in. So if I win, then we two will have to face each other in the ring very soon.

As Amanda hears this, she almost jumps up. She pulls her feet back and crawls on Laura's lap, hugging and kissing her. Now she is really excited and almost clinches at Laura while she looks into her eyes.

Damn, why didn't you tell me such an important thing a bit earlier? I'm so happy for you and that you're back in action again. I really hope that you will take the win and that you get a chance for the title match too. It's no problem for me when we two have to face each other in a match. I mean when I can't win it, then you're the one who deserves it most to become the champion. I'm really so fucking happy.

Now the two girls kiss each other again and this time it's more passionately. After this good news and after this wonderful massage and getting tickled in such a wonderful way, Amanda really can't hold back any longer. She rips off her clothes and presses herself tightly against Laura, still sitting on her lap. Then the lights go out and a lot of screaming, giggling and laughing can be heard.

The next days doesn't happen much and the days are almost the same. The two have their fun and now Amanda also trains together with Laura for her match. She knows that Laura might be her next opponent, but she doesn't care much and she wishes that Laura will take the win in her match. As the show comes closer, Amanda is even more excited than Laura and she really wants to come together with Laura to the ring, but Laura refuses this. She wants to do her match alone. At first Amanda is disappointed, but I some way she can understand this and so she agrees to stay away from the ring.

Eventually the show is over and sadly Laura didn't win her match. In some way Amanda is eased that she doesn't has to face her in that tournament,but she also feels sorry for her and she tries her best to comfort her love. But it seems that Laura isn't really sad and frustrated and so it's ok for them and so the couple looks forward to what will come next.

Right father the show is over Amanda and Laura look at the new match card. Now it seems that Amanda and Laura won't have to face each other and that's the only good thing with the new match card, cuz now Amanda will have to team up with Necra against Odette Ryder and Jaya de Carlo. As she hears this she really isn't happy. It's not only that she will have to face one of the hardest opponents, Oddette, but she also has to team up with her worst enemy, with Necra. After all the things that happened between these two divas it really doesn't look good and Amanda is more than shocked, but Laura is pretty much pissed off too.

Damn, they really put me into a match with this monster as my partner, that can't be true. I'm not pissed or mad at her cuz she has defeated me the first time we met in the ring, but this terror she started after our match was really too much, it has been more than I can stand.
Every night she comes into my dreams and says something like "I will be hers one day". Damn, that's really too much, all these nightmares and the nights without sleep where I try to stay awake so that she can't haunt me and terrorize me. And then she even kissed me at the last show. I really don't know how to get rid of this demon, she's so scary and I wish that I would never have met her.

Amanda sighs frustrated and Laura puts her arm around her shoulder and tries to comfort her. Mostly this works, but this time it's not so easy, it seems that Amanda really is worried and this almost breaks Laura's heart.

Yeah, she is scary, but you must think positive. She wants the title too and so she also wanna look good in her match, so I think she might be a great help for you. I mean it's better to have her as a partner than as an opponent.

Amanda knows that Laura is right, but she still doesn't like the thought of being in the same ring as Necra. As an opponent she is a horror, but as a partner it's not much better, the only way Amanda can stand her is when she's really far away.

I know that you're right, but I don't even wanna be in the same building as this monster. She scares me to death and I can't do anything against this. Ok, as an opponent it would be even worse, but that doesn't help me. The only thing that is missing after she kissed me is that she rapes me after our match. Eww, that's a horror thought and the worst nightmare I can imagine.

Laura nods and still tries to comfort her love, but now it's really hard. Amanda isn't depressive, but that match really is a horror for the petite girl and it seems that she really doesn't wanna calm down and relax. Normally Amanda is a cheery girl, but when she's in such a mood she really can be a pain in the ass and it's so hard to make her feel good again, but Laura isn't willing to give up so easily.

And Necra is only one of my problems, the other one is Odette. She has won almost every match since she is in this company and she's one of the hardest opponents you can imagine, that's really not fair. Why does such a crap has to happen to me?
Ok, Jaya shouldn't be a bigger problem, I haven't heard much about her and I haven't seen any of her matches. That could mean that she isn't so important and so I think that I won't have a problem to take her out. Damn, but with Odette I'm not so sure, this could really become hard.

But now Laura gets an idea and a smile comes into her face. Prolly Amanda really will like what she has to suggest. For a moment she thinks that Amanda could protest again, but then she's confident that her idea will help Amanda to feel better and to see this match in a positive way. Before Amanda can say anything, Laura shuts her up by gently pressing her fingers on her lips.

Wait, you have a tag match, so it could be pretty easy for you to stay away from Oddette, if you don't wanna face her. Juz try to take care that you're always in the ring against Jaya. If Odette tags in then you only have to tag in Necra. So they are both busy with each other. Juz let Necra make the dirty work and pin her opponent. I'm pretty sure that she can do this. And even if she doesn't, then you can still pin Jaya and this really shouldn't be so hard.

as laura has expected it, Amanda really likes Laura's idea and a broad smile comes into her pretty face. This plan really could work and now she is optimistic again and even sees herself as the winner of this match. It seems that all her fears are gone now. Laura is a bit puzzled that she has success so easily, but she knows her friend and also how emotional she is. It's easy to scare and worry Amanda and to make her depressive, but mostly it also doesn't take long to cheer her up again.

That's really an awesome idea and it could work. Shall Necra take out Oddette and I take care for this weakling called Jaya. Haha, that's really brilliant.

Now Laura shakes her head. She really doesn't like the way Amanda talks about Jaya. Sometimes this cocky behavior is cute, but it's also dangerous if Amanda underestimates her opponent. Amanda is a really good wrestler, but there have been many matches where she lost after she took it all to easily and Laura really doesn't want that this happens again.

Yeah, it is a good plan because its from me, but that doesn't mean that you should underestimate Jaya, such things can be a deadly mistake.

Amanda blushes a bit and looks to the ground. She knows that Laura doesn't like such a behavior and she feels a bit sorry. She loves Laura and she doesn't wanna make her angry. Then she looks up again and tries to explain everything.

I don't underestimate her, I juz think that I can handle her. Look at my last matches, I always won, so why shouldn't I win against her? I'm good, no, not only good, I'm one of the best wrestlers her and really soon I will be the champion and then everybody will see this too. haha nothing and nobody will stop me.

She laughs again in her cheery way and looks at Laura with her cute smile. She really can't help it, but now she feels so confident again and in some way she knows that everything will become good for her.

And when I have the bombshells title, then we two will come back as a team and get the tag titles too. Ok, don't say anything now, I know that I don't have it till now, but ...

For a moment the worried facial expression comes back into her face, but she wipes away all the bad thoughts. Only if she thinks positive she will get the success she deserves.

Ok, I know that I have to face Odette and Necra again when it goes for the title, but maybe I can defeat them too. They are strong, but I'm not too bad too and so my chances shouldn't me that bad. But I'll take care for this problem later, for now the most important thing is that I survive my next match in one piece and not only this, I also wanna leave the ring as the winner.

Amanda pauses for a moment and thinks again about the whole thing. She still doesn't like Necra and this match, but maybe it's not too bad for her and her plans and maybe it will even help her on her way to glory.

And maybe it's not even too bad that I'm in a team with Necra. First she will hold away Oddette from me, but maybe she also stops her terror against me after we have been partners. Ok, I don't really believe this, but there are still chances. I don't want her as a friend, but it would be ok if she would juz respect me and leave me alone outsides the ring. That would at least be a good beginning and it would make my chances to become the champion bigger.

Amanda smiles by this thought. Go.d doesn't mean everything for her and the most important thing for her is to look good in her matches and to have fun, but having a title makes everything even better.

So for now all we can do is to see how everything develops. I will juz try to take the win this week so that I have another win in my win/loss record. Haha, as the next champion I really need some wins and it also makes the other wrestlers fear me.

She closes her pretty eyes and the smile comes back into her face. It seems that the pretty girl is really lost in thoughts, but then she starts to speak again.

Juz imagine how great it will look when I can say that I've been the one who won against Oddette. Yeah, that makes the start of my career here even better, even if its only with the help of Necra. Haha, maybe you're right and this match isn't even so bad as I thought at the beginning. Life isn't always easy, but at the end everything will turn out good for me.

Now her good mood really is back and sh looks at her friend in such a lovingly way. They have planed to go to the gym now, but Amanda isn't really in the mood for training now. At the moment she would prefer it to be alone with Laura and have some fun. Slowly she crawls on Laura's lap and wraps her arms around her while she begins to kiss her really passionately. Then she switches off the lights and the Sven fades to black.

Word count: 4073


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0