Offline Christian Underwood

  • TAFKATPF aka The Artist Formerly Known As The Pink Flamingo
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    • Christian Underwood
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“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline "Scumbag" Kevin Carter

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« Reply #1 on: Today at 07:55:11 PM »

Stade Louis II

The show had come to an end and not in the way that either of them would have wanted. Carter was being helped out of the ring by two of the medical staff for the company. Moving the rumble of the table out of the way as they rolled him over. Carter felt that sharp pain shooting down his neck and back.

Son of a bitch!

He instantly began to clutch at the back of his neck. Both of those medical staff members finally aiding him out of the ring. Being on either side of the man as they walked him up that ramp and eventually back behind that curtain into the backstage area.

That pain was continuing to shoot down his spine again and again. Making him weak in the knees for a moment as he dropped down to them. Thanks to those medical staff members they were able to quickly help him backup to keep walking along.

EMT #1
Watch out everyone.

Of course they were referring to the crowded backstage area. All the talent and personnel that are just standing around. Carter’s facial expressions said it all. Pain and agony, but annoyance all rolled into one.

EMT #2
Do you have feelings in your fingers, Kevin?

The question was asked out of concern. All that did was annoy the man even more. About that time he found himself shoving the two men away from him. Stumbling forward and catching himself against the wall.

Just get the hell away from me!

EMT #1
Mr. Carter. We’re just trying to help.

EMT #2
It’s our job. You’re having trouble keeping balance. Let us help.

Touch me again and I swear, I’ll fucking drop you where you stand!

He found himself sliding down the wall now. Every bit of him hurt. It started from the base of his neck and all the way down to his tailbone. Once he was at a seated position he just glared at the two men, but they weren’t there for long.

That threat was enough to make them start to walk away. Leaving him to sit there and deal with the pain. He leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes. The pain made him a bit on the delusional side as he found himself laughing.

You think you accomplished something out there tonight?

He couldn’t help it. The laughter came a little more as he finally opened his eyes. Looking around a little bit.

Is that what this is Jayden? You think you accomplished something with blindsiding us all? You think you’re a tough guy because you managed to take us down one by one? You really think that you have it in you to become the Roulette Champion?! Do you?!

Shaking his head from side to side. That delusional laughter once again fell from his lips as he did so.

I give you credit, kid. I give you all the credit in the world for finding a way to get what you wanted. For finding a way to get Mark to buy into your bullshit. For finding a way to get those idiots in the stands to get behind you. I give you credit for taking Alexander down. I give you credit for taking James down. I give you credit for putting me through that table and sending a message to all of us. You really have people behind you as you stand tall with that championship in your hands. Very good job, very good job in giving them and yourself false hope.

Finally, the man planted his hands against the concrete floor and started to force himself to stand up. Little by little as that pain shot through his back and neck. Giving him another reminder of the hell he just went through.

Because that’s all it was. It was nothing but false hope. You had a moment in the sun and you look good now, but in a few weeks. You’re going to have to face reality. You’re going to have to face James. A man that hates you to his core. You are going to have to face Alexander. A man that is far more violent than you could ever understand. And you have to face me.

Those eyes of his narrowed a little bit.

I am a man that’s hell bent on revenge. A man that thrives on exposure. A man that is not going to stop until you have been beaten so badly that your own family can’t even recognize your body in the morgue. I am a man that cannot be stopped. I am a man that cannot be defeated. Simply put Jayden, I am going to turn out to be your worst nightmare!

Carter took a few staggered steps towards the camera in front of him. Making sure that focus was on that sour expression that only he could give.

Tonight was the first time you got to stand tall against us, but it will also be the last time you ever stand tall again. There will never be a championship celebration for you. There will never be a moment where you get to celebrate a victory. There is never going to be a moment in time where you get to say you beat us. No matter what you believe in. No matter what you tell yourself. No matter what you think is going to happen. This is not a situation you can overcome. You won’t get past even one of us. I guara-fucking-tee that!

Again, there was a sharp pain that shot from the base of his neck all the way down to his tailbone. His facial expressions resembled that with a twisted look of pain, but he did his best to ignore it. Glaring forward as he spoke again.

The end is near Jayden!

Right then he found himself palming the camera lens and pushed backwards. For the moment the camera man had lost their footing. By the time they had recovered they only caught the back of Carter as he favored his neck limping away.

Studio TC1
West London
The Graham Norton Show

Inside of a studio the clapping of the fans seated in the many many rows could be heard. All thanks to a major sign that hung above them that was flashing “On Air” over and over again. It wasn’t long before the shot found itself focusing on the notorious Graham Norton that sat behind his desk on the traditional set of his infamous show. As they settled on him the crowd’s clapping came to an end.

Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome back to the show. As promised today I have a very special guest that we have saved for the end of the show. For those that might have been living under a rock. This coming weekend Sin City Wrestling returns to London with their Violent Conduct super show event. So, without further ado. Allow me to introduce one of their superstars, Kevin Carter!

With some generic cheesy movie chosen by the studio playing. A matter of seconds passed by before Carter could be seen walking out onto the set. An all black suit fitted to a tee on the man. Based on the audience there were some mixed reactions.

But mostly claps and cheers just because it was out of the traditional element of a wrestling program. It didn’t take long before Carter found himself taking a seat in one of the empty stairs there on the stage. Once seated the music came to an end as the host found themselves continuing on.

Welcome to the show Kevin! Pleasure to have you here today.

Wish, I could say the same. I’d much rather do anything else, other than be here. But it’s part of the job and it brings a paycheck in. So, I’m here.

Ah yes yes. I was warned about how you may carry yourself on the show. Got this ‘bad guy’ image to protect and all.

Let me go ahead and stop you right there.


There is no “image” to protect. This isn’t like I’m playing some type of character. I am a very dangerous man. This is going to be your only warning. Don’t ever disrespect me again!

There was an awkward silence amongst the two men. Carter’s eyes narrowed and Graham looked back at him more confused than anything else. Almost as if he truly didn’t expect this kind of behavior, but being the professional he was. He continued onward.

Well, then you came on to the show today to help promote Violent Conduct that’s going on this Sunday. I’m not the biggest wrestling fantastic, but I know some basic things. Enough to get by I guess you could say. And based on what I’ve been told this is your second run in SCW. The last one was almost twelve years ago. How would you compare this run to the previous?

Nothing has changed. This “run” as you call it isn’t any better than the previous. Sure, twelve years ago. I had championship gold. But as I’ve been telling people. Mark Ward and Christian Underwood never wanted me to succeed. Everything they did to me proves my words to be right. And this time? It’s the exact same. Expect now they’re far more obvious with their biases and seeing to it I don’t have any type of success. But soon, real soon. They’re going to see that their efforts are for nothing.

For nothing? Why is that?

I am an entity for a reason. Eventually, my persistence and independence is going to shine through. One way or another, I am going to have everything I have ever wanted back in my hands. My name, it’ll carry the weight it was always meant to. My legacy. It’ll all be restored and it’ll live on infamously as it should have all along. Even if that means, I have to take the entire company down with me!

His words were getting a few more negative responses from the crowd. Couple of boos starting to trickle in. Carter found himself glaring out at the crowd for a brief second.

Excuse me for saying this. As I don’t want to “disrespect” you as you put it earlier. But, has it ever dawned on you that maybe this isn’t a situation where you are being held back? I have worked with a lot of people in the entertainment business. Who have all said they were this or that. All claimed that they were groundbreaking and good, but in reality they weren’t.

You’re pushing your luck every single time you speak...

Not the first time I have heard that in my career.

And it’s about to be the last! There’s not a chance in the real world where someone like Goth should have been considered better than me. In no real world should Goth have gotten their support over me all those years ago. Same thing with Drake Green. That man was given the golden child treatment that should have gone to me! I don’t give a shit what they think they saw in me because I know I am better than those two men ever thought about being. And that even applies to now. I’m better than this kid, Jayden Harris will ever be.

Yes! That name is a very familiar one. Originally that’s the name that the producers of my show asked for. Sounds like the young man is making quite the name for himself as of late. They thought he would be a great guest, but we were told that he wasn’t going to be available. Ultimately leading to them setting on your appearance with us here today.

For a moment Graham found himself letting out a little bit of a chuckle. It didn’t take long for him to pick up on the comedic route he was known for not landing well. Based off the evil glare that he was getting from his guest of honor.

In speaking of that young man. From the information I was giving Jayden is the man that you are going to be standing across the ring with on Sunday. I believe it was called a Roulette Rules Gauntlet match. How does something like that play out?

First of all there’s no guarantee that Jayden will ever actually stand across from the ring with me. There is a very good chance he sees James or Alexander before he sees me. To which, he won’t make it passed either one of them. But as far as the rules go. It’s essentially three on one with a violent hardcore setting for each match he survives and it’ll be for the Roulette Championship.

Wait a second. Wait just one second. Clearly, my people didn’t give me crucial details for this match. You are standing here telling me that you’re so afraid of one man. It’s going to take three of you to take him down?!

What the hell did you just say to me?!

I mean it’s one man, Kevin. One man has you all shaking in--

Before he could even finish his statement. Carter had found himself quickly getting out of his chair and then reaching across the table SLAPPING the host across the face knocking him out of the chair.  There was a collective gasp from the studio audience.

Within seconds producers and even security had stormed the stage to stand in front of Carter to hold him back from Graham who just laid there on the floor holding his face in shock. Carter was red in the face now as he screaming and pointing at him.

I fucking told you not to disrespect me. I fucking told you!

Alright that’s enough!

I’m not afraid of anyone! Not a single fucking person. Not you, not him. No one!

Carter was looking right past the producer and continued to glare down at Graham who now had people there to try and help him. Finally one of the security guards grabbed Kevin from behind.

Let’s go now!

He sharply tugged on Carter’s shoulder to lead him off the stage of the studio. People still attended to Graham on the ground with the live broadcast cutting to a commercial break. The crowd on the other hand was forced to watch on in shock. This was likely going to create a massive legal issue for Sin City Wrestling and Kevin Carter.

With the scenery opening up the instant sound of waves crashing together could be heard. Wasn’t long before the cameras found themselves focusing on a sunset beach. Those waves off into the distance could be seen washing back and forth across the sore. Off into the distance a little bit there was a figure seen approaching the edge of the sore.

In a matter of seconds that figure revealed themselves to be none other than Kevin Carter. There was a little bit of a smug-like smirk spread across his lips. Both of his hands were inside the pocket of the shorts he had on. Allowing his eyes to settle out on the waves crashing against one another not that far in front of him. Letting a couple of words escape his lips.

“Interesting fact here. According to a recent study. Forty six percent of Americans are afraid of drowning.”

Something about that fact just caused the man to smirk a little more.

“And honestly while I would consider myself an excellent swimmer. If I were to really think about it. I’d agree that drowning would be a horrible way to go out. Especially in the middle of the ocean. Such a deep-deep body of water. Nine times out of ten you’re all alone. Whether you were boating on your own or just so happened to fall overboard. It’s not a fantastic situation to be in. Being alone really takes a toll on your mental health. Not to mention eventually your body is going to get tired. It’s going to give out.”

“You’ll start to sink. You’ll start to go under water. All those last remaining thoughts sweeping in. Realizing you should have done more with your life. Realizing that this is truly going to be how things end. Let that panic settle in a little more. Just as your lungs start to fill with water. Choking begins and eventually you pass out from the lack of oxygen. Leading to the eventual end where your body sinks to the bottom. An awful-awful way to go.”

Taking his hands out of his pockets. Carter began to walk to start taking a stroll down the beach. Forcing the cameras to follow along with him.

“Then of course there’s the traumatizing events that come from a loved one drowning. As it becomes a struggle to find a body to give them a proper goodbye. It’s something that people are left to question about how it happened, why did it happened, and just trying to make sense of it all around. So on and so forth. It’s truly a shame that’s how your father had to go out though, Jayden. I don’t imagine that’s how he imagined his demise ever coming.”

“But, you know we’re starting to see that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. You tend to take after your old man a lot. All you have done is shown myself, James, and Alexander that you want to go out the same way he did. Each and every single time we give you a chance to walk away. Each time we give you a chance to stay away from us. Each time we give you a chance to avoid a tragic end. You ignore and you come back for more. Very very confusing, and very very stupid of you, kid.”

“However, the more and more I thought about it the moment this match at Violent Conduct was made official. I started to understand on a level I didn’t before. You see the reason you can’t stay away from us and the reason you are hell bent on this revenge. It has nothing to do with what we did to your father. Instead it has everything to do with the fact that your career is drowning more and more with each passing day. You’re having a very hard time keeping it afloat.”

Carter nodded his head just a little bit. Finding himself continuing to walk down that beach as the sun kept on setting in the distance behind him.

“You are without a doubt a nepo-baby, Jayden. You think that your last name and who your parents are is the thing that matters. You without a shadow of a doubt think that the entire world of professional wrestling should be handed to you because of who your father was. But it didn’t take long at all for you to realize that that’s not how this is going to work. That’s not how this is going to play out. Oh no, this company was never just going to HAND you what you wanted. Not when your father was a menace.”

“It’s why your career started off here in a very rocky manner. I’d be willing to bet my entire life’s fortune on the fact that the Blast from the Past situation. That wasn’t done at random. Christian and your sudden new best friend Mark. They’ll never flat out admit to the shady shit they’ve done over the years, but it’s something I have been preaching since I came back. It’s no secret Jayden. They hated your old man. They hated everything about him.”

“But they could never find a way to stunt his success. They couldn’t keep the World Championship from him as much as they wanted to. They couldn’t find that one person that seemed like a legitimate threat standing across the ring from him. Especially considering they had already made it clear they moved on from James which was one of their biggest and most disrespectful acts. They couldn’t even lure people in to face the man and take the title from me. Trust me when I tell you, they tried.”

“They had to wait until he made a clinical error and then they were able to actually get rid of him. Based on the mistake he made. So needless to say when his bratty self absorbed nepotism attitude ass kid came along. They weren’t going to make the same mistake twice. No chance they were ever going to allow you to succeed. I guarantee you they chose that chick, whatever her name was to be your tag partner for that tournament. They saddled you with the worst female competitor they could.”

“It did exactly what they wanted. It hindered you and frustrated you. To the point that you didn’t make it all that far in that tournament. Keeping you away from the main event and keeping you away from the World Championship. Essentially they tossed you out in the middle of the ocean with no life vest and knowing you wouldn’t be able to swim for long. As much as I don’t like those two. In fact I downright hate them. That would be accurate. I have to give credit where credit is due. They were smart with that.”

There was a small expression change in his face. The man looked a little impressed for that brief moment.

“And then you ran right into James. That was like having an anchor just tied to your feet to make sure you drowned just a little faster. There was no chance that man was ever going to let you succeed here. Not after running him down with a car and trying to take his life. All because you listened to what your deranged father had to say. But your ego took it as the exact opposite. Took it as a chance to take on the biggest threat this place had to offer so you could succeed. Boy oh boy did you find out differently.”

“That entire parking lot brawl was a setup, Jayden. A chance to beat the hell out of you in some of the worst ways. James did just that. But little did you know that Alexander was waiting in the winds, for the perfect time to strike for his own reasons. Making this all come together piece by piece. You see your old man offended Alexander with the way he carried himself. With the way he conducted business and the way that he passed on him being a challenger time and time again.”

“Add that in with the company being against him. That chip on Alexander’s shoulder was quite big and rightfully so. Adding him into the mix was another anchor to your feet. Your career was sinking much faster. Which is why they wanted to happen and its what you deserved. But you’re self aware for the most part aren’t you, kid? You started to realize your career was drowning and it was very much in danger of hitting the bottom of the ocean floor. Which is where this tag match took place.”

“You thought if you could have someone at your side. It would give you and your career one last chance. Maybe be a way to break off those anchors that were pulling you down in Alexander and James. But more importantly that ego of yours was making you believe if you could have someone help you out, it would give you a chance to then stab them in the back once they came to your aid. Allowing you to use someone for your own benefit and gain.”

“Unfortunately for you. I am someone that has been around the block a time or two with this business. I know how people are. I know how you are deep down. So, what did I do? I beat you to the punch. I came to your aid, but I knew all along I was going to be the one to stab you in the back. However, young Jayden don’t get it twisted. The reason for stabbing you in the back wasn’t because I knew you’d do it to me. No, it was far more petty than that on my end.”

“I did it, because there wasn’t a fucking chance I’d let you ever pass me by. You see you already had the company working against you. Like I said, everything your father did was working against you. Had them biased against you from the start, but fact still remains. Deep down you are your father’s son and maybe just maybe there was a chance you could overcome them trying to hold your back. Just like he did, and that’s not something I was going to let happen. Not when I’m here.”

“Not when I deserve every bit of success that your old man had. Every bit of success you thought you were going to have. I deserve to be in the main event. I deserve to be competing for any championship I want. I deserve to have people talking about me the way that they talk about you. The only way to make that happen is to make sure you and your career drown before their very eyes. To make sure that everyone sees your demise!”

Finally his strolling on the beach had come to a stop. Carter let those eyes of his really lock on the cameras before him. They were dark and just full of hatred. Every word that was coming out of his mouth could really be felt with the look in his eyes.

“Right now Jayden. You have entered the panic stage of drowning. Your lungs are starting to fill up. You’re starting to sink. You can still see the surface and therefore you are doing everything you can to keep on fighting back up. I mean I applaud you for not going down without a fight. I give you props for still being stubborn and not just sinking to the bottom like useless flesh. But it’s time for you to understand this is your faith. You and your career were always meant to drown.”

“Alexander, James, and myself are far too much for you to overcome. Trust me, I get the feeling of being desperate and I get the feeling of wanting to fight to stay alive. But look at how this has continued to play out for you Jayden. Time and time again, we have gotten the upper hand. Time and time again we have left you unconscious. Time and time again we have pushed you under that water just a little deeper. What truly makes you believe this time can be any different?!”

“Because you have somehow weaseled your way into having Mark in your corner. Can you really trust that scumbag Jayden? Think about it. Like I said he nor Christian never wanted you to succeed. That man laughed at you your first night in the company when you got punched in the mouth. How can you trust that he secretly isn’t working on your demise himself? How do you know for sure that he isn’t secretly in our back pocket? After all, we've played you like a fiddle with every plan so far...”

His devious spread across his facial expression from ear to ear for that brief second.

“Or is it because you feel like because you know you’re drowning and because the reality has truly set in on what’s happening that it’s awoken something in you like never before? Is it because that fight or flight trigger has been pressed? Is it because of how big that ego of yours truly is, it makes you believe you have a chance? Are you just that delusional after everything that has been presented to you, Jayden?! I guess I could ask all day long what it is that makes you stand a chance.”

“But the harsh reality is, you don’t. Nothing that you believe and nothing that you say will come true. You are against three men that want nothing more than to see you drown in front of the world’s eyes. We do not want you here anymore Jayden. This company certainly never needed you to begin with. All you are is a massive pain in the ass. However, in a few days time, it’ll all come to an end. You will take your final breath. You will sink a little deeper. And the last image you’ll see is us standing there watching you drown!”

Carter found himself pausing for the moment as he look one look over at those crashing waves. Something about that scenery just really fit everything that was being said. His gaze coming back to the cameras before him.

“The one thing you need to remember in all of this is. You brought this on yourself. You forced our hand. You are the reason everything around you has come crashing down. Your career’s death is on your hands. And to that I leave you with this... Welcome to hell, kid!”

The cameras remained on that man’s face for a second or two. Carter’s expression truly aligned with everything that he had said. Now it was just a matter of carrying out the plan in the end. That’s when he began to walk out of the camera frame. Leaving them to focus on that ocean water for a moment as the camera shot faded out.