Author Topic: SELEANA ZDUNICH v EILEY  (Read 353 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: July 22, 2024, 08:31:34 AM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Seleana Zdunich

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    • Seleana Zdunich
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2024, 06:56:06 PM »
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Griffith Park
Los Angeles, CA
8:01 AM  PDT

Sitting on the grass in Griffith Park was always a different experience in the middle of the concrete jungle that was Los Angeles. Seleana looks around the area, smiling as she does, enjoying the feel of the grass on her legs as she lets them shine on through via the cut-off shorts she was rocking today with her black AML t-shirt and sandals. As she watches the other people milling about, Seleana can’t help but enjoy the whole experience. After about twenty minutes, a young woman with long dark hair dressed in a red crop top, black shorts and a pair of Nikes sits down next to her. The woman, an old friend of Seleana’s named Patricia Rousseau nods.

Seleana Zdunich: Heya, Ru, how’s it?

The dark haired woman nods to her friend.

Patricia Rousseau: Sel…

Seleana glances around the area.

Seleana Zdunich: I love this place. It is so beautiful, ja?

Ru nods her agreement.

Patricia Rousseau: Yeah, I used to get high near here. Thi was like that place you went to when you wanted to day dream about better things, or just forget whatever was really on your mind that day.

Seleana takes hold of her hand encouragingly.

Seleana Zdunich: You found your better things.

Ru manages a small smile.

Patricia Rousseau: Yeah, I did. Halo’s new place is gonna give me the chance to help others get there.

Seleana Zdunich: You hear what she will call it, ja?

Ru nods.

Patricia Rousseau: The Church?  Yeah, I heard.

She sighs heavily.

Patricia Rousseau: I admit, at first the name was off-putting to me. I’ve been to the old one, even called it home for a minute.

Pausing, she shrugs almost apologetically as if calling the place home is both the wrong way to put it and yet somehow disrespectful to its memory to not call it that.

Patricia Rousseau: Well, as much as you could call it home anyway.

Seleana smiles encouragingly.

Seleana Zdunich: You will do brilliantly there.

Ru shrugs, visibly unsure of herself on that score.

Patricia Rousseau: I can try, can’t promise anything.

She pulls her phone out and flips a page.

Patricia Rousseau: I found what you were looking for.

Seleana’s eyes light up happily.

Seleana Zdunich: You did? What did you find?

Ru looks at her phone and starts reading the information off.

Patricia Rousseau: His name is Elijah Alexander Williams. He’s ten years old. He was born here in Los Angeles. His father bailed out of his life before he was born and, in fact, died attempting to rob a liquor store when the boy was six months old. His mother bailed on him when he was a year old and overdosed two weeks later. Kid’s been in the system pretty much since then. He’s never been tested for anything but something has to be up that he’s never been adopted or fostered much. He lives at a group home that calling it a shithole would be demeaning to fecal matter. If it were me, I'd be trying to find excuses not to come home too.   

Seleana shakes her head in dismay and disbelief.

Seleana Zdunich: I wish I was not getting on a boat soon now. Hopefully my phone will still work on there so I can try to keep things moving.

Ru almost laughs.

Patricia Rousseau: Knowing things like cruise ships, they’ll pull out all the stops to make sure everything works perfectly and this comes off like Vegas trying to make an impression to keep this business opportunity going.

Seleana Zdunich: It would be nice. I do not want to leave him in that situation any longer than is necessary and I know HayJo will be dealing with things with her facility.

Ru nods.

Patricia Rousseau: The kid’s not going anywhere. Hell, they might jump for joy the second they hear you wanna take him off their hands.

Seleana smiles though clearly she does not completely share Ru’s thoughts there.

Seleana Zdunich: I hope so. I tell Christina and Alexandra about him and they agree. I did not tell Aurora or Brittany or Brayden. I did not want to get Aurora's hopes up. I do not know how Brittany or Brayden will take it.

She pauses, momentarily afraid of a bad reaction.

Seleana Zdunich: I tell Chavy if he comes in to make sure they let him stay. She and Razorback say they will make sure he is always safe there. It is a nice change for him, ja?

Ru nods sadly.

Patricia Rousseau: Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if that place is awash in shit that’d keep Halo in business for a while. I don’t know that any of the people there are actually on anything, but some of them just kinda…

She pauses, gritting her teeth.

Patricia Rousseau: Stink of it.

Seleana shakes her head.

Seleana Zdunich: He sounds like he is living in vicious cycle…

Ru looks away and then nods.

Patricia Rousseau: That’s one way to put it. Another is that if something doesn’t change, he’s not gonna have a good ending. Either he’s gonna end up on shit or he’s gonna get beat to shit by somebody who is…

Seleana’s head droops.

Seleana Zdunich: This is one of the times I wish I was more like Olive, she help so many…

Ru shrugs.

Patricia Rousseau: Hey, your way is working just fine.

Seleana nods to herself.

Seleana Zdunich: I just hope I am not too late…

Ru puts her hand on Seleana’s back.

Patricia Rousseau: As long as he’s breathing, it’s not too late.

Seleana nods, a glimmer of light in her voice.

Seleana Zdunich: I hope this is so.



Offline Seleana Zdunich

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« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2024, 09:09:46 PM »
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Zdunich Cabin
Onboard ship
8:04 AM  PDT

Inside the cabin she’s sharing with her wives, Christina “Crystal Hilton” Zdunich and Alexandra “Diamond” Caldwell along with their thirteen year-old daughter, Aurora Zdunich, Seleana Zdunich smiles as she watches Aurora getting ready to enjoy her day on ship.   

Seleana Zdunich: You have everything that is needed, ja?

Aurora nods.

Aurora Zdunich: I do, I’m ready for a fun day!

Seleana smiles at her daughter.

Seleana Zdunich: You will stay in certain areas?

Aurora nods obediently.

Aurora Zdunich: I know where to stay. Juliet and I really enjoyed the arcade. We’re probably going back there.

She pauses before grinning.

Aurora Zdunich: Probably more than one. 

Seleana snickers knowing this is the absolute truth.

Seleana Zdunich: They have good games?

Aurora nods excitedly.

Aurora Zdunich: They have some old ones, some not and then a couple of like riding ones. Juliet tried to get me to do the hammer game a couple of times but it usually has a line. 

Seleana’s smile widens even further.

Seleana Zdunich: You enjoy it, ja?

Auror can’t nod fast or excitedly enough.

Aurora Zdunich: I saw Nurse Loti at the dance class so we might try that too. It looks fun.

Seleana smirks playfully.

Seleana Zdunich: It is not just that Dance game you used to play a lot?

Aurora shakes her head.

Aurora Zdunich: No but they have that game too. It still has a line though you can tell how old the people are by who wants to play it still.

Seleana smirks amusedly.

Seleana Zdunich: You do not?

Aurora starts to answer but stops herself as her mother just gives

Aurora Zdunich: I didn’t say that, just that the first ones in the line are usually old people that remember when it first came out.

Her amusement growing exponentially by the second, Seleana tries hard not to laugh.

Seleana Zdunich: So what do you like to play?

Aurora shrugs as if the answer is the most obvious answer to ever answer.

Aurora Zdunich: Whatever has the shortest line, especially if I get to play it with Juliet.

Again, Seleana has to try hard not to laugh.

Seleana Zdunich: She is your best friend, ja?

Aurora nods happily.

Aurora Zdunich: Bestest ever!

Just then, a knock on the door gets their attention. Aurora runs over and opens it find the aforementioned Juliet standing there.

Aurora Zdunich: Juliet’s here, Mommy!

Seleana nods approvingly.

Seleana Zdunich: Okej, you have everything you might need, ja?

Aurora nods.

Aurora Zdunich: Yes…

Knowing her daughter is actually annoyed and exasperated but suppressing it, Seleana smiles and nods to her.

Seleana Zdunich: Have fun. 

Aurora and Juliet both squeal excitedly.

Aurora Zdunich: Tack, Mamma!

The two thirteen-year-olds run off happily, anticipation on both faces as they go. Just then, Diamond comes back from the gym while Christina comes out of the bathroom.

Alexandra "Diamond" Caldwell-Zdunich: The girls look happy.

Seleana snickers.

Seleana Zdunich: They’re going to the arcade again.

Crystal grins.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich-Caldwell: I mean, of course they are. Aurora is going to dominate that like we do everything else! She’s our daughter, she can’t help it. It just happens!

Diamond and Seleana both just look at each other knowingly.

Alexandra "Diamond" Caldwell-Zdunich: They’re so cute together. God help us later when the boys start coming by trying to get with them and hit it.

Crystal smirks as only she can.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich-Caldwell: Again, of course, she IS our daughter. Look at us and look at her already. They will be stunning!

Selena nods.

Seleana Zdunich: Remind me to look up mace and tasers, ja? 

Diamond laughs.

Alexandra "Diamond" Caldwell-Zdunich: We’re gonna teach them how to use those right?

Seleana nods affirmatively without hesitation.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja, show them how to keep safe.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich-Caldwell: You know price is no barrier.

Seleana nods again.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja, we will look into things before we buy.

Alexandra "Diamond" Caldwell-Zdunich: Damn right.

Crystal nods.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich-Caldwell: So, what plans today?

Seleana shrugs.

Seleana Zdunich: I have none. I would look around ship first.

Alexandra "Diamond" Caldwell-Zdunich: Me either.

Crystal smirks lasciviously.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich-Caldwell: Well, I know some…

Diamond smiles.

Alexandra "Diamond" Caldwell-Zdunich: Yeah?

Crystal nods and they look at Seleana.

Seleana Zdunich: Let us enjoy ourselves, ja?

The three step together and kiss, knowing full well they’re about to do just that.

Friday, August 2, 2024
Onboard ship

4:04 PM PDT

The camera opens upon Seleana Zdunich sitting on a deckchair in a pink bikini, holding a drink with a little umbrella in it.

Seleana Zdunich: It is that time, ja?

She nods and sets her drink down on a nearby table.

Seleana Zdunich: We come to this ship to enjoy ourselves and cruise away the time for Summer XXXTreme XII! I have been coming for six years’ time and it does not feel like it has been that long at all.

She nods, looking around the pool area of the ship.

Seleana Zdunich: However, here we are.

She snickers to herself.

Seleana Zdunich: At least I do not have to worry about falling into the pool during Ultimate X this time. I have done that before and it sounds fun, it is fun until you are the one paddling your way across the pool to climb out because somebody else will be winning it this year.

She shrugs, smiling but with a hand up to stop a response from coming at her.

Seleana Zdunich: Do not get me wrong, it is better than landing on the hard mat in the ring but losing still sucks even if it means you just did a cannonball into a pool instead of getting dropped on your head in the ring.

She nods to the pool as a child executes a perfect cannonball to make a big splash.

Seleana Zdunich: So this year, I do not need to worry about getting my gear dipped into chlorine-infested waters..

She shakes her head.

Seleana Zdunich: No, I simply have to worry about a bog standard wrestling match that my opponent does not care for and while I am disappointed, I cannot say I am that surprised.

Seleana glares into the camera as if she kne this would happen.

Seleana Zdunich: Eiley is a woman who has made her way to championship standing before so right thre, I am held in her contempt as I always am with others of her ilk but she won a championship i have not yet managed to attain.

She shrugs slightly.

Seleana Zdunich: While it is true that I have not managed that because I have not yet had a mixed tag team here to compete for it, that would not stop anyone from trying to use it as a cudgel on me.

Shaking her head, Seleana allows her annoyance to shine through.

Seleana Zdunich: They would simply say it is because I am neither good enough, nor talented enough to warrant anyone taking that chance with me and further they would say that no one would have me as a partner anyway. 

Again, she shrugs.

Seleana Zdunich: Perhaps this is true, perhaps it is not but this match does not hinge on that so it does not matter if that is true. All that matters is that when the bell rings, I am in the ring with somebody that won championship status previously and thus is a threat to take whatever I have from me.

She glares straight into the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: Eiley, as I said, I am disappointed that you did not use this opportunity to let me hav it with both barrels. Perhaps you will give me one, perhaps you will give me none. I do not know and I do not care. When we get in that ring, I am bringing everything I have with me and you had better do the same or I will show you what happens when a cat is handed something and does not want to just play with it.

A slight smirk forms.

Seleana Zdunich: Du kommer att ha gjort ett misstag som kräver åtgärd.

She nods pointedly.

Seleana Zdunich: Välkommen till djunglen!