Author Topic: Stag-Do Before I Do OR Wolves Do Stick Together  (Read 810 times)

Offline MiloKasey

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Stag-Do Before I Do OR Wolves Do Stick Together
« on: July 19, 2024, 11:58:48 PM »
Let It Out


Miles sat back with Carter beside him and watched as Victoria stood in the ring like some God damn Queen Bee and held up what was Alexandra’s Bombshell Roulette Championship. Now it’s Victoria’s.

She was already coming to Ontario in a pissed off mood after she lost to Cleo in PWS and now this.

“Well, there we go. I'm officially going to have the biggest damn uphill battle of my life next week...with the match...and now with my partner.”

Miles grunts and stands up, “Where are ya going?”

“I’m gonna go rail at a few of the Gods and give them a few choice 4 letter words.” Miles said motioning upwards, “Hoping one of them smiles upon me and gives me just a mild enough injury to postpone the match but not bad enough to hurt our ceremony in any way.”

“You really think it’s gonna be bad?”

“Who knows? Just right now...” Miles shrugs, “I’ll be back.”

Carter sighs, “Say hello for me.”

“Will do.”

He didn’t make his way to gorilla position and instead made his way directly outside, took a deep breath and just let out a giant “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!”

He looked around and gave everyone a small wave, “Don’t mind me folks, just having a nice chat with me, myself and I.”

“Rough night?”

And with the sound of that voice Miles just dropped his head, “Of course...” he turns around and looks right at LJ. “Shocked that you’re not curled up Ally’s ass and making sure she’s ok.”

“I could say the same about you, she is your tag partner after all.” LJ snapped. “What the hell is your problem?”

“My problem?”

“Yeah, your problem. All of a sudden you have a stick up your ass about something and I want to know what the hell it is.”

“Oh, you really wanna know?”

“In the few months that we’ve known each other, we’ve never held back. Why start now?”

“Oh come off it LJ, I have been eating nothing but absolute shit about you since you got here. Now all of a sudden I blink and there is you and Ally, who is one of my really good friends and my tag partner and ever since she has become enthralled with you all of a sudden she’s slipping too. You wanna tell me WHY that is?”

“I don’t know.”


“NO!” LJ yelled out, “And I hate that you are mad at me for that but I will not be your punching bag. I’m sorry that somehow my arrival has correlated with your sudden slump but I am not the reason behind it.”

“I know you’re not,” Miles said, running his hands through his hair, “I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at the fucking universe right now because nothing but the wedding is even closely working out right now. I just...I’m so irritated.”

“Bro, I get that. But still, fucking ouch.”

“I know. And I’m sorry.” Miles just sighs, “Maybe I’m a little more worried about this tag match than I’m letting on and now everything that my partner is going through, I just hope like hell she doesn’t live in her feels because I’m going to have my hands full with Finn as is and Kayla is no damn pushover. In fact, if you even tried to do that, she’d punch you in the mouth.”

“Found out the hard way, didja?” LJ laughed.

“Thankfully, I learned quickly but she’s a bitch and Ally is going to have to toughen the fuck up quick.”

“I think Ally is going to be just fine, it’s you I’m worried about.”

“Me?” Miles pointed at himself, “Nah, I live life one breakdown at a time.”

“That is the Kasey way after all.”

“Thanks for that one, dear ole da.” and both men look up, shake their heads and then look down and flip their middle fingers to the ground before they spit.

“On that note, maybe I should go find her and make sure she’s alright.”

“You’re still comin’ to my stag, right?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Stag-Do Before I Do

Miles stood on the balcony of Kristjan's luxurious condo, taking in the stunning view of the city below. The night was young, but the excitement in the air was palpable. Inside, the sounds of laughter and banter echoed through the spacious living area. Kristjan, known to most as K or Fenris, had gone all out for his friend’s stag party, ensuring it would be a night to remember.

Miles turned back to join the others, feeling a mix of anticipation and amusement. As he walked in, he was greeted by the sight of his closest friends already deep into a game of poker. Kristjan, his brother Aron, LJ, Malachi, and a surprise guest, Lachlan Kane, were all gathered around the table, drinks in hand and cigars at the ready.

“Finally decided to join us, did ya?” Malachi teased, dealing a new hand of cards with a smirk.

“Can’t a man take a moment to appreciate the view?” Miles shot back, grabbing a drink from the table and taking a seat. “We may live just a few floors down but you can’t beat this view.”

“Well, you better appreciate it now, 'cause once you're hitched, it’s all downhill from there,” Lachlan joked, earning a round of laughter from the group.

“Speaking from experience, are we?” Miles retorted, raising an eyebrow.

“Hey, just trying to give you a heads-up, mate,” Lachlan replied with a grin. “But seriously, congrats. Carter’s a great guy and you both deserve all the happiness in the world.”

“Have I thanked you for being the awesome surprise in all this yet?” Miles joked, “Sure it’s great to have Mal here and of course Bella, in an amazing showing of self-preservation deciding to spend her night with Carter’s party, but you being here, mate, after so damn long...”

“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world, especially after K got me so damn shit-faced at my stag before Si and I got married.”

“Hope she’s making it to the wedding?”

“I’m sure she’ll be there, but she told me to go have fun.”


Aron, who had been relatively quiet, raised his glass and clears his throat. “To Miles and Carter. May your love be as strong as your friendship and your fights as few as your poker losses.”

“Cheers!” they all chorused, clinking glasses.

LJ, who had been watching the dynamic with a mix of amusement and admiration, finally spoke up. “So, Miles, any last-minute nerves?”

Miles shook his head, smiling. “Not really. I mean, yeah, there’s always that little bit of anxiety, but I’m ready. It’s amazing how much Carter has turned into my entire world and I can’t wait to start this new chapter with him.”

Kristjan, who had been puffing on a cigar, leaned back in his chair. “Just remember, marriage is about compromise. And by compromise, I mean letting Carter think he’s right most of the time.”

“Sounds about right,” Miles chuckled. “But seriously, I appreciate you guys being here. It means a lot.”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Malachi said, dealing another hand. “Now, enough of the sappy stuff. Let’s see if the groom can keep his poker face.”

Kristjan leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eye. "So, Miles, any bachelor party confessions you want to make before you tie the knot? You know, get it all off your chest?"

Miles laughed, shaking his head. "Sorry to disappoint, K. I’m a pretty open book. No skeletons in the closet here."

Lachlan grinned. "That's what they all say. Just wait until you're a few more drinks in."

"Speaking of which," Kristjan said, standing up and pulling out that infamous bottle that everyone has been dreading. "Who's ready for shots? We've got a special bottle just for the occasion."

“And there goes getting anything done for the next 24 hours, I’ll stick to what I have, thank you very much.”

He returned with a bottle pouring generous shots for everyone, except for Lach. As they raised their glasses, Kristjan made a toast. "To Miles, the luckiest man alive. Not because he’s getting married, but because he has friends like us."

The group erupted in laughter, clinking glasses once again. Miles felt a swell of gratitude as he downed the shot, the burn of the whiskey a reminder of the night’s festivities.

“Alright, back to poker,” Malachi said, shuffling the deck. “Let’s see if the groom can keep his wits about him.”

“You trying to take me to the cleaners? I’ve seen your poker face, Mal. It’s the same one you give when you know Bella is about to win about getting another book.”

“I swear she wants that new house just to have a larger library.” Mal grumbles.

LJ, who had been mostly observing, finally spoke up again. "So, to those of ya that are married, any advice for someone who might be considering taking the plunge someday?"

Miles smiled, thinking for a moment. "Just be honest with each other. No matter what. And always make time for the small things. It’s the little moments that count the most."

Mal nodded in agreement. "And never go to bed angry. It’s cliché, but it’s true."

“I gotta say, guys. I’m sorta shocked that K kept this so low key.” Miles said, just then we hear a phone going off and Miles looks.

“Ah, we said no phones tonight!” Aron yelled.

Miles couldn’t even retort before he started laughing, “It’s Bella. Mal, do you wanna see what your wife is witnessing at this particular moment?”

Miles just passes the phone over and Mal just begins to laugh, “We are not nearly as drunk as I believe your fiance is, mate.”

As the phone gets passed around we finally see Bella’s message, and all it is is Carter giving a lapdance to Bobbie.

“Ah yes, I do believe I’m marrying a good one, boys.”

Wolves Do Stick Together

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and all the SCW faithful, it's your favorite Wolfslair member, Miles Kasey, coming at you with a message you won't want to miss. You see, ever since I buried the hatchet with Wolfslair, life’s been different. I’ve been making weekend trips back to the place I once called home, reconnecting with old friends and finding a renewed sense of purpose. It was Finn Whelan who was one of the first to welcome me back. It felt like the good old days...well almost – camaraderie, respect, and an unspoken bond that only those who’ve gone to war together can understand. Of course there are times it’s still touch and go but the fact, we’re trying.

But, let’s fast forward to now. Things have gotten quiet, maybe a little too quiet. That peace is about to be shattered because Finn, my brother, we’re now standing on opposite sides of the ring, again. It’s the Wolves of Gheimhridh, Finn and Kayla Richards, the double champions, the SCW Mixed Tag Team Champions, the SCW World and Bombshell World Champions RESPECTIVELY, who’ve been accused of not defending those titles nearly enough, by some people that are seemingly wanting to give their opinions when they themselves aren’t remotely active themselve....don’t worry you guys I have your backs there.

And on the other side, it’s me, Miles Kasey, teaming up with the fierce, the relentless, Alexandra Callaway. Yes, Ally has had it rough lately but there is a reason I used that word relentless. She has this amazing habit of bouncing back when one least expects it.

Finn, Kayla, you’ve held those titles with pride, no doubt. But it’s time to put up or shut up. We all know that those titles aren’t meant to gather dust; they’re meant to be defended, to be fought for. And that’s exactly what Ally and I are coming to do. We’re not here to play nice, and we’re definitely not here to be a stepping stone in your legacy. We’re here to take those titles and prove to everyone that sometimes even the most downtrodden of us can amazingly able to put the world on notice.

Finn, I remember those training sessions, those matches where we pushed each other to the limit. You know what I’m capable of, and I know what you bring to the table. You know damn well that Kayla is trying her best to get under my skin by telling me how much I am not living up to my potential. But this time, it's different, dontcha think? This time, you’re not just facing me; you’re facing the combined force of Miles Kasey and Alexandra Callaway. Ally is a fighter who gives her all every single time she steps into that ring. Together, we’re a force to be reckoned with.

Now, Kayla, let's talk about you. You've been poking the proverbial bear, haven’t you? Trying to get under my skin, trying to be an absolute bitch about everything that's gone sideways for me lately. I’ve seen your snide comments, your attempts to rattle me. There is a reason I’m not going to give into you. You think you can break me with words? Think again. All you’ve done is fuel the fire. You've turned this match into something personal, and trust me, you’re going to regret that.

Kayla, I know what you are more than capable of, and I respect what you’ve accomplished. But respect doesn’t mean fear. It means that we’re coming at you with everything we’ve got. Ally and I, we’re going to bring the fight to you and Finn like never before. We’re going to remind everyone why those titles deserve to be held by true champions who defend them with honor, passion, and intensity....just like the both of you have.

So, Wolves of Gheimhridh, get ready. Prepare yourselves for a battle unlike any other. Because come match night, Ally and I are stepping into that ring with one goal in mind – to walk out as the new SCW Mixed Tag Team Champions. Finn, Kayla, you’ve had your reign. Now, it’s time for a new chapter. And trust me, it’s going to be one hell of a story.

See you in the ring."