Author Topic: The Truth Hurts || Alexandra & Julianna vs Harper  (Read 838 times)

Offline Alexandra Calaway

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The Truth Hurts || Alexandra & Julianna vs Harper
« on: June 21, 2024, 11:54:46 PM »
Queens Blog
Calaway Estate
Dallas, Texas

Well Well, who would have known that I would be one half of Victoria Lyon’s favorite tag team for the Blast from the Past tournament. She hand chose me for a match against Harper Mason, a young upstart with a bright future ahead of her. But, Victoria also chose to put a little caveat in this match in the form of Julianna DiMaria. While I may be a favorite of hers, I knew that she would give me not only Harper to fight, but a battle to fight within my own mind. Anyone who’s been around for a while knows simply that Julianna and I do not vibe well. We have our own issues. It’s true, I lost to her, fair and square. But her mouth is also an issue. She’s held that big time Gold and now, she sees herself above everyone else. Untouchable and deserving of everything.

We must be able to work together to take out Harper. Now most people, I'm sure, are looking at me going, Alexandra, you are the veteran in this. Show them both that you are capable of doing what must be done. Either way, win or lose, that’s exactly what I plan on doing. So far I’ve heard little to nothing from my tag partner in this. Then again, look at what Raven and I did during the tournament, we barely spoke and we made it to the finals. It’s true though, Sean Parker and Luna did us in. Congrats to both of them. However, I know Luna will soar to new heights, she’s always been on fire. Sean Parker however, will fail when it comes to standing toe to toe with Finn Whelan. But that’s a story for another time. 

Now I have to focus on defending my Bombshell Roulette Championship, as well as teaming with the same woman who retained the Bombshell Championship against me. For anyone who knows, this is my second time holding this title since joining Sin City Wrestling. I held it for almost four and a half months, defending it almost every single week. Nothing will keep me from doing it again. Not even this match. I will make sure that when the time comes, what needs to be done will be. When it’s all said and done, my hand WILL be raised at the end of the match, with or without Julianna.

Anything else, I’ll discuss when it’s time. See you all soon Denver.
Alexandra Calaway

Calaway Estate
Dallas, Texas

It’s the morning of Alexandra’s birthday. Waking up early she started making breakfast for her daughter and herself. Knowing that it would just be the two of them for the day. In a way, it was nice to have the time to relax. By the time breakfast was made, her daughter was awake and ready to start the day.

“Happy Birthday!!!” Ashlynn ran into the room, slamming into her mom’s side and hugging her tightly.  Alexandra stopped plating the food and turned to hug her daughter. 

“Well good morning to you too sweetie. And thank you.” She giggled softly, watching as her daughter pulled away.  “Get your adorable self seated, breakfast will be on the table in a few moments.”

“Momma, it’s your special day.” She tilted her head looking up at her mom.

Yes, but you are still my little girl. Now go sit down.” She finished plating the food and moved to set the plates on the table.

“Thank you momma..”  Ashlynn looked up at her. Just as Alexandra sat her plate down there was a knock at the door.

“Go ahead and get started, I’ll be right there.” She got up and headed towards the front door, looking at the man who was standing there.  In his hands was a large bouquet of flowers, roses from the looks of them. Opening the door she spoke.  “Can I help you?”

“I’m looking for an Alexandra Calaway?”  He looked at her.  “Is that you?”

She nodded. “I am.”

“Happy Birthday..”  He handed them to her before walking back to his car, leaving her there in shock, unsure of what she was looking at. She walked back inside, giving herself a moment to look the roses over before heading back to the kitchen with the roses in hand.

“Wow mom.. Who sent you those?” Ashlynn looked at her mom shocked.

“I don’t know..” She looked for the card, grabbing it, and she sat the flowers on the table.  Opening the card she read it.

Happy Birthday Love, here's wishing all the happiness and joy.

Alexandra blushed, which caused her daughter to rush over and look over her shoulder. “Mom.. it’s from LJ.. I told you.. He must really like you.”

“Shush.. You.”  She playfully nudged her daughter, putting the little card back into the envelope and placing it in her pocket. 

Work was definitely going to be interesting when she got to the show.  Taking a moment to breath, she began to have breakfast with her daughter.

Airport Goodbyes
DFW International
Dallas, Texas

Alexandra stood in the terminal, her eyes focused on the board as her brother and his wife Mika walked up, tapping her shoulder. Alexandra spun around.

“Finally you two are here.  Thanks for taking her this weekend.” She smiled at them and nodded.

“I want to go too mom.” Ashlynn looked very sad. Like she didn't want to let go of her mom.

“I know you do Ash, it’s just.. This could be dangerous.”

“Your last one was far more dangerous.”

“Yes and I was worried about you the whole time, the fact that you had to see that happen. I know what it did to you.”

She looked at her daughter, taking a deep breath, trying to find the words to say to her.  Something about it really bothered her. Knowing her daughter had to see her mother lose the way she did. She may have retained her title, but knowing that the dream of trying for the Bombshell World Title was further from her reach now, how could she put her little girl through seeing that again.

“I promise, you can go with me next week.”

“Okay.  But tell everyone I said hello.” Ashlynn looked up at her.

She took a deep breath.

“If I see them I will.”  She nodded her head.  “Miles and Carter have a pretty big match.  I’m sure they will be spending time together coming up with a way for them to do this without hurting each other.”

“I understand momma. See you on Monday?”  Her daughter ran over and hugged her tightly.

“Of course sweetheart.” She wrapped her arms around her daughter and held her close, closing her eyes and trying to calm them both.

“Come on Ash.  Brianna wants to go to Six Flags.”  Alexandra’s brother Damien stepped closer and put a hand on his niece’s arm.

“Okay Uncle Damien..” She turns back to her mom.  “I love you momma..”

“I love you too Ash.” She took a deep breath and watched as they walked away, before turning and heading to her terminal. This was going to be a long weekend. She was walking into a lion's den and she knew it. It was only a matter of time before Alexandra constantly running so hot, was going to catch up with her. This weekend.. Might just be it.

Et Tu?
Rocky Mountain National Park
Denver, Colorado

Sitting on a rock, after a nice walk through the Rocky Mountain Park, Alexandra took the time to pause, looking over at the camera crew who had followed her there to get her thoughts on the match she was going to be heading into at Collision Control. Her mind was full of a great many thoughts, but time was drawing close, the sun would be going down soon and it would be too late.

“From the moment this match was announced, the moment that I was informed that Victoria had chosen my opponent for a match and then I was informed that it was to be a two on one, with my tag partner being the very same woman who retained her World Bombshell Championship against me, Julianna DiMaria, I had to ask myself a very serious question. Was I as highly thought of as Victoria had said? You see, the Lyons and I go way back. I used to be a member of the same group as her cousin Alexander. I had his back throughout our entire run with Antithesis. However, when the leader abandoned us, I took up the leader's mantle and continued to keep Alexander and the rest of Antithesis on top in PWS: Apex. And it’s because of that, she chose me for this match, as she says. But I must ask if she truly remembers what I did for him, or if she is simply.. Playing games.”

She took a moment to pause, running her fingers through her hair. She took a deep breath and went back into it, not giving away how she really felt about this match.

“It doesn’t matter if this is just a match for her sick enjoyment or if she spoke the truth. Either way, I can tell you right now. The one who will be standing tall at the end of the night, will be me. You see she failed to realize that while Julianna is forced to be my tag partner for this little, twisted game Victoria is playing, it doesn’t mean that we are going to work well together. You see, Julianna and I, we have a history. During our little fight for the title, she loved to sling as much mud in my direction as she could. Funny how it didn’t have the same effect she wished for. But, it did light a fire, just as my loss to Luna did back in the beginning. You see, even as a veteran, sometimes you find yourself in a slump and it takes just the right ignitor to send you up in flames. I had gotten comfortable, I had gotten complacent. Not anymore. What you all saw during the tournament, that was just a start. We got so close. So close that the taste of victory was right there and we fell short. Focus was lost and the better team won that day. But that’s where it stops. THIS is where it stops.”

She bit her lip, trying to get her anger under control. She needed to keep her focus, she needed to keep her wits about her. Or it would be all for nothing.

“Let me start by saying this, Julianna, you and I, we don’t see eye to eye and to be honest, we don’t need to. We do however need to be on the same page when it comes to this match tonight. I need you to realize that it doesn’t matter what YOU want to happen out there, what Victoria wants to happen, it doesn’t matter what Harper wants to happen out there. What you all need to know is that I will do what must be done to win. I will walk through both you and Harper if that’s what it takes, tag match be damned. I need this win, after the loss at Into The Void, I need to know that this isn’t the end.”

She took another breath, a small beat before she began to speak again.

“As the Bombshell Roulette Champion, I have a target on my back. Something you should remember well yourself from when you were the Bombshell World Champion. You always have to be prepared. We’ve had our issues in the past and I need to know that when the time comes, your focus will be on Harper. Otherwise, you need to step aside and let me finish it for us.”

She took time to pause, knowing all she had left to say was directly for Harper Mason to hear, this was something the young talent needed to hear. This was Alexandra’s job as the veteran, to give the upcomer the knowledge she could impart to her. Win or lose, this was always the way it was supposed to be.

“Harper, you are the young gun in this match and I know for a fact that your mind is racing with the what ifs. But you need to focus. You are going to be in the ring with the former Bombshell World Champion and the Current Bombshell Roulette Champion, who’s on her second run. You came in hot, after I took out Jessie. I never made the challenge or the decision for her to retire, nor was it my goal to make that happen. She made that decision for herself and I will not be the one who is accused of it. Jessie was one of my favorite opponents, but from what I’ve heard, she’s doing well for herself.”

She paused, looking away for a moment, before licking her lips and starting again.

“Harper, you have all the talent needed to make it in this industry. To truly be a star, but you need to show that you can take on anyone in that ring, be it one, two or three opponents. You have to be willing to face the storm that is coming for you, from every direction. Championship or no championship. When it comes down to it and you have accomplished that. It won’t matter who was in that ring, it will only matter that YOU did what needed to be done. If you can do that, then what do you have to truly fear?”

Alexandra let that set in for a few moments, knowing that it’s not always an easy thing to hear. But it was what Harper needed to hear. This was what was needed to make a champion and one day she knew that Harper would be the Bombshell World Champion, just, not yet.

“Harper, it’s okay to fear this whole match. It’s okay to feel like it’s not fair. But just think of the story you can tell if you beat us. You beat a former Bombshell World Champion and the current reigning Bombshell Roulette Champion, they’ll have to pay attention to you. But the real question here is this my dear. Can you?”

She takes a moment to chuckle softly, her gaze on the camera still.

“No. You cannot. Between you and I, you might have been able to do it one on one. With just Julianna or just me on a good day. But today isn’t it. You have to face both of us and you can’t. I don’t plan on going down unless you completely knock me out. That’s what it is going to take and tell me, do you have it in you?”

She shook her head.  “No I don’t think you do Harper. But I’ll tell you what. Show me you deserve it and maybe just maybe, soon you and I will go one on one for my Bombshell Roulette Championship. See you out there.”

With that, Alexandra gets up and walks off towards the trail as the scene fades to black.