Author Topic: LJ v BULLDOG v CARTER v ARTIE v GUY W/CAPE v TEDDY - KING MATCH  (Read 1470 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline GUY

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« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2024, 04:37:20 PM »
[ It comes out to 4961 words according to google docs. Best of luck everyone! ]


The chant was ringing out from down the stairs. Loud as could be. Calvin rolled over and looked at the alarm clock:

6:15 AM.

Why in the hell was there so much commotion going on that early? It was the summer hours. His kids weren’t up then. Or at least they shouldn’t have been. It was always a damn struggle to get them out of bed to begin with. If they were up this willingly, there was an issue.

He looked over to the right of him. Alessandra was out cold. Not even so much as the slightest movement from her despite that chant getting louder. Rolling his eyes, he grabbed the blanket and tossed it off his body. Sliding his feet inside of his bedside slippers.

Before opening the bedroom door and peaking down the hall. Both doors to his kids rooms were shut. Yet the commotion from downstairs was still going on and getting louder. Something wasn’t right. Something was very much off. Calvin went ahead and journeyed down the stairs.

Finding himself rounding the living room corner once down the steps. As soon as he laid eyes on where the commotion was coming from. The most heavy annoyed sigh that he could muster up escaped his lips. In his living room pacing back and forth chanting to himself was the one they called GUY.

His chanting continued not for even a second realizing that Calvin was standing there.

[ G U Y ] --  Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Guy.

[ G U Y ] --  Huzzah! I’m the King! Huzzah!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Guy!

[ G U Y ] --  I’m the King! Huzzah! I’m the King!

[ C A L V I N ] --  FUCKING GUY!

The shouting at the top of his lungs did the trick. It stopped Guy in mid stride and mid chant. Causing him to turn his attention over to the very annoyed looking Calvin. A major grin crossed his lips.

[ G U Y ] --  Hola amigo!

[ C A L V I N ] --  I have just one question. What the hell are you doing in my house at six in the goddamn morning?! I don’t want you here at all. But I damn sure don’t want you here this early.

[ G U Y ] --  Psht! You don’t mean that!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Oh but I do!

[ G U Y ] --  Nahhhhhhhhhh! You’re just joshing me. Your bestest friend in the whole wide world!

With that wide smirk. He took a couple of steps towards Calvin giving him a playful slap on his shoulder. Of course the glare in Calvin’s eyes said all it needed to. Right away Guy put his phone right in Calvin’s face in a display of proudness.

[ G U Y ] --  If you can’t tell. I’m very excited and couldn’t wait to share the news. After over a year long wait Christian and all of Sin City Wrestling decided to do what was right. They right their wrongs and announced me King for the Day.

[ C A L V I N ] --  What?

[ G U Y ] --  I know right?! Guy was very surprised at first. However he is very thrilled to see that they saw the errors of their ways! So many royal ideas are coming in. Guy is going to make SCW Great Again!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Let me see this shit.

Following his statement. Calvin yanked the phone from Guy’s hand and paid attention to the twitter post that shined on his phone. Once again a sigh overcame him. Shaking his head a bit before looking at Guy.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Hey dumbass! They didn’t name you King.

[ G U Y ] --  It’s fine to be a hater Calvin. Jealous people exist and I know you want to be King too, but this isn’t your time. I’ll make you my court jester though. You’ll be part of my royal family.

[ C A L V I N ] --  First of all. Fuck you. I’m no one’s court jester. Not going to make me sound like a clown. Second of all, you’re never going to be someone I’m jealous of... like ever. And finally, no. You were not named King. It says Christian is putting you in the King For A Day Ladder match. Much much different than actually naming you, King.

[ G U Y ] --  Oh... uh....

Taking a better look at his phone now. The concern and immediate regret started to shine through in his eyes. Finally bringing himself to look back up from the phone.

[ G U Y ] --  What is Guy going to do?!

[ C A L V I N ] --  I have no idea what you’re going to do. Way I see it. That’s not my problem or my ordeal to be dealing with. But at this moment. You need to get on down the road. Cause I’m going back to bed.

[ G U Y ] --  Bed?! How could you sleep during a time like this?! When you know Guy needs you the most?!

[ C A L V I N ] --  You clearly don’t understand english. I just said this has got nothing to do with me. You’re the one that got yourself into this mess. You need to be the one to get yourself out of this mess.

Calvin turned to walk away from the painted weirdo. Before he could go too far. He felt Guy literally attach himself on his leg. Both hands and trying to hold him in place.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Dude get off me!

[ G U Y ] --  Pleeeaaassseee! Pleeeeeeaaaaasssseeee! You gotta help Guy! You gotta!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Help?! How in the hell am I going to help?! I’m not in the match and I’m retired. This is all on you. Figure it out!

[ G U Y ] --  Train Guy! Yeah train Guy! Show him those skills. He’ll be able to go into a ladder match and take the crown that’s rightfully his!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Train you?! I can’t train you or teach you how to fall off a ladder. That’s something that just happens. If you don’t have it in you. Pull out from the match. Tell Christian you misunderstood. It’s probably best. Sounds like you’d get your ass handed to you.

The bickering back and forth between the two continued for a second or two longer. Guy sounded desperate. Calvin sounded against the idea. It didn’t seem like it was going to go anywhere. Then all of the sudden a voice broke their bickering:

Dad? Uncle Guy?

As those words were spoken both turned their attention to where the voice had come from. Standing there in their PJs was Calvin’s son Oliver aka Ollie. He rubbed his eyes a little bit still looking rather sleepy as he stared back at them.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Oh hey buddy! Sorry we were too loud and woke you up. Go back to bed. Still plenty of time to sleep in.

[ OLLIE ] -- Dad. You have to help.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Huh?

[ OLLIE ] -- You have to help Uncle Guy. He asked nicely!

[ G U Y ] --  Huzzah! See the boy knows!

Right away Guy let go of Calvin’s leg and rushed over to the child. Picking him up with excitement. Holding him on his shoulders.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Ollie. It’s not so...

[ OLLIE ] -- Come on Dad. Please help him. Please!

[ G U Y ] --  Pleeeeeeeeaaaaassseee!

Ollie looked back at his dad with those innocent child features. Guy had this massive grin spread across his face. Of course this wasn’t going to end well for Calvin. He found himself rolling his eyes with another heavy sigh escaping his lips.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Ugh! Fine! I’ll help!

[ G U Y ] --  Huzzah!

[ OLLIE ] -- Yaaaaaaayyyy!

Right away Guy held out his hand to the young boy. Ollie slammed his tiny hand against it for a high five. Their celebration continued all while Calvin stood there rubbing his temples. This was going to be the most frustrating and most confusing time. It wasn’t going to go smoothly. But here goes nothing...

In the middle of the ring stood Calvin. He was wearing his decked out in his traditional work out gear. It consisted of nothing more than a t-shirt and a pair of black shorts. Along with the proper wrestling shoes to support his ankles inside the ring. He looked down at his smartwatch and huffed.

Ten! I told this motherfucker ten on the dot!

Clearly frustrated by the time and no sign of Guy. Especially considering how his day started and the fact that Guy used his son to sucker him into this whole situation. Then all of the sudden he could hear the massive sliding metal door being pulled up. Looking over to see Guy rolling in with a shopping cart.

Inside that cart were all types of ladders. From metal to wooden. Some with two sides to them to stand it up right. Others that were only to be used if it was leaned up properly. Calvin felt an instant amount of regret consuming him as he watched Guy walk closer with a smirk.

[ C A L V I N ] --  You know you’re late right?!

[ G U Y ] --  Time flies when you’re having fun!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Having fun with what? A buy one get six free at Home Depot?!

[ G U Y ] --  Something like that!

He pushed the cart right up to the ringside area before gripping the middle rope and pulling himself up onto the apron before climbing into the ring. Calvin took one look at him. Once again starting to shake his head. It was clear he was disappointed.

[ G U Y ] --  What now Mr. Grumpy?! Geez louise!

[ C A L V I N ] --  You’re not taking this seriously. I tell you I didn’t want to do this. I wanted no part of this. You rope my kid into roping me into this thing. I tell you to meet me here at ten am. I’ve got a class at noon. You’re late. Then you walk in here with ladders....

[ G U Y ] --  That is crucial to the training. Might Guy go ahead and add before you get too far ahead of yourself!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Not really. I already told your dumbass I can’t teach you how to fall off a ladder.

[ G U Y ] --  But you can teach Guy how to climb one!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Why would I need to teach you how to...

He found himself stopping himself. Taking a second to breathe in deep. Rubbing those temples of his for reduced stress. This was turning into everything he knew it would be. And even though that was the case he still couldn’t control the frustration it was causing him.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Then when you get here. You’re not even work out attire. Shirtless. A cape. And sandals. Are you ever going to take this even a little bit serious?!

[ G U Y ] --  Uh sir! Guy does take this serious. Super super serious! They say it’s better to wrestle in sandals than it is to be barefooted.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Or just get boots! Sneakers. Freaking anything that isn’t sandals. Oh my god dude. You’re going to cause me to have a brain aneurysm.

[ G U Y ] --  Guy totally calls dibs on your hot wife if you join the afterlife.

[ C A L V I N ] --  You son of...

[ G U Y ] --  I’m kidding! Gosh! Lighten up the buttercup!

He nudged the shoulder of Calvin. Although it wasn’t doing him any favors at all.

[ G U Y ] --  So what’s the first thing you’re going to show Guy?!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Do you have any true wrestling knowledge at all? Do you know any basic fundamentals? From rolls. To bumps. Do you even know how to lock up?! I’ve got to know what the hell I’m working with here.

[ G U Y ] --  Of course Guy knows how to luck up! The most professional of professional wrestlers is who you are talking to right now.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Alright show me your best lock up.

Following those words, Calvin created a little bit of space between them. Taking a proper stance with his arms up. Guy on the other hand didn’t move. He just looked back at Calvin, the most confused look on his expression. That wasn’t a good sign.

[ C A L V I N ] -- Come on. Show me your best lock up.

[ G U Y ] -- How? Guy doesn’t have a lock on him right now.

[ C A L V I N ] -- Oh my god.

[ G U Y ] --  What?! I don’t!

[ C A L V I N ] -- You’re fucked. You are so incredibly fucked it’s not even funny.

[ G U Y ] -- Nahhhh! That’s why you agreed to help Guy!

[ C A L V I N ] -- I can’t help you if you don’t know ANYTHING about WRESTLING you moron!

[ G U Y ] -- I know stuff!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Not anything useful to get you through a match!

The vein in the middle of Calvin’s forehead look like it was going to burst at any second with how annoyed he was by the situation at hand.

[ G U Y ] -- Honestly. Guy might have a solution after all. It came to me when I was collecting the ladders.

[ C A L V I N ] --  I hope the next words out of your mouth is you’re going to take my advice and pull from the match. Please tell me that’s why they are.

[ G U Y ] -- Psht Mama Guy didn’t raise no bitch.

[ C A L V I N ] -- Oh god. This is going to get worse before it gets better.

[ G U Y ] -- What if Guy waits till everyone is on a ladder right? All fighting for Guy’s crown. Then when they least expect it. I toss in a C4. Blow up all the ladders. They all fall down. THEN! Guy climbs his own ladder and takes the crown. No wrestling involved.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Did you... did you really just suggest using some type of bomb when you’re going to be competing on a Battleship in Hawaii where Pearl Harbor took place?!

[ G U Y ] -- What’s Pearl Harbor?!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Okaaaaaaaaaaay! Just grab one of those stupid ladders!

Guy with that same stupid grin plastered across his lips. He slid right out of the ring and grabbed a ladder out of the cart he had walked in. Sliding it into the ring and climbing back inside it. Calvin grabbed the ladder and unfolded it. Setting it up right in the middle of the ring.

[ C A L V I N ] --  The only thing I can tell you. Because I don’t even think you’re going to get this far. But when you get a ladder in the ring. It has to be square in the middle of the ring before you can...

Before the man had a chance to finish his statement. There was a bunch of angry chatter coming from where the door was that Guy came in. Both men looked over to see seven. Yes SEVEN police officers stormed inside the building. Calvin’s eyes narrowed as he glared at Guy.

[ C A L V I N ] --  What the hell did you do?!

[ G U Y ] -- Guy was going to return them when we were done!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Return what?!

[ OFFICE DOE ] -- Gentlemen! Step away from the ladders and put your hands on your head!

[ G U Y ] -- Can’t go to jail. Guy has a crown to win!

As soon as those words escaped his mouth. Guy dove out of the ring and started to hightail it towards the back of the building.

[ OFFICE DOE ] -- Go get him!

Four out of the seven officers began to chase off in the direction Guy had ran. Once again leaving Calvin in a mess, just like he was doing some several months ago. Red in the face from frustration Calvin just put his hands up and dropped to his knees in the ring.

[ C A L V I N ] --  I’m going to fuck him up!

By that time two of the officers had climbed into the ring and had put Calvin’s hands behind his back. Before securing them into handcuffs. Guiding him back to his feet and then rolling him out of the ring. All he could think at this moment is why the hell would SCW ever give Guy a chance at anything!

Huzzah! My minions of the royal Guy Kingdom! Welcome aboard the SS Guyanic.


It is I. Your King Guy. I have come here today with a message. A message that is aimed at those who threaten my crown. Those that threaten my Kingdom and the people I serve as well as protect. To those that think they’re going to take over as my Kingdom’s King.

Peasants named: Miles Kasey Jr, Teddy the Warden, Bulldog Bill, Arthur, and ‘The Power Bottom’ Carter. It is mind boggling. It is disrespectful. It is out of line for any of you to try and threaten my crown.  To which he cannot blame you fully for this.

The Holy Christian clearly made a valuable mistake in putting my crown on the line in this shifty and shady ladder match. But you still think you can take it from me. That’s a no no. You see Guy is a man of honor, a man of dignity, a man of respect, and a man of combat. I will fight till no end to keep my crown!


Let’s start with you, Bulldog Bill. Guy is not quite sure how a house pet has made it into this match. Last time I checked in most states. There are leash laws. Meaning you can’t just run free. You need to be on a leash at all times. To keep you in check. To keep you from going rogue. To keep the public safe.

And seeing as Guy is the King. It’s my job to keep my minions inside the Guy Kingdom safe. Keep them safe from a rabid Bulldog roaming around. I am currently in the process of drawing up paperwork to make sure your owner Bea is served. She can pay Guy the monies for making such a mistake.

However, it doesn’t change the fact. You little puppy dog are still in this match. I personally don’t know how the Holy Christian even allowed that. You don’t have thumbs. You have paws. Doggos can’t grip things because they have paws. So how in da heck are you going to climb a ladder?!

Seems like you’re at an unfair advantage. However, that's not the bigger issue. Oh no, the bigger issue is that this is animal cruelty. This is a situation where Guy should call PETA on all of Sin City Wrestling. For years they have allowed you to compete in matches.

And for years people have had to watch wrestlers beat you down. Bloody you up. Put you in the worst possible positions involving Dog Collar matches. Clearly your owner Bea doesn’t love you. She doesn’t protect you like a dog owner should. All while this company is supporting animal cruelty.

This is a sad-sad situation. Even more so considering they have put you in a match for my crown. A crown you’d just treat like a dog toy. It would have no real purpose to you. So, in this situation Guy has to be a hero. Guy is going to contact the local pound here in Hawaii.

Have them meet us right here on Sunday before the event begins. Allow them to take you from your horrible owner so they can find you a new home. A new owner and maybe even a family to love on. You deserve happiness Bulldog Bill. It’s just not going to come at the expense of my crown!


Miles Kasey Jr! Little do you know that Guy has a personal vendetta against you. Well more so a personal vendetta against your father. You see my bestest friend in the entire world. An icon. A legend. A certified SCW Hall of Famer was having a comeback to the wrestling business.

A comeback that was going to be talked about for years and years to come. However, that comeback was cut short. Very very premature. All thanks to your father snapping his ankle. My best friend had to go away, he had to go have surgery, and ever since then has decided to retire.

It’s sad news because Guy knows that Calvin has so much to still offer to the wrestling business. Because your father has taken my friend’s smile away and his passiona way for this. When the two of us step into the ring on Sunday. Guy is going to have to take your smile away. May even have to break your ankle.

Normally, Guy is very peaceful. He’s a very loving man. He’s a man about giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, but this has to be personal. After all, how dare you get these opportunities you’ve been given?! Why do you get to compete in Blast From the Past?

Why do you get to compete in a Battle Royal for a shot at the most golden and most prestigious championship in all of Guy Kingdom?! Why do you get to compete for My Crown?! What makes you so special Miles Jr?! The way Guy sees it. This is all being handed to you.

All because of who your pawpaw is. A man that has been proven to be an unsafe wrestler after hurting my bestest friend! This is not something that can be unpunished and not something that Guy can allow. If that makes him an unruly King in the eyes of his minions then so be it.

Family is everything. Calvin is my family. Just like your father is your family Miles Jr. Maybe one day we can come together and put all of this behind us. But for now... for now that will not happen. The moment Guy sees you at Into The Void. It’s how the kids say... on sight, my dude!


Huzzah! A fellow King in the fan-fiction world. Arthur. Guy has read many books about you over the years. So many of those books have painted you to be just the most god awful human being. Certainly an unruly King. One that has no love. One that had no respect. One that thrived off fear.

But that’s the wonderful world of fan-fiction. People put all kinds of words to paper to tell a story. It doesn’t mean any of it is true. And from what Guy has personally seen these last few weeks. You are anything but these things that I’ve heard about you.

You’re not a strong man. You’re very scrawny. Very small. Very meek. To the surprise that Guy does not know how you lasted as long as you did in the Blast From The Past tournament. Kudos for doing so, it’s just very surprising is all.

You aren’t out spoken. You’re not over opinionated. You don’t state how you feel or stand on business as Guy has heard the kids say. You tend to barely say anything at all. Instead you let your very big boned wife speak for you. Now I respect a man that stands behind his woman.

If only Calvin would let me stand behind his wife Alessandra. Giggity! Nevertheless, I respect it. I respect what Bobbie has accomplished in her career in Guy Kingdom but... it sounds like she’s more of a King than you are. Maybe she’s the true royalty in that household.

Again there is nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with standing behind the more successful person. However, Arthur if you think you’re going to come into Guy Kingdom and if you think you’re going to rule my minions. You got another thing coming. My minions aren’t going to listen to you.

They damn sure aren’t going to respect you. I am their leader. I am the one that provides. I am the true King here. They know it and will never abandon me. But more than anything. If you can’t find your royal jewels and stand on your own two feet. Then you will never be what you inspire to be.

In fact Arthur. Guy has played this image in his head time and time again since I found out you were competing for my crown. It’s you and your tiny little self. Trying to climb that ladder. Finally getting to the top. Just for Guy to meet you there. Grab those fraile hands and toss you off. Poetically saying:

Long Live The King! Before your body crashes and burns to the mat below. Understand though Arthur. It isn’t meant to be personal. In your fake kingdom. In your fan-fiction world. You would do the same thing. You have a duty to protect your people. That’s what Guy is doing. My crown stays where it belongs!


Teddy the Warden. Aren’t you supposed to be overseeing all the bad people in Guy Kingdom? All the people that get locked up? All the people Guy deems inappropriate? All the degenerates deserve to be behind bars... which even includes my best friend for stealing ladders apparently.

Anywho. That is your job. Why da heck are you coming out of nowhere competing? Why da heck are you trying to win championships? Why da heck are you trying to have Guy’s crown? These are important questions that Guy must know the answer to.

You are paid very handsomely as the Warden. Three kit-kats a day is amazing money for the quality of work that you possess. But clearly you don’t think so. You're on an ego trip and you want to come out of nowhere. Try to be a sneaky little thing and blindside people.

Nah-nah. That’s not happening on Guy’s watch. No sir. As the King of this place. I need to put you in your place. I need to check you. I need you to understand that there is no place for egos like you. You can’t be a wishy-washy person either. Come and go as you please.

Be here for one match. Disappear for months. Be here for another. All when it has something on the line. That’s pathetic and foolish. You might think that's how this works. You might think you're good. You might think you get to do what you want. You might think that being the Warden gives you extra perks.

It does not! And just like on Climax Control a few weeks back. You’re going to leave Into The Void empty handed. You won’t get your donut eating paws on my crown. You won’t ever get a chance to serve my people as a King. At this point you’re proving to be more of a Criminal than a Warden.

Maybe you need to be tossed behind the bars when this is all said and done. However, the one thing I do know is you will never be the King. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not next week or next month. Not next year. Never. Never. Never. Understand those words!


And finally we come to you. We come to the ‘Power Bottom’ Carter. Some would say that you’re the biggest threat to my crown. Some would even say you’re guaranteed to win. Yes, indeed. Many would say that you’re better than Guy in many-many ways.

As foolish as people might think Guy is. He knows a thing or two. Sure, you’re a better wrestler than Guy. You’ve been around here longer than Guy. You’ve shown that you can be a good hand to rely on and put on matches that people are going to talk about for a long time.

Heck, you were even the second person and technically the last person to ever beat the so-called ‘Great’ Michael Harris. Big ol’ douchebag Michael. Good for you. Very good indeed. But allow Guy to ask you a question. Allow Guy to dig into that brain of yours ‘Power Bottom’ Carter.

What did the win mean? Did it propel you towards the World Championship? Did it make you a Main Event player in Guy Kingdom? Did it make everyone see you as what you desire to have them see you as a great wrestler and someone that can be at the top?

The answer is no to all of those things. It may have got you a shot at the World Title. You lost it. It may have put you in a few main events. But you’re expendable. People may see you as a great wrestler, but they don’t see you as someone that will ever be at the top.

For crying out loud. It’s in your name: Bottom. Bottom is where you will forever be because you aren’t focused. You care more about talking about your sexuality. It’s twenty two four. No one cares whether your gay, bisexual, or straight. Everyone is loved the same.

But you obsess over that instead of obsessing about capitalizing on the situations you are in. Instead of taking a big win and doing something with it. Instead of reaching out and grabbing the brass ring. You are the reason you’re not successful, Carter. You’ve always been the reason.

This isn’t meant to be a bash session. Guy respects you, Carter. He likes you. He thinks you're great, but it’s time someone tells you the truth. You have failed because you have allowed yourself to fail. And this time you have to fail one more time.

Guy cannot allow someone to be King of his kingdom when the crown will mean nothing to you. You’ll have it and do nothing with it. You won’t capitalize and most of all you won’t be the leader the minions need. Again this isn’t meant to bash or disrespect.

It isn’t meant to make you feel bad about yourself. It isn’t meant to make you feel any other way. All Guy is doing is speaking from the heart. Telling the truth. In hopes that it will make you open your eyes. Because right now Carter. You don’t have it in you to be a success!


This is where Guy belongs! This is my Crown. This is my Kingdom!

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    • Bill Barnhart
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2024, 11:07:52 AM »

Narrator:  Thanks for joining me as I give opening comments concerning Bill Barnhart’s KING FOR THE DAY LADDER MATCH at Into The Void XIII. In this match Bill is facing off against Lyle Kasey Jr., Helluva Bottom Carter, Artie, Teddy Warren, and Guy With Cape. The winner of this match becomes KING FOR THE DAY and they get to schedule matches and decide the rules and stipulations of those matches. Bill and Bea Barnhart have returned to Lawrenceville, Georgia, to spend a week with Iris before they travel to Hawaii where Sin City Wrestling is holding INTO THE VOID XIII at Pearl Harbor where the event takes place on the Battleship USS MISSOURI. Wow!

The scene shifts to the home of Bill and Bea Barnhart in Lawrenceville, Georgia. The assigned camera person sets up their camera and they get a shot of Bill and Bea Barnhart, and their English Bulldog Iris, while the three sit on the couch in the living room.


Bill:  Before I launch into my comments concerning my King For The Day Ladder Match at Into The Void XIII I wish to introduce you to a friend of mine. He is a person I worked with in a previous Wrestling Federation and I found out that he moved here to the State of Georgia and he live in Athens, Georgia, which is about 40 miles East of where we live in Lawrenceville. I will do a quick video call on my computer but I will hide his image so that you will not see who he is until the Climax Control card that comes after Into The Void XIII.

Bill opens his laptop computer and he logs into a Zoom call with his friend. We listen in on the conversation.

Bill:  Hi Felix! Nice to hear you moved to Georgia and now live about 40 miles East of us out there in Athens, Georgia. I briefly mentioned to the viewers that you are a person I worked with in a previous Wrestling Federation and that we are friends. I don’t want to reveal too much of who you are and what you are about but we can discuss general items. To start off I would like the viewers to know that your name is Felix Hernandez and you are a wrestler like I am. We have known each other for many years and now, finally, we are going to serve in the same Wrestling Federation again.

Felix:  I don’t know how much you have revealed about me as a wrestler so I will give general comments and if you want me to expand on those comments please let me know.

Bill:  Okay.

Felix:  My name is Felix Hernandez. I am not to be confused with several persons of the same name who are in professional sports such as Major League Baseball. I use the nickname of THE CAT because I enjoy the cartoon Felix The Cat.

Bill:  We are planning to team together as a tag team and I feel it makes for an interesting tag team as we have me, the Bulldog, and Felix, the Cat, but unlike real dogs and cats who often don’t get along with each other the two of us work exceptionally well together.

Felix:  Should I mention the briefcase Bill?

Bill:  You can mention the briefcase but we will wait until you are officially on the Roster and have a match scheduled to bring up additional information about your character and your briefcase.

Felix:  I understand. That’s fine with me. As most of you who are familiar with the cartoon character Felix The Cat he carried a bag that he called his Magic Bag Of Tricks. During nearly every episode of Felix The Cat he would get into a perilous situation and then he would open his Bag Of Tricks and pull out an item that would counter the person, or item, that was causing him trouble. In my case, as I am named Felix THE CAT Hernandez, my Magic Bag Of Tricks consists of a stainless-steel briefcase. Bill? Is that enough information for now or would you like me to go into more detail on me and the stainless-steel briefcase?

Bill:  That is enough details for now. Thanks for doing this video call with me. Once you have your information officially posted with Sin City Wrestling then we can go into specific details on you and your stainless-steel briefcase you call your Magic Bag Of Tricks. Thanks for taking the video call with me. We will officially see you in Sin City Wrestling in a few weeks.

Felix:  I am the one who should be thanking you and Bea. I am looking forward to shaking up those in Sin City Wrestling soon. Bye!

Bill ends the Zoom call with Felix Hernandez. Bill then returns his focus into the camera to present comments leading up to his King For The Day Ladder Match.


Bill:  At Into The Void XIII I am in a King For The Day Ladder Match I am facing numerous opponents but only one of us, me of course, obtains the King For The Day title. I will give you a list of my opponents but I listed them in alphabetical order by their first name, Why am I doing that? Because I don’t want any of my opponents to think they were mentioned before others were mentioned because they are special. Nope! Bill don’t play that. Therefore my opponents, in alphabetical order by their first names, or their only name for their character, are as follows:  Artie. . .Guy With Cape. . .Helluva Bottom Carter. . .Lyle Kasey Jr.. . .and Teddy Warren.

Bill holds five fingers to show that he has five opponents.

Bill:  The first is Artie. I have absolutely no respect for Artie. My gawd now in the hell did this guy ever manage to convince Management to put him on the Roster? The second person I will mention is someone they call Guy With Cape. What the ****??? No name. No history. Just shows up and is added to this match? Get real. The third person who is alphabetically placed is Helluva Bottom Carter. I have the utmost respect for Carter even though some people don’t think I like any of the other wrestlers. The fourth person I will mention is Lyle Kasey. I enjoy Lyle wrestling but I honestly don’t feel he has what it takes to win this match. The fifth, and final, wrestler involved in this match with me is Teddy Warren. To be honest I would say that Teddy Warren has less reason to be in this match than Artie does. Teddy is the joke all Stand-Up Comedians use to get the audience laughing.

Bill lets loose with very loud laughter.

Bill:  The rules of this match is simple. The King’s Crown is hanging above the ring. There are ladders available for the wrestlers in the match to use to climb up and attempt to gain possession of the Crown so that they will be the King For The Day and with that Kingly Title they get to decide who will be in matches and what the rules and stipulations for those matches will be. Yes I will thoroughly enjoy torturing the rest of the Male Roster with amusing, dangerous, threatening, and evil matches with even more brutal stipulations for those matches.


Bill:  When the bell rings to officially start our King For The Day Ladder Match the five of you are going to get the crap beat out of you. You need to rehearse words such as OUCH. . .HELP. . .OH SHIT. . .DAMN. . .and many others because the beatdown I am going to give the five of you will have you all spouting off words you have never heard before. But there is a bit of hope in that I plan on winning the match quickly so that the five of you will not have to suffer for a long time. Enjoy your peace and tranquility while you can because when our match starts there will be no more peace or tranquility for you five.

Bill informs the camera person that he is done with his comments for today and the camera person puts the camera in standby as they will be focusing on Bea Barnhart right away.

Offline Bobbie Dahl

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« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2024, 07:55:08 PM »
Sunday May 26th
After Climax Control
Artie did WHAT?!

Tonight didn’t go completely as planned for Kallie Reznik and Artie. They had come close to advancing to the finals of the Blast From The Past tournament, but in the end, Artie had been pinned and they were eliminated, crushing their hopes of winning World Title opportunities. Artie was perhaps disappointed the most, having been the reason they lost, no doubt eliciting a few laughs from everyone who doubted him, he thought. And to make matters worse, Bobbie had once again defended him after the match when Luna Pasilno started to mock him. Artie loved Bobbie and of course loved that she would defend him like that, but he had repeatedly made it known he didn’t want any help in any of this.

But it was all over now. His time in the tournament was officially done, so there would be no need for anyone to protect him. At least, that is what Bobbie thought. But Artie had other plans in mind. When she stepped away to use the restroom, Artie got an idea and quietly snuck away. She probably wouldn’t be happy with him, but this wasn’t about her, nor was this her decision. This was Artie’s decision, and he wasn’t about to let Bobbie stop him.

After sneaking away, he has stopped outside of a door labeled “CHRISTIAN UNDERWOOD.” The makeshift office for the co-owner of SCW. He stands outside the door for a few moments, really contemplating his decision carefully. He takes a deep breath and then finally goes to knock, but as soon as he does, the door opens and Christian Underwood appears in front of him.

Christian:: What are you doing?

Artie jumps back, holding in a startled scream. His heart races for a few moments before he regains his composure.

Artie: Oh, uh, Hi. Hi, Christian. Mr. Underwood.

Christian:: No need for pleasantries, Artie. I assume you have some sort of business you would like to talk about? Otherwise, I’m not quite sure what you were doing just standing outside my office door.

Artie scratches his head, almost embarrassed. But he stands up straight and nods.

Artie:  Oh, yeah. I have a favor to ask. If it’s not too late and if it’s at all possible.

Christian:: Color me curious. I suppose we should discuss this inside?

Christian steps aside, allowing Artie to enter his office. He closes the door behind them, before walking back over to Artie.

Christian:: So, I’m all ears. What is this favor you have to ask?

Artie takes a seat and chooses his words wisely. He was expecting Christian to laugh in his face as soon as he asks what he is about to, but he had to try. The worst that could happen was Christian would say no.

Artie: Well…I know that Kallie and I were eliminated from the tournament tonight, and I know Into The Void XIII is in two weeks and probably already set in stone. But I was kinda wondering if…you could make a match for me?

After sitting down in his own chair, Christian stares at Artie, shock written all over his face.

Christian:: You…want another match?

Artie nods. Christian folds his arms for a few moments, thinking his response over through carefully, and Artie takes his long silence as answer enough.

Artie: It’s okay. I get it. The card is already made, so there is nothing you can do. Not to mention, my contract was only for the Blast From The Past tournament. It was stupid of me to ask. I’ll just be–

Artie starts to stand up to leave, thinking he had been shot down, but Christian holds up a hand.

Christian:: Now wait a second…I didn’t say no.

Artie slowly sinks back down into his chair and stares at Christian.

Artie: Oh…

Christian:: Yes, the card for Into The Void XIII is pretty much completely booked but some tweaks can be made, and we were still finalizing a few things anyway. I think I might have an idea for you, yet.

Artie’s face lights up.

Artie: Really? You do?! What…what is it?! Who is it against?!

Christian grins and shakes his head.

Christian:: That…you will have to wait and find out when the card is announced later on. I have to admit my surprise that you want to continue being booked. Your involvement in the tournament was because of a mistake after all.

Artie: Oh, I know. But, there’s so much more I want to learn and achieve. I think I have what it takes so I want to keep at it.

Christian:: You still are not fully trained, so you agreeing to this is at your own risk. And I don’t want Bobbie coming at us if you get injured in any way.

Artie stands up and shakes his head. He’s almost jumping with excitement.

Artie: Don’t worry about Bobbie. I will handle her. Thank you so much for this opportunity, Mr. Underwood. You won’t regret it!

Artie doesn’t even give Christian a chance to respond before he turns and skips off out of his office. Christian sits back in his chair, grinning and shaking his head.

Christian:: Good luck, Artie. You’re going to need it…

Unfortunately for Artie, he was already gone and couldn’t hear Christian’s last words for him. Christian sighs and shakes his head again and gets back to some paperwork before the scene fades.

SCW Exclusive
Interviewing the(hopefully)Future King
On Camera

Many superstars and Bombshells have passed through the SCW doors and hallways over the years. Some good. Some not. Others, not much of a clue as they didn’t even last longer than their first match to make an impression. Today’s very special exclusive is a sit down interview with one of the newest, and probably most talked about superstars. Manager and husband to Bobbie Dahl turned SCW Superstar- Artie Miller!

The camera opens up onboard the Battleship Missouri in Hawaii, where in just one week’s time, Into The Void XIII will be taking place for the select amount of fans who were lucky enough to score tickets to this once in a lifetime event. A designated area for this interview is set up on deck, presumably where the six-sided SCW ring will be set up next week. The camera is focused on Pussy Willow, seated in a chair shaded from the sun by a large canopy.

Pussy: Hello SCW superstars, Bombshells and fans watching around the world. Today I am being joined by a very special guest. A guest who is eager to have his first official exclusive interview to answer a list of questions and speak out about his match next week at Into The Void Thirteen. A match that should he win, gives him an advantage that many others dream to have. Everyone, please welcome…Artie.

The camera switches to the chair just across Pussy Willow, also shaded from the sun by the canopy, where Artie is seated. He’s dressed in a very casual set of shorts and an SCW Into The Void XIII T-Shirt. He smiles at Pussy Willow, appearing only slightly nervous.

Artie: Hello, Pussy. Thanks for having me here. This battleship is huge!

Pussy Willow smiles as they both look around at their surroundings. Indeed the battleship is quite large. Perhaps larger in person than it seems in pictures, and knowing the history of where they sit, is a lot to take in.

Pussy: That it is, Artie. And thank you for joining me today, although I’ve been told that you were quite eager in agreeing to this interview and somewhat excited also. A far cry from your once normal nervous and shy personality. You certainly have come a long way, haven’t you?

Artie nods, offering her another smile. He grips the arms of the chair a bit, gently sliding his arms back and forth, showing the first signs of nerves, but he manages to keep them in check for the most part.

Artie: I’d say I agree with that, yes. It’s no secret that I’ve always been considered the geeky shy guy and a bit awkward most of the time. But, being in SCW has helped a lot. Especially recently. I don’t know. It’s weird, because I never thought I’d be sitting in a directors chair putting on any sort of interview that so many people will watch.

Pussy Willow chuckles and nods. She adjusts her position in her chair slightly to get more comfortable.

Pussy: So how has SCW helped you in that way? Because up until recently, you were relatively quiet and only did your manager duties for Bobbie.

Artie shrugs as he thinks about his answer.

Artie: I mean, you have a point there. But, even all of that helped me. It forced me to step outside my comfort zone and do stuff I normally wouldn’t have done. But I did it all to be supportive of Bobbie. Because she needed me. Well…I think she needed me anyway. I think for as long as I’ve known Bobbie, and before we even started dating or got married, it seemed like I needed her more than she needed me.

Pussy: I think a lot of people would disagree. I think Bobbie definitely needed you more than you think. And she still does. She is also very protective of you, as we have witnessed on more than one occasion over the last couple of months with your involvement in the Blast From The Past Tournament.

Artie nods, but he frowns a bit after being reminded of the assistance he had received.

Artie: I know she is, and so are our friends. Miles Kasey for example. But, what they need to realize is that…I don’t need their help. I’m a grown man, and I need to do things for myself. I don’t want everyone thinking I’m this weak person who can’t do anything without help. That’s how the Blast From The Past mix-up helped me in a big way. It forced me to face my fears and to learn how to stand up and fight for myself.

Pussy: I see. You make a good point there, and your frustrations with the assistance you received is quite understandable. But certainly you can’t completely blame them, considering you hadn’t gone through the extensive training that everyone usually does within the wrestling business. It can take years for someone to be fully ready to step into a wrestling ring.

Artie thinks for a second and nods. He takes a deep breath before he responds.

Artie: You have a point, too, but…Bobbie didn’t go through that extensive training. I’m sure others didn’t either, because look how many of the current superstars and Bombshells on the roster have trained at the GO Gym or HERO Academy at such young ages and debut in SCW after less than a year of training? It’s unusual, but it happens. And I had been working with Fenris, Miles and Carter to get me as ready as I could be.

Pussy: And you did quite well for yourself, I think. You and Kallie made it all the way to the semi-finals, so despite anything that happened you should be proud.

Artie nods slowly, but the disappointment is apparent on his face.

Artie: I was proud of everything I was accomplishing, yes. And I wanted to make it to the finals and then win it. But I lost it for both Kallie and me. I can’t tell her enough how sorry I am for that, but at least I know she won’t rip into me like other Bombshells would have if they had been teamed with me in that situation.

Pussy: Well you know what they say. The tournament doesn’t get any easier the farther you advance. And I must say I think I speak for everyone else when I say how surprising it was to find out that even after being eliminated from the tournament, you were booked in the King For A Day ladder match. I think everyone expected you to be done once you were eliminated.

Artie manages to laugh as he nods. He sits up straighter in his chair, adjusting his posture that was beginning to lower.

Artie: I wanted to throw everyone for a loop with that one, and I think it worked. I wasn’t expecting to get put in the King For A Day match, but that is an added bonus I suppose. I just told Christian Underwood that I wanted to continue to be booked if he had any room for me.

Pussy: Why is that? You’ve been so vocal about not wanting Bobbie or your friends to be so protective of you, so why give them a reason to continue being worried and continue trying to help you if they wanted to?

Artie pauses for a moment, carefully thinking that question and his answer over in his mind. He knows she makes a very valid point in asking those questions, but his answer will surprise perhaps everyone.

Artie: Because I am not done proving myself yet. And if I am honest, I had a lot of fun in those first few matches so why wouldn’t I continue? Plus, if Bobbie, Miles and everyone else knows what is good for them, they will respect my wishes and let me wrestle on my own. I’m not afraid to lose. How else am I going to get the experience I need?

Pussy: Very well said. Tell everyone what was going through your mind when you found out that you were put into the King For A Day ladder match? Were you just as surprised about finding out about the mix up with the Blast From The Past contract signing?

Artie shakes his head, but he does so with a smile and a laugh.

Artie: Nah. Nothing could possibly beat the shock I experienced after finding out about that, but I was surprised about the King For A Day match. In a good way. Because this is the perfect opportunity to get the recognition I would have gotten had Kallie and I won the tournament. Maybe more recognition and attention if I am honest. Winning King For A Day literally gets everyone on the roster to pay attention to you, and avoid making you mad in any way, right?

Pussy Willow nods, also letting out a laugh.

Pussy: I would agree. Having booking rights to an episode of Climax Control following Into The Void is quite an advantage. Not to mention, everyone will wonder what matches you could possibly put them in. Or…put yourself in.

Artie: Like would I give myself a World Heavyweight Championship match? Or any title match for that matter?

Pussy again nods.

Pussy: It is the one thing most winners do when they win this match. Bombshell and men alike. Not that you could be blamed, as it would be well within your rights to do so. So…have you thought about what matches you might make should you become King For A Day?

Artie lets out a sigh and shrugs. He follows it up with a smile, thinking about just what is at stake with this match.

Artie: I have a few ideas, but I’m trying not to get ahead of myself. I do have to beat five other guys. This is going to be my toughest challenge yet, and the odds are stacked against me…yet again. I just have to hope that I am quicker than the rest of them.

Pussy: Let’s talk about those five other superstars, Artie. As you said, this is your biggest challenge so far, and in a match as physically dangerous as a ladder match at that. Originally it was supposed to be just four superstars, but two more were added just twenty-four hours after the card was announced. In addition to facing Lyle Kasey Jr, Bulldog Bill Barnhardt, and Helluva Bottom Carter, Teddy Warren and Guy With Cape were added.

Artie lets out a snorting laugh as Pussy mentions Guy With Cape.

Pussy: What is funny?

Artie: Guy With Cape…I just can’t help but laugh at a name like that. And not only that, from what Bobbie has shown me from Twitter…oops, sorry, I mean X…Guy is a few screws loose in the head. He was apparently making a bunch of noise as if he was already King For A Day. I mean…do I really need to be worried about him?

Pussy thinks for a moment and shrugs.

Pussy: I wouldn’t count him out. Individuals like him who make a lot of noise tend to find a way to walk out with the win.

Artie: Can you imagine the chaos if he were to win?! I don’t even know what sort of matches he could cook up in that brain of his, but I sure don’t want to find out. So I’m going to do everything I can to make sure he doesn’t win. He hasn’t even been around in how long? And now he comes back and is put into the King For A Day match?

Artie snorts again.

Artie: Mark and Christian sure do have weird senses of humor, don’t they?

Pussy: That decision may have been Christian’s doing. He has a way of making it so certain matches gather as much attention as they can get.

Artie: Seems so. He achieved it with Guy With Cape…and myself, of course. Bravo, Christian. Bravo.

Artie slowly claps as he looks into the camera.

Artie: And let’s talk about the others. Teddy Warren?

Artie laughs.

Artie: Look, I know I said that I’ve never been the best at the whole trash talking your opponent stuff that everyone seems to do before their matches. I’ve never really understood it, but Teddy Warren? I don’t even have to go back and watch any of his past matches and stuff to know he’s been just as weird as Guy With Cape. He gets married and changes his last name. He’s paraded around in women’s clothes.

Artie shrugs.

Artie: I mean, whatever floats your boat I guess. But he can’t expect people to take him seriously if he’s just so out there with all of his craziness and wild antics, right? Does that take away from what he can do or has done in the ring?

Artie shakes his head.

Artie: No, of course not. But it doesn’t exactly get people to like him or give him the support to win. Not to mention, people certainly won’t be interested in what matches he would make, either. Teddy Warren has been gone for a bit too until recently, so I’m not super worried. I think I can hold my own against him and hopefully do my part so that no one will have to worry about listening to him parade around if he were King For A Day. How annoying would that be, am I right?!

Pussy laughs and nods, not even pretending to hide how much she agrees with that statement. But she can’t say as much, as reporters and interviewers are meant to remain unbiased.

Pussy: Teddy has always found a way to make a statement in some form. I will say that much. If he truly makes an effort, he is definitely one to watch out for in this match. “Bulldog” Bill Barnhardt as well. He’s very accomplished and also has the size advantage.

Artie waves his right hand, putting any worry about Bulldog Bill out of mind.

Artie: Ehhh…Size doesn’t matter in a match like this, Pussy. If anything it puts him at a disadvantage, right? I may not be an expert, but I’ve learned enough to know that. Plus, I’m pretty sure the other guys will be targeting Bill to get him out of the picture first. And he may be accomplished, but I think last I heard and saw, his failures outweighed his accomplishments.

Pussy: You’d have to ask the resident SCW historian and statistician, I suppose.

Artie smiles.

Artie: Don’t really need to. Bill Barnhardt talks a big game, but when it boils down to it, he loses a lot, so he’s got nothing to back it up. I won’t underestimate him, though. I’m not stupid enough to do that. I’ll do my best to keep him from climbing that ladder, which probably means tiring him out by running him in circles or something. I dunno. I’ll figure it out as I go along.

Pussy: You seem to have all of this quite figured out. I think the last two you have to address may be toughest for you to go against, considering one is a friend, and the other is his fiancee’s brother. Helluva Bottom Carter and Lyle Kasey Junior. Both of course connected to Miles Kasey.

Artie nods. He takes in a deep breath and considers his feelings on his final two opponents. He places his palms on his knees and rubs them back and forth gently.

Artie: I don’t know Lyle all that well. I don’t think anyone really does considering he just recently was discovered and came onto the scene and all. But considering his last name? Well, that will make him a threat no matter what. If he truly wants to win this match anyway. It’s a big prize for anyone, but us newbies? It’s even bigger if you ask me. And as for Carter?

Artie nods, but he is showing no ill will towards Carter.

Artie: I have a lot of respect for Carter. He’s been a good friend to me and Bobbie, and he’s one of the most entertaining people to be around. He’s been through a lot over the last couple of years, both in and out of the ring and he deserves every bit of success he achieves in SCW. But as much as he may want this. As much as any of the others may want to win this one. I want to win it that much more. I have to win it.

Pussy: Why is that? There’s really nothing to lose if you don’t win King For A Day. Just as being eliminated from the Blast From The Past tournament. You can still continue proving yourself.

Artie shakes his head and he leans forward in his chair. He looks around the deck of the Battleship Missouri and closes his eyes as he thinks about next week in his mind. He imagines what it will feel like. The energy in the air and coming from the fans.

Artie: There is everything to lose, Pussy. Regardless of the fact that just like everyone else I will be walking into that match with nothing, but losing isn’t an option because if I lose, it just further shows everyone that I shouldn’t be here. No. I need to win. I need to show everyone that despite my size. Despite my lack of experience. I’m still capable of competing against the best. I can still shock everyone and BE the best.

He sits back in his chair again, folding his arms across his chest. He looks straight at Pussy Willow, having spoken his mind to the best of his ability.

Pussy: Well, I think that is all the time we have, but it has been a pleasure, Artie. I think we’ve all gotten to know you a little better and gotten a sense of just how much your heart is in this one. None of us ever expected to see you in this position, but I think after this, you’ll have many many more supporters and people cheering you on.

Artie: That was my hope, Pussy. If people didn’t believe in me before, I hope part of them does now, because I’m serious about this. I will be crowned the next King For A Day. No ifs and or buts about it.

Pussy: I wish you all the best of luck, Artie. You and Bobbie, too, as she competes in the Queen for A Day match. Who knows, maybe the two of you will become the next power couple in SCW after this one?

Artie shrugs with a not-so-sure smile.

Artie: Maybe. We will see. But thank you, Pussy. Next week can’t come soon enough.

The camera then focuses in on Artie’s face, full of a fiery determination. It stays focused there for a few moments before it slowly fades to black.

Offline GUY

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« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2024, 02:34:47 AM »

With the cameras rolling, the shot being revealed was something else. The entire room was set in a “Royal Theme” with all types of pictures of Guy hanging on the wall. More importantly than anything at all the shot revealed Guy himself laid back in a throne with a crown on. He was being fed slices of banana by a crown wearing Alessandra. The word “Queen” is labeled on her crown. To make the scenery that more ironic and funny was Calvin in full ‘jester’ custom fanning them both off with an annoyed expression.

It was soon revealed he had the whole family in on the action. With a much smaller crown on his head in the corner facing a canvas and a paintbrush in his hand was Ollie. Soft strokes to the canvas taking place. Meanwhile the sister of Ollie and the ten year old going on teenager Miss VP sat there writing in what appeared to be a journal. Her little crown was similar to her mothers, but wasn't decked in gold. Instead she insisted it be all black.

Alessandra proceeded to feed him another banana slice. Before Guy took notice of the cameras quickly hopping up from the throne. Raising his hands in the air like some all powerful being.

Huzzah! What Fools!

He shook his head a little as he brought his hands down. His eyes settled before the cameras. A state of the kingdom type of address about to take place.

The men King Guy is set to defend his crown against at Into The Void are all fools. Well, at this point Guy isn’t sure if he can call them men. As wise men don’t act like they do. More importantly men that want to hold the crown and men that want to call themselves King do not act like they do. For a king is always prepared, a king is always aware, and a king always knows what he is getting himself into when it comes to a Battle. After all, the King must always be prepared to defend his Kingdom at all costs.

By that point Guy had taken a couple of steps backwards returning to his seat there at the throne. Motioning for Calvin to fan him again. This was met with a serious glare from the man, but he still did what he was ‘hired’ to do.

Ever since this Ladder Match for my crown has been announced. It has been the same things being said over and over again by those fools. Ranging from the silliest comments of:

We don’t know who Guy is.

We don’t know WHAT Guy is.

We don’t think Guy is a threat.

We don’t believe Guy knows what he’s doing.

We don’t believe Guy takes this seriously.

Guy has been called a joke. He’s been called a con. He’s been called a sham, a phony, and many other things. This just goes to show that those fools are the ones that  aren’t smart. They are the ones that aren’t taking this seriously. All that does is set you up for failure in the long run. It will ultimately be your downfall and the reason you don’t get Guy’s crown. But what does Guy know right?

For someone that was very much usually a playful kind of person. One that didn’t seem to take anything to heart. Those words almost made Guy sound a little bitter, but that’s only because being the King meant so much to him. How dare they write him off or question his abilities.

Bulldog Bill - You no thumb having-lick your booty hole out of boredom-overweight mutt!

Heh! That’s funny!

Ollie found himself snickering at the comments Guy had made while continuing his painting. Needless to say by Alessandra’s glare and tone she wasn’t happy.



You know what!

Ugh fine!

This prompted the crown wearing Guy to get up from his throne. Taking a couple of steps over towards the young boy. Placing a gentle hand on his shoulder and then spoke.

Prince Ollie. We must never laugh at people or call them names. Even if it’s something that happens to be true.

Guy looked over at Alessandra. She was still glaring, but realizing that was about as good as it was going to get in this situation. This is when Guy’s attention came back to addressing Bill.

First of all, the only doggo that I knew could talk was Clifford the Big Red dog and Dodger from the greatest disney movie ever made: Oliver and Company. But you surprised me with your talking abilities. However, you said nothing of importance. Instead you insult your King by saying no name and no history? That’s the best you could come up with? Are you one of those special needs dogs? You know where you gotta take a human to school so they can teach them how to walk you and stuff?

Because clearly, I have a name. It’s Guy and you will put some R E S P E C T on it. Do you understand your King?! And what do you mean no history?! Guy has plenty of history. He is a founding father of the foot clan. We kept those dirty turtles underground. Guy is the reason Tommy Oliver left Angel Grove. His mighty morphin powers were no use against me. There’s much history to Guy. You just rather be lazy and eat your Beggin’ Strips for dogs.

Though, King Guy does find it funny you want to talk about history. Considering your entire history in Sin City Wrestling can be summed up as you being the resident punching bag. As wrong as it is to punch a dog, but it’s still the truth. You are someone no one respects. No one loves. Not even a homeless man would stop on the streets of Guy’s Kingdom just to give you some pets. That’s how loved you are. You are a bigger jester than mine.

Guy pointed over to where Calvin was standing there. That nasty glare consumed the Martyr’s expression.

Fucking watch it numb-skull!

Of course this just caused Guy to snicker a little bit to himself. Not actually acknowledging Calvin’s comments. Finding himself speaking up again to shift gears.


What a stupid name.

Huzzah! Princess VP! Speak it into existence.

The ten year old girl found herself prying her attention off the journal and look up at him.

He already exists and it’s stupid that he does. Who names their kid Arthur?


Mom! I don’t even want to hear it. It’s a stupid name.

We don’t bully people just because they’ve got a boring or stupid name.

Well we should.

She’s not wrong, my queen. Arthur is quite the boring name. Lacks character if you ask Guy!

Guy found himself nodding his head, some agreeing with the ten year old. Before shifting his gaze back to the cameras in the room.

Last time, I gave you your dues for your fan-fiction-like mindset of being King Arthur. However, Guy won’t do that this time. Oh no. Not after your remarks. Not after the bad picture you tried to paint Guy in. Not after the lack of respect for me as your true King. I believe you more or less tried to call me, your King a fraud in so many words. Because I was already claiming to have won. Sir let Guy tell you something. This crown upon my head was meant to be mine last year.

Everyone knows it should have been. That includes even The Holy Christian. He knew I should have been put into the match. But unfairly Guy wasn’t included in the match due to some technicalities. Way I see it, that’s not Guy’s problem. Technicalities don't apply to Guy, so I have dubbed myself the King. It was meant to be that way from the start. Not that hard to understand! But it isn’t so much that you lack understanding that gets to King Guy. It’s one particular thing you said.

You claimed that Guy had some screws loose and you said that Guy isn’t someone that you are worried about. It sounds like you’re being a bigot if you ask me Arthur. Because King Guy is different. Because King Guy is unique. Because King Guy doesn’t fit in like everyday people. This gives you the right to judge me? That is unacceptable. We can’t have someone like you as a King. Not when you’re not going to be accepting of all people. Guy is people. Guy deserves the same respect as everyone else.

But since you want to talk about screws being loose. Since you want to talk about not being one to worry about Guy. Let’s talk about you. Aren’t you the dumb-dumb that accidentally signed up for Blast From The Past? Aren’t you the one that has no wrestling experience? Sounds like only something that someone with some screws loose would do. Much like only a true dumb dumb with screws loose would say they aren’t worried about the King of SCW.

Guy must ask though. Despite being dumb, what makes you think you can say something like this about me. Considering your situation. Why would anyone consider you a threat? Why would anyone be scared of you? Why would anyone think you could beat them? You’re just the husband of an actual talented wrestler. That kind of talent doesn’t rub off on people. Not at all, trust me. Guy knows all. Maybe your head is getting bigger and bigger with all this dumbness.

All because you got a little lucky with how far you made it in the tournament. You’re lucky King Guy wasn’t in the tournament. He would have sent you packing long before it happened, but since you want to be disrespectful towards your king. Understand that Guy will not spare you. No matter how much you cry like a little girl about how King Guy was just tossed into the match. It’s my duty to be in this match to defend my crown against a frail little man-child like yourself!

This was a new side of Guy. He didn’t seem like the type of true trash talk or the type to go at people but it seems like a few people had gotten under his skin.

Teddy the Warden and Miles Jr...

Uh... who?

Why are you interrupting me, jester?!

Bitch, I’m about to take your head off!

Calvin found himself stepping towards Guy. Right away Alessandra put her arm out in front of her husband.

Knock it off.

I’m trying to help this dumbass.

How are you helping your king?!

Who the hell is Miles Jr?!

Miles Kasey’s son. Duh?!

Oh my god. He doesn’t have any kids and if he didn’t. They wouldn’t be old enough to wrestle you moron. You’re talking about LJ?! That’s his brother.

Same diff!

No it isn’t! Are you?!

The vein in Calvin’s head was starting to pop out clearly becoming very annoyed with Guy. Not that it was a surprise considering this happened quite often. Calvin found himself tossing that fan down and ripping the little jester hat he had on. Walking off out of the camera frame. Guy allowed his eyes to settle right back to the cameras.

We’ll be right back after a message from King Guy’s sponsors!

Making a little bit of a nervous face towards the cameras. All while bringing his hand up under his chin and making a cut throat type of motion. It was a clear sign to the cameraman to cut for now. Sure enough they picked up on the hint allowing the cameras to fade to black for the moment.

Now what happened?

The voice of Alessandra sounded almost panicked as she sat there on the couch looking at Guy. The  strange man finds himself pacing back and forth across their living room floor.

[ G U Y ] -- We were at the warehouse. Calvin was being grumpy Calvin.

[ A L E S S A N D R A ] -- As usual but go on.

[ G U Y ] -- He was going to help me train for this ladder match! Then the place just gets swarmed by Cops and Guy had to dip.

[ A L E S S A N D R A ] -- You just left him?!

[ G U Y ] -- Listen! I know it makes Guy sound horrible, but I have a crown to win! Guy can’t be wrapped up in the ladder smuggling ring that Calvin’s a part of!

[ A L E S S A N D R A ] -- Ladder smuggling?!

[ G U Y ] -- It’s that or he stole them. Either way Guy can’t be caught up in that. And I am pretty sure. Like ninety nine point nine nine nine nine percent sure he was arrested!

[ A L E S S A N D R A ] -- I don’t know what the hell is going on with you two! But every single time you two are together. Something like this happens. I can’t spend my life savings constantly bailing you two out of jail for your little adventures!

All of the sudden the front door came open. Entering the home at that point with the most sour expression on his face was Calvin. He looked up and saw Guy standing there. Raging just taking over him.

[ C A L V I N ] --  You son of a bitch!

In a fit of anger Calvin began to rush towards him. Right away Alessandra stood herself up from the couch to try and play peacemaker between the two. Guy had his hands up real high. Literally the worst fighting stance known to man.

[ C A L V I N ] --  Get out of the way! Let me at him!

[ G U Y ] -- I’ll bite your ankles!

[ C A L V I N ] --  How?! I’m about to kick your teeth down your throat!

[ A L E S S A N D R A ] -- Knock it off. Both of you!

She had her arms stretched out doing her best to keep them from each other, but there was only so much she could do for someone her size.

[ C A L V I N ] --  How dare you get me arrested for your bullshit?!

[ G U Y ] -- How do you know it’s Guy's fault?!

[ C A L V I N ] --  You’re the one that brought the goddamn ladders there!

[ A L E S S A N D R A ] -- You did?! You failed to tell me that!

[ G U Y ] -- A minor detail forgotten!

[ A L E S S A N D R A ] -- Minor? Minor Guy?!

[ G U Y ] -- Yiiiiiiiiiiiis!

[ C A L V I N ] --  I swear I am going to take your head off!

At this point Calvin was super red in the face. Beyond heated by the situation Guy backed himself up to the point he was standing on the couch still ready to fight if he had to. Suddenly Calvin just stopped.

[ C A L V I N ] --  You know what?! Nevermind. I’m not going to hurt you.

[ G U Y ] -- Huzzah! Guy knew we were best friends!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Oh that we are not. But I’m not going to hurt you. I’m also not going to help you train. In fact I think I am going to buy a front row ticket to Into The Void. Bring the whole family just to watch you get your ass beat!

[ G U Y ] -- Woah! Woah! That’s hurtful!

[ A L E S S A N D R A ] -- Come on Calvin. That’s a little too far don’t you think. You got every right to be upset, but don’t wish the man to get his ass beat.

[ G U Y ] -- Just for that first order of business when I become King. I’m banning you from the house!

[ C A L V I N ] --  Ban me from my house?! Get real!

For a brief moment he found himself rolling his eyes.

[ C A L V I N ] --  It’s time that you are hit with reality Guy. You’ve got no background in wrestling! You don’t have the skills for this match! You’re not going to win! You’re not going to be King. Get that through your thick skull!

Throwing his hands up in frustration. Calvin found himself storming out of the living room and heading upstairs. Probably the best thing for Guy at this moment. He finally felt safe enough to step off the couch. Putting his arm around Alessandra with a smirk.

[ G U Y ] -- That man’s a hot head.

[ A L E S S A N D R A ] -- And that man is my husband who you got locked up because of your foolishness. So, if you don’t want me mad at you. You need to make this right. Especially if you want to win this match.

She found herself reaching up and grabbing a hold of his wrist pulling it off her shoulders. Starting to retreat up the stairs herself after Calvin. Huffing to himself Guy put his hands on his hips.

[ G U Y ] -- What is this? An episode of Everybody Hates Guy?!

He just looked more confused than ever. Clearly the man lacked the mental capacity to understand why everyone was upset with him. That or he truly didn’t believe he had done everything wrong and if that was the case. There was a whole different issue to deal with there. However, Alessandra was right. If he didn’t make this right. He wasn’t going to have Calvin’s help and deep down inside. He knew he was going to need his help on his journey to becoming King.

The cameras found themselves rolling back in. Once again featuring Guy there on his throne. However at this point it seemed like his “royal” family had all gone on. Realizing that the cameras were back, he sat up in that throne of his to address the people once again.

King Guy has decided it was best to not have my royal family around for this next message.

Shaking his head a little.

He doesn't need them seeing him mean and nasty. Although, it’s not what he desires to be. Sometimes it’s actually a situation where being mean and nasty needs to happen. Not something King Guy is proud of, but nevertheless here we are. Before we parted ways I was addressing Teddy the Warden and Miles Kasey Jr. At this point the two of you have been rather quiet.

Almost to the point Guy considered posting Missing Signs all over the Guy Kingdom until we found you. But, the only reason that’s not taken place is because Guy has been hearing whispers. You might not have shown your faces. You might not have been willing to say it to my face. But apparently the two of you have had a lot to say about me in your so-called inner circle.

Nothing is ever said or goes down within Guy Kingdom that he doesn’t know about. And from what my minions have told me about these whispers. You share the mindset of Bulldog Bill and Fake King Arthur. You don’t think Guy deserves to be here. You don’t think Guy is a threat. You don’t think Guy can win this match. Once again you are fools with foolish thinking.

Once again there was a tone of bitterness with his words. Guy pushed himself out of the throne before reaching up. Very gently he pulled the crown that had sat on his head so perfectly off. Holding it out in front of him for the cameras to get a good shot at it.

And you two think you’re good enough to take this from me? You two believe that you’re good enough to take my throne? To be the King to my minions? All because of your foolish thinking. Aren’t you still trying to find your way around here anyway Miles Jr? You came to Sin City Wrestling to be part of the Blast From The Past tournament. Yet you were out in the first round. Were you never told to pace yourself and not blow your load so soon?

Then when that didn’t work out. You found yourself in the Fresh Face Battle Royal. Silly name for a battle royal when the only true fresh face in that match was yours. The Holy Christian should take my advice and call it the Forever Runner Up Battle Royal the next time it takes place. You failed in that too. No title shot for you. This is true karma for your father breaking my best friend’s ankle. You deserve that karma to rub off onto you.

But now you take a shot at King Guy. You take a shot at my crown. You want to be the King of my kingdom. That doesn’t sit right with me. Not until I have avenged my best friend. Once I see you. We’re going to throw hands. And if you so much as step onto a ladder. Guy is going to turn into Paul Bunyan and chop you down to size. There will be no respect exchanged until my crown is still on my head and until you apologize to my friend. Then can we consider being friends. Letting bygones be bygones.

And as far as you go Teddy. You want to pillow talk with people. You want to whisper about Guy. You like Fake King Arthur, are throwing stones when you’re made out of glass. Not a good look for you at all. Didn’t you just get a shot in that Battle Royal, you didn’t actually deserve it? Didn’t you come close to having a shot at the title you didn’t deserve? All you had to do was out last one person. Yet, your talent doesn’t outweigh your big head unfortunately for you.

Point is. You too lurk in the shows. Pop up when you want. Much like Guy does, but when you do it. You get handed things o a silver platter. Not ideal. Not ideal at all. Especially when you tend to drop the ball every single time. This is the first time Guy has ever been put in a match. A match that he should have been in last year. But what’s done is done. Like Rafiki once said, it doesn’t matter. It’s in the past. However, this chance to defend my crown.

With this chance to compete in Guy’s first match ever in Sin City Wrestling. He will make the most of it. He will become a winner. He will defend his crown with dignity and honor. Making people like you and Miles eat their words with a rusty spork. But the biggest lesson in all of this. The biggest ha-ha moment for Guy is that-this one match. This one match. It’ll mean and stand out way more than what you’ll do the next four years Teddy. Mark those words my friend!

Guy finally started to bring that crown back to his head. Making sure it sat perfectly in place one again. His boyish grin returned to his lips.

The moment this match was made official. There was only one name that came up quite often. The name ‘Power Bottom’ Carter. You have been my minions have believed in more than me. You have been the one that many said would win. You have been the one that many have been rooting for and waiting to see you one day be a true success. As much as it pains Guy to admit his minions have rooted for you in this more than they have rooted for me. Guy knows how to be honest with himself.

Even when honesty hurts and when it can break your heart. I can’t even say I blame them Carter. You’ve been around for quite some time. They have wanted to see you climb the mountain. They’ve been waiting to celebrate with rainbows, cher songs, and lots of love. Something they’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to make that happen like a championship win. Yet since becoming part of the main roster some time ago. You haven’t delivered. You haven’t given them what they desired.

You haven’t delivered a reason for them to keep supporting you. Lots of excuses have been made during this time too. Things like you weren’t really focused on being a champion or you were supporting Miles on his journey. This injury happened or that injury happened. Again, King Guy likes you Carter. I said this once before, but like I said a moment ago. Honesty hurts. It can break your heart. You’ve made so many excuses, but it’s starting to look more and more like you just don’t have it in you. At all.

Taking a few steps down the stairs that led to his throne. Guy wanted to get up close and personal with those cameras.

This is something that you have to learn and something you have to be willing to admit to yourself. It’s not an easy thing to do. King Guy knows. He’s experienced many things where he had to come to terms with reality and see the bigger picture. Very bitter pill to swallow, but as soon as you do. Admit it to yourself. Things do get easier. Things do become worthwhile. Maybe if you just admit you’re never going to be championship material. It’ll be a good thing.

Maybe if you admit that being a great professional wrestler isn’t in the cards. Instead you’re more of a mediocre professional wrestler and stick to that wheelhouse. You’ll find joy and happiness just being on the roster. Because then you aren’t chasing unrealistic goals. Maybe just maybe if you admit to yourself that your goals are just unrealistic and find a way to manage more realistic ones. You’ll be able to find even the slightest amount of true success.

Or you can continue down this path. Forever letting down my minions. Forever letting down your friends. Forever letting down your family. And more importantly, forever letting yourself down. There’s nothing more Guy can say. Nothing more that Guy can point out. After all, it’s like beating a dead horse at this point. After all, King Guy isn’t the only one that has said these things before. You didn’t listen to them then, so you’re not going to listen to Guy now.

After this was all said and done. Guy might not be so lovable anymore. Maybe just maybe might rub people the wrong way. Especially Carter, but if no one else was going to be honest with them. How would they ever learn? After all, weren't they being honest with him when they said the hurtful things they were saying about him.

Deep down. Deep deep down. Guy is holding out a glimmer of hope at Into The Void. He gets to see this side of you that everyone says is a future champion and a future main eventer. For two reasons, the first being is Guy wants to be wrong about you. He wants to see if you actually have it. He wants to see you show that will to succeed and that drive to do whatever it takes to be at the top. He wants to feel his crown might be in danger, even if it's for a couple of seconds.

And the second reason is Guy wants to beat the best version of ‘Power Bottom’ Carter. If he beats the one he sees right now. The one that everyone has been seeing these last few months. It’ll feel like a cheap victory. It’ll feel like a victory that Guy can’t even mention. But if this top tier ‘Power Bottom’ Carter shows up and Guy walks away with a win and his crown still on his head. Then it’ll be a victory that will stand the test of time. Ultimately the choice is yours.

The shrug that overcame Guy’s shoulders was a rather nonchalant one. It’s almost like he had already accepted how things might turn out for Carter, but at least he still had respect for him to a degree. Hoping that it would go another way, but like he said it was up to Carter in the end what version of himself he brought to Into The Void.

As you may all see at this moment. King Guy is ready to fight for his Kingdom. Ready to defend his crown at all costs. Living up to the true royalty that is in his blood and while right now you have all made yourselves look like fools. Guy is hoping that this is all said and done. We can come together, share a glass of banana milk, and become friends. Because the world needs more positivity than negativity and when you are friends with King Guy. Your life significantly improves!

His boyish grin remained spread across his lips. Maybe after all it was Guy with the ego problem more than anyone else if he thought that. Guy brought his fingers up to his lips and blew a kiss outward holding one finger into the air.

Your King Is Out!

Those served as the final words of maybe one of the oddest and most unique men to ever have a match under the Sin City Wrestling banner. Only time would tell how it was going to play out for them all, but it was a guarantee that one of them before long would get to call themselves King For A Day. The moment Guy returned to his throne, the cameras found themselves fading to black for the final time.

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    • Bill Barnhart
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2024, 10:22:37 AM »

Narrator:  Bill Barnhart made is opening comments concerning his King For The Day Ladder Match at Into The Void III. Now Bill is ready to present his closing comments for his match and then we shall see who becomes King For The Day. I will now turn you over to Bill Barnhart, along with his wife and Manager Bea Barnhart, and today they are broadcasting their comments from their hotel room in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

The camera shot changes from a shot of the Narrator who gives opening comments concerning the wrestling matches Bill and Bea are involved in to a a shot of Bill and Bea Barnhart relaxing in their hotel room in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Both Bill and Bea are casually dressed in blue jeans, flip flops, and a white tee-shirt. When the camera person informs Bill and Bea they are live broadcasting they begin their comments.


Bill:  Concerning my King For The Day Ladder Match I wish to give general comments on my five opponents. As I did previously I will mention them in alphabetical order then give you comments on how I feel about them. That way nobody can claim that I mentioned them first as they are the most awesome wrestler in the match or that I mentioned them last because I am being disrespectful.

Bea:  Bill you are rarely disrespectful to the other wrestlers.

Bill:  Well I do get disrespectful to other wrestlers when they start the disrespected crap first. So here I go with comments concerning my five opponents listed in alphabetical order. Well guess who comes first? Artie! Geez if Artie isn’t the most pathetic wrestler the world has ever known or he is close to earning that title. Artie is a joke but he won’t be laughing when I eliminate him from the match. The second wrestler in the match I will comment on it Guy With Cape. I guess it wasn’t pathetic enough for the sport of wrestling to have a wrestler who wears a sock puppet on his hand or one that used a lame move during matches called the Finger Poke of Doom. Nice try Guy but you are going to be eliminated from our match early in the match.

Bea:  Nice comments so far Bill.

Bill:  Next mention is for Helluva Bottom Carter. I honestly cannot find insulting and demeaning comments when talking about Carter so I will leave my comments as they are. Next is Lyle Kasey Jr and he is another wrestler I cannot find insulting and demeaning comments when talking about them so I will leave my comments as they are with him also. Then we have Teddy Warren. *sigh* In all my years in the Sport of Wrestling there have only been 4 or 5 wrestlers more pathetic and worthless than Teddy Warren. You, Teddy, will also be eliminated early in the match leaving the final three to battle it out to become King For The Day and they are ME, Helluva Bottom Carter and Lyle Kasey Jr.

Bill flashes two thumbs up into the camera. However at the same time Bill flashes a two thumbs up into the camera a call comes in on his cell phone. Bill looks at who is calling then he looks into the camera.

Bill:  I realize we are in a live broadcast of my comments for my upcoming King For The Day Ladder Match but my friend, Felix Hernandez, is calling me so I need to take the call.

Bill:  Hi Felix! I need you to know I am live broadcasting comments for my King For The Day Ladder Match at Into The Void XIII, Therefore what we talk about during your call will be broadcast live to the viewers. Are you okay with that?

Felix:  Of course I am okay with that.

Bill:  What is on your mind that you called me?

Felix:  I have a question for you and then I will end the call and you can continue with comments on your upcoming match. I wanted to know when I make my official debut in Sin City Wrestling if I should reveal to the fans and viewers on television what I have inside my Stainless Steel Briefcase that I call my Magic Bag Of Tricks.

Bill:  When we worked together in another Wrestling Federation you never revealed what was inside your briefcase so unless you have a good reason to reveal the contents of your Stainless Steel Briefcase I would say do not mention anything about the contents of the Briefcase and keep them guessing.

Felix:  Thank you Bill. And thanks for taking my call while you are live broadcasting comments on your upcoming match.

Bill:  I always have time for even if I am live broadcasting comments or having an in-person interview. That is what friends are for.

Bill ends the call with his friend Felix THE CAT Hernandez who will soon be an active wrestler in Sin City Wrestling. Bill returns his gaze into the camera to continue with his comments.


Bill:  So Carter. . .so Lyle. . .I have much admiration for both of you. With our match coming down to myself and you two to see which of us becomes King For The Day I know I have to be aware of every move you two make. I know I have to ensure that I get up the ladder faster than you two can do and grab the briefcase for the win. Will it be easy? Nope. Do I think the win will be easy? Of course not. Would I be upset if one of you win the King For The Day Ladder Match? Nope. As long as we have a good match and entertain and thrill the fans I am okay with whichever one of us three win the match.

Did we hear that correctly?

Bill:  Are you now looking at your television and asking yourself did Bill Barnhart really just state that he is okay with whoever wins the King For The Day Ladder Match? Yes you did, in fact, hear me correctly. I am a wrestler who is here for benefit of Sin City Wrestling and for the fans. I want high quality matches that are fun, exciting, and thrilling. My wants and desires, although important, are not the driving factors in me being in Sin City Wrestling and as a benefit to my wrestling career. Let me list three items for you to think about.

Bill holds one finger up.

Bill:  I get paid by Sin City Wrestling to perform in wrestling matches and thrill the crowd and I always accomplish that.

Bill holds two fingers up.

Bill:  My obligation to Sin City Wrestling is to bring honor and respect to our Wrestling Federation and help Sin City Wrestling become better. I am not here to be a jerk and demand stuff as I feel fortunate to be wrestling in one of the best Wrestling Federations on the planet.

Bill holds three fingers up.

Bill:  My third, and final, comment is that, win or lose, as long as I thrill the fans, bring respect to Sin City Wrestling, and the fans are happy, then I did my job correctly.

Bill informs the camera person his next comment will close his air time for today.

Bill:  I thank Management for placing me in this match. I will do whatever it takes to win this King For The Day Ladder Match. Thanks for watching today.

With Bill’s closing comment the camera person cuts their camera feed and our screen goes dark.

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Trouble In Paradise?
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2024, 07:02:13 PM »
“Gay Pride … what is it, you might ask? Well, to put it in the simplest of terms, Gay Pride is the promotion of the self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of the LGBTQ community as a social group. The festivals known and celebrated as such were initially started in honor of the 1969 Stonewall Riots. The raid by New York City police on the Stonewall Inn, a gay club located in Greenwich Village sparked six days of protests and galvanized the gay rights movement. America’s first gay pride parade was held on the one-year anniversary of the riots. That is what we have come as a community to celebrate and honor together. Not as a means to push our sex lives in the face of straight people and otherwise. And to answer the people who blindly ask why there are no ‘Straight Pride’ parades and festivals.”

“I mean asking when Straight Pride Month is is like asking where the Non-Handicapped Parking spaces are! They aren’t the ones who have to be afraid to walk down the street, holding hands with the one they love! How many young men and women in this parade and festival, having the time of their lives dancing and drinking and meeting people just like them, are going to ride the buses home tonight, taking off their stickers and stuffing their flags and Pride boas in bags so they don’t trigger any bigots and possibly risk getting attacked or worse?”

“How many gay teens had to sneak out of their homes, not just here but at Pride festivals and parades around the country, to come here just so they could experience that sense of freedom? To be who they were born to be? As opposed to being one of those tragic gay kids who think they’d be better off dead than being themselves?”

“Those were the heartfelt and inspired words held by one of professional wrestling’s most prominent members of the LGBTQ community, Carter McKinney who competes under the banner of Sin City Wrestling as Helluva Bottom Carter. Carter, along with his fiance and fellow SCW Superstar - Miles Kasey, were prominent fixtures in this year’s Las Vegas Pride parade as Co-Grand Marshals…”

The camera switched over to a news feed where the parade was in full swing, with members of the LGBTQ communities as well as their supporters such as members of PFLAG, floats of all shapes, sizes and designs, local politicians, drag queens and kings alike, dancers and so much more. Carter and Miles even had gotten into the literal spirit of the occasion; both men shirtless and while Carter was clad in an adornment of rainbow peacock feathers and shimmering, emerald green booty shorts, while Miles himself was done up like an angel with rainbow feathered wings and matching spandex shorts

“But the real treat for these two young men came later in the evening at the - if you’ll pardon the cliche - main event of the Festival. Where everyone who was willing or could be talked into stepping into a pool filled with twenty gallons of lime green jello and wrestle for charity. And seeing as how Miles Kasey and Carter McKinney are among the top in their chosen profession, it seemed only natural that they take part…”

Cut again once the sun had begun to set and the lights of Las Vegas had lit up, and at the corner of 4th Street and Bridgerton Avenue, the crowd was standing room only surrounding the tarp-lined kiddie pool filled with green jello! Many men, women and non-binary of all ages competed all in the name of the Pride Tree, One-N-Ten, amongst other worthy charities in the greater Las Vegas area. And in the final “match up” of the evening after seven PM, Carter and Miles were right there in the jello, having stripped down to their barest of undergarments; Miles his black boxer briefs and Carter his rainbow ‘mesh’ boxer briefs. Standing back to back, Miles and Carter linked arms and slowly lowered themselves until they sat in the ice cold jello - both men’s reactions beyond priceless with wide eyes and audible gasps.

The referee, a drag queen sporting a black and white striped mini dress, ensured both were ready and blew her whistle!

Carter and Miles released their linked arms and spun around to grapple with the other while remaining on their knees as per the rules! Miles ducked down low but Carter was faster and was practically on his back, wrapping one arm under Miles’s own and the other around his neck from behind. Carter tried to pivot him around but Miles wrapped his own arms under Carter’s legs and used his momentum to roll him back, carrying his own weight on top. As Miles turned around to try and pin Carter down beneath his own weight, Carter turned the tables and rolled through, ending up on top with Miles on his own back! Neither man seemed to mind the position that they found themselves in and the crowd was clearly enjoying the spectacle.

Miles rolled him off and the two grappled in a collar and elbow, where under normal circumstances Miles would enjoy the superior strength advantage, but in the cold, slippery jello, the two rolled around in the jello and against the wall of the pool. Until at least Miles swept Carter’s legs out from under him and brought the crowd to its collective feet, folding Carter in half in the Anvil and literally holding him down as the ‘referee’ checked and blew her whistle!

The crowd cheered as Miles assisted Carter to his feet and kissed him deeply before the ‘referee’ raised Miles’s arm and presented him with the 2024 Pride Festival Championship trophy!

June 1 - Las Vegas, Nevada

The feed from before slowly drew back to reveal the scene being televised on the screen of a state-of-the-art, plasma television. Drawing further back, none other than a standing Carter McKinney was seen watching the telecast, a hand over his mouth in a slight blush to his cheeks and neck.

Carter murmured, “I still can't figure out what got into us to do that.”

Carter's boyfriend and now fiance, Miles Kasey, slid up next to him and wrapped a muscled arm snugly around his slim waistline. Miles shrugged the opposite shoulder and answered casually, “This is just a guess but I'd say it had something to do with that two for one special on lemon daiquiris that the one bar was having.”

All Carter could do in response was cast his man a coy look over his shoulder, knowing that it had something to do with loosening him up. That, along with the opportunity to get to wrestle his man in a pool of jello. Not that Miles himself had to have any encouragement. He had practically stripped down to his undergarments and was in the jello by the time Carter had been talked into it.

Miles then said, “What I couldn't believe is that you took a dive.”

“And what makes you think I did such a thing?” Carter asked almost indignantly.

“Come now, love.” Miles smirked, pulling him up against him a little tighter. “You were practically holding me down on top of you!”

“Like you expected me to try and get out from beneath you when you had me full on cowgirl?” Carter asked with a raised eyebrow. Miles was about to respond but just as quickly snapped his mouth shut and said, “Touche.”

Carter was finally able to wrest himself free of Miles’s arms albeit with great reluctance. He had an appointment to keep and knew that the news broadcast distracting him would cause him to cut it close. And considering whom he was scheduled to see, that was simply not an option on the table.

“That being said…” Carter started to speak as he grabbed a decorative envelope off of the accent table by the sofa and grabbed for his keys. “I better get going or I’ll be late. And hopefully before Mom or Grams catch sight of us like that on the evening news!”

But as if on cue, the phone atop the coffee table started to thrum with the humming of its vibrant ring tone. Both men turned instinctively and saw the affectionate name of “Joan McKinney” on the Caller ID and Carter turned to Miles with a mischievous smile.

“Gotta run!” he said, turning and hurrying toward the door. “Get that for me, will you?”

“Carter?” Miles called after him as the humming continued. “Carter!” Miles turned and stared at the ringing phone like a deer in headlights….

The office of Doctor Gail Delacore

“Well, Carter…” Doctor Gail Delacore said as she stood up from behind her desk and walked around so that she could greet him halfway. “It has been awhile.”

“I know.” Carter said, suddenly finding himself feeling like a small child being chastised. “I-I’m sorry but…”

“Sorry?” Dr. Delacore shook her head with a slight frown on her face. “Why?”

Carter sighed and shrugged almost helplessly as he answered, “I know how much you prefer patients to keep in touch and to continue appointments, but work has been picking up, and we just did a tour where we worked everywhere from France to Troy and back to the States.”

“Impressive.” Gail nodded in acquisition. “I admit I do prefer regular appointments to be kept or else we risk losing what progress is made. It sounds as if your career has kept you busy but can I assume that you won’t allow this to continue?”

Carter looked up to meet her eyes and her gaze was firm but gentle, if that made sense. She added, “Work is very important, I grant you. But you must make time for yourself.”

“I will.” Carter nodded, and only then did Dr. Delacore nod, somewhat satisfied. She turned around to return to her desk chair while this served as an open invitation for Carter to have a seat himself. Once seated and it seemed open to continue with the appointment between the two of them, Carter followed up and said, “And I admit, I thought I maybe… didn’t need any more appointments.”

“Oh?” Dr. Delacore leaned against her desk, her fingers of both hands clasped together, her elbows on the surface’s edge. “And why is that?”

Carter paused, as if he were trying to find the right words so as not to offend, but found himself simply drawing in a deep breath and just blurting out the words. After all, Doctor Delacore told him time and again there were no bad manners in her office. You were expected to say what it was that you needed to say. So he said, “Things have just been going so well with Miles…”

“Yes, I saw the news.” The doctor said with the thin wisp of a smile on her face, then added just to make light, “And good for you!”

Carter looked up at her, caught completely off guard by her jesting and teasing, his flesh coloring the lightest shades of a charming red. She just smiled – a genuine smile, before nodding her head toward him. More specifically, toward his left hand.

“Plus,” She said. “I couldn’t help but notice your ring. I assume congratulations are in order?”

This brought the most sincere and warmest of smiles to the young man’s face, as he found himself simply nodding and he said, “And I have you to thank…”

“No, do not.” She interrupted, holding up a hand to forestall him from giving her any credit that she felt she was not properly due. She said, “It’s the same as I told you in our first meeting. Your journey is your own, Carter. I just helped to guide you along your path.”

“Well,” Carter started to speak up, tearing his eyes away from the moonstone engagement ring on his finger. “That’s why I wanted to talk to you today.” That being said, Carter took the decorative envelope from earlier and offered it over to his therapist, to which she accepted cautiously.

Casting her patient one final look, she opened the envelope to look at the content inside before she returned to look at him. “It’s an invitation.” She finally spoke of the obvious. “To your wedding.”

Carter nodded, biting at his bottom lip before saying, “Yes. I know you prefer to keep everything separate but…” He shook his head and his eyes began to grow misty. “Even if you decline, I don’t think I could live with myself if I hadn’t invited you. Not after everything you did for me.”

The two - doctor and patient - remained locked in one another’s gaze until finally Dr. Delacore looked again at the envelope. She finally yielded and said, “I admit I have never been to Washington state…” And she left the words hanging in the air, a gauntlet for her patient to finally realize and pick up.

He asked hopefully, “Is that a yes?”

Again, there was a lingering pause before the doctor finally nodded, “Yes. I’ll be there.”

Which brought the brightest of smiles to Carter’s face – at least until Dr. Delacore added, “Now… why don’t you tell me the real reason why you’re here?”

Carter stared at her and shook his head, but before he could deny any knowledge as to what she was talking about, she pointed out, “Carter, my sessions are not cheap. You could have just as easily dropped this invitation off to my secretary and saved yourself two hundred dollars. This…”

She held up the invitation.

“Was just an excuse.” She set the card down gently on her desk and steepled her fingers. “Now, why don’t you tell me the real reason as to why you’re here?”


“Now, tell me that this isn’t prophetic!”

The camera finds the man of the hour, Helluva Bottom Carter, standing in front of a mirror, checking out his reflection and ensuring that he was satisfied with what he was wearing. Atop his head was a gold and jewel encrusted crown, while he wore over his shoulders a cloak befitting a king - even if it was in the design of a giant pride flag while the normally white fur trim was replaced by a fluffy, rainbow boa.

“Here we are, in the month of June - Pride Month as it were, and we have a match where the GO Gym Princess himself is competing to be crowned a King! It’s as if the end result was preordained.”

Satisfied that his crown was on straight - pun not intended - Carter reached over beside the mirror to pick up his royal scepter and he turned around and practically fell back into an elaborate throne set up against a backdrop of the upcoming Supercard, Into the Void XIII.

“I can see the perks of becoming royalty already. I mean, after all, having the opportunity to hold the fates of your fellow roster members in the palms of your hands…”

Carter gazed momentarily at the palm of his free hand as it glided up – and down – the length of his scepter.

“I mean it’s just an opportunity that you just can’t resist. And the outcome of holding that position of power is - let’s face it - too good to be true. If we’re talking about your friends, you can use that power to give them the rewards that they deserve, and if it’s an enemy? Well that’s where you can make not their lives but their livelihoods a living nightmare. I know, I know…”

He nodded graciously as befitting royalty.

“I say what the friends deserve and you might be sitting there and saying to yourself, ‘what they think that they deserve’. And in most cases, you would be right. But in this case?”

He shrugged. “I’d be King and if I say they deserved a special opportunity, as in say… a championship match? Well who would anyone be to try and object? After all, in this case it’s a monarchy, not a democracy. And what the King – and Queen – might say? Would go.”

“That being said, it’s not as easy to become a King as one might expect. Especially when the Kingdom is Sin City Wrestling itself. And while we do not have the right to succession or to fight a war to be crowned, we still have a few hurdles that one must jump through. Obstacles to overcome. You understand. In this case, I have to make certain that luck is on my side, because the Crown hangs in the balance, twenty feet above the playing field and the only way to reach it is to be the first to climb the literal ladder of success, grab the crown and the rest will be recorded in the history books.”

Carter nodded.

“That’s right, a ladder match. Not a regular one on one or even a Six Pack challenge. Either one of those would rely more so on wrestling skill rather than pure, dumb luck, but when you factor in having to fight your way past five other men to climb a ladder without giving any of the chance to stop you, pull you down from the ladder or - god forbid - tip it over, then it becomes a matter of luck and resiliency. Luck, because you have to time everything just right because you have to find a way to climb a ladder when every other man in the match will be fighting like a wild animal to stop you so that he can steal your crown - and resiliency because I’d have to be a damn fool to think something isn’t going to happen that is just going to lay my perky little ass OUT! I could be struck with the ladder everyone else is looking to climb. I could be this close…!”

He said, pinching thumb and forefinger close together.

“... To reaching the top and literally have my hands on the crown when one of those other five pretenders decided to tip the ladder over and send me and anyone else on it flying!”

Carter pursed his lips together and whistled, adding sound effect to the falling gesture and ended it with an ‘explosion’ of a crash landing.

“And the Court in itself? Well it’s a veritable who’s who’ in men who want to hold the power of the throne! Some deserving, some that leave me wondering why they’re even in there! Like that Guy With the Cape…? Ever since Christian Underwood announced him as the final participant in the King For A Day match, he’s been acting as if he’s already the King! Which is a real insult toward those of us who are going to win. The Guy just isn’t all there, if you get my meaning, and I am left to wonder why he was even entered when to date he has never set foot inside of an SCW ring… at least in any official capacity.”

He shrugged.

“Comedy relief, I guess?”

“Then of course you have Lyle Kasey Junior, who has been in SCW ever since the beginning of the 2024 Blast From the Past but so far that first big win has eluded him. Not through any fault of his own because let’s face facts! The man has all the talent he needs right there in his blood. But in a ladder match where falls happen as do accidents, that blood might be more so on the outside toward the end than it was in the beginning. These matches are not easy, or pretty! And considering his run so far, maybe this is a matter of Lyle biting off just a bit more than he can chew?”

“Then there’s the true ring general and the closest we have right now to a locker room leader, and that’s ‘Bulldog” Bill Barnhart! I have to admit that a big part of me would be interested in seeing what a King Bulldog would be like, but of course that would mean abdicating the chance to be King myself and that just isn’t in the cards. Bill is the burly brawler, the veteran of countless battles for crowns and championship titles and that above all else, makes him the biggest threat to overcome if I want to take it for myself.”

“Then of course we have the Queen who would be King! I am referring specifically to Teddy Warren, a pretender in more ways than one. I don't even know where to begin with this guy! Do we start with his sham of a marriage to Kate Steele and the rumors that ran rampant that she was constantly abusing him under the pretense of tough love? Or do we shift our focus to the days where he almost left the Superstars locker room for the Bombshells when he changed more about his outward appearance than just his hair! The man was walking around, making RuPaul look like John Wayne when it came to butchness and masculinity! And under normal circumstances, I would say more power to him! You should always do you! But Teddy changed his character more times than he did his underwear. It reminded me of a few years back when actor Misha Collins caused some fan backlash when he said he was a part of ‘our community’ and the world lit up, thinking he had come out as bisexual at most! Only to have him retract his statement and swear that it was a misunderstanding.”

Carter looked around with a confused expression on his face.

“I’m… not sure how you can misunderstand such a thing, but then we see Teddy doing everything he can to get into the pants of Fenris - only a couple months later announce that he’s a happily married man – to a woman.”

Carter gave his best “WTF!?” expression.

“This man is about as stable as a game of Jenga that’s missing a few extra pieces, and for the sake of the Kingdom, he can not be allowed to overcome any of us and rule in our stead!”

“Last but most certainly not least, is the people’s choice. Their proverbial champion. The underdog of all underdogs – Artie. Please, to Princess Bobbie and Sir Artie, when I say ‘underdog’, I am doing so caringly. And with much respect. I think I speak for just about everyone when the tyrant Christian wouldn’t let Artie back out of the Blast From the Past, we were all hyped and wanted to see him go the distance. When he was in there against men like Sean Parker and Justin Smith – I rooted for him. Hell! The whole world was rooting for him because who doesn’t love the underdog story??? But, when Sir Artie’s chances of reaching the finals had been ruined? I was saddened. We all were. But that sadness, all of that rooting for him, got thrown out the window the moment his name was announced alongside mine in this King For A Day match. After all, there is room enough for only one King in Sin City Wrestling, and unfortunately for Sir Artie…”

Carter stood up from the throne and held his arms outward in a gesture of self presentation, and turned full circle before resuming his stance and gazing at the camera.

“... You’re looking at him.”

"The bravest thing you can be is yourself."

Offline Crystal Zdunich

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    • Crystal Millar
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2024, 10:11:09 PM »
Just when I thought I was counted out it just seems like things get put into motion when I am given just another chance. I would have never imagined that I would be allowed yet another chance. I just want to think SCW because when I entered into the BFTP tournament it was with the notion that I would be finally conquer my dream and be presented with the opportunity of a lifetime. I thought that I could finally make ends meet and I could make the dream of being a top tier champion become a reality.


That wasn’t the case.


I lost my match with Kat Jones and it left me feeling like I just wasn’t good enough.


Then came the battle royal where I could have moved myself into an opportunity to become the number one contender for the World Championship and I just didn’t get the job done.


Now the only thing left for me is this King for a Day Match.


This may be my only chance to show my daughter that her father will have the heart of a champion.


Everybody better bring their best because I am coming and I refuse to let her down.

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