Author Topic: TEMPEST (c) v MERCEDES VARGAS - INTERNET TITLE  (Read 926 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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« on: May 27, 2024, 04:05:15 PM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Tempest

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Let's see if you're still Mercedes Vargas!
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2024, 08:41:07 PM »

Las Vegas, Nevada

What is the one time of year that children most look forward to, whether they are five years of age or fifteen? Some might answer Christmas, others might say that the correct answer is their birthday. And while both answers are good ones and right up there at the very top of the list, the one day out of the year most kids, no matter their age, look forward to is the last day of school before summer break. I mean, come on! While birthdays and Christmas are great with their family atmosphere and those glorious presents, in the end when both are over, days later the children still must return to school. (Unless of course their birthdays fall within the confines of the summer months, and then all bets are off the table!)

The final day of school is one that fills each child’s heart and mind to the brink of overflowing with anticipation. The excitement of having anywhere between six weeks and three months off, depending on where you reside. Much like Christmas morning, you just can not sleep due to the unbridled nature of that one day. Then you watch the clock and count down the very last few seconds until that final bell rings and…

That was where we currently stood at just outside of the John S. Park Elementary School, as the cars were lined up along the city streets while parking at the school grounds were taken up mostly by the buses that transported the children to and fro. And while some parents who had nothing better to do and saw it as something of a position of prestige to get a parking spot on school grounds, such was not the case for Alleyne Mahoe, otherwise known as the reigning Internet Champion of the SCW Bombshell division - Tempest. Unlike those Karens and soccer moms that competed in the school’s version of Hunger Games just to park in the school parking lot, Tempest had better things to do with her time.

She had spent much of the day since Anela had gone to school at the GO Gym, preparing for her upcoming title defense against Mercedes Vargas at the final stop in the 2024 Battlegrounds Tour, culminating in Pearl Harbor. She had sparred against Mackenzie Page and Charlotte Elliot from London Underground, while tempering her workouts by continuing to hold records at the Gym in the weight lifting class. As was the norm between the pair, Tempest had tried to get the gargantuan enforcer of London Underground - Osbourne - to step inside of the ring with her for a sparring match but he wanted no part of it. Not that she intimidated him in any way, mind you. No, it was more to the point Osbourne, for all his size and fighting prowess, found the idea of facing a woman inside of the ring distasteful. Legit match or no.

Gabriel had to point out to Tempest the time was winding down before she was able to hurry up and grab a shower and change of clothes before she had to pick up both Anela, and as a favor to the Stevens, Lucas as well. And she arrived and found a halfway decent parking spot along the road just outside of the school when she, and the other parents like her, heard that final bell, heralding the end of her adoptive daughter’s first school year here in Las Vegas.

Minutes passed as children of all ages exited the elementary school in one huge swarm of bodies, separating from friends to go to either the waiting buses or searching for the car their parents would be picking them up in. As usual, it wasn’t that long of a wait when Tempest saw Anela and Lucas exiting the school side by side, chattering away to one another. Most likely about their upcoming plans for summer vacation and if she had to hazard a guess, most likely planning some ideas to hang out with one another at each others’ homes as well. When Anela first started school here, Lucas promised he would keep an eye on her and he did that and more. The two children had formed a strong bond of friendship between them. One in which Tempest herself was eternally grateful for the young boy being there for her daughter when she was concerned few others might be.

The two kids finally looked up from their conversation and glanced around, but it was Lucas who spotted Tempest first. A rather easy accomplishment considering she was a head above about ninety-five percent of the parents present - even the fathers! The two maneuvered their way around the campus until they arrived outside of the gates and walked down the pavement until they arrived at the passenger side of her Transverse where Anela hurried over and hugged her mom - you don’t have to use the ‘step’ part of that because Tempest is just that to Anela; her mom. And even after the hug was returned and the two separated, Lucas caught her by surprise by hugging her as well.

Far as he was concerned, she was Aunt Alleyne.

Once Lucas stepped back, Anela seemingly took on a downcast expression on her young face, giving Tempest cause for concern.

Tempest: What’s going on, baby girl? What’s wrong?

Lucas: We got our report cards before school let out.

Uh … oh! Report cards, and Anela looked defeated. Worried. Tempest looked back and away from Lucas to her own child and she held her hand out, beckoning for it to be handed over.

Tempest: Let’s see it.

And after a moment’s hesitation, Anela finally relented and held out the laminated printout of her final grades for the school year. Tempest snatched it, expecting the worst as her eyes roamed over the grades, and she lowered the report card and raised a brow.

Tempest: These are all As and Bs?

And that was when it all fell into place and the smiles brightened the faces of the two children and they broke out into a fit of hysterical giggles between them. They practically fell against one another and Tempest just sighed and shook her head in mock defeat.

Tempest: Okay, fine! Fine! You got me!

Still giggling, Anela pointed toward Lucas with an impish smile.

Anela: It was Lucas’s idea.

Tempest: Oh yeah?

Tempest leaned over at the waist and stared into the boy’s eyes, but he didn’t even flinch. This was the same young one who had charmed Fenris of all people - whether “the White Wolf” would admit the fact or not.

Tempest: Your idea?

But Lucas just struggled to hide his smile and contain his laughter but when Anela snorted from her own efforts, that just sent Lucas into overdrive and the two started laughing again. Tempest stood upright with that exasperated expression that every parent knows – and loves. She sighed and shook her head, reaching for the passenger door.

Tempest: Okay you two! Inside!

They did as instructed, Lucas scrambling into the backseat where he buckled himself in, setting his schoolbag on the floor of the vehicle. Likewise, Anela climbed in and buckled in, holding her own book bag on her lap, her arms wrapped around it protectively. Once inside herself, Tempest watched and waited for the traffic flow from the school to begin and she slowly pulled out onto the street, taking extra care between the people crossing the street and the cars and school buses.

As they proceeded along their way, Tempest glanced into the rearview mirror at Gabriel and Odette’s son as he watched the traffic through the window.

Tempest: Lucas, how did you do?

Lucas: Pretty good.

Anela: He got straight As.

Tempest looked from her daughter and back at Lucas through the mirror and nodded.

Tempest: You both did great.

Anela: Mom? Does this mean our deal is on?

They pulled up behind a Nissan Sentra at a red light and Tempest looked to Anela for clarification.

Anela: You said if I got good grades you’d take me to Hawaii with you for your show?

Tempest: Ahh! That deal…

She could feel her daughter watching her for any signs of an answer. Tempest scrunched her nose almost to a comical extent.

Tempest: Well….!


And the scene almost immediately transitions to Oahu, Hawaii, aboard the Battleship Missouri Memorial. Tempest was walking along with her hand being held by Anela for safety reasons, while they visited the final destination of the Battlegrounds Tour. Tempest allowed no pictures to be taken by Anela as she felt it was somehow disrespectful to the history of what happened here that helped to spark the involvement of the United States in World War Two. She ranked it right up there with those disrespectful little shits who took selfies at Concentration Camps. Only after the tour had concluded was Anela allowed to take some pictures, the young girl making sure that her camera shy mom was in as many as she could sneak in.

Flags were present everywhere and many soldiers greeted her as well as several other Superstars and Bombshells who had also taken the initiative to tour this memorial before Sunday’s event. And several soldiers, knowing that Tempest had ties to the United States military thanks in part to the service of her husband, flocked to her for autographs and pictures.

Anela even went into a fit of childish laughter when one soldier struck a bicep pose alongside her mom and Tempest matched his pose, and outshined him as well to a point.

Anela believed this to be a deal well made, even if she had no idea that being so close to Maui, Tempest had fully intended to bring her to Hawaii anyway to visit family.


Dusk was falling here in Oahu, Hawaii, coloring the sky in a blanket of vastly different hues of the spectrum. Pinks, oranges, yellows and blues all blended together as the sun was slowly descending into the waters in which the Battleship Missouri Memorial was anchored and had been positioned in for lo these many years. Flags were flown high, and the military presence was strong as soldiers - men and women alike, marched along the battleship and the docks while tourist and local alike prepared for the conclusion of the day’s tours.

One such person remaining was the reigning Bombshell Internet Champion, Tempest, who stood along the docks and simply gazed out at the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Her armed were crossed and where a satisfied and somewhat peaceful expression had been worn earlier in the day with her daughter and mingling with the soldiers and fans, now her face was stoic and serious. Her mind was on an all business setting.

“Four months. I am almost going on four months since I bested Courtney Pierce in Las Vegas for the Internet title and even I have to admit surprise by just how satisfying it is to fulfill all of your promises in what you intended to do as champion. To tell the world just how badly you intend to break these little Barbie dolls into teeny, tiny little pieces and do just that… walking away still the champion…”

She closed her eyes and shook her head.

“There’s nothing quite like it. And I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve had some pretty grueling matches ever since I won the Internet gold. I’ve faced and defended against the likes of Crystal and Seleana Zdunich. The former champion Courtney Pierce herself… In fact, there was only a single blemish on my record since I got hold of this title of mine and that falls at the feet of the very same woman who I’m defending against in just a few days; Mercedes Vargas.”

Tempest scoffed, hands on her hips.

“To say that Vargas practically fell into this opportunity would be a vast understatement. She was like some animal hunting its prey. She stalked for just the right opportunity and when that chance presented itself, she struck. At least, that’s how the so-called wrestling experts are crediting her in how she accomplished becoming the top contender for this title. As for me and my own opinion? She got handed this opportunity because she’s gone from being one of the true greats in this division to a whiny little bitch with a dreaded case of the ‘Me, Me, Me’s’! The chick got so butt hurt because I stated one simple fact, that she simply wasn’t what she used to be. That she’s racked up losses faster than she ever has wins and time and again, squandered each and every championship opportunity handed to her! In short, I called her pathetic and that is an opinion that I stand by to this very day!”

“I mean, face facts Vargas! Before that non-title match of ours? When was your last win? How many title shots were you just handed based on your past reputation alone? You are not the same Mercedes Vargas that ruled the Bombshell division in years past! I can accept that fact, why can’t you?”

“But that’s where it all went downhill, isn’t it? You couldn’t accept it and you could accept my speaking the truth even less. So – you were stupid enough to attack me. But it got for you the chance you wanted and that was to face me inside of the ring.”

Tempest scoffed and held her hands up.

“But as stellar as your past record has been, wanting me in the ring is no burden of proof for your intelligence! You got battered. You got beaten. You got thrown around the ring like you didn’t even belong there any longer and against me? You didn’t! And you proved that when you had to break out the brass knucks to take me down and get your first win in how many months!? Now that I have to admit that it stung. Badly! For you to go week after week, month after month, being unable to get a win for yourself and lo and behold, your first win in all that time and it’s against me! Your use of brass knucks comes as small consolation because in the end, a loss is a loss and this chance at my championship you got for yourself?”

She shook her head.

“You proved that you don’t deserve it. Not really. Of course then you had to go and secure your standing by beating Crystal who thought she was going to take you down as a favor to me for one reason or another. And even I have to admit that it was a match for the ages, between two of the best bad ass bitches. And granted, you sent a message to the world that maybe, just maybe – deep down you still were Merces Vargas.”

“Well, now is your chance to prove it. Now is your chance to back up that bony ass of yours and prove to the world that you still have what it takes to be a champion in SCW! Just do yourself a favor this time around. Leave the brass knucks at home and come at me, woman to woman. Because trust me when I say if you think to cheap shot me again and steal this title away just to cement your ego?”

She shook her head.

“They will never find what’s left of you!”

Offline Mercedes Vargas

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    • Mercedes Vargas
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2024, 10:18:03 PM »
Blog: Almighty Fire
semana del 2 al 9 de junio de 2024

12 years in a row. Yours truly will be at Into the Void for the 12th year in a row. That's the longest streak of anybody - and I mean anybody - who has ever graced a Sin City Wrestling ring. There's a reason why I have a 12-year streak at Into the Void: because I'm dependable, I'm reliable and, oh, yeah, I am the pay-per-view ironwoman in SCW, and nobody comes even close.

While confident, I haven't forgotten how badly this year has been for me. That realization has kept me grounded and it will take another weekend of heroics to play spoiler at Into the Void. I stumbled out of the gate this year, but I think I've got my groove back. I beat that one-trick pony, Crystal Zdunich, my so-called best friend, three weeks ago. And before that, I became one of the few women in SCW history to beat Tempest one-on-one. Bella Madison, Bobbie Dahl, Seleana Zdunich, Alexandra Calaway. That's the only names who has pinned Tempest's shoulders to the mat. You can now add Mercedes Vargas to this list. The one in 5-1. The one who handed Tempest her true loss in 2024 and her first loss in SCW in five months. Everybody said I was never good enough to be in the ring with her. I wonder if Tempest has a different opinion of me now? Seeing is believing, though I'm almost sure she didn't like what she saw.

As Into the Void draws near, the Bombshell Internet Championship match will be one of the sought after matches on the supercard. The very real danger I could possibly face on Sunday isn't lost on me. I can sense the doubt. That I've already squandered two title opportunities this year, including the last opportunity I had against Tempest for the title, is noted. The fact that I've been chasing the Bombshell Internet Championship for some time and continually drop the ball probably has some people up in arms about this title match, whether I deserved it or not. Wouldn't surprise me at all. The reason why I'm hated is not by accident. It's not because of my undeniable talent and it's damn sure isn't because of my title reigns and accolades.

While I'm among the taller women on the roster, there's still a handful of female wrestlers like Tempest who have a few inches on me in height. Tempest has size and strength to her advantage. I've seen what she could do to some of the other Bombshells in the four years since she joined SCW. The moment any opponent stepped foot inside the ring, chances are they're going to be in for a long evening. And if she wanted to, if she really felt like it, she could throw you like a lawn dart.

What have I got myself into? What was I thinking, attacking Tempest at Blaze of Glory? I kept replaying that night from two months ago in my head over and over. Tempest appearing backstage just after securing another title defense. The sound of the steel chair making a sickening thud against her skull. Me standing over her lifeless body. Referees, security and other wrestlers pulling me off of her. And, yet, those questions were  running through my head after I did it. I've been turning these questions over in my mind in the weeks since then. Every action has consequences and I'm ready to face them. In the sea of mediocrity, I'm just keeping my head above water. But then again, it all goes back to that saying: If you're born to be hanged, you'll never be drowned. At this point, whatever happens at Into the Void will be worth it.

And so it all comes down to this. It doesn't get any bigger than this. Under the bright lights, on pay-per-view, the entire world watching an irresistible force facing a movable object. A dominant champion defending against the wiley veteran that everyone and their dog loves to hate. Makes for a great storyline, doesn't it? Tempest may be bigger than most, but she still has to look up because I'm the mountain she has to climb to make it in the Bombshells Division. My legacy is bigger than hers and while they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, you know something? I think I'm getting stronger everyday. I have to be, if I'm going to beat her again.

I don't care that you share the opinion of everyone in this company, I don't care how confident you are, I'm that much more. I'm willing to do whatever I have to, whatever it takes, whatever is necessary within the rules to keep you down for three seconds, make you tap or knock you the hell out, just because I can. Some of the women in the division, the very same ones that are more notorious that I am in speaking their minds, think that what I've been saying is nothing but words. Whether my words ring true or you tune me out or maybe you just don't give a damn - and I like to think it's the second option, otherwise you all wouldn't be so butthurt over what I've said in recent weeks - I'm not going away anytime soon, mamita. And there's only two things you can do about it. Nothing, and like it. At Into the Void, Tempest, you're going to learn a valuable lesson: I'm not just the standard, but the exception to the rule.

Do I care that I'm not liked or that nobody wants anything to do with me? Not really. And why should I? Whether you love me or hate me, you can't help but watch me. And this Sunday, Tempest, in your homecoming match, the world will be watching and waiting and wondering how you are going to get out of this one.

Congratulations on reaching 100 plus days as champion this week, it's the only thing you'll be celebrating during your reign because while I may be walking in as challenger, I will be walking out the new Bombshell Internet Champion.


4 de junio 2 0 2 4 ♦ L O S A N G E L E S, C A L I F O R N I A

[A crackling sound is heard, played from a vintage transitor radio, about the size of a toaster with a simple design. A hand reaches to tune through the stations. The fingers grasp the dial, and with a gentle turn, the radio begins to scan through the frequencies until the sound is crisp and clear.]

RADIO: 75 degrees and sunny with a low of 62. Your favourite music, on your favourite radio, Los Angeles' own KLAR!

[Resident Bombshell and two-time Sin City Wrestling Hall of Famer Mercedes Vargas has a lot to smile about in a year that left nothing to smile about. The doubters, critics and naysayers would be quick to remind her of that. A picture is worth a thousand words. After her string of victories in SCW to close out the month of May, she only needed four words.

I told you so.

It's a warm evening and Mercedes and her friends were gathered at Ricardo's house. They are gathered around a pool table, cue sticks in hand].

HUGO: Class is in session. Whose ready to get schooled today?

TOMAS: You're all going down. I've been practicing.

RICARDO: Alright, who's breaking?

IRMA: I'll do it.

[Irma breaks the rack, balls scatter across the table].

RICARDO: Nice break! Stripes or solids?

MERCEDES: I'll take solids.

TOMAS: Guess that leaves me with stripes.

HUGO: Let's do this!

 [They begin playing, with the friends trash-talking and jostling for position around the table. Tensions rise as the balls are sunk, and the stakes seem to grow higher with each shot.]

IRMA: I can't believe the year is almost over. Where has the time gone?

MERCEDES: I know, it's crazy.

[A few minutes into the game, Hugo steps back from the table twirling the cue. He sinks a ball but misses the next shot.]

HUGO: Dang, thought I had that one.

IRMA: We've all changed so much, but our friendship has stayed the same.

MERCEDES: Definitely. You guys are like family to me.

[Mercedes stands at the pool table, cue in hand. She lines up a shot, draws the cue and strikes. The cue balls veers wildly off course missing her target completely. She shakes her head, disappointment etched on her face.]


[Ricardo takes his shot. He strikes the cue ball with precision as two nearby balls smoothly roll into separate pockets. He stands there with a satisfied grin.]

RICARDO: Boom! Who's the pool shark now?

MERCEDES: Show off.

[She playfully shoves Ricardo, pretending to be offended.]
TOMAS: Remember that time we almost got caught sneaking out to that concert? I thought we were getting arrested for sure!

[They all erupted in laughter, reminiscing about their antics and inside jokes. Tomas leans on his cue, staring intently at the table as he considers his next move. He carefully lines up and sinks a tricky shot.]

MERCEDES: I'm so grateful we've stayed so close. These moments together are the best.

[The others murmured in agreement, feeling lucky to have such a strong bond. They spent the rest of the evening swapping stories, offering advice, and simply enjoying each other's company. No matter how much time passed, their friendship would always be a constant in their lives. The game continues, with friendly trash talk and laughter.]

[Mercedes takes a sip of lemonade. Then she leans over the table, lining up a shot.]

MERCEDES: Okay, I've got this. Just watch me sink this 8-ball.

IRMA: (Scoffing) You're gonna scratch again like last time.

[Mercedes glares at Irma.]

MERCEDES: I did not scratch! The table was crooked and you know it. Don't be a sore loser.

[Mercedes and Irma settle into a heated argument before Ricardo steps in between them, trying to calm the situation.]

RICARDO: (Chuckling) Easy there, ladies. No need to get all worked up. It's just a friendly game.

HUGO: (to Ricardo) You kidding? This is the best part (yells to the girls) Come on Mercedes, show Irma how it's done!

TOMAS: (to Hugo) 20 bucks says Mercy scratches.

[Hugo shakes his head, smirking].

HUGO: No way, she's got this.

MERCEDES: (takes the shot but misses) Ugh!

[Laughing mockingly, Irma lines up her own shot, confident.]

IRMA: Told you! Now let a pro show you how it's done.

[Irma takes the shot but the 8-ball rolls into a side pocket.]

IRMA: Nooo!

MERCEDES: Yes! In your face!

[Grumbling, Tomas begrudgingly hands Hugo the money.]

MERCEDES: (to Irma) Looks like I'm still the pool shark around here.

IRMA: (shoving Mercedes) Shut up! It was a fluke.


[Mercedes shoves Irma back, not backing down.]

MERCEDES: Was not! You're just a sore loser who can't admit I'm better than you.

IRMA: (shoving Mercedes) This was supposed to be a friendly game of pool.

MERCEDES: Yeah, friendly. Until someone's ego gets bruised.

[Ricardo slams his cue stick on the table, having had enough.]

RICARDO: (stepping in again) Alright, alright, break it up you two. Let's just play another round.

[Hugo grins while rubbing his hands together.]

HUGO: Yeah, round two of the cat fight! This is getting good!

[Tomas elbows Hugo, frowning.]

TOMAS: Dude, not helping. You're just egging them on.

HUGO: What? Don't be such a downer, amigo. This is supposed to be fun, remember?

TOMAS: (Sarcastically) Yeah, because nothing says "fun" like a game of pool with a side of drama.

[The friends continue arguing and shoving each other as the scene ends.]




[Mercedes Vargas doesn't always go to Hawaii, but when she does, she never turns down the opportunity to travel. Oahu is the third-largest and most populous of the Hawaiian Islands, home to the state capital Honolulu and famous areas like Waikiki, Pearl Harbor, Diamond Head, and the North Shore surfing beaches. Mercedes is here in Aiea, one of the three surrounding towns in Honolulu alongside Pearl City and Waipahu also neighboring the Pearl Harbor memorial grounds. Pearl Harbor is where this weekend's Into the Void supercard takes place aboard the USS Missouri.

Mercedes has a lot to smile about ahead of her title match for the Bombshell Internet Championship this Sunday. The current champion is Tempest, who has held the title for an extended period of time. The war between these rivals started when Tempest made a dig at Vargas's recent lack of in-ring success. This led to Vargas defeating Tempest in a non-title match and then also defeating fellow Hall of Famer Crystal Zdunich. As a result, Vargas earned a shot at the Bombshell Internet Championship.]

"Aloha, Hawaii! Mercedes Vargas is here and I know you're all glad to see me. You folks sure know how to welcome a queen. But I didn't come all the way to this pineapple-infested rock just to work on my tan. I'm hear for business and pleasure."

[Mercedes laughs, clearly relishing her upcoming title match]

"I think things are starting to turn around. You win two matches in a row and you think you can beat anybody. My last match, though, I'm probably going to cherish a little more. Why? Because for the first time in what seems liked forever, I can claim a pinfall victory over Crystal Zdunich without wondering “what if'?, without second guessing myself, without a single doubt in my mind that there was a winner. You have no idea how relieved I am that our match finally had a definite conclusion. I can now sleep peacefully at night, counting sheep, and finally put to bed and put to rest this long, drawn out melodrama behind me. I can move on to more important things."

[Mercedes pauses as she sweeps back her hair from her face.]

"Important things like Into the Void and making history one more time when I become the new Bombshell Internet Champion by beating Tempest. The woman who went unbeaten over five months in SCW without tasting defeat. Unfortunately, though, the streak had to end eventually. It ended because of me. So, now, Tempest is coming off her first loss in 2024, but if I know her like I think I do, she's going to come back better and stronger and hope to bounce back by retaining at the supercard. Against any other Bombshell, Tempest, this would be a walk in the park. I promise you, this match wont be."

[A cocksure smile creeps across her face as she soaks in the heat of the Hawaiian sun.]
"I've worked tirelessly to carve out my own path and establish myself as a force to be reckoned with in SCW. My success is a testament that I have the drive, the desire and the determination to be the best. I'm proud of my accomplishments and I no longer feel the need to apologize for the opportunities that have come my way. For too long I've been disrespected by every overhyped or two-bit mealy mouth Bombshell with an attitude, thinking I'm just a pretty face whose career has past her by."

[Mercedes shakes her head defiantly.]

"Not by a long shot. But keep thinking that. Keep believing that. Keto doubting me. Tell me I'm not good enough. Tell me I can't do it. That's just motivation for me to say that I can, and I will. You're looking at the future Bombshell Internet Champion. And there's not a drop of saltwater in these oceans that can drown out my unrelenting ambition!"

[She pauses, glaring at the camera as the ocean breeze whips through her hair.]

"I'm the reckoning you can't outrun. The force of nature you can't contain. And when I'm done carving my name in the history books, forget December 7, 1941. You're gonna remember this moment - June 9, 2024 - as the day that will forever live in infamy when Mercedes Vargas puts you, Tempest,  on notice. This entire island is one big vacation spot - it'll be a vacation for me when I put you on permanent vacation!"

[She pauses for effect, lowering her voice just above a whisper.]

"Estar preparado para lo peor, esperar lo mejor. Y que la suerte está siempre en su favor."
"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. And may the odds be ever in your favor."

[The scene fades on Mercedes flashing a smile and waving back at the camera before we fade to black.]

2x SCW Hall of Famer (Class of 2018, Class of 2022)
World Bombshell Champion (x2)
Bombshell Roulette Champion (x4)
Bombshell Internet Champion 
World Bombshell Tag Team Champion (x3; w/Traci Patterson (x2) and Delia Darling (x1)
World Mixed Tag Team Champion (x3; x2 w/Kain, x1 w/Goth)
Third Bombshell SCW Triple Crown Champion (6th SCW Triple Crown Champion overall)
First-ever and only 2x, 3x and 4x Bombshell Triple Crown Champion in SCW history (most ever by a female wrestler)
Second Bombshell Grand Slam Champion (4th SCW Grand Slam Champion overall)
SCW Year-End Award Winner: 2014 Feud of the Year (Mean Girls vs SCW Bombshells roster)
Queen for a Day winner (December 2 Dismember 2015, inaugural)