Author Topic: In Vino Veritas || Calaway & Raven vs Eiley and The Dragon  (Read 245 times)

Offline Alexandra Calaway

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Meeting up with an old friend
Battlegrounds Café & Grille
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Alexandra had received a call from her old boss, Star Stormz, saying that she wanted to meet up with her to talk about an offer.  Alexandra knew that Star was one of the best bosses she had ever worked for and if the truth be told, she would work for any company that had Star in the spot she had been in with PWS: Apex.  Arriving at the little cafe, Alexandra found her quickly and spoke.

“Hey Star.” She took a seat and made a quick order with the waiter.  “So what was it that you needed to talk to me about? Is PWS: Apex coming back?”

“In a manner of speaking… yes. We have rebranded and are now PWS:Legacy. As our last World Champion I felt it only right to bring a contract offer to you personally.” Star kept her eyes on Alexandra, knowing what she had to offer her.

She looked at Star, that wasn’t something that happened every day. A personally delivered invitation back. She took a sip of her drink. 

“Now that’s not something that happens every day.  And I can’t say it’s something I’ve had happen before.  So PWS is back, but different.  Are the issues of the time passed as well?”

She leaned back in her seat relaxing a bit. Star let out a slight chuckle.

“Yes, our past problems are no longer problems. I have a brand new staff, 2 of which are returning and well trusted legends. I am quite confident in this relaunch, and I hope you find the details in this offered contract sufficient.”

She slides a manilla folder towards Alexandra. Alexandra takes the envelope and opens it, rolling over the contract deals.

“Wait.. so I get a chance to claim the PWS Legacy World Championship in a match against an unnamed opponent at the first pay per view?” She thought about that for a moment, giving it some real consideration. PWS had been very good to her and the talent there had been top notch. “Wow, I must have left a lasting mark on Apex.”

Alexandra gave another giggle, listening to everything that Star was offering her. She knew that Star was honest.

“That's an understatement,  to say the least. I always held you in high regard, as do the fans. Should you decide to rejoin us, you are correct. Our first pay per view event you will automatically be in the World Title Match against an opponent who wins a qualifier on our return show. I do hope everything under the… perks and bonuses… section is to your liking?”

Alexandra chuckled hard and nodded.

“The perks and bonuses are icing on the cake Star.  I must say you are really making it easy to say yes.” She gave a soft chuckle at the added bonuses. “Well Star, I would say you got yourself a deal.  I would love to help launch PWS: Legacy.”

She extends her hand. Star reciprocate with a firm handshake before sliding a pen over.

“All you have to do is sign on the dotted line. Welcome home, Alexandra.”

Alexandra signed her name on the dotted line and smiled. 

“Now.. let's make history. Give me your best and I'll show you that you haven't placed your trust in someone who can't handle it.”

She smiled and slid the contract back over to her.

“Perfect! I’ll have a copy made for you. Now… onto a bit less of business. How have you  been?”

Alexandra looked at her with a soft nod of her head.

“Well I’m sure you know that I divorced Sanders.  That was clear before the sad closing of PWS: Apex. But life now has become, well, interesting…” She gave a soft giggle. “Just know that even with my schedule, PWS: Legacy will have my attention.”

“Yes, I heard about the divorce. I'm glad to hear we have your attention. You have a bright future in PWS, I'm sad it got cut short. Glad to see you have been thriving here in Sin City Wrestling. They are good people here.”

“They do. I’ve made friends with Miles Kasey, he became my tag team partner. And Carter, is amazing.  Sin City has been good to me.  Now, I have a tournament to finish trying to win.” She laughed softly. “How have you been?”

“Working tirelessly to get things going again. Running a company and getting everything set is a Never Ending process. But it was worth it. Cut some red tape here, knock out some drama there, sign my life away…"

She chuckled softly as she took a sip of her drink

“But things are falling into place.”

“I’m glad to hear that they are. I know it couldn’t have been easy. I remember from when I ran American Made Wrestling.”  She gave her a smile and sipped her drink.  “I heard through the grapevine that there was a lot of red tape and knocking out to deal with. Sorry I couldn’t be there to help out. I would have taken great pleasure in busting his skull.”  She winked.

“I believe that there was a line. But we handled things. It has opened the doors for a lot of returns. Great things are happening, that's for sure.”

“Well how about this?”  Alexandra pulls a ticket out for the show. “Come see the show.. Enjoy the show for the night.”

Star smiled and nodded

“Deal. It's been too long since I've just watched a wrestling show I had no hand in producing.”

“Well now you have an excuse.”

The two old friends have a laugh and share a meal.  Alexandra knew that it was only a matter of time before PWS: Legacy would see what she was like now. With the contract signing out of the way, she was going to need to focus on winning the tournament.

Queens Blog
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

What’s up everyone? I hope that you are all doing well.  It’s great to be back on American soil. I’ve missed being home so much. Flying back and forth was getting crazy. Still, I do it for the love of the game. Who could have known that the team would make it this far. Not me and I still feel like I’m dreaming. I can’t wait to see my family, not that I mind letting my family spend time with my daughter, but it’s been her and I through everything. Despite my shortcomings, she’s never stopped believing in me. And I’ll never stop being her biggest supporter.

Goodness so much has happened hasn’t it? From weeks of losing to weeks of winning match after match.  Who ever could have known that the woman who couldn’t make it past round one last year, has stood next to the same partner, week after week, winning match after match, until we have finally reached the semi finals?  No one. If you would have told me a year ago that I’d be teaming with Raven again and win, I’d laugh and ask you what drugs you were on and if I could get some. Last year didn’t go well for us, this year, look at us soar.

But here it is and it’s really happening. Just look at who we’ve gone through so far. Shay Owens and Jamie Dean, both of them gave us a pretty good fight and for a moment there, it could have been the same outcome as last year, out in the first round. Then we went on to face Peter Vaughn and the VERY woman who cost us the match last year, Bobbie Dahl.  Now, I wont say that they didn’t come carrying a strong chance, because they did. They gave us a run for our money and could have gotten there, if it wasn’t for one misstep. That misstep, was what opened the door to the pin and the win.

That win brought back my Bombshell Roulette Title. It brought back the first title I ever held in this company and I intend to defend it with everything I have in me. Until I have no blood to bleed and no breath left in my lungs. To take this, you’ll have to end me. You will have to spill every drop of my blood until there is nothing left. It’s not going to be easy work either.  I plan on proving to everyone that my winning this wasn’t a fluke, that it wasn’t just a bad day for Bobbie Dahl.  I will defend this title until the time comes when someone isn’t afraid of what that wheel can give us. It seems that it was always the luck of the draw and when it comes down to brass tacks, that’s just what life is. You take the cards you're dealt and you show that you are capable of living with what happens next.


Video Message
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Alexandra had just finished up her blog posting when her phone vibrated on the table next to her. She looked down to see the name there. 

                                             ALEXANDER RAVEN

She took a deep breath, she knew that they were supposed to have a sit down together.  To talk things through, but they kept having missed connections, or delays in flights. It was crazy. To think that even at three weeks in while most of the other teams are meeting up and having conversations, but Alexandra and Raven seemed to work better without the constant conversations and sit downs. They worked better this way.  Maybe that’s what caused them to do badly last year. The sit down. They could talk after. Hitting the button, she started recording a message back. At least they would know each other’s thoughts on the match.

“It’s alright. I’ve started to think that maybe our not hanging out constantly helped us this time. We are showing a great amount of trust in each other. A trust that these other teams aren’t showing. There was too much going on between our sides last time, this time.. We did this. After this is all over, we should sit down and have that drink. Either way, however this goes, we’ve made it this far.”

She took a moment to pause her body was sore, but she would make it through this match and the next and the next. She missed her family, but something told her everything would be worth it in the end.

“We both kicked ass so hard. I’m proud of us. I thought it was going to be you for a minute there. But thank you for the congratulations. I would have been happy for us either way. But think about this, if we get there to the end, think of what we can get. I know that we can do this. It will be an honor to stand across the ring from Luna again. This time, perhaps we both will respect each other more. In the end I’ll have your back too. I want you to know that. I need you to understand that no matter the outcome, I’m proud of what we’ve done here and I hope that you are proud of your spot too.”

She paused again, her eyes closing for a moment and she opened them nodding.

“How about this, let’s meet up once this tournament is over. We can celebrate the win! I know that we can do this, we just need to maintain focus and keep kicking ass like we have recently. See you at the show Raven. You're welcome.”

With that she pressed the button to end the call, seeing that another call was coming in.  She answered it.

“Hey bro what’s up?”

Alexandra smiled hearing her brother’s voice.

“Hey, just wanted to let you know that Ashlynn wanted to come see you. She wanted to be there for the match, so we booked her the first flight that we could. She should be landing in about two hours. I know she can’t wait to see you.”

She laughed softly. Always leave it to her brother to know just what she needed.

“Thank you Damien. I’ve missed her.”

“She’s missed you too. Now go out there and show her just what all the time apart is worth. Go out there and win the match for her.”

“I will and I’ll head to the airport now. It’s about an hour drive up there. So I want to be early, that way just in case the flights are early. I don’t want her sitting around the airport with nothing to do while waiting for me.”

“Good call.  We will be watching from Dallas.”

“Thanks. Say Hi to Mika for me.”

“Good luck. Don’t do anything too stupid. And I will, you have my word.”

“I wont.”

She hung up the phone and headed to the airport. Sometimes family was the best medicine. She couldn’t wait to bring Ashlynn to the show.

The Best Medicine is Family
Harrisburg International Airport
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Alexandra Calaway stood near the arrival gate at Harrisburg International Airport, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and excitement. She glanced at the large digital clock on the wall. The flight from Dallas was due to land any minute now. Adjusting the collar of her black leather jacket, she took a deep breath and tried to calm her racing thoughts. It had been months since she last saw Ashlynn, and the separation had been difficult for both of them.

The airport was bustling with activity, travelers rushing past with luggage in tow, families reuniting, and business people making their way to their next destination. Despite the chaos, Alexandra felt a sense of calm wash over her. Soon, she would be holding her daughter in her arms again.

She scanned the crowd, her sharp eyes searching for any sign of Ashlynn. Her thoughts drifted to the last time they were together, recalling the tears and promises exchanged. As a wrestler, Alexandra’s schedule was grueling and unpredictable, but she had always made a vow to be there for Ashlynn as much as she could. The weeks of separation had been hard, but the thought of this moment had kept her going.

The loudspeaker crackled to life, announcing the arrival of the flight from Dallas. Alexandra’s heart skipped a beat. She moved closer to the gate, her eyes fixed on the doors where passengers would soon emerge. The minutes felt like hours, and she found herself shifting from one foot to the other, her patience wearing thin.

Finally, the doors slid open, and a stream of passengers began to flow out. Alexandra’s eyes darted from face to face, searching for the one she had been longing to see. Then, she spotted her—a petite girl with dark hair and sparkling eyes, dragging a bright purple suitcase. Ashlynn.

A wide smile spread across Alexandra’s face as she pushed through the crowd, her focus entirely on her daughter. “Ashlynn!” she called out, her voice breaking with emotion.

Ashlynn’s face lit up when she saw her mother. She let go of her suitcase and ran towards Alexandra, her arms outstretched. “Mom!”

They collided in a tight embrace, both of them holding on as if they never wanted to let go. Alexandra buried her face in Ashlynn’s hair, the familiar scent bringing a rush of memories and emotions. “I missed you so much, sweetheart,” she whispered, her voice thick with tears.

“I missed you too, Mom,” Ashlynn replied, her voice muffled against Alexandra’s jacket.

After a long moment, they finally pulled apart, but Alexandra kept her hands on Ashlynn’s shoulders, as if to reassure herself that her daughter was really there. She studied Ashlynn’s face, noting the changes—the slightly longer hair, the hint of maturity in her features. “You’ve grown,” she said with a smile.

Ashlynn shrugged, a shy smile playing on her lips. “Maybe a little.”

Alexandra chuckled and ruffled Ashlynn’s hair. “Let’s get your luggage and get out of here. I have a big surprise planned for you.”

They retrieved Ashlynn’s suitcase and made their way to the parking lot.

“I wish I could come to the show this weekend,” Ashlynn said as they reached Alexandra’s car, a sleek black SUV.

“Well I guess it’s a good thing you came this weekend then isn’t it? Because you are getting to come to the show.” She giggled and tousled her daughter's hair, before they drove back towards the hotel.

They arrived at the hotel, it was a charming place. Alexandra had chosen it specifically for its cozy, welcoming atmosphere. They checked her daughter in and headed to their room, where Ashlynn immediately claimed the bed by the window.

“This place is amazing!” Ashlynn exclaimed, bouncing on the bed. “Thank you, Mom.”

Alexandra laughed, setting her bag down on the other bed. “I’m glad you like it. And this is just the beginning. We have a lot to do before showtime.”

After unpacking, they decided to take a walk to get dinner at the cafe by the battlegrounds.  While walking they had time to talk.

As they walked, Ashlynn suddenly stopped and looked up at her mother. “Mom, do you ever get scared?”

Alexandra was taken aback by the question. She crouched down to be at eye level with Ashlynn. “Sometimes,” she admitted. “But being scared isn’t a bad thing. It just means you’re about to do something really brave.”

Ashlynn nodded thoughtfully. “I get scared sometimes, too. But I feel braver when I’m with you.”

Alexandra’s heart swelled with love and pride. She hugged Ashlynn tightly. “And I feel braver when I’m with you, too. We make a pretty good team, don’t we?”

Ashlynn smiled and nodded. “The best team.”

They continued their walk, eventually finding a small café where they stopped for hot chocolate and pastries. They sat by the window, watching the world go by as they talked about everything and nothing. Alexandra cherished these moments, knowing how fleeting they could be.

Later that night, back at the hotel, Alexandra tucked Ashlynn into bed. As she sat on the edge of the bed, brushing a strand of hair from Ashlynn’s face, she felt a deep sense of contentment. No matter the challenges and obstacles she faced in the wrestling ring, nothing could compare to the love she felt for her daughter.

“Goodnight, sweetheart,” she whispered, kissing Ashlynn’s forehead.

“Goodnight, Mom,” Ashlynn murmured, already half-asleep.

Alexandra watched her daughter for a moment, her heart full. Then, she stood up and walked to the window, looking out at the city lights. Tomorrow would bring new adventures and challenges, but for now, she was exactly where she needed to be—by her daughter’s side.

As she gazed out into the night, she made a silent promise to herself and to Ashlynn. No matter what the future held, she would always fight for their moments together, ensuring that their bond remained unbreakable.

This isn’t a war, this is just a small battle
Undisclosed location
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

The camera opens, focusing on a dark, shadowy place. The atmosphere is tense, with only a single flickering light casting eerie shadows on the area around the camera. Alexandra Calaway, dressed in her signature dark attire, steps into the frame from out of the shadows. Her face is a mask of determination and intensity.

“Eiley... we meet again. How long has it been since our last encounter? Weeks? Months? A year? Time has a way of blending together when you're constantly battling in the ring. But one thing remains clear in my mind... our last match. The night you beat me. I remember every detail. The crowd's roar, the pain coursing through my body, and the sight of your hand raised in victory. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but I took it. I took that loss and let it fuel the fire inside me.”

She took a deep breath, knowing she needed to keep the focus she’s had this round of the tournament. She had been working hard to make sure that her team would walk out on top each and every time they stepped into that ring and so far, they had.

“You see, Eiley, losses are like scars. They might fade with time, but they never truly disappear. They remind us of our past, of our weaknesses. I have a great many of those scars in my twenty four years in this industry. And I've spent every single day since that match confronting my own weaknesses. I've trained harder, fought fiercer, and pushed myself beyond my limits. All because of the many failures I’ve had in that ring. But there is none greater than the loss of my first Blast from the Past tournament. That loss stung and the last time I stepped foot into the Sin City Wrestling ring, I took out the very same person who took my shot at winning this whole thing last year. You know it’s funny, we’ve now come full circle. Because it was roughly a year ago that you, yourself beat me. Only difference is, in that time I’ve made myself a two time Bombshell Roulette Champion.”

She allowed a moment for everything she had just stated to sink in. All the hard work that she and Raven had put in, the battles they had fought to get to this point, she refused to let it be in vain. Each time she won, she wasn’t just winning this for Raven or Herself, she was doing it for her family.  She did it for each person out there who was told they couldn’t do it.

“You may have beaten me before, but the woman standing before you today is not the same woman you faced then. I've evolved. I've grown stronger, smarter, and more ruthless. Every victory since then has been a testament to my resilience, to my unwillingness to be defined by my many losses. We all have our good and bad days, don’t we Eiley.  You’ve had your fair share, I’ve seen them. But what about you, Eiley? Have you grown complacent with your victory? Have you convinced yourself that you have my number? Because if you have, you're in for a rude awakening. Underestimating me would be the biggest mistake of your career, but I’m sure you are well aware of this by now.”

She stayed within the candle’s glow, something inside her swelled. Was that pride? She hadn’t been on that much of a losing streak, look at her record so far. It wasn’t that bad. She had been on a roll of late and she wasn’t going to stop now. Not for anyone.

“Each match I step into, is another chance at redemption. Another shot to prove that I am more than you all seem to think. Most people look at me and see a veteran of the ring and yet, show none of the respect. They laugh, they make jokes and they attack the very foundation of the industry that has paid my bills. This is about proving that no matter how many times I’m knocked down I get back up and I keep fighting, until there’s nothing left in the tank. It's about proving to everyone that I rise back up each and every time. And each time I come back it’s more dangerous than before, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to win.”

Eiley had talent, she had style, but she lacked in the department of any means necessary. She wouldn’t be able to face up against Alexandra in that department. She wouldn’t do it, couldn’t even if she wanted to.

“I said it earlier, the Alexandra you faced a year ago, she’s not the same woman now. That woman was a shell of who she had once been, still heartbroken over the kidnapping of her daughter, unsure of herself and her career, personal life in shambles, brain all over the place. That woman isn't the one you look at now. This one is different. I’m not afraid to do what must be done. I can’t wait to show you what it’s like now that this fire inside of me burns brighter and hotter than ever.”

Everything Alexandra did now was for her daughter. She did it to show her that you can do anything you put your mind to. People like Eiley, are flash in the pans, they start bright, burning fast and hard, like a shooting star and then fizzle and crash. 

“Eiley, you have been doing so well in the tournament, but it’s time you rest now. Let me take it from here. I’m certain that you could use the break darling. So you are two for one this year, so far. Well it will be an honor to put you at two for two, this year alone. However I must give you your props, so far you have been on a roll, you are two wins deep, but it ends here. Just in case you haven’t noticed, my team has been on fire, already taking two teams out of the tournament. I was the Bombshell Roulette Champion for one hundred and forty-seven days. Tell me Eiley, do you think you honestly have what it takes to face me, now that I’ve changed.  The question I must ask you Eiley, is are you willing to do the same? I’m sure I already know the answer to that. Your record speaks for itself my dear. But, knowing your partner, he might see things differently. He might push you beyond the limits you have set for yourself. Whereas my partner and I, if you haven’t noticed, are on the same page.”

She got a smile on her face, bright, and excited.

“Which brings me to your partner, Mark Cross, Mister I’ve won this tournament before. Just because you’ve won, doesn’t mean you’ll always win.  Isn’t that right Mark? You know that better than anyone here. You win some, you lose some. At least, in my years of experience that’s always been the case. You see, I understand you Mark, I get it. You are seasoned, like me. You’ve won this before, that’s the only difference I see between us my dear.  Your little friend Eiley, seems to think that you two can defeat myself and the Raven. Its her own personal conspiracy theory.  Perhaps teaming with you has been a good thing for her. But she’s still being someone else’s shadow, not her own wrestler. Not the woman she dreams of one day being. You know, someone more like.. Well me.”

There was something so freeing about being able to speak her peace, knowing that her tag team partner will have her back.  Having received a video from him earlier that day, assuring her that no matter the outcome, he was in this to win it. And she believed in him, she believed in their team.

“You see Mark, I respect you. I respect what you have done in this industry. Your name is well known and I’ve heard the people that say Raven and Calaway cannot beat him.  That’s the thing my friends. We don’t need to beat him. All it takes is one solid mistake, one misstep and the win is ours. You don’t even have to be the one who’s pinned. That’s the beautiful part in this. You don’t have to be the one who fails your team. But, let’s face the facts here. Alexander Raven is primed. The man is off the chain and willing to do whatever it takes. Hell each week that we’ve stepped into this ring since the tournament began, we’ve put our bodies on the line. I’ve stepped into each and every match with the same goal. Walk out the winner. I know what Raven is capable of doing to you. I know that he is in this to win it. He will march on my command into that ring and destroy you. Just as I will for him.”

She took a moment to pause again, knowing each second counted. Each word held meaning. When she and Raven stepped into that ring, they both had the same goal in mind. Win by any means necessary, including hurting themselves or their opponents.

“That’s the difference between all of us. Raven and I, we aren’t afraid to destroy either of you. Eiley may believe she has the upper hand because she’s beaten me before. She may assume that I underestimate her. In my twenty four years in this industry I’ve never truly underestimated my opponents. I’ve made my fair share of mistakes as a competitor. I’ve taken my losses with dignity and pride. I don’t wallow or whine. I pick up and keep going because that is what a champion does. That’s what a warrior does. Tell me Mark, do you have the balls to stand in the ring across from us and not look at your opponent and know you’ve already lost? She wants to be more than someone’s shadow. She wants to be a champion, but from where I’m standing, she’s still in someone’s shadow, riding the coattails of another to greatness. She did it to Oz and she’s doing it to you. Look me in the eyes and tell me I’m wrong.”

She took a deep breath, her next words, pointed like a knife’s edge.

“Mark, Eiley, these are your last moments in this tournament. You will walk into that ring with your head held high and go out, with it hung low.  Perhaps not in shame. Because I respect you both, despite what Eiley believes.”

She pauses looking at the camera, with a smile.

“This is your final warning. When we step into that ring, there's no turning back. No mercy. No hesitation. Only the relentless pursuit of victory. And I promise you, Eiley, this time, it will be different. This time, your team will fall. And Raven and I... will rise.”

With that she backs into the darkness, fading from view.