Author Topic: •-•Starting a Fire•-•  (Read 254 times)

Offline Eiley

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•-•Starting a Fire•-•
« on: May 24, 2024, 05:27:04 AM »

Location: Barcelona, Spain Airport
Date: January 2024

Eiley felt majorly discouraged from life as she stepped off of the airplane and into the tunnel that led from the airplane and into the Barcelona airport. She hadn't ever really felt like this regarding her career in SCW before and she didn't enjoy the feeling that was consuming her entire thoughts. She couldn't think of anything other than being a failure of sorts and not being as good as she was once perceived to be. She felt as if she was letting Oliver down and the entire Jet City Sports Lab as well as Mikah's own gym. She wasn't feeling as if she lived up to Mikah's expectations and she was feeling dejected.

She was not too familiar with the Barcelona airport as Oliver had been the one that had taken care of all of the specifics the last time that they had flown here from the states. And those three weeks had been amazing but then reality set in and she lost to the try-hard and now she couldn't seem to find the energy to even care about her career anymore. Maybe she would just focus on being Oliver's supportive girlfriend and that was all that she would need in her life. Oliver and being his cheerleader. She could find another way to make money; she didn't need to rely on SCW to pay her salary.

If there was one thing about Eiley that a lot of people didn't know was that when she was focused on something, her attention was focused solely on that and not her surroundings. She was not aware of the man and woman that had followed her through the Denver airport and had boarded the same plane that she had when she had left the states. She was even less aware of the fact that they had been following her through the Barcelona airport, watching her and trying to decide what the best course of action was. If Eiley had been paying attention, she would have recognized the man as Kaleb, the one that she and Oliver had thought they had gotten rid of. But she wouldn't have recognized the woman that was with him.

Eiley stops at a counter to ask one of the airport workers a question about the location of a nearby bathroom. They tell her where it is and she gives them a kind smile.

••eiley•• “Thank you again.”

Eiley didn't wait for their response as she walked off in the direction that the airport worker had directed her in. She had to use the bathroom before she could figure out the easiest way to get to Oliver's apartment. She couldn’t necessarily remember the entire address to Oliver’s apartment so she was trying her best to recall it from her memory. She uses the bathroom and makes sure she still has her backpack with her as she walks to the sinks to wash her hands. She smiles at a woman that was washing her hands as she too gets a pump of soap and washes her hands before drying them off with a paper towel and tossing it in the trash can. She checks her reflection on her way out of the bathroom before heading toward the baggage claim, vaguely remembering that she would have to go through customs before she could obtain her suitcase from the baggage claim.

It took her a while to get through customs and she hadn't noticed the familiar face of Kaleb going through the next line over as she had been hyper-focused on the steps that she would need to take in order to get her luggage. She smiles politely at the agent before walking toward the baggage claim. She was sure that everybody's luggage should be going around on the luggage carousel by now. She walks in a slightly quicker pace, ready to be out of the airport and into the comfort of Oliver's place. She chuckled to herself, thinking how bizarre that sounded, even in her own brain. She could remember a time that her and Oliver could barely stand being in one another's company and now they were dating.

The baggage claim was just as busy as the main area of the airport had been, if not busier. She finds the right carousel and waits  for the suitcases to come around. After a few minutes, she finally sports her simple grey suitcase with purple tassels attached to the handle and grabs it off of the carousel. She was one step closer to being out of the airport and into the comfort of Oliver's apartment. She could almost feel the freedom and relaxation.

She walked in a hurried fashion to the exit to find a taxi that would take her to Oliver's apartment. She knew that she should send a text to Oliver to let her know that she had made it to Barcelona and that she’d be safe at his apartment soon, but she just wanted to get out of the airport first. She looks around before seeing a car that was seemingly by itself and not taking any other passengers. She hesitates before shrugging her shoulders and walking over. She knocks gently on the window and it rolls down and she frowns for a moment as she looks in the window to see a woman.

••eiley•• “Wh-what?”

She didn't have much time to process anything else as she felt a slight pinch in the side of her neck and then everything went black.

kaleb “Sweet, sweet, naive Eiley.”

He is quick to help her into the backseat of the car before grabbing her suitcase and putting it in the trunk. He had been sure to make sure that the car had been far enough up that it wouldn't be caught on the airport's cameras. He also made it look as if he was just helping Eiley into the backseat and that she hadn't been knocked out.


Location: Pennsylvania
Date: May 21, 2024


The flight from France to Pennsylvania had been nothing out of the ordinary for Eiley and she had grown quite accustomed to the ins and outs of customs and all other types of security that most airports had now that she had flown in and out of a few different countries. While most people didn’t like airplanes, she didn’t mind them as they got you from point A to point B in a relatively quick fashion. However, the drive from the airport to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania was something she wasn’t overly fond of.

••eiley•• “I hate riding in cars. Are we almost there?”

Kaleb was sitting next to her, staring out the window as the Uber driver was driving them from the Harrisburg International Airport to their hotel in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Kaleb sighs, growing irritated with the young woman’s impatience.

kaleb “Almost.”

The answer came out of his mouth in a gruff way and Eiley purses her lips together, frowning at the way his voice had sounded. But there wasn’t really anything that she could do about it.

••eiley•• “You know, you don’t always have to be so fucking grumpy.”

Kaleb’s eyes drift over the young woman’s face as an amused look spreads across his own. She falters but only a little but doesn’t look away.

kaleb “Maybe if you didn’t always fuck everything up, I wouldn’t always be so grumpy.”

Eiley raises an eyebrow at him and folds her arms over her chest in a huff. She doesn’t look away from him.

••eiley•• “How is it my fuck up!? You left the boat unattended, Kaleb. You thought it was okay to try to help me two weeks ago.”

A stormy look passes through Kaleb’s eyes as he narrows them at her, his demeanor and mood easily changing so swiftly. He moves just a little bit closer to her in the backseat of the car, not caring that the driver wasn’t too far from them and could overhear everything that Kaleb and Eiley were saying.

kaleb “And who’s fucking fault was it that I had to help you? You were fucking floundering and almost got you and your opponent eliminated from the tournament.”

His eyes were narrow and looked more like slits than eyeballs. It made Eiley feel on edge and she takes a deep breath, willing herself not to back down from Kaleb’s stare.

••eiley•• “But Mark and I didn’t lose and we didn’t get eliminated. I didn’t fucking need your help two weeks ago; I had it handled.”

Kaleb laughs, the noise coming from his mouth sounded anything but pleasant

kaleb “You would have never found that location to film your promo if it wasn’t for me, Eiley. Face it, you’re nothing but a sham of your ….”

But he stops, not finishing the sentence as his eyes move to the driver. He was now acutely aware of the driver and just how close the driver sat in front of them.

••eiley•• “You cannot blame everything on me, Kaleb. You need to take some accountability as well. I didn’t leave the boat unattended because you thought I needed your help when I didn’t. I had things handled.”

Kaleb just gives her another annoyed look as he didn’t want to really discuss it any further.

kaleb “Clearly you did because you did much better in your match. You needed a little moral support and who fucking else was going to give it to you? You have nobody else but me.”

A little bit of raw emotion flickers through Eiley’s eyes as she scoots away from him just a little bit to put some space between them.

••eiley•• “I don’t need your moral support, Kaleb! What I need for you is to not fuck things up. And you royally did by leaving your boat unattended. I thought you were going to have Haden watch it? Where the fuck was he?”

Kaleb just waves Eiley off, not worried about her concerns. The driver was trying his best not to eavesdrop but there wasn’t much he could understand anyways as they weren’t being completely clear as to what exactly they were talking about.

kaleb “Don’t worry about where Haden was; that is not your concern. You need to be focused on your match against Alexandra Callaway and her partner, Alexander Raven.”

Eiley frowns at him before shoving him a little but it does little to budge him. She pouts a little in frustration that her move had no effect on him.

••eiley•• “Yeah, well there’s a lot to fucking worry about when something that you were supposed to control and stop from fucking happening, happened, Kaleb. It’s not just your life that you’re messing with, it’s mine too. And I don’t fucking appreciate you meddling with it.”

Kaleb scowls just a little more at her, his eyes narrowed into slits once again.

kaleb “Just shut up, Eiley. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about and all you’re good for is two things.”

Eiley goes to shove him but he grabs her wrist, narrowing his eyes again at her.

••eiley•• “You think that you hold all the cards, don’t you? But what you don’t realize is that I could ruin everything for you. Every. Single. Fucking. Thing. And then? You’d go to fucking prison.”


Location: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Date: May 24, 2024.


The scene opens up to an empty grassy field where the Gettysburg National Cemetery could be seen in the background, but in a good distance. In the middle of the grassy field, Eiley can be seen standing dressed in a simple pair of cut off jean shorts and a cropped black, tank top with her midriff showing. The grass was too long to be able to see what she was wearing on her feet, but it didn’t really matter as the camera focuses in on a what appears to be an empty bottle of kerosene off to her right. The camera moves a little bit and re-focuses on Eiley herself that holds a nasty little smirk on her face.
“I guarantee that none of you fucking idiots expected to see me last this long in this tournament. I bet all of you fucks expected me to be bounced out in the first or second round because there’s not one fucking person in the back that thinks I have what it takes to become big here in SCW. Everybody just fucking thinks I’m just another one of those Mikah-wannabes and that eventually, I’ll flame out. Just like fucking Ruby did.”
A sinister look passes through Eiley’s eyes as she stares into the camera, a serious and determined look in her eyes, all while holding a nasty, sinister look at the same time.
“Ruby won this tournament three years ago with my current partner, Mark. She won the opportunity to fucking go on and challenge for the Bombshell Championship. And what the fuck did she do? Fucking nothing. She did fuck all and couldn’t fucking get the job done. And what has Ruby done since then? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. All she’s known for is being Courtney Pierce’s wife and some annoying twit that flitters around, thinking that she’s all important to SCW when SCW doesn’t give a fuck all about her or her presence. If anything, Ruby is a blemish on the record of this company.”
The wind picks up and Eiley scowls as her blonde hair is whipped around her face and gets in her eyes. She just tolerates it the best that she can before pushing it back in its rightful place.
“And some of you vacuous fucks are probably wondering why the fuck I’m talking about Ruby Steele in the first place when she is not my opponent on Sunday. And before you even ask, I know that she’s not my fucking opponent. But she is one of Mikah’s students or was. I do not really know where they stand or whether Ruby is anything other than a wife to Courtney. Not my fucking business and I don’t fucking care, either. The point is, Ruby was trained by Mikah before she won the Blast From the Past Tournament in 2021 and I’ve been trained by Mikah since 2022 and I’m already more successful that Ruby ever was in SCW and I’m the protégé that Mikah’s always wanted, not fucking Ruby Steele. She’s the one that people should have been criticizing, but instead you dumb fucks want to criticize me for being too much like Mikah. And maybe Ruby wasn’t exactly like Mikah, but if she didn’t have a trace of Mikah’s flare, then what kind of student was she?”
Eiley raises her eyebrows at the camera, still keeping that cold, sinister look on her face.
“Or maybe you vacuous fucks think that I have it wrong and that you shouldn’t emulate your mentor and instead, become your own wrestler. And maybe that’s what I have been trying to do but you insolent little pricks can’t seem to give me the time to prove that. Instead, you’d rather drone on and on about how I’m just another carbon copy of Mikah and not give me the chance to grow and prove myself to be my own person and to prove that I can take what Mikah’s taught me and make it my own. Instead you dimwits have to criticize and chastise every single fucking move that I make. And while I’m at it and still talking about Mikah and how she’s trained me and Ruby, I’ve already proven that I’m the best student that she’s trained; I beat Ruby Steele in a match over a year ago now, proving that I am the better student that has come from Mikah’s gym.”
She looks around the empty, grassy field before looking back at the camera, that nasty little smirk still stretched across her face.
“And before you all start to bitch and complain that I’m not getting to the point, the point is this: a student of Mikah’s has won the Blast From the Past Tournament in the past, and it can be done again. And it’s going to fucking be done again because I’m going to fucking win this tournament. And fucking forget last year’s try in the tournament, that shit doesn’t fucking count because I had a dufus for a partner that probably didn’t know how to fucking pin their opponent. This year? It’s different and it’s going to be fucking different.”
Eiley reaches into the pocket of her cutoff jeans shorts and pulls out a book of matches and her eyes dance in delight at the sight of them. She flickers her eyes up to the camera, that same sinister look reappearing as she eyes the matches and then the camera once again.
“Granted, Mark is rather annoying sometimes or so I’ve seen in previous episodes of Climax Control and he doesn’t know or didn’t know when to shut his trap, but he’s efficient in the ring. He knows what has to be done to win and granted, he’s no Oz but he’s alright. He’s putting in the work to make our team go as far as it has in this tournament. But if I had a choice, I’d take Oz over Mark any day. No offense Mark, or take offense, I really don’t fucking care. I’m not here to worry about one’s feelings, I’m here to prove that I am the next big thing to happen to the Bombshell division. And I guarantee that the lifeless Bombshell Champion doesn’t believe that I have it in me to win this match and that if I do go on to face her for the championship, that I won’t be able to beat her.”
Eiley rolls her eyes in sheer annoyance at the thought of it.
“And that witless wonder can think whatever she wants, if she can even do that. She’ll have every right to think that because it’s what she thinks she knows. She’s beat me in the past, so she feels and thinks that she won’t be able to lose to me in the future. But times are changing and things are changing and this tournament? It’s just a fucking stepping stone to what I want for my career. Plus, her and her moronic Tag Team partner have pretty much killed the mixed tag team division, so there’s no sense in going back there anyways. Nobody wants those championships after those two have tarnished and ruined the belts and the division. They’ve put the nail in the coffin on the division and they’re carrying around dead championships that nobody’s even remotely interested in anymore. It’s a moot point that they keep making about holding two championships. The other division? It’s dead, they’ve killed it with their dull reign.”
Eiley just shakes her head in pure disgust at the thought of the mixed tag team division being ruined.
“Speaking of the mixed tag team division…”
Her eyebrows raise with that smirk reappearing once again as she opens the book of matches and tears a match off. She carefully drags the match along the rough spot and a flame is there.
“My opponent on Sunday, Alexandra Callaway, was once very, very interested in the Mixed Tag Team division. She had a different partner other than Alexander Raven, but still. She had been very interested in the mixed tag team championships with Miles. However, the fire within her that pushed her towards getting those mixed tag team championships was easily extinguished by none other than myself and Oz.”
Eiley blows out the flame and drops the match into the grass. She stomps on it to make sure it can’t reignite before looking at the camera once more. She smirks again before looking at the camera.
“Granted, in that match I didn’t get the pin over Alexandra, so she can claim that technically I haven’t beaten her in a match. And if we were going on technicalities, I suppose the twit would be right. But since the loss is in the column for both her and Miles, it counts. I wasn’t scared to face Alexandra then and I’m not scared to face her again on Sunday but this time with a different partner on the apron on her side. It does not matter to me who the fuck her partner is because it’s going to have a similar result.”
Eiley pulls off another match and lights it again, watching how the flame dances on the match and flickers due to the wind. Her eyes seem fascinated with watching the flame dance and flicker before her eyes flicker up to the camera.
“You see Lexi, while the fire had been extinguished inside of you for the mixed tag team division and maybe even for going after the Bombshell Championship, it has only been reignited within myself.”
She looks at the bottle of kerosene before that evil, nasty little smirk covers her face as she tosses the lit match down on the grass and it catches on fire. However, it was arranged with stones that were coated in the kerosene to move the fire in a circle around Eiley and stay in that direct spot.
“While I was away, trying to decide what…I wanted to do with my life and my career, you had an opportunity to face the previous Bombshell Champion Julianna DiMaria for the Bombshell Championship. You had every fucking opportunity to capitalize on taking that championship away from her and starting your own reign. But you just couldn’t fucking find the fire to do so and like always, your flame flickered and it was soon gone as you failed to capitalize on your opportunity. You didn’t beat Julianna and you didn’t become the Bombshell Champion, just like you didn’t become one half of the mixed tag team champions back in June of 2023. I seem to see a pattern when it comes to you and championship matches and you’re beginning to become some sort of a choke artist when it comes to competing for them. It’s almost funny to watch.”
Eiley’s eyes drift down to the flames that were encircling her as they dance in the circle around Eiley.
“However, that must not be the exact truth, seeing as you are currently the reigning Bombshell Roulette Champion.”
Eiley scoffs a little and then turns it into a snicker of sorts.
“However, I’m not sure how much bragging rights you can claim because it seems like any Bombshell can win that championship without trying too hard. But hey, maybe that’s just my own opinion that holds absolutely no merit. But how many tries did it take you to win a championship here in SCW?”
Eiley smirks, that arrogance finally reaching her eyes, something that it had almost always faltered a little before.
“Do you know how many tries it took me to win the mixed tag team championship? One. Oz and I won it the first time that we fought for it. I believe that holds a lot more strength than whatever it is you will claim to have over me. But I suppose, it could be argued that it doesn’t matter how many tries it takes a person to win a championship, just that they do, eventually. But I believe that it matters how fast one can rise to the top in whatever division they are in and Oz and I did just that in July of 2023. But it’s okay for you to struggle, I understand that struggles come with age.”
Eiley winks at the camera, a vicious look in her eyes.
“There will be the talks of how your success is better than mine or something along those lines. You’ll talk about how I’m a disrespectful little brat or bitch, or something about how I don’t appreciate SCW that much. Or perhaps, you’ll call me a child again like you did on that stupid social media app when you took one of my tweets and used it to fit your own fucking narrative. You came at me on that stupid app and acted as if what I tweeted had been so horrible and that it had been against SCW, when there had been absolutely no fucking context in that tweet that related to SCW in the first place. But yet, you still tried to make it fit your own narrative to make yourself look better. Tell me, Alexandra, are you a fucking narcissist? Because I’ve met a lot of those fucking types of people and they’re the worst fucking kind. They try to make everything about them or whatever they’re using to fit how they see things and how they see the world.”
Eiley rolls her eyes in sheer annoyance.
“You used to think that a lot of my tweeting had to do with SCW or the wrestling industry as a whole, but you never did your research very well. That account was never used to promote my wrestling career, much to your own fucking dismay. There were never very many stand alone tweets about the company and only replies, that could barely even count that went against whatever SCW was promoting. But like the nasty little narcissistic bitch that you are, you had to try to prove that you were right. When in reality, if you did your fucking research, you would have found out that I didn’t and o not use that fucking account to promote anything about SCW. And do you know why I fucking choose not to promote SCW on that account?”
The sinister look that had disappeared momentarily from her eyes returns with a fiery vengeance as she stares into the camera.
“Because of brainless fucking twats like you. You fucking go looking for things that you can use against people that they’ve tweeted out on that social media app. Things that people probably do not even think about tweeting when they tweet them that will be used against them by brainless twats like you. You look for things that can be used against them in a promo just like this one that shouldn’t be used because social media is a fucking disease when it comes to shit like this. Sure, maybe a lot of my…”
Eiley makes a face of disgust as she says…
She visibly shudders at saying the word before continuing on.
“Use it to do just that, promote their match and themselves. But I’m not fucking one of those robotic, brainless twits. You see…I started my account for my own personal pleasure and to post whatever the fuck I wanted as long as it didn’t have to do with SCW or wrestling content. I wanted to see how many times fucks like you would pick it apart to make it be something it clearly wasn’t. I posted pictures of myself with song titles as captions that were not aimed at you or any of my opponents in this ring. But clearly, most of these dimwits, you included Lexi, didn’t seem to understand. Or maybe they just didn’t fucking care, but nonetheless, if you haven’t noticed, my Twitter account has become a whole lot of nothing and it’s going to stay that way. I don’t want fuckwads like yourself trying to make it into something it’s not.”
She simply shrugs before her golden eyes look at the fire, a mesmerized look on her pretty face as the flames dance around her. She smirks to herself as she watches them dance in the wind, flickering in certain places but the first stayed where it was supposed to.
“Here’s some facts: yes, Oz and I lost the mixed tag championships to the brainless wonders that killed them, yes, we didn’t win them back two months or so later, and yes, I lost to the current brainless Bombshell Champion back in January, and yes I took a little hiatus. All of those are true and I have no doubt that you’ll use them against me, just as I used your own failures against you, Lexi. That is common knowledge of what we do as Bombshells and wrestlers in this company. We use our opponents’ past against them in order to feel as if we have a leg up on them or something that will gain us the advantage against one another in an upcoming match. I could comb through your entire history but I’m not Mercedes Vargas and frankly, it’s too time consuming to do. However, it’s natural for us to point out who’s failed more and who’s been more successful but…”
Eiley simply shrugs her shoulders.
“The past isn’t what matters because the only thing that’s going to fucking matter, is the future. The future is the only thing that is going to prove who’s the better competitor and who’s better in that ring and just like last time, Lexi, it’s going to be me.”
Eiley watches the fire again, the flames dancing in her eyes for a few moments or so.
“Just like this fire, the fire that I feel within me is going to be hard to put out. But you can sure as hell try your best, Lexi. I don’t have faith that you will be able to put it out but you can sure as hell fucking try. But just like Kate Steele and Melissa, you’ll realize that I’m not one to be stopped. You can try and I’m sure you will, but it’s not going to work out in your favor….I can promise you that.”
Eiley reaches down and grabs a fire extinguisher before using it to put out the ring of fire around her. She tosses the fire extinguisher down in the grass off to her right before smirking again at the camera.
“I’m the only one that can put out the fire. And that’s only if I want to.”
She smirks before walking away from the camera, letting the scene fade to black.