Author Topic: I quoted Bane and didn't realise till the end  (Read 418 times)

Offline Zoey Lukas

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    • Zoey Lukas
I quoted Bane and didn't realise till the end
« on: April 12, 2019, 07:02:50 AM »
”So you're all stars now?
So you're what's in now?
Top of the world now
So you're the kings now?
There is only one throne and I'm not done with it
Still shitting, sleeping, eating, breathing it”

Camera On
Belfast Ireland
2 Weeks Ago

Lachlan: “Ya don’t have to sit around here ya know?”

Sierra looked up from her magazine with an eyebrow raised as Lachlan sat on the end of a bed in a check-up room. She just raised the magazine back up not even giving him an answer as the anger seemed to swirl underneath her chest. The attack from Malachi kept going through her mind. How, how could he do that to his own brother?. And now here we were, getting another checkup after the fact. Lachlan had seemed fine, he had gone about all his usual day to day things, even going for a run. But he had not been to the gym or been in a ring for a few weeks.

That was not like him. The fact was, Malachi’s cowardly attack had taken time from Lachlan’s career. And by proxy, Sierra’s.

The doctor walked in, he held a light to Lachlan's eyes, Lachlan followed it then stood up and closed his eyes before raising a leg, the doc having to catch him as he swayed a little. Sierra stood up and stayed on Lachlan's side just in case he had another dizzy spell. Despite the few weeks Lach had been away from the ring, he was still not ready. His bruises had healed aside from a few aches and pains but mentally, he wasn’t ready.

The doctor wrote a few things down and explained to Lachlan he would need a little bit more time and to see another doctor for another evaluation in a few weeks. As he left the room Sierra seemed to snarl under her breath. Lachlan looked over and shrugged as she seemed to pace like a caged animal.

Lachlan: ”You seem angrier than I am.

He quipped but Sierra didn’t laugh. He still paced.

Sierra: ”Your brother is a sniveling little weasel”

She boiled and growled as Lachlan shook his head, that just seemed to enraged Sierra even more who had been in a horrible mood for weeks

.Sierra: ”He deserves a severe beating Lachy, but SCW won’t let me do it. Their advertisers don’t allow straight up intergender matches.

He sighed and slid to his feet from the hospital bed.

Lachlan: ”And I wouldn’t want you to anyway.

Sierra went to speak but Lachlan quickly intercepted her

.Lachlan: ”Look, this is an issue between two brothers, I get you want to defend me but Malachi will get taken care of. He’s always been a hot head, he’s always been a little prick too….”

Sierra takes a deep breath as Lachlan grabs her hands, she seems to calm down before giving him a small nod of understanding.

Sierra: ”Ok, I get it. But...if I see him backstage….I’m going to beat his ass

Lachlan smirks and kisses her forehead.

Lachlan: ”And if my brother is half as smart as he believes, he’ll avoid you like the plague, now can we get some food?. I’m starving”

Sierra simply laughs and nods grabbing his hand as they leave the room.

Camera {On} Off
Cardiff, Wales
Present Day.

”Hey look at that, I’ve been booked…”

Sierra Williams voice seemed to spit with venom, her attitude oozing through her entire body language. Not just the base in her voice, but also in her rigid body shape. Her arms folded over her chest, her wide stance and her chest puffed out.

”I haven’t been seen in a ring since Lach and I last defended our mixed tag belts. And before I get into the title I still hold, the division at large and then of course, my opponent this week in Wales, The Water Lizard Trinity “least talented” Jones lemme just address my partner and boyfriends brother. Malachi…”

Sierra’s eyes narrow, we see her jawline, hidden under a black and red bandana, tighten as she seems to try and stay measured and calm. Her fists go from flat against her ribs to balled fists, still folded across her body.

”This jealous little turd of a human being, comes into the company Lach and I work for, attacks his brother in the ring and decides to run his mouth all over social media. And the worst part?. I can’t do anything about it in an SCW ring. See sponsors won’t allow a match like that to be booked with a man and woman in direct competition. So, unfortunately, I can’t just drag his ass down to the ring for a match and beat the hell out of him. In fact, I’m fairly certain SCW has kept me out of the ring due to the...issues I apparently have…”

“But one issue I have is with the Mixed Tag Team division. There have been so many debates about if the titles are relevant and what we should do since there aren’t really any “teams” left. See Kain walked out of SCW after Lach and I beat him and Mercedes. Gamer INC is basically “it” and they’re hopeless. I hear them talk or watch a promo and want to stick needles in my fuckin ears and eyes just to stop the pain. But look at Blast from the past, it’s a tournament built for mixed tags. You’re telling me you can’t just ask people if they want to be teamed up to face me and Lachlan? test themselves against two of the best wrestlers on this planet?....”


“I’m disappointed. But, that is a fight for another day as Lach is now sitting back and waiting for his injuries to heel. And now, well, now I get to show the world what I can really do. See, I have been loving being in a tag team with Lachlan, loving the challenge of working with him and our greatest advantage is also our greatest problem and weakness. Our bond”

She pauses and pulls down the bandana with a smirk.

”Lachlan is out and as such, I was also put on the shelf as SCW didn’t want an...unleashed Sierra Williams around, but, a tweet and a talk later and I’m back. And the sacrificial lamb for this little welcome back to the ring is Trinity Jones. Well, that’s nice of SCW to slowly ease my way back into the ring, not that I need it but still. Nice of them to think about me. See, Trinity is one of these women who likes to talk a big game and think she’s better than everyone else instead of just, you know...proving it…”

“Who have you beaten Trinity?. Mercedes Lewis?. Mercy who?. Pandora?. Travis Levitt’s cheating goth with what looks to be a sever pigment problem?. Iron Maiden?. Seriously?. The one opponent you have faced since the beginning of the year that would be trouble is Sam Marlowe. And she beat you and humiliated you. And I know, you’re probably thinking Trinity, what will be different about me against you?. What can I offer as far as a challenge as you stare at the broken pieces of your career in SCW?”

“I mean I’m just a tag team wrestler right?. Without Lachlan I’m nothing, or so others have said, despite the fact I was successful in other companies before Lach and I joined SCW and decided to team.”

“Well, the one loss I have is a triple threat match where Mercedes Vargas caught me in a submission, that’s it, the lone loss I have is against an SCW hall of famer. A multi-time champion. Other than that?. Well, I have won and defended the Mixed tag titles and last time I was in the ring, I beat Evie Jordan, the “big bad bitch” of SCW so bad she walked off into the sunset”

Sierra scoffs and shakes her head, her long black hair falling down her shoulders.

”Trinity, sweetheart. You are a sacrificial lamb. You’re not a dragon, you’re not a threat to anyone with a championship. You are one of those people you so gleefully talk shit about. But unlike women like Mercedes Lewis, you’re not smart enough to realize you’re in over your head. Every single time you’re booked you think you’re going to beat the other person and 9 times out of 10, you’re wrong. Lewis, Barrett and Maiden aren’t even playing the same game as me let alone in the same league and now you’re stepping up to the real competition. You are facing a real champion and a real badass, and the truth is if I stepped in the ring with Sam Marlowe, I’d show you up and take her damn title too.”

“In fact, all you bitches should be happy I’m in a tag team with Lach, cause if I wasn’t and I was just booked in the bombshells division week in and week out, then chica you’d all be getting destroyed.”

“You, Kate, Crystal, Mercedes, Sam, Dani, even that blond haired fat assed puta Alicia Lukas would get her face ripped off and I’d take her pretty little belt too. This is what you’re facing Trinity, someone who isn’t intimidated by anyone, someone who instead of looking at your record this year and saying “damn she won four in a row” I saw who it was against and just rolled my eyes. I did my research, I saw what I’m against and I’m just not impressed but you should be. You should be impressed by me because the fact is that I became a champion, I stayed a champion and I broke a record with my boyfriend by my side and the company you work for was too scared to unleash me. Hell when I said I wanted to be booked while Lach was injured Christian and Mark were a little worried on what I would do…”

“I don’t blame them…”

“And you should be worried…”

“I’m angry, I’m frustrated and I am in the mood to break someone. I will lock you in the sharpshooter and pull back until you tap or I hear your back break. But the fun part, the part that will take my frown and turn it upside down?. Is answering the fun question…”

“What breaks first?...your body?...or your will?”