Author Topic: Sam Marlowe v Trinity Jones  (Read 1719 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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    • Hot Stuff Mark Ward
Sam Marlowe v Trinity Jones
« on: February 24, 2019, 03:01:48 PM »
 Post all roleplays for this match here.
Limits: 1 RP per week, maximum of 10,000 words

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline Char Kwan

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Sam Marlowe v Trinity Jones
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2019, 11:19:36 PM »
The world lies in a pit of disappear. Not one sole knows how to live without fault of their own. They are consumed with this constant need of being validated that makes them blind to their true nature. Thankfully, Trinity Jones has come to realize this and now looks to ascend up the ranks doing it her way.

<p align=right>Changing The Sheets
Los Angeles, California
Off Camera

Thirteen hours have passed as Trinity Jones is standing in front of her bay window. She is wearing a tank top and boyfriend shorts. Her hair is a little frizzy as her face is glistening from the sweat dripping down her back. She takes a deep breath while running her fingers along her cheek.

What in the hell am I doing?

That question continues to flood her mind as she veers over her shoulder at a woman sleeping in her bed. It is obvious that she had sex with someone but it looks like she isn't too happy. Trinity continues to look out the window as the time continues to fly by. Thirty six hours later, Trinity Jones is pulling off her bed sheets as August Valentine is leaning against the door jam.

Valentine: What are you doing?

Trinity looks over her shoulder.

Jones: What does it look like?

August steps in further as Trinity continues to remove the sheets covering her bed.

Valentine: Looks like you had a very bad night or something. What's wrong?

Jones: Nothing is wrong August.

August reaches out her hand and lightly touches Trinity. She cups her hand as Trinity stops.

Valentine: What's going on Tabi?

Trinity looks at August as she sits down on the bed.

Jones: I don't know. I feel as if I'm living a lie.

Valentine: That's understandable since you've been used by so many people. I've been watching you and Tony Thorn. He's finally broke through that shell that I've been trying to do for years. You just need confidence in yourself. I've been watching you.

Trinity looks at her big sister as she stands back up to her feet.

Jones: I just get sick and tired of being treated like I don't belong. I know I've done more than in my life than most.

Valentine: That's because you have Tabi. You've been consumed with fighting who you are that it's finally causing you to open your eyes. You've seen how people carry theirselves and it's bugging you.

Trinity cocks her head to the side.

Jones: How do you know this? Have you been conversing with Tony behind my back?

Valentine: No. Call it my big sister intuition.

Trinity shakes her head as August holds up her hands. Trinity turns back toward her bed and resumes taking off her sheets.

Jones: You think I can take Sam Marlowe

Valentine: I don't think you can, I know you can take Sam Marlowe.

Trinity smirks as August grabs a handful of bed sheets and proceeds to help her sister.

<p align=right>Sam Marlowe Is Next

Finally! Finally, I get the one match I've been craving for since the last we fought. Last time, we fought to a time limit draw. Now, I didn't like that outcome. I didn't care for that outcome. But you Sam, you found that outcome to be satisfactory. Why? I don't have a clue. I thought you wanted to be a respectable champion but instead you took the easy road. You couldn't stomach another a match with me Sam. You knew that I had you beat. You knew you had nowhere to go.

I guess it's true what they say power corrupts. Like you Sam, the moment you become a champion you tend to think you are unbeatable. You tend to believe that no one is worthy of a title opportunity unless they are people like Jessie Salco and other losers. What about me? Am I too much for little Sammi to handle? You like to tell everyone that you aren't the same person. You can change your spots but you are still the pathetic slimeball who has ducked me for an entire year.

Well, your ducking days are over Sammi. As you have noticed, I am not the same person as last year. I'm not as timid. I am someone who could rip your arms off and enjoy it. You think what I did prior to this match was impressive wait till you see my encore. I am done playing games with this entire roster. I know full well that I can destroy any of you bitches without breaking a sweat. I am the fiercest striker on the roster. As you saw against Iron Maiden, I am deadly accurate with each strike.

I know Sam, you love flying around like a bird. I am efficient in the aerial game myself. Although, it will be tough for you to fly when I damage your wing. I know for a fact you aren't proficient in the ground game. Hell, you barely got out of my submission hold the last time. I am looking forward to taking you to hell and back. I am not above getting down and dirty. I will fight in any match type. I can get hardcore.  I can bleed. Hell, I did that when I competed in Japan.

You have no idea what I am capable of but you will come Blaze of Glory. I am going to cut your reign short. You've had your chance. It's time for someone new to take your place. The Dragon soars in SCW. Sam Marlowe joins the list of those beat by me. I told you. 2019 is the year of THE DRAGON!!!

Offline Sam Marlowe

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Sam Marlowe v Trinity Jones
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2019, 11:33:07 PM »
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Cliimax Control – The Face off…

Sam Marlowe and Trinity Jones stood face to face with the title between them, no words spoken.  Sam had heard the words from her earlier in the night.  And she saw as well that Trinity was going to get her wish and face her for the Bombshell Roulette title at the supercard.  

The red light of the camera flickers off as the view heads to somewhere else for the show.  Sam lets the title lower as her lips break into a smile.  Putting the title over her shoulder, she holds out her hand.  “Good luck Trinity,” she offers in a friendly voice but Trinity says nothing only to move off leaving Sam watching her with a bewildered look on her face.

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The door to the Staggs dungeon opens to reveal Sam Marlowe with her hair pulled back into a long braid that hangs over the lapel of a denim jacket that covers a pair of tights and a half shirt that reveals a rather taut stomach.  Wrestling boots hang by the laces from one hand as Sam is rocking a pair of hightops.  Moving into the gym, Sam looks around for her trainer who steps out of the office.  Vixen Staggs is dressed in a pair of tights herself, the name Vixen emblazoned on the side.  A Staggs dungeon hoodie covers the matching top.

“Hey champ,” calls out Vixen, her slight French accent slipping out.  “I got your call but it has me wondering why you called me.  You know you have a standing offer to train here.  What do you need me for?” asks Vixen as she tucks her hands into the hoodie pocket and moves towards Sam who lets the wrestling boots drop at her side.  

“I know I have the offer,” begins Sam as she brings her hand up to the back of her head, rubbing along the back of her neck.  “I guess what I wanted to do is train with someone that could really take me to my limits.  From what I heard at Climax Control, Trinity Jones is going to be coming at me full bore and I can’t let her have the opportunity to get a drop on me.  And you are the one person I know that can give me the training that I need without making me feel like I wasn’t.”  

Vixen only nods as she pulls a hand out of her pocket then pats Sam on the shoulder.  “Well then, since you are here to get your derriere kicked, then you better put on those boots and meet me in the ring,” says Vixen before turning to the ring and moving towards it.  As she walks, she motions for a pair of students to join her.  

Sam watches them join Vixen in the ring as she reaches down to pick up the boots and moves to the ringsteps.  Sitting down on the steel, she can feel the slight cold touch of it as she kicks off the hightops and pulls on the wrestling boots.  “So, where are Spike, Eden and the twins?” asks Sam nonchalantly as she pulls up a foot and begins to tighten the laces.

Vixen reaches up and unzips the hoodie as she casually calls over her shoulder to Sam.  “The kids are at school and Spike is in the office…did you want me to bring him out here or would you rather he not see you get beaten?” she jokes as she pulls off the hoodie and tosses it at the corner.  Turning to Sam, she motions for her to finish and get in the ring.

Sam stands and then slides into the ring under the bottom rope.  Getting to her feet, she looks at Vixen and offers her mentor a smirk.  “What are these two going to be doing?” asks Sam as Vixen leans back into the corner as the first student moves to meet Sam in the middle of the ring.  Before Sam can say anything else, the student lunges and attempts a single leg takedown that Sam manages to barely avoid before shooting a look at Vixen.

“They are going to be training you,” says Vixen as she watches for the student to once more attempt a takedown but Sam sidesteps it and then moves closer to Vix.  “You know me too well so before you and I spar, I want you to face someone that you haven’t before.  Both of these girls can give you an idea of what to do when facing someone you haven’t before.”

Sam thinks for a moment before shrugging then getting her head into the match against the first student.  The pair locks up and the student puts Sam into a headlock but Marlowe sends her into the ropes where she rebounds and comes at Sam with a clothesline.  Taken off her feet, Sam quickly rolls up and stands to face the rebound as the student again bounces off the ropes.  Sam leapfrogs over the advancing wrestler then manages to catch the student from behind when she stops.  Launching her over her head with a German suplex, Sam immediately follows up with the Sammiwrap to quickly have the student tap and Sam releases her.

“Bon…tres bon,” mutters Vixen as she motions for the other student to move to Sam.  This time, the pair circle slowly before locking up.  Neither can gain the advantage as Vixen moves to circle them.  “You have to be ready for anything Sam, don’t let your opponent get the better of you and don’t underestimate them,” states Vixen as she watches the student force Sam into the corner.  Frustrated, Sam holds up her hands for a clean break but the student levels her with a forearm shot that has Sam drop to the mat in the corner.  “You let yourself open up for that attack Sam.  How many times do I have to remind you that not all of your opponents will respect you or fight fair.  Again!”

Sam gets to her feet as she rubs her jaw.  The student smirks as she backs away and then motions for Sam to lock up.  The pair lock up as Sam manages to get under the hold of the student and pushes her towards the corner.  The student holds up her hands for Sam to release the hold but is again caught with a forearm that only staggers her this time.  The student climbs the turnbuckles and launches herself off the top with a crossbody that Sam ducks under.  The student lands hard then she clutches at her midsection as Sam turns to look at her.  Concerned she moves but is warned by Vixen.  Sam cautiously watches and as the student begins to rise, rushes to take her back to the mat with an enziguri before using a schoolgirl roll up for the pin.  Vixen drops to make the count and then taps Sam on the shoulder after the three.

“Something tells me that you are still a little bit of a want to help everyone in that ring and that will cost you if you don’t pay attention.  Now if you ask me, you are ready for any newcomer that thinks they are going to step in the ring in a roulette title match and get the better of you,” says Vixen with a smile.  “You have the advantage when it comes to roulette title matches because you can adapt to any stipulation but that also means that you can’t get cocky.  I have seen film of Trinity Jones and trust me when I tell you that she is ready to take your title.”

Sam nods as she sucks her bottom lip into her teeth and lightly chews it worriedly.  “I know she is a lot of talk but how seriously do I take it?” demands the redhead as she moves to lean on the ropes.  “It isn’t like I have a choice about taking her as a threat.  Anyone in that situation could pull off the upset and I have to give it to Trinity, she is a threat.”

“But Sam, you are the champion and more of a threat than she is,” replies Vixen with a pat to the back of the champion.  “So champ, now that you beat my students…let’s see how you do against a former Bombshell Roulette champion!”

Sam laughs as she turns to see Vixen ready to wrestle, her body in a low pose.  Sam advances and is just about to lock up with Vixen when the door of the gym opens to reveal a familiar redheaded gentleman wearing a letterman jacket in blue and gold with an R on the chest.  His arrival has all the female wrestling students in a frenzy but he only has eyes for one person.  Sam and Vixen move to the ropes where Vixen leans against them as Sam drops and rolls out of the ring to stand in front of Colton.

“I’m here,” says Colton.  “Who was it that you wanted me to meet?”

“I wanted to introduce you to my mentor, trainer and friend,” says Sam as she turns to Vixen and points at her.  “Camo, this is Vixen Staggs and Vix, this is Colton Myers, my…friend.”

“Your…’friend’ is he?” teases Vixen.  

“It’s complicated,” Sam and Colton both say which only draws a laugh from Vixen who slides out of the ring and holds out a hand to Colton.  

“Nice to meet you now if you would like to sit and watch, I have to put Sam here through her paces,” says Vixen before motioning Sam to the ring.  Colton nods and moves towards a bench where he is surrounded it seems by the student who appear to be watching Vixen and Sam in the ring.  Inside the ring, the pair circle and lock up in the middle of the ring as we leave the scene.

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Soft music can be heard to play as the Bombshell Roulette title faceplate is seen then pulled away to reveal Sam Marlowe with the title on her shoulder.  With the belt framed by her red curls, Sam looks calm and confident in a pair of dark denim jeans and a University of Nevada ripped tee over a black half shirt.  Standing in front of her is a cameraman with Pussy Willow standing right beside him.  Sam is motioned at and begins to speak.

“Trinity,” she begins as a hand creeps up to rest lightly on the title as if holding it on her shoulder.  “I know you have gotten the opportunity to try to make a run at this title that I proudly hold.  At Blaze of Glory seven, you are going to be watching the wheel spin to see what kind of match that you will be entering to try to take my title.  And that is all you are going to be able to do is try because I am not in any way, shape or form going to let you take my title.”

Sam brushes a hand through her curls as she pushes them behind her ear.  

“I have to say that congratulations are in order for you getting a title shot at the Bombshell Roulette title and that is no small feat.  But I also have to know if you are ready for what getting a title shot at this title really means.  It means that a wheel will decide what kind of match we are going to be fighting in.  I don’t know about how well you are able to adapt to a situation that doesn’t give you an advantage or not.  I know I have, it seems, an uncanny ability to excel in matches that come as a surprise to my opponents.  Oh don’t get me wrong, there have been some matches where I wasn’t even sure that I would be able to pull it out but here I am, still the Bombshell Roulette champion.”

Pussy moves into view and then smiles at Sam then the camera.  “So Sam, let me ask you this then.  Were you surprised that Trinity was given the shot?”

“Not at all Pussy, Trinity does deserve it.  She has a pretty strong record for the last few matches but like she said, she has been facing hacks and now she is going up against someone that has been making history here in SCW.  Two-time Bombshell champion, three-time Bombshell Roulette champion and the only champion in the history of SCW who has had three one-hundred-day title reigns.  I keep making history, don’t I?” asks Sam with a self-depreciating smile.

Pussy can only nod in agreement as Sam quirks her lips as she tries to think of what else she might be asked.  “If you are facing Trinity Jones, I do have to ask as well, she seems to be mentored by Tony Thorn.  Do you see that as a problem Sam?  He is quite intelligent and he has gotten Trinity this far and perhaps he will give her the winning formula to beat you,” ask Pussy with concern.

Sam thinks for a moment as she wonders just what she wants to say.  “Well, I know that Tony Thorn is a great wrestler, undefeated I believe but that is all well and good facing the superstars of SCW.  But being a bombshell is a little different and when it comes to this title, I am a completely different type of bombshell.   I am the type who rises to the occasion and I am the one that takes the lemons that the Roulette wheel gives out and I make lemonade,” she says with conviction.

Before Pussy can ask another question, Sam continues.  “I won this title and now if you ask anyone, the Bombshell Roulette title and Sam Marlowe are almost synonymous.  I live, breathe and bleed for this title and I am willing to do whatever I need to as the champion in that ring.   I may not fight dirty but that doesn’t mean that I can’t battle hard for the title.”  Sam smiles at that as Pussy takes the microphone back.

“Sam, we have to know, at Blaze of Glory, with Trinity attempting to take the belt, are you prepared if on the off chance that you might lose?” asks Pussy with a serious look that makes Sam’s smile fade.

“Of course, Pussy, I am always ready to be in a situation where I could lose my title and I have been in situations where I was sure I was going to lose it.  But somehow, I manage to dig deep enough to give that one hundred and ten percent and I manage to pull out the win by sheer force of will,” states Sam.  “And at Blaze of Glory, I am going to be a force to deal with so I want to take this opportunity to wish Trinity good luck in her attempt to take this title.”

Sam again caresses the title faceplate, her fingers tracing along the nameplate with her name on it.  Before Pussy can begin to talk, the cameraman motions that the interview is over as he mumbles something about being out of power.  Pussy can’t believe him and moves to check the camera as a ring tone can be heard.  Looking up, Pussy and the cameraman watch as Sam pulls her cell from her back pocket and then with an apologetic smile moves off speaking into the phone after pressing the answer button.

<img src=>

Offline Char Kwan

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Sam Marlowe v Trinity Jones
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2019, 02:43:04 AM »

<p align=right>Off Camera

It's a sunny day in Los Angeles as Trinity is sitting on her back patio with Tony Thorn manning the grill and his mother sitting across from her. Trinity is holding a bottle of beer as Victoria is holding a cigarette in between her index and middle finger.

"What a beautiful day?" says Tony as he waits for the grill to be ready for the burgers.

Tony had came over earlier than planned but Trinity wasn't going to complain. Felicity had been on the East Coast spending time with her family so Trinity was alone. Victoria takes a few puffs on her cigarette as Trinity props her feet up.

"What are your plans following Blaze of Glory?" asks Tony looking over at Trinity.

"What kind of bullshit question is that," his mother blurts out as Trinity chuckles.

Tony didn't expect his mother to answer as he looked over at her. "It's just a simple question," he defends himself as Trinity plays with her half empty bottle.

As the three of them continue to enjoy the sun, Laura Ingram opens the front door and pokes her head inside. "Trini," she calls out. No answer. "Trini," she calls out again while stepping over the threshold.

Meanwhile, Victoria stands up from her chair as she looks at Trinity and Tony. "I'm getting myself a beer. Do you two want anything?" she inquires. Trinity motions for another bottle as Tony does the same. Victoria nods her head while stepping back into the house. Tony watches his mother enter before stepping away from the grill.

"Why are you silent today?" He asks while leaning over the table. Trinity lifts her head up so her eyes meet his.

"I'm trying to stay focused on the task at hand. I just got a lot of things running through my mind," she answers. Before Tony could respond, a loud scream bellows from inside the house. Trinity immediately jumps up to her feet as Tony stays by the grill. She quickly enters the house and sees Laura hiding behind a chair.

"Who the fuck are you bitch?" questions Victoria as she is holding a butter knife in her hand. Laura is shaking like a chihuahua.

"Laura?" Trinity speaks up as Victoria looks at her.

"You know this bitch," wonders Victoria.

"Yes. She is one of my best friends," replies Trinity as Victoria puts down the knife. Laura stays behind the chair as Victoria looks at Laura.

"You are lucky that Trinity knows you bitch," says Victoria before grabbing two longneck bottles out of the refrigerator. She steps back onto the patio as Trinity closes the door behind her.

"What are you doing here Laura?" asks Trinity as Laura looks at her.

"Who was that crazy woman?" Laura answers with a question of her own.

"Victoria Thorn," answers Trinity. "Are you going to answer my question?" she asks.

"Felicity texted me. She wanted me to check up on you," answers Laura as Trinity shakes her head.

"So that's the only way you come over. I thought I meant more to you than that," retorts Trinity. Laura looks at her before stepping around the chair. She was wearing a low cut shirt with Bermuda shorts.

"You haven't called me either since our one night together," replies Laura. Trinity sighs.

"I'm sorry. I just have been busy," she lies. Trinity hadn't want to talk about the one night stand with Laura. Trinity saw Laura as means to an end. Laura thought it meant something more as Tony pokes his head in the door.

"Trinity, it's time," he says. Trinity nods as Tony steps further into the house. Laura looks confused as Tony smirks.

"I have to go," remarks Trinity as she and Tony head down the hallway. Tony opens a door as the two disappear through it. The scene shifts inside the stairwell as Tony admires the structure of this house. Trinity is still battling some demons as they step onto the basement floor.

"Are you ready for Sam?" he asks as Trinity smirks. They come to big, steel door as she pushes it open with the flick of her wrist. Tony looks inside as Trinity flips on the light. The room is decorated with multiple pictures of Sam Marlowe. A bowl of darts sit on top of a marble table as Tony is impressed.

<p align=right>On Camera

Tony pulls out his cell phone and loads the camera app. Trinity is holding a single dart in her hand as Tony signals her to just begin.

Two years! Two years. I have waited for this opportunity to get my hands on you Samantha Marlowe. You and I once competed in a match that ended in a time limit draw. Do you remember? Of course you don't but I do. I remember I challenged you to another match but you were too afraid to step back into the ring with me. Now, you don't think I am a potential threat. You don't think I am ready for this opportunity.

Trinity tosses the dart through the air as it lands directly into the throat area on one picture.

Sammi, I know you want the world to believe you can adapt to any situation. However, I think you are a fucking liar. I have watched your last few defenses. It took you at least fifteen minutes before you adapted to the submissions count anywhere match. Why did it take you so long to adapt? You sit there on your high horse thinking no one is going to knock you off. Well, I am here to remind you of who I am. I'm not your average bombshell. I have scratched and clawed my way to get where I am. You want to talk about adapting. Bitch, you don't know how to adapt. When I was competing in Japan, I adapted to my surroundings. I have fought in death matches, ladder matches, submission matches and so many others. I'll let you in on a secret. If I didn't want the Roulette championship then I wouldn't have challenged for it.

Trinity picks up another dart and throws it. It flies through the air before landing in between Sam's eyes.

You don't think I'm serious about taking your belt. Did you not see what I've done prior to Blaze of Glory? I humiliated, embarrassed and annihilated three bombshells. I ended Mercedes Lewis' career before it even begun. I don't care how much history you have made in SCW. The fact that you have ducked me proves you are scared. Tony Thorn is the least of your worries. You should worry about me. You should take me seriously. Otherwise, when that bell rings. It won't matter what match type we compete in because it will not matter. Why? Because I'm coming to break you. I'm coming to hurt you. You want to pretend that I ain't a threat. Well, I'll make you look stupid when I slam my foot so hard into your face that your head rolls around the ring. I promise you will be begging the referee to stop the onslaught as I turn you into a Sammi pretzel. Like I said, it don't matter what match it is because I will inflict more pain than you can humanly handle. I'm not above taking the low road to get what I want. I'm not above getting down and dirty. Sam Marlowe had better realize that she is in the fight of her life or it will be a very long night.

Trinity picks up yet another dart but instead of throwing it. She walks across the floor towards the large poster hanging on the punching bag.

Sam, you have no idea what forces you are playing with come Blaze of Glory. My hunger for gold. My desire for success will overshadow your will. My abilities are far superior than yours. I am the fiercest striker in all of SCW. I am one of the best submission specialists on the Bombshell roster. I am ruthless. I am the true FORCE to reckon with come Sunday. Your time as champion is over. The Dragon awakens from her slumber. I won't need luck this Sunday because I'm going to take the Roulette Championship. I will shut the naysayers up. I will make everyone take notice. The Dragon is coming. She will fly above the clouds and rain fire down from heaven. Sammi better hug that belt tight because it will be the last time she holds it.

Trinity slams the dart right into Sam's jaw as Tony stops recording.

"Damn," he says as the scene fades.

Offline Sam Marlowe

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Sam Marlowe v Trinity Jones
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2019, 08:43:47 PM »
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The air of New Orleans is fresh as Sam Marlowe steps out onto a balcony in the French Quarter with a tray of drinks and after setting it on the table, she stretches her body that is covered in a half tee and jogging pants with her feet bare and her hair pulled back and held with a small wire headband with a fascinator over her right ear.  From behind her a feminine groan of pain can be heard.  Sam turns back to see her friend Roberta step through the door, her fist rubbing at her eye and dressed in a pair of Minnie Mouse pyjamas.

“Remind me again why we do this to ourselves,” mutters Roberta as she spies a cup of coffee on the table in a drink tray from McDonalds.  “I swear if my husband tells me next year that I am staying home, I am going to believe him,” she adds before bringing the cup to her lips and sipping at the warm drink before letting the cup lower slightly to a hum of enjoyment.

“We do this because it is a tradition from when we went to college here,” replies Sam.  “We made a pact that each Mardi Gras would be spent here in the French Quarter and the three of us would be seeing who would be the one to get the most beads from the parades.   For the first couple of years it was Edie because she had no filters and flashed everyone in college.”

“Hey, I was sure that it would work and it did…I never had to pay for dinner or anything else for that matter,” teased Edie who stepped out from behind Roberta with a couple of bags of food that she set beside the coffee.  “Oooo is this what I think it is?” she demands as she reaches down to pick up a cup that she opens to reveal a café au lait with sprinkles of chocolate floating on top.  “You are the best Sammi!”

The redhead tosses a grin over her shoulder as she looks down on the quarter, the excitement of Mardi Gras adding a brightness to the view as parade floats are being prepared.  Finally Sam turns to her friends and puts her hands on her hips.  “Okay you lazies, if we are going to get a great spot to watch today’s parade, we have to get a move on,” she tells her two friends who have reclined back on the delicate furniture of the balcony.

“Oh Sam, why do we have to leave this place and get into the push and shove of the people flashing for beads?” asks Roberta who puts her feet up and sips again.  “Last night we had one heck of a night and I just want to recover today.”

“Bobbie, I have to leave tomorrow to get back to Vegas to prep for Blaze of Glory.  I have a real challenge from Trinity Jones and I am taking it seriously.  She seems to want to paint me as someone that doesn’t deserve to have the title I hold and that she is going to take it from me,” states Sam as she reaches up to rub the back of her neck.

Edie rolls her eyes and then raises her cup to Sam.  “Like you really need to worry Sam, you have held this title how long?  It is going nowhere.”

Roberta nods in agreement.  “Edie is right, Sam you need to remember that you have done things that Trinity can only dream of.  You have held the bombshell championship…TWICE!” exclaims Roberta holding up two fingers, before continuing after throwing up a third finger.  “And you have held the Bombshell Roulette title THREE times!”

Both Roberta and Edie keep nodding as Sam moves closer and takes the third seat at the table.  “Okay guys but let me point this out…to have held those titles more than once means I lost a match to lose the title,” she states as she brings her elbow to rest on the table and sets her chin into the cup of her hand with a hmmph of worry.  “I don’t want to have to call myself the four time Bombshell Roulette champion.”

Roberta puts her hand on the shoulder of Sam getting her attention.  “Listen Sammi, we know how you get before a big match and well we have faith in your abilities so you just take today, relax and totally take your mind off the match and enjoy the sights…”  Roberta’s voice trails off as she sees a couple of men preparing for the parade with their shirts off.   She nods at her friends and motions.  “With a view like that, who has time to worry about wrestling matches against other women?”

“Does your husband know you look at other men?” demands Edie with a smirk.  

“He knows I am not blind,” rebuts Roberta.  “He also knows I am faithful and even if I do look…AND I DO…I never ever touch.”

Sam and Edie share a look then all three break out in laughter.  Putting her hands on the top of the table, Sam lifts herself out of the chair and then with a smile to her friends, she heads towards the doorway into the room.  “Well if you two are going to be staying out here, checking out the view…” Sam says as she motions towards the men, “I am going to be the first to have a hot shower and I may not leave you guys any!”

With that final taunt, Sam ducks through the doorway and into the room.  Moving towards the bathroom, she reaches down for the edge of her shirt and begins to work it upwards…

*~ BLINK ~*

The steam of the hot water covered the glass doors of the shower and made it opaque.  Standing there, Sam lets the stream pound onto her shoulders as she rests her palms on the wall.  The water has her hair streaming wetly on either side of her face obscuring it.  A voice can be heard from outside the shower, the words beating the ears of Sam as she sighs and raises up to let the water stream on her face.

“I can’t let her get into my head,” says Sam softly as one hand curls into a fist and slams against the wall gently.  The voice continues to speak, the words of Trinity Jones playing on a loop, each sentence driving deeper into the psyche of Sam.

Eyes closed as the water beats down, Sam remembers back to when she faced Trinity before to a time limit draw and how she kept her title but wasn’t satisfied by the draw.  Trinity’s words keep twisting that verbal knife deeper and deeper into Sam’s head, the cadence of the words matched by the slamming of a hand against the wall until suddenly, the words are cut off.  Standing upright, Sam wipes the water from her eyes and then brushes back her hair as she turns towards the now open door and her friend Roberta standing there, one hand on the pause button of the phone that had been playing.

“Okay Sam, I get it, you are punishing yourself needlessly by listening to someone push your buttons,” offers Bobbie.  “Do you really think that listening to this {expletive} is going to help you in the ring at Blaze of Glory?  Instead of listening to the words of someone desperate to prove themselves, I want you to listen to the words of someone that knows you better than sometimes you know yourself.”

Sam chuckles as she reaches for the taps and turns off the water.  Reaching to the towel rack she pulls a large fluffy white towel from it and then wraps it around her body before stepping from the shower and grabbing a smaller towel to squeeze the water from her hair.  As she does, Roberta moves to sit on the toilet and watch.

“Bobbie, you know I have always been one to have to deal with everyone down on me.  You have seen my sister do that to me and now no matter who I face or what match I step into, that is all they talk about,” admits Sam as she turns and angrily tosses the now balled up towel back into the shower stall.  “I have everyone telling me that I am scared, that I am not a champion that is worth the title.  I let it dig into me and do you know why?”

“I bet you are going to tell me,” answers Bobbie as she picks up and hands a comb to Sam who smiles her thanks.  Starting to stroke the comb through the tangles in her curls, Sam is quiet for a moment before Bobbie speaks up.  “So spill Sammi.”

Sam lets a soft chuckle escape at the impatience of her friend.  “I do it because it drives me to prove them wrong.  What you see as punishment Bobbie is me preparing for my match mentally.  I can’t tell you how many times listening to Cyn has driven me to do better than what she has said about me.  It is the same when I hear everyone putting me down like Trinity has these last two weeks.  Right now listening to her spout off about how I am not a fighting champion that is running from her…goodness knows that I am not hard to find nor am I afraid of anything.”

Bobbie’s eyes widen at Sam’s comment.  “You can’t be serious Sam?”

Sam looks at the mirror and the reflection of her friend.  “Of course I am serious Bobbie.  Oh I make the mistake of letting it get to me a little I will admit but it is a side affect to wanting to be the best.  It’s like most people ask what burns their rear…and normally the answer is a flame about two and a half feet high but for me, it is the put downs from the ones wanting to take my belt.  It fires me up.”

“You are so lucky it is me here listening to this.  If it was Edie, she would be trying to interpret your psyche given that she is the psychologist out of the three of us,” jokes Bobbie.  “Listen to me, the economist telling the English Lit master’s student slash wrestling champion what to do.  Just don’t let it get to you Sam.  I mean who really is this Trinity person to talk about you when she really hasn’t gotten anywhere in SCW.  You are a champion and a dominant one at that if my husband is to be believed.  So all you have to do is remember that you are the champion Sam and she has to beat you, you don’t have to beat her.”

Sam offers her friend a half grin as she brings the comb down the last bit of tangles in her hair and then sets it on the sink side.  “You’re right Bobbie, thanks for the advice.  I guess I can take a break from getting ready to enjoy today and I will deal with Trinity later in the week,” Sam says before looking down at the towel then back at Bobbie.  “And I need to get dressed if we are setting out to find our parade place.”

Bobbie gets to her feet and holds her arms out, wiggling her fingers slightly.  “Bring it in Sammi,” she taunts as she motions for a hug.  Sam gets a nervous look on her face as she backs away towards the door with a giggle as Bobbie follows her complaining why Sam won’t hug her.

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The wheel of roulette title match stipulations is standing in what looks like the backstage area of where Blaze of Glory is set to happen.  The match stipulations run the gambit of pillow fight to pudding match to inferno match to death match and all kinds in between.  Moving to stand beside the wheel, one hand trailing along the edge as Sam Marlowe turns to look towards the sound of footsteps that indicates she is being joined by someone.  Into the view comes Pussy Willow, a camera in her hands.

“I don’t think we are supposed to be here this early Sam,” mutters Pussy as she takes in the champion wearing a pair of dark jeans and a light leather jacket over a halter top.  Sam’s boot heel taps slightly on the concrete as she gives Pussy a look.

“I know,” she replies.  “Do you think this not listening will ruin my good girl rep?”  Hearing the teasing tone in Sam’s voice only makes Pussy huff with irony.  Sam nods as she holds up her free hand in surrender.  “I am just going to be a few minutes Pussy and there weren’t any cameramen available.  I just want to send a message for my match this week to Trinity considering all the things that she has said about me and I don’t want her to think that I am avoiding her because that is the last thing I want her to think.”

Pussy nods in agreement as she films Sam who moves to stand in front of the wheel, her hands reaching out to hold onto two of the pegs as she begins to speak…
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   <td><img src=></td>
   <td>Trinity I get it now, I really do understand where you are coming from and I have to say that bravo, you have made it known that you are the best striker in this company and maybe you are and maybe you aren’t but that isn’t going to matter in this match at Blaze of Glory.  You are facing me in a match that no one can be ready for.  Well that isn’t completely true.  I prepare for any and all matches to defend my title and when it comes to defending it, I am going to be doing that with no fear and no quit as of Sunday night.  Which then begs the question…what are you going to do when I come like a fury at you to defend my title.  

Since our last match I faced women and each one was a lesson that has brought me to the edge and pushed me further.  But I want to remind you of something…our last match was to a time limit draw.  In this match, there technically is no time limit. You claimed rightly that you did take me to the time limit.  And I will admit you do hit hard but do you have the stamina to face me in a match that could see me take you to an hour or more?  Do you have the desire to see blood just to win a first blood match?  Do you have what it takes to step into a ring or venue or arena that could see me leave you in a pool of blood and pain to be the last woman standing to retain my title.  I have battled in those kinds of matches and I am ready for anything.

The Bombshell Roulette title is something that I value more each day and I am honored to defend it against anyone.  I make each match a title match in my mind and now at Blaze of Glory, you get a title shot.  Which means I see you as an obstacle to burn through on my way to continuing to make history.  

I bet right now you are thinking that you are going to be the next Bombshell Roulette title holder and I have to apologize.  Because if you think that you are going to take the title from me, you have another thing coming.  I am not defined by the title but Trinity, that title is defined by just who wears it and I may be the sweetheart of SCW but do not think that I can’t be a wildcat when I need to be.

So let me wish you luck Trinity because when it comes to that title I am going to be the fire and the fury that will incinerate your dreams of being the Bombshell Roulette champion.</td>

“Wow Sam, where is that from?” asks Pussy who continues to film Sam who just smiles.

“I guess you could say that I got tired of hearing everything Trinity was saying and wanted to remind her just who was the champion.  Is it too much?” asks Sam nervously as she lightly sucks her bottom lip into her teeth to worry it slightly.

“I have been telling you that you need to be more like that Sam,” replies Pussy as she stops recording.  

Suddenly a door is opened as a voice calls out scaring both women who turn to see a security guard moving down the ramp.  The pair look at each other guiltily before moving to join the security guard who begins to question them.  Pussy reaches into a pocket and pulls out her ID and she and Sam talk to security who guides them up the ramp taking notes before all three disappear behind the curtain.

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