Author Topic: Grand Opening of the Golden Ring Casino  (Read 7874 times)

Offline London Underground

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Grand Opening of the Golden Ring Casino
« on: November 03, 2018, 01:01:57 PM »
 The scene starts focused on the sign of The Golden Ring Casino, the bright neon sign lit up for the first time. A crowd of members of the public as well as the media stand before a  podium and red ribbon in front of the doors. To one side of the podium, Daniel J Morgan stands with Osbourne, Mackenzie Page and Charlotte Elliot. Daniel looks calmly to the group.

"Ok, everyone in their places?" Daniel asks Charlotte.

"Everyone is ready, Fenris looks a little confused in there, but everyone is ready." Charlotte replies.

"Bar good to go?" Daniel asks Mackenzie.

"Yeah, Dani's running around behind the bar, all ready for the rush." Mackenzie replies.

Daniel turns his attention to Osbourne.

"Security sorted?" He asks the big man.

Osbourne nods his head up and down.

"Right, time for a five minute speech and open this place." He says to himself.

Daniel turns and walks in front of the podium and the crowd see him. He starts to look around as the crowd begin to hush.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming out here today." Daniel says with a smooth tone. "When we came to America, it wasn't just to be wrestlers, it was to be part of what everyone wanted to be part of, the American dream."

Daniel looks away for a second, he knew that wasn't the case, but had to smooze at this point.

"We wanted to be part of a country that will unite again soon." He continues "And will grow stronger and stronger, we wanted to own something that we could turn in to a legacy that sits in this country for hundreds of years to come, we wanted to give back to a country that has taken us to their hearts. We wanted to offer a good place where you could spend some time and relax. We wanted to work hard so you didn't have to and tonight, that dream has become a reality."

Daniel raises his hand and points to the sign.

"The Golden Ring Casino is much more than a Casino." Daniel tells them. "It's a place with stores, restaurants, bars and a few places where you can win big. Tonight, the best place you will ever go in Las Vegas will open and it will not disappoint. Inside right now, we have people from the SCW world happy to talk, we have two World champions in there serving you drinks, we have a Roulette champion going to hit the stage in a little while and talk to you all about his life and times in wrestling, we have games as far as the eye can see."

Daniel waves toward Charlotte who hands him a pair of scissors.

"So I'm inviting you to join us tonight, and every night." Daniel starts. "At The Golden Ring Casino."

Daniel turns and cuts the ribbon and the doors open on cue.

"Gamble responsibly and have a great time." Daniel says stepping out of the way and pointing to the door.

The scene fades as people start to make their way in to the Golden Ring Casino.

Ok people, feel free to continue this on, drinking, winning big, losing big, hanging around fans, date nights, whatever you desire to help you push an angle or two. This Casino is open for anyone to use in roleplays at any time.

Twitter: @DanielJMorganEE

Offline Devin Lockyer

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    • Stewart mason
Grand Opening of the Golden Ring Casino
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2018, 12:26:01 AM »
 a Black SUV pulls up and parks the passenger door opens and you see a pair of stilettos, Gail Weston steps out in her sexy outfit she walks to the front and is joined by her boyfriend the SCU Underground champion Stewart dressed in an Armani suit, after posing for a few photos they enter the club.

Stewart: I'll go get us some drinks, while you mingle.

Gail: Okay.

Gail walks off to mingle and Stewart walks up to the bar.

Stewart: one Cosmo and one scotch on the rocks.

After receiving his drinks he turns and notices Gail talking to another couple, Stewart walks over and hands Gail her drink.

Gail: Hey babe, this is Mike and Robyn.

Stewart: Nice to meet you.

Robyn: So, Gail was telling us that you're into the swinging lifestyle, and moonlight as Bounty Hunters.

Stewart: Yeah we enjoy the company of other people, and yeah were bounty hunters, our lives are very business.

Mike: I'm sure it is, if you ever want to unwind, Robyn and I certainly wouldn't mind if you came over to our house.

Gail: We may take you up on that, sometime.

The music starts and Robyn grabs Stewart by the hand.

Robyn: Let's dance.

Stewart and Robyn head for the dance floor and Mike and Robyn sit down at the table.

Mike: So how did you and Stewart meet.

Gail: Well that an interesting story, Stewart was feuding with my brother in another fed, I came to basically get close to Stewart and obtain information for my brother, but I fell for Stewart, and actually helped him against my brother, we've been together ever since, and it took a while by my brother and have finally got back on speaking terms. So what's your story.

Mike: Well...

Suddenly one of the slots machines begins ringing.

Gail: Well it looks like somebody just hit the jackpot.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 03:42:17 PM by Devin Lockyer »
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Offline Despayre

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Grand Opening of the Golden Ring Casino
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2018, 11:26:21 AM »
QUOTE (Devin Lockyer @ November 03, 2018 09:26 pm)
Suddenly one of the slots machines begins ringing.

Gail: Well it looks like somebody just hit the jackpot.

Ever the astute businessman and boss, Daniel Morgan preferred not to be the sort to stow away in a private office, away from the masses. But instead he thought it more prudent to be seen, and to be out there where he could keep an eye on the goings on -- personally. Even if Osbourne, Charlotte and Mackenzie were right there to do the same, it was the little things.

The personal touch.

As Daniel sat at a table, watching with a calm smile on his face while he chatted up a patron or two, the ringing of the slot machine drew his attention and he glanced up.

Daniel: Well, and on the opening night. Someone got lucky.

Their eyes roamed a bit over in the direction where the sound was originating from.

Charlotte: I wonder who it...?

And Despayre casually walked across their path from that direction, whistling merrily as he carried in his hands a large bowl filled with his winnings, and atop the mountain of coins? Angel, clad in a bite sized tuxedo, top hat and monocle over his eye. The collective eyes of each London Underground member follows him as his head turns and he smiles brightly at Daniel.

Despayre: He has a system!

And off he (they) go with the eight eyes following in silent surprise.

"A teddy bear does not depend upon mechanics to give him the semblance of life. He is loved - and therefore he lives."

Offline Devin Lockyer

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    • Stewart mason
Grand Opening of the Golden Ring Casino
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2018, 01:14:52 AM »
 Stewart and Robyn return from the dance floor.

Stewart: what's all the commotion about.

Mike: Some dude just hit the jackpot.

Stewart: Okay.

Robyn: So how have you two been getting along.

Gail: Great.
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Offline Winter

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Grand Opening of the Golden Ring Casino
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2018, 07:06:17 AM »
 After taking care of a few things Stephanie McDiddle finally manages to sneak off to the Golden Ring Casino. A chance to just be herself and not the wrestler Winter Elemental. Stephanie learned early on how to count cards but has found even more luck at the roulette tables. Stephanie decided to pay the casino a visit to up her persona account a bit.

She arrives just after the opening ceremonies. But still early enough to get stopped at the red carpet for photos.


Before she starts gambling she decides to walk around the place and check it out. She knows she is not the only Sin City wrestler in the building. The most talented one yes, but not the only one. As she walks around the crowd main floor she comes across a party like environment. A DJ playing the latest dance music.

Stephanie decides to go check it out, maybe dance to a song or two before going to a table. As she looks around she spots SCU Underground Cham[ion Stewart Mason along with Gail. Stephanie decides to go over to say hi.

QUOTE (Devin Lockyer,)

Stewart and Robyn return from the dance floor.

Stewart: what's all the commotion about.

Mike: Some dude just hit the jackpot.

Stewart: Okay.

Robyn: So how have you two been getting along.

Gail: Great.

Stephanie approaches the four of them and booty bumps the champion.

Stephanie: Hey champ, how you doing eh?

Stephanie says with a smile as she gives Mike and Robyn a friendly wave before waving at Gail. Right before Stewart and answer Stephanie adds in.

Stephanie: I love that outfit you got on Gail, you rocking it girl!.

Offline Devin Lockyer

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Grand Opening of the Golden Ring Casino
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2018, 10:24:02 AM »
 Gail looks up at Stephanie, taking the time to check her out.

Gail: Well you clean up real nice don't ya.

The music is pumping as Gail stands up and adjusts herself and takes a sip of her drink.

Gail: Wanna dance.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 03:42:57 PM by Devin Lockyer »
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Offline Winter

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Grand Opening of the Golden Ring Casino
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2018, 01:31:05 PM »
QUOTE (Devin Lockyer @ November 30, 2018 03:24 pm)
Gail looks up at Stephanie, taking the time to check her out.

Gail: Well you clean up real nice don't ya.

The music is pumping as Gail stands up and adjusts herself and takes a sip of her drink.

Gail: Wanna dance.

Stephanie:Sure, only if Stewart doesn't try to get his off out to record my tushie wiggling!

Stephanie turns to Stewart.

Stephanie: I’m watching you mister!

Stephanie says giggling. A waitress approaches Stephanie.

Waitress: Would you like a drink?

Stephanie and Gail dance as Stephanie replies to the waitress.

Stephanie: Yes, whatever they are having is fine with me eh.

Waitress: Be back in a few minutes with that drink for you.

Stephanie: Okay.

Stephanie says as she goes to focusing on Gail and dancing.

Stephanie: So have you guys won any jackpots yet?
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 01:35:05 PM by Winter »

Offline Devin Lockyer

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    • Stewart mason
Grand Opening of the Golden Ring Casino
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2018, 03:15:32 PM »
 Gail: Nah, these casino games aren't for me.  
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Offline Jenifer

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Grand Opening of the Golden Ring Casino
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2018, 02:20:49 AM »
 A booth for the wrestling fans who attended the casino opening just to mingle with their favorite stars gather around as the Coven walk in to the area.


Before they can begin a group of about 20 french tourist are seen running towards the booth screaming with excitement to see French native Jenifer Lacroix as well as her partner Celeste North. Celeste leans in to whisper to Jenifer.

Celeste: They are her for you. ‘I’ll start talk to this group as you talk to them.

Jenifer waves at the crowd around the booth before jumping off the stage to walk over to the french group. They gather around Jenifer trying to take as many photos as they can while about  try to ask her questions at the same time. Jenifer tries to calm them all down even if she does love the overwhelming love she is receiving. Jenifer points to a young teen girl who is seen wearing a London Underground logo t shirt.

Fan: Tu es mon lutteur préféré.

Jenifer smiles at the fan for saying such a nice comment.

Jenifer: Je vous remercie.

Jenifer points to another teenager, possible the brother of the first girl.

Fan2: vous êtes le plus beau lutteur de tous les temps.

Jenifer hugs the young man, the teen blushes with joy.

Jenifer: Je vous remercie.

As Jenifer embraces her fellow country men and women, Celeste chats with a new group of wrestling fans that are approaching the booth as the other group tries to take photos off all the different SCU ad SCW stars walking by. Everyone comes to a stop as Celeste can’t help but smile we see Despayre casually walking by whistling merrily with a bowl filled with what maybe chips, unsure as all The Coven can make out is a stuff like toy dressed in a tuxedo.

Jenifer eyes her left eyebrow as she turns to Celeste and yells over the two groups.

Jenifer: Ca c'était quoi?

Celeste: Oh that was Despayre, nice guy, a bit out there for those who don’t know him.

Jenifer: Et si vous le connaissez?

Celeste: The same, only he is a sweet one, just misunderstood.

Jenifer just shrugs it off and goes back to chatting with the crowd.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2018, 02:21:46 AM by Jenifer »

Offline Despayre

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Re: Grand Opening of the Golden Ring Casino
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2020, 02:38:53 PM »
It's the Grand RE-Opening for the Golden Ring Casino! For the first time since this whole Covid-disaster struck and the best locations around Las Vegas were forced into closure, Daniel Morgan finally felt it relatively safe to open the doors to his pride and joy in the famed "City of Sin" and allow people in at minimum capicity.

And of course, you know what that means? No, not people losing their money to the many games and slot machines that dominated the Golden Ring.

It also meant stars from Sin City Wrestling appearing, both to gamble away their money and use their fame with the fans to sign autographs, pose for pictures and sell merchandise. Also, it meant that stars such as Dani Weston and Christina Rose would be taking up their mantles under Daniel's employment once again.

And Despayre.

Wait... Despayre?

Yes indeedy! As the gamblers meandered about the Casino floor, Daniel walked alongside the aforementioned Despayre with his arm around the young man's shoulder. Technically speaking, Despy was not in Daniel's employment. But there was no better when it came to someone catching a would-be gambler trying to cheat the systems. Daniel knew this, and allowed Despy to "help" as a means to keep the young man busy when he wasn't at the GO Gym.

Daniel: Alright Despy, you know just what to do.

Despayre nodded enthusiastically with a smile, holding Angel tight against his chest.

Daniel: It's no different than before we had to shut down. Just keep an eye out and let me or one of the others know if you see someone doing something they ought not to be doing. ... And be discreet.

Despayre salutes Daniel, practically giving himself a karate chop in the forehead.

Despayre: Ow! ... I mean, yes sir! I can be discreet with the best of them.

Daniel gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder just as an elderly matron, obviously one of the one percent, passed by and Despayre whipped a forefinger up in her direction, causing her to jump.

Despayre: I'm onto you!

"A teddy bear does not depend upon mechanics to give him the semblance of life. He is loved - and therefore he lives."