Author Topic: Missing the old times  (Read 377 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
Missing the old times
« on: April 11, 2017, 10:02:09 AM »
 â€œOops, that was harder than I thought, but thanks god we could take the win.”

A bit tired, bruised and exhausted, Amanda sits on a deck chair on her boat and tries to relax a bit, but she’s too excited. Her wife Rose is with her and she’s happy that Amanda could take the win and also didn’t get injured, but she is also annoyed, cuz now Amanda will have a second match against Max Burke and Mercedes Vargas. As she hears Amanda’s comment, she growls.

“Yeah, it’s awesome, that you two could win …but …”

Mandy sees that Rose isn’t happy, especially after she promised to end her wrestling career after this match.

“I know that you don’t like it, but now I have no choice. I have something like a contract, and that means, that we have another match for the case that we win. So I can’t do anything. But don’t worry, I promise, after this tournament is over, I will stop wrestling.”

With a smile in her face she kisses Rose on her cheek, but Rose is still angry and in some way this makes her sad. She loves her wife and only wants to see her happy.

“Yeah, and then comes the next of your friends and you’re in the next tournament. Great, I’m so happy.”

“Please, that’s not fair. You didn't wanna see me get beaten up and now, after we took the win, you also aren’t happy. I really don’t know what you want.”

Now Rose sits down at the foot end of the deck chair and looks at her wife, still a bit annoyed and disappointed.

“What I want? Well, that’s easy. I want to spend my time with you, I want to travel around the world, but not from one arena to the other.
By the way, do you still remember, that we have to do this boat trip?”

Amanda hasn’t forgotten it and she nods. She loves these trips together with Rose and they also bring them a lot of money.

“How could I forget this? We can start tomorrow and then we are back before the show begins. So no needa worry.”

She smiles at her wife and Rose sighs, but slowly she begins to calm down. She still isn’t happy with the whole situation, but in some way she can understand Amanda.

"Ok, I'm sorry. I haven't been fair and I’m proud that you took the win. And I also hope that you will win your next match. Seems that you’ll have to face one of your old ‘friends’, Mercedes Vargas.”

As she hears this, Amanda laughs out. Mercedes and the rest of their stable have really been her only friends at SCW and now she has happy to meet them again.

“So true, she has been one of my friends and was in the same stable as me. And that’s good. So I know that she won’t try to cripple or injure me, it will be a fair match, without hatred.”

Rose tilts her head to the side and giggles. It seems that something kinky comes into her mind.

“Haha, that’s what you think, but don’t forget that your old team mates know all your weaknesses.”

Amanda giggles and shakes her head. She knows what Rose means, but isn’t willing to admit, that she has weaknesses.

“I have no weaknesses.”

“Oh, I know at least one …”

With this Rose tickles Amanda’s foot and the petite young woman giggles and shrieks.

“Ok ..if you mean this. But I’m pretty sure that nobody will do this to me in the ring. And even if they do, well, then it’s at least a lot of fun.”

Rose glares at Mandy and tickles her again. She knows that her wife loves this, but also that it becomes pretty torturous after a while.

“Hey, do you wanna make me jealous? I’m the only one who’s allowed to do this with you.”

Amanda still laughs and squirms and eventually she manages it to pull her foot away. She rubs it and, still giggling, she looks at Rose.

"Ok, yes, you're the only one ..."

But then she shakes her head.

“Well, not the only one. Don’t forget all my performances and you never had a problem with it.”

Rose looks at her wife and nods.

“True, that’s no problem for me, as long as I’m the only one who touches your privates and your boobs.”

She winks and gently squeezes Amanda’s breast so that the pretty young woman shrieks.

“Ok, ok …that’s a deal ..”

Amanda still giggles and she would have loved to go to bed with Rose, but now she really has a lot to do. She has to make her boat ready for their trip, she has to pack her stuff for the next show, and a small rest before all the stress starts again would be great too. Slowly she also isn’t so sure anymore, whether it was a good idea to return to wrestling. It’s fun, but slowly it becomes too much for her and this time she doesn’t even has the time to train much. So she isn’t sure whether her next match will be a success or not.
Now she stands up, stretches herself and smiles at her wife.

“Ok, and now we should get ready. I’d prefer to do something else, but we have so much to do before we can start our little trip. One of us should buy some Provisions, drinks for our guests and ….Hehe, maybe some weed would be cool too. Just think of the long and romantic evenings.”

Rose giggles too.

“So true …and we also need some toys, Hehe, ropes, feathers, the mini rake and …”

But Mandy interrupts her.

“Hey, do you wanna kill me? Don’t forget that I still have this match and that I should be fit when I step into the ring. The whole thing won’t be easy for me.”

Rose only shrugs.

“It was your decision. Nobody forces you to wrestle.”

Amanda nods.

“That’s true, nobody forces me, but I want to. Please understand me, I don’t wanna come back completely, but this tournament means a lot to me. I’ve been ion the wrestling business for more than ten years and even though it has been stressing, it also has been fun. I had had so many good days, I held so many titles and I also met so many nice people and a lot of them even became my friends. For example, the girls from our old stable, like Deliah, Veronica and Mercedes. And now I have the chance to meet one of them again and this even in a wrestling match.
I really liked her and I always wanted to face her in a match. And this time it will be awesome. I think, none of us has a grudge, we don”t fight for a title and none of us wants a contract at SCW. So it will be completely relaxed, just a little rivalry between two friends. You don’t have this chance to often, so I will take it and I will enjoy the show.”

Happily she smiles at Rose.

“And there’s something more. I don’t miss my old job very often, but from time to time I do it. At least the moments when you come to the ring and the fans are cheering at you. That always felt so good. No, not only good, it made me feel like a goddess and I’m thankful, that I’ll get this feeling again. I always loved these moments and it even has been better when the referee told me that I’m the winner. Damn, that’s just wonderful, like a dream that became truth.”

She is lost in thoughts and still has her happy smile in her face. As Rose sees this, she is choked and holds her close.

“I see what you mean. If you want, then you can also make a complete comeback to your old job. I think I could live with it.”

Amanda smiles lovingly and kisses her wife on the lips.

“Nah, that’s not necessary, I don’t wanna make a comeback. For me it’s unsought to make this tournament and then I’m gone again. I just wanna look good in my match. I want that my fans think of their glorious goddess when they think back at me and that they never forget me. But that’s enough for me. Otherwise I wanna spend more time with you and with traveling around the world. That’s what I really want and that’s what makes me happy and all I need.”

Again the two kiss each other, but then Mandy breaks the kiss.

“But now we should start with the preparations for our trip.”

Amanda wants to begin, but Rose holds her back.

“Wait, don’t you need some more training for your tournament?”

But Amanda only shrugs.

“Yeah, I need training, but we don’t need a gym. The weightlifting and also training some wrestling moves we can do here on board. And I also can do something for my stamina. I can go swimming d we have a bicycle ergometer.”

And again Rose interrupts her.

“Hehe, and I would know something else …”

She pokes Amanda’s sides and the pretty tattooed girl jumps.

“Why did I know that you have this in mind? But you’re right, having kinky fun and making love is so good for the stamina. Hehe, and it makes me so happy. But we should do this later. Now we have to get ready. You call our guests, and then we order the food and drinks for our trip. And then we have to get this boat ready. I think I still have to check the engines.”

With their boat trips they earn enough money, so that they can live, but Amanda always tries to save the money for the mechanics a so she repairs a makes the service of the engine alone. She looks for her tools and as she comes back, she has everything. With her tattered jeans, her belly free shirt, barefoot and the tools in her hand, she really looks sexy and Rose licks her lips. Rose has just called their guests and told them that they will start in the afternoon, but now, as she sees Amanda in this outfit, she has forgotten everything else and only wants to have her fun with her wife, but Mandy stops her.

“Wait …this will have till later, or we will never get ready. Lemme first check the engine.”

And Rose winks at her wife.

“Ok, I let you do your work and I”ll order the food. But then …well, I think you’ll be pretty dirty when you’re dome with the engine. So I’ll have a lot to do to get you clean again. Hehe …warm water, soap, a brush, my hands everywhere on your body. Yay, this will be so much fun.”

Playfully she slaps Mandy on her ass, but then she lets her go. Now Rose sits down, takes out her cell phone and orders everything. As she is finished, she goes to their cabin and lays down on the bed to relax a bit, while Mandy is still busy with her work. But it doesn’t take very long and it becomes boring for Rose. So she stands up and follows Amanda to the engine room. She giggles as she sees Amanda on her knees in front of the engine and she kneels down besides her. Gently she runs her fingers over Amanda’s back, her ass and her feet and Amanda giggles.

“Hehe, if you don’t stop this, I can’t finish my work. And that means that we will have to start later and that I’ll be too late at my wrestling match. Well, and then we won’t get paid and we will be in trouble.”

“I just thought that you need something to cheer you up. You look so stressed …”

Amanda smiles.

“Haha, I am stressed and I love the idea, but lemme please finish this work here.”

Rose pouts, but she leaves Mandy alone and goes back on deck. She sits down on a deck chair and closes her eyes, but then she hears Amanda.

“Yay, I thought that you will never come back.”

Amanda bends down and kisses her wife.

“Don’t worry, I would never leave you alone.”

She wants to hug Rose, but as Rose sees her dirty clothes, she shoves her back.

“Wait …not like this. First you have to get clean.”

Not caring whether anybody could see them, Rose begins to undress her wife. Then she takes her by her hand and drags her to the bathroom. There everything is already prepared and she shoves Amanda into the bath tub. Then she takes some soap and starts to wash Amanda. Her hands run gently over Amanda’s body and the tattooed young woman moans and purrs. Her eyes are closed and she loves the sensation everywhere on her skin. She moans, purrs and giggles and then she can’t hold back any longer. With a smile in her face, she grabs Rose and pulls her into the water. Rose shrieks, but Amanda gags her with a kiss and then the two make love.
About one hour later they are finished. Exhausted, but happy, they climb out of the warm water and help each other to dry. They are both pretty tired, but it’s already pretty late and so they don’t have the time to take a nap. Rose gets them some clean clothes and they get dressed, then they go to the kitchen. Amanda sits down and Rose makes them a sandwich.

“Ok, this was round one for your stamina.”

She giggles and Amanda smiles too.

“Well, it is really more exhausting than a workout and so much more fun. Thanks god we will have enough time to repeat these little ‘trainings sessions’.”

They begin to eat and they are really hungry.

“And if it helps me to get the win, then it’s even better. I never thought that we would get over the first round of this tournament, but as you saw, we won. So now it would be awesome to get another win. I don’t know too much about Burke, but I heard that he is very strong. Ok, that doesn’t has to bother me, cuz my partner will fave him and I’m sure that he can defeat Burke. Don’t forget that he is a former tag champion. My problem will be Mercedes and that’s a problem I can handle. She is good and I loved her matches, but I have been good too. Ok, it’s a while ago and I have some ring rust, but I think that I still know how to fight. I admit that it has been harder than I thought, but I think I looked good in my match and this time I will look good too. I don’t know whether I’ll be able to pin Mercedes, but I will try it and even if I don’t have success, it’ll be a great match. I mean it’s no shame to lose against a great wrestler like Mercedes.”

Rose looks at her wife and smiles.

“You really seem to like her. If I wouldn’t know better, I would be jealous.”

And Amanda takes Rose’s hand.

“There’s no need to be jealous. She has just been a friend and even though we haven’t seen us for years, I still think she is. Damn, and yes, I like her. I like all of the members of the Mean Girls. It was a great time and we had so much fun to terrorize the rest of the SCW roster. It’s not that I’m rally mean, no, I’ve always been the nicest of the Mean Girls, but I still enjoyed the sensation we got. It felt great to be feared.
And there’s something more. Some of our stable members might have been really mean, but to me they were always nice. We were a great team, friends, almost like sister and this you don’t have very often in this business. I’ve been really sad as our stable broke and a short time later I left SCW. Well, now you know everything. And please believe me, I don’t want the old times back, but it’s still awesome, that we will all meet again. T’s a bit lie a class reunion after years and these meetings are always fun.”

Now Amanda giggles.

“Haha and we can bitch about the others, how old and fat they are now. Haha, I love such things.”

Amanda looks down at her own body.

“Ok, I’m fatter than in the past too, but at least I’m still sexy. So I’m really curious how the other members of the Mean Girls look now.”

And now Rose interrupts her.

“You aren’t fat, you’re just a bit more curvy and I love this. Hehe, a big round ass and bit boobies is just the best thing in the world.”

Playfully she slaps Amanda’s ass and then they continue to eat. But then Rose hears a car and stands up. She leaves the kitchen and goes back on deck. There she spots out a taxi and immediately she realizes that their guests have arrived. Now she is glad, that she and Amanda haven’t spent more time in the tub, even though it would have been fun.
Now she helps them to bring their luggage on board while Mandy starts the engine. They leave the harbor and Amanda is in a really good mood. This is really the best way to spend the time till her next match and it’s a great way to relax. Completely happy with herself and her life, she lights a cigarette and accelerates the boat till it’s planing. She leans back in her seat and like usually she is completely relaxed. Her thoughts go back to her old times at SCW and in some way she feels free and happy. Then the scene fades to black.


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0