Author Topic: Chapter 11: The new fight  (Read 368 times)

Offline The Seraphinas

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    • Lucy Seraphina
Chapter 11: The new fight
« on: January 08, 2016, 10:16:28 PM »
 Book 1: Silent Shadow
Chapter 11: The new fight
~Part 1: First strike.~
Lucy Seraphina was once again watching her nightly movie. She had picked out “The Lazarus Effect” for tonight and for some reason she couldn’t shake the feeling something or someone was watching her. Remy and Angel, Claude and Rachel’s pets were sitting on the sofa with Lucy watching. But the animals knew something was wrong as well. Every few minutes one of them would look up toward the stairs where Rachel was at. Claude on the other hand was in the kitchen trying to figure out a midnight snack.

Lucy: What’s wrong you two?

The animals didn’t answer her, they could but they couldn’t give an answer. Suddenly the power cut out and Lucy sighed. Thing was there wasn’t a storm outside and Lucy knew no one else was using anything to short out the breakers.

Lucy: Claude?

Claude: What the hell?!

Lucy: The power went out.

The animals started to whimper as Lucy got up.

Claude: Stay put, I’ll go and check the breaker.

Lucy: Alright-

Remy bolted out of the room and towards the kitchen. Angel jumped and landed on Lucy’s shoulder.

Lucy: What’s wrong pretty kitty, wonder why the wolf pup ran.

The grey cat meowed as Lucy scratched her chin lightly. Lucy felt the room turn cold hastily and it caused her skin to shiver. The tv turned static and Lucy slowly looked over.

“ Round we go
The world is spinning
When it stops
It's just beginning

Sun comes up
We live and we cry
Sun goes down
And then we all die”.

Lucy gulped as a blood curdling scream ripped through the air.

Lucy: Rachel! Claude! Something happened to Rachel!

The basement door slammed shut and footsteps could be heard running up it. Claude tried to get the door opened and Lucy was torn between checking on her sister or Claude.

Claude: Lucy go check on Rachel!

Lucy: Alright I’m on it.

Lucy grabbed onto the cat and took Angel into her arms. Lucy shut her eyes and felt her body feeling lifted. Moments later Lucy opened them and found herself in front of Claude and Rachel’s room. Lucy tried opening the door but it wouldn’t open. Lucy sighed and set the cat down onto the floor. Lucy backed up and sped run into the door breaking it open. There on the bed was Rachel Rosangela, her skin paler than normal; the fire normally in her eyes was replaced by fear. Rachel was curled into a ball in the upper left hand corner of the bed.

Rachel: No, no, no, no, no, no, you’re dead, you’re dead, you’re dead.

Lucy felt electricity course into her body. Slowly she turned and saw an outline of a man by the window. Without the moonlight shining in you would have missed him.

“It’s been too long hasn’t it you little freak?!”

Rachel let out another scream and Angel started to hiss at the man.

Lucy: Alexander Rosangela how the hell did you come back to life?

Alexander: Necromancy is such a wonderful thing isn’t it?

Lucy: Those who have died should stay dead!

The Father Rosangela chuckled.

[colo#5600064]Alexander: I don’t think so. You know I’ve wanted to get my revenge for all these years. Now since Anisim is out of the picture it is my time to rise! You little shits have gotten away from me for all these years and I promise you’ll pay…you all win.[/color]

Lucy: I’m not about to let you hurt Rachel and Raphael. I swear to God I will take you out myself.

Alexander: You wish Lucy…you wish.

Lucy felt Lucia starting to come out. Lucy was waiting for Alexander to make a move. Lucy was laced up with her daggers. One in each boot, two on her back, her hidden blades and one carefully placed on her neck.

Lucy: I dare you to move.

Alexander: You’d love a fight wouldn’t you.

Lucy: You abused my mother, my sister, my brother! I’d love to spill your blood right now you bastard!

Alexander laughed darkly.

Alexander: Go ahead and try.

Lucy growled darkly and grabbed the daggers from her boots. She threw them and Alexander dodged them. He quickly moved and Lucy grabbed the one from her back. Lucy tossed it and moved to protect Rachel.

Lucy; Rachel run!

Rachel nodded and scampered out of the bedroom with Angel hot on her heels. Lucy charged at Alexander and flicked her wrist. Lucy circled around Alexander and placed the blade at his throat. Alexander stomped on Lucy’s foot and Lucy yelped. Alexander elbowed her rib cage and Lucy fell to the floor.

Alexander: That the best you can do?!

Lucy grabbed the other back one and went to piece his foot. Alexander jumped back and Lucy got up. Lucy jumped into the air and threw it at him. Lucy moved to the right as Alexander moved to the left. The dagger cut Alexander’s right arm and Lucy jumped back. Alexander landed and clutched his arm.

Lucy: You suck at fighting. You’re nothing more than a coward.

Alexander snapped and charged at Lucy. Lucy didn’t move in time and Alexander grasped her by the throat. Lucy felt herself being slammed into the wall. The pressure on her throat scared her. Lucy knew she couldn’t die. Not now!

Alexander: I am going to kill you. No one is going to miss you and you cannot stop me.

Lucy bit her lip trying to stay awake. Lucy had to focus her energy to summon her element.

Lucy: I won’t let you!

Lucy screamed loudly feeling the energy of earth course through her body. The esscent of Mati-Syra-Zemlya flared up and the ground started to shake. Alexander goes flying off of Lucy. Lucy dropped to her feet and started to cough and gasp in breath.

Claude: Don’t-you-touch-her.

Lucy’s power canceled out Alexander’s and Claude was able to get out. Remy was growling and snarling at the fiend.

Lucy: Claude.

The Lajoie walked over and checked on Lucy, he was keeping his eye on Alexander at the same time. Claude helped Lucy up and the two magi-blood eyed Alexander.

Lucy: Is Rachel okay?

Claude nodded.

Alexander: I’ll be back…

Alexander faded out and it left the two and the pup in the room.

~Part 2: Wyrd sister.~
Lucy found herself in Sweden in Lise Dusk’s house. The young woman sat down in her dining room with Lucy with a blank look in her eyes. Lucy sat across from her and Lise pulled a deck out. Lise handed it to Lucy and Lucy shuffled.

Lise: Is Rei okay?

Lucy: As good as can be.

Lise: Mel wouldn’t normally allow me here because of the situation but I need to be here to focus more. Cut the deck and we’ll begin.

Lucy did and Lise drew out three cards.

Lise: I’m surprised that it’s you and not Rei here.

Lucy: Claude is watching her. Flip ‘em Lise.

Lise flipped the first one and it’s “Cylces”.

Lucy: Again?!

Lise: No, it means that your past was ruled by the cycle, it broke so you’re free now.

Lucy nodded and Lise flipped the next one. It’s “Changes.”

Lucy: Well yeah…

Lise: Your life is change one way or another. Remember the future isn’t set in stone.

Lise flipped the final card and it’s “High Priestess of Spirit”.

Lucy: That’s Rei’s element.

Lise: I know it is. I’m not really sure what this one is telling us though…I’m sorry Lucy this is all I can tell you. I don’t want to draw another card because it’s not calling out to me.

Lucy got up and hugged Lise.

Lucy: Thank you Lise…you better get back to Denmark, I’m going to Russia and see Lucien.

Lise: Stay safe Lucy.

Lucy nodded and in a blink of an eye found herself on her bike.

Lucy: Rachel’s going to have to end this…but I’m worried…what if she can’t?

~Part 3: Lucy’s blog.~
“To be honest, I’ve had a really shitty week. First finding out that Alexander Rosangela is back and then losing to the Masquerade…these cosplaying freaks. I swear I’m hoping to turn this week around. I want something good to come out of it but I know I have to fight for it. That’s my life basically; it’s just one fight after another. One war after the next…I’ll keep fighting till I taste blood in my lungs. I don’t care if it is the corruption that effed with my own Father or Alexander Rosangela. I will always fight for my family and don’t you think for a second I would stop.

I know many people don’t see us as heroes and I know many people don’t see us villains. In this world you can say we’re the guardians. We don’t get into wars and fights unless called upon, unless it’s really needed. That’s how it’s always been and probably will be for a long time. It’s not that we don’t trust people, it’s just hard to. Over the years we’ve been slowly opening up to people but I don’t do it as much.  I like people not knowing too much about me; it gives me an air of mystery and it makes it harder for people to guess my next move.

Now I know that I’m facing my friend Roxi Johnson this time around. She knows things about me but not everything. I know this match is going to be interesting seeing how Roxi and I have faced each other before and I know it won’t be the last. I mean we’re at two of the same wrestling companies together after all.

But what makes the two of us different? Simple Roxi is a superhero and I’m a magi-blood. That’s two different things to be honest. We have different abilities and I gotta ask, when you take the suit off what are you? And I swear it isn’t a “Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist”.

Haha! I’m sorry Gabe and Niko wouldn’t let me down if I didn’t do some Marvel or DC quote. But no even with the suit off Roxi, you’re a hero and a fighter.

Now I’m not going to type and talk shit about Roxi. I’m not going to say how it’s so silly on her and Keira are playing heroes and crap like that. Seriously I dislike cattiness like that; it’s immature and is just a flipping headache. But what I can say is that Roxi is a role model.

I know some people disagree with me on this but she really is. In this world filled with discrimition, hate and stupidity Roxi has stand out. She is an LGBT+ hero with Keira and ladies I know it gets rough at times but just keep up the good work.

I’ve known Roxi for a short amount of time but I know she’s a good person. She’s helped us in times and we’ve have her back as well. To say this match is going to be a bit bittersweet is the truth. Roxi, knows that this is just business and nothing personal. She knows that the magi-blood, including the Clan believes that once we’re in the ring there isn’t any friends…unless it’s a tag match and we’re on the same side that is.

Roxi, you know we both want to win but only one of us can. Now you know I’m sure as heck won’t go down without a fight. You are someone who has seen the spoils of war, you showed the world that you are not only a dangerous force to be reckoned with during your battles with the likes of well Mel and I, but you snatched the SCW Championship titles from The Fallen. Since then, you have squashed everything and everyone in your way, leaving a pile of broken dreams, let alone bodies in your wake with Keira. But then Mel did beat you and Sam. You are and have not been someone that I have overlooked, rather, just sat back wondering how long would it take before you and I were face to face on opposite sides of the ring one on one.

Roxi, I don’t remember us going one on one, if we have forgive me. You know at times I tend to forget things since they blur. But you’ve done your research on me; I mean you’re a smart woman after all. You know that I relay mainly on my stealth in matches. You’ve seen how fast I can move in the ring and that in a blink of an eye you’re on your back looking into my red eyes…or green depending if you piss me off or not.

Roxi, you know in the ring I can be a dangerous person to face. My training has made it for people to beat me after all. But really you know all of this. You know I can talk about me and you probably know. But what you don’t know is about the beast…

Let me explain something about what the beast is. It is the inner thing of vampires and vampire mutants. It’s the thing that over takes us when our humanity is lost. You know her though as Lucia Malice and she’s been itching to come out since Alexander’s return. I’m fighting her as best as I can and I have no idea how much longer I can keep her in. Roxi, I don’t want her coming out during our match. But I do have those times when I slip up and she comes out. Had one about a year or two ago and thankfully no one truly got hurt…I can’t fully promise some didn’t get their blood drained though.

Don’t worry I’m not out for a kill. I’m out for a win and that’s all. A match with nothing but respect is what’ll make me happy and I know you’ll give it to me. You’ll have your wife by your side and I’ll have my sister. You know I am going to give it my all in this and I want the win. I’ll do almost everything to win…I won’t cheat though. Seriously that’s stupid to cheat; karma comes to bite you in the ass for that!

Roxi, good luck in our match and get ready for the battle of a lifetime. Oh and…don’t blink.

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