Author Topic: Bringing the title back home  (Read 326 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
Bringing the title back home
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:18:30 AM »
 More than happy after her win against Vero, Amanda is on her way back to her locker room. She still can’t believe it that she is the no.1 contender for the women’s title and this makes her so damn proud, that she almost forgets all her bruises and scratches. So now she has reached her locker room and is about to enter, but then she stops for a moment. Going home and celebrate her win together with Rose and her family, but probably it would be also cool to have a few last words to the fans and especially to her former opponent Vero. So she turns around and walks back to the stage.

Still a bit tired and breathing heavily, she stands there, with a micro in her hand and a smile in her face. Now, after she left the Mean Girls, it seems that the fans begin to like her, at least they great her with cheering and not with booing like in the past. For a moment Amanda really thinks that they like her, but it could also be possible, that they only cheer at her, because they hate Vero even more. Damn, that hurts a bit, but Amanda still is so excited that it doesn’t bother her too much. So she waits till the fans calm down a bit and till it becomes more quiet in the arena and then she begins to talk.

“Ok Vero …I told you before our match that I would win and you only laughed at me and now you see what had happened. Who laughs now?”

Amanda laughs out in her cheery way and blows some kisses into the direction of the fans. With the microphone in her hand she poses a bit for the fans and she makes sure that everybody can see how pretty and sexy she is. She’s a nice young woman, but she also loves all the attention she gets. So everybody can see how much she enjoys it to stand here and to talk to the fans and then she continues.

“Now you see who is the better wrestler, me, Amanda Cortez. But anyway, I promised to shatter your dreams to become the no.1 contender and exactly this I did tonight. You’re even more far away from a title match than ever before in your life and there also your mean and sneaky attack didn’t help me. You can attack me after my match, you can beat me down backstage, but you’ll never get the chance again to go for this damn title, because now everybody has seen how crappy you are in the ring. Without your cheating you’re nothing and not even this has helped you against a real wrestler like me.”

A bit tauntingly the pretty redhead smiles. Normally Amanda is a nice young woman who loves her family and friends, but she’s also cocky and full of self confidence and so this win had made her really proud and she doesn’t see any reason to hide her feelings. So she continues.

“But anyway, now I’m really done with you and the Mean Girls. I’ve defeated Mercedes, I defeated you, Vero and so it’s all good for me. The good times of the Mean Girls are over and I’m out of this stable, and this forever. Yes, you heard it right, I won’t come back.”

For a moment she pauses and looks to the ground. It seems that there’s still something that bothers her and makes her sad. Even though she really has had so much success during her long career, it still bothers her that she could never manage it to win against Deliah. It’s not that she is really sad because of a loss, because such things happen, but against Deliah she has lost more than one match.

“Ok, there’s still one thing I would love to do and this is to defeat Deliah. Sadly I lost against her in two tag matches and one singles match and I must really admit that this hurts. Yes, it hurts really bad. I can’t say what went wrong. In these tag matches I can blame Vero, because she has been the one who got pinned, but in that singles match against Deliah my loss was only my fault and there’s nobody to blame for it.”

The pretty young woman sighs, but then she only shrugs. She knows that she can’t undo anything and change the past, but she is optimistic and thinks in a positive way and deep insides she still hopes that she will get another match against her worst opponent again and that she will win this match.

“But anyway, one day I will face her again and then I’ll be the glorious winner, but this will have to wait till later. At the moment I really have better things to do. Now I’ll focus on my upcoming title match against Micah and you can be sure that I’ll do everything to take the win in this match. Yes, now …here …you can see SCW’s next women’s champion.”

Really happy and believing what she just said, Amanda raises her arms in victory and jumps up. The fans begin to cheer again and it makes her really happy. After her time in the Mean Girls stable where everybody had hated her, it feels really good to hear the cheering of the fans. Then it becomes quiet again and Amanda continues her speech.

“And now let’s come to my next match, to this title match. First I wanted to tell you that there’s nothing personal. I have no problem with Micah and I don’t hate her, even though she did her bet to change this. Before this match here, she has insulted me on Twitter, but I ignored it, but now, as she made the commentary, she went a bit too far. I’m really sick of her and her nasty comments.
Damn, why do I always have to deal with such bitches? I really don’t know it, but anyway.”

Again the petite young woman shrugs and it seems that she doesn’t care too much. She doesn’t like girls like Vero or her next opponent Micah, but beating them up in the ring is always fun, especially as these opponents are mostly the toughest fighters and Amanda always loves a challenge.

“I haven’t heard everything this bitch has said about me, because I’ve been a bit busy, but I heard that she said that my fighting style is no wrestling. Well, she laughed about me, but you have seen what happens to people who laugh about me …Haha, Vero laughed about me too and now she sits in her locker room, crying and trying to fix her ruined face. And exactly this will happen to Micah too. I will win this match and I’ll take away from her what is most important to her, her title. Then she will be one of these nobodies, who run around here in this company and who think that they are so important, but in reality they are only laughable idiots.
Yes Micah, you are a joke and an idiot and you really don’t deserve it to be called the champion, but thanks God this time will be over next week. There’s no room for such arrogant bitches like you in this company and I’ll make sure that nobody will have to see your disgusting face again.”

Slowly Amanda comes in rage and wants to continue with her trash talking, but now her wife Rose comes to the stage and takes away the micro from her. Amanda looks at her, a bit puzzled and she wants to protest, but Rose shuts her up with a kiss and hugs her. She takes Amanda by her hand and raises her hand, then she begins to speak.

“Ok, ladies and gentlemen, I know that you all wanna see the next champion for a bit longer, but you must excuse me, now it’s really time to celebrate her win and we really need some time alone.”

The two blow a kiss into the direction of the fans and then they leave the stage, holding hands and really happy. Now they really go to Amanda’s locker room and Rose can’t hold back any longer. She wraps her arms around her wife and kisses her lovingly on the lips.

“Damn, I’m so proud of you. And I never doubted that you would take the win against this bitch. It’s so awesome and now everybody has seen what you can do in the ring. Yeah and now you also know that it has been a good decision to break up with the Mean Girls. Fighting alone is better for you.
Oh …and you aren’t really alone. You have me as your manager and Casey as your trainer, so you have the best team in the world.”

As she heras this, Amanda smile happily and kisses Rose again. Yes, she really has a great team and even though she doesn’t do tag matches anymore, she still doesn’t feel lonely or helpless. In the past she has fought alone and also won some titles and so why shouldn’t she be able to do it again. She knows that Micah is really strong and dangerous, but in some way she isn’t worried too much and she knows that she can win this match. It just won’t be so easy, but no bigger problem, at least she hopes so.
But now it’s time to celebrate her win and so she has to get rid of her ring gear and also a shower would be awesome.  So she closes the door of her locker room and Rose helps her to undress, but not without kissing her again. Eventually Amanda is naked and wants to step into the shower cabin, but then she gets a better idea. With a smile in her face, she takes Rose by her hand and pulls her with her. A bit Rose protests, because she has just had her hair done, but a look at Amanda’s pretty naked body lets her change her mind. She rips down her clothes and follows Mandy and seconds later, they stand there, kissing and tightly pressed against each other, while the hot water runs all over their bodies. They caress each other and really soon a moaning and purring can be heard.
This time the shower takes really long and eventually they are finished with making love. Really tired, but happy, they step out of the shower and begin to dry each other. It’s hard for them not to make love again, but their flight to Hong Kong is the next morning and they need a little rest before the flight goes. So it’s really time to go back to the hotel, but then Rose has a better idea. She calls the hotel and tells them to pack their stuff and send it to the airport. This way Amanda and Rose will have some more time together and a night together in this locker room will be really romantic. It’s almost like in old times and after looking around a bit, they find some blankets and also a pillow and so they make themselves comfortable on the couch.
Still a bit aroused, Amanda huddles against Rose and kisses her again, but it seems that Rose is really tired.

“Do you never get enough?”

And now Amanda laughs in her cheery way. Sitting on top of Rose, she pins her down and licks her lips. Like usually, even being close to Rose arouses her and touching her makes it even worse. Yes, she never gets enough of Rose and she would love it  to have sex with her all day and night.

“Well, it depends on what you mean. If you mean wrestling or work, then you’re right and at t he moment I have enough of it, but from you I’ll never get enough.”

She giggles and smiles lovingly at her wife. Now Rose realizes that she has no chance and she sighs. Amanda still sits on her tummy and so she feels her soft and moisty privates rub against her skin and it really turns her on, but she doesn’t want to make it too easy for Mandy. Playfully she smacks Amanda’s ass and the pretty redhead shrieks, then they kiss again. While Amanda is tightly pressed against Rose, Rose circles her fingers around Mandy’s ankles and immediately the tattooed girl giggles. It tickles her, but she loves it and it makes her even more excited and as Rose begins to tickle her toes, Amanda really goes wild. She giggles and moans and while she squirms, her soft pussy rubs over Rose’s stomach. They are both really in heat and their fingers explore their bodies everywhere.
Hours later they are finished and now they lay on the couch, tightly pressed against each other. After a look at the clock, they see that they don’t have much time anymore and that it’s time to get a taxi to bring them to the airport. So Rose calls a taxi, while Mandy leaves the room to get them a coffee. She still isn’t dressed, but she has wrapped a blanket around her body and now she stops at a vending machine. There she buys a coffee and brings it to Rose, who is already completely dressed.
A bit impatient Rose waits for Mandy and now she takes the coffee. It’s too hot to down it and so she has to wait a bit, but she doesn’t like this.

“Damn, we are really a bit late and I don’t wanna miss our flight.”

But like usually, Amanda sees it relaxed. She takes a sip of her coffee and then she starts to look for her clothes which lay around everywhere in the room. Really slowly she begins to put on her clothes, but even though Rose is a bit nervous, Amanda isn’t in hurry. Now she tries to calm Rose down.

“Don’t worry, we have enough time and if we really should miss the plane, well, then we take the next one. There will be enough time for some training in Hong Kong and also for some sight seeing. By the way, as we talk about training, I think Casey will take the flight tomorrow, so I can’t do much. Training without a trainer doesn’t make much sense. So relax a bit.”

But Rose can’t relax. She puts her coffee away and now she begins to help Mandy to get dressed. Then she takes her by her hand and they leave the locker room. As they exit the arena, the taxi is already waiting for them and two hours later they arrive at the airport. They still have enough time and now also Rose relaxes a bit. It’s enough time so that they can still have a breakfast and so they enter the lounge. There Amanda has to sign some autographs, but eventually they get their food and can eat.
But then it’s time to leave and they go to the check in. Their luggage is already there and so there is no stress anymore and half an hour later they sit in the plane, ready for the take off. After they haven’t slept most most of the night, they are really tired and so most of the flight they spend with sleeping.

Hours later, they arrive ay Hong Kong and after leaving the plane, they look for their luggage. Thanks God they find it, but as they leave the building, the chaos begins. They can’t read anything and to talk to the people is also really hard, because most of them don’t speak English. But at least they manage it to get a taxi which brings them to the hotel. After they have put their luggage into their room, they decide to walk a bit around and look at the city. Hong Kong is really huge and so it’s pretty interesting for the two. After this long flight they are really hungry, but getting something to eat is not very easy, especially as they both like the Chinese food. There are strange animals and as Amanda sees them, she shudders. She isn’t a fan of fast food, but now she really wishes that there would be a McDonalds, but they don’t find one. So they have no chance and have to eat the strange Chinese food. Amanda roles her eyes.

“Damn, if we don’t find anything else, then I will starve till my match begins. Then it’ll be an easy win for Micah.”

Rose laughs a bit and shakes her head. Sometimes Amanda acts like a little child,  especially when it comes to food, and in some way it is even cute, even though it also can be a bit annoying.

“Don’t worry, you won’t starve and Micah will have the same problem with the food. Oh, and we still can eat at the hotel, I think there we will get some american food. By the way, I think your sister Casey will love it here. She loves such strange things.”

They both laugh and continue their sight seeing tour. Hong Kong is such an interesting and big city, so that there is so much to see and the two want to see everything. Probably they won’t have enough time to go everywhere, but they give their best and at least try it.

“Well, prolly there you’re right. She has always been a bit weird.”

Rose turns her head and playfully slaps Amanda’s ass, so that the petite young woman shrieks and jumps. The slap hasn’t hurt her, but Mandy rubs her ass and takes care that Rose can see how she wiggles it in a temptingly way.

“Hey, she’s your sister and you shouldn’t talk bad about her. And she’s a really good trainer, so you should be a bit more nice.”

Amanda nods and feels a bit sorry. She likes her sister and knows that Casey is a great help for her, but sometimes Casey also goes on her nerves. She’s always so serious and never makes jokes. All she thinks about is healthy food and how to spend her time at the gym.

“You’re right and I love her. I didn’t want to talk bad about her and I know that I really would have problems without her help.”

Now the tour through the city goes on and Amanda really loves the city. It’s too bad that she has to train the next week, because here is so much to explore. A vacation together with Rose would be so much more fun, but there’s nothing they can do. Amanda has to get ready for her match if she wants to become champion again and this she really wants. She’s thirty years old now and she doesn’t know how much longer she will wrestle, so it’s really time to get this title. Ending her career with a title would be really awesome and it would make her so proud.
But how ever it ends, she has decided to stay here a bit longer, so that the two will have a nice little vacation. But now it’s time to go back to the hotel. Probably her sister Casey already has arrived and waits for the training. Casey loves Amanda, but she’s always a bit impatient and when she’s in a bad mood, it’s better not to come into her way. So Amanda and Rose hurry up a bit and as they have thought, Casey is already waiting for them. The tall blond growls a bit.

“Wow, I thought you would never come here …”

She looks down at the smaller Amanda, with her hands on her hips and shakes her head. She always hates it when people are to late and the worst thing is to come to late to the training. The tall blond can’t understand that there are people who also enjoy other things than working out.

“And if you wanna become the champion, then you will have to do something more than running around in the city and wasting your time with sight seeing. You should better spend your time in the gym.”

Knowing that her sister is right, Amanda nods. She gets her gym stuff from her room and a few minutes later she is back in the lobby. While Rose stays at the hotel, Amanda and Casey drive to the gym and the next days Amanda spends most of her time with training. She doesn’t really like all that training, but she knows that it’s necessary and so she does it and at the end she is really good in shape. She’s fast, pretty strong for a girl of her size, and Casey has also trained some really mean submission holds with her, but her speciality are still her kicks and her high flying moves. She’s not perfect, but she thinks that she will have good chances against Micah and so she is confident that she will win this match and become champion.
Now they have finished their training and the next day Amanda has free, so that she will be able to spend some time with Rose. So she is really happy and as they drive back to the hotel, she looks at Casey and smiles.

“I really wanted to thank you. I don’t know what I would do without you and your help.”

As she hears this Casey smirks. Normally she is always serious and doesn’t laugh much, but this time she thinks that she has to say something nice to her sister. At least Amanda has managed it to become the new no.1 contender.

“Well, I would say that you’d kick some asses, just not as successful as you do it with me as your trainer.”

Then she bends forward and kisses her sister on the cheek. Even though she is a cool person and doesn’t show any feelings, she still loves the bubbly Amanda and sometimes she even manages it to show this.

“But you don’t have to worry, I won’t leave my sister alone. Haha, I really wanna see you kick Micah’s ass. Oh and as we talk about Micah, I think you will have good chances. She’s strong, but you’re stronger and I know that you will take the win in this match and then the title is yours. Damn, I really become a bit jealous …”

Amanda puts her hand on Casey’s leg and thinks for a moment. She has never understood, why her younger sister never tried it with wrestling and why she has ended her MMA career after her shoulder injury.

“Maybe you should start to wrestle too. You’re such a great trainer and you know so many good moves, I bet you would do great in the ring.”

But Casey shakes her head and sighs. So often the two have talked about this subject and Casey never changed her mind. So today it won’t be different and she hopes that Amanda would stop the useless arguing.

“No thank you. My career as a fighter is over and it’s enough for me to be your trainer and to see you win. That makes me so proud and then I’m happy. So just go out there, beat this bitch up and become champion.”

Amanda still doesn’t understand it, but she accepts this decision. Casey would have been a great and successful wrestler, but if she prefers it to work as a trainer it is ok too, as long as she is happy with her life and this she is.

“Yes, this I will do, but …”

But before she can continue, Casey shuts her up, because she really has enough of this discussion. It’s her way of life and she doesn’t like it when others tell her what to do, not even if these others is her sister Amanda.

“Don’t try it, I won’t start to wrestle. I damaged my shoulder that bad so that I can really be happy that I can move it again and I really don’t wanna ruin my health. No title is worth to get crippled for it. Don’t forget this.”

In some way Amanda understands how Casey feels. After her injury Casey has spent months at the hospital and it has taken several surgeries till she could use her arm again. Now she is fit and spends most of her time at the gym, but she never returned to the ring and it seems that this won’t change anymore. Amanda feels a bit sorry for her, but she accepts it and so she doesn’t bother her anymore. As long as Casey is happy with her life, everything is ok.
Now they arrive at the hotel, where Rose is already waiting for them. After a small rest Amanda and Rose want to go shopping a bit and so they ask Casey whether she wants to spend the last evening before Mandy’s match together with them. Amanda would have loved it to party, but before a hard match it’s probably better to spend a quiet evening with her family and not to drink alcohol and have sex all night.
Shopping isn’t Casey’s thing and she prefers to spend the afternoon with some meditation, but a nice dinner together with Rose and Mandy is ok, so she accepts.

“Ok, we all go out for dinner tonight, but only if you promise me not to drink any alcohol. Oh, and I found a really cool restaurant with great food.”

As she hears this Amanda roles her eyes, but she nods. But as she hears the thing with the restaurant, her eyes widen in horror. No alcohol isn’t nice, but the thought of the Chinese food is real horror for her.

“Ok, I promise, …no alcohol …”

She has really hoped that they could have lunch at the hotel. There she would have found some American food, a thing she really would have preferred.

"But a restaurant? I know that you love this strange food, but me this will kill.”

But Casey only laughs at her sister. She doesn’t understand how Amanda can be so square. She always plays the open minded freak and now she almost runs away and this only because of some food she doesn’t know.

“Don’t worry, it won’t kill you, it’s really healthy. Or why else become these Chinese people so old?”

Now Amanda sighs. It really makes no chance to argue with Casey and so she gives it up. She hugs her sister and then she leaves together with Rose and the two really have their fun with their shopping tour. It’s so much fun that they almost forgot the time, and as they look at the clock they are really shocked that it’s already that late. But thanks God they still have enough time to pick up Casey and then they go to this restaurant.
Amanda is really worried whether she will be able to eat all this strange Chinese stuff, but she tries her best. Casey orders something and Amanda would have loved if it would have been a burger, but it isn’t. The food arrives and Amanda is almost ready to run away, but she doesn’t want to disappoint her sister and so she stays and even tries the food. It looks strange and she really doesn’t want to know what kind of animal it is, but after she tried it, she has to admit that it tastes pretty good. So she eats everything and at the end she is happy that they came here and Casey smiles too.

“You see, it wasn’t bad and …it is really healthy.”

Amanda nods and as they pay the bill, she smiles at her sister. Casey has been right and it didn’t taste bad and now Amanda is sure that she will survive the meal. In some way she even liked it and would come back here again.

“That’s true and for the case that I should win my match, then we can come here again for a dinner and to party a bit, but this time with alcohol.”

That's ok for Casey and she winks at her sister, while they stand up. With a grin in her face, she calls for the waitress again and reserves them a table for the next day. She is pretty sure that Amanda will win her match ant that they will have a chance to celebrate.

“Ok, then I reserve us a table now, because I know that you will win. There’s no chance that you lose against Micah.”

The group laughs and then they leave the restaurant. It’s not far away from the hotel and so they decide to walk back home. It’s a nice warm evening and so they have their fun and enjoy the nice evening. Eventually they arrive at the hotel and Casey leaves to go into her room. For a moment Amanda thinks about having a last dink before she goes to  sleep, but she remembers that she has promised not to drink alcohol and so she and Rose go to bed too. After their breakfast the next morning, they still have much time and so they spend the day with relaxing at the pool, but then it becomes time to drive to the arena.
They call a taxi and a bit later they arrive there. After looking around in the huge arena, Amanda finds her locker room and she goes there to change her clothes.
Like usually she looks for something that looks really sexy. It’s not that she really needs it, because she’s a really pretty young woman, but she loves it to look hot and sexy. So she puts on a sports bra, a small brown mini skirt and some high heeled shoes. After looking into the mirror and posing a bit, she is satisfied and turns around to Casey and Rose.


“And now tell me that this doesn’t look hit …”

She laughs in a cheery way and waits for an answer. Rose Looks at her and licks her lips. Amanda looks so cute and sexy that Rose would love it to huddle and kiss her right now, but sadly it’s not the right moment now.

“I’d say that you look like a real Goddess. Hehe, and I could bang this cute Goddess right here.”

But Casey only roles her eyes. She doesn’t understand it how people only can think of sex and it goes on her nerves. For her a healthy life style and a good work out at the gym is the best thing in the world.

“Damn, is looking hot your only problem? I think that it doesn’t matter how you look. Just go out there and kill this bitch and take this title away from her. That’s all that counts.”

Casey is right, but Amanda still is a bit disappointed. She loves it to pose and to look sexy and she also loves it to hear how cute she is. So she looks at her sister and points out her tongue, even though she’s not really mad at her, but she can’t understand the way Casey thinks. Such a life would be no fun for her and sometimes she even doubts that Casey had ever had sex in her life.

“Ok, ok’re right, but some nice words wouldn’t have killed you.”

Then the three leave the locker room and are on the way to the interviewing area. Amanda loves it to entertain the fans and she also loves it to talk, so a last interview is ok for her and it’s a good way to kill the time till her match starts. So they come there and Amanda poses a bit for the camera, then she takes a seat, crosses her legs and smiles as the interview begins.

“Ok Miss Cortez, it’s great that you found some time before such an important match. Most wrestlers don’t like it to have interviews right before their matches.”

Amanda still smiles and shrugs. It seems that she really isn’t nervous, no, she seems to be completely relaxed and she loves these interviews. The attention she gets is awesome and she loves it to be in front of a camera. So she leans back in her chair, crosses her legs to make sure that everybody can see her pretty long legs and looks at the interviewer in a really friendly way.

“That’s ok, I’m not really worried and I’d do everything to make the fans happy and what could make them more happy than seeing their Goddess?”

Now the petite young woman laughs in her cheery way and the interviewer begins with his questions, while Amanda poses again. She knows that she is pretty and she loves it to show it.

“Well, that’s true. So now tell us how you feel today. Are you nervous right before such an important match?”

Mandy raises an eyebrow and laughs a bit tauntingly, but not in a mean way. Before she answers, she lights a cigarette and inhales deeply. It’s forbidden insides the building, but she doesn’t care. She has always ignored any rules and this hasn’t changed till now.

“Should I?”

Then she bursts out laughing again and she has really problems to stop it. Eventually she stops laughing and wipes some tears out of her eyes. Her skirt has moved up a bit and she pulls it down again, but then she answers again and now she’s really seriously.

“Hell no, I’m not. Look, I do this job for almost ten years now. I had had so many matches, lots of wins, but also a few losses. I had held some titles in the past and a few weeks ago I have still been the tag champion. So why should I be nervous or even worried.”

“Because it is for a title …”

But not even this impresses Amanda. She still is so relaxed, but that’s pretty normal after so many title matches she had done during her long career. She has had so many titles here at SCW and also in other companies, so that she doesn’t care too much about it. Before she answers, she drags at her cigarette again and then she drops it to the ground.

“Oh …I almost forgot …”

For a very short moment she fakes to be shocked and covers her mouth with her hand, but the she laughs again.

“No, I didn’t forget it, but as I said before, this isn’t my first title match and it won’t be my last one. Ok, I must admit that it would be great to take the win to night and to leave the ring, but I can also live with a loss. Ok, I would be a bit frustrated and sad, but I would survive it and then I will try it again.”

“But you’re thirty. Did you never thing of retiring? You can’t do this here for ever.”

Now Amanda pouts a bit, but it’s only fake and she shakes her head, still trying to look angrily. It’s not so easy to make her really angry, but playing the tough and short tempered bitch is part of the show and so she does it.

“Damn, that’s not nice to remind a lady how old she is. But I’ll answer your question …Yes, I thought of quitting this job one day. It’s not that I don’t like it anymore and I would really miss something, but it costs me so much time and as you know, I have a family. I would really love to spend more time together with them.
But don’t worry, this won’t happen this year and it won’t happen before I have the main women’s title of this company.”

Now the interviewer winks at her. He doesn’t want to offend her and he knows that she won’t have a problem with a little joke.

“Well, then we should hope that you lose this match, so that we have you a bit longer around here. You’re really the hottest bombshell of this company.”

A broad smile comes into Amanda’s face. Hearing how pretty she is feels always good and it’s awesome that there are so many people who love her, but losing a title match is no option for her.

“Thank you. But as I said, this year I wont retire, so you can really wish me luck.”

"And this I do. I really hope that you become the champion. But now tell me, what does it mean to you to be the champion?”

For a moment Amanda is quiet and she isn’t so sure about what to say. She has never thought about this. In some way it would be cool to win a title again, but she’s a bit lazy and not really ambitious and so she doesn’t know.

“That’s not so easy and to be honest, I never thought about it. But …well, I think in some way it’s the goal of each wrestler to become the champion  and so it’s prolly also my main goal. Normally I’m not that ambitious and I don’t really need a title, but I hate losing and so it’s the logical conclusion that I become champion sooner or later. I’m the best female wrestler of this company and so I’m the only person who deserves it to be called the champion. Just look at all these idiots, at Roxi, Amy, Keira and also at Micah …what are they compared to me? Nothing.”

“Well, that’s true. But as you are talking about all the champs at this company, why do you go for Micah’s title and not for one of the others? Probably this would have been a bit more easy for you.”

A light giggling can be heard and Amanda winks. She is a bit lazy, but a hard fight she has always liked and it’s better than having a nobody as an opponent. Stress isn’t her cup of tea, but a good challenge is always great.

“But maybe I don’t like it easy …Haha, an easy win is boring and defeating one of these useless bimbos would be too easy. They are no real wrestlers and most of their time they spend with posting on Twitter by whom they got laid. Whoring around is all they can do and it’s really disgusting.
It’s not that I’m a nun and I love sex more than everything else in the world, at least as long as it’s with my wife Rose, but that is something private and there’s no need to post it on Twitter. But shall they do what they want, I don’t care about it.
And now back to the thing with the easy wins. As long as I have been a member of the Mean Girls I tried to get easy wins too, but now everything has changed, I have a new mission now and this mission is to prove that I’m the best wrestler in the world and exactly this I will do tonight. I’m not only going to win against Micah, I will destroy her completely. I will let her look like a moron, like a complete loser …”

It seems that Amanda slowly comes in rage, but then the interviewer interrupts her again. Hearing her trash talking is fun, but some more background information for the fans would be awesome too.

“For me this sounds a bit like all this a bit personal …”

“No, it’s not. I don’t hate her, even though I must admit that she goes a bit on my nerves.”

The interviewer raises an eyebrow. Now he becomes curious about Amanda’s problems with Micah, because normally she doesn’t take all these things here in this wrestling company personal, and so he wants to know everything.

“Why’s that?”

“Well, I didn’t take all this here so serious, but a few weeks ago this bitch Micah began to insult me on Twitter and this without a reason and I really don’t like it when people insult me. I’ve had that in the past as I turned against Keira. All she had to do was to talk bad about me, but you know how it ended, I kicked her ass. Then I turned against the Mean Girls and there it has been the same, first I defeated Mercedes and then Vero, so they paid for it.”

For another moment Amanda pauses and then she remembers something too. That troubling on Twitter hasn’t been her only conversation with Mica, a few days later she has talked to her again and there it hasn’t been hostile.

“But I must admit that I also had a funny conversation with her. After my win against Vero I talked to her and we did some really great trash talking about Vero. Haha, I’ve never seen Vero become so mad. It was hilarious. And during this little chat Micah and me saw it the same way. We both thought that Vero is an laughable idiot and that she can’t wrestle. All her insults to me and Micah were nothing more than brainless bullshit.
Si in some way I can say that Micah has some humor and that’s ok. If she wouldn’t act like a complete bitch all the time, I could even like her, but whatever …”

She wants to continue a bit longer, but again the interviewer interrupts her. He knows that Amanda won’t like this question, but he also is curious about how she will react if he talks about one of her weaknesses.

“But Deliah’s ass you didn’t kick. She kicked yours and then she humiliated you by tickling you almost into submission.”

For a moment it seems that Amanda is a bit angry, but then she laughs again and shrugs. True, she didn’t look good in that match, but it is over and so there is no reason anymore to be angry.

“Well, that’s true, you can’t always win. But who cares? The next time I meet her in the ring, I’ll defeat her too, but tonight not the Mean Girls are my goal, tonight I’m here to defeat Micah and nothing and nobody will be able to stop me from doing this.
As I said, I don’t like it when people insult me, but that’s not the only reason. This girl with her gangsta image really goes on my nerves. I don’t know whether everything is true, or whether these are only rumors, but she tries to act like a cool and tough criminal and it seems that she has had some problems with the police. Well, normally I wouldn’t care much, but wrestling is a family event and there are also children who watch the shows and so such a wannabe criminal shouldn’t be the champion. She’s no good idol for them and I think that such a person doesn’t belong in a wrestling company.
Ok, I have had made some mistakes too in the past and I paid for them with spending some years in jail, but I have changed my life. I tried to be an idol to the kids. I try to show them that they can reach everything they want, if they don’t give up and I try to tell them always to stand up again after you got beaten down. I learned from my mistakes and now I hope that others will learn from me too. They shall see that it’s possible to change your life if you only try it.
Just look at me, I have always been in trouble and I have been a criminal too, but now I have a family and I take care for them. I’m a loving mother, a loving wife and a loving sister and other people can do that too, if they only try it.
But let’s come back to Micah, I don’t know what exactly she has done and, to be honest, I don’t care much, but she still acts like a complete bitch. She’s mean, she’s aggressive and she’s a pain in the ass.”

Amanda has clenched her small fist and sighs. Everybody can see that she has a problem with Micah and she can’t and also don’t want to hide her feelings. Then she continues her little speech.

“Why the hell do I always get in trouble with such disgusting bitches? At first Keira, then Vero and Now Micah …In some way it really sucks, cause such persons really go on my nerves, but on the other way it is good. Till now I won my matches against these persons and showed that it doesn’t bring anything to act like a bitch, to cheat and all this stuff.
I don’t say that everybody has to be an angel, no, I’m no angel too, but I think at least we should respect each other and that’s a thing I do. Ok, I must admit that I love it to talk bad about my opponents, but I only do it to provoke them and to rage on a rivalry. I’d never do to really hurt them and that’s the difference between me and all these bitches like Micah. Deep insides I respect my opponents, even though it’s not always easy.
Well, and then there are these women like Micah. They say that they had a hard childhood and that this made them the way they are now, but I had a hard childhood too and now look at me. Am I proud of my crimes? No, I regret them and this persons like Micah should do too.
But anyway, I’m not here to judge her, I’m here to defeat her and I can also tell you the reasons. The first reason is that I don’t wanna let her get away with all her mean talking about me, the Goddess, and the other reason is to make this here a better world. Yes, I think a world without Micah is better and so I’ll do my best, so that we won’t see her again in the ring.
Ok, don’t worry, I’m not gonna try to injure her and I know that I can’t gat rid of er completely, but at least I will try to make her retire and if this doesn’t work then I’ll at least take away the title from her. Such a person really doesn’t deserve it to be called the champion.”

The interviewer nods, but then he interrupts her again. Micah is a strong wrestler and it seems to be interesting to see how Amanda reacts when he reminds her of this. Pretty often Amanda tends towards to underestimate her opponents.

“That sounds good, but don’t forget that she is really strong and I doubt that she will leave this company by choice.”

“True, but I’ll make sure that she will. II will let her look like a complete moron and loser and so she won’t have a choice. After I’m done with her nobody will ever take her serious anymore, everybody will only laugh at her and really soon all the people will have forgotten that she ever existed. I will turn her in a complete nobody again and eventually the reign of this bitch will be over.
And you are right, this won’t be easy, because in the ring she can be really dangerous. She defeated some really strong wrestlers, like Raynin, like Vero and some others, but me she won’t defeat. I trained so much and I watched all her matches, so that I really know what awaits me. Yeas, I’m prepared like never before during my long career, so there’s really nothing that can go wrong.
I think you all know my sister, the woman who trains me, and you all know how strong she is, but I managed it to win against her in the ring, so now tell me why I shouldn’t win against Micah. She’s good, but not as good as me and this I will prove tonight. So at the end of the night you will see a new champion and this champion will be me, Amanda Cortez.”

For a moment Amanda becomes quiet and takes a deep breath. It seems that she really doesn’t want to stop the talking and that she really enjoys herself, so she continues again.

“But winning the belt isn’t everything. I also owe the fans something. During the months I’ve been a member of the Mean Girls I did somethings I really regret. I insulted the fans, I cheated, I did backstage attacks and I even injured my opponent before a match, even though it has been Deliah, a girl who really deserves it.
But now I have changed and I want to apologize for all the crap I have done and I hope that all the others will forgive me. I know that I can’t undo all these things and I also know that many people are still mad at me, but I will do my best. And doing my best means that I will show the fans a match that they will never forget. Yes, and what could be better for doing this than being in the main event of this great show?
Yeah, call me cocky, but I’m proud to be in the main event and eventually I don’t get overlooked anymore. Now I have almost reached my goals, I have the most important match of the night and I promise that I will really give my best. I’ll give the fans the show they deserve and I will get what I deserve, this title.”

Now Amanda puts down the micro and it seems that she is finished with her speech. She is ready to stand up and smiles as the interviewer starts to talk again.

“Well, these were some great last words and we all wish you luck in your match. We really hope that you will dethrone Micah and that you will return here with the belt around your waist. Thank you so much for your time and that you were kind enough to talk to us and to the fans.”

Rose, who has watched the whole interview looks on her watch and gives Mandy a sign. It’s really time to go into the direction of the stage, because in a few minutes her match will start. After Mandy stood up, Rose takes her by her hand and the two blow a last kiss into the direction of the camera. Then they slowly walk to the stage, but before they arrive there, they stop again and Rose takes Mandy by her hands. She smiles at her in such a lovingly way and kisses her.

“Ok, now it’s time to rumble, but before you go out there, I wanna say you one last thing. I know that you will do great and that you will defeat Micah, but even if not, I still love you. For me you don’t have to do all this, I also love you without a belt more than anything else on world and I know that our kids do so too. You’re such a great mother and wife and want you to know that.”

As she hears this, it drives the tears into Amanda’s eyes and she wraps her arms around Rose. She leans her head on Rose’s shoulder and sniffles a bit.

“Aww …now you made me cry …”

Lovingly Rose runs her fingers through Mandy’s long red hair. Then she wipes away the tears and kisses her again.

“No needa cry …I only wanted to tell you that we love you the way you are. Oh, and there’s one more thing. I’m also proud that you broke up with the Mean Girls and that you try to get rid of the Mean Girls image. I always thought that these persons weren’t good for you.”

Still in Rose’s arms Amanda looks up. She is so happy that Rose accepts her decision, but she still is a bit confused. She hasn’t known that Rose had a problem with her being a member of the Mean Girls.

"Why that?"

“Well, that’s easy. You’re such a nice and cute person and mostly you’re really friendly and lovingly. So all this ‘being mean stuff’ doesn’t really fit to you. You shouldn’t try to play a role. Just be like you really are, a lovable person and a strong wrestler in the ring. That’s what the fans want to see and that’s what I wanna see.”

Now Amanda moves a bit back and puts her hands on her hips. The pretty redhead tilts her head a bit to the side and winks at her wife.

“So I’m cute and friendly? Damn, I’m the most dangerous wrestler at SCW, I’m a Goddess …”

But Rose shuts her up by gently putting a finger on Amanda’s lips. Then she playfully squeezes her sides with her other hand and Mandy squirms.

“Ok, but a really cute Goddess ….Oh, and what’s your problem with being cute? Everybody loves a sexy and cute young woman, haha, especially me …”

Hearing this Amanda smiles seductively. She knows what Rose means and it makes her happy, but not only this, in some way it also turns her on and she wraps her arms around Rose again. Playfully she nibbles at her ear and whispers.

“Well, then show me how much you love me …I want it, I need it, now ….”

Mandy giggles happily, but Rose shoves her gently back, but not before giving her another small kiss. She loves this idea too, but not now, right before Amanda’s important match.

“Not now darling, but I promise we will do it right after your match. Yes, then we will have to celebrate something and it will be so much fun.”

Voluptuously Rose licks her lips and runs her fingers over Amanda’s cheek. Then she squeezes it lightly.

“Haha, then I’ll make our new champion giggle, laugh and scream all night and this you can see as a promise.”

Seeing that Mandy gets more and more excited, she winks at her.

“Yesterday I bought a nice long and fluffy feather and I can’t wait to test it everywhere on you. Especially there …”

Still smiling she points at Amanda’s privates, but then she becomes serious again.

“But as I said, after your match. And now go out there, beat this bitch up and bring this title back home.”

“This I will do ….I promise …”

Amanda wants to say something more, but then she hears that her music is played and so it’s time to go to the stage. A last time she kisses Rose, then she turns around and the scene fades to black.

Word count: 9133


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0