Author Topic: I'd have a title for this if I wasn't nuts!  (Read 264 times)

Offline Twisted Sister

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I'd have a title for this if I wasn't nuts!
« on: June 12, 2015, 05:24:44 PM »
Climax Control -- May 31 -- Alexandria, Egypt

Twisted Sister: "Oh, shame on them. Shame, shame, shame!"

Doctor Kraven Moorehead: "I beg your pardon? Shame on who?"

Twisted Sister: *chuckles* "Shame on the one thinking all of this up!"

Doctor Kraven Moorehead: "Okay, I am afraid you have me at a disadvantage, this time, my dear. But thinking all 'what ' up, exactly?"

Twisted Sister: "Ohh! I think you know. I think everyone out there knows."

Doctor Kraven Moorehead: "Everyone out... are you referring to the viewers watching this on television?"

Twisted Sister: *laughs* "Aren't you just the CUTEST LITTLE THING!? No! Noooo! *laughs* I'm talking about all of the people out there READING this on their computer screens! Ha ha ha!"

Doctor Kraven Moorehead: "... Reading... Ahh! I see. We're back to this 'belief' of yours that we are all a part of something called an 'efed'?"

Twisted Sister: "*huffs* It's CALLED ... breaking the Fourth Wall! ALL the cool kids are doing it these days!"

Doctor Kraven Moorehead: "My dear, I'm not so certain that we..."

Twisted Sister: "ALL OF THEM! Look! Look here!"

Twisted Sister taps a forefinger on the glass and her face is scrunched up in the middle, staring straight ahead.

Twisted Sister: "Looky! Look look look! See?"

Twisted Sister's manager and 'doctor' Kraven Moorehead, sets his face close up beside her's to try and get a look at what she is seeing. Or at the very least, humoring her in doing so.

Twisted Sister: "See her?"

Doctor Kraven Moorehead: "That's a girl?"

Twisted Sister frowns and presses her face in closer, smashing her nose and facial features hard against the glass.

Twisted Sister: "Hunh! Could be a boy. Got a great big booger hanging out of their nose!"

"Hot Stuff" Mark Ward, one of the two main bosses of SCW, was seated at his desk in the backstage area, behind closed doors. His eyes were glued to the monitor on the desk top in front of him, keeping a very close eye on the proceedings of the night. A knock on the office door brought him out of his silent thoughts and he looked up.

Hot Stuff: "Yeah!"

The door slid open and Mark's miniature office assistant, Miss Minnie, leaned in. At least Mark thought she did. At first he just heard her voice so he reluctantly stood up so he could look down at the world's smallest woman and he raised an eyebrow.

Miss Minnie:"Doctor Moorehead is here."

Hot Stuff: "Fine. Send him in."

No sooner did Miss Minnie turn around to do just that, than the 'good doctor' stepped past her and into the office. The tiny woman gave him the stink eye before she shut the door behind him.

Doctor Kraven Moorehead: "You sent for me?"

Hot Stuff: "Yeah. Have a seat."

The doctor pulled up a chair and took a seat, crossing an ankle over his knee with his hands clasped in his lap.

Hot Stuff: "Now... what the bloody hell is wrong with you doc!?"

Doctor Kraven Moorehead: "I beg your pardon?"

Hot Stuff: "You can apologize all you want but do you realize the trouble that Cuckoo bird of yours is going to get me into!? I'm betting it won't be ten more minutes before Underwood gets his panties in a bunch and phones me from the States about what just happened!"

Doctor Kraven Moorehead: "I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage Mr. Ward. What exactly happened that was so difficult?"

Mark Ward raised his brow.

Hot Stuff: "I admit I am the one who signed that crazy chick of yours. I accept full responsibility..."

Mark smiled, then chuckled.

Hot Stuff: "Scratch that. I don't accept any blame. That's why you're here as her scapegoat. But the point is still the same! What she did to Delia was bad enough. What she almost did to Candy Overton out there just now would have had my arse in a sling. But Christ! She had to go and attack Jessie Salco in the med area where there were people there being checked out!?"

Kraven Moorehead held his hands out.

Doctor Kraven Moorehead: "Jessie Salco interfered in my client's business affairs, Mr. Ward. Twisted Sister had every right to defend herself."

Hot Stuff: "You really have a fine way of talking out of yer arse, don't ya doc? 'defending' herself would have taken place out there at ringside when Salco first got involved. What she just did backstage was an out and out mugging."

Doctor Kraven Moorehead: "You say that like it's a bad thing, Mr. Ward. I am sure there are ways that you can turn an incident like this to your advantage, bright a man as you are."

Mark sneered and shook his head.

Hot Stuff: "Put some chap stick on those lips before you go trying to kiss my arse there doc. I'm not Underwood. I don't respond well to flattery."

Mark rolled his eyes and shrugged.

Hot Stuff: "Okay, I do, but just from babes."

Doctor Kraven Moorehead: "So am I to assume this means another hefty fine? One might imagine such measures are being levied against my client due to her psychological issues. I'm certain attorneys and like-minded civil rights groups would have a field day with a story like that."

Hot Stuff: "Don't even try to pull that card with me. I'm the one that took a risk signing that bird of yours in the first place and I've been getting my arse chewed out by Christian ever since! This is just going to be icing on the cake as far as he's concerned. Now I'll probably end up on the phone with him, trying to figure a way out of the mess your 'client' has gotten us into!"

The telephone on the desk started to ring, and Mark gestured to it.

Hot Stuff: "And I'm betting that's Rainbow Bright as we speak!"

Mark picked up the phone.

Hot Stuff: "Yeah?"

His face cringed, then he opened his eyes and glared at the doctor.

Hot Stuff: "Yeah, I had a feeling I'd be hearing from you."

Mark snapped his fingers and directed the Doctor to leave the office. Doctor Kraven gave him a curt nod and exited without another word.

Twisted Sister: "See? What'd I tell you?"

Doctor Kraven Moorehead: "I'm still uncertain as to whether that is a male or female and I..."

"Excuse me?"

The heads of Doctor Kraven Moorehead and Twisted Sister turn to face the McDonalds manager who had addressed them.

Manager: "I am afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You're scaring the children."

The Doctor and Twisted Sister turn to look back through the glass and the children staring back at them from the Play area of the McDonalds fast food franchise.

Twisted Sister: "I had her."

Twisted Sister sat at a table, kneeling down to the floor so that she would only be seen from the shoulders up. Her arms were propped up on the table's edge and her chin rested just on the edge. Her eyes were wide ad manic as she reflected. She smiled maniacally and giggled, her long, sharp nails drumming on the tattered surface of the table where pieces, slivers of the wood, were chipped away.

Twisted Sister: "Nothing worse than broken Candy, but I had her. You make do when your Candy is broken into itty bitty pieces, and you have to pick up the pieces and enjoy what's left! But you wouldn't let me do that, would you? Noooo! You had to come running in and keep me from enjoying myself? Well SHAME ON YOU JESSIE SALCO!"

Twisted Sister dug the sharp nail of her right index finger into the table and started to slowly drag it across the table top. Her teeth showed in a maniacal grin.

"It was very rude of you to interrupt another's playtime. It is never polite to waltz into a party when you weren't invited -- AND YOU WEREN'T INVITED!"

She screamed, bringing a fist crashing down onto the table.

Twisted Sister: "Apparently NOBODY taught you any MANNERS, Jessie Salco! You need to be stood in the corner! You need to be spanked! YOU NEED TO BE SENT TO BED WITHOUT SUPPER!!!"

Twisted Sister cackled wildly and fell back to the floor, before she soon found her way back up.

Twisted Sister: "I'll bring my ruler Jessie, to whack you on the knuckles with. I will teach you how to be A PROPER YOUNG LADY!"

She tilted her head back with a wide, twisted grin on her face.

Twisted Sister: "Just call me Miss Manners! I will teach you all that is wrong with the world. WRONG WITH YOU!"

She brought her head down and rested her chin in her cupped hands.

Twisted Sister: "I'd stake your life on it."

Come fight with me and you can expect
I'll do much worse than break your neck!
For mercy you will beg and plead,
But I won't stop until you bleed!