Author Topic: Guess whos back to kick some ass  (Read 345 times)

Offline Casey Williams

  • Freight Train Of Pain
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    • Casey Williams
Guess whos back to kick some ass
« on: May 27, 2015, 12:54:07 PM »
 Returning to SCW for good

The scene opens with Casey Williams walking around the outskirts of Alexandria, Egypt, with J2H, looking at the Egyptian tombs and the pyramids. The only reason they are in the Alexandria region is because of SCW’s World Tour. Casey Williams finds himself on the Climax Control card for the first time, and in a singles match, in about a year and a half, but in a match for the first time in months, since the Alumni Battle Royale at Climax Control 100.

J2H-”Casey, my friend, are you sure you want to return to wrestle?”

Casey-”Well, yeah.  I mean, Andrew Garcia and Ivan Darrell didn’t do a good enough job to keep me happy, so I figured, why not get back into the ring and show the world why I am the “Man Monster“,  the “Freight Train of Pain“, especially these new guys.  I have to show them no mercy, that war is the answer and the way of my fists; because I am done being Mr. Nice Guy, so to speak.  I mean, look at how I was with Andrew Garcia, I mean, I coddled him because of his flashbacks.”

J2H-”I know that, and at least they have you an opponent who has been around since before you retired in Old Skool.  You definitely need to revert back to your bad ass self, the way you were before opening that school of yours, and show that viciousness I know you have inside you.“

Casey-“Agreed, and he just got his ass kicked by a rookie in SCW, whose name is irrelevant, so I wonder how much he has in the tank, to go up against a man like me.  Hell, even if he was at 100%, I doubt he‘d be able to tangle with me because he would be in a losing battle.”

Casey and J2H continue to head back towards Alexandria, and continue to talk about Casey‘s return to action inside a SCW ring, as well as J2H‘s return to SCW a few weeks earlier at Mayhem at Morocco.

Casey-“Well, look at you J2H, you also recently returned to SCW, causing a lot of surprises in the locker room, included myself.  I, unlike a lot of the others, am glad to have you back though, knowing how good you are in the ring, but also having you around can keep my anger in check, where you know how angry I can get.  We also know how well you speak on the microphone, which is always a plus in our business.”

J2H-“I know, and I look forward to being able to team up with you, or having you in my corner, and we obtain gold soon, whether it be tag team gold, or singles gold, because we are that damn good and aren‘t going to let these losers stand in our way of success.”

Casey-“We will, we just have to continue making a statement.  The firing of Dying Breed , the announcement of my return to the ring as a wrestler, and being allied with you is just the beginning of great things for us.”

After he says that, Casey and J2H return to Alexandria and go to the  to get some traditional Egyptian food, but with American flair.  All the sight seeing has made them hungry as well as thirsty, given they are in the desert and all.  

J2H-“Exactly.  SCW has no idea what we have planned, and there is nobody that can stop us from accomplishing our goals, not even the likes of “Hot Stuff“ Mark Ward and Christian Underwood.”

Casey-”I know.  Seeing guys like Andrew and Ivan now makes me want to puke, seeing that I pushed them and pushed them to be successful, and when they get gold, they choke.  I mean, they fucking lost the tag team gold to The Surf Boys for crying out loud!!!!!   Talk about being embarrassed to be their manager.”

J2H-”I can only imagine how embarrassing that was for you.  Those guys are so goofy, yet can get the job done when needed in the ring.”

Casey-”Sadly, you are right on the last piece.  They surely showed that in the tag title match, and held the titles longer than anyone anticipated them to hold onto them.  It is also nice to have a friend who doesn‘t freak out and have flashbacks every time they hear a song.  That is refreshing, yet was annoying when I managed Dying Breed.”

J2H-”I can only imagine how annoying that must have been to have to calm Andrew down every time that “Remember Everything” by Five Finger Death Punch came on, regardless of how emotional the song is for some people.  Then again, that is what makes the band so good, that they can strike that nerve in some people, and that you can hear the emotion in the vocals by Ivan Moody.”

Casey-”You do have a valid point there, my young friend.  We are going to just destroy anybody in our paths and prove to the world that we are as good as we say we are.  Showing the world that we can get back into the ring and kick some ass like we used to, and like you said earlier, get some gold around our waists once again.  I would love to have another reign as tag team champion with a very talented wrestler like you.  With my power and your technical skills and your agility, we will be a lethal combination, nobody can stop us.  We will bring solidity to the tag team titles which have been sorely lacking as of late.  If you look at this calendar year, we have had 5 champions, and most of them have come in the last 2 months, since Caleb Houston got hurt and vacated the titles.  Granted he and JT Midas ended a 7 month reign of Despayre and Big B, it should be up to us to return the titles to the glory left by the Bosom Buddies of last year at this time. Before that time comes, though, we need to come up with a good team name”

J2H-”Agreed, big guy.  We have plenty of time before that happens though.”

Casey and J2H arrive at the Minouche Pizza, and order an Egyptian style pizza and some water and sit down while they wait for their pizza as the scene fades to black.

Later that day

The scene shows Casey Williams with his wife, Laura, and their two kids, Noëlle and Drew, in their hotel room in Alexandria.  He thinks about all the things that him and James talked about earlier in the day, between Dying Breed and his upcoming match with Old Skool, and that fires him up, enough to call out Old Skool.

”Old Skool, I saw your last match against Ethan Alexander last week, and I felt embarrassed to be you, because you got your ass handed to you by a newcomer, but be prepared to get your ass handed to you once again by the hands of me, The Man Monster, The Freight Train of Pain, Casey Williams.  I am back to show the world that I am still able to go the distance, and return to my former glory and dominance.  That, I guess is a perk of having a wrestling school, it keeps me in wrestling shape, because how else could I be able to teach these young men and women if I wasn‘t in ring shape?  I wouldn‘t be able to, or at least I wouldn‘t want to keep the school if I wasn‘t able to show people myself how to do the moves.  You will feel the wrath of my rage towards those who made me look bad, like Dying Breed.  They were an embarrassment to me, and everything I stand for, and I refuse to be embarrassed, so that is why I tossed them to the curb, and I know J2H will not do the same to me, because he is truly talented, unlike you and Dying Breed. It is time for the Monster inside me to be unleashed, and I will show the world a side of me that they never thought they could see out of me.  â€

Casey then takes a deep breath to calm himself down, and paces around the room as he talks some more.

Casey-”I have been looking forward to getting back in the ring for a very long time now in SCW.  I have missed to daily grind of competition here, and I am glad that SCW management gave me someone I am familiar with to get my feet wet, so to speak in you, Old Skool.  Someone who I know, that I can at least trust in the ring, despite my wanting to kick your ass.  I will enjoy making a statement at your expense Old Skool, because you are a shell of the man you once were.  I mean, before I retired to focus on the House of Pain, you were at least a competent wrestler, someone revered.  But now, you are a no longer  that man, and that is what I find embarrassing with you, that you are not the man you once were, and I lost all respect I ever had for you.  I will truly enjoy dominating you in ways you have not been dominated before, nor I have dominated before.  You see, me opening the House of Pain did me a lot of good.  Not only was I able to pass on my wealth of knowledge of the wrestling business to others, the students I had also taught me a lot as well.  They taught me to look inside myself and made me dig deeper into what makes me tick and pushed me to limits I didn‘t think I was capable of getting to, and you will feel that wrath, and there is not a DAMN thing you can do about it..”

Casey then goes to the bathroom, leaves the bathroom and bends down to grab his gym bag and then leaves the hotel room to go to the gym for a work out as the scene fades to black.


SCW Title's held (and reign)
1x Roulette title reign from 05/20/12 to 8/02/12
1x Tag team title reign (w/ Jordan Williams) from 3/18/12 to 4/29/12
Hall of Famer class of 2020