Author Topic: A day at the zoo  (Read 397 times)

Offline Surf Boys

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A day at the zoo
« on: April 10, 2015, 01:28:28 PM »
 The scene opens up near Verona in Italy. The Surf Boys stand around in a crowd. Many people with camera move past the duo as they stand in typical Surf Boy attire of bright Bermuda shorts, and palm tree covered shirts with flip flops on their feet. Both men have the SCW tag team championship belts around their waists. People walk past the wearing cameras around their neck and holding maps in their hands. Narly tilts his head towards Radical.

Narly: I'm like totes confused Bro-Migo.

Radical: Me too.

Radical scratches his head in confusion as Narly looks at him through narrowed eyes.

Narly: No dude. I mean like there's all this like awesome and historic places around this rawking city and like people from the SCW loony bin are totes going to those places but we're like here.

Radical throws his head back, as if to remember why the duo are where they are.

Radical: Sha dude! But not everyone has to face who we are facing this week.

Narly: We're facing someone?

A look of surprises crosses Narly's face as he looks at Radical

Radical: Like sha dude! Like you didn't get told.

Another confused look crosses Narly's face.

Narly: Nu uh, I didn't know, I just got an e mail forwarded to me by Christian Underwood of a sad looking pussy cat.

Radical: I got that too! That dude is obsessed with the sad looking puss puss but he also sent me a message that said Radical dude, you and the Narly one are totes in action this week, so don't leave the tag titles on the bus and show up because you're facing...

Narly: Facing who dude?

Radical: ROAR!

Narly jumps backwards, looking at his tag team partner with a look of shock and fear on his face.

Narly: Don't yell at me dude! That is so uncool!

Radical's face switches to a look of sadness.

Radical: Sorry dude! But there's no one that can say ROAR, when people say that word, they have to say it like totes loud.  

Narly: So we're like fighting a Katy Perry song?

Narly shifts his eyes around the crowd.

Narly: How do we fight a Katy Perry song and where do we find it in this crowd dude? I mean, I so never tried to get a song in a headlock.

Radical: Noooooooooooo Dud-e-o! It's not the song we need to headlock, it's tigers.

Narly shakes his head really fast, looking at Radical.

Narly: There is like no way I am grabbing a tiger by the head, like nu uh, no way, not even for a scooby snack. Even the song about grabbing a tiger by the tail gave me the heebee geebies! Nu uh, never happening!

Radical: No dude, you so miss my point. ROAR...

Narly: Stop shouting dude!

Radical: Force of habit saying that word. Anyway Bro-meo, Those guys are like called Dark Tiger and Big Tiger. They seem totes obsessed with tigers, and maybe one day, they will use eye of the tiger as a theme song, but they seem like they're a bit too much loving the tiger lifestyle, so I'm thinking that we come here and watch them and see what we can like, learn.

Narly runs his hand under his chin, looking thoughtfully at Radical, before looking up at the sign behind him that says "Gardaland". Narly looks back at the camera.

Narly: That explains nothing.  

Radical: Dude, it has a zoo, with tigers! All we gotta do is look at the stripy things and see what they do. I have this weirdo idea that these two dudes wanna be like the stripy cats so much, that they will fight like the little stripy cats  

Narly: Awesome idea! Let's go find some big, scary angry pussy cats.  

The two turn away and walk in to the place as the scene fades out.

A little while later.

Radical: This is not as interesting as I so thought it would be.  

The camera opens up with Radical looking over a wall at a tiger enclosure. His eyes move around four black and orange stripped cats, two laying in the sun, the other two strolling casually around the enclosure. Radical leans on the wall looking around at them when Narly appears next to him with a bright green and red parrot on his shoulder, in his hands, he holds an ice cream between each sets of fingers. He puts an ice cream in front of Radical, who reaches his hand out to take it.

Radical: Thanks dude.

Narly: No problemo amigo.  

Radical turns around to look at Narly, tilting his head as he see the parrot on his shoulder and looking closer at the bird.

Radical: Dude, I don't know if anyone has told you this before, but you look awesome with a parrot on your shoulder!  

Narly grins widely as he licks his ice cream.

Radical: Where did you get it?  

Narly: I have no clue dude. I was like standing at the ice cream place thingy and some dude said hold my parrot, and he put it on my shoulder and took a picture and I walked away. I think I'm gonna name him Bob.  

Radical takes a lick of his ice cream before looking back at the brightly colored bird.

Radical: Nice to meet you Bob.  

The parrot squawks towards Radical as Radical bops his head and smiles, before moving back to his ice cream. Narly takes a lick of his own before carrying on the conversation.

Narly: So what did you learn about the almighty tigers dude?  

Radical looks towards Narly with a slow shake of his head.

Radical: Not much, those two tigers there haven't like moved since I've been here and these other two are totes looking confused and like they're trying to find a way out, but can't see the exit sign, so they keep giving up and walking around in circles.  

Narly: This has not been a worthwhile thing.  

Radical: Unless...  

Narly looks towards Radical, seeing what he has to say.

Radical: Unless they come to the zoo too, to see the tigers and like, they see them laying around and think that that's how tigers are meant to act, and then they turn up in the ring and like, one of them lays on the floor and the other one walks around the ring a bit and looks confused, and while he's looking confused, we pin the one who's laying on the floor.

Narly: That.... is.... awesome!  

Radical: Sha it is!  

The two men high five but miss dramatically, hitting each other in the head and almost sending Bob literary flying off Narly's shoulders.

Narly: Totally hurt.  

Radical: Sha!  

The duo shake their heads and look at each other

Narly: Ok, plan time!  

Narly reaches in to his pocket and pulls out a cell phone. He starts to type in to the phone and reading out loud as he types.

Narly: Dear awesome dudes of R.O.A.R. Please come and visit the zoo, so that you can see what tigers do and adapt your style to be more like tigers, cause tigers rawk! Signed The Surf Boys. Annnnnnd send!

Radical: Dude, what did you send that to?  

Narly: Totes e mail, duh! They're not like bad dudes that we should hide from or anything, they're like totes polite and respectful usually unless you're Dying Breed and they wanna rip ya nads off.  

Radical winces in pain.

Radical: Ripping off man plums is so not cool.  

Narly: But to us, they've been cool, so we can still like talk to them without having man parts removed.  

Radical: Ok, so they come to the zoo, see that's the way tigers act, they lay down and we win this one, right?  

Narly: Correctamundo!  

Radical: Awesomeness, we are totes gonna walk away with our tag team titles after this one.  

Narly: Sha!  

Radical looks at Narly's waist.

Radical: Ummm, dude, where is your tag title?  

Narly: Well it's right there.  

Narly points to his waist.

Radical: Look again.  

Narly looks down to see the title missing.

Narly: Uh oh!  

Radical: Where did you last see it?  

Narly: Well I went and got ice cream, met Bob, stopped by the monkey cage... monkey cage!

The two charge off as the camera fades.