Author Topic: Asterisk the Seventeenth: Getting What You Deserve  (Read 387 times)

Offline Mercedes Vargas

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Asterisk the Seventeenth: Getting What You Deserve
« on: April 03, 2015, 11:58:33 PM »
 [Well, that happened.

Another night, another match, another win that the Mean Girls was planning on celebrating instead turned into tragedy. How did it go all so terribly wrong?

Well, that happened.

Amanda Cortez and Veronica Taylor flew the Mean Girls flag proudly ahead of their first-ever title defense and just as they walked in, they walked out still the champions, easily dispatching their opponents to retain the SCW World Tag Team Championship, but that feeling washed away in a night of flared tempers backstage later that night.

Well, that happened.

Torielle Jackson and Chantelle Martinez were the next victims to feel the wrath of the Mean Girls, but that beatdown was nothing compared to what happened to Delia.

Well, that happened.

A few exchanged words, tempers flaring, and a backstage altercation at the makeup table. One brief scrap later, and it was clear who lost the fight. It was unthinkable, unbearable, unbelievable. Ruined beyond repair, scarred beyond recognition, Delia Darling, the matriarch of the Mean Girls, the face of the Bombshells Division was left a mangled mess, no thanks to the deranged Twisted Sister.

Well, that happened.

Having to support Delia on the way to the infirmary was a struggle. The loss of blood almost causes her to collapse a few times on the way there. There were cuts to her face from the shards of glass from being smashed through the vanity mirror and shards of glass can still be seen jutting from her skin and into her eyes. The imprint from the iron left redness, swelling and blistering so bad, it was beyond words.


Mercedes: Shh...Shh...Shh. Delia don't talk. Oh my God, you're losing blood again.

[Delia's piercing screams of agony could probably wake up the dead, but trying to silence her was no easy task. A wave of uneasiness washer over Mercedes. Her gaze sweeps across the empty lobby.]


[The sound of a door opening and crashing shut. Mercedes slowly leads Delia into the infirmary waiting room as a team of SCW medical personnel sees to her well being and just as quickly as they entered, Mercedes finds herself alone standing and pacing and waiting. The news was not good after a few hours. And that's when she knew. No matter what they called it - the Make Over Tour, the Revenge Tour, or even open season, what happened this night was as clear as day to Mercedes. The Bombshells, they thought they won.

Of course, they know this meant war.

One bad apple spoils the bunch.

One Twisted Sister now meant every Jealous Janis will have to suffer twice the pain, twice the punishment, twice the embarrassment.

Because when you mess with one of the Mean mess with all.

Well, that happened.

And there will always be consequences and repercussions for their actions.

♦ ♦ ♦

S C E N E | 002
[G E T T I N G | W H A T | Y O U | D E S E R V E]


[Mercedes is front of the camera, though by the expression on her face, she is struggling to even keep her emotions in check. As always, she is wearing her Mean Girls apparel as she is sitting on the stoops of her apartment. She doesn't waste any time as she gets into her promo.]

“I know you're probably expecting me to be in Athens right now, but I'm not. And there's a reason for that. Luckily, my flight will be is rescheduled for tomorrow. So, I'm going to get this out of the way right now, because I have a lot to say. "

[Mercedes takes a deep breath, focusing her gaze at the camera. It's a blustery day, so she attempts to keep her hair out of her face.]

“Keira Fisher, for the last few weeks now, you've been running at the mouth, talking smack about the Mean Girls without a care in the world, all in the hopes of getting the last piece of gold in our camp, the SCW World Tag Team Titles. But you know as well as I do that reality is only a pipe dream for two reasons: Number one..."

[Mercedes holds up her index finger.]

"Roxi Johnson, your wife, superhero extraordinaire, world's greatest detective...she may be your partner in life, but she can't be your tag partner in SCW because she has gold already. And number two is clearly obvious."

[Mercedes holds up two fingers.]

"You haven't found a tag partner. There's plenty to choose from, I'm sure. But even if you do happen to find someone dumb enough to team with you, that won't change the fact that you're still going to get your ass kicked by Mandy and Vero, just like Candy and Cynthia experienced last week. As if their first defense was in any doubt."

[She scoffs while shaking her head.]

“Keira, this may be our first match in the six-sided ring, but what SCW doesn't know is that this isn't our first rodeo. What SCW will be interested to find out is that the last time we met, I won a fatal four-way match to become the number one contender to Roxi's World Championship at a pay-per-view in another place and time. Nevermind that the title match which was suppose to take place six weeks later never happened for reasons unexplained until this very day. Nevermind that the promotion lasted all of 12 weeks. The important thing is what happened during the go home show four nights before that pay-per-view that never happened. That night, Keira, in Kansas City, on the final show of that promotion, I beat you within an inch of your miserable life while Roxi watched helplessly. It was a sight to see."

[A small smirk plays on her lips as she begins to rubs her palms together excitedly.]

“And now, 19 months to the day, I get to do it all over again. Just because we're in a new company doesn't mean anything has changed. Keira, to put it simply, you're the right woman in the right place, but at the wrong time. This Sunday at Climax Control 111 at Glyfador Indoor Hall in Athens, you have no idea what you gotten yourself into, you have no idea the world you just stepped into, sweetheart. And with what happened last week, that has only fanned the flames, that has only fueled my fire, and as they say, you play with fire you're going to get burned.

“See, I feel like taking out my frustrations out on those people in Athens, but since I legally can't, you'll just have to do. I don't make promises, but what I can promise you is that you're going to be in for a long evening, because the only thing you're going to remember other than the asskicking that's coming your way, is wearing a t-shirt saying 'I wrestled in Athens and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.' What you are, Keira, is a glutton for punishment and an example that I'm going to send to that deranged psycho bitch, Twisted Sister. And I hope she watches our match, because what I do to you pales in comparison to what I'm going to do to her when I get my hands on her."

[You didn't need to be a genius to figure out that the Mean Girls, particularly Mercedes, wasn't going to let this slide. If the rest of the Bombshells thought this was over, they would be sadly mistaken.]

“Ever since I declared open season on the Bombshells, people have ended up hurt. Holly, two weeks ago, Chanelle Martinez and Torielle Jackson last week. And we do these things because we can, because we want to, and because you can't stop us from doing so. And it's only going to get worse before it gets better. You thought Mandy making you her bitch at Climax Control 109 was something, you haven't seen ANYTHING yet."

[Mercedes shakes her head firmly.]

“You got all this pent-up frustration that you want to let out. Good, good. Let the hate flow through you. Hate. It's such a strong word for four little letters, but let's face it, it's a part of human nature. Whether it's the opposing sports team or political party or just anything in general it's not a good day unless we find something to set us off. In this case, it's the Mean Girls. For the past nine, ten months, we have dominated SCW and the Bombshells Division, we have beaten everyone that there is to beat, we have embarrassed the crowd's favorites and heroes and class acts to the point where they just give up trying. Even Misty has realized that the division is beyond saving, and that was your last great hope.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, come Sunday, Keira, I'm going to give you a real reason to hate. I'm going to give you something to be angry about. See, because, that's what drives you, isn't it? You threatened to break Veronica's neck and end her career. Sure, you got one past her, but last I checked, she's not on the shelf and she is still on the active roster.  The Mean Girls were the main reason why Misty ended her retirement/walkout/hiatus or whatever she wants to call it. We're the reason why she had to finally declare her retirement for real two weeks ago. And we're the reason why you decided to come to SCW. The thing is, you're not going to stop us, none of you will. After I've gone medieval on your ass, you're going to hate having to face Roxi after ending up on your back or tapping out. You're going to hate having to wake up tomorrow morning, and you're going to hate the fact that you're never going to get those tag titles without getting through us first.

“So, if I were you, and I'm so glad I'm not, I wouldn't miss this flight, Keira Fisher. Make sure you pack your ring gear, leave your ego at the door and bring everything you got, sweetheart. I happen to know that Roxi personally hates it when I, or anyone else for that matter, bring up her extracurricular activities. Don't get me wrong, it's perfectly okay pretending to be superheroes and all, but pretending ain't going make this ass whipping hurt any less."

« Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 09:35:29 AM by Mercedes Vargas »

2x SCW Hall of Famer (Class of 2018, Class of 2022)
World Bombshell Champion (x2)
Bombshell Roulette Champion (x4)
Bombshell Internet Champion 
World Bombshell Tag Team Champion (x3; w/Traci Patterson (x2) and Delia Darling (x1)
World Mixed Tag Team Champion (x3; x2 w/Kain, x1 w/Goth)
Third Bombshell SCW Triple Crown Champion (6th SCW Triple Crown Champion overall)
First-ever and only 2x, 3x and 4x Bombshell Triple Crown Champion in SCW history (most ever by a female wrestler)
Second Bombshell Grand Slam Champion (4th SCW Grand Slam Champion overall)
SCW Year-End Award Winner: 2014 Feud of the Year (Mean Girls vs SCW Bombshells roster)
Queen for a Day winner (December 2 Dismember 2015, inaugural)