Author Topic: It's so not fair! (Raying rp)  (Read 483 times)

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    • Raynin
It's so not fair! (Raying rp)
« on: February 20, 2015, 11:59:59 PM »

Alright, so I’m saying this before I post it…  This rp is all done in character, and to build up the storyline that I’m trying to work on.  Please, everyone know, it’s not a complaint, or any underhanded statement against anyone OOC.   Just thought I’d say that before you read the rp.  Anyways… enjoy!!  Oh, and there’s cuppycakes by the door.  ^.^  





Raynin Climax Control RP 1

Event: Sin City Wrestling’s Weekly Show, Climax Control    

DATE: Sunday, 02/22/2015

Place: Stockholm, Sweden

Venue: Stockholm Sweden’s Hovet


Opponent: Veronica Taylor

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THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!  The Angels of the Fallen were hoodwinked!!  They were sideswiped!!  They were given an unfair challenge to their titles, and cheated of them!  And you know what happens when you steal gold from an Angel… You suffer Heavenly Wrath!!  The Angels are on a warpath, and they’ve got their sights on the women who did the unthinkable, and took their Championships away…  And The Warrior Angel, Raynin gets to have the first crack at revenge against Veronica Taylor.  But let’s look back on what lead up to these events.  I for one would love to know what was going through everyone’s minds as things progress up to the next Climax Control in Stockholm.  Let’s take a look back and see what unfolded…  

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Time:  February 15, 2015…  11:00 PM…  


Place: Oslo, Norway… Location:  Furuset Forum…  Climax Control...



**********  PARENTAL WARNING!!  **********

The following are scenes from the February 15, 2015 airing of the Sin City Wresting’s weekly show, Climax Control.  They were not shown due to time constraints.    Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


So far, everyone has been enjoying the show.  There were lots of t-shirts and posters sold by the merchandise vendors, along with all manner of foodstuffs sold by the concessioners.  All in all, it was the beginnings of an awesome night for Sin City Wrestling, and the Furuset Forum’s owners.  The crowd was on it’s feet with the excitement of the matches and seeing all of their favorite SuperStars and BombShells in all of their glittering, well oiled, and glistening splendor.  And the rest of the night promised to be just as exciting.

Backstage, the staff members, some of the Superstars and Bombshells were all clustered around one particular doorway  They had looks of concern on their face, as well as curiosity as they strained to hear the conversation taking place behind the door.  When they suddenly hear a howl of outrage, and a loud boom as if something heavy was flung against the wall.  The cameraman that was approaching the door ducked as it sounded as if whatever was thrown against the wall was going to bust through it and take everyone clustered around the door with it.  He shook his head and straightened up as he turned towards the door, clearly not wanting to go inside, but since he was ordered to, he knuckled up the courage and cleared his throat.  Everyone turned to look at him, and hung their head as if he was taking a walk down death row towards the electric chair.  A few of the stagehands patted his shoulder and sighed heavily as if he already had the hangman’s noose around his neck.  He lifted the camera, and we saw the pink glitter encrusted, bejeweled, and feathered stars that decorated the door of Christian Underwood.  

The cameraman lifted his hand to knock on the door, when there was another loud roaring, and a “BOOOOOOMMMM!!” as something else hit the wall, and he cringed at the prospect of having to rap his knuckles on the steel of the door.  As there was a lull in whatever was taking place behind the door, he shook his head and straightened his shoulders, and lifted his hand, knocking quickly and stepping back, just in case something was flung through the portal.  Inside, he heard Christian speak a single word, which he knew sealed his fate…


The cameraman straightened his clothes, then took a deep breath, and crossed himself before he reached out and grabbed the handle of the door, pausing before he turned it to hear the click as the latch moved, and he stepped through to what looked to him as the remnants of a war zone…

The cameraman looked straight away at Christian, who was sitting in his chair behind a desk…   But that was the only normal looking thing around the room.  As the cameraman looked around at the carnage that filled the room, all he could do was gasp at the wreckage that used to be Christian’s office, and the woman standing there in the grey with silver pinstripes dress suit with a dark grey satin shell under the jacket, who looked at him with her hair hanging around her shoulders, looking like a wild woman on a rampage, and a look of outrage clearly decorating her face as she glared down at the man behind the desk.  Beyond the desk, everything else was trashed.  There were chairs that had the legs piercing the dry wall and sticking straight out as if someone was going to go and try to sit down on them.  The couch was overturned, and there were file cabinets laying in heaps of broken, twisted metal around the room.  A laptop had been ripped in half, and one half was laying against one wall, while the other was laying on to of a pillow from the couch on the other side of the room.  There were papers floating through the air like snowflakes on a snowy day.  And the only thing left untouched on the desk was a half eaten muffin and a plate of fruit, sitting next to a bottle of water.  The cameraman whispered softly, and the microphone on the camera picked up his shocked response to what he was seeing.

“Dear Mary, Holy Mother of GOD!  What the hell happened in here?”

The cameraman yelped in surprise and fear as the woman slowly turned her ice filled eyes towards the camera, and the visage of one utterly pissed off First Lady of the Darkk settled up on him.  Darknyss smirked evilly and she approached the cameraman menacingly, making him back up as she came towards him, step by step, her words dripping venom as she spoke.

“What’s happened here?  What’s happened here??!!  I’ll tell you what’s happened here!!  What’s happened here is a travesty and a miscarriage of justice!  And it’s so apparent, that my friends and I aren’t the only  people who have complained about it, and yet, the so called, quote, unquote, “Powers That Be” won't do a thing about it because they had a hand in it!!”

Christian cleared his throat and stood slowly, holding out a hand.

“Now hold up there Darknyss.  You know that’s totally unfair and a untrue.  We wouldn’t have…”

Darknyss rounded back to Christian again and her hands were clenched at her side so hard, it looked like her muscles would rip through her jacket like the Incredible Hulk due to the tension running through her body.

“BULL SHIT!!!  Everyone knows what happened!  My girls got screwed out of the titles, just like I got screwed out of the chance to advance in the Blast from the Past tournament by your idiotic staff not checking to see just how insane the people you hire truly are!!  I can't BELIEVE you guys actually paired me with that... PSYCHOPATH!!"

Christian shrugged as a lull in the conversation gave him a chance to speak.

"Well, we thought you were used to working with crazy people cause of Raynin and Gothika and all.  Besides... It worked out for the better due to you finding out about your delicate condition and all, so...."

Darknyss brings her fist down on the desk with a sound so loud, it sounds like cannon fire.  The cameraman jumps at the sound and looks around, then jumps with a couple of squeals as he looks left and sees Raynin standing beside him, and he lifts her hand, wiggling her fingers at him with a grin.  He then looks right, and sees Gothika standing on the other side of him.  Gothika points at her eyes, then to the camera, then back to Darknyss and the cameraman turns back to where Darknyss has leaned forward over Christian who has sat back down, trying his best to look bored.  She is growling her words now as she's barely keeping herself under control.

"Don't you DARE try to twist this around as some hormone infused tirade, or some other sexist shit like that!  This isn't the first time this has happened to us!!  If it had been, then maybe... just maybe I wouldn't be so fuckin' pissed off!  But this is basically status quo, so part of me isn't even surprised that this has happened, but I'm not keeping quiet about this any longer!!"

She leans closer so that she is face to face with Christian, and the words she speaks are so quiet at first you can barely hear them.

"I know EXACTLY who had a hand in all of this, and you know it’s true!!  You’ve tried to placate me before when he pulled this blatant line of crap against us, and we let you, but now, it’s not just us!!  We’re about to step our game up, run roughshod over the  and become even more dominant than we already are, and then... just like before... BANG!!  The long arm of a certain person claps down and we get railroaded!  Just like I know that Veronica Taylor started all of this shit!!  She got him to give her and Amanda Cortez a free pass the way she's always gotten everything around here... either on her knees or on her back!!  And then, for her to CHEAT LIKE THAT!!  And the blatant way it's been allowed...  WE ARE NOT putting up with this any longer!!  You better do what you have to do to fix this Christian, and fix it now!!"

Christian crosses his arms over his chest and leans back in his chair.

"I don't know what it is exactly that you expect for ME to do."

Darknyss stands back up and she glares down at the man who controlled half of the company that she worked for and her eyes carried so much controlled chaos that he could barely stand to look above her nose.

"I expect you to strip the Mean Girls of the Bombshell Tag Team Titles."

Christian's jaw dropped and he gaped at Darknyss in shock.

"You want me to what?!!"

Darknyss inhales deeply and exhales slowly as she tries to keep her barely controlled emotions in check.

"I expect you to strip the Mean Girls of the Bombshell Tag Team Titles!  They were NOT supposed to have a title shot, they were NOT the Number one contenders for the titles, they weren't even in the RUNNING!!  And they CHEATED!!!  BLATANTLY CHEATED!  I was ejected from ringside, but they are allowed to have people come in and interrupt the match?  Come on Christian!!  YOU KNOW all of this was a setup!!"

Christian takes a deep breath and steeples his fingers under his chin and lifts an eyebrow at the enraged Amazon.

"Now Darknyss, you know as well as I do that if the referee doesn't see it, then it doesn't count.  Besides...  You know I didn't make the match, so when you came to me before the show last week, I told you the same thing that I'm telling you now.  There's nothing that I can do about it.  Now, I might be able to see about a rematch at the next Pay Per View, but that's about all that I can do right now."

Darknyss shakes her head.

"No Christian... That's not good enough anymore.  When Drew was supposedly NOT SEEING the attack on Gothika, he was LOOKING AT IT GO DOWN ON THE BIG SCREEN!!  Tessa was standing right in front of it, and everyone could see him watching it as he supposedly tried to throw her out!  The guy was so clearly paid off, it's ridiculous!!  You have GOT to strip these lying, cheating, conniving, manipulating, good for nothing pieces of trash of the titles!"

Christian shakes his head and holds out his hands.

"And what?!  Give them back to your girls?  Is that what you're demanding?"

Darknyss leans forward and shakes her head.

"No! That's not what I'm demanding!  I'm actually saying that I'd rather have my girls face the rightful Number One Contenders, The Metal and Punk Connection...  in their rightful rematch, and the winner gets the titles!  I'm not so petty as to say we should get them back like that.  Though technically, we should.  But we're not the only ones who have been wronged in these actions!  But if you don't, then..."

Christian's face reddened and he jumped up, bringing his own fists down on the table hard, but not quite as hard as Darknyss had.

"THEN WHAT?!!  What are you going to do that you haven't already tried to do?  Are you threatening me now Darknyss?  Hmmm?  Go ahead!!  Threaten all you want!!  There is nothing you can do that will overturn the referee's decision!!  NOTHING you threaten can make me strip the Mean Girls of the titles!!"

Darknyss looked Christian up and down slowly and lifts and eyebrow and stands up crossing her arms over her chest again.

"Nothing, 'ey?"

Christian nods firmly and stands his ground, crossing his arms across his chest too.

"Nothing!  Absolutely nothing!!"

Darknyss smirked evilly and starts to back towards the door of the office.

"Well... We'll just see about that.  Remember... When all of this is over and done with... You had your chance to make things right, and  you chose not to.  Come on girls, let's go.  Let's show them what WE CAN DO!"

The Angels of the Fallen walk out of the office, leaving Christian there to wonder just what was about to happen...


The crowd is already on their feet in anticipation from al of the action that’s been going on for the entire night!  It’s been an amazing show so far, and they know that there’s only more awesomeness to come!

Suddenly, the lights go out, and a bass line starts to thump over the PA and we hear the opening guitar riffs of Dethklok's 'Black Fire Upon Us.  On the titantron the image of three flaming balls of light streak through an image of the night sky as the music continues.  The strains of the music plays over the PA as on the titantron, the four flaming balls rocket towards an image of the earth and the camera angle switches so it looks like they're coming straight towards the screen.  They strike the same spot with a bright flash and four shadowy figures step out of the brightness.  

Tonight We Ride On Clouds Of Fire

We're Damned By Gods Our DETHS Conspired

We Fear No Mortals In These Worlds

The Gift We Give You Is Your Soul

Fly With Us Tonight

Fly With Us Tonight

The lights start to strobe to the beat of the music and we see the angels of The Fallen standing on stage looking confident.  Diamond, Gothika, Darknyss and Raynin stand on stage and raise their fists in the air, and carrying signs.  They're not looking around with their usual confidence, but are actually stepping out onto the stage before the lights come up completely, howling out their rage to the heavens.  Diamond is dressed in a white crop top sweater with a pale blue faux fur collar.  She's got a light blue sweater duster over it that's fastened beneath his and a pair of dark blue hip hugger jeans so tight they look like a second skin, and a pair of black strappy sandals with a crystal heel.  Her hair has been braided into a long french braid that bounces on her back as she goes out, pointing to the crowd, holding her sign high.  Raynin is in a rhinestone studded black bra with a sheer dress shirt and a pair of black leather pants.  Her hair is hanging around her shouldsers in loose waves, and on her feet, she's got on a  pair of  black ankle boots and she slips on her sunglasses as she moves from one side of the stage to the other.  Gothika wearing a pair of black stretch jeans, and an ankle length black duster that is buttoned only down to her midriff, exposing her six pack, and her knee high lug bottom boots.  Her hair is wild and free as they walk down she stands there, looking around with her icy blue eyed stare.  Darknyss is wearing a grey colored pinstriped suit her hair going wild as she is growling at the crowd as she pushes a shopping card out onto the stage, filled with protest signs. They go from one side of the stage to the other, talking junk to the crowd and throwing their signs in the air.

The Sky

Will Break

Black Fire

Will Wake

Fly On Through The Night

We Built An Allience

Our Numbers Are Strong

We Gather

But We Don't Prey To Gods

What Fools What Lunitics

They Must Think Of Us

Diamond, Gothika, Raynin and Darknyss come back to the center of the stage and pose once more before they start to march down the ramp to the ring, passing protest signs out to crowd as they go.  

But Now We Must Fly

Beasts In The Night

Tragic In The Sky

Battlefield In Sight

Storm Gathers Strong

Cold Blackend Flame

Tell Us Our Future

Stories Of The Slain

Darknyss stops at the center of the ramp as Diamond, Raynin and Gothika each walk around till they each are standing in front of one of the sides of the ring.  Diamond slides her sign into the ring, wiggles her hips a moment, then she lifts her leg high into the air and spins around in a circle before she places it on the ring apron and slithers under the bottom rope.  Gothika throws her sign inot the ring slides under the bottom rope as Darknyss climbs up onto the edge of the apron and steps through the second rope and Raynin climbs the far stairs and grabs the top rope and flips over the rope.  They hold their signs high with each of them saying things like, 'Down with the Mean Girls' and 'Strip the titles'.  

Dangerous Creatures

Those That Oppose Us

Raped All Their Power

Bartered With Warlocks

Cheated The Demons

For Ancient Spells

The Blackened Fire

Waits To Consume Us

When everyone starts to calm down, it's Raynin who takes the mic for the first time in a long time.

"So, I've kept my mouth shut about all of the underhanded things that have taken place where we Angels are concerned... But now, it's time for us to stop sitting back and just letting the injustices take place around here!  The Mean Girls have stepped on one person too many.  And we aren't taking it anymore!!  So from here on out... until the Mean Girls have been stripped of the titles, or lose... We're calling on all of the members of 'The Flock' to raise their voices in protest!!  Let the Powers that Be know that we're not going to stand up for their petty bullshit any longer!!  We're gonna hit them where it will hurt the most!!!  In their Egos!!!!  When one of the Mean Girls are out there, let them hear just how much you don't like them, but walking out of the arena!!  If they look around and realize no one wants to see them, maybe it will wake them up!!"

The crowd starts to chant and wave their signs...


When the crowd calms down, Raynin brings the mic to her lips once more.

"You know, I've always been told that being different was something to be proud of... not ashamed.  My family used to tell me this...  "Be the Anomaly.  Be  the aberration and the glitch in the program.  Be the inconvenience and the divergent.  Be the string of junk code in the software.  be the stubborn apple that falls nowhere near the tree, or the fucking forest.  Be the fool.  Be the bonehead.  Be the idiot in the room that laughs at stupid shit.  Stand out in the crowd and dare anyone to say a word to you.  Let those that conform look down on you.  Let them shake their groupthink heads at you.  Let them be ashamed of you, and embarrassed of you.  Let them be pissed off at you.  They will call you names and you must let them.  Let them jeer.  Let them point and laugh and leer at you.  Be resistant to their mockery.  Be the fodder for their jokes.  Be a magnificent failure in their eyes.  A tiger does not lose sleep over the opinion of sheep.  They devour them.  Go ahead.  Be the scar tissue on their world view.  Be the pimple on the face of heir normality.  They’ll loath you.  They’ll fear you.  And in the end… They’ll wish they were you."  And sure enough, that's exactly what ended up happening.  The Mean Girls wanted to be one of us so much that they did everything they could to try to replace us... Well, wake up Bitches!!  That won't happen!! We're coming for you, and we're coming hard!! Get Ready!!"

She tosses the microphone over her shoulder and their music hits and the group of women all come together and tap fists in a circle and blow it up as the scene fades out...

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_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______  

 …  END OF FEED  ...  

_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______  

***  Word Count, 3626  ***

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« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 12:03:40 AM by roproductions »
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