Author Topic: TRISHELLE JORDAN vs ROXI JOHNSON  (Read 1081 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: August 31, 2014, 10:28:42 PM »
 Post RPs here!

First RP Period Deadline:
United States: 11:59pm EST Saturday 09/06/2014
England: 04:59am Sunday 09/10/2014

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Roxi Johnson

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    • Roxi Johnson
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2014, 11:33:04 PM »
 {We open on a rooftop where Roxi and Keira sit, Keira finally back in action after her suspension. Keira leans over Roxi’s shoulder, smiling the whole time.}

Roxi – I take it your excited to be back?

Keira – Of course! I just hope we have some action tonight!

Roxi – Action?

Keira – I mean… other than the other action…

Roxi – You are such a pervert.

Keira – What can I say, I missed working with you!

Roxi – I missed you too, but now we need to focus.

Keira – But there’s nothing going on tonight.

Roxi – And that’s a good thing.

Keira – But I really wish something would happen.

{As if on cue, there is an alarm in the distance… Roxi turns to Keira}

Roxi – Looks like you’re getting your wish.

Keira – Yah! This is going to be so exciting!

Roxi – Just keep it together.

Keira – You can count on me!

{After Keira gives her a mock salute, Roxi checks her wrist communicator.}

Roxi – Vision, what are we looking at?

Vision – Bank alarm. 2nd National Bank.

Roxi – We’re on it.

{Roxi turns back to Keira.}

Roxi – Alright, you ready to go?

Keira – Race you there!

Roxi – You… can practically fly. That is not fair at all!

Keira – Fine, no flying.

Roxi – Then, you’re on!

Keira – Okay, on the count of 3….

Roxi – Okay…

Keira – 1….23!
{Keira gets a head start, catching Roxi by surprise. Roxi chases after her, and they both giggle as they run, leaping across rooftops to get to their destination. The alarm grows in volume as the they get closer, stopping a building away.}

Keira – So, we rush in right?

Roxi – Normally, I would say yes, but just… makes sure no one uses the back way.

Keira – Kinky.

Roxi – Must your turn everything into a sexual joke?

Keira – You said it, not me!

{Keira gives Roxi a slap on the butt before she heads towards the rear of the building. Roxi survey’s the area and jumps down as two henchmen are watching the door.}

Roxi – Okay guys, pop quiz, what kind of morons watch a door with the alarm blaring in full view of everyone. You’re not even wearing ski masks! That camera right there can see your faces! Get with it gentlemen! A little pride in your work! Please!

{The two henchmen, fuming with anger, charge Roxi as she dodges, dips, ducks, dives, and… dodges some more out of the way. Reaching into her belt pouch, she produces a flash grenade, and tosses it on the ground, blinding the two henchmen, and she takes advantage and quickly takes them out with little problem.}

Roxi – The answer of course, was you!  Now, what kind of nut breaks into a bank over the weekend?

{Before Roxi can open the door, several armed men charge towards the door. Roxi side steps out of sight as one small man pushes the door open.}

Roxi – Louie?

{Louie, the small time hood from Roxis past, exits with a confident look on his face, until he turns to find Roxi standing behind him, tapping her foot and her arms folded.}

Louie – You!

Roxi – Yes, me. Seriously Louie? I thought we agreed that you were going to be good?

Louie – Time are tough, what can I say?

Roxi – Robbing a bank? You’re a cliché Louie. And not even a good one.

Louie – What do you know! I’m a big shot! I run this town!

Roxi – Louie…. Come now, you cannot be serious.

Louie – Shut up!

Roxi – And now, insults. I’m hurt. I really am.

Louie – I’ve heard enough!

Roxi – So… is this where you send your boys in, and then you try to steal that money laying over there.

Louie – Shut up!

Roxi – Well, that sounds like a great plan. That just looks like a lot of money to steal. There’s just one problem with that plan.

Louie – Which is?

Roxi – You might want to look behind you…

Louie – What?

{Louie turns and sees Keira as she drops the two beaten henchmen that were holding the money. Louie’s heart sinks as Keira smirks at him.}

Keira – Do these boys belong to you? You should keep them on a leash.

Louie - *Sigh*

Roxi – Come on Louie, we’re going to have another little chat.

Louie - … Why me?!

{Roxi grabs Louie by the collar and leads him away, as the police sirens get closer to where they are. We get a time lapse and by the time the police arrive, Louie is tied up and Keira and Roxi are long gone. We flash to a rooftop in the distance, watching the proceedings.}

Keira – That was fun!

Roxi – Well done out there Keira.

Keira – That was our first real success as partners! It felt so good to fight with you.

Roxi – You did a great job out there tonight. I’m surprised Louie was the one behind a bank robbery.

Keira – Old friend of yours?

Roxi – Louie and I are star crossed lovers. I think I’m wearing him down. Soon he’ll be proposing to me.

Keira – You two do look like you’d make a great couple.

Roxi – I know right!

Keira – Well, not as good as us as a couple.

Roxi – Well, no.

Keira – It’s why I love you.

Roxi – I love you too.

Keira – Now, I hope this helped.

Roxi – Helped what?

Keira – That I can be trusted when we have the battle with that imposter….

Roxi – Keira… I don’t know about all that. For what may lay ahead, I’m just not sure.

Keira – Roxi! Please! I want to help you!

Roxi – And I don’t want to lose you. We’ll cross that road… when we come to it, okay!

Keira – Okay, but this conversation is not over!

Roxi – Fair enough.

Keira – Now, let’s see what else we can get into tonight!

Roxi – Wait for me!

{Keira takes off, with Roxi in hot pursuit.}


{The next day, Keira and Roxi sit at the dining room table, Roxi with a lot of event fliers on the table.}

Keira – What’s all this?

Roxi – It’s all the stuff for our tour.

Keira – Team Hero?

Roxi – Yeah.

Keira – Where do we start?

Roxi – Next week. In California. There’s some comic conventions we can go to!

Keira – Whoa, that’s cool.

Roxi – I know, you wanted to go out and meet all our friends, so, this is our opportunity!

Keira – Well, I guess we’ll have the time. A lot of free time coming soon.

Roxi – So, let’s make this work.

Keira – I mean, ever since they moved the 4CW stuff to Wednesdays, and you have another week before your SCW match, a lot of time has opened up.

Roxi – Yeah, but I’m still annoyed at this SCW match.

Keira – Why?

Roxi – Because I’m not facing a mean girl.

Keira – Didn’t you guys just have a 6-man match?

Roxi – Its unfinished business Keira. They need to be stopped.

Keira – Okay, you’re getting way too angry about this. Just let it go.

Roxi – … You’re right. I’m letting them get to me. It’s just I want to just beat them all, and ruin the group, and now, I’m sitting here with a match against Trishelle Jordan, and she’s not a mean girl. It seems this match is just to keep me busy while they have all the title matches!

Keira – Roxi!

Roxi – I… I’m sorry.

Keira – So, where else are we going?

Roxi – Ventura, Long Beach, some stops in New York.

Keira – But we’ll be in New York this Wednesday…

Roxi – Just so I can go for the 4CW title. But we’ll back there later.

Keira – I still want to sight-see New York.

Roxi – We can. We’ll have time.

Keira – But who’s going to… you know, watch over the place?

Roxi – Warp and Force volunteered again.

Keira – Well, that’s good. Now I can keep my eye on you.

Roxi – Keira, it’s not that serious.

Keira – I think I know better. I’m not letting my guard down, I never know when those flare ups will happen.

Roxi – I really hate that this thing is inside me. I just want to get rid of it.

Keira – You know you can’t.

Roxi – I know, but it’s the reason you have to babysit me. I don’t like it.

Keira – I just don’t want you to do anything crazy.

Roxi – I won’t. Or, at least I’ll try.

Keira – Which is why I’ll be there, and in Arizona.

Roxi – It’s still ridiculous.

Keira – You’ve done so much for me, I’m just returning the favor.

{Keira hugs Roxi, as Roxi still looks annoyed.}

Roxi – I just wish it was different.

Keira – You… you don’t want me around?

Roxi – No, it’s not that. It’s I just don’t want to feel like I need a babysitter.

Keira – I like watching over you. It makes me feel good.

Roxi – I like having you by my side too, but with these things in us, it’s not going to be easy.

Keira – … I told you, I didn’t have a choice!

Roxi – Keira, I know why you did what you did, I still don’t agree with it.

Keira – Alright, let’s not argue anymore. Where else should we go for our Team Hero Tour?

Roxi – Well… let’s figure it out.

I meant what I said when I said that I’m more annoyed with this match than anything else. The Mean Girls are running wild, and I feel stuck with this match against Trishelle Jordan. It just makes me feel helpless, and I don’t like that feeling. I just want to get those girls into the ring and beat them like a dusty rug. But instead, it’s Trishelle. I guess it could be worse. I could have not been booked at all. I have to just put aside my disappointment and take this match seriously.

I’m not going to sit here and run down Trishelle, she has been impressive in the few matches I’ve seen her in. I’m not going to underestimate her in any way, she’s got a lot of talent, and a lot of desire. She’s double tough and everything, but this isn’t the match I would have liked. But as I said, I’m not going to look past it. I’m sure Trishelle will come out and give me everything she’s got. I expect nothing less from someone ask skilled as Trishelle, so she’s not going to surprise me. I know full well I’m going to have my hands full, but I can’t let Trishelle take one from me while there’s still so much for me to do when it comes to the Mean Girls.

*Sigh* Okay I’ve got to calm down. I’m just letting them get to me. I really am looking forward to this match with Trishelle. I always enjoying wrestling and up and coming wrestlers like her any chance I get. I do enjoy the challenge, and obviously this one will be no different. Trishelle is coming back, fully prepared to get a big win, but as much as I hate to say these kinds of things, I’m just not going to let her. I’m going to beat Trishelle, because I have to be part of a much larger battle, because I know I’m needed.

Goodness, I really need to get the mean girls out of my head. Trishelle, I know that you and I in the same ring will be something that people will be talking about. Perhaps with our combined effort, we can tear the house down, and no one will care that the mean girls failed miserably to take the championships in the matches they have. I’m really excited about this, and I’m looking forward to wrestling you Trishelle. I just can’t help but be dissatisfied with the match itself. It’s nothing against you Trishelle. Nothing at all. I like you, I respect you. I have nothing but respect for you, and I believe that you could be one of the top bombshells in the future.

But in 8 days, you have to face me, and while you are good, I know what lays ahead for me, and I’m not going to let this match distract me from the bigger war. Trishelle,  good luck to you, I look forward to testing myself against you in the ring, and when the match is over I’ll still respect and like you, and I know you’ll give me a great match, and I would hope you know, you’re going to get my best, regardless of how I feel right now.

I’ll see you in 8 days Trishelle, but hopefully before that, I’ll have a clearer head, and be more focused on giving you the match you deserve!
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Offline Christian Underwood

  • TAFKATPF aka The Artist Formerly Known As The Pink Flamingo
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    • Christian Underwood
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2014, 09:40:55 AM »
 Second RP Period Deadline:
United States: 11:59pm EST Friday 09/12/2014
England: 04:59am Saturday 09/13/2014  

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Roxi Johnson

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    • Roxi Johnson
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2014, 11:57:41 PM »
 {Roxi and Keira both sit at their booth for their #TeamHeroTour tour. Both are smiling as they sign autographs and take pictures with fans. They come to the end of the line and finish their last session, before being able to take a break.}

Keira – I can’t believe how many people turned out.

Roxi – I know. I guess we’re more popular than we imagined.

Keira – I’m actually surprised you held up this long.

Roxi – I’ve always been banged up Keira. You just learn to deal with it. These people paid money to see us.

{Keira leans in and whispers to Roxi.}

Keira – I meant… the OTHER holding up.

Roxi – Oh… I’m… managing.

Keira – Are you sure?

Roxi – Sure.

Keira – I never thought this would get out of hand like it has. I should have known better.

Roxi – Keira, I’m alright. Really.

Keira – But if I hadn’t –

Roxi – If you hadn’t, I’d still be in a hospital bed, or… worse.

Keira – I just had this stupid side effects.

Roxi – Me too. I don’t want Sin inside you any more than I want Lust inside me.

Keira – Still, I’m sorry. I mean, the whole idea for this was to keep an eye on you. I know how strong it’s getting.

Roxi – Keira, I don’t need a babysitter. I’ll be fine.

{Keira leans back in her chair and stretches.}

Keira – I trust that, I just have to make sure that it doesn’t happen.

{Roxi frowns at Keira.}

Roxi – You know I would never do that to you!
Keira – Not willingly anyway. I know what happens.

{Now Roxi leans in towards Kiera.}

Roxi – How do you know?!

Keira – I know someone who dealt with the same thing you’re going through.

{Roxi stares at Keira and then stands up, pulls Keira up, and leads her into the nearby restroom.}

Roxi – Why didn’t you tell me!

Keira – … You never asked.

Roxi – Keira! I can’t have this thing inside me! I’ve been trying to find a way to get rid of it! And you know someone who can help me?!

Keira – I know she has experience with Lust. I don’t know if she can help you. Or…

Roxi – Or….

Keira – Or… if you’d want her help.

Roxi – Who?

Keira – Jenny.

{Roxi’s head drops as she realizes what that means.}

Roxi – I don’t want to talk to her.

Keira – I know you don’t. That’s why I didn’t say anything.

{Roxi leans against the sink and sighs.}

Roxi – What does she know?

Keira – She… had Lust inside her before. She’s battled Sin. She bound to know a lot.

Roxi – But will any of that help me?

Keira – I don’t know, you’d have to talk to her.

Roxi – I… I really don’t trust her Keira.

Keira – Jenny’s different, but she means well. She set us up with all our new stuff.

Roxi – She knows WAY too much Keira. She could sell us out in a heartbeat.

{Keira looks Roxi in the eye and has a stern look on her face.}

Keira – Stop! Jenny has been good to us. Good to me. There were many times she could have let Sin take over, and she fought, almost to her end to keep me around.

Roxi – I know, but –

Keira – But nothing. Jenny has been nothing but fair with us. She’s gone out of her way to help us. I know why you don’t trust her, but trust me in this instance. At least talk to her.

{Roxi’s head drops again as she concedes.}

Roxi – I will talk to her, but I want to see what other options are out there.

{Keira folds her arms and frowns.}

Keira – You know you don’t have other options.

Roxi – … Fine. When we get back home, I will talk to her.

Keira – Can you hold out that long?

Roxi – I’ll do my best. I’ve held out this long.

{Roxi’s phone vibrates in her pocket. She looks down at it and smiles.}

Keira – Who’s that?

Roxi – Griffin’s here. He’s waiting for us.

Keira – Oh, cool. Well, let’s go. But… seriously, I want you to talk to her.

Roxi – I will.

{Keira grabs Roxi by the arm.}

Keira – Promise me, Roxi.

{Roxi looks down at Keira grasping her arm tightly. Roxi looks back up and smiles.}

Roxi – I promise. Now come on, let’s go do some karaoke with Griffin! And please let go of my arm, I’m losing feeling.

{Keira let’s go.}

Keira – Sorry. And, could you do me one favor?

Roxi – Sure. What is it?

Keira – Just don’t’ sing “Like a Virgin” again.

Roxi – But you love that song!

Keira – No, you love torturing me with that song.

{Roxi gives Keira a knowing smile.}

Roxi – A special number, just for you.

{Roxi turns and hurriedly exits the bathroom, with Keira trailing behind.}

Keira – Don’t you do it!


{After an enjoyable evening with Griffin and Keira, Roxi sits in her hotel room, with Keira lying in bed covered with the blanket. Roxi sits in the chair, looking at her computer. Keira sits up, rising out of sleep.}

Roxi – You can go back to sleep.

Keira – mm… What time is it?

Roxi – It’s late.

Keira – It’s almost 3am!

Roxi – I know that.

Keira – We have around round of this tomorrow! You’d better come to bed too.

Roxi – I’ll be there in a little bit.

Keira – You… you didn’t bring your costume did you?

Roxi – What? No. I left it at home. I’m just looking some stuff up.

Keira – What stuff?

Roxi – Stuff for… what’s waiting for us back home…

Keira – Roxi… I thought we were here to get away from that?

Roxi – I can’t let it go Keira. She’s there, she’s waiting for us to come back. I feel like we’re hiding out here.

Keira – We’re not hiding out, we’re meeting our friends, and keeping things from getting out of hand.

Roxi – I… I just feel like we’re only delaying the inevitable.

Keira – We will cross that road when we get to it, together.

Roxi – I know, I just don’t want any more distractions.

Keira – We will make it through this. We can make it through anything.

Roxi – I hope so Keira.

Keira – Come on, come to bed.

Roxi – In a bit, I’m almost done here.

Keira – Okay…

{Keira returns to bed and soon dozes back off. Roxi shuts down the laptop, and peers outside the window, before joining Keira in bed. Roxi as usual pulls out her phone and sends out a good night tweet to everyone following her.}

Boy, times flies when you’re having fun and coming close to winning world titles. I’m still a little bummed about that, and I feel like I let all of you down by not winning that championship. But the fight never stops. There’s never a dull moment in my life. I mean, unless you could having to watch Mean Girls promos, but hey, I guess I can’t win ‘em all.
It’s been a week, and I haven’t seen or heard from Trishelle Jordan regarding this match. She’s said nothing about it, and it makes me sad. It makes me think she doesn’t care about this, and it’s extremely disappointing. I was really looking forward to the back and forth that we could have had. And now, this makes me not being able to beat the tar out of a Mean Girl all the more frustrating. I mean, all things considered. I’m not going to sit here and take anything away from Trishelle, or try to make this about me, because even though she hasn’t said anything yet, I’m fully aware that she could throw something out there and surprise me with some kind of slick promo. But if not, this now just seems like busy work for me. I realize that last month, Delia beat me, and via their cheating ways, The Mean Girls beat Misty, Amy Marshall and Myself two weeks ago, but Misty and I don’t even get a chance at revenge. I feel so helpless watching from the sidelines as the Mean Girls get all these opportunities. But I since there’s nothing I can do physically, maybe some moral support will suffice.

But I know, I know, I should concentrate on Trishelle. I’m not going to underestimate her, but I can’t really express how disappointing it is and that’s gone A.W.O.L. when it comes to the promos. I would imagine that anyone else would be jumping at this chance to beat me. I’m not really one to boast about myself, but I know that a lot of people consider me one of the top bombshells, and that’s really flattering. I guess I’ve earned that. I mean, I’m up for awards, I think that’s crazy! I won rookie of the year with my good friend Simon Jones last year, and all things considered, this year was pretty okay. I’ve been through a lot, and I’m still here, waiting for the next challenge, and I assumed that was going to be Trishelle Jordan, but, it doesn’t seem like I’m going to get that challenge. And that a terrible thing. I wanted this to be a knock down drag out classic back and forth witty battle between myself and a person I had high hopes for. It just doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen.

I can only wish my opponent luck. I really wish she was around when I was really looking for her, but all things considered, I think I’ll be okay. I’m still going to be ready to fight, and win regardless if my opponent seems to want to or not.
Well, I guess I head into Arizona a little disappointed, but I still go in determined, and ready for battle, no matter what. It’s time to get back into the fight, because I am sorely needed.
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