Author Topic: TJ CODAIR vs RAGE  (Read 981 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

  • TAFKATPF aka The Artist Formerly Known As The Pink Flamingo
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    • Christian Underwood
« on: July 06, 2014, 09:52:47 PM »
 First RP Period Deadline:
United States: 11:59pm EST Saturday 07/12/2014
England: 04:59am Sunday 07/13/2014

Post all RPs here!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Jake Sullivan

  • TAFKAR-The Artist Formerly Known As Rage
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    • Jake Sullivan
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2014, 10:49:51 PM »
Sunday July 7th- After Climax Control

The last Climax Control before any supercard usually proves to be the best.  Feuds come to a boiling point, and this week was no exception.  Especially with the violent feud roaring between TJ Codair and The Sin of Wrath.  For weeks now the two have been exchanging heated words and threats on Twitter, and just a couple weeks ago they briefly met in the ring in tag team action.  Tonight, however, they were involved in back and forth brawling all over the building.

After Rage cost TJ his match against Chris Crimson, little could be done to keep the two from beating the hell out of each other.  TJ wouldn't stand down even with the serious injuries he was still dealing with and Rage took advantage of that, but TJ fought like hell against Rage, hitting him a few times in the ribs with a sledgehammer, then later causing the big man to pass out from the Machinehead crossface.

Rage came back after that, though, and in a big way.  Their final brawl of the night ended with Rage chokeslamming TJ through one of the catering tables and threatening TJ's girlfriend, Deacon Wolfe for a second time.  Had Synn and Kittie not shown up when they did, Rage likely would have done worse.  He would have gone too far.  

Now the big man is in one of the trainer's locker room's getting checked out by medical personnel.  He's holding his ribs and his neck, but if he's in any pain, he doesn't show it otherwise.  As one of the trainer's is wrapping his ribs, while Kittie and Synn stand a few feet away.

Kittie: Are you happy now peanut head?

Rage's eyes move and he glares right at Kittie.

Rage: What the fuck kind of question is that?  Am I ever happy?  

Kittie: Good point, but you know what I'm talking about.  Congratulations, dipshit, you'll now be going into this match against TJ less than one-hundred percent.

Rage grins and shrugs.

Rage: Hell if I care.  I'm still in better condition than TJ.  

Synn steps forward, giving Rage a stern look.

Synn: While that may be true, it's still nothing to take lightly.  And if Kittie and I hadn't stepped in, you very likely could have lost your job tonight.

Rage laughs and shakes his head.

Rage: For what?  Doing what every other guy on this roster does?  It wouldn't have stuck.

Synn: I'm not talking about this situation with TJ.  I'm talking about you threatening his girlfriend.  She's not even employed here.  Technically you assaulted her at the start of the show, and if she had tried to stop you from doing anything else to TJ---

Rage: Then it would have ended badly for her...

Synn sighs and nods.

Synn: That is exactly my point.  I don't know Deacon Wolfe personally, but she could very well press charges against you for what you did.  And given the rules here in SCW, had you done more to her, I'm sure they'd have fired you on the spot.

When the medical trainer puts the finishing touches on the wrap around Rage's ribs, he apparently hits a sore spot and Rage winces.  He glares at the trainer with a fiery look until the trainer backs away, taking the rest of his supplies with him, and Rage looks back to Synn.

Rage: Yeah well I don't give a shit about that.  Are you two done lecturing me now?

Kittie glares at Rage then takes a step forward.  She balls up her fist, hauls back and punches him right in the ribs!

Rage: OW! Kittie what the fuck was that for?!

Kittie: You need to stop being such an asshole to us!  You can be an asshole to everyone else all you want, but not to the Sins!  And if you think that hurt wait until Into The Void III when you and TJ fight in that damn pinfalls anywhere match.

Rage holds his ribs even more now, and looks at Synn.

Rage: Are you gonna let her do that shit?

Synn shrugs with a grin.

Synn: I've got no reason to stop her.  She has a point.  And since when do you need my help?  

Rage: You guys are sitting here bitching at me for my bruised ribs and she goes and punches me in my ribs!  That's real fucking smart!

Synn: You wouldn't have injured ribs if you had just left TJ alone tonight.

Kittie: And I'll do a hell of a lot worse if you don't start treating me better asshole.

Rage shakes his head and goes to stand up from the table.  Kittie stands her ground in front of him.  She turns to Synn for a moment.

Kittie: Synn, can I have a minute alone with peanut head?  I've got something else I need to talk to him about.

Rage now has a confused look on his face as he looks at Synn, shaking his head.  Synn holds his hands up and takes a step back before he turns and heads out the door.  He closes the door behind him and when he does, Kittie punches Rage hard in the arm.

Rage: What the fuck is your problem tonight?!

Kittie: You!  You got something you want to tell me, asshole?  You got a little secret you're keeping from everyone?  A big secret, perhaps?

Rage shakes his head with a clueless look on his face.

Rage: No?  Kittie, I have no idea what you're fucking talking--OW!

She punches him again, harder this time, and in the same spot.  He shakes his arm and glares at her, now pissed off even more.



Kittie then reaches into her pocket, pulling out the photo of the blonde haired woman she found a couple weeks ago, holding it up to his face.

Kittie: Who is she, Rage?

Rage laughs and shakes his head, but he doesn't look at the photo.

Rage: I don't know who she is.  Besides, what is it to you who she is?  

Kittie: Look, if you're out fucking some blonde, I couldn't really give a shit, but after tonight, TJ is going to look for anything and everything he can use against you.  If you got some secret fuck buddy--

Rage suddenly gets a disgusted look on his face, walking past Kittie.

Rage: Shut the fuck up, Kittie!  She's not some secret fuck buddy!  Damn!

Kittie: Then tell me who she is, because I know you know who she is!

Rage stops where he is and slowly turns around.  Kittie has her arms folded and she's waiting for him to answer.

Rage: You're not going to give this shit up are you?

Kittie shakes her head.

Kittie: Not a fucking chance.  Now start talking, because if you don't, I'll find out one way or another.

Rage: I don't see why it even matters!  It's my fucking business!

Kittie: What the hell are you so afraid of?!  

Rage closes his eyes and growls.  He takes in a deep breath then slowly opens his eyes again.

Rage: I'm not afraid of shit, Kittie.  That woman...she just brought a whole new world of complications into my life and I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck to do.

Kittie: Ok, I'm only gonna ask this one last time.  Who...the she?

Rage runs his hand through his hair, trying to figure out how to answer that question.  HE knows Kittie won't back off, so he has no choice but to tell her the truth.

Rage: Fuck...It's a long story...

Kittie: I've got time...

Before Rage knows it, he's spilling the beans and telling Kittie the whole story, shocking her in the process...


Tuesday June 17th

"You know who I am don't you?"

The blond woman stands in Rage's doorway, looking directly at him as she speaks.  Rage shakes his head furiously.

Rage: can't be here!'s not possible!

The woman smiles, but she doesn't step inside Rage's home, as he has not invited her in yet.

Woman: Well, believe it, because I'm here.  And I'm real.  May I come inside so we can talk?

Rage continues shaking his head, backing away further until he is in his living room.  he backs right against his large La-Z-Boy chair and plops down, burying his head in his hands.  At that point, the woman finally decides to let herself inside and she closes the door behind her.

Woman: I know this must come as a shock.  I was honestly debating even trying to fin you, but in the end, I had to.  Can you look at me and say something, please?  It really is so great to see you after all these years, Jake.

Rage shoots his head up and glares at her with a vicious look in his eyes.  His face starts to turn a dark shade of red after she calls him by his birth name.

Rage: Don't you call me by that fucking name!  That's NOT my name anymore.

Woman: I'm sorry.  I just can't get myself to call you by the name I'm hearing you go by now.  Rage just isn't a name.  It's not who you are to me.

Rage closes his eyes, taking in several deep breaths.  The woman keeps her eyes locked on him, waiting for him to say something else.  He is quietly talking to himself, but it is unclear what he is saying until he opens his eyes to see her still there.

Rage: Go away!  Get out of my head!  You're dead!!

The woman shakes her head and takes several steps towards him.

Woman: No, I'm not.  I'm very much alive, but I'm not the only one, Jake.  Mom...Dad...Phillip...They're all alive.  We're all alive.

Rage's eyes go wide and he starts to freak out.  The woman, now apparently identified as his sister, heads over to him.  She sits on the coffee table in front of him, placing a gentle hand on his knee.

Woman: Jake, look at me.  It really is me.  It's Ashley.  I'm here.  I'm alive, and I'm not mad at you.

Rage opens his eyes again, looking at her with another vicious look.

Rage: You think I give a fuck if you're mad at me?!  Bitch, you're supposed to be dead!

Ashley: It really hurts to hear you say that.  You're my brother just as much as Phillip is.

Rage laughs, but it is hardly an amused laugh.  He clenches his fists at his side, holding himself back from attacking her, and she notices.

Rage: Lady, I stopped being your brother a LONG time ago. Your kid brother died when you did.

Ashley: But I didn't die!  None of us did!  Can't you see that now?!  Jake, you didn't hurt any of us!

Rage: I said some calling me that!

Rage quickly jumps up from the chair and heads into his kitchen.  He begins pacing back and forth, unsure of what to do or what to say.  Ashley follows him, but she keeps her distance, given his current state of mind.

Ashley: I can't call you Rage.  I'm sorry.  I know you must have a lot of questions, but that is why I'm here.  

Rage: I don't have any fucking questions.  I don't know why you wasted your time coming here, but I don't fucking care.  I want you out of my house!

Ashley: I'm here because...Well, because I need a favor from you.

Rage turns his head and looks at her with one very confused eyebrow raised.

Rage: Excuse me?  You come looking for me after over twenty years because you need a favor from me?  Fuck you!  I'm not doing a God damn thing for you!

Ashley: I thought you might say something like that, but after I tell you what I'm about to tell you, I hope you'll change your mind.  I think it will give you the answers you might have had most of your life.

Rage laughs and shakes his head.

Rage: Why the fuck do you think I've had questions my whole life?  Up until just now, I thought you and that fucked up family of yours were all dead, but now I'm finding out you're not?  I didn't have a single question.

Ashley: Why didn't you, Jake?  Why did you go your whole life thinking you had killed your entire family?  And better yet, if you had really killed us, would they really have let you out of that psychiatric facility all those years ago?  Did you ever think about that?

Rage blinks, but he doesn't say a word.  

Ashley: Apparently you did.  Well, if you come with me, you'll get the answers to any questions you might have.  

Rage: Go with you?  Where the fuck to?

Ashley takes a step forward, standing just inches away from Rage...from her no so little, little brother.  

Ashley: Back home...

Rage shakes his head and lets out a loud obnoxious laugh.  He gives her a crazy look, backing away from her.

Rage: Why the fuck would I ever go back to that place with you?  

Ashley: Because...Jake...Dad is dying.  And he was the one who asked me to find you.

Rage's jaw nearly hits the floor as Ashley makes this shocking announcement.  He's left speechless and now with a very big decision to make and Ashley just stares at him, hoping he'll make the right decision...Hoping he'll agree to go with her.


Kittie stands in front of Rage, jaw slightly dropped and eyes wide.  She's practically speechless as Rage finishes telling her how he came to find out that not only is his older sister still alive, but so is the rest of his family.  She blinks, then scratches her head, trying to find the right words to say.  Rage rolls his eyes and growls.

Rage: Now you fucking know.  So go run and tell everyone else so I can listen to their bullshit, too.  

Kittie: I...I don't know what the hell to say.  That's some serious shit, Rage.  

Rage: Hello Captain Obvious!  

Kittie shakes her head, trying to process all of this information.  It didn't effect her, that much was true, but it was clearly putting more weight on Rage's shoulders.

Kittie: So...what are you gonna do?  Are you gonna go see them? that where you went after the tag team match with Equinox a couple weeks ago?!

Rage shakes his head.

Rage: I didn't go see them. I mean...I fucking went back to that place, but...

Kittie: You went actually went back?!

Rage: Would you keep your fucking voice down and let me finish!

Rage snaps at Kittie, warning her to talk a little quiet.  She gives him an apologetic look, allowing him to continue.

Rage: I changed my mind before I could go see them, and to be quite fucking honest, I don't know if I'm going to or not.  A part of me wants to, just to look that piece of shit father of mine in the eyes as he takes his last breath...

Kittie then holds her hands up, causing Rage to go silent before he can say another word.  

Kittie: Whoa, whoa, whoa.  You're actually considering going to see him?  Is that such a good idea right now?

Rage: The guy is dying, Kittie!  I don't know how long he's got, and who knows, if I don't go through with it, I won't get the fucking chance.  So yeah, I'm considering it.

Kittie: you're going to wait until after your match with TJ, right?  I mean...that's the smart thing to do.  

Rage shrugs, not looking completely sure.  Kittie's eyes widen again.

Kittie:'re thinking about going through with this soon?  Have you lost your mind?!

Rage: What fucking choice do I have, Kittie?  She didn't give me any details so for all I know, he could die tomorrow!  

Kittie: Since when do you give a shit?  You thought they were dead your whole life, remember?  If you go to see him before this match with TJ, it could screw everything up.  You need to be focused on this match and only this match, Rage.  If you get distracted in even the slightest--

Rage holds his hand up and glares at Kittie.  She immediately goes quiet, as the two lock eyes.

Rage: I'm not going to let that happen, Kittie.  I'm not going to get distracted.  

Kittie: How can you be sure?  She knows where you live now, Rage!  What's to stop her from getting a ticket to the show?  What do you think will happen if you see her sitting in the front row...or walking around the Gold Coast Casino?  How the fuck are you going to react to that?!

Rage has no answer, as that is something he obviously hadn't thought about.  Kittie nods then throws her hands up in the air in frustration.

Kittie: I think we need to talk to Synn about---

Rage: No!  Fuck no!  You can't tell anyone about this, Kittie.  

Kittie: Rage, this is some serious shit you know that, right?  First, this shit with Electra, now this?  

Rage: Yeah, and I'm dealing with it all in MY way!  If Synn finds out about this, it won't be long until everyone else does, and I'm sorry, but I'm not ready to listen to Gabriel's shit or Despayre's constant questioning.  

Kittie takes in a deep breath, thinking.  Rage gives her a pleading look, almost begging her without actually speaking not to say a word.

Kittie: Shit...Okay.  I won't say anything right now, but if this shit blows up in your face at Into The Void III, I won't hesitate to let Synn know what's going on.  Figure this shit out...and quick.  

Rage: I'm fucking trying!  Christ!

Kittie shakes her head and sighs.

Kittie: Yeah, well...Try harder.  Electra has been awfully quiet the last week, and that's not a good sign if you ask me.  Let's just get back to Vegas and relax at Synn's place for---

Rage starts shaking his head, refusing.

Rage: No.  As soon as we get back to Vegas, I'm going back home to my place.  It's not that far from Synn's, but I need to stay at my own place.  I shelled out enough money for that place and I feel like I'm barely there as it is.  

Kittie: Okay...I guess I could crash in one of your guest bedrooms again.

Rage again shakes his head.

Rage: Again, no.  

Kittie: No offense, but I need to make sure you can keep that peanut head of yours focused where it needs to be.

Rage then growls loudly.

Rage: I don't need a fucking babysitter, Kittie!  I know what I need to fucking focus on, okay?!  So back the fuck off!

Rage then turns around and storms out of the trainer's room, heading back toward the Sin's locker room to gather his things.  Kittie shakes her head then goes after him as the scene fades.


Thursday July 10th...1 A.M

The Sin of Wrath kept true to his word about going back to his place when they got back to Las Vegas.  Sure, he had been back and forth to Synn's place when he was needed, but he spent as little time there as possible.  He had so much going on in his life at the moment, and because of this, he was spending most of his time trying to figure out what to do about it all.  

Everything was distracting him so much, that he was having a hard time sleeping most nights.  And tonight was no exception.  Rage had found himself waking up just an hour or so after he'd fallen asleep.  He glances at the clock, noting the time, and quietly growls to himself.  He sits up in his bed, leaning forward as he thinks about what to do.  He knows he's not going to be able to go back to sleep, so he stands up from the bed and heads out of his room.  

He wanders around his house for a bit, taking in the silence, and after chugging a cold beer from the fridge he looks out into his back yard, more specifically, at his pool.  The pool he has rarely used since purchasing the house late last year.

Rage: What the hell...Might as well use it sometime.

And with that he heads outside, turning on the lights to his pool area.  He steps into the water, which feels cool to the touch on this late summer night in Vegas, but it feels good.  It feels relaxing and he starts swimming laps, trying to clear his head.

He does this for quite some time, and he's too lost in his own world that he doesn't notice Electra Blaze sneaking up onto the pool deck, wearing a black silk robe with a flame design printed on to it.  She watches him swim back and forth in the pool, quietly grinning.  She unties her robe and lets it fall to the ground, revealing an almost matching flame design bikini.  

Electra walks over to the edge of the pool, sitting down and placing her feet into the pool.  It is at that point that Rage finally realizes he isn't alone, and he nearly hits his head on the side of the pool right in front of Electra.  She looks down at him, smiling as she splashes her feet around.

Rage: Electra?  What the fuck are you doing here?  

Electra: Oh come on.  How many times are you going to ask me that?  

Rage: You've been pretty damn quiet after that shit you pulled a couple weeks ago.  What the fuck are you doing here this late?

Electra shrugs and she twirls her feet around in the cool water.

Electra: That's why I'm here.  I wanted to talk to you about that, actually.  

Rage: Really?  You wanted to talk to me at two o'clock in the fucking morning?  How the hell did you know I would be awake?  

Electra: Look, don't take this the wrong way, but I've been watching you.  I know you've had trouble sleeping lately.  I'm worried about you.

Rage laughs as he pushes himself away from the side of the pool and away from Electra and he glares at her.

Rage: When the fuck did you turn into such a stalker, Electra?  Is that what Roxanne teaches you to do these days?  And, you're worried about me?  You do realize you're part of my fucking problem, right?

Electra: But I'm hardly your biggest problem, right?  I saw that blonde woman a few weeks ago...

Rage immediately goes silent, not wanting to get into this conversation with Electra.  She keeps her eyes focused on his and she slowly lowers herself into the pool, making her way over to Rage.  

Electra: Why can't you sleep, Rage?  What keeps you awake at night?

Rage: Fuck you, Electra.

Electra giggles as she swims over to him, a seductive look in her eyes.

Electra: That's the plan, but maybe later. to me.

Rage: I'm not talking to you about a damn thing, Electra.  Just leave me the fuck alone.

Electra: Why?  Why do you hate me so much, Rage?

Rage's eyes go wide and he laughs.  He continues backing away from Electra, but she follows him, trying to get him to talk to her.

Rage: You're fucking kidding me, right?  Need I remind you of that shit you pulled a couple weeks ago and with Roxanne's help?  And now you expect me to just talk to you like we're best friends?  

Electra: Look, I'm sorry about that.  I really am.  You made me so angry!  I had to teach you a lesson and that was the only way to do it!  It was difficult for me to just leave you like that given how much you clearly wanted me.

Rage: You're insane, you know that?  You're really fucking crazy.

Electra: Maybe, but you made me that way, Rage.  I drive you crazy.  You drive me crazy.  We're a perfect match it seems.  Now tell me why you can't sleep!  Talk to me damn it!

Rage's nostrils flare as Electra backs him into the corner of the pool.  Rage shakes his head.

Rage: It's none of your damn business okay?  I'm not going to tell you shit, because knowing you, you'll just run to Codair and tell him anything he can use against me.  I'm sure you've told him plenty already.

Electra: I actually haven't spoken to TJ in some time, and I promise you I won't tell him.  You just have to trust me.  Tell me what you dream about Rage.  

Rage: They're not dreams...They're fucking memories, okay?

Electra looks into his eyes, but she doesn't say a word.  She remains silent and just listens.  She gives him his full attention as he starts telling her about his dream tonight.


Marie and Michael Sullivan have just gotten home from the hospital.  Marie is holding their newborn son, Phillip, in her arms as they walk through the door to greet their waiting family.  Their two older children, Ashley and Jake and Marie's mother Sylvia who was watching the kids while they were at the hospital the last two days.  

Ashley is the first greet them at the door, as she is the older than Jake, and more understanding.  She's nearly thirteen and although she was hoping for a baby sister, she was just as happy to have another baby brother.  Jake, however, was not so excited about the new edition to the family.

Marie: Jake, honey, come meet your baby brother.  

Jake shakes his head, not wanting anything to do with baby Phillip.  Marie looks at her husband, a little disappointed, but given the fact he'd been the baby in the family for six years now, his feelings were expected.  

Michael: Jake, buddy, don't be that way.  Come here and meet your brother.

Jake: No!  I don't want to!  You can't make me!

Jake then turns on his heels and runs upstairs to his room.  Ashley shakes her head at her little brother's actions, but they all stay where they are as they fawn over baby Phillip and head into the living room.


Fast forward to two years later and little Phillip is running around the house in typical two year old fashion.  He's chasing his older brother Jake around, annoying the eight year old, and Jake tries to get someone's attention.

Jake: Mom!  Dad!  Phillip won't stop annoying me!!

Marie: Give it a rest, Jake!  He's only two years old.  He doesn't understand.  Maybe if you tried actually playing with him once in a while it wouldn't be that big a deal.

Little Phillip giggles as he continues to agitate his brother, though he doesn't know any better.  Jake's eyes narrow as his mother doesn't help him, and when Phillip doesn't stop, Jake turns around and SHOVES his little brother.  Phillip falls on his little butt so hard, it breaks the poor boy's heart and he begins wailing and screaming!  As soon as Phillip starts crying, Marie comes running into the room to see what is going on.  She picks up her youngest child, trying to console him, and immediately questions Jake.

Marie: What the hell did you do to him, Jake?!

Jake: He wouldn't stop chasing me and annoying me!  I pushed him so maybe now he will!

Marie: He's only two, Jake!  Don't you ever shove your brother ever again!

Jake folds his arms across his chest and pouts, but not for long.  He gets so frustrated an upset, he throws a fit.


Marie's eyes widen as Jake says such hurtful things.  Phillip continues crying, and his screams only get louder as Jake yells.

Marie: Go to your room right now, Jake, and you think about what you just said.  Phillip has never done anything to you for you to say such things.  

Jake: Yes he did!  HE WAS BORN!

Marie: I'm starting to wish YOU were never born your ignorant little shit!  

Jake's jaw drops, and immediately Marie is regretting saying what she just said.  She tries to apologize, but Jake backs away shaking his head.

Jake: I hate you too!  I hate all of you!  I HOPE YOU DIE!

And he goes running right to his room, slamming the door behind him.  Marie shakes her head but when Phillip cries again, her attention is pulled right back to him as she works to calm him down and console him.


Electra is silent for a long while as Rage tells her about his memories of being practically pushed aside by his family.  She's not sure what she should say and eventually, Rage breaks the long silence, pushing her away from him.

Rage: I shouldn't have fucking told you.  You think I was some selfish spoiled little kid...

Electra starts shaking her head, heading right back to him.

Electra: No, that's not what I was thinking, actually.  Rage, they didn't talk to you enough when you were a little boy, so it wasn't your fault that you felt that way.  They gave him all of the attention and none to you.  

Rage: Look, I...I don't want to fucking talk about this shit.  I'm living my life the way I have always lived my life and I don't give a shit about them.  I could care less that that guy is dying right now.  

Electra goes to place a gentle hand on his arm, but he pushes her away.  She shakes her head and gives him a pleading look.

Electra: Please don't push me away, Rage.  

Rage: I don't fucking want you here, Electra.  I want you out of my life just like them.  Why can't you understand that?

Electra: Because it's a lie.  You say you don't want me in your life, but you need me and you know it.  I can tell you're scared.  You're scared that I'm giving you all of this attention because you're not used to it and you never have been.  Let me help you, Rage.

Rage shakes his head and looks away from her.  She tries to get him to look her in her eyes, but he won't.  She finally pulls herself up and out of the pool, onto the edge right next to Rage and she places a hand on each side of his face, turning his face so she can look into his eyes.  She doesn't even speak a word before she brings her lips to his and kisses him.  To her surprise, he doesn't fight her.  He just gives into temptation, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her right back into the pool.  As they continue to kiss passionately, Rage unties the strings to her bikini top and lets it fall into the pool.

The rest...well, we'll leave that to your imagination.


Later that morning, Rage and Electra and fast asleep in Rage's bed.  Electra looks rather comfortable wearing one of Rage's black muscle t-shirts as she sleeps on her side, while Rage is sprawled out on his back, wearing just his boxer briefs.  He's snoring rather loudly, but Electra can apparently sleep right through it.  

As the two remain sleeping, a knocking can be heard coming from the front door, but of course neither can hear it.  The knocking continues a few more times, until footsteps are heard in the other room.  The footsteps seem to walk all around the house until Rage's door creaks open, revealing Kittie standing in his doorway.  Her jaw nearly drops to the floor as she looks at Rage and Electra asleep in his bed.

Kittie: What...the FUCK?!  

Kittie's shouting startles Rage awake and he falls out of the bed and hits the floor.  Electra wakes up a little easier than Rage, and she looks at Kittie, grinning as she sits up in the bed.  Kittie folds her arms and leans against the doorway as Rage gets to his feet.

Rage: Fuck!  How the hell did you get in here?!

Kittie: You left the front door unlocked you dumbass!

Rage turns his head and looks at Electra.  She shrugs and bites her lip.

Electra: mistake.

Kittie: What the fuck is she doing here?

Kittie snarls as she glares at Electra.  Electra smiles proudly, bringing her knees up to her chest.

Electra: What does it look like?  What's wrong, Kittie Kat.  The envy in you coming out, sweetie?

Kittie: Kiss my ass, Electra.  Rage you've officially lost your mind!  

Rage: Look, this is none of your damn business---

Kittie: None of my business?  Dude, I had to cut you out of your damn chair a couple of weeks ago because of what this bitch did and you went and slept with her?!  You're an idiot...You really are an idiot.

Electra: Not that it is any of your business, but I apologized to him about that and I told him why I did it.  

Kittie steps inside Rage's room as Rage finds his jeans and puts them on.  Kittie approaches Electra, clenching her fists at her side.

Kittie: Just because Rage fell for that shit, doesn't mean I will.  I can't blame him for wanting a piece of ass, but you...

Electra: Let me guess...I'm not you right?  You think you stand a chance with him, right?

Kittie's nostrils flare and before she can lunge at Electra, Rage steps in.

Rage: Would you two please shut the fuck up?!

Kittie and Electra both look over at Rage.

Rage: Electra, antagonizing her.  Kittie...this is seriously none of your damn business.  

Kittie: How the fuck did she do it?  

Electra: You really want to know the dirty details?  I'd have no problem sharing, but...I kinda don't want to.


then lunges at Electra and tackles her to the ground.  The two begin an all out brawl right there in Rage's bedroom, and he does nothing to stop it.  He stands there, shaking his head, watching as the two exchange blows back and forth.  

Electra: GET...OFF...ME!

Electra rolls over on top of Kittie then slams Kittie's head into the floor, but it doesn't phase Kittie.  Kittie punches Electra square in the jaw, then kicks the fiery red-head off of her.  Electra falls back and when she jumps back to her feet and attempts to lunge at Kittie, Rage stands in her way and holds her back.

Electra: Let me go, Rage!  I'm going to kill her!

Kittie: Bitch, you can't kill me if you tried!  

Rage: Trust me, Electra, I'm saving you the ass-kicking.  Back off!

Electra takes a step back and looks up at Rage with a look of pure fury in her eyes.

Electra: Excuse me?  You think you're protecting me?  

Rage nods.

Rage: That's what I said.  Look, can you just get your ass out of here so I can talk to Kittie?  

Electra: No!  I'm not---

Kittie: I'll have no problem kicking your ass out!  

Electra glares at Kittie and tries to get past Rage, but he again holds her back.

Electra: I'd like to see you....HEY!  PUT ME DOWN!

Rage then picks Electra up, tossing her over his shoulder.  He takes her, kicking and screaming, out of his room where he sets her down in front of him.  She punches him in his midsection, but it doesn't really effect him.

Rage: JUST GO!  

Rage slams the bedroom door shut in front of her, and she pounds and kicks on the door in a fit.  She finally turns around and growls.

Electra: I'm going to make that bitch disappear...

She mumbles under her breath before she walks away to go get her things and leaves and inside Rage's bedroom, the two can be heard yelling back and forth with the majority of the things being said being obscenities.


Down To Business

"It's getting down to the wire, TJ.  In just a matter of days, the two of us will finally meet face to face in the six-sided ring.  There will be nothing holding us back anymore.  Equinox won't be there.  Andrew Garcia sure as hell won't be there.  It's gonna be just you and me beating the holy fuck out of each other.  About time, huh?  Not that we haven't had our brawls over the past few weeks anyway, but at Into The Void III, things will be different."

The camera opens up, focused on Rage...The Sin of Wrath.  He's standing in the middle of the room where in just a few days, SCW's six-sided ring will be set up and Into The Void III will be in high gear.  The room is almost darkened, except for a few lights shining on the opposite side of the room and Rage looks around.

"Over the past month I've had a few people ask me 'Why TJ Codair?'  Why go against a guy who is just getting his foot in the door in SCW? Why feud over some bullshit that started on Twitter?  I'll answer all three of those questions with one simple answer.  Why the fuck not?"

Rage narrows his eyes, looking directly into the camera.  He takes in a few deep breaths, almost calming himself down before he continues to speak.

"TJ did exactly what every other piss ant does that signs a contract here in SCW.  Before he even debuted he was talking like he was going to fucking matter in SCW.  Like he was going to do something big or that he already had.  He was kissing the bosses asses before the ink was even dry on his contract so I stepped in.  TJ boy apparently didn't like that too much but fuck if I cared."

The corner of Rage's mouth turns up just slightly in the hint of a grin and he laughs a low evil laugh.

"TJ, you want to act all high and fucking mighty?  Go right ahead.  You speak your mind and tell shit like it is, well guess what?  I do the same fucking thing, pal.  I don't give a shit if people have a problem with how I talk or how I treat people.  I'm not going to change just because some shithead has a problem with it and wants to be the hero.  You're just the next guy on a very long list that wants to go against me because they think they can slay the beast.  But it ain't gonna happen."

Rage slowly turns around, looking all around the room, before he points to the floor directly below him.

"On Sunday, TJ, all bets are off.  There is not going to be one person to stop what happens in that ring...or anywhere in this whole fucking building.  Because let me tell you something, pinfalls may count anywhere, but I don't intend to pin your ass in the center of the ring.  I'm going to take use of this whole building and I'm not going to even try to pin you until I'm damn well ready to.  I want to beat your ass good and bloody before I make that first pin attempt.  You hear me?"

Just then, the door to the event room is heard opening and in walks head SCW reporter, Pussy Willow.  She's looking around the room, a curious look on her face.

"Ummm...Why is it so dark in here?  I was told to meet you here for an interview?"

Rage nods before he starts walking over to Pussy Willow, a malicious smile on his face.

"This isn't going to be your typical interview.  It's starting here, but it's not ending here, blondie."

"I'm sorry, what?  Look, I understand there is another Get Rage Laid campaign going around on Twitter, but---"

Rage growls loudly and shakes his head.  He's looking at Pussy Willow rather annoyed now.

"Oh shut the fuck up about that shit.  I'm not into blonde bimbos with fake tits so you don't need to worry."

"No, I hear you're into crazy pyromaniac red-heads..."

"Look you're not here to talk about my sex life, alright?!  I've got a match against TJ Codair I need to focus on and you're always looking for a damn interview!"

Pussy Willow nods but she looks around the room, again pointing out the lack of proper lighting.

"Ok fair enough, but do you mind telling me exactly what you have in mind?  How does starting this interview here and ending elsewhere have anything to do with your match against...Oh...nevermind."

Rage nods.

"It's about fucking time you caught on."

"'re just going to give away everything you plan to do to TJ in this interview?  Not exactly the smart thing to do is it?  I mean, he'll probably watch this at some point before the match..."

Rage shakes head and growls.

"No I'm not going to give away every thing I plan to do to TJ in that match you airhead.  I'm just going to survey the building and get a feel for where this shit could end up, because I can guarantee you that it's not going to end in the center of the ring."

"And how do you know that?  TJ could---"

Rage quickly puts his hand over Pussy Willow's mouth and pins her against the wall.  He glares into her eyes, and she quivers in fear.

"TJ could what, blondie?  TJ me?  Not a fucking chance in hell!  I could beat TJ to within an inch of his life in the center of the ring right here in this room, but I will NOT be finished with him until his fucking blood is spilled all over this god damn building!  Do you understand me?!"

Pussy Willow nods but Rage keeps his hand over her mouth, preventing her from speaking.

"Here's what we're going to do, blondie.  This interview is done, but you're going to come with me.  You're going to follow me and that dumbass camera guy is going to follow me, because I'm going to make it crystal fucking clear what I'm going to do to TJ Codair on Sunday.  Got it?"

Pussy Willow again nods, and when Rage pulls his hand away from her mouth, things don't go the way he thinks they will.  She hauls her hand back and WHAP!, she slaps him right across the face.

"Screw you!  I'm not going anywhere with you, and after this, you'll be lucky if you even have a damn job!  Good luck in your match against TJ Codair on Sunday.  I personally hope he destroys you."

Pussy Willow quickly turns and bolts out of the room.  Rage just snarls but doesn't go after her.  Instead he turns around very slowly, looking into the camera once again.

"To hell with her.  That just makes this go by a hell of a lot faster and the way I want it to.  So, camera guy, follow me.  And attention asshole."

Rage waves his hand, motioning for the cameraman to follow him.  A few seconds later, the camera starts moving, following behind Rage as he walks out of the event room, down one of the hallways.

"I don't plan on finishing you off here either, TJ.  Don't worry, though.  I'll make sure to let you bleed a bit before I drag your ass down the hall while everyone watches.  You might think you're going to dominate this match, TJ, but you'd be very wrong in thinking that...Dead wrong."

Rage then heads into the casino portion of the building.  It is alive and buzzing with excitement as tourists line every inch of the casino, gambling away their money and having a good time doing it.  Rage just shakes his head.

"Fuck, I just realized something.  All the damage we're going to cause this place is gonna cost me a shit ton of money paying this place for repairs!"

Rage thinks for a moment then shrugs.

"Ah well...Fuck if I care.  It'll all be worth it.  The more damage the better because TJ...I'm going to destroy you and I can use whatever the hell I want.  You think falling off of that steel cage was bad?  Wait until I'm finished with you asshole.  That was NOTHING compared to what I'm going to do to you."

Several people look towards Rage and the cameraman, giving them nervous looks.  All Rage has to do is snarl at them and they quickly get back to what they were doing, leaving the big man alone.

"I know you'll have quite a lot to say, TJ.  You'll sling your insults at me left and right, call it like you see it but here's the thing...Fuck you and your words jackass.  When it all comes down to it, words don't mean shit in this profession.  Your words can't hurt me, just like my words can't hurt you..."

Rage brings his fist up putting it right in front of the camera.

"But my fists can do a hell of a lot of damage.  Add that to everything in this room and in this building and your days are numbered Codair.  You think it's going to be a piece of cake facing me?  You think I'm some pussy coward?  Think again, because I'm going to use you as a message to everyone else in SCW."

Rage narrows his eyes and looks directly into the camera as if looking at each and everyone who is watching.  He takes in a deep breath before he continues.

"TJ, you might have given me more of a fight than any of the other idiots I've faced since returning to the ring during the African Tour, but I'm through wasting my time on nobodies.  I'm through being at the bottom of the ladder because where I belong is right at the top.  After I'm through with you, they won't be able to deny me my shot...They won't be able to hold me back from getting what is rightfully mine.  The SCW Heavyweight Championship.  And you can just go on to face losers like Equinox and Andrew Garcia because that is all you'll be worth."

Rage then walks over to a nearby slot machine.  An older gentleman is sitting there playing, but Rage just picks the gentleman up by his shirt, shoving him away.  The man looks appalled and is about to protest, but Rage just snarls at him and he quickly runs off.

"A lot of people keep wishing me luck going against you, TJ, but quite honestly, I won't need it..."

Rage takes a quarter out of his pocket, and puts it into the slot machine.  He pulls the lever down and three jackpot signs hit, and bells go off.  Rage grins and looks back into the camera.

"I've got this one in the bag, TJ.  I hope you're ready, because I know I am.  See you Sunday, asshole.

The scene fades as the gentleman Rage had assaulted is heading towards him with several security guards.