Author Topic: Tag Match  (Read 455 times)

Offline Vixen

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    • Vixen
Tag Match
« on: November 23, 2012, 11:45:21 PM »
 The holiday in the States was mostly quiet for the members of NXT.  Wanting to spend time with his family, Spike had invited Vixen along with him and Jamie to the Staggs family thanksgiving.  Also in the car was Giani, turned to look at Vixen and Jamie in the back seat.  Earlier, the quartet was leaving the house and Vixen was moving toward the passenger side when Giani yells out “Shotgun!”  Jamie pushed Vixen towards the backseat while Spike glares at the pair.  Vixen shrugs with an apologetic  smile.

“Dude, that was awesome,” Giani says to Spike who is driving.  “I ain’t ever eaten that much before.”  A snort from the backseat gets the attention of Giani who finds Jamie with his head resting against the shoulder of Vixen, his mouth open and drooling on her sweater.  

Meeting Spike’s eyes in the mirror, Vixen rolls her eyes, mouthing the words ‘you owe me’ to Spike who laughs low.  With his eyes on the road, he speaks up.  “So Vix, you are in a tag match this week with Odette.  You think you two are going to get along?  I mean, the two of you weren’t exactly the best of friends for the longest time,” he offers.

“Odette and I have worked out our differences Spike and I got her back in this match,” Vixen says as she tries to push Jamie off her shoulder.  He shrugs off her hand and then snuggles against her again.  “Besides, we are teammates and NXT is going to be getting the win at Climax Control.  Can’t let you guys down now can I?”

“With Spike being the champ and all, we better all start getting some titles soon,” says Giani who reaches over the seat to slam his fist into Jamie’s shoulder waking him up.  Jamie sits up, his hand moving to wipe at the drool.  “Man, you gotta get up since we are almost back in Vegas.”

Jamie nods and then gives Vixen a look as she looks down at the wet spot on her sweater, pulling it away from her shoulder.  “It’s ok Vixen, you are a great pillow.  Right Spike?” jokes Jamie.

Spike looks at the bombshell in the rear view mirror again who shakes her head slightly.  “If you say so,” he offers, picking up on the hint from Vixen.  “I got faith in Vixen and Odette doing what needs to be done in the ring.  I don’t think that Amanda Cortez and Laura Jackson will be able to stand up to the fight in our two gals,” says Spike as he turns onto the street where Vixen lived.  Finally the car pulls up to Vixen’s house and Spike puts the car in park.  

Vixen slides over to the door and opens it, getting out just as Spike does.  Jamie and Giani exchange joking punches and smirks as Spike follows Vixen to the door.  “Ignore those guys,” he tells Vixen who smiles as she turns and looks at the car.  Inside the car, Jamie and Giani quickly turn away as she laughs before leaning towards Spike and kissing him lightly.  

“Thanks for the invite Spike, I had fun,” Vixen says with a smile.  “I’ll see you at Climax Control.”

“I’ll meet you earlier if you want to do a bit of training before the match,” he offers.  “You know, sparring could get you ready for the two of them,” he adds.
Vixen nods and reaches into her jeans and pulls out her keys.  “Ok, will see you earlier that day and we can try out some moves,” she laughingly replies.  “I would invite you in...but you have to get those animals home.”

Spike turns to see Giani and Jamie offering whistles and motioning kissing which only brings a soft growl of frustration to Spike.  Turning he shakes his head as Vixen moves closer and puts a hand on his cheek.  “Don’t mind them, they’re just jealous.”

“Yeah they are,” he avows as he starts heading backwards towards the car.  Vixen waves as he climbs behind the wheel once more.  She opens her door and hears the car pull away.  Stepping inside the door, she leans against the door as it closes with a sigh.  

The day of Climax Control, Vixen steps into the locker room after sparring with Spike.  Heading towards the shower she reaches for a towel and begins to undress.  Turning on the water, she lets it get hot before stepping into the spray.  Pushing her hair back, she steps out of the water to find Ms Rocky Mountains and a cameraman standing there.

“What the hell,” screams Vixen who grabs at the towel and covers herself with it.  

“I just wanted to talk to you about the tag match this week Vixen.  Seriously, you are facing the Bombshell champion and her buddy Laura Jackson,” says the interviewer.  

Vixen glares as Ms Rocky Mountains as she wraps the towel around herself and moves to stand at the half wall of the shower area.  Leaning on it, Vixen smiles as she replies, “I know what the challenge is and trust me when I say that I am going to be ready for it.  Sadly though, Amanda Cortez doesn’t seem to think that I am much of a challenge and Laura Jackson is going to be ready for me. As if she could.”

The interviewer raises one eyebrow at the confidence that Vixen is showing.  “So you think that you are going to be successful at Climax Control.  Does that mean that Odette Ryder can trust you?”

“Of course Odette can trust me, because we both know that I am the type of person that will have the back of any tag partner that I have,” Vixen says.  “Yeah, we did have our problems when Odette first joined NXT but that is behind us and the two of us will be a force to be reckoned with.  I want to let you know that when it comes to the match, I am going to be giving my one hundred percent to beating Amanda Cortez and Laura Jackson.”

“You have never faced either woman have you?” asks Rocky Mountains.

“No I haven’t but trust me when I say that regardless of not facing these two before, I know exactly how I am going to handle the match and that is giving Amanda and Laura the beating of their lives,” says Vixen.  “Amanda might be the Bombshell champion but even champions can be beaten.  And Laura is just going to be the cover that Amanda will need to defend herself from Odette who should have the bombshell title, not Amanda.  And once we beat these two, maybe this will set Odette or I up for the shot at her title.”

“oooo someone has got some big goals,” taunts Ms Rocky Mountains.  “But Vixen, I also wanted to ask you about the fact that last week I happened to hear that you and Spike...”

Vixen cuts off the woman as she begins her question.  “I don’t want give you any ideas.  Spike has been in a very interesting fishbowl with relationships here in SCW and he might not want to have the public involved in his personal life and if that is the case, I am not going to put him in that situation.  So before you ask, if there is anything going on, no comment,” says Vixen.

Ms Rocky Mountains closes her mouth with a grumpy sigh.  “Okay, so tell me about your reaction to Spike and his come on to you that I heard...”

Vixen finally puts her hand up and waves the pair off.  “I am trying to have a shower and right now, I am standing here with a towel doing an interview that maybe shouldn’t be happening right now.  So I would like you to leave so I can finish this shower...”

Vixen points at the door with the interviewer and cameraman backing away.  Still filming, the cameraman zooms closer as Vixen removes the towel and steps back into the water, squealing slightly as she realizes that the water has turned cold.  The camera view cuts off as Rocky Mountains steps in front of the camera before the image goes to black.