Author Topic: Ain't this fucking cute  (Read 417 times)

Offline D Block

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    • D.J "D-Block" Williams
Ain't this fucking cute
« on: October 27, 2012, 12:00:00 AM »
 Typically I would kick this narrating shit off by setting some special scene for you. You know…something like a busy gym… a bar …Or even at an Asian massage parlor. That’s what I usually give to you. Then I would proceed to do what I’ve always been good at…keeping you bitches entertained. Let’s face it…after all the repetitive, boring, and lame ass promos that are given by the other SCW superstars on a daily basis…you all need something great to see. So you tune in every week eagerly awaiting my next master piece that I decide to drop. And unfortunately for my loyal followers…it’s been awhile since you’ve gotten your fix of D-Block, ain’t it?

It’s been awhile since you got to hear DJ belittle his opponent. That dude always has some vemon to spit out and is without censor. He says exactly what’s on his mind…and you all love it.

And it’s also been awhile since you’ve got to hear about yet another story of the crazy life of Ashton Gibbs. That’s right…you have all grown to love everyone’s favorite mini pimp. Sure he’s probably not as smooth with the ladies as he thinks. That is unless they are ones like “Samu the Giant Blue Whale” like he picked up at a bar in an early promo. Because let’s face it…any guy can pick up a fattie!!! And from time to time he might get in situations over his head…Like when he got a happy ending from a tranny…EEEKKK… Regardless you have grown to love your true “Manager of the Year.” (Fuck Synn)

Yes that’s usually the magical mix I bring to you. Sure you get the vicious verbal attacks that might offend some, but I bring you back in with my charming and sometimes funny actions. A little something for everyone!!

Unfortunately this ain’t going to be the typical D-Block promo you’re used to.
This time it’s just the harsh venom. There will be no comedy. There will be no charming Ashton Gibbs. In fact there will be no Ashton Gibbs at all. And no it’s not because he has changed his ways and has become a boring person. In fact the dude’s life has been as crazy as ever the last month or so he’s been away. You ever see those documentaries on TV that show “Where are they now?” You know what I’m talking about…when famous people leave the spotlight and there life just goes insane. That would be a great thing for Ashton to do. And I know what you’re thinking…It’s only been a month. How much crazy shit could happen in that short time? Well if you have to ask that then you don’t know Ashton. Since his last appearance on CC he has been fired as DJ’s manager, developed a huge drinking problem, lots of rejections from women, and even jail time. That’s right it’s been a bad run for Ashton. And I would have loved to entertain you with some of those stories, but quite frankly…you don’t deserve it!!!

You see DJ has become extremely frustrated with SCW. In fact that’s an understatement. To be blunt about it he has grown to detest this place. If you don’t believe me…I’ll let you hear it directly from him…So if you would…wipe the tears that you don’t get to see Ashton Gibbs..and just listen to DJ in the always hostile segment……

Welcome to D-Block”

Well ain’t this shit cute!!! Nate fucking Diaz!!! Really SCW? As if my talent hasn’t already been wasted enough here, you decide to give me the ultimate middle finger and book me in this match. You want me to be the guy to test the newcomer for this company? You want me to be the guy to test the mettle of your newest signee? Well I won’t stand for it! This is where I draw the fucking line. So here’s right back to you Mark Ward and Christian Underwood…..FUCK YOU!!!

Let’s recap this shit for a minute shall we. I was someone that you were both excited to sign. Not just once, but you were both excited to sign me twice. When I first joined here I was brand new and fresh to the wrestling business. I never stepped inside the square circle before and you both saw me as someone you could mold into a great wrestler. The drool on your mouths was hard to overlook. It was obvious you saw a lot of potential in me, and you wanted to sign me before some other company discovered me. Unfortunately for you guys you didn’t get my services for that long the first go around. I wrestled in the first main-event, but only stuck around for a few matches afterwards, as I abruptly left for one last chance of chasing my NFL dream.

Now most companies would feel snubbed that I left them for a better opportunity. Or pissed that I wasn’t loyal, but Mark and Christian, you didn’t feel like that did you? You just missed me. And that’s why you both jumped at the opportunity to sign me for the second time when I came back. A lot of companies wouldn’t be so forgiving, but you two did. And although I never said it, I must admit deep down I was kind of thankful. I told myself that I had something to prove to you and owed you guys for giving me this second chance. So I was going to do my best to go out and wow you and try to make my mark as the best the SCW has to offer.

Honestly that was my plan. I was ready to do anything to get to that point, and I guess I was foolish enough to believe I would get there. Because you see I bought into the hype you guys kept talking about. You both kept saying how much potential I had. How great things were on the horizons for me. Yeah I thought you were ready to put me as your poster boy for SCW. Now I just feel played!!

That’s right. I got played by you two fucking bitches. Because now that I look back on it, it’s clear I wasn’t on the path you kept telling people I was on. I mean seriously look at it from my point of view.

Besides being put in the main-event in the premier Climax Control for SCW, the rest of my bookings have been bullshit. I had to face the likes of nobodies like Mad Man Madis and Xenos. Guys who were going no where. I was wasted on PPV’s with opponents like Jamie Staggs. A guy with a famous brother, but really no other pull here that was going to give me a push. Those were the type of matches I was getting. So it was safe to say I was starting to get fed up with how I was being used. Those matches weren’t getting me anywhere. And it was then that I realized my ride to the top was much slower than others. So I wanted something that was going to create a bigger impact. And I guess that’s why I choose to join up with the fucking Dream Chaserz!!!

I never thought roll with a crew like that, but I wanted something that would quickly get my name to ring out. And somehow I let Sean Williams jew me into the idea that this was the right move for me. What a fucking mistake that was!!!

Now honestly I could go on for hours talking about that horrible few weeks run with that pathetic ass team. I could rip on Sean about his personal lifestyle and say how I quickly grew to despise that dude. And how all the other members were beneath me (for the record other than Sean I have no ill will for the rest. They were lured into the same pathetic group that I was).

But to be honest that shit has is to taxing to think and talk about. Bottom line. I have to man up and realize that in the end it was my fault. I was the one that let myself get conned into that situation. I should have put more thought into it before I jumped into that situation, but I was blinded by what I thought was my future stardom. When in reality in the end it was just another setback here in SCW for me. I quickly realized that Sean put the group together for his personal gain to make himself relevant. And he wanted me to be the true enforcer of the group. When I look back at it I was just his fucking workhorse. Making him and the others look better by association.

And to be honest the DC train wreck made me want to walk away from SCW completely. Before that I didn't think I was going anywhere, and then that set me back even farther. So yeah I was ready to leave. That’s why I asked Ashton to get me out of my contract. However he wasn’t able to accomplish that. Because apparently he was over his head when he negotiated the language of my contract, and he let Mark force me into finishing up my time here

I didn’t want anything to do with SCW anymore at that point. So when Ashton got back to me about all this, you better believe I was livid. He tried to calm me down by telling me that Mark had big ideas for me to bring me back in, and that we could still make this a positive thing. But I knew better than that. Looking at how I was being booked prior to DC, I knew better to buy into this talk. So I had no choice but to fire Ashton. I guess that’s why you don’t do business with your boys. Now not only am I stuck in a contract I don’t want to be in, but I just had to back away from my best friend, because he couldn’t
handle his job.

And I quickly realized that Mark Ward’s “big ideas” for me where shit just like I thought. By booking me in the following PPV with Argento, a fucking dude with no rank in this business. Once again I was fucking livid. That’s when I decided I didn’t care anymore. I was here to now just collect my paycheck until my contract runs out and I can sign elsewhere. So yeah I went to that PPV and did what I never thought I would do. I laid down. I help put Argento over on that night. What the fuck did I care? I wasn’t going anywhere in this company. Even though I could have kicked that dudes ass all over the ring, I just cared about the pay check at that point.

And damn what a win that was for Argento right? I think that was only the dudes second win in this company, and on the very next show he gets a shot at the Roulette title. What a fucking push I gave that dude, huh? At least my mis-guided SCW career lead to that worthless bitch getting a title shot.

I mean fuck. That was just another slap in the face. I know I have walked away a few times here from the SCW, but what the fuck did Argento do that earned him a shot at gold? My “potential” has never earned me a title shot! I know the Roulette title isn’t the highest priority here, and Mark and Christian can say they were pushing me elsewhere, but gold is fucking gold in my opinion. Do they forget that SCW is my first wrestling experience? Obviously meaning I’ve never had a chance for any title!!!

But whatever, right? I was ready to overlook that fact too. I was still content on laying low and collecting a paycheck. Meanwhile I thought I could keep hitting gym and getting myself ready for the next company I would join. So realistically I wasn’t someone anyone in SCW had to worry about any longer.

But then this shit was announced. When I heard it I can honestly say you woke up a fucking monster that you didn’t want to see. When I looked and saw DJ Williams vs Nate Diaz….that was the last fucking straw. Not only do you expect me to perform in yet another opening match of the night, but now you want me to start taking on the newcomers. You want me to be the guy to let your new signees to get over on. You want me to be the one to push them onto greatness.

Well fuck that. Fuck you Mark Ward! And fuck you Christian Underwood!! I will not lay down for this shit anymore. In the end I still have the DJ Williams name to protect. I’m not just going to lay down and let you bitches walk all over my name. It’s more than just a pay check now. It’s my fucking livelihood.

So this is how you want it? You want me to test your newcomers? Well let’s fucking test them, but its not going to be the kind of test you want.  I’m going to test what kind of punishment Nate Diaz can take. I’m going to tear this bitch apart. I’m going to prove that you bitches signed a fucking clown.

So Nate Diaz I’m sorry to tell you that SCW fucked you. They woke up a beast and you are about to pay for it. So unfortunately for you your time in SCW is over before it even began. My advice to you is to change your name after this and try a new company, because no one is going to want you anymore when they see what I do to you!!!
« Last Edit: October 27, 2012, 12:25:38 AM by D Block »
