Author Topic: Family Time  (Read 437 times)

Offline Candy

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    • Candy
Family Time
« on: November 15, 2019, 11:59:05 PM »
 ***The scene opens up with Candy in the car with her husband, Marcus. They are pulled up outside a house along the beach. Marcus looks at her with worry in his eyes.***

Marcus: You know you don't have to go in there, right?

Candy: I know

Marcus: You know how they are. You almost always leave here in tears.

Candy: I know. But they are my family.

Marcus: I get that… but you don't owe them anything. I don’t like how they treat you.

Candy: I know.

Marcus: If they are upsetting you and you want to leave, all you have to do is let me know, ok?

***He reached over and tenderly ran his hand through her hair, to show his support.***

Candy: Got it. I hope Fluffy doesn't get too sad without me.

Marcus: She is at the puppy spa. She is in good hands and will be so relaxed when we go to pick her up. You ready?

***She took a deep breath and nodded. They got out of the car and headed towards the house. They ring the doorbell and Candy’s mother and father answer the door. They share a hug.***

Mother: Oh, my beautiful baby girl. It’s been way too long since we have seen you. We have a lot of catching up to do. Your sister, Kat, is in the living room waiting.

Candy: I didn’t know Kat would be here?

Father: She overheard us talking about you visiting, and she wanted to see you too.

***They all go inside, and Candy sees her big sister, Kat, sitting on the couch. She lets out an excited squeel as she rushes up and hugs her. The two share a moment before sitting on the couch. Marcus sat next to Candy, and her parents sat in the chairs across from them.***

Kat: I’ve missed you, little sis.

Candy: I’m so glad you are here!!!

Mother: So, what does bring you two by here out of the blue. Is there some GOOD NEWS that you guys need to tell us?

Father: The kind that take a pair of parents and make them…. Grand....

***It became obvious to Marcus what they were trying to poke at… grandkids. They were making the assumption that Candy was pregnant which… was not true. He opened his mouth to say something but was stopped by Candy butting in, as always, the point going way over her head.***

Candy: Of course we have good news, and you guys are GRAND parents!

***The mother began to squeel, her sister covered her mouth shocked, and the father just smiled wide. This was where Marcus knew he had to step in.***

Marcus: No, we are not having a baby. Candy isn’t pregnant. She actually has signed a rather nice part time contract with this wrestling company, Sin City Wrestling. They have a show just about an hour away in Anaheim. The holidays are coming up and since we were nearby she wanted to stop in and see you guys.

***The mom and dad both look disappointed.***

Kat: That’s amazing, Candy! I’m so excited for you to be able to get back in the ring. You LOVE being in the ring.

Candy: I DO! It’s one of my favorite things EVER. You should come to the show! I get a few tickets from time to time for friends and family. I’d love to have my big sister cheering for me ringside. I’d love to have my parents there as well…

***She looked over to her parents, who both looked disappointed.***

Mother: Honey, we thought you were retired from that world when you two got married?

Candy: I did… for a while. But then SCW was looking for more women, so I sent in an audition tape and… they liked me! They really liked me. I thought you guys would be so happy for me.

Father: It’s not that we aren’t happy for you… we just… well you know how we feel about you being a wrestler.

Candy: I know you are worried I am going to get hurt. But I’m not! People like me. The fans cheer for me! I’m good at what I do. I finally found something I am good at and you guys are just never happy for me.

Mother: It’s not that we aren’t happy for you… we just know you can do so much more with your life. I mean, come on Candy. You drop out of college to go to beauty school. You barely make it through that, and now you do this wrestling thing?

Candy: I get to travel the world! I get to be a role model for little girls everywhere! I made lots of good friends, and I met Marcus! And he believes in me!!! Even if you don’t!!!

***Tears began to roll down her cheek and she ran out of the room. Marcus stood up and looked at the two of them, anger in his eyes.***

Marcus: How dare you. HOW...DARE...YOU…

Father: How dare we?

Marcus: That woman is the nicest woman I know. She would give some one the shirt off her back if they needed it. And all she wants is some LOVE and SUPPORT from her family. I don’t care what you think about what she is doing with her life.... Just know that your “little girl” is happy and healthy. She is in a happy marriage with a man who worships the ground she walks on. She is in a career she LOVES with every fiber of her being. She is PROUD of everything she has accomplished. Then she comes here and you guys bring her down because she isn’t living up to YOUR expectations and doing what YOU want her to do in her life!

Mother: But we know…

Marcus: I DONT CARE WHAT YOU “KNOW”. That is you DAUGHTER. I don’t care how FAKE it is… you put on a SMILE and you tell her you are proud of her.

Father: You think you can just come into my home and treat me like this?

Marcus: There’s a reason Candy doesn’t come visit you guys often! She is too nice to say it… so I’m saying it for her. If you don’t support her, and treat her better, I will do everything in my power to make DAMN SURE you two can never hurt her again… do you understand me?

Mother: Is that a threat?

Marcus: No… no threat. It’s a promise. I am protecting my WIFE… he is my world and seeing her smile brighten even the darkest of days. I will do everything I can to keep that smile on her face and keep tears out of those eyes. Even if it means cutting ties with YOU. We’ll see ourselves out!

***He stormed out of the room, in search of Candy. He found her sitting on the hallway floor, leaned against the wall, tears streaming down her face. He crouched down next to her and wrapped his arms around her.***

Marcus: Are you ok, Candy?

***She sniffled***

Candy: Yeah. Why are they such meanie heads to me? Do they hate me?

Marcus: No one hates you. You are too sweet for anyone to hate you. They just… they see things differently than we do. So how about this. You and me get out of here, we go pick up Fluffy early from the puppy spa, and we all go out for some ice cream.

Candy: Can I have M&Ms on mine?

***He chuckled at her whimsical nature***

Marcus: You can have anything you want on yours. Then tomorrow, you and I will hit the gym and get you into tip top shape and ready for this… Barbie Doll person. You are gonna take every ounce of aggression you have towards your parents, and you are gonna turn it against her, you hear me? You are gonna go out there and prove them wrong. Show them how passionate you are for this business. And just know, at the end, your number one fan will be waiting backstage to greet you with a hug and a kiss… win or lose.

***He pointed to himself. She smiled and gave him a hug as they stood up. She wiped her tears away.***

Candy: You are the best, Marcus.

***She gave him a kiss on the cheek before taking his hand and leading him back into the other room. It was awkwardly silent when they entered.***

Candy: So… if you guys change your mind… on Sunday I fight Barbie Doll on SCW Climax Control. I will leave 3 tickets for you guys at the box office. The choice is yours.

***She then turned and the two of them left, sending the scene to black.***
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