Author Topic: Some Kind of Monster  (Read 261 times)

Offline Dmitri

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    • Dmitri
Some Kind of Monster
« on: December 02, 2016, 05:32:04 PM »
Some Kind of Monster

Whiskey Pete’s Casino,
Primm, Nevada

The scene opens up in the lobby of the Hotel in Primm, Nevada. A hotel like any other Hotels in the area but the only difference is that it has a historical artefact in the Lobby for everyone to see. A historical artefact of the Death Car of Bonnie & Clyde as many tourists come and take pictures of the car. Behind them there is a large man and a what smaller, but still large woman staring at it with interest.

Do you see how these humans still hold these iconic as an important historical influence of their lives?? Two criminals that mostly  took from the banks and lived their lives to the fullest as they caused chaos and death…

Dmitri nods his head as his eyes are piercing towards every detail of the car, as where the tourists mostly focus on the bullets on the outside of it.

It’s ironic how some cruel to some would be adored by many as they portrayed a lifestyle that could have all been brought back to the days of Robin Hood and his Merry Men… to steal from the rich and give to the poor… but did they? They were wild, there were kills and no remorse. Oh how truth to the world of destruction that these humans seek their heroes makes me wonder??

Ekaterina looks amused to her creation as she bares her fangs for a few moments before letting some of her hair drop in front of her face.

Did it make you wonder who the true monsters are Dmitri??

A sinister smile emerges upon the face of the vampire that she created, biting his lower lip as he nods his face.

Oh we all know the true monsters are within and yet, we need others to be the monsters for them don’t we?? Those who are openly desire the deranged lifestyle that these fools only have wet dreams about… but wish to maintain a stability in society as being “normal”. Yet these fools will go home eventually, go back to their nine to five jobs and be that what Bonnie and Clyde hated…. They are only liars to their own imagination as where the only reality time they may get is moments like these… I say these are the Bonnies and Clyde’s that the world should worry about… not the two that got killed in the thirties.

The whisper of Dmitri is unable to be overheard by any of the tourists that snap some more pictures of the vehicle before finally go their separate ways as they have got a visit planned to the casino’s in the town they are in as Dmitri walks to the car. He stares at the bullet holes and grits his teeth.

What’s wrong my pet??

Her hands find his side as he clinches his hands into fists and keeps them closed with force.

How many times was I not hunted down as if I was one of them, for the crimes that people believed that I have done… as I merely chose to survive.., as I merely dared to act in self defence… or was I merely a hunter that seeks out the weak, so that the strong may survive?? Isn’t that what gets respect from these humans as their fellow kin do that upon the jungles that is the streets or the woods and jungles of nature?? But no…, they do not dare to understand and only wish to be me when the moment comes that I am no longer here… to be another touristic trophy like these two have become. I do not wish to become a trophy to be hung up on a mantle somewhere for someone to tell his or her grandchildren.

She scratches his face, causing him to close his eyes and gasp in combination of anger and pleasure as his fangs are bare for everyone to see who could have walked past the two.

Do I sense a scent of jealousy??

Dmitri does not respond as the sensations is too much for him to bear as Ekatarina knows this and enjoys the punishment that she is inflicting upon him.

Does this mean that my pet wishes to become a human once more? Or is it perhaps that you feel unnoticed in the large pool of insanity after High Stakes??

The sensations of pleasure suddenly turns into rage as he starts to growl before she digs her fingers into his neck, causes him to want to scream but no sound emerges from his mouth as she digged her nails deep into his neck. Causing him to be unable to cause any sound.

Remember Dmitri, remember you lost and accepted your fate to be mine nonetheless. I know I did throw in the towel, but can you blame me?? I have envisioned eternal torment upon one of my own who attempted to grow a conscience. I did not let that slip through my fingers that easily… you understand???

He has lift his left to her wrist, as he attempted to pull her off. But the grip quickly loosened as he tapped her wrist. Causing her to grin evil.

That’s a good pet, you do learn from your mistakes I see. And what better way to show you that things could be oh so different while residing in a hostile free area in Nevada of all places. The lights, the money, the sinful thoughts all 24 hours long of their existence. And here we are, staring in one of the last ever exception that life they live could be oh so different… oh so entertaining to watch

Dmitri gasps as she lets go off his throat and stares at the picture of the two that back in 1934 got killed by the overwhelming odds of the police.

It takes a monster to kill the monster that they have created Ekaterina. Like they have made me look like the monster that I am since the foolish fear stories were made, to scare little boys and girls and keep matures from walking the streets late at night. The fact that it would be Nosferatu’s to be the ones that were sinful souls that would haunt those who stayed within the rules… and now?? To all those fools that made me the one who had a choice and made the wrong one?? I will take away every choice that they have left… and they will understand that even though the names have changed… The Bonnie & Clyde that they made a cult… has never died… we shall make sure of that don’t we??

With that he turns his attention to Ekaterina as the two walk away as the shot ends up with the vehicle before a commercial break.

NARRATOR:  We had a nice break for Thanksgiving after High Stakes VI and now it is time to get back to business which for James Tuscini and Pinky del Ferrando is wrestling. Both are at home in San Francisco, California. They will be traveling soon to arrive in Primm, Nevada, by flying into Las Vegas and driving down to Primm, where Sin City Wrestling is holding Climax Control 165 at the Star of the Desert Arena. I turn you over to James and Pinky at their home in San Francisco.

We are taken to the home of James Tuscini and Pinky del Ferrando where they are sitting at the dining room table having coffee and donuts.

JAMES:  I’ve made a decision. Since you are going to put all your effort into working as my Manager I’m going to double your salary.

PINKY:  Uh, James, you don’t pay me a salary to work as your Manager.

JAMES:  Of course I do. Don’t you remember what I offered you when you accepted my offer to be my Manager?

PINKY:  You said since the mortgage on your house is $3,000 per month and we share all the bills including the mortgage that the $1,500, which is my half of the mortgage, will act as my pay as your Manager. Since I pay you $1,500 per month to cover my half of the mortgage and you give it right back to me, all I do is break even.

JAMES:  Okay here’s my deal for you as my Manager. I’m doing well financially as a wrestler in Sin City Wrestling. I will pay you $3,000 per month to serve as my Manager and I will no longer ask you to pay half the mortgage. Deal?

PINKY:  Yes and a very good one at that.

There is a knock on the door and James answers it. It is the fiancée of James Tuscini, Sandra Erwin as we also know as Sandy. James invites Sandy in and she joins James and Pinky at the dining room table.

SANDY:  Your text sounded urgent. Is everything okay?

JAMES:  Nothing is wrong Sandy. I invited you here to follow through on my promise.

James drops to one knee and he pulls out an engagement ring which he presents to Sandy.


JAMES:  Sandy I made a promise to you that when I lost the Roulette Title that I would make the official proposal to you. I lost the Roulette Title on November 20, 2016, at High Stakes VI when Steve Ramone got the win over me. Therefore, Sandy, will you marry me?

Sandy doesn’t give an answer and the silence is deafening. It is actually less than 30 seconds before she responds but to James it feels like an eternity.

SANDY:  I’m sorry James but I cannot accept your marriage proposal at this time.

The look on James’ face is priceless.

JAMES:  I don’t understand. You’ve been dropping hints. You’ve been discussing this with your friends. I made a promise to you. Then when I make the proposal you say no?

SANDY:  I didn’t say no to your proposal. I said I cannot accept the proposal at this time. The reason is that I feel you are proposing because you made the promise that when you lost the Roulette Championship you will make the proposal to me. I don’t want you to feel obligated to making the proposal just because you lost the Title Belt. I want you to make the proposal when there are no stipulations that drive your request. You will know when the time is right, and so will I, and so will Uncle Pinky. I love you James but I don’t want to get married just because of a lost Title Belt. Hope you understand.

James gets to his feet, returns the engagement ring to his pocket, and then he sits in his chair facing Sandy.

JAMES:  I don’t fully understand but I will have it figured out soon. Thanks for being honest with me Sandy. That’s what a man looks for in the woman he wants to marry.

Sandy excuses herself as she has work to accomplish doing Estate Planning. James escorts Sandy to the door and the kiss before she walks off. James closes the door and returns to the dining room table to talk with Uncle Pinky.

JAMES:  I hope when the day comes when we get married that Sandy will understand that the three of us will live in our house. I cannot run you out of my home Uncle. You helped me and my mother survive when my father passed away by taking us into your home. Then when you retired and they screwed you on your retirement income I took you into my home to take care of you.

PINKY:  When that day arrives we will both be there to explain it to Sandy. She’s a wonderful woman and she loves you James. I don’t see her having an issue with it.

JAMES:  By the way I have another item I want you to comment on. I’m planning on being more aggressive, more on the mean side, and show everyone a side of me that they haven’t really seen yet. I was thinking about changing my entrance music in 2017 from Maroon 5’s Animals to something that portrays being more aggressive and mean and maybe something classic rock. Suggestions?

PINKY:  I liked it when you used Demi Lovato in a segment. The song What’s Wrong With Being Confident talks about being more aggressive and mean but it isn’t a classic rock song. The other one that comes to mind from my youth is Alice Cooper’s No More Mister Nice Guy.

JAMES:  I like both of them. I will think it over. If I make a change so be it. If I decide I don’t want to make a change I will stay with Animals by Maroon 5.

James looks at his watch and he realizes they have to be at the Channel 7 television studios of KGO TV, which is an ABC affiliate, in less than an hour for an interview. The Channel 7 studios are located at 900 Front Street, which is located off the Embarcadero in the Telegraph District which is about two miles from where they live in the Mission District. James and Pinky rush out the door.

* Thirty minutes later *

James and Pinky arrive at the ABC 7 studios and quickly make it upstairs to the news room where Larry Beil, who is one of the three sports anchors, greets them. Larry invites them to sit at his desk with him for the interview session.

LARRY:  Thanks for coming to our studio for this interview session. James you are a home town San Francisco boy, you made one hell of an impact in Sin City Wrestling, and I apologize it took us this long to get you on the air with us. Let’s jump into the questions fans submitted to our studio. The most common is if you are upset that you lost the Roulette Title Belt to Steve Ramone.

JAMES:  I’m fine with losing the Title Belt. Every wrestler wins matches and they lose matches. Nobody wins all the time and nobody loses all the time. If any wrestler feels they will never lose they will be disappointed. If they get upset when they lose that proves they can’t handle the losses in addition to handling the wins. Ramone was a great Roulette Champion before I defeated him for the Title Belt in May 2016. He has been after me for months to try to regain the Title Belt. It just happened at High Stakes VI he was the better wrestler that evening. Just so everyone knows I’ve been a fan of Steve Ramone for some time. It was actually an honor for me to face off against him numerous times and to be able to defeat one of the wrestlers I admire for a Title Belt. I felt bad losing the Roulette Title to Johnny Tsunami since that was my fault for allowing myself to be distracted in the match. But as everyone saw I earned the Roulette Title back from Tsunami a few weeks later in a re-match. With Ramone it is different. There was no distractions just one hell of a Prison Cell match. Steve Ramone earned the Roulette Championship at High Stakes VI.

LARRY:  Another question is if you will cash in the rematch clause to go after Ramone to try to regain the Roulette Championship.

PINKY:  I will answer that question. James and Dmitri, The Unholy Alliance Tag Team, have wanted to challenge for the Tag Team Championship since they became a Tag Team. The one thing holding them back is that you cannot go after another Title Belt while holding a Title Belt. James was holding the Roulette Title so this meant his Tag Team could perform in Tag Team matches but not challenge for the Title Belts. Since James lost the Roulette Title Belt at High Stakes VI, and Dmitri didn’t win the World Title, that left both of them without a Title Belt and that freed them up to make a challenge in the Tag Team Division and that is their focus for now. However if an opportunity comes up for James to be sent after the Roulette Title again we won’t turn down the opportunity.

LARRY:  James although you and Dmitri are undefeated as Unholy Alliance in Tag Team competition you are 4-1-0 in Tag Team events. The one Tag Team match you lost was when you were teamed with Steve Ramone and you faced off against Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson. Can you comment on that loss to The Monstimals?

JAMES:  The date was Sunday, May 15, 2016, at Climax Control 148. This was two weeks after I defeated Ramone for the Roulette Championship. This was an attempted screw job by Management to force me and Ramone to work as a Tag Team when they knew we mixed like oil and water. They sent us up against an established Tag Team in Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson. Although Ramone and I didn’t see eye-to-eye we did very well against The Monstimals. We could have easily won the match. Here’s what happened and if anyone doesn’t believe me they can watch the video of that match and see that I’m telling the truth. Without warning Steve Ramone bailed on the match. The little chicken *bleep* jumped out of the ring, grabbed the Roulette Title Belt at ringside, and he tried to run through the crowd to steal my Roulette Title Belt. When I saw what Ramone was doing I quickly left the ring, ran after Ramone, kicked his ass, dragged him back into the ring, and then when McPherson and Raab started beating him down I bailed on Ramone leaving him to take the loss in the match. Ramone attempted to screw me out of the match so I turned it on him and he got pinned.

PINKY:  We need everyone to understand. That was not a legitimate Tag Team with James and Ramone teamed up. It was only for amusement value as everyone knew that Ramone and Tuscini would not work well together. You notice James is 4-1-0 in Tag Team competition which means he is 4-0-0 with Dmitri as Unholy Alliance. And who have Unholy Alliance defeated? Bad Company at Climax Control 151. Jaime Dean and Ben Jordan, the reigning Tag Champs at that time, at Climax Control 157. Andrew Garcia and Ivan Darrel at Climax Control 161. And the fourth win was at Climax Control 164 against Rage and JT Midas. None of those Tag Teams were wimpy or easy to defeat. None of them were a cake walk. And yet Dmitri and James did what they promised they would do and that is to dominate the Tag Team Division. And now that both are without a Title Belt they are going to run over everyone in the Tag Team Division and soon win the Tag Team Championship. They start this Sunday against The Monstimals.

LARRY:  James do you have any concerns facing Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson again?

JAMES:  Hell no! I already know if I had been teamed with Dmitri on May 15, 2016, we would have easily defeated Raab and McPherson. Ramone was the drag chute that evening. I don’t see any reason to fear The Monstimals. Too many wrestlers fear things only because they don’t understand them. I fully understand these two. Raab is a coward who fears women to the point where he can’t even ask a woman out for a date. Who knows if there will be a few women present at ringside to freak Raab out and make him run away from the match leaving Samuel on his own with us. And speaking of Samuel McPherson I see no reason to fear someone who has the mental capacity of a turnip. The only things that can hinder Unholy Alliance in this match are a stupid Referee or interference on behalf of Raab and McPherson. If we have an intelligent Referee and no interference we will easily win.

PINKY:  Don’t worry about the interference. Nobody is getting to get to the ring while I’m at ringside.

LARRY:  Here is the final question. Someone saw your segment where you proposed to Sandy and she said no at this time. Even though we know the reason, which is that she didn’t want a stipulation placed on when you asked her to marry you and you did promise that when you lost the Roulette Title Belt you would make the proposal, we still want to know if you are you upset that Sandy declined the proposal at this time.

JAMES:  Sandy is an amazing woman. I kept my promise to propose once I lost the Roulette Title. I didn’t think about the implications of putting that stipulation on the proposal. When Sandy explained it to me it made sense. Of course Uncle Pinky was sitting off to the side laughing at me for being turned down by Sandy but he explained to me he understands what happened. When the time is right the proposal will be presented again and I know Sandy will say yes.

LARRY:  Thanks for joining us in the studio. Any time you are back in San Francisco and want to see me for more air time please call me and we will make it happen.

James and Pinky go down to the lobby. They walk out the door onto the sidewalk and hail a Taxi to take them back to their home in the Mission District

<color=white>The monster lives</color>

We are in the hotel room of Dmitri and Ekaterina where she is sitting in front of a mirror,  wearing a revealing night gown and her hair loose down her back as she is combing it. On the other end we can see Dmitri on his bed, reading a book about monsters in human history.

Are you trying to find yourself into the karma of the men that you will face Dmitri?? What they called again?? The Monstimals??

Dmitri drops the book to his chest as he watches his maker comb her hair as she not even looks at him.

It would make me wonder why someone like myself, referred to a monster all too often would try to learn about those who wish to refer themselves as ones? But then again, isn’t it about those who wishes to be different? That wishes to not partake upon the whole existence of society?? As they do not fit in…, no Ekaterina… I do not interest myself too much about monsters… I care about those who pretend…. Only for their own personal and egotistical needs. But isn’t that the human way??

Ekaterina can be seen grinning in the reflection of the mirror before turning her attention to her creation. Putting down the comb.

And isn’t it always the fault of others that they have become that way??

It is your doing that I have become a vampire too you know

She grins as she nods before walking over to him, kissing him on the forehead before scratching his chest and walks off to the bathroom before turning in the doorwa

That may be true Dmitri, but I do not see you play the victim role now do you?? Because you are better than anyone else… not the victim

With that she walks away and closes the door as the camera turns towards Dmitri.

So the wounds may have healed and the future is destined for me to alter my destination for now. But the inflicting pain that I wish to pursue upon others has not changed, it has only grown. Ask J2H as he has yet to leave his bed from his inflicting physical displeasure.. our paths may will cross one more time one day without the gold to be on the line. But until that day, it will be those who have been glad that they were not upon these hands. The question is, are you two that case as well Raab and Samuel??

Forgive me if I have not decided to keep formalities that I have used to do by calling people Mr. or Miss or Mrs. But you see Monsters of the wrestling ring, there is no need for formalities when it comes down to brutality doesn’t it?? For there is one man that has rage upon his heart, rage upon anger to build down inside of him to undo the wrong and overcome his fears. And the other has to live with it every single night as you are too unstable aren’t you Raab?? OH how I have watched you from time to time when you were on the screen here in the Sin City Wrestling. How you are inflicting upon emotions and physical displeasure. Tell me how it must feel to always place yourself up first and have the other always take a backseat out of love??

Dmitri pushes down his book and scratches his own chest with his black polished fingernails and digs in deep before letting go.

Now I will be the last one to tell a soul how they should live their love lives as us Nosferatu know attraction upon same gender as myself as ordinary as parents teach their children to ride their bike. It’s love that binds us…, and if done wrong will kill us… wouldn’t you agree oh Lord Raab??

Doesn’t it worry you altogether to a moment where it is the reasoning of Samuel that keeps you from reaching your full potential of a raging state?? Because I don’t believe you have reached it yet… and I??? Well, let’s say that my creator does not allow me to have any reason to hold back upon the world at itself. So why would I start now with the likes of you?? Or will it be the reason of common sense, that is limited in his speech. But does produce upon ways that only those who care to vision understand. Because that’s the part of it huh Raab?? You two are misunderstood, even when Goth left you… the man that knew you all too well, you felt betrayed. But all that has changed now has it?? As you now understand that you have to give into your fears and have to grow to accept them. I applaud you to confront your fears, but I shall see no reasons why not to take advantage of every given reason to destroy you and beat you down.

And you Samuel?? Oh how love is unconditional, how love has brought you two together in the holiest of holy. Two that have created their love tale for everyone to watch and yet nobody wishes to speak about… monsters?? Equality is far to be found in the minds of those who do not wish you all to exist… just like myself… but we do…. And now you are fighting the fight in and out of the ring… Are you strong enough Samuel?? Are you willing to sacrifice even more so that you know that you can see Raab still here without his physical incapabilities?? Without his mental breakdowns? How are you handling my friend??

You see unlike my tag team partner that lets his Italian brash arrogance talk his way past his lips, it is realization of the undead that knows and sees that what he has to wait a few more centuries for to understand. That there is more to this match than merely the match for you. But not for me Samuel…, it’s the night where blood once again must be spilled, where I need to dig my fingers into the flesh and rip apart the hopes and dreams of those who once had a life. And after confronting yours truly no more…, tell me Samuel as you stare at Mr. Losak to speak out your thoughts what is it that you seek in life?? So I know I can break it down before your watching eyes and hear you scream in the fashion that it will sound like music to my ears. I hear your thoughts, I see your tears and I know your trouble to the point of where I seek pleasure into so much more than merely beat you down because I have to.

So tell me couple of love, how will the future be knowing that you have entered the realm of the Unholy Alliance. Human and Nosferatu… The human that tells others they are the monsters so that they feel good about themselves, but only fail to realize that they are the monsters themselves with the one that needs to educate… Tell me, who do you think shall win the truth of these words that I speak to you?? Then I will show you the reality that even in 2016 the true monsters could not kill those who they made their own Bonnie and Clyde….

With that the door opens again and we see Ekaterina emerges towards Dmitri with her back turned to the camera as she seems to have lost the gown.

Were you talking about us??

A sinister smile emerges upon Dmitri’s face as the shot slowly fades to darkness.
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