Author Topic: Taking on half the Danger Zone  (Read 326 times)

Offline Joshua Acquin

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    • Joshua Acquin
Taking on half the Danger Zone
« on: September 18, 2015, 08:43:24 PM »
 Joshua is seen in his hotel room in Buenos Aires sitting at the desk on his laptop talking to his wife and son.

“Are you being serious right now?  You think that something is going on with me and I am cheating on you?”

“Yes Joshua I am being serious, I have a feeling something is going on with you and at least one female while you are on this world tour with SCW.  So since you cheated on me I am cheating on you.”

“Really you are doing that to me with not there and not once piece of proof that I am cheating on you at all.”

“Well you can check your email because I sent you the paperwork to get an annulment since we haven’t been married more than a year.  I would like for you to sign them and get it back to me as soon as you can that would be great.”

“So what about Joshua Jr.?”

“I am not even in Vegas and I don’t plan on going back.  I am with my parents and they are supporting me till you give me the money you will give me.”

“So you think that I will give you money, my wife that has said she has cheated on me and after I opened the email you sent me with pictures of it you think any judge in their right mind will make me give you money.  I will give Junior money to help him.  I will see you in court.”

Joshua slams the laptop closed with the frustration that has been building throughout the chat.


Joshua is seen later training in a ring with Austin.  After a bit Joshua drops
Austin down harder than he meant to. Austin gets up holding his back and walks to the ropes as Joshua and Austin have agreed that when one of them do that it is break time.

“Austin are you ok?”

Still holding his back Ashlynn has brought the ice pack for Austin.

“Thanks Ash.  You know what I will survive but what is going on Joshua?  Seems like something is up.”

“Well I am single again once the paperwork goes through and then it will be a battle to ensure that I don’t have to pay that cheating bitch.  She thinks I have been cheating on her while I am on the road.  I thought we had worked through this that I am faithful to her and that if I did do something I would tell her and ask for her forgivness.  But I have kept my end and she thinks that I haven’t so she went out and messed around and now she is trying to take me to the clears to get money and holding Junior over my head.”

Austin and Ashlynn shake their heads.

“Joshua as much as this hurts me to ask did you ever do that paternity test to see if he was yours?”

“Yeah I did but I never read the results that I got in the email, because I thought we were going to be together forever.  Well let me look it up on my phone right now.”

Joshua starts taping at his cell phone and going through emails and gets to the email in question.  Joshua gets a big smile crossing his face.

“Well that takes care of one issue, the boy that I thought was my son isn’t my son.  However I am going to set up an account for him to have his own money.”

Austin and Joshua go back to sparring with Joshua in a better mood.


Nightmare hits the PA as Joshua walks out from the back and he walks his way down to the ring and wipes his feet before entering the ring.  He goes to the turnbuckle, climbs it and taunts the crowd as they boo him.  Joshua is handed a microphone from the time keeper and he raises it to his mouth.

“Hello Buenos Aires.  My name is Joshua Acquin and you can say I am on a losing streak and I know each and everyone of you guys are cheering for that.  Granted I know that is what is expected and all, but I have something you guys may want to hear.  I have started to feel that you guys want me to fail to make your own failures seem so small.  I mean come on no one would put any of your ugly asses on the television because I know in America, better make sure you know I am talking about the United States.  In America we have an orginaztion that will fine television companies for things that people don’t like and here tonight I am seeing things I can’t stand to see on my television.  That is why none of the cameras pan out into the crowds.  I have had a rough time after I lost my World Tag Team Championship.  I am going to face one half of Danger Zone this week.  The one I am facing is Andrew Watts.  I am sure you guys love him due to the pranks they pull.  The “goop” on the doorknob prank.  Trust me I had to ensure that I wasn’t the first one out the door and I sure as hell didn’t shake the hand of Steve after I knew something was up.  This week I see things working out as such.  Andrew Watts will come around with his boyfriend and try to mess with me.  You know what I don’t need to stoop to that childish level.  I will take him to hell and back this week in this six sided ring.  Sure he has Ethan in his corner but there is nothing a good beat down before the match will not fix.  I will knock down Mr. Watts ego a bit.  There is only room enough in this ring for one ego once I come down to this ring and that ego is ME.  Trust me Andrew I remember that night in June when you won the belts from Steve and I.  It was a perfect match for Danger Zone.  But from what I remember is that Ethan and Ms. Parker did your dirty work.  So I got this thing I have been mulling around in the back of my head, who is the brains of the Danger Zone?  Well Ethan has the brawn so that must mean you are the brains, right?  Just think you keep putting Ethan down in the back, we all know you do.  You come out and do your pranks week in and week out to build him up so he will stay with you and protect you egotistical ass.  Nothing wrong with being an egotistical ass, I am one myself.  But for fuck sake be a man and do your own shit.  You don’t see me marching to the ring with someone I put down.  Hell Ethan I will treat you as an equal and you know I have done it once before shocked SCW to the core when I chose one half of the World Tag Team Champions to be my partner.  Funny thing is I really hope you have not forgotten that I have a rematch for your belts.  Maybe I will shock the world of SCW again and deside to make Ethan “The Rebel” Alexander my tag partner and lay your ass out and take your half of the championship and then everything will be right again.  This week I hope you can stand on your own two feet after the match because Ethan maybe teaming with me.”

With that Joshua drops the microphone and walks back to the back.


When he gets to the back he is met by a lawyer in a suit and tie that has been waiting for Joshua since Austin and Ashlynn were keeping him busy.  Joshua walks with him to a back room.

“Mr. Acquin I am here to hand you your paperwork and you are officaly a single man again.  Enjoy your time.  Also don’t worry the account was set up and I ensured that your ex only was able to get 100k from you.”

Joshua takes the papers and shakes his lawyers hand.

“Thanks Steve I think I should give you a raise but I am not.  But you will have a nice check coming for you in the mail or something like that.”

Joshua turns to look at the camera man and looks straight into the lens of the camera and smiles.

“Andrew this week I am a free man again and I can do whatever I want.  I am going to enjoy our match this week.  All the pain I have held in my heart for the last week will be placed on you this week. Tick tock see you out there this week.”

Joshua’s smile drops as he leaves the room making people wonder what’s going on in his head.