Author Topic: Going to be a father and a tag team champion  (Read 343 times)

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    • "Big Tiger" Jeremiah Hardin
Going to be a father and a tag team champion
« on: April 10, 2015, 01:15:18 PM »
 The scene is a hotel in Milan Italy and we see Dark Tiger there on his computer looking at the ultrasound on it. He smiles and puts his fingers on the screen.)

Dark Tiger: hello little one. You have been a long time coming, but we wanted to wait for the right time to.

(Darknyss comes to him and wraps her arms around his neck from behind lovingly.)

Darknyss: It seems that you are happy you are going to be a father my tiger man.

Dark Tiger: yes I am my lotus blossom. I am a tad worried that it might affect my ring performance.

Darknyss: What do you mean?

Dark Tiger: well I am going to want to be protective of you and be more aggressive in the ring.

(Darknyss giggles a bit.)

Darknyss: My tiger man is a little bit forgetful. I have seen your aggressive side before. You remember back in the aWo where Warped Soul destroyed your parents graves and when the PPV event came around you basically mauled him nearly to death. No one had ever seen you that aggressive. Warped Soul was never seen from or heard from again.

(Dark Tiger smiled and nodded)

Dark Tiger: That felt so good. Almost euphoric to beat him nearly half to death for what he did. He learned the hard way what happens when you mess with my family.

Darknyss: Besides, its only natural to protect the mother of your unborn child so let's not worry about it my love. What you need to worry about is this week's Climax Control, because you and Jeremiah have another shot at the tag titles.

Dark Tiger: I know my lotus blossom. Jeremiah has been clamoring to win those tag titles ever since we first had the chance to go after them, and I can not blame him.

Darknyss: who knew the Surf Boys had it in them to beat Dying Breed for those titles.

Dark Tiger: I did because we know how Dying Breed works. They have had ample enough chances to fight against us and have failed miserably. Its like they don't ever show up, and it came back to bite them in the ass.

Darknyss: Absolutely. Its like Jeremiah said on Twitter. I didn't know pussies could hold gold.

(Dark Tiger chuckled a bit.)

Dark Tiger: Yes, well, I know they are going to be there, and if they know what's good for them, they will be good little bean biscuits and watch as Jeremiah and I win the tag titles. I mean no disrespect to the Surf Boys.

Darknyss: Baby, at this point, your determination outranks your respect for the Surf Boys, and you know this. Its like you said, Jeremiah has been itching for more gold. I know you have too. At Climax Control I'd say to hell with the Surf Boys.

(Dark Tiger looks at his wife with a brow raised)

Darknyss: I don't know. It could be the hormones talking, but you and Jeremiah have had chance after chance at the titles, and Jeremiah wants those tag titles badly. I know he's sick of being the nice guy, and I know you are too. Yeah, the Surf Boys have been a tag team in SCW longer than you two have, and yeah they are a fun tag team.

(Dark Tiger nods)

Dark Tiger: Yeah they are, but sometimes fun won't cut it. Not this time. Not at Climax Control. We want those tag titles and if we have to be aggressive to take them, so be it.

Darknyss: That's what I am talking about. I want to get some fresh air my love.

(They get their jackets and they head out of the hotel room.)


(They take a walk and we see a cameraman come to them)

Darknyss: What's up SCW. Surf Boys, you got to be feeling pretty good since you two are on top of the SCW tag team mountain. However, you two will be knocked down of that mountain by my tiger man and his nephew.

I am pretty sure you have wanted to become champs for a long time, but you have no idea how bad ROAR have been itching to become tag champs. They have come close on so many occasions it has frustrated them so much. I would not want to be you guys right now.

(Dark Tiger thinks and then points to the ground)

Dark Tiger: Surf Boys, we know how much you like to have fun. In fact if my memory serves me correctly you were the first tag team we faced when we formed ROAR and we beat you the first time. Do not be surprised if we beat you again, because we will beat you again and we WILL become the new champs.

Dying Breed. You will sit at the commentators table and you will sit there and be good little pussies and you will watch us become tag team champions. If you or Casey Williams even think of coming to the ring, we will destroy you.

You will be looking at the new SCW tag team champions by any means necessary. It has been said, it will be Etched in Stone.

(They continue to walk as the scene ends.)

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6' 6" 245 lbs.
Washington DC

Themes: Soldiers by Otherwise (CC)
Don't Tread on Me by Metallica (PPV)

Finishers: Tiger's Ambition (Double Underhook Whiplash)

Big Tiger Impact (see how the Double A Spinbuster is done, but replace the spinbuster with the Bulldog Powerslam)

Tiger Cross Suplex (Jeremiah puts the opponent in the cloverleaf, but instead of turning his opponent over, he picks his opponent up and does a bridging suplex for a pin)

Big Tiger Lock (Jeremiah underhooks his opponent's arms like he is going for a Tiger suplex but with one arm, and then takes the other arm and brings it around his opponent's neck for a guillotine choke while the opponent's arms are still underhooked.)

SCW Accomplishments
SCW Roulette Champion (1 time, Defeated Max Burke)

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