Author Topic: Sorry I missed the deadline  (Read 389 times)

Offline sean jackson

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    • Sean Jackson
Sorry I missed the deadline
« on: February 21, 2015, 07:52:45 PM »
 Regaining The Advantage

As Flight SK844 departed the terminal in Oslo, the approximate 200 passengers on board nestled in for the one hour flight to Stockholm, Sweden.  One of those passengers, former SCW champion Sean Jackson, found himself gazing out the window as the Boeing 738 slowly passed one fixed object after another.  He liked looking out the window during takeoffs and landings because it helped him to remain calm during the most tense moments of the flight.

During takeoffs and landings, the most dangerous phenomenon in avionics was wind sheer.  An event so powerful and sudden, that even the most experienced of pilots would find it difficult to keep the plane from crashing.

He had ultimately thought of driving to Stockholm, but was quickly overruled by his wife Pamela and their attorney Marshall Owens.  The reasoning behind flying was simple, the sooner they arrived at the final destination, the sooner Sean could get back to his training.  In Pamela's mind, there was no way Sean could take Drexel Matheson lightly, especially after pinning world champion Gabriel.

As he leans back in his seat, Sean's immediate thought went back to the match in Cardiff, Wales.  His actions, pure and simple were of the business sort.  The weight of defeating Sinful Obsession at the time, far outweighed any opportunities to stop Despayre from breaking up Drexel's pin attempt on Gabriel.  But then again, did allowing Drexel to get the win screw up Sean's attempt at regaining the world title?  was really ending the five year undefeated run of Sinful Obsession worth being leap frogged once again?

Jackson:  Stupid, how could I have been so fucking stupid?

Running his fingers through his hair, Sean could feel the emotional frustration sweeping over him.  He remembered standing in the ring, celebrating alongside Drexel...being the first team in five years to defeat Despayre and Gabriel...inside the ring.

Jackson:  I was standing next to him, celebrating the win like a fucking idiot...

Sean looks up at the ceiling of the plane, still frustrated.

Jackson:  Really?

The voice of reason is quick to respond.

Pamela:  You made a decision, and it was the correct one.

Pamela Duke Jackson, the daughter of Texas oil tycoon Cameron Duke and current wife of Sean Jackson, had always maintained a keen business sense.  She was quick to recognize business savvy decisions and believe it or not, Sean's decision was a savvy one, whether he realized it or not.

Pamela:  A loss would have hurt you far more than Drexel pinning Gabriel, so in essence, you're still right where you need to be.

As he turns his attention to Pamela, Sean tries to see the wisdom in her words.  As far as he was concerned, this was exactly how Gabriel got into position to win the world title.  So how could it be that Pamela possessed the ability to see the situation still being in his favor?

Pamela:  Matter of fact, you're in a better position now than you were in before the tag match.  With Drexel pinning Gabriel, all you have to do is beat him this Sunday and voila, the championship is there for the taking.

Jackson:  That's all well and good Pam, but with Gabriel as the referee, you just know that he's going to figure out a way to screw me out of the match.

A smile forms on Pamela's face.  As she leans back in her seat...

Pamela:  Oh Sean, ye of so little faith.  Gabriel isn't in control, he hasn't been in control so he managed to weasel his way into the title hunt.  You just need to sit back and enjoy the flight because as soon as we get to Stockholm, the games come to an end and our world heavyweight title begins its trek home.

With a thrust of the engines, Flight SK844 lurches forward and begins its acceleration down the runway.  Once at takeoff speed, the Boeing 738 begins climbing into the sky setting the stage for the next chapter of Sean Jackson, Drexel Matheson, and Gabriel Stevens.

As the flight continued to rise towards it's cruising altitude, Sean watched as everything on the ground got smaller and smaller.  With his silence now guaranteed, that left Pamela to her own devices, of scheming for the plan at hand....planning for the ultimate wildcard...that being Gabriel Stevens.

But for Sean Jackson, his attention was still concentrated on the ground objects that continued getting smaller.  It was as if they represented his SCW problems, and they were drifting away like a feather caught in the wind.  Maybe Pamela was right, maybe he was right where he needed to be.  After all, Gabriel never pinned him to win the world title and once Drexel shocked the world by pinning the world champion, all Sean now had to do was pin Drexel....

A smile began to form.

Jackson:  Hell, this is going to be a piece of cake.

As the flight begins to level off, it was a clear indicator that the plane was now at cruising altitude.

Jackson:  I don't even know why I was sweating it.

As he looked over, the seat next to him which was previously occupied by Pamela was now empty.  The seat belt sign was now off as passengers began to move about the plane.  Sean then looked over to the next seat, across the aisle and saw Marshall still seated.

Jackson:  Where did she go?

During Sean and Pamela's brief conversation, Marshall had indulged himself with one of the flight's magazines.  Upon hearing Sean's question, Marshall too looks to see that Sean's wife had gotten up from her seat.  The next reaction is a shrug.

Marshall:  I have no idea.

As Marshall looks back down to the magazine, Sean begins to look about the cabin.  Still not seeing his wife, he leans back into his seat...but before he can wonder any further on her whereabouts, his attention is distracted away by one of the female flight crew offering drinks.

As he raises his hand towards her.

Jackson:  I'll take an orange juice...

He gives a playful wink.

Jackson:  On the rocks.

She rolls her eyes at the lame attempt of a joke.  However, she gives him exactly what he asked for, orange juice in a cup with cubed ice.  As Sean gets ready for yet another lame attempt at humor, she sidesteps it and continues on about her business.  

Jackson:  Yep just as I thought, another cold hearted Scandinavian bitch with no sense of humor.  No wonder they're going out of business.

The comment causes Marshall to stop reading and to remind Sean that they are approximately 35,000 feet in the air.

Marshall:  I don't think it's a good idea to antagonize people way up here Sean.  There won't be many options for you to go if they toss you off.

Jackson:  Yeah right Marshall, like they would really toss...

All the passengers in his section of the plane are looking at him.

Jackson:  me....

And all the flight crew.

Jackson:  off....

Sean swallows.....HARD.  He immediately looks to deflect the sudden onset of eyeball judo aimed his way.

Jackson:  Thank you ma'am.

As he raises his glass into the air, a less than sincere smile is aimed in the direction of the flight attendant.  Hoping that somehow, it's enough to sooth the scathing looks that were shot back his way from the rest of the passengers.

As Pamela reemerges, she's confused by how quiet it is and by the fact that everyone was sending eye daggers in the direction of her husband.

Pamela:  Alright, NOW what did you do?

Looking back down at the magazine, Marshall responds in the only way he knew how, knowing that Sean would only say something stupid.

Marshall:  You don't want to know.

As Pamela sits down in her seat, Sean tries to downplay it.

Jackson:  Nothing, I didn't say or do anything?

Looking about the cabin, Pamela rolls her eyes because she knows better.  She then looks directly at her husband.

Pamela:  Really Sean, we've only been in the air for a few minutes and you've already managed to piss off everyone on the plane.  It's like I can't take you anywhere...

Jackson:  But Pamela, I didn't do anything, alright.  I was sitting here, minding my own business and all of a sudden...

Sean never gets to finish as a female passenger presents a smart phone and a video begins to play.  As the video of Sean referring to the flight attendant as a cold hearted Scandanavian bitch plays, Pamela's mouth opens wide as Sean slinks farther and farther into his seat.

Pamela:  Sean, how could you?

In shock, Sean can't muster the words to defend himself...mainly because there was no way he could defend himself.

Pamela:  Have you lost your mind?  

Jackson:  I...uhh...

Pamela immediately looks over at the flight attendant with an apologetic face.  Sure Sean could be a dick sometimes, but even that video was too much to defend.

Pamela:  Excuse me Miss, but I apologize for my husband being an arrogant prick.  Sometimes I don't even know why I stay with him.

The two women share a nod before Pamela turns her attention back towards Sean.  If he could dig a hole under the seat to get away from the evil scowl on her face, he would have already done so.  In Pamela's world, there was always a time for putting people in their place, those people being outside of her tiny little place in the world, but this wasn't one of those moments, nor one of those kinds of people.  

When Pamela looked at the flight attendant, she saw another woman trying to survive in a male dominated industry.  Trying to make it in a profession where men saw her as a sex symbol and not as a valuable commodity.

Pamela:  That shit had better never happen again Sean, because if it does, then there will be hell to pay.

He slowly takes a deep breath, before letting it out equally as slow.

Jackson:  Pamela, I'm sorry okay.  I was just messing around with her, I didn't mean an...

Pamela:  I mean it Sean.

He reaches over and takes her hand in his.  Raising it to his lips, Sean begins to kiss the back of her hand.  To him, kissing it was better than getting slapped by it.  As he finishes, there's a twinkle in his eyes.

Jackson:  You're right, it was insensitive of me and I promise that it will never happen again.  So can we please get off of this unfortunate subject, and on to Drexel and Gabriel?

As they share a gaze between each other, Pamela opens her mouth to respond and....

Fade to black.

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