Author Topic: BOSOM BUDDIES vs R.O.A.R.  (Read 1491 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: August 31, 2014, 10:29:17 PM »
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First RP Period Deadline:
United States: 11:59pm EST Saturday 09/06/2014
England: 04:59am Sunday 09/10/2014

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline R.O.A.R.

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    • "Big Tiger" Jeremiah Hardin
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2014, 06:21:55 PM »
 (Hello everyone…Dark Tiger here, and what a roll Jeremiah and I are on. First the Surf Boys, and they put up a fight. Then we sent those British bean biscuits back to England with our feet up their asses, and just last night, we defeated Dying Breed. Granted it was a little help from the Salco camp, but a win is a win none the less. I couldn’t be more proud to get the tag team going like this. I know eventually we will lose, but I am only worried about what’s going on right now.

We are still in Mesa, and I know Jeremiah and Morganna are off doing their own thing, and that’s alright. I know my lotus blossom has got something huge planned. I do miss her, but I am not worried. I then head to the airport in my Sebring convertible and I see that I am nearing a quarter of a tank of gas, so I see a Sheetz and pull in at the gas pump. I then take my credit card and then slip it in the slot to pay for my gas.

I then start to pump the gas and then I take my glasses off and the cat’s eyes can be seen by some of the other customers and they come up to me wanting autographs and pictures. I am only happy to oblige, and give them what they want. Then the gas is done pumping and I then take the nozzle out and put it back in its place and then put the gas cap back on. I then head in the store and then pick out a bottle water from the shelves and then I see a turkey sandwich and I grab two of them, a bag of Baked Lays potato chips, small size, and a Baby Ruth to sate my sweet tooth, and then I come to the counter and pay for them.

I then see the 2014 Lincoln Navigator pull up and that can mean that Jeremiah is running low as well. Then I see them get out of the navigator and Jeremiah uses his card for the gas, and Morganna comes to me.)

Diamond: Sebastian, you and Jeremiah are on quite a roll. It kind of makes me wonder why you didn’t come to SCW sooner. Oh don’t get me wrong, I am pretty sure Jessie Salco had a little motive to attack them, but a win is a win right?

Dark Tiger: I wanted to wait for the right time to come. It was one of those wait and see how Jeremiah was doing before I came in. When his mother died, I had a feeling that he was going to be upset, and lose focus on the wrestling.

Diamond: he loved her that much huh?

Dark Tiger: She meant the world to him. She taught him how to be a gentleman and how to treat the ladies

Diamond: I thought you had something to do with that, since you were like a father figure to him even though you are his uncle.

Dark Tiger: I had a little hand in it, to help him keep it that way.

(Morganna smiles)

Diamond: Well he is certainly doing a very good job of it with me that’s for sure.

Dark Tiger: Yes he is. He is very loyal to whoever has his heart, and his mother and father would be proud of him, and I think they love you

Diamond: Aww. I would have loved to have met his father.

Dark Tiger: He was a great man, and you would have loved him.

(Morganna smiled and nodded. Then Jeremiah came to us all excited and all.)

Jeremiah: Unc you are not going to believe this. Guess what?

(I chuckle a bit as that sounded childish, but I play along with it.)

Dark Tiger: What is it Jeremiah. I am pretty sure that it is great news.

Jeremiah: Is it ever. We got a shot at the tag titles at Violent Conduct against Bosom Buddies. We are going to have a fight on our hands no doubt.

Dark Tiger: Well, you would probably know more about Despayre since you have been in SCW longer than I have.

Jeremiah: Yeah, but you are definitely the tag specialist too unc, because you are no stranger to tag gold. I remember the times you have held tag gold in the aWo. That’s right Unc I remember your time there. You were raking in the gold there.

Dark Tiger: Yes I did, but it took me a bit of time to win them. You on the other hand didn’t take to long to win the Roulette title here either. You also had a shot at the World title, so I know Morganna and I have faith that you will make it far here.

(I saw the disappointment in Jeremiah’s eyes as I brought that up. I then pat him on the back and give him a hug an uncle would give his nephew, and Morganna smiles.)

Diamond: Baby, Don’t let that get to you. Don’t dwell on it too much, because there will be other times where you will have those shots. Right now, you have a shot at the tag titles and you need to concentrate on that. Don’t let Despayre, and Big B capitalize on that, or Angel for that matter.  

(Jeremiah nods.)

Diamond: What do you think of those two anyway? I know Despayre is an SCW Original and Big B is one tough cookie too. I do like Despayre’s child-like spirit.

Jeremiah: Yeah, What I would give to have that kind of spirit again.

(Morganna and I look at Jeremiah and he looks at us)

Jeremiah: What?

Dark Tiger: There have been times where you have shown that, but none the less, Morganna is right. You need to focus on the present which is the tag titles. I have seen Despayre’s work as well, and for someone his stature and childlike spirit, he is indeed one tough wrestler, so as tall as I am, I am not overlooking the abilities of that young man, and you shouldn’t either Jeremiah.

Jeremiah: I never said I was. I know he’s tough. There’s no doubt about it. I respect the guy, and I respect Big B. I was just commenting on his spirit. They are the champs for a reason, and we are going to give them a fight for those titles. We are off to a great start, and I want to keep it going. There’s no way I want to stop now.

Diamond: There’s the man I love. I mean you two are on a roll and what a win that would be if you two were to beat those two. Just think of the merchandise, and stuff.

Dark Tiger: Now now Morganna, that is only a perk to that. I don’t believe in perks. That would be good to get our names out there if we were to win the titles, but if we don’t win, that would only be a minor setback. I do have respect for the champs, and there will be nothing to stop the four of us to tear the roof off the place.

Jeremiah: No doubt. You got four tough guys fighting for the tag titles. Two to keep them, and then you got us to try to take them away. I am so ready for this.

(We head on to Yuma.)


(We arrive in Yuma, but not without another pit stop. We see the Welcome to Yuma Arizona sign and then we look for the Desert Sun Stadium. Luckily I have GPS in my Sebring and Jeremiah has one in his Navigator and so it shouldn’t be too hard to find with that. We do find it several minutes later and we arrive at the stadium.

We get our bags and head to the locker room and then set our wrestling gear up. We then exit the stadium till we have to come back here for Violent Conduct II.)

Diamond: So where do you want to go guys. We got plenty of time before Violent Conduct, so we can do a little sightseeing while we are here. Ooh, I know. We could check out that ghost town that’s around here. I hear that is a museum too.

Dark Tiger: I don’t see why not. It could be a good place to have something to say to Despayre and Big B for the match.

Jeremiah: Yeah maybe. Then after that we could get something to eat at that restaurant that I hear is pretty good here. Lutes Casino I think it’s called.

Dark Tiger: I have been there, and it is really good. This is definitely not my first time in Yuma. I have wrestled here on more than one occasion, and this is a great town.

Jeremiah: I hear my favorite UFC fighter, Cain Velasquez, is from here too. That dude can fight.

(We then get in our vehicles and we put in the location of Castle Dome Mines Museum and ghost town and then we drive off. We arrive there several minutes later and we park our vehicles in the parking lot and we get out of our vehicles. We then head to the museum and ghost town and enter it. The receptionist greets us and then we head to the ghost town. It’s a nice hot sunny day, and we are dressed appropriately.)

Diamond: Hey SCW Universe. Your girl Diamond here, Manager and PR person for the tag team ROAR, and we are here at Castle Dome Mines and Museum and ghost town, and what a week for the guys. Dying Breed put up a fight against these two, but couldn’t get the job done. Try again boys.

Now, My guys here have a shot at the SCW Tag titles held by a tag team known as Bosom Buddies. That’s a cute name guys. You two are quite a pairing too. Despayre and Big B, you two are on opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to stature, and fighting style. That’s ok though, because you two are a well-oiled machine despite that, and that’s why you two are the champs, and have been for a good little while now.

However, you two have got a real challenge on your hands. You have got the fighting spirit of ROAR. You got the will to survive and the moxie of my man Big Tiger Jeremiah Hardin, and then you got the height, weight, and experience in the business of Dark Tiger to contend with.

Jeremiah: That’s right baby. Despayre, I will say this about you man. We have nothing but the utmost respect for you, and your partner there, especially you. You have been in this company essentially since its inception, and there ain’t nothing wrong with that. You see, we know we are going to have our hands full with you two because you will fight to keep the titles, and we will fight to take them off of you.

Despayre, we like the childlike spirit you have. It keeps you young when you don’t want to feel old. There’s nothing wrong with that either. You got your teddy bear and all. If only we all could have that childlike spirit at least once as we grow up. Despite that, you keep on fighting and you always manage to find a way to win, and you get props from me and unc for that.

Big B, you were probably thinking at first you didn’t want to tag with Despayre, and you probably still got your haters for that, but then you got to see the guy in the ring, and saw his fighting spirit and you warmed up to the idea of teaming with him. Hell it definitely worked. After all, you are on top of the tag team world in SCW right now. You two can call yourselves the kings of the SCW Mountain.

However, you got a tag team at Violent Conduct that might have just started teaming, but you can’t deny that we have been on quite a roll, and we want to keep that roll going. If it means beating you two for the tag titles, then so be it. You two are definitely a hell of a tag team, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see you two being in the Hall of Fame someday, but so are we. Tell ‘em Unc.

Dark Tiger: You see fellas, unlike the British bean biscuits we faced two weeks ago, we look forward on facing you two to see if you have what it takes to keep those titles. Now I may not have been in SCW for very long, I have been in this business long enough to recognize true talent, and fight, and I definitely see it in you two.

Despayre, despite me dwarfing you in this match like Jeremiah just said, you definitely have the fighting spirit and definitely the charisma to be a Hall of Famer in this company, and in this business as well. We are not going to underestimate you because there is no reason to.

Big B, there is not much I will say about you because Jeremiah has summed it up for me, and I do not know very much about you, but I will say this, I want you two to show us why you are the champs. I want you to bring that fighting spirit that brought you to the top and has kept you there for a good while, because we will bring it to knock you off the mountain.

Diamond: You two will see what they were talking about at Violent Conduct. They want you at your best. They want to see how Bosom Buddies roll in that ring. One of two things will happen at VC. Number one, You two remain champs, or two, these two become tag champs. Either way expect a fight, because they will fight with guns a blazing, and whether they win or lose, Bosom Buddies will know that they have been in a war for the tag titles.

Jeremiah: Guys, the ring will feel like a battlefield when you step in the ring with ROAR.

Dark Tiger: That has been said, and it will be Etched in Stone.

(We continue to walk around the place.)

[end Rp]
« Last Edit: September 05, 2014, 06:24:20 PM by R.O.A.R. »
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6' 6" 245 lbs.
Washington DC

Themes: Soldiers by Otherwise (CC)
Don't Tread on Me by Metallica (PPV)

Finishers: Tiger's Ambition (Double Underhook Whiplash)

Big Tiger Impact (see how the Double A Spinbuster is done, but replace the spinbuster with the Bulldog Powerslam)

Tiger Cross Suplex (Jeremiah puts the opponent in the cloverleaf, but instead of turning his opponent over, he picks his opponent up and does a bridging suplex for a pin)

Big Tiger Lock (Jeremiah underhooks his opponent's arms like he is going for a Tiger suplex but with one arm, and then takes the other arm and brings it around his opponent's neck for a guillotine choke while the opponent's arms are still underhooked.)

SCW Accomplishments
SCW Roulette Champion (1 time, Defeated Max Burke)

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Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2014, 09:33:35 AM »
 Second RP Period Deadline:
United States: 11:59pm EST Friday 09/12/2014
England: 04:59am Saturday 09/13/2014  

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Despayre

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    • Despayre
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2014, 09:15:58 AM »
"Murder (?) On the Amtrak Express"

"Okay, you're going to have to explain this one to me again." One could almost hear the subdued laughter ripping through the body of Gabriel as he followed Synn though the annals of his Las Vegas homestead.

As he and Synn reached the framed entrance to the house's spacious living room, furnished with several comfortable looking chairs and a sofa, the better for the comforts of the frequent guests that happened upon the household, Synn craned his head back and closed his eyes. A soft but audible sigh escaped from up his throat and through parted lips before he turned around to gift Gabriel, a young man he had grown close to over the past several years, much like a second son, with a mocking glare.

"Gabriel." Synn started to say with restrained patience. "How many times are you going to bring this topic of conversation up?"

"Until I understand the logic behind it."

Gabriel chuckled as he observed Synn stepping up to several bags of luggage where he started to count silently to ensure that everything that he and Despayre had planned to take along with them was accounted for. The only problem was, that a curious and inquisitive magician wasn't one for taking a hint and had a propensity toward causing distractions when they were least desired.

"So explain it to me just one last time." Gabriel said, causing Synn to lose focus on what he had been trying to make certain that was included with his and Despayre's luggage and he muttered a half hearted "Damn it" between clenched teeth.

Of course, anyone that knew these two men and the relationship between them would recognize and understand no true anger. They were about as close to being true family as two who did not share common blood could be, and Gabriel himself stated time and again that where it concerned being like a father, Synn was 'as good as'.

Synn calmly turned around and laid eyes on the man opposite him who folded his arms across his chest and wore a mischievous smile on an otherwise deceptively handsome face. Synn, resigned to one last (hopefully!) questioning from Gabriel, perched his backside on the arm rest of the recliner that has come to be known as 'his' seat, and none others. (Okay, except maybe Angel when Despayre had a mind for his own brand of mischievous behavior.) Synn said nothing but his lone arched brow was invitation enough for Gabriel who started in again.

Taking up the gauntlet, Gabriel started to pace and counted his points of logic on one hand as he spoke, "A flight from Las Vegas to Yuma is two hours, three tops, at the most. But rather than take the easy way out, you instead are going on a six hourdrive to Elkin, Nevada to hop onto an Amtrak train for a twelve hour ride to Phoenix, Arizona where you'll rent a car for another three hour drive to Yuma."

Synn just stared at his smiling protege' and yes, friend, as it could easily be told that he was fully enjoying this.

"Your point being?" Synn questioned.

Gabriel nodded in easy understanding when he asked, "How did he manage to talk you into it?"

"He, who?"

"Batman!" Gabriel blurted out. "Who the bloody Hell do you think I mean? Despy! That's who! This little idea just screams Despy. It has that kid written all over it."

"Yes, well..." Synn sighed as he slid from the arm rest of the recliner to the cushioned seat and leaned back. "Do you remember when you came over for dinner a week ago and we watched that movie on cable, after?"

Gabriel silently nodded in the affirmative.

Synn continued, "And there was that travel commercial on the television that showed a train and Joshua oh so casually mentioned he had never been on a train before?"

Gabriel mouthed a light, barely audible, "Ohhh!" and Synn nodded.

"Yeah." Synn said. "Apparently before he went to bed he snuck online to look up trains and lo and behold, he brought up the subject at breakfast the next morning."

"You could have said no." Gabriel said with an expression that spoke of a struggle to keep from laughing openly at the man's expense. He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling, and snorted back a laugh. Synn tell Despayre no? Yeah. The ocean had a better chance at turning into peanut butter.

"Granted I have a very poor chance of ever telling that boy 'no' to anything." Synn said as he picked up a small notepad and started to look over the gathered luggage to ensure everything was there. He paused to cast a brief glance up at the man who had become as a son to him and a big brother to Despayre, and said, "But then again, you're not exactly known to stand firm with him either."

"Right." Gabriel spoke with more than his fair share of sarcasm in his voice. "When have I ever done anything remotely to spoil the boy?"

Synn continued to check his notes while idly saying, "Oh how soon we forget the Haunted Mansion incident at Disney Land."

Gabriel could all but clear his throat, knowing that he was alone perhaps second to Synn when it came to indulging Despayre in whatever the young man's heart desired at any given time, and like any 'child', that desire was prone to change as swiftly as his random moods.

Rather than attempt to dispute Synn and lose in the effort, Gabriel pointed idly toward the luggage and said, "So I can help you get that out to the car and drive you to the train station. Where's Despy?"

"If I heard right..." Synn looked up from the notepad. "... he's giving Angel dancing lessons."

"Ah." Gabriel nodded as if it were a natural thing to hear, and it was once one came to get to know Despayre as closely as Gabriel had over the years. "... Of course."

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The door to Despayre's bedroom slipped open and Synn and Gabriel found themselves staring at Despayre doing the Britney Spears 'Oops I Did It Again' dance, and apparently attempting to teach the teddy bear on the floor how to do it as well. Yet that wasn't what brought the immediate smiles to their faces so much as the fact that apparently he was attempting to teach the dance to Theresa as well.

As they did a spin, the lesson came to a screeching halt. Theresa immediately shuffled out of the room and past the two men, but not before she stopped and shook a finger at Synn.

"One word out of you about this and I put salt peter in your next meal." And she made a hasty exit. Gabriel and Synn then turned and saw Despayre watching the direction she left with a perplexed expression, and then down to Angel.

Despayre then looked at the two men and pointed at the teddy bear before he said, "He's giving me nothing!"</color>

"Nothing? Why, I beg to differ! I've given him and his partner, Bernard, much since this big match was first announced! I know, I know, Bernard prefers to be called Big B and hates his given name, but I'm cute so I can get away with it."

"My point is that when Bernard and Despy were first signed to defend their titles against R.O.A.R., I set those two boys aside and tod them exactly what they needed to do if they wanted to walk out with the titles, just as they walked in with them. Despayre listened intently, as he always does. he knows good advice when he hears it, but Bernard? Well with him, it's like it goes in one ear and out the other. Perhaps Synn was right when he said he hoped he kept that handsome face and bubble butt because his brains... okay maybe he wasn't right."

"Despy is a crafty little guy. I've trained him well! After all, teddy bears are often outsized against the various beasties of the shadows when defending their charges, and that hasn't stopped us! Why, I don't know of a single teddy bear who has ever lost a battle against the monsters in the closet or under the bed! We have a perfect record, so our advice should always be heeded!"

"It's a good thing that the Hardins don't have a teddy bear on their side to give them expert advice! Otherwise that would complicate matters greatly!"</color>

Have you ever been on a train for commercial traveling? You know, like Amtrak? I'm hoping you have so I don't have to go into any tedious account of vast description, the better to fill your imaginations with a mental image so that you can enjoy this all the better.

"Well that was rude."

But if you have not, well the simplest way to describe the immediate inside of the train passenger car is it closely resembles the interior of an airplane that you would use for travel.

"Oh it looks nothing like an airplane!" Despayre said hotly. "For one thing, there are no wings!"

Synn stopped as he maneuvered his way down the central path between the rows of spacious seating on the First Class passenger seating of the Amtrak train, to cast a curious look toward his son who had an uncharacteristic frown on his face while looking up at ... nothing really.


"Yo!" Despayre spun around with a now more expected smile on his youthful face.

"To whom are you speaking to?" Synn asked.

"Huh?" Despayre blinked, then shook his had and rolled his eyes in a sense of annoyance. "Oh just that know-it-all narrator!" He added a thumb 'up' for emphasis.

Synn glanced up to where his son had indicated, but of course saw nothing so he exhaled gently and instead asked, "Joshua, forgive me for asking this but did you take your medication this morning?"

"Yup!" Despayre nodded with an eager and somewhat gleeful grin. "Silly! You gave them to me. Why?"

"Just curious." Synn answered and continued on his trek and Despayre hurried to catch up, cuddling Angel in his arms as they hurried along. "I want to find our sleeping car."

"We get a sleeping car?"

"It's First Class." Synn answered. "We sure as, had better!"

Counting the reserved car numbers carefully by the frames and matching them to their tickets, it took the pair little time at all in finding the two berths side by side where they would be spending the night. Despayre watched as his dad dropped his carry on bag under the rather cramped bed and Synn 'tested' the cushion's comfort with his hand before he sighed and shook his head.

"I can already tell this night won't be a comfortable one." Synn then stood upright and came ever so near to smacking his scalp into the ceiling of the compartment. He turned and found Despayre standing in the door frame, looking the space over and then up at his father. "Is something wrong, Joshua?"

"We're not sharing a room?" Despayre asked timidly. This was an all new experience for him and the thought of being unable to share it with his dad sort of spooked him. or perhaps he wanted to be able to share the experience more closely.

Synn said, "Well Joshua, it's not like a hotel. There's limited space here, and your sleeping compartment is right next to..."

Despayre's shoulders sagged and he looked absolutely pitiful to the extent Synn felt helpless and found himself saying, "But if you feel you'd not be comfortable in your own, then perhaps we can arrange something. A camp out on the floor for Angel and yourself in here or something."

Almost immediately Despayre's face softened and his eyes brightened at the solution. It would still be cramped, incredibly so more now than ever, but if it brought a smile to his son's face, it was most worth it. It was then that the train's whistle blew and the massive Amtrak started to move, almost sending both men off of their footing.

"Whoa! What's happening?" Despayre cried as he caught himself against the frame of the door.

"Calm down Joshua." Synn answered. "The train is just starting to move."

"It moves!?"

"Well how else did you propose we arrive in Arizona?" Synn asked. "Molecular teleportation?"

"No." Despayre paused for a moment, then he smiled widely. "Can we!?"

"I'm afraid not." Synn said as he ushered his boy back into the train's hall, careful to secure their footing as it started to pick up speed along its journey. "How about we go get to our seats and watch the scenery?"

"`Kay!" Despayre nodded and he started to hurry along when he stopped as an elderly woman with short, curly white stepped up to the compartment directly across from their own, the epitome of a cute and loving grandmother type.

"Hi!" Despayre greeted her with a friendly wave. "It's my first train ride!"

'Well I hope you enjoy yourself!" She said kindly with a twinkle in her eye.

"We will!" Despayre chirped as he tuned and hurried along with Synn following closely.

The elderly woman tried to open the door to her compartment and the door would not unlock to her key card. She appeared to grow worried when one of the Amtrak train conductors came along and she waved him down for assistance.

"Yes ma'am?" The middle aged man said as he approached. "Can I help you?"

"Please, if you could?" She said as she offered him her key card. "I can't seem to get into my compartment."

"Certainly." The conductor said and he started to step up to the door when he glanced down at the key in his hand and said, "Ah. Well ma'am, I believe this here is the problem." he showed her the key card more closely, "This key is for compartment A3. That is just a little further along the hall. This compartment here is A8."

"Oh?" She glanced down at the key and adjusted her glasses. "Well for Heaven's sake!" She playfully chided herself. "I need to get these things checked! I thought that 8 was a 3!"

"It's quite alright ma'am." The conductor chuckled. "Here, I'll show you to your area."

"Oh, thank you." She smiled and followed him closely down the train hall.</color>

"'Dark Tiger' Sebastian Hardin is a big boy, but my Despy is ready! Mister Sebastian, you're not the first big man that has stepped into the ring against Despayre, and you probably won't be the last. You're bigger, yes. Stronger, why certainly! But in the end, are you better? I think the answer comes in the form of who is the champion here, doesn't it? Who here has the near spotless record? You have to remember that Despayre is one of the smaller grapplers in the wrestling brotherhood, but has that stopped him? No sirree! Has it slowed him down or put him at such a glaring disadvantage that he had no chance at winning? Look at his championship accomplishments and won-loss record to find an answer to THAT one!"

"Just because he's small doesn't mean he doesn't know how to bring a giant such as yourself crashing down. Look at Jack and the giant! Or David and Goliath! While Despy doesn't have a stone and a slingshot, he does have something even better! Me and Bernard on his side! You're a good wrestler, and you know how to use your size to your advantage, I'll give you that! You wouldn't be getting this title shot if you didn't. But the Bosom Buddies aren't ready to be ex-champions."

"Good luck Dark Tiger! The fun is about to begin!"</color>

I won't bore you with details on the train journey, the passing of scenery and so forth...




And despite what SOME people think, the interior of the Amtrak seating car was not all that different from the interior of an airplane. There were rows of seats of two on each side of the train, only admittedly there was quite a bit more space on a train, and the seats were facing outward toward the windows so that the passengers could enjoy the view of the world as it passed them by. Plus, here in the First Class car, the seats were larger and much more comfortable.

"See? Not so much like an airplane."

I was referring to the setting!


"Joshua?" Synn sighed as he turned his head to his son whose face was plastered against the glass, watching with heightened enthusiasm at everything that passed by outside. Nothing could pry him away.

"Yesssssss?" Despayre answered, not taking his eyes nor his hands off of the glass.

Synn said, "How about we go find the dining car and grab a bite to eat?"

"Woo hoo!" And Despayre took off like a shot as Synn slowly stood up, and again almost hit his head. Okay, so maybe the prospect of chow can tear him away?

Despayre hurried back toward where he would be bunkering down with his pops to get Angel a fresh change of clothes. Teddy bears were quite the dapper individuals when it comes to fashion, you know! And no, he's not going to be wearing his special 'one-of-a-kind' Delia Darling original! Not yet, anyway! You're just going to have to wait for that one!

With his father a bit further behind down the train hall, Despayre arrived at the door to his compartment, and not his father's. After all, he'd be sleeping there but his and Angel's stuff was in his and Angel's little space. Makes sense, right? at's when Despayre gave pause and turned around to the compartment across where the sweet old lady was, or where he thought she was. Maybe she didn't have anyone to eat with and would like to join him, his dad and Angel? It was worth a shot!

Despayre was always the friendliest little guy where it concerned certain individuals -- much to his father's consternation. Any time someone would knock on their door at home, Despayre would invite them inside, no matter what. Synn would often tell of how many times they had an Avon lady or Jehovah Witness for dinner because of his boy's penchant for being a good host.

But as he knocked on the old woman's door, he received no answer. He waited patiently, then knocked again, but when he got no answer, he looked down at Angel and shrugged in wonder.

"Do you think she's napping?" He asked his plush buddy. "Old people like to nap. or maybe she already went for something to eat? They like to eat early so they can get to nap faster. Oo! If we hurry, maybe we can catch her and she can regale us with stories of the Old West!"

Despayre quickly darted into his own compartment, but before he shut the door behind him, you could hear him say, "Can we still call it the Old West if she wasn't from there?"

"Joshua, are you ready?" Synn rapped on his door as the lad had drawn the shades over the glass of his berth so Angel was given the privacy needed to change his attire. So 99% of teddy bears did their duty starkers, a bear has his pride, you know!

The door soon swung open and Despayre hopped out with Angel wearing a silver bathrobe with black floral print designs along it. Another gift from ms. Delia. Boy she was a sweety!

"Ready!" Despayre chirped and hurriedly shut the door behind him. "Can we eat now? Maybe we can sit down with that nice Irish woman across from us!"

"How do you know she's Irish?"

"Angel says she's an O' Lady. Ha!"

Synn smirked and shook his head at his son's sense of humor (or Angel's) and started to escort him down the hall when something caught Despayre's eye and caused him to pause. A figure was walking back up along the hall of the train, clad in a long, leather jacket with the hood up to covertly cover the face and hide the identity. Despayre's gray eyes flickered as he watched the mysterious figure stop at the door that he had just knocked upon and ... he went inside! He went inside of the nice Missus O' Lady's compartment!

"Joshua?" Synn jostled Despayre's shoulder to alert him. "Is everything alright?"

"I hope so." Despayre whimpered as he was led up the car....</color>

"You know what I have to admit  don't understand, Jeremiah? How come you refer to yourself as 'Big Tiger' when Sebastian is so much larger than you are? I guess it's because of your track record and reputation, huh? I have to give you credit where credit is due, you're definitely one of the greats! I saw when you won the SCW Roulette Championship! Boy that was a great match and you made for a great champion! You plowed through the competition and defended against anyone who wanted a crack at the gold. You turned away nobody and now you have a partner and are bringing that attitude to the tag team ranks! Well good for you, I say! There's a reason why you and Sebastian are the Number One Contenders to the tag titles! You're a great fighter and a terrific athlete, Jeremiah. You have a lot going for you. You have a lot of skill, but what you don't have is me in your corner. And what you won't have is the SCW Tag Team Championship!"</color>

"I know Angel, I saw him too!" Despayre said as he peaked from behind the drawn shades of his own compartment following dinner. His dad had entered his own and invited Despayre to join him to relax before bed as it was getting dark out, but Despayre said Angel wanted some 'buddy time' to discuss strategy. The trick was, it wasn't the upcoming tag title defense that he was referring to.

"Yes, there's something sinister afoot!" Despayre mumbled to Angel as the teddy bear now poked his little black nose between the drapes to get a gander at that door across from them. Only moments ago, they had seen that figure emerge from within and hurry along toward the dining car, where they themselves had just come from. It was only with Angel's heightened reflexes and stealth against the bad guys that they managed to duck away from their window in time to avoid detection.

"I suppose murderous fiends have to eat every now and then too, huh?" He asked his bestie. "Do you think we should tell dad about this? We haven't seen Missus O' Lady since we got on! He probably did something dastardly to her!"

Despayre frowned, then looked at his buddy before he said, "Because that's what dastardly types do, duh!" he huffed and rolled his eyes. "Okay, so we handle this alone. Do you think your plan will really work? We might need dad's help. ... No? ... Right! More babes for us being the heroes!"

With careful tippy toe action, Despayre (and Angel! slid carefully from their compartment, making as little noise as possible. Angel was giving him lessons in stealth, you know. Despayre pointed toward a heavy cord draped up along the wall of the car and whispered, "Is that it? ... Right! Well this is an emergency! The fiend did something to that poor old bird! ... No, I mean Missus O' Lady, not an actual bird. That's British speech!"

He smiled proudly, but that expression shifted quickly as he hurried across the train hall and paused beside the door of the fiend's compartment. Grasping the emergency cord with one hand, he used the other to reach over and rap on the door.

No sooner did the door 'click' and slide open, than did Despayre pull hard on the cord! Suddenly the screeching sound of a several ton train coming to an emergency halt tore at the ears as the train lurched to a sudden and grinding halt! The very stop was so sudden and unsettling that it threw Despayre to the floor of the hall and the figure that had emerged was thrown to down as well!

"Ahh! He's got me! Get him Angel! Bite him! Chew him to ribbons!"

Of course the sheer momentum of the figure topping over on him had caused Despayre to be the one on top but that didn't stop him from calling for his plush pal's aid as the battle waged on!


"Get him Angel! Avenge Missus O' Lady!" Despy had Angel in the face of the one under him as doors all along the car slid open and inquisitive heads poked out to see what the fuss was al about. One of them being Synn. "Get him Angel! Bite his nose off!"




Synn nodded down for his son to stop and look and Despayre looked down at the one he had pinned down and his face brightened.

"Gabriel!" He cried. "What did you do to Missus O' Lady!?"

Gabriel just looked at Synn and snarled, "You let him watch that goddam 'I Love Lucy' episode again, didn't you!?"</color>

"A teddy bear does not depend upon mechanics to give him the semblance of life. He is loved - and therefore he lives."

Offline R.O.A.R.

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    • "Big Tiger" Jeremiah Hardin
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2014, 06:21:07 PM »
 (We are at the stadium, and we decide to talk a walk around it a little bit. We are all in our ROAR t shirts and Unc is in his fedora and it works for him. I am in a ball cap and Emme has her hair up in a ponytail, which I find sexy on her. We watch as the ring crew guys are setting up the ring.

We saw what our opponents, and tag champs had to say. It was interesting to say the least with the childlike spirit of Despayre, and the experience wise of his too. I love when we wrestle in the stadiums. We get to enjoy the outside weather while we wrestle, and the crowd can be heard from miles around when we do our thing.

We then find some stadium seats and we take our seats.)

Diamond: It’s a beautiful day out here in this stadium out here and we are watching the ring crew guys set up for Violent Conduct number two, and we have that guy coming around the corner with the wrench and hes tightening up the bolts. Good for a hit.

(Unc and I look at Emme)

Diamond: What? I thought maybe they could use a little baseball commentary. I am pretty sure they get bored after a while, and want a little excitement while they work.

Dark Tiger: They do look like they could use the help. Let us help them out Jeremiah.

Jeremiah: Really Unc?

Dark Tiger: It wouldn’t hurt.

Jeremiah: That’s true. Hey guys, you need some help there? We could lend a hand if you need the help

(We head on down to the ring area, and Unc had told me he had to help out the ring crew to get some wrestling time when he first started, and I figure it would do me some good to give them some more man power to get the ring built quicker. Unc helps one of the guys hold up the ring posts as another guy tightens the bolts to bring the turnbuckles and the ring posts together. I help put the ropes  on the hooks that the ring ropes go to.

Emme looks on and smiles and helps me out, and then what seems like forever we are done.)

George: Hey guys, thanks for helping us out. We were a few men short because they got hurt on the job, and because of that, we were a little behind schedule. Mr. Ward and Mr. Underwood would have had our necks if it wasn’t done in time.

Jeremiah: Hey, not a problem man. We are always glad to help since we were done getting ready, and we didn’t have anything better to do.

George: Are you two excited about facing the tag champs for the titles. I’d be stoked if I was wrestling, and I had a shot at the titles.

Dark Tiger: Yes we are. I know we have got a real fight on our hands. The champs are definitely going to bring out the big guns when they face us, but we aren’t no slouches either. You have the heart of a tiger in both of us, and we will not be afraid to throw everything at them.

Jeremiah: No doubt about it.

George: Hey, If I am not mistaken, I think there might be a meet and greet for you guys in the hotel across the street from here. I am thinking that’s tomorrow from what I heard.

Diamond: Why wasn’t I notified?

(Her cell phone goes off and she gets a text from the bosses about the meet and greet, and an opportunity for the Make-A-Wish foundation for a fan of theirs from that organization to meet them as well.)

Diamond: Well alright then.

George: I think that is everything that needed to be set up. I will do a double check around. Thanks again guys.

(We nod and then head to the hotel.)

Diamond: You two did good out there. I know it must have been a while since you did that.

Sebastian: Way too long, but it was good to help out when it was needed.

Jeremiah: Hell yeah, when the opportunities arise, we will be there to help. We are not just a tag team, we are people persons.


(The next day we are at the hotel lobby after we had woken up. Unc is in a black dress shirt and black undershirt, black jeans and black boots. Emme is in a nice blue flowing sundress and her hair is in a nice braided ponytail, and I am in a fedora that I bought the other day, a graphic t-shirt, blue jeans and a pair of Timberlands.

We enjoy a nice continental breakfast, and sit around the lobby table.)

Jeremiah: What time is the meet and greet mon amour?

Diamond: According to the text, it starts around 2 pm, and it’s 9 am right now. I figured that you two wanted to have some time to do other stuff before the meet and greet.

Jeremiah: what ca we do. Wait, we could hit that miniature golf park if y’all want.

Sebastian: Yeah, why not. Do you think we could have the time for it before the meet and greet?

Diamond: Actually they don’t open up for another hour. Let’s just sit here and strategize about the match

Jeremiah: Really? We could do something more fun.

Sebastian: Actually that would not be a bad idea Morganna, because we are not dealing with no mere wrestlers like the Surf Boys, or the Worst of British. Dying Breed were no slouch, but we are dealing with one of the best teams that SCW has to offer. They are the tag team champs for a reason Jeremiah, and we do need to go over how we need to beat them to become the champs.

Jeremiah: You are right Unc. I mean yeah we outweigh them by much, but I know they won’t run and hide and we don’t expect them to, and like we said before, Despayre is a SCW Original. Hes been here since its beginning, and we know it ain’t going to be easy when we face them in the ring.

Sebastian: No its not, and we will expect a fight out of them I they want to keep the titles. I want them to fight. I want them to give us their all.

Diamond: Absolutely. I don’t want you two to forget why we became ROAR in the first place. It’s not just to get the fans roaring, but I know you two want to make your mark in the tag division, especially you Mon amour. You want to get that drive that you had when you were the Roulette champ back, and Sebastian, we know you are a specialist when it comes to the tag team scene.
I know you want to hold tag gold again. I know how you are when it comes to gold. Its nice to have, but you just feel good when you accomplish it, but I know that you want to feel the gold on your shoulder again don’t you?

Sebastian: That would be nice, yes. Bosom Buddies will find out that I am still in my prime, and I am ready to get back on top.

Jeremiah: Hey, I know Unc’s birthday is exactly a month from tomorrow, I know we got to plan for it, but right now I know I want to become a tag champ, and we will do what we have to to bring down the champs. I mean we are being pegged as the underdogs because they have had a stranglehold on the titles, and don’t want to lose that hold on them, but underdogs have come out on top, and I am ready to take it to them.

(We sit and then strategized and then a little girl and her parents come to us and we see that the little girl is bald headed. The little girl must be from the Make-A-Wish Foundation and we all smile.)

Diamond: Early aren’t we?

Angela (the little girl’s mother): We are sorry we are early. Carlie couldn’t wait any longer to meet you guys. She is a big fan of yours and she was happy when you sent those two British jerks back to England with a loss.

Kevin (the little girl’s father): Yeah, We hope we didn’t interrupt anything.

Diamond: Not at all. We were just discussing our strategy for their match this Sunday. Have a seat. You want to hang out with us till the meet and greet?

Carlie: Can we?

Jeremiah: Sure sweetheart. How old are you Carlie.

Carlie: I’m seven.

Jeremiah: I remember when I was seven. Ahh, that was my favorite year. I was happy…..

Sebastian: Ok Jeremiah, we get it. What kind of illness does Carlie have?

Angela: She has leukemia.

Carlie: I hate it.

Angela: We know sweetheart.

Jeremiah: Well I can tell you this Carlie. I think you are a fighter, and you will find a way to kick leukemia’s butt. You know that?

Carlie: You think I can?

Jeremiah: Absolutely. Don’t let this thing get you down. I have a feeling that you can fight this and if you pray real hard, and we will pray for you too. C’mon, lets find something to do. What do you want to do. We will do what you want to do.

Angela: I think there might be a bowling alley in this hotel. Do you want to go bowling sweetie?

Carlie: Yeah.

(We all go to the bowling alley that is in the hotel and I pay for the games, and we get our bolwing shoes and the balls, and we head to the lanes, and some of the fans that recognize us and sees us with Carlie wave at us and we wave back. They know that they will have to wait till the meet and greet to get our autographs and pictures.

We bowl a few games and Emme helps Carlie bowl her ball down the lane and Unc and I smile as we bowl pretty good games as does Emme, but she can get real competitive, but she plays for fun since its with Carlie.

Everyone that was finishing up their games comes to our lanes and they cheer Carlie on and so do we. Carlie then rolls a strike, with the help of Emme of course, and everyone cheers and so do we.

We get done about an hour before the meet and greet and we thank everyone for the encouragement, and tell them about the meet and greet, and then we head back to the lobby.)

Sebastian: Did you like that Carlie? Did you have fun? We got to get you in the meet and greet too.

Carlie: It was awesome. I can’t wait for the meet and greet.

(We all head to the area that the meet and greet will take place, and we take our places)


(the meet and greet takes place. Everyone has their SCW merchandise on, and some have the Bosom Buddies shirts on. Hey, those fans have their favorite wrestlers, and they have a right to cheer for them. It’s SCW after all. Not everybody is a ROAR fan, and we won’t force them to be. We still sign the autographs anyway, because we are professionals and we are fans of some of the other wrestlers, Bosom Buddies being two of them because of the way they wrestle, and sure they are from different spectrums, they have made quite the team.

There is a fan that comes to us, and tries to start stuff with us in front of the other fans.)

Jared: Hey, You can’t beat the champs. You won’t beat the champs.

Dark Tiger: Yeah, that’s great. You want our autographs or not?

Jared: Nah. I just want to come over here and mess with ya, how I think your wins were flukes. The champs will beat ya, and you two will fall back to the bottom of the ladder.

(I get up, but unc holds me back. He calls for security to get Jared out of the hotel while the other fans come to us for the autographs and the pictures. Once we are done with those, we come over to the Make A Wish set up and see Carlie smiling, and her parents are there, and we pose with Carlie and the photographers take our pictures. Afterwards we shake hands and then give Carlie a ROAR t-shirt and some other memorabilia, and we shake hands with Angela and Kevin, and they head off.)

Diamond: It does my heart good to see kids like that get what they want. I do hope she beats the leukemia.

Jeremiah: Me too. That Leukemia ain’t nothing to mess with. Anyway, what do you want to do now? I don’t want to be bored while we wait for our match.

Dark Tiger: Well, I hear there are two casinos here in Yuma. Do you want to check one of them out?

Diamond: You know, that sounds like a great idea. Let’s go and get changed first

Dark Tiger: Before we do though Morganna have you heard from my lotus blossom?

Diamond: Yeah, she said she was going to be in town. She didn’t say why though, but I told her that you miss her and you think about her, and she feels the same way. You know how she gets when she is single minded. She has said it’s nothing to worry about though. She will make it up to you when she sees you.

Dark Tiger: Ok. Thank you.

(She pats unc on the back and we head to get changed. Several minutes later I come back out in a black dress shirt and black jeans and wingtip shoes. Emme is looking so damn fine in a stunning black dress and stilettos, and we meet up with Unc. Then a cameraman catches up with us.)

Diamond: Hey hey SCW Universe. You caught us heading to a casino here, but we got a minute. Synn, you are indeed a great manager to your boys, but you know something, I am a great valet to these two. I handle their business stuff, and all they have to do is wrestle. They don’t need me to tell them that they are a hell of a tag team. They know it, and they prove it, and they will prove it at Violent Conduct.

Do you want to know why my man is called Big Tiger? Number one, he has a heart of the tiger, and has that fighting spirit of the tiger too. Also when it comes to making impacts and statements, he doesn’t do them half ass. No, he does them big, hence Big Tiger. Do you get it now Synn?

Youre right though. Even though Dark Tiger is a big boy I would not doubt that Despayre will find a way to get him off his feet. Despayre is one hell of a talent, and we all respect him for it. We know he and Big B will bring the fight, and that’s what these two want.

Jeremiah: That’s right baby. You see Synn, my love summed it up for you as to why I am known as Big Tiger. I know I am not as big as my unc here, but I do big things inside that ring. I proved it before when I won the Roulette title, and I will do it again at VC II. You see, I am more driven than ever to make my mark in this company, and if it means beating your boys for the tag titles, then so be it.

Despayre, we get it. You might be the smallest in the match, but you are far from weak. Do you know why we look forward to this match? Its not just because we have got a shot for those titles. Its because we wanted to be tested in this company, and the Surf Boys gave us a test, and for that we gave them props. Dying Breed gave us a challenge and yeah we had a little help, but a win is a win. Now we get to be tested by no doubt what will be a Hall of Fame tag team, and that’s what we want. Despayre, prove to us why you are an SCW Original.

Big B. You might not be the brightest tool in the tool box, but you have gotten the job done when you teamed with Despayre, and we want you to bring the same fight that he brings. You have teamed with one of the greatest SCW Superstars in Despayre, and you are a tag team champ with him.

Dark Tiger: I agree. We want you two to prove to us why you are the champs. We want a fight. We will not go easy on you, and if the Desert Sun Stadium were domed, we would be tearing the dome off the stadium, because you know the SCW Universe in Yuma will tear the dome off because they know they would be getting their money’s worth.

I agree with you Synn, I can tell that Despayre is not like any other lightweight in this company. You do not have to tell us how Despayre is, because we will recognize the fight he has in him. I have no doubt about his fighting spirit, and neither does Jeremiah. We will be ready for your boys though at VC II.

Diamond: Boys, we leave you with this message. Prepare for a hell of a fight for those titles.

Jeremiah: The ring will feel like a battlefield when you step in the ring with ROAR

Dark Tiger: That has been said, it will be Etched in Stone

(We head out of the hotel to the casino.)

[end RP]
user posted image

6' 6" 245 lbs.
Washington DC

Themes: Soldiers by Otherwise (CC)
Don't Tread on Me by Metallica (PPV)

Finishers: Tiger's Ambition (Double Underhook Whiplash)

Big Tiger Impact (see how the Double A Spinbuster is done, but replace the spinbuster with the Bulldog Powerslam)

Tiger Cross Suplex (Jeremiah puts the opponent in the cloverleaf, but instead of turning his opponent over, he picks his opponent up and does a bridging suplex for a pin)

Big Tiger Lock (Jeremiah underhooks his opponent's arms like he is going for a Tiger suplex but with one arm, and then takes the other arm and brings it around his opponent's neck for a guillotine choke while the opponent's arms are still underhooked.)

SCW Accomplishments
SCW Roulette Champion (1 time, Defeated Max Burke)

user posted image

Offline Nick Jones

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    • Nick Jones
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2014, 10:00:14 PM »
Sunday, September 7th - 10:56 AM MST

The scene opens up at bar somewhere in Yuma, Arizona, the site of SCW's Violent Conduct II supercard.  With the minutes counting down to the kickoff of the first Sunday of the NFL season, everyone television in the establishment is on and set to show a different one of each the 10 games set to start in just a few moments.  The bar is also pretty well filled with a number of people enjoying some drinks and bar food, as many are wearing a variety of football hats, t-shirts, and jerseys for the occasion.  After a few moments go by, the door to the bar opens and in walks the very familiar SCW Tag Team Champion, Big B.  B steps inside and the door closes up right behind him, making it clear that he has shown up alone.  However, as soon as B is inside he stops and starts looking around the door, seeming to be trying to seek someone out.  After a few moments of this, Big B stops looking and just shrugs before walking over towards the bar and grabbing a seat on a bar stool.  A bartender walks over to Big B, who puts an order in at the bar before turning his attention to the nearest television.  Just a moment later, two men dressed up in football fan gear walk up to the bar and grab the two stools to the right of Big B.  As they see, Big B looks at them and one immediately nods towards B.

Football Fan #1:  Hey man, what's up?

Big B:  Well... there's sports on TV!

Big B points up to the nearby television and the two fans cannot help but chuckle at the rather obvious nature of B's comments.

Football Fan #2:  Um yeah, we know... football.

Big B:  Wait, I thought they called that soccer here in America, right?

The two fans sitting next to B look at each other with complete looks of shock on their face of the absurdity of B's comments.  They shake their heads at each other before they eventually turn back to Big B.

Football Fan #1:  So I take it you're not a particularly big football fan, huh?

Big B:  Well, not really, but I'm trying to learn.  My cousin always tells me how great it is.  Plus he's always talking about all the best he wins on these games... so that's pretty cool.

Football Fan #1:  You're right, that is pretty cool.  I think that's something you should try to do.

Big B:  Yeah, but my cuz ain't here yet.  So who would I even bet with?

Football Fan #2:  Well you know what, me and my friend here like to be nice guys and would love to help you out.  So how about we do you a favor and we will make bets with you?

Big B:  Really?  Are you sure?

Football Fan #1:  Of course!  We'd be more than happy to do it.  We just need to decide what games to bet on.

Big B:  Well how about that one?

Big B once again points to the TV right in front of them, which is showing the preparation for kickoff of the Patriots / Dolphins game.  The two fans look up at it, and seem a bit cautious about immediately accepting the bet.

Football Fan #2:  You know the New England Patriots verses Miami Dolphins game?  I don't know, we would have to think about that.

At that moment, the bartender comes back over and puts a drink in front of Big B, who thanks the bartender before handing him some cash.

Football Fan #2:  I guess that's one way to justify to start drinking early.  A screwdriver, huh?

Big B simply looks confused by the fan's comment as he looks around the bar.

Big B:  Where?  I don't see a screwdriver anywhere.

Football Fan #2:  No, no... that.

The fan points to the glass in Big B's hand.

Big B:  That's a drink.

The fans both roll their eyes just as the bartender returns with Big B's change.  As he hands it over to Big B, the bartender immediately looks over to the two fans.

Bartender:  To clear up the confusion... that's an orange juice.

Football Fan #1:  Yeah, but with vodka, right?

Bartender:  You would hope so, but... nope.  Just an OJ.

Big B:  It's both delicious and good for you!

The fans look at each other once again, seeming to only have further questions about B's intelligence which brings on another question directed towards Big B.

Football Fan #1:  While we think about that bet, I have a totally unrelated question; which team would you want to place your bet on?

Big B:  Well, based on what you told me there's a couple of things to consider.  First off, New England is like a totally different continent!

The fans glance at each other once again, but make a point not to correct Big B as he continues on.

Big B:  Plus dolphins are supposed to be like the smartest animals ever!  You know?

Football Fan #2:  Oh, absolutely.  I hear they're even smarter than some people.

Big B:  Wow, that's so cool!  In that case, I want to bet on the Dolphins.

As soon as that said, both of the football fans get big smiles come across their faces, although they both try to play it cool.

Football Fan #1:  Well you know what?  It's a tough bet for us to take, but we did promise to make a bet with you, so we don't want to go back on our word.

Football Fan #2:  That's true, that just wouldn't be right.  I guess we'll take the bet!

Big B:  Awesome!

With that, both football fans reach out and shake hands with Big B as they have huge smiles on their faces, clearly quite thrilled with the bet they just managed to make.

<hr width=50%>

Approximately 1 and 1/2 hours later...

The scene opens back up at the bars just as we are reaching halftime of most of the games on the TVs in the bar.  Big B is still seated at the bar alone, but with the two fans from earlier seated beside him.  However, that quickly changes as someone comes up from behind Big B and pats him on the back.  Big B quickly spins around and ends up a huge smile on his face as he sees his cousin and former SCW Champion, Nick Jones.  Nick then sits down at the open bar stool next to Big B.

Nick:  Sorry I'm late, but you know how it is... had to throw down a few bets.

Big B:  Yeah, me too!

Nick shoots Big B a confused look as he hears this.

Nick:  Really?  YOU made a bet on FOOTBALL?

Big B:  Yeah, you were right, too.  It's really fun!

Nick:  I'm almost afraid to ask, but... what's the bet?

Big B:  I bet these guys over here...

Big B points to the two fans sitting behind fans, who look over towards Nick, but don't say a word as Nick gives them both a suspicious look before turning his attention back to B.

Big B:  ... that the super-smart Dolphins would beat those stupid foreigners from New England.

Nick:  You took the Phins over the Pats?  You've got to be kidding me.  What's the spread they gave you?

Big B:  Um, you mean like a cheese spread?

Nick looks up to the TV to see the halftime score of Patriots 20 and Dolphins 10 and simply shakes his head.  Nick then flags down the bartender and orders a drink before he looks back to Big B.

Nick:  Whatever, good luck with that bet.

Big B:  The cool part is that I was just talking to these two guys about another bet we just made like a minute ago.

Nick:  Oh boy, and what's this one?

Big B:  I told them the Eagles would fly in the air and soar over those stupid Jaguars.

Nick:  Oh... well that actually doesn't sound like such a bad bet after all.

At that moment, the bartender comes back with Nick's beer, which he pays for and picks up off the bar.  Nick starts to drink it back as he looks up to one of the other TVs to check on the Eagles / Jags game, only to see the game nearing the end of the half as the Jaguars had just kicked a field goal to go up 17-0.  Nick spits his beer all over the bar as he spins back around towards Big B.

Nick:  Are you friggin' kidding me?!?

Nick then turns and looks at the two football fans sitting behind Big B.

Nick:  You two are assholes, you know that, right?

Football Fan #1:  Come on man... can you really blame us for taking advantage of this though?

Nick continues to glare at the fans, before looking back at his cousin, and that big goofy grin on his face, before looking back and forth between them a few times.  Nick eventually settles his attention back to the football fans as he gives them a bit of a shrug.

Nick:  Fair enough.

<hr width = 50%>

One hour later...

The scene opens back up inside the bar, where a very interesting scenario has played out.  Nick can be seen in a fit of hysterical laughter as Big B sits there with a huge smile on his face.  Meanwhile the two football fans sit there with absolute shock on their faces as they look at the two nearest TVs, which show the final scores of the two games they bet on, with the Eagles having come back with 34 unanswered points to win 34-17, and the Dolphins to pull off a shocker and beat the Patriots 33-20.  They both look absolutely disgusted as they eventually take out their wallets and each lay down a lather large wad of cash on the bar in front of Big B.  Without a word, the two men they both opt to get up and leave the bar, as Big B happily counts his winnings.  Nick looks at his cousin and simply chuckles.

Nick:  You have to be the luckiest bastard I have ever known.  At least that explains how you've had those tag team titles for so damn long, not to mention ever even winning them in the first place.

Big B:  Thanks.  But hey... wait.

Big B seems to think that over for a moment, as he uncharacteristically seems to be somewhat aware of the insulting nature of that comment from Nick.

Nick:  Don't worry about it.  Anyway... did you hear about this crap?

Nick holds up his cell phone and waves it in the direction of Big B.  B leans in and looks and it a little closer, but seems to be unclear of what he's looking at.

Big B:  No, what's that?

Nick:  It looks like GROWL guys are whatever they hell they're called...

Big B:  You mean ROAR?

Nick:  Yeah, whatever... anyone one of those clowns apparently had something to say about you.

Big B:  Oh really?  Let me see?

Nick hands over the cell phone and Big B starts reading an article on a wrestling website that quotes the most recent promo.

Big B:  Wait... I don't get it.  What is it mean when he says I'm not the brightest tool in the toolbox?

Nick:  It's a figure of speech, like saying you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Big B:  Oh ok.  I have to remember to thank him before our match.

Nick:  THANK him?  You're kidding me, right?

Big B:  No way, that was really nice of him to say.  Sharp knifes are all scary and dangerous, I don't want to be like that!  I've never really considered myself to much of a knife anyway.  I'm more like a spoon!

Nick raises an eyebrow towards his cousin as he responds with a hint of disdain in his voice.

Nick:  A spoon?

Big B:  Yeah, spoons are great.  Plus have you ever spooned with another person.  It's all cozy and cuddly, and it's really great when it's cold out because it keeps you warm!

Nick:  You really are special, cuz.  I'll give you that.

Big B:  Thanks, but you're even more special than me!  I wish I could learn to be as special as you.

Nick:  While I appreciate the sentiment, I think it's safe to say you and I are simply very different types of special.

Big B:  Oh... ok.

Nick:  Anyway, obviously betting on the NFL seems to agree with you, so how are you planning on keeping this winning streak up in the ring next week against those two tiger guys?

Big B:  Well I would normally be scared of tigers, but I'm not this time!

Nick:  Ok, I'm sure I'll regret asking this, but why aren't you scared this time?

Big B:  Why do you think?  Because those guys are only FAKE tigers, but we have a real live bear in our corner!

Nick:  I guess you could say that, but that manager of yours is really ok with you referring to him as that?

Nick chuckles to himself as Big B tilts his head to the side while looking at Nick in confusion.  B eventually shakes it off before continuing on.

Big B:  I'm not sure what you mean, but I'm of course talking about Angel!

Nick:  Ah yes, of course... totally a "real live" bear.

Nick throws his fingers up in air quotes as he says that, but Big B seems oblivious to the intentions of that.

Big B:  Totally!  It's gonna be great!

Nick:  So outside of the fake tigers and "real" bear, what else you got?

Big B:  Well another thing was I saw one of them was named Big Tiger.  So I looked at it, and he's not any bigger than me.  I mean a tiny bit taller, but I'm much biggerer.

Nick:  Biggerer you say?

Big B:  Yeah, like weight.  So if the big guy isn't that big, then that should be a good sign right?

Nick:  Well you do know the other one is even bigger right?

Big B:  You mean Dark Tiger?  But his name isn't "Big"?

Nick:  Yeah, whatever... I have no idea what these clowns names are.  What I can tell you though is that I have seen them in the ring before, and the other one is friggin' gigantic.

Big B:  Oh.  Well I'm still bigger than the one whose name has big in it.

Nick:  I guess that's... something.  But whatever, no reason to give a crap.  If you've learned anything from me over these years of watching me in the ring, you should know that size doesn't mean a damn thing once the bell rings.  Many of the bastards I've absolutely embarrassed have been much bigger than me, but that never stopped me, did it?

Big B:  That's true.  I guess I'm just used to always being the bigger one, you know?

Nick:  Well then the key is to get that kind of thinking out of your head.  I mean, hell, and I can't believe I'm even going to say this...

Nick hesitates and lets out a big sigh before continuing.

Nick:  ... just look at that little buddy Despair of yours.  As much of a creepy psycho that guy is, and despite being the tiniest little shrimp I've ever seen inside of a wrestling ring... that little nutjob can friggin' wrestle.  I mean, it's not like he could ever beat me or anything, but he's won a whole lot of matches and he was never the bigger man in the ring.

Big B thinks Nick's word over for a few moments before a big smile comes to his face.

Big B:  You know what cuz?  You're right, thanks!  That's really the best advice you've ever given me.  I just can't let these things get to me.  I've got a whole new level of confidence now... I'm ready to go at any second!

Big B hops up off the bar stool to his feet and stands tall there for a moment.  However, only a few seconds before he starts hopping around in place for a little bit.

Big B:  Ooo... but now I really gotta pee!

With that, Big B goes racing off to the bathroom, which Nick just watches and laughs at his cousin in the process.  As Big B disappears off in the distance, Nick turns back to the bar and grabs his drink while seeming to think over his conversation with Big B.  Suddenly his expression changes to one of somewhat confusion.

Nick:  Wait a second... what the hell has happened to me?

Nick seems to try to shake it off for a moment.

Nick:  Man, I really need to catch up on the mocking and harassment when he gets back, because I don't know what that was.  But I think I know the quickest way to fix that.

Nick then starts to quickly drink his beer down, slamming it on the bar as soon as it's finished and calling for another as the scene fades.