Author Topic: New Bombshell champion?  (Read 436 times)

Offline Vixen

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    • Vixen
New Bombshell champion?
« on: August 08, 2014, 11:59:29 PM »
 Vixen wanders along the hallway of the house she shares with Spike and the kids, her attention seemingly focused on the open wedding magazine in her hands.  Spike spies her and with a grin, he yanks her into his lap as she passes near his chair in the living room.  With a squeak of surprise, Vixen swats at Spike for startling her as his rich laughter mingles with her comedic, trying hard to be annoyed growl of disapproval.

“A penny for your thoughts my love,” murmurs Spike as he nuzzles against her shoulder, settling her better in his embrace on his lap.

“Truth?” she replies softly.

“Always Vixen, always between us,” he returns before kissing her.

Vixen revels in the kiss, her sigh of pleasure captured in her throat.  Finally breaking the kiss Vixen smiles.  â€œI am actually thinking about a couple of things.”  Her eyes drop to the magazine in her lap, the cover showing a bride smiling coyly into a light pink and white ball of blooms in her hands.  â€œFirstly the wedding of course,” she says.

“Of course,” echoes Spike as he caresses along her thigh.  â€œAnd...”

Vixen’s smile changes to a smirk as their eyes meet.  â€œOkay, I am thinking about what happened to Misty and helping her get some payback on the Mean Girls, especially how they are treating Misty, Timmy, you and me, basically everyone that isn’t them.”

“I’m a big boy Vix and I can look after myself but Timmy on the other hand...” Spike lets the comment hang in the air for the moment.

“I know that now with Timmy being egged on by his new “friends”, he has to be able to be his own man but it just drives me insane how they are trying to drive a wedge between him and you.  I mean honestly, I watch how they are acting on Twitter and I just...”

“You need to stop watching Twitter and you need to focus on what is important here.  And that is the family and our wedding,” says Spike as his hand caresses Vixen’s cheek, turning her face towards him.  â€œNow, you haven’t told me how or where you want to get married.  And in my humble groom opinion, it should be sooner than later.”

Vixen giggles.  â€œAre you that eager to be taken off the singles list?” Vixen teases.

“No, eager to get my ring on your finger and you off the old maid’s list,” Spike replies teasingly only to be followed by an oomph of released breath as Vixen smacks him on the chest.

“I am NOT old,” huffs Vixen as she glares at Spike.  â€œBut seriously love, have you given any thought to how we are going to have the wedding?  I mean the last time you tried to get married on Climax Control, it didn’t go too well.”

“All I know is that I want to marry you,” insists Spike “whether that means in the middle of the ring or some big church or on a beach somewhere.  That is what I want.  Don’t you want to have it on the show?  You know, a big blowout, the fans watching…everything like that?”

Vixen ponders that thought for a moment.  â€œWelll…that might be interesting and Eden and I already have our dresses,” says Vixen as she tilts her head.  â€œBut wouldn’t that just be anti-climactic after all the drama we have been through?”

Spike lowers his eyes, nodding his head in agreement. After all, the last time he attempted something like that, he found himself with a sore crotch, and months of endless drinking to forget it.  Spike looks up, an angry expression etched upon his features. "I think I would go bat shit if those disgusting Mean Girls came out and tried to ruin this. I would lose my job for striking a woman... if you can even call them that."

“You wouldn’t even have a chance with Misty and I out there,” adds Vixen as she caresses Spike’s cheek in an attempt to calm him down.  â€œBesides, the only ones I really want there are Eden and Timmy and Misty and Jamie and…Devlin and Connor and…” Vixen rushes to her feet and heads to the counter where a small journal is resting then opens it to begin writing.

Spike quickly changes his tune, choosing not to allow them to ruin his happiness any further.  "... and Tommy, and uncle Erik, and NXT members if they can make it..." Spike winks at Vixen, showing her that his mood has changed for the better. He wraps his arms around her, coming behind her so that she can nuzzle her head against his chest and under his chin.

“If you want to have it on Climax Control, I am okay with it but...” says Vixen as she lays her head back against his shoulder.  â€œWhy not just make it for our long list of friends.  And I think that having it out of the limelight would be the better idea.  That way we won’t have to deal with crashers like the Mean Girls.  And we will tell Timmy that there are no Mean Girls allowed ok?”

"The way he has been acting lately, I wouldn't be surprised if he used them as his 'plus one'.   Seven women, but one brain. Would that count as one?" Spike snickers as he tries not to let the situation upset him any further.  He gently rocks from side to side with Vixen in his arms.  "I'm liking the idea of an off camera wedding more and more as I think about it."

“You and me both,” agrees Vixen.  Straightening, she quickly turns in Spike’s arms.  â€œAre you thinking what I am thinking my love?”  Vixen’s smile is matched by the gleam in her eyes as she looked up into his eyes.  â€œWhy don’t we do it off camera?”

Spike smiles, leaning down to allow his lips to linger close to hers.  He gently whispers. "I was thinking the same thing. An intimate ceremony is the perfect way to make our union official. We can celebrate with the fans at the show afterward." Spike presses his lips against Vixen's, not allowing her the time to respond right away.


A room where the only piece of furniture is a high backed chair appears to be empty.  Suddenly, a cough catches the attention of the cameraman who was standing just outside the door.  Turning quickly, he is approached by Vixen who is dressed in a pair of dark tights and a silver and red halter.  Over her shoulder, the Bombshell title rested lightly, one hand caressing it as she smiled.

“You ready to get this,” asks Vixen.  â€œI do have something to say to Mercedes Vargas and Delia.”

The cameraman nods as he moves to frame the chair in the camera’s lens.  Vixen follows and then takes a seat in the chair and taking her belt off her shoulder she lays it over her lap and keeps her hands on it.  The cameraman nods at Vixen who then begins to speak.

“Mercedes Vargas, I guess congratulations are in order.  You have sunk to a new low when you became another lemming in the group known as the Mean Girls.  I mean don’t get me wrong, it suits you quite well but,” Vixen says with a smile, “the only thing it did for you is put you into the crosshairs of the bombshells that have real problems with Delia and her group of sorry groupies.  Bombshells like Misty and Amy and Electra and myself.”

Crossing her legs, she leans forward towards the camera.  â€œI also had to smile last week when I saw you joined the group.  But my smile was quickly erased when I found out that my first match back after the major bloody battle that I had with Odette at into the Void was a title defense against someone that didn’t even deserve it.  I mean I could have faced anyone but I don’t know whose rear you needed to kiss to get this opportunity but I think you should have asked for something easier than facing me for my belt.”

“Seeing that you get to step in the ring and try to take my title and I do mean try,” she states vehemently, “I have nothing but the belief that I am the most deserving woman to wear the Bombshell title because I am the only one that has gone through hell and back against some of the toughest Bombshells to keep this title.  And I have done what has been needed to win and this week I will be making my return to the ring to fight you for the title.  And with your new buddies, are you ready to get bloody for this title?  Are you willing to get your hands dirty or break a nail to take the championship from me?”

“Mercedes, I am more than ready to get in the ring and show you up close and personally how difficult it will be to take my title,” says Vixen before she smiles and face palms herself with a laugh.  â€œI’m sorry, not difficult, completely impossible Mercedes.  I am not going to let you or any of your cronies get anywhere near my title.  And I see that my new number one contender gets to join you at the ring.  Well I want to let Delia know that if she wants to get involved then let her get froggy and jump but when she does, then she is going to be put down like the toadie she is.  I won’t hesitate to give her my full attention if she attracts it.”

“But you Mercedes, you are going to be Climax Control’s newest victim of the Bombshell champion and that is a promise, not a threat,” vows Vixen.

With that, Vixen sits back and smiles and gives the cameraman a wink.  â€œGot that?” she asks and is responded to with a thumbs up.  Getting to her feet, Vixen pats the shoulder of the cameraman as she leaves the room.  
