Author Topic: Gothika RP 1  (Read 428 times)

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    • Raynin
Gothika RP 1
« on: November 08, 2013, 11:59:13 PM »
 Climax Control, 11/10/13

Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 11/10/2013

Place: Reno, Nevada   Venue: Reno Sparks Convention Center


Opponent: with, Raynin and Lizzzie “The Prodigy” Short Vs.  Roxi Johnson, Joanne “The Jersey Devil Diva” Canelli, and Emma Rose  

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Since winning the Bombshell Championship, the Vampyric Angel has been on a bit of a roll.  She’s defeated everyone that’s decided to step up against her and in proper fashion…  Meaning she’s handed every opponent she’s had their asses on a silver platter. And she’s planning on doing the same thing once she steps into the ring against Roxi Johnson, Joanne Canelli, and Emma Rose.  But what is running around in the back of her mind is the ability of her tag team partner, Raynin.  Will Raynin’s mental instability work for or against the team that she’s participating in?  Will Lizzie Short be able to mesh with the former Bombshell Tag Team Champions?  Or will everything fall apart?  I can’t wait to find out… Can you?...

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following are scenes from the daily lives of the Sin City Wrestling's Newest Bombshell Champion, Gothika.  They were not intended for the younger viewers of our audience.  They contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  So graphic, they've even given me nightmares which make me hide under the bed and use a night light if I watch them for too long.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  If you do go further, be prepared to wet and soil yourselves.  You have to provide your own diapers and wet wipes.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


*** An Except from the Online Blog of Gothika  ***

November 7, 2013

Bonjour Tout le monde,

Have you ever had that one moment in time when everything just… clicked?  That one moment when the cards seemed to fall in place so perfectly…  All of your ducks are in a row… and all you can do is just sit back and watch everything just tick tick tick like dominoes falling one after another.  That was what it was like when I won my Bombshell Championship.  I stepped out into the ring, and I let loose like a hurricane on an unsuspecting seaside town.  I was like Hurricane Katrina and Sandy all wrapped up into one when I stepped up against Roxi Johnson.  And since then, she’s tried everything that she could to try to take me down… And every time she has, she’s wound up with nothing but a big fat goose egg, as well as the knowledge that she’d failed at her latest attempt to take me down off of my pedestal of triumph.  

Roxi Johnson…  My newest favorite punching bag.  So far, you’ve been lucky…  Every time I’ve tried to taste you, you’ve found a way to slip through my fingers.  But even though I have not been able to taste your essence on my tongue, I still have been able to overcome you and take that which you have found so necessary… That which you’ve found so…  needed… That which you’ve coveted as much as everyone else in this company…  That’s right.  You may not have been bitten quite yet… And I do mean quite yet… But you have been BEATEN… and quite summarily… over and over again.  Doesn’t it sting… Doesn’t it seem like a big slap in the face to have tried so hard to hold onto that which you felt so possessive over be taken by someone that no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to best?   Oh, you’ve gotten a win over me…  once…  I guess you could say I was feeling benevolent…  I wanted you to have that small taste of victory… that one little bit of hope that you could stop me from taking what for you was the symbol of the height of your career…  That way, when I took it anyway, and you failed to best me any other times, it would make your defeat that much more sweet.  You see… you may have had a single win… but since then, you just can’t seem to get the job done.   Doesn’t that just stick in your craw?  Doesn’t it just send your mind over into that place of uselessness and hopelessness because you know that as long as I’m the Bombshell Champion… You won’t be able to get your hands on the title ever again.  Oh, I know that the Powers that Be want to give you a rematch.  They think that you’ve still got what it takes to topple me off of my proverbial mountain… But you and I both know the truth. When everything is said and done… All you are is a spandex clad lump.  And when we stand in the ring in this tag team match come Sunday… I will prove that fact once again.  Oh, and I do plan on making sure that I will finally get my taste of you.  My friend, Raynin, Lizzie Short and I will tenderize you properly…  We will beat you with our fists.  We will stomp you with our feet.  We will crush your body so that when I do taste you, your blood will flow easily.  We will flavor the red within you with fear, and despair, and pain.   And I know that finally sinking my fangs into your flesh… tasting your essence…  Feeling it run over my tongue and down my throat will fill me with such an intense feeling of pleasure, that beating you in the process, and pinning you for the win, will be icing on the cake.   But it won’t just be you that will be brought to the platter.  Oh now Roxi.   Because you are bringing along a couple of party guests.

So now…  Because she’s had such a hard time getting a win over me one on one, Roxi has gone through a series of tag team partners, thinking that if she brings along a little bit of help, that she can put the boots to me and stop the reign of terror that I’ve decided to bring down upon her head.  She’s conned a new set of lambs to bring to the slaughter.   Let’s start with the first one…  

Joanne Canelli, the self proclaimed Jersey Devil Diva.   The woman who has run, ‘Quote, unquote, the Family’ for… A-B-C, X-Y-Z number of years, has a whole host of skeletons in her closet, is supposed to be the most dangerous Bombshell in the company…  et cetera, et cetera, et cetera…  All of this posturing… All of this self bloating… All of this…  boosting up of your ego, and yet, I’ve done the one thing that you claim is not possible.  I have continually had your number.  I had your abilities pegged the first time I stepped into a ring against you.  At one point in time, my friends and I actually thought that you might be a good… what would be a good word for it… A good asset to our little family, seeing as you understood the necessity of having people who are loyal and will always have your back.  However, the first time you had the chance, you turned your back on all of what could have been.   You were opportunistic, you were deceitful, and you were looking out for only one person, and that was yourself.  And while those can be qualities to admire, we realized one very important fact…  You didn’t have what it took to be truly great.  You didn’t have that… that oomph… that need… that drive to push you to the top and hold it.  I mean sure… you had a bit of a spark… but a bit was not enough.  You need to be a shark with the scent of blood in the water and on the prowl!!  A fuckin’ barracuda in the ring!!   A piranha that’s ready to sink it’s teeth into anything and everything!!   But you were lacking that instinct that would take you to greatness!    Basically, you were missing that certain…  Je ne c’est pas.  That intangible thing that turns you from just another critter in the pile to an Alpha Bitch!!  You see me… I command respect!  I DEMAND respct!  And when I don’t get the respect I deserve, I TAKE IT!!  I take it through brute force and domination!!  My entire team is like that!!   We’re ALL Alpha Bitches!!   And we band together because we knew that fighting one another would be pointless.   Why tear each other up and allow for some unworthy little piece of nothing pick up what pieces we left by the wayside.  And so we came together to become the most Dominant Female Force in this company!!  In ANY company we are in, we do the same thing!!  We step up and we blow the others out of the water!!  

Don’t you get what I’m saying?  We thought that you had the potential to be one of us, but you showed us that you were just like all of the other sheep out there!!  You were nothing but meat for the beasts in us!!   You were not destined for greatness, but to become nothing but another sacrificial lamb to the greatness that is The Fallen!  But who knows… maybe one day, you can show us that spark that you’re missing… We will have to wait and see.   But for now, all you are is just cannon fodder for our guns.   We will trample you into the dust…  And see if you can remake yourself into the image that we once thought you could be.  

So at Climax Control, don’t be upset when we take you to the extent of human suffering and leave you dangling on the precipice so that we can enjoy your torment.  Mmmm, I will make you feel the Sweet Surrender and enjoy the flavor of your horror.

And now we move on to number three in this little group.  The newbie who put on a good showing last week…  Emma Rose…  Mmmm, there is nothing like introducing myself to fresh meat.  I love it.  I love seeing the spark of fear in the eye as I display what I’m capable of in the true fashion of The Fallen…  by going out there, putting the boots to you with extreme prejudice.  There’s not really much I can say about you Emma Rose.  I think you put on a very dynamic and impressive display.  Of all of our opponents, I think that you’ll be the one that will carry the team upon which you’ve found yourself.  I’ll be surprised if you don’t make a serious impression on this company.  But in the end, you’ll be nothing but another lamb for the slaughter.

You see, it’s because my partner and I are a well oiled machine.  And Lizzie Short… well, she’s just as capable as the rest of you… But still, you’re stepping into the ring with he best Bombshell in this company.  When it’s all said and done, there’s only one comment I can make that says it all…


Such an all encompassing statement, don’t you think?  It  puts everything into perspective.  The Angels of the Fallen and Lizzie Short will see you in the ring at Climax Control girls.   Make sure you eat all of your Wheaties, get enough fatty acids in your diet, take your vitamins, and get plenty of rest.   Because when you Feed My Need…  I want it to be more than a snack.

Au Revoir Tout le monde!!

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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***  Word Count, 2004  ***

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