Author Topic: Let's end this fucking War  (Read 961 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
Let's end this fucking War
« on: April 15, 2013, 08:53:49 AM »

Let's end this fucking War

It's a nice warm morning and Amanda wakes up pretty early. The last days she hasn't seen Laura very often, because they have been on different shows and so she's alone again. It's not that she's really sad, but she misses the time with Laura. But anyway, she can't change it and so she tries to spend the time alone in the most pleasurable way. After lighting a cigarette she makes a coffee and sits down at her table in the kitchen.
For today she has something very special in mind. The last weeks since she has some success in wrestling again, also her modeling job goes better and she has had many photo shootings and has earned a lot of money with it. But Amanda doesn't need much money. She lives in her mobile home a d that doesn't cost much and besides of getting a beer or a joint from time to time, she doesn't do much that costs money. So she has a really good idea what to do with all this money.
As a small kid she had lived in a children's home and it has been a nice time till she ran away at the age of fourteen. At least most of the time it has been. Most of the kids and teachers hadn't liked her very much, but there has been one old nanny who really loved Amanda and who has been like a mother to her. As Amanda ran away this nanny really has been sad and tried to get in contact with Amanda but she never found her again and so she died without seeing Amanda again.
Now, 14 years later Amanda got in contact with this children's home again and she also wanted to visit the old nanny, and as she heard that she died Amanda has been really sad and was crying all day and night. She really wished that she wouldn't have run away, but now it was too late and there was no chance to undo it. If she only had called her old nanny, but she didn't and so she felt guilty and bad. To make herself feel a bit better she visited the grave of her nanny and there she made the promise to help all these children in that children's home the best way she can.
After finishing her coffee, she gets dressed and leaves her house. She wears the stuff all her fans know on her, her tight and tattered jeans, a small top and her heavy biker boots. Then she climbs on her Harley and drives off.
Half an hour later she arrives at the children's home and shuts off the Harley. All the children's who have heard the revving of her bike are already outsides and are waiting for her. Most of the fans don't like Amanda, but here it is completely different. All these kids know that she has lived here too and that she has success now and they really love her. They run over to her and talk to her and also want some autographs and Amanda gives then the autographs. She talks to the kids, huddles the small ones and she feels really good doing this.
Then she wants to make a little speech, but she gets interrupted as a truck arrives. The driver climbs out of the truck and after talking a few minutes to Amanda he begins to bring a really huge amount of boxes full with toys to the children's home. Immediately all the kids begin to help and to unpack the stuff a d they are all so happy. Amanda, who watches the whole scene, is choked and has tears in her eyes as she sees all these happy kids. For a wile she isn't able to talk, but then she manages it to speak again.

Ok, I don't know what to say. Damn, I've prepared a lil speech, but now I forgot almost everything. The only thing I still know is that I wanted to say thank you.

She pauses for a moment and wipes away her tears. Some of the kids are listening to her, but most of them are too busy with all the toys. But at least the nannies are listening to her and so she continues. Everybody is choked to see the tough dark haired girl like this.

Ok, prolly most of you don't remember exactly who I am, but maybe the older ones do. I came here as I was four years old and I stayed here till the age of fourteen.
Well, what else shall I say? I know that I've been a brat and that I tried my best to make your life to hell and so I wanna thank you for all the patience and love you have me. Sadly the woman who educated me and who loved me almost as much as an own child isn't here anymore because she died years ago.

The tears are running again and Amanda doesn't try to stop them. She has no problem with showing her feelings. Being tough and strong in the ring and during a match doesn't mean that she can't show her feelings. She has always been very emotional and she never tried to hide it and so this time it isn't different.

And sadly I never got the chance to thank her for all she has done for me. Damn, and all this cuz I've been a stupid brat and I was to scared to show my feelings, but I'm not scared anymore. I know that it's too late, but I hope that she can hear me, wherever she is. I don't believe in god, but if he exists, then she's with him in paradise now. I know that. So again, thank you for everything you've done for me.

Now Amanda really sobs and it takes pretty long till she can continue. The thought back to her old nanny makes her so damn sad and she swallows hard. The tears are still running, but at least she's able to speak again.

But there's something more I wanna say. As I mentioned before, I haven't been a nice teen and after I ran away here I even became a criminal and ended up in jail, but I paid for my sins and now I'm changed. But what I wanna say is that you can change too. I know that all of you miss your families and that you think life is hard and brutal, but even if it really is, you can still do something useful with your life. Just stay away from drugs and go to school.
Haha, I'm the right person to give such an advice, cuz I was a druggie and I skipped classes whenever I could. But that way I know what happens when you do this. You don't make your life easier, so please listen to my advice.
And please be nice to your nannies, so that you won't have to regret something one day. Yeah, that's all I have to say. So lets bring this boring speech to an end and have fun with your toys now.

Now everybody cheers at her and all the nannies and kids hug Amanda. They want to invite her to have a coffee with them, but Amanda can't at the moment. But she promises to come back as soon as possible. Then she leaves the cheeks home.
On her way back home she feels really nice. She's still a bit sad, but she's also glad that she could make all these kids happy and that she could give them some advices.  Ow she's in a really good mood and stops at a coffee shop. She shuts off her Harley and takes a seat at a table outsides. She orders a pie vs of cake and a cup of coffee. Then she lights a cigarette. For a while she's Ryan lost in thoughts, but then she slowly comes back to reality. She doesn't want to think about wrestling, but there's only one week left till the PPV and she knows that she will have to face Jessie. A smile comes into her face and she shakes her head.

Jessie, Jessie, I really don't know anymore how everything began. Damn, our lil war really lasts for such a long time. Haha, in some way I even enjoyed it, but now it's time to bring it to an end.
But before we end it lets come to the day where everything began. I think it has been the day where I attacked you after one of your matches. Well, don't take it personal. I did it because I needed some publicity and I got some. For me the whole thing has been over, but you couldn't stop it. You've been so stupid to try to get your revenge on me. Well, I thi no that has been a pretty big mistake. Ok, you e cost me a few wins and you e beaten me up a few times, but so did I. And I think what I did was even worse. Because of me you lost your title and because of me you couldn't win the tag titles too. And you  have lost agai at me in at least two matches. Haha. Now you might say it has been because of some cheating, but who cares? A win is a win. So you must admit that you're the loser and not me.
So I really don't understand why you challenged me to a singles match at the PPV. You already k ow how it'll end, with you on your back again. But this time it'll be a bit different to ourself match, this time who won't have a partner at your side. So you'll be completely alone and you can't blame anybody for your loss. It'll all be your own fault.
But who cares? As I said before, a win is a win and a loss is a loss.

Ananda drags at her cigarette and takes a sip of her coffee. Some people look at the strange dark haired girl who talks to herself, but Amanda looks pretty aggressive and so they better leave her alone and try to look in another direction. But Amanda looks really hot and sexy and so some of the others stare at her again.

But as we talk about losses. What have you done the last months since we have our lil war? I think besides this one match where you won this title you haven't do be anything but losing. Well, that shouldn't be my problem, but I think it's a bit weak and it's not really enough for winning against me. So you can already imagine what will happen to you, you will get your ass kicked, but prolly you're already used to it and prolly you even enjoy it. Otherwise I can't explain or understand why you try it again and again.
Yeah, there are only two possibilities, no.1 is that you're stupid and no.2 is that you're masochistic. Haha, and I always thought that I'm the only masochistic girl here in this company.

She giggles a bit and then she starts to eat her cake. Her mood is still good and even though she really doesn't like Jessie, she isn't willing to let her aggressions win again. Since she was a kid she had had problems to control her aggressions and mostly she had lost these attempts and she has gotten in trouble so often because of this. But Tis time she wins her little fight and she smiles again.

But as we talk about being masochistic, I really have better things to do than to train for this ducking crappy match against you. Some fun with Laura or another photo shooting would be so much more enjoyable than touching such an ugly slut in the ring like you. But at least it won't be so hard for me to take another win and a win at a PPV is even better than a normal one. Haha, shall the people hate me when I destroy their hero, but I don't care, I'll have my fun and the location of the PPV is awesome too. I love brazil. The country is awesome and the people are so fucking cool.

Now she pays her bill and drives back home. There she thinks about what to do. She could do some training, but she's pretty confident to take the win against Jessie and so it will be more found to spend the week in Brazil, especially in Rio. So she takes her phone and books a flight.
Now she thinks about what to take with her. Amanda doesn't need much, just some shirts and shorts, her flip flops and her surf equipment. After about one hour everything is packed and she tries to put everything in her small jeep. After some problems at the beginning she eventually has success and so she drives to the airport. There she unpacks her car and stops a gut to help her carry her stuff to the checkin. Her bag is really small, but the boardbag is huge and really heavy. The guy isn't so happy to carry all that stuff, but after Amanda smiles at him with her cute smoke he can't resist and helps her out.
The check in is pretty easy and one hour later Amanda sits in the plane. She takes out her cell phone and sends Laura a message to book a flight too. She still has no hotel, but she will text her again as soon as she has one. Then the stewardess tells her to shut off her phone and they take off.
After the landing Amanda gets all her luck age and then she thinks about where to go. She should try to find a hotel, but first she needs a car and so she rents an old truck. The people in Brazil are really friendly and help her to bring her stuff to the truck, then she drives off. But before she finds a hotel she makes a stop at the beach and gets out of her car. It's a hot and sunny day and it's also a bit windy, so she decides to spend this nice day at the beach. The hotel has to wait till later.
She throws her flip flops into her car and steps barefoot into the sand. She shrieks and jumps, cuz the sand is really hot, but after a while she gets used to it. Now she pulls her surfboard and a sail out of her bag and brings everything down to the beach. For a moment she thinks about putting on a wetsuit, but it's too warm. A shorts and a Lycra shirt should be enough and so she puts it on. Then she's ready and the fun can begin.
After talking to some locals she grabs her board and runs into the water. The rest of the day she spends with windsurfing and as she's finished she's really tired and worn out.
With some help of the locals she brings her surf stuff back to her truck and then she puts on some dry clothes. Then she wants to look for a hotel. But just as she's about to leave one of the locals invites her to go to a beach party. He tells her that they have there good music, alcohol, a barbecue and also some weed, so Amanda has no choice and agrees to come with them. Her new friends are pretty happy to have such a cool girl with them and so they walk over to a small beach bar where the party should start.
It's still a bit too early, but there are already some people there and so they all have a nice chat. They ask Amanda what she normally does and as they here that she's here for a wrestling match they are all curious to hear more.
Sadly they all don't have much money and so they won't have the chance to watch the show life, but there Amanda can help out. She invites them all and pays them the trip to Brasilia. This way she has some fans with her and this night she will get all drinks for free. So it's a good deal for Amanda and she's happy.
Now some more people arrive and the atmosphere is really cool. They are drinking and dancing and Amanda has her fun. Everybody is so nice and relaxed they it's really a joy to be here. She even thinks of staying here instead of going back to the USA, but she would miss Laura too much. So after her match she will go back home again, but she will visit her new friends as soon as possible.
But now it's not the time for going back home, now it's time for making party. It doesn't take very long and Amanda is drunk and stoned, but she's in a really good mood. She should be a bit tired, but she doesn't want to sleep now and after she told the others that she has done fetish movies and also worked in a strip club, they all wanna see her strip. Amanda loves it to show what she has and so she hops on a table and strips for them. Everybody cheers at the hot beauty and as she's finished they give her her clothes back and get her a new drink.
Everybody is drunk now, but they also make a little capoeira contest and they invite Amanda to take part too. Amanda is more into wrestling and kickboxing, but she knows some capoeira moves too, so why not give it a try? She knows that she has no chance to win, but that's no problem for her. Before it starts one of her new friends practices some moves with her and even though Amanda is drunk she learns pretty fast. She's not perfect, but also not too bad and so the tournament can begin.
But even though she has practiced a bit she has no chance and she loses her fights. So for the rest of the tournament she can only watch the others, but that's no problem for her. It has made fun and she's willing to learn this new fighting style too. Maybe she can use it in one of her matches one day.
But in the meantime it's really late and Amanda is too drunk for looking for a hotel. So one of her friends invites her to stay with him and his girlfriend and Amanda accepts this offer. They all take Amanda's truck and drive to his small house. It's not very big, but they find a place for Mandy to sleep.
The next morning Amanda awakes with a huge hangover, but after a breakfast with lots of coffee she begins to feel better and pretty soon she feels able to call Laura and tell her where she is. At first Laura hasn't been very happy that Amanda disappeared without leaving a message where she stays, but now she's eased and it's ok for her. She thinks about picking Amanda up, but after a small chat they decide to meet at the arena, a few hours before the show starts. So Amanda still has some time to relax and to get ready for her match against Jessie.
But she still has time and there's no needa hurry and no bigger reason to think about her tactics. She still chats with her new friends, but slowly her thoughts drift away to her next show. It's not that Amanda is nervous or scared after all these years being in this business, but the last day before a match she always is really focused on her fight and this time it isn't different. Then her thoughts go back to her last match and all the things that happened at the last show.

Well, I don't know whether you all have seen the last show, but if you have, then you already know that this PPV will be more than awesome.

Amanda smiles at her friends, but she talks more to herself than to them. It's always the same with her. She loves it to talk, especially when it's trash talk, and then she forgets everything around her. She's completely lost in thoughts and all she can think about is her opponent and her upcoming match.

And especially this lil thing with Odette has been awesome. This bitch may have defeated me in our match, but I showed her that nobody treats me like this. Now she knows with whom she has messed and I hope that this lil action will leave some nice scars on her back. Haha.

The dark haired girl laughs a bit and her friends laugh too. They have seen the show on TV and so they know what has happened and what Amanda can do in the ring. Amanda may have lost a few matches, but she's a tough and strong fighter and everybody knows that she never holds back in a fight or gives up. She fights as long as she can stand, but what's even more dangerous is the fact that she absolutely has no remorse to injure and hurt her opponents. Sometimes it even seems that she enjoys such creepy stuff and all this violence.

And that lil interference in Laura's match was cool too, but the best thing was that action with Jessie again. Ok, that match didn't look too good for me, but I had my foot on the rope and I also would have won alone, without any help. But anyway, this way it has even been more easy. This hitch has thought that she could get some revenge by costing me the win, but even for this she is too stupid. If she wants to interfere, then she should find a more intelligent way. I really could laugh myself to death. The whole thing has really been too funny and she looked like a complete moron. And what's good too is the fact that she has a new enemy now and this enemy is Roxie. Haha, so I thinks she hasn't made her life more easy. No, she hasn't.

They all laugh as they finish their breakfast. Then Amanda's friend makes a few calls and organizes a bus for them, so that they will have a cool trip to Brasilia. It doesn't take very long and they have packed all their stuff and leave the small house. The bus is already waiting for them and Amanda and her friends enter it. Then they pick up the others and the trip to Brasilia begins. One of her new friends is filming everything and the whole trip is a huge party.

Ok, this lil trip really is too nice to think about such crap as Jessie, but I'll have to face her, so I can't shove this problem to the side. Haha, but pretty soon I can do it.

Amanda sneers as she looks into the camera. In one hand she holds a beer and in her other hand she has a cigarette and it seems that she's completely relaxed. She leans back in her seat and she looks so damn sexy in her tight tattered shorts and her small top. She rests her long legs on one of the other seats and while she continues to speak, the girlfriend of one of her friends gives her a nice foot massage, so that she purrs from time to time.

And now listen to me Jessie. I really don't know what goes on in your ugly lil head, but to be honest, I also don't care much. The only thing I care about is winning this stupid match and bring this war to an end, with me as the winner. And exactly this will happen.
Well, Jessie, you think that I can only win against you when I gat some help from others or when I can cheat, so you requested a match where everybody is banned from ringside. Well, to be honest, I'm a lazy girl and I prefer it to have some help, but I can also defeat you when I'm alone. You will see it.
Damn, I really don't know how you can be so stupid to think that you will have a chance against me. You never managed it to take a win against me and that will also never happen in the near future. Damn, you already lost this war. I have cost you a few wins and because of me you lost your damn title too. Wasn't that enough? For a normal person it would be enough, but slowly I get the feeling that you love it to get humiliated by me. Otherwise all your actions wouldn't make any sense.
Yu might think that I'm a mean bitch, but I'm not. Look, when I beat you up again I will fulfill your greatest wish, getting humiliated by me. Haha ...

They all laugh about Amanda mean comments. While the girl continues to massage her feet Amanda downs her drink and gets a new one. She's so relaxed and purrs and as the girl lightly tickles her, she giggles a bit. Then she continues her little speech.

But that's not all Jessie. I don't know whether you know the reason why I went to jail a few years ago. It wasn't only because of drugs, it also has been because of aggravated assault. In a street fight I injured and crippled one of my opponents. Ok, I'm not very proud of doing this and I regret this action everyday in my life, but it shows you what happens when I get provoked. Then I lose control completely.
Normally this doesn't happen anymore, but your continuous bothering slowly goes on my nerves. You crossed the borderline and now it's too late to turn back. Don't complain that I haven't warned you, because I have, but now I won't hold back any longer. I won't only defeat you, I will destroy you completely. And there you can be sure that it won't be very funny for you.
You may have laughed about me after you have beaten me up backstage or after my match, but now I'll be the one  laughs when I stand above your shattered body and when you beg for mercy. But there won't be any mercy, there will only be pain and violence and this for the rest of your life. I will end your fucking career and I'll send you right to the hospital and I make sure that you will leave it as a cripple.
Ok, that may sound a bit harsh now, but I'm sick of your crap and I'm really not willing to let you ruin my career. I don't wanna look back all the time and wait for a sneaky attack from you, so I will end it in a way I prefer, even if this might be a bit brutal. But you left me no choice. At hostile takeover everything will change, especially your life. Till now you've been a more or less successful wrestler, but then you will only be a desperate cripple. Haha, then all you have is the thoughts back to better times, but then it's too late to change anything. You had your chance to stay away from me, but you forfeit it. Now you have to deal with the consequences, even if it will be a really hard time for you. Normally I would feel bad, but after you went on my nerves for such a long time I don't. No, I even feel good and you will just be another victim on my long list. Sorry that it's such a bad ending for you ...haha, but I love such sad ending, haha, at least as long as I'm not the victim.

Amanda laughs again in a sadistic way, but as the girl continues to massage and tickle her feet it turns into a girlish giggling again. She loves it and it helps her to relax and so within seconds her anger is gone and her good mood is back. The girl runs her fingers lightly over Amanda's soft and sensitive foot bottoms and especially as she runs them under and in between her cute toes the dark haired girl laugh. she struggles a bit, but she loves it so much and so she's really sad as their little trip comes to an end. Then they arrive at the arena of Brasilia and Amanda and her friends enter the arena. After a small discussion with the security staff Amanda knows the way to her locker room and she takes her friends with her. There she also meets Laura and Amanda is happy to have her girlfriend at her side again, even if it's only in the backstage area.
Amanda unpacks her stuff and the Laura helps her to get ready. Amanda doesn't need another training after all these days full of training, but Laura helps her to put on her ring gear and then she gives her a massage to warm up her muscles. Then Amanda does some stretching and then she is ready for her match. She gives Laura a long and passionate kiss and then she leaves her locker room to go to the stage. She cracks her knuckles and spits out.

Fuck, I really would know some more pleasurable things to do than to touch this ugly slut Jessie. But anyway, I can't change it, but I can make it short. I'll make sure that this match is over right after it has started. Haha, these fucking fans might hate me for this, but I don't give a fuck. Jessie, I'm coming and I'm gonna fuck you up now.

She spits out again and then she continues her way to the stage and the scene fades to black.

Word count: 5143



Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0