Author Topic: Mystery.... revealed?  (Read 460 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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Mystery.... revealed?
« on: November 23, 2012, 07:52:54 PM »
-X-  The views and actions that you are about to see is in no way affiliated by Sin City Wrestling or GX Entertainment Network. The Mystery Opponent’s Agent and Legal Advisors are taking full responsibility for his actions, views and outcomes you are about to witness. Please be warned and don’t try this at home. –X



The ghastly smell of burnt embers linger in the air, dark clouds of ash and dust float gently in the wind, the sight of what once was a top story apartment is now left as a smouldering charcoal mess. Detective Andy Allen has not had the best of starts to the day, having only just arrived back to his home after a long session in his favourite drinking hole, feeling rough after his eight year marriage ended a couple of days ago and is now called to an arson.
Pushing the chard door open with the sleeve of his long black leather trench coat, his mouth covered by his handkerchief so he doesn’t breath the fumes in but it doesn’t stop him smelling the distinct smell of gasoline, stepping inside to see his colleagues taking photographs and collecting evidence.  In Detective Andy Allen’s mind he could picture what the apartment might have looked like. The apartment slightly derelict, the walls nicotine stained no pictures or anything personal on show, the smell of dampness reeking throughout with the bare essentials in each room.
The Detective watches one of the Crime Scene Investigators as they collect swabs from the floor and walls, peering into the living area to see the large gaping hole in the roof and seeing the small crowd of people beginning to grow down on the street below.

- Detective Andy Allen
“Curiosity is lying in wait for every secret”

The man knelt at the feet of Andy, Detective Benjamin Brett, gets back up to see where his colleague is gazing at.

- Detective Benjamin Brett
“I’m full of Curiosity myself”

He points to where he was knelt at, Andy glances at his friend and down at the ground to see something completely out of place, pulling out a biro from his top pocket before kneeling down next to Benjamin.

- Detective Benjamin Brett
“Have you seen anything like this before?”

- Detective Andy Allen
“Is it some sort of kinky wear?”

Andy places his biro into the fabric, trying to get a better view of the chard item, looking bemused at the sight underneath the burnt fabric.

- Detective Andy Allen
“Curiosity seems to wither with my age of wisdom, I know what it looks like, but the mind boggles wouldn’t you say?”

Both Detectives look in utter disbelief at the item on the floor, in their line of work they are faced with gruesome scenes that tear families apart as well as their souls, but once in a while they are faced with something far from being absurd. Today is one of those moments as they both gaze down.

*** 3 Hours Ago ***

His life was on an extreme high not so long ago, feeling like he could achieve whatever he desired, momentum coming at the best time in his young career. But his world was turned on his head one fateful night. Coming home to find the love of his life sitting in a pool of blood, his heart was in his mouth; a few days ago she had surprised him with the knowledge that he was going to be a father. Knowing his career was going from one high to the next and now knowing he would be a father, nothing could knocking him off the top of his mountain until that fateful day. Seeing that the blood was coming from between her legs, everything went to slow motion, his eyes watering up as his entire body becomes numb. All she could do was apologise whilst crying her eyes out.  He drops to his knees as his heart is breaking, his mind repeating the one sentence he’d never wanted to say.. “She’s having a miscarriage”.

Weeks turned into months, stepping away from the career he loved, his relationship crumbled and his sanity being questioned with each passing second. He had seen it happen to people in films and television shows, both factual and fictional, but never did he ever contemplate it happening to him. A Son or Daughter that will never grace this cruel world, a Son or Daughter he could love and treasure, a Son or Daughter to protect and give his life meaning as he’d dedicate his entire life towards them. But fate had taken that away from him. The hurt will forever linger inside him as a part of his soul died that day. Standing in the middle of the bathroom, the floor cleaned but in his mind all he could see is the pool of blood, the toilet seat down but he still envisions his ex lover sitting there crying, the tears welling up as he breaks down on the floor crying himself to sleep for many a night.

Standing in front of the mirror, his face unrecognisable from the overgrown hair, his body is completely numb, his eyes show a man that has given up on the world and a shell of his former self.  The voices inside of his head begin to speak up to him.

“You’re worthless; end it”

“One slice and it’s over”

“what child would want you as their father!”

For days the voices have been getting louder, stronger, like a thudding drum within his mind, convincing him that this is the right decision as he holds the razorblade up against his wrist. Tears streaming down his face, his hand trembling, finally overcoming the voices as he chucks the razor down into the bathtub; Stumbling backwards towards the open door, heart racing as another failed attempt passed him by. Today was the day he’d finally do it he told himself. Getting up from his bed and walking into the living room, he reaches for a pad and pen and begins to write his final thoughts, as he was about to sign his name the television comes on. He glances over to see that the channel is on a wrestling show, thinking back to his days in the industry, thinking about everything he was going to achieve but never did due to this travesty. The wrestling show wasn’t the local promotion, it was Sin City Wrestling’s Climax Control, he didn’t have any DVD’s of it anymore so why was it on his television. He stood there watching the show featuring Matthew Kennedy, Nick Jones, Spike Staggs and Misty. A small voice he’s ignored for far too long comes to fruition. “Go back and do it for your unborn child”.

‘What was I Thinking’ he says to himself as he scruples the piece of paper, looking back at the television to see it had switched off, confused but a determination begins to glow like a little light inside of him. Instead of mourning his child the way he has been thinking for so long, honour his name and do something with his life, go back to the one thing he was good at and succeed in his or her name. Put behind the past and consider today as a gift rather than consider it a burden; that is why it is call the present, he cannot change what happened yet he cannot and will not forget either. For the first time in a long while he left his apartment, taking his first inhale of fresh air was energising the determination inside of him, walking down the street to purchase some gasoline and destroy the darkness that has haunted him for so long. Taking a step back into his home you can feel the negative energy, the sorrow and hurt, he begins to pour the gasoline all over the apartment, making sure the last place was going to be the bathroom. Standing in the doorway the dark thoughts begin to return but closing his eyes and chucking the amber liquid all over the walls and floor before lighting a match book and chucking it inside of the flat.

Walking out of the apartment building and glancing up to see the towering inferno, the black smoke and glowing ember showering down on top of him, he can hear the sound of sirens in the distance as he begins to walk away. This is the first step for him in the right direction. Getting back into shape and proving his doubters wrong isn’t his concern, making sure he can get back into the SCW and making sure he makes his child proud is the fuel inside of his tank. Fire trucks rush past him as he walks down a dark alley and into the darkness.

*** Present Time ***

Detective Andy Allen places his rubber gloves on, grabbing an evidence bag and tape, walking back over to the unique item Benjamin Brett had found. Andy scribbles his initials on the label and writing a police evidence number on it before kneeling back down. Shaking his head as he grabs the item, he lifts it up and places it in the bag, taking one more look at it before taping it up with evidence tape and walks over to the evidence box. Andy Allen places the bag into the box and begins to look around the apartment, the camera begins to zoom in close to the box, getting over the lip to see the top of the bag but before it could see the item...


A mysterious message is left upon the Sin City Wrestling fan forum, his account unverified, but it seemed to be directed to Hope Heelcum.

User Unknown:
Avatar:  ???
Group: Unverified
Posts: 1
Member Number: 29998
Joined: 24/11/2012

I haven’t been seen for a very long time, my reasoning for my leaving is my own business, my reasoning for my return is also my own business. I am going to be at Climax Control to face you Hope, a strange individual who reminds me of Nathan Lane from the film Birdcage, an interesting first opponent for me but something not to be laughed at. I will enjoy our encounter, you may think this mystery box is something you’ll enjoy unwrapping , but once you’ve unwrapped me you’ll be wanting to send me back to sender.


Sin City Wrestling

Prepare yourself

I don’t intend to be archived and forgotten

I will be looking to make history

No matter what the cost to myself

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!