Author Topic: Working hard and talking smack  (Read 489 times)

Offline Laura Jackson

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    • Peter Siddorn
Working hard and talking smack
« on: November 23, 2012, 07:50:45 PM »

Scene 1 – I still owe you

The screen came up and showed the newly crowned bombshell champion Amanda Cortez lying in bed asleep with a smile on her face. Amanda then turned over and reached out her arm but she hit nothing and this made her raised up with a panicked look on her face.

Amanda Cortez
Laura? Laura where are you?

Amanda was calling out for her tag partner, friend. lover and fellow bombshell Laura Jackson. Amanda then turned to get out of her bed to look for her but just as her feet touched the ground she stopped and the fear on her face was replaced with a smile. The camera moved around to show that standing in the doorway was Laura Jackson who had a tray in her hands. The Bombshell walked into the room and set the tray down on a nearby table before turning to show.

Laura Jackson
I’m sorry Mandy I didn’t mean to scare you but you know I felt that it would only be right to treat a champion to breakfast in bed.

Laura pointed to the tray with was piled high with toast and a couple of cups on it as well. Amanda looked at it before turning back to Laura giving her a big hug. She seemed to be sad as she did it.

Amanda Cortez
I’m sorry Laura! I just got scared I mean after what happened with Necra a few weeks ago. I just can’t be…

Amanda never got to finish her sentence as Laura put her finger on Mandy lips and gently stroking her hair as she did it.

Laura Jackson
It’s ok you don’t need to be sorry. I told you a million times I am going to be here for you no matter what people try to do to us. We are a team and no-one can or will break us up.

Amanda knew that Laura meant what she said. She had been the only person who had never looked down on her for her past or judge her for her choice of out of ring ventures. Amanda then sat up and she took one of the cups off the tray. She then sat up in the bed and started to sip.

Amanda Cortez
Thanks for doing this it’s real nice. You have pleased your goddess and champion.

Laura giggled as she heard that and started to raise the other cup.

Laura Jackson
Glad you like it but if I were you I would make sure to eat up as we got a long day of training ahead of us.

Amanda groaned as she heard the word training. Amanda then turned to look at Laura.

Amanda Cortez
Do we have to go training? I mean I can think of something that is just as good as exercise and we don’t have to move from this room whatsoever? What do you say!

Laura looked at Mandy and let out a playful giggle as she knew exactly what she had in mind.

Laura Jackson
No we are doing serious training this week! I mean have we are set to face this week on Climax control? Odette Ryder and Vixen! You think that they are just sitting back and relaxing. Now I know you beat Odette to win the title but we both know what she can do in that ring . She isn’t a slouch in that ring and you know with the threats she has made in recent weeks towards you she isn’t going to rest until she get that title. Now Vixen we haven’t faced her yet but I looked into it and she is a former Bombshell Roulette champion.

Amanda looked at her and kind of tilted her head to the side.

Amanda Cortez
Bombshell Roulette champion what’s that?

Laura Jackson
You know what roulette is right?
Amanda nodded Well the roulette version here is match types so that means to have that belt you have got to be ready for any kind of match that they can throw at you. So if she held that belt you know that she is going to be working hard to be ready for us so from now to the show we are going to train because of this I am forcing you down to a maximum of 2 drinks per day and 5 smokes a day.

Amanda looked at Laura and as she did she started to give her the sad puppy eyes she usually gave her when she wanted Laura to change her mind on something.

Amanda Cortez
Ahhh I don’t have to do all that work do I?

Laura just stared at her and made it clear Amanda tricks wouldn’t work on her this time.

Laura Jackson
You are doing it Mandy even if I have to make you the hard way!

Amanda looked at Laura and then she took a sip from her cup.

Amanda Cortez
Ok Ok I do it! You know Laura you use to be fun

Laura sighed as she had that and took a piece of toast. She eat some of it before she speaking this.

Laura Jackson
That’s hurt Mandy you know what happened recently. Somehow I failed that drug test and I am not going to be able to live with myself unless I do this! See as much as I enjoy you being champion I know you only have that belt because of my mistake. So please let me do this so I can cope with the pain I have for letting you down.

With that Amanda leant forward and give Laura a kiss on the lips as she saw this. Mandy realised that she had hurt Laura and she didn’t like that.

Amanda Cortez
You know what Laura I will do it for you! I mean you have put up with and dealt with so many headaches in the past with me. That I can put up with this. I mean it probably my way to say thank you to you.

Laura smiled she was glad that Mandy saw things her way.

Laura Jackson
Glad to hear it Mandy but you should know that you are going to be getting a reward should you work hard on what we have played for you and if you do well in the training I have planned then you are going to get an extra special reward.

Mandy seemed to be excited when she heard that.

Amanda Cortez
Me like rewards.

Laura Jackson
Well then get eating we go to the gym soon and we are not driving we will be jobbing.

With that Amanda grabbed a couple of pieces of toast and started to eat them. As Laura watched she was worried about letting Mandy down. Laura had stuffed losses in a couple of tough matches and she was hoping to buck the trend and help Mandy showcase her skills as well as showing the world she too had skills to compete with the best. Mandy started to eat some toast and eat it as she did this the screen turned black.

End of Scene 1

Scene 2 – Locker Room Interview

The screen fazes up inside the locker room of the Tattooed Goddess and we see Laura Jacskon doing sit-ups before her big tag match and as she came up there was a smacking sound. She was in her ring gear of a black sport top and black pants. This was followed by a 19 The camera pulls back and it’s sound the number had come from Amanda Cortez who her hands on Laura knees she had a smile on her face as Laura laid back down before getting back up once more meeting Laura in the seated position with a kiss on the lips.

Amanda Cortez
Twenty! Nice job Laura certainly seems a more fun way to do things!

Laura Jackson
Yeah well you got to do 5 that was the deal I do twenty you do five

As Amanda got onto the floor there was a knock on the door. Laura looked at Amanda and shrugged.

Laura Jackson
Looks like you been saved by the door come on let see who it is.

The camera moved around to show Laura Jackson opening the locker room. There standing in front of the door was the SCW interviewer and the woman Mandy had been trying to get in contract with to do some kind of food based fun match that being Ms Rocky Mountains. She looked at Laura and raised the microphone up to her.

Ms Rocky Mountains
Hey Laura you and Amanda got time for an interview?

Laura Jackson
Sure come on in.

Mountains walked into the locker room and Amanda started to giggle.

Ms Rocky Mountains
Oh by the way Amanda you haven’t been returning my calls you mind telling me why?

Amanda Cortez
Wait you were calling me?

With that the pair turned to look at Laura who was in the room with them.

Laura Jackson
What did I fart or something I mean what with the eyes?

Ms Rocky Mountains
Ok well let got to the interview! Tonight you two will team up for the first time since the infamous night when you won the bombshell tag titles only to have them taking off you. Now I also have to ask given this fact are you worried about having some issues teaming up?

Laura let out a scowl as she heard that.

Laura Jackson
Please Rocky there is never going to be any rust whatsoever hell we could have years apart and when we team up it would be like it was like we competed the day before. Believe me when I say we know each other move before the other make it. We are going to dominate here tonight

Ms Rocky Mountains
I see well tonight you are going to be taking on the team of Odette Ryder and Vixen what are your thoughts on facing them,

Amanda grabbed the mic and started to talk into it. She was clearly fired up as she spoke.

Amanda Cortez
We are going to mess them up. They foolishly challenged us Goddess and we are going to destroy them. They are going to bow to us whether they want to or not.

Laura giggled and pulled around back so she could speak.

Laura Jackson
What Amanda is trying to say is that we are confidence that we are going to walk out with a victory tonight. I mean Odette has talked about how she is going to this and that to Mandy but let be honest Odette you have yet to get the job done. You also claimed she need to shut up let get something straight when you have been through what Mandy has been through in her life. She has earned the right to crow about her achievements. I mean when I meet her all she had was the clothes she was wearing and now look at her she is not only a beautiful woman and she is the bombshell champion. So Odette if I were you I would be closing my mouth. One other thing little miss Ryder there is a song line that can sum up Mandy and is it’s not being cocky if you can back it up and believe me Mandy can certainly back it up. Now onto Vixen this is someone who has been a former champion here and I say right now she has to be someone who is used to having to be ready for anything. That means of this duo we are facing you are the one I fear. If you have to be ready for anything thrown at you then you are ready for the Tattooed Goddess or to put it more truthfully the uncrowned Bombshell tag champions the Tattooed Goddess. So Ryder and Vixen get ready cause tonight we are coming for you.

Amanda Cortez
And just remember bitches!

Laura Jackson
You will bow to the Tattooed Goddess

Amanda Cortez
Cause at the end of the day

Laura Jackson
We are tattooed

Together and we are better then you!

With that Amanda and Laura turned sharing a long passion kiss as they did this the screen turned black

End of Scene 2 & RP

OOC Sorry it not brilliant again but got move around at work meaning I had to do this in a day
OOC 2 Posted in the right place this time \'dry.gif\'  
user posted image