Author Topic: Crushed Dreams Releapse  (Read 1159 times)

Offline Trish Newborn

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    • Trish Newborn
Crushed Dreams Releapse
« on: October 12, 2012, 11:20:59 PM »

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“We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.”
- Eleanor Roosevelt -

Bei Combattenti had loss the championship belts, or so everyone had thought until it was revealed that Tattoo Goddess member, Laura Jackson did not pass the pre-match drug test. The titles would then be placed right back into the hands of Bei Combattenti. It was something that seemed almost fate was smiling down on the Italian duo, Patricia and Bianca, of course, would naturally have to clean the championship belts before they contracted some kind of disease – they didn’t know what Tattoo Goddess had or didn’t have. So, it would be the logical thing to do as still the Bombshell Tag Team champions.

Fast forward to today, after a long vacation off from competing in the ring in tag team matches. Patricia and Bianca would find themselves having to face the very team they met no more than a few weeks ago and it is for the Bombshell Tag Team titles nonetheless. But now, it’s a normal tag team match instead of the triple threat match seen at Violent Conduct with the opposing team of Amanda and Laura.

Azz N’ Class were weak, Patricia thought. Knowing that this could team didn’t seem to be on the same level as her and Solderini. Knowing that if that lame asses could pin them, then it was quite clear that they would do it and with record time. Patricia’s eyes opened to find her title belt stared back at her.

“At least we have you two, sweet titles. At least we are safe from the hands of those incompetent fools with ink seeping out into their skin. It’s all over with now, things are back to where they always should be, as you are here and here is in the hands of me,”
Patricia spoke to herself proudly.

It didn’t matter to her that Laura had been as stupid as to get all “druggie” on them, forcing the opposite team to forfeit the championships back, as long as everything was fine now. Shifted, her eyes moved revealing much more than this small confined space in front of one’s view. Newborne was back in the apartment she owned, the dust seemed to need to be swept from the ancient structures that appear to be still frozen in time depicting the few characters that once roamed the ancient world. Patricia rose up from her black couch grabbing her title closely, knowing she had been close to losing it for good.

“You are all that I have left in a world which does not exist to me. It is beautiful, isn’t it?”


Those words belonged to no one but Claire Smith. She looked just as beautiful, Patricia could bear to utter the simplest of emotions, not now. Her baby was almost taken from her by two women whom wished to do harm against all the hard work the team had accomplished. They survived, not by winning the match; only type of survival this had become was luck and Newborne knew it. The vixen turned, facing her lover who appeared near the door way entrance with eyes of innocence.

“This is my achievement, Claire, of the night me and B stood like giants crushing the dreams of the once Party Girls nuking them off the face of this earth. Even after our championship match at Violent Conduct proved that we were ready to take our rightful place among common trash like our opponents. I’m just glad we managed to overcome odds and get what was stolen from us. Tattoo Girls are not even champion worth cleaning the toilets from the restrooms much less be the Bombshell Tag Champions.”

“Laura should have never taken those drugs.”

“That’s true, but then again they both should never have stepped into Sin City Wrestling believing that everything would just be handed before them, and all they need is a pretty face. We are the new bred of tag team wrestling. And I will not yield to no one, not to them or Azz N’ Class. Pieces of shit.”

Intensity sparked from within the co-owner of the Bombshell Tag titles. Patricia felt strongly about making those who wish to make claim to the titles pay. She inched her way passed Smith, title tight in her grip, knowing that this is just the first challenge of many. Her will was being tested against what SCW had claimed were the best teams in all the company.

“I’m not questioning your abilities, baby. You’ve been through too many battles to be taken lightly in this game. You’ve become a Picasso of professional wrestling. No one can top you…”

“… a Picasso that thrust for competition, to know that, the second my music hits, that I’m already thinking about my opponents fate in my canvas of sweat and broken hope. “

“Speaking of opponents… you saw yours this coming Climax Control?”
Claire asked, quizzically.

Patricia looked serious pouring milk and cereal into an empty bowl. She had indeed discovered Bei Combattenti’s next opponents. Her muscles begun to tense up, feeling that these street rats couldn’t get enough punishment last time, she suddenly played it cool with a smile. Laying the championship across the counter, her eyes locked with Smith. Claire has a sit on the bar stool.

“Yeah, I already informed Bianca about them. Azz N’ Class won’t be an issue for us; I mean if Tweedledee and Tweedledum could beat them at the pay-per-view, it can’t be too hard. They were the ones getting pinned out there, not us. They can’t manage to work well as a team.”

She cups the bowl in her hands feeding herself, swallowing the yummy bits of Honey Nut Clusters. Crewing away, watching the sassy blonde every few seconds.

“Chanelle and Torielle couldn’t get the job done at the pay-per-view. Everyone and their broke ass grandmother saw that they will never had a chance. Guess that’s why they wanted a match against you both, because deep down they know that they want redemption over the last time.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself. Unless they can bring Tupac back to life, they don’t have no chance beating me and really don’t have any chance beating Bianca. She’s already in a pissed off state.”

“Maybe we should go visit.”

Claire says, grabbing Patricia’s spoon and placing it in her mouth playfully. Newborne raises her brow.

“Yeah, well, I don’t think I want to bother her. She still hasn’t forgotten the last time...”

“Care to pour me a bowl, babe?”

Patricia’s eyes wonder around shrugging her shoulders before responding back. “We’re all out.”

“You pig!?! I'll just take some of yours.”

Our scene ends as Patricia and Claire both share breakfast, with the co-champion holder stay focusing on the match coming back, not letting it escape from her mind. She knew it only took one win to rule out all the naysayers who question the team’s ability to win, even after what transpired at the pay-per-view. This was a time for action. This was a time for team work between the two Italians to prove strong.


Date: Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Listening: Disturbia by Rhianna

Wow, why I am not surprised that somehow you would try and sneak the championships away from us like the little wholes you are. You couldn’t manage beating us in a triple threat match where we didn’t even come out as the winners holding our titles, but management must have figured you were the only living breathing tag team in this division that people give a damn – and they handed you one more shot. I guess that beats Tattoo “Goddesses”. But really, that’s not saying much. I know how everyone in the entire company from the janitor to these morons running the hotdog stands outside our events every week laughed when they taught we had a short reign.

We should really thank them for making us that much stronger as a unit in tag team professional here in SCW. And that’s something you couldn’t display even when the stakes were high. You want to try and give me respect too? I’m not some deranged straight-edger looking for respect among my peers. I don’t goddamn care what you think about me or of our team because at the end of the day, I’m walking out of every arena with my money in the bank than you two will ever have combined.

We are the motherfucking deal in this division whether you respect us or not. We’ll be more than happy to send your asses back to having to eat can of beans for breakfast. You couldn’t pull yourself together enough to go after the prize but rest assured it will happen again. You will fail again.

Keep wondering what it must be like to become championships in this company. Keep daydreaming about what you could possible do to get yourself noticed. Because after the show goes off the air, people start to exit out of the arena, the lights they all go out, I can promise this is your last shot.

You’re last shot to provide that last time was a misstep. Me and B are going to crush those little dreams that circle your uneducated minds, it’s what we do. We work as a team to destroy everyone.

Take a look at your partner closely, when my foot cracks one of your skulls it’s a sign to get another day job. You will NEVER get these belts. We will fight you until you're black and blue, I will never allow you to left that arena with our titles. But if you feel like it, try us. I dare you.