Author Topic: Get Rage Laid  (Read 607 times)

Offline Jake Sullivan

  • TAFKAR-The Artist Formerly Known As Rage
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    • Jake Sullivan
Get Rage Laid
« on: April 06, 2012, 08:27:15 PM »
 A lot of shit went down in Amsterdam over the last week.  A lot of shit that I would just love to forget, and I’m sure Gabriel would too.  We got cockblocked by a damn bear, and not just any bear…ANGEL!  What the f*ck?!  REALLY?!

Gabriel doesn’t like talking about it much, but who can really avoid it when Despy has done nothing but brag about how friendly those three ladies were, and how nice they were to Angel.  Everyone else gets a good laugh out of it, but I’m doing everything in my damn power not to go completely ape shit.  Oh great…not only am I picking up phrases from Shane, but now Jamie too!  Just great!

There was a reason I didn’t want to go out in Amsterdam, and that crap that happened with Despayre and Angel is exactly why!  I don’t know why the guys seem to think I need help getting laid anyway.  I’ve done just fine on my own in the past, and I don’t know why they want to try and help me.  All they are doing is making my blood boil even more…So, keep it up boys.  Keep it up.

I gotta give kudos to Spike and Jordan, though.  They put up on hell of a fight against me and Gabriel!  That match definitely had main event written all over it.  Me and Gabriel were on our way to winning that match until two dumbasses decided to interfere and get involved where they shouldn’t have!  I’m talking about The Aristocrats!  Those two failed to realize one very important thing when they attacked us.  They just made one very big monster VERY pissed off!  They think they are so smart…so tough?  Well, they have another thing coming.

Right now, I have more important things to worry about other than going after Scanlon and Hangman.  No, I’ll let Gabriel, Despy take care of that, as well as Jordan and Casey.  The Aristocrats picked the wrong teams to f*ck with last week, and they’ll find that out first hand over the coming weeks.  Oh, I’ll get my revenge on those two idiots in due time…I promise that.  But I have bigger fish to fry…

Which brings me to Tom Dudely.  The guy comes out of retirement for what I thought was just one match, but apparently I was wrong.  He wanted to avenge that dumbass cowboy wannabe, Wyatt after what Casey did to him.  Well you know what?  I plan on doing what Casey Williams couldn’t do…taking Tom Dudely out of the picture and sending him to a hospital bed right next to Wyatt!

Why is Tom even in this tournament anyway?  The guy has been retired for years!  He comes back for one match, and they think he deserves a shot at the Heavyweight Championship?  Unfortunately for Tom, that’s not gonna happen.  Only one of us can advance in this tournament, and it’s going to be me!  He may say otherwise, but I’m going to win this tournament and then I’m going to go on to face Nick Jones and bring the Heavyweight Championship where it belongs…around MY waist and to The Seven Deadly Sins.

I’ve known Tom since our days in GXW.  I can’t exactly remember if I ever was given a shot at facing him back then, but that’s the past.  We’re in the present, and I plan on destroying Tom Dudely.  I plan on taking my frustrations and my anger for his boy Wyatt out on him.  Wyatt better be watching this match closely, because every bit of rage I have over him and Sean stealing the Tag Team Titles away from me and Jamie a couple of months ago, will be unleashed on his precious manager.  A broken clavicle is NOTHING compared to what I’m going to do to Tom Dudely.  He’s the first unfortunate victim on my road to becoming the top monster in SCW.

I already am the top monster in SCW, but once I have the Heavyweight title around my waist, they’ll all know.  You don’t mess with me…You don’t f*ck with the Sin of Wrath, and you certainly don’t stand in his way of winning gold.  Tom Dudely is first, and one by one they will fall.

Nick Jones…I’m coming for you, buddy.  Enjoy that title while you can, because at London Brawling, you’re title reign ends.

Thursday April 5th

Rage is sitting in his hotel room, his laptop sitting in his lap.  Ever since Climax Control in Amsterdam on Sunday, he has been watching the video of the tag team match between The Seven Deadly Sins and New X-Tremes over and over again.  He watches repeatedly as he and Gabriel fight Spike and Jordan tooth and nail, putting on what some are describing as the match of the night.  This wasn’t any type of “grudge match” between two stables.  This wasn’t a stable war.  This was simply put, a good, clean fight.

Until The Aristocrats got involved.

Each time Rage watches the video of that night, he balls his hands into fists, nearly turning his knuckles white.  He watches as Chett “Hangman” Hawkins attacks him, and then he and Steven Scanlon go to work on the rest, and then the ref calls for the bell, declaring the match a no-contest.  The Aristocrats ruined a great match!  What the hell were they thinking?!

So today, as Rage sits in his hotel room watching the video of that match, he has finally had enough.  He slams the laptop shut, then sends it flying across the room, smashing it against the door.  Just seconds after, there is a knock at the door, and Rage growls loudly before heading over to the door, and opening it.  Standing in front of him is The Sin of Pride himself, Shane Boswell.  Shane looks at Rage, then down to the floor at the shattered laptop.

Shane: Don’t tell me…Synn was using your laptop again, wasn’t he?

Rage: Very funny, Shane.

Rage rolls his eyes, turns around and heads back over to the chair.  He plops down, the angry look still in his eyes, and he folds his arms across his chest.  Shane walks in to Rage’s room, stepping over the laptop’s remains.

Shane: Comedy genius here, remember?  So tell me what has you destroying yet another laptop.  That’s the third one in a month.  Dell must have given you a lifetime membership by now.

Rage: Do you really need to ask what my problem is right now?  You saw what happened on Sunday!

Shane nods.

Shane: True, I did, but we’ve also told you not to worry about that right now.  Gabriel and Despy will handle those two soon enough.  You’ve got something more important to focus on right now.  The Heavyweight title is within your grasp, and you know what you need to do to get it.

Rage: I can focus my attention on more than just the Heavyweight title, Shane.  The Aristocrats made a big f*cking mistake when they attacked me.  I can do Gabriel and Despy a favor and make their job of winning the tag team titles easier.

Rage props his feet up on the coffee table in front of him, then leads his head back with a loud growl.

Shane: Gabriel and Despy can beat them, no problem.  Don’t you worry about trying to make it easier for them.  This week, you focus on Tom Dudely and advancing in this knockout tournament.  

Rage: Screw Tom Dudely.  He doesn’t stand a chance against me, and you know it.

Shane: You’ve got the size advantage, mate, but he’s very experienced in the ring.  He may have been retired the past several years, but you shouldn’t take him lightly.  You saw his match against Casey Williams on Sunday.  

Rage lets out a loud snort as he looks at Shane.

Rage: Yeah I saw it, but I also know that Casey Williams isn’t as big a threat as he makes himself out to be.  He’s all bark and no bite.  Me…I bite pretty damn hard!

Shane: Biting is against the rules, big man, so don’t do that.

Shane smirks, but Rage looks at him and shakes his head with a roll of his eyes.

Rage: Smart ass…

Shane: Hey, you walked right into that one.  Anyway, we can talk more about your match later.  A few of us are heading over to check out the Eiffel Tower.  I was sent to drag you along.

Rage shakes his head, declining the offer.

Rage: You can tell the rest of them that I’m not interested.  I’m pretty comfortable right where I’m at.

Shane shrugs his shoulders, turns around and walks out of Rage’s room without another word.  Rage looks toward the door, slightly confused.

Rage: That was easy…

He shrugs it off and gets back to…well, whatever it is that he was doing.  A few seconds later, there is a loud pounding on his door.  Rage assumes it is Shane.  He scowls and stands up, heading back over to the door.

Rage: What the hell do you want now, Shane?  I told you I’m not go—

As he opens the door, Shane is not the one standing there in front of him.  No, this time, a very grouchy looking Kittie is standing there.

Rage: Geez, they sent YOU to try and drag me along?

Kittie shakes her head, with a grin.

Kittie: Oh, I’m not going to try, baldy.  You’re coming along with us whether you like it or not!

Rage laughs in Kittie’s face, and he too, folds his arms.  He looks Kittie in the eyes, and stands right where he is, feet planted firmly on the floor.

Rage: Oh really?  I’d like to see you tr—

Before Rage can even finish his sentence, Kittie pulls a disc from behind her back, and waves it in front of Rage.  He looks at it, and shakes his head as if he doesn’t know what it is.

Rage: Am I supposed to know what that is?

Kittie nods.

Kittie: Just a little information that Gabriel has been dying to be let it on.

Rage pretends that he doesn’t know what she is talking about, but the look in his eyes says it all.  And as soon as he speaks, Kittie knows he is lying.

Rage: I don’t know how many times I have to tell you guys, I have no idea what the fuck you think is on that disc, but I’m not threatened by it.  You’re just bluffing to get me out of this room.

An evil smile grows on her face, as she looks down the hall, where Gabriel is standing with Despayre and Shane, waiting for them.

Kittie: Hey, Gabriel!  I got something you’d just love to see!

Rage: Christ, I’ll go with you guys if that is what you really want!

Rage growls, slams the door shut behind him, then brushes past Kittie.  A satisfied smile appears on Kittie’s face, just as Gabriel walks up to her.

Gabriel: What’s that?

Kittie puts the disc into one of her pockets, and shakes her head.

Kittie: Oh this?  This is just a bootleg copy of Donnie Darko.

Gabriel: Why would I want to see that?

Kittie: Hey, it got Mr. Raging Monster out of his room didn’t it?

Gabriel shrugs his shoulders, confused, then walks back over to the rest of the group.  Kittie joins them not long after.


The scene opens up near the Eiffel Tower.  Rage is standing by himself, while the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins are all checking out the view from the tower itself.  Rage stayed behind, though the others tried to coax him into coming along.  He wouldn’t budge on this however.  As he stands around, occasionally looking up to see if he can see the group, a familiar face walks up behind him.

Misty: Well look at who we have here.  Scared of heights?

Rage doesn’t even turn around to face the former Bombshell Champion, and current NWA Cruiserweight Champion.  Instead, Misty walks around, so she is standing directly in front of him.

Rage: No, but if I were standing up there right now looking down at you I might blow chunks.  And I have good aim.

Misty: Oh come on now…is that any way to treat the person who got you released from that psychiatric facility all those years ago?

Rage: Do you think I owe you something for that, Misty?  Because if you do, you better guess again.

Misty shakes her head.

Misty: You don’t have a damn thing I want.  It’s just too easy to piss you off.

Rage: Don’t you have something better to do?  Oh, right, you don’t because everyone hates you now after what you did to Spike.

Misty laughs again.

Misty: Nothing you say hurts me one bit, Rage.  

Rage: No, but I do know someone who can beat the shit out of you.  And she has…several times.

Misty: That was in the past.  Things are different now, because soon, no one will be able to touch me.

Rage is now the one to let out a laugh.  

Rage: Want to bet on that?  Kittie should be back down here anytime.  I’m sure she’d enjoy kicking your ass again, and we’d all let her.

Misty shakes her head, and starts backing away, not showing any fear.

Misty: Oh, no need for that.  But, before I go, remember one thing, Rage.  If you play with fire, you will get burned.

A smiles a sadistic smile, turns around and starts walking away.  Rage stands there, confused for a moment, but his eyes widen soon after, as he swears he sees someone familiar from a distance.  He is about to check out whoever it is that he thinks he sees, when Kittie walks up behind him.

Kittie: Was that the backstabbing pasty-faced bitch I think it was?

Rage looks at Kittie, then back in the direction that Misty was headed.  Misty, along with whoever Rage was looking at, has disappeared, and he shakes his head, thinking he was imagining things.

Rage: Pain in the ass, backstabbing pasty-faced bitch…

Kittie: What the hell did she want?

Rage shrugs.

Rage: Fuck if I know, or even care.  Are you guys done?

Despayre suddenly skips past him and yells “SWEAR JAR!”

Rage: I think I need to start giving him a weekly amount to cover that damn swear jar.

Synn walks past him with the rest of the group.

Synn: That would be a wise idea, actually.  He makes the most money from you anyway.

Everyone nods in agreement, even Rage, as they all then head off down the street, and head back to their hotel.


Friday April 6th

The scene opens up inside Synn’s hotel room.  He, Shane and Rage are discussing this Sunday’s Climax Control, and what this tournament could mean for Rage’s career.

Rage: They didn’t exactly make this tournament difficult for me.  I’m so sick of these easy matches, I’m about ready to give Mark Ward a piece of my mind.

Synn: You do realize that Mark isn’t the only one who books matches here.  He and Christian Underwood are co-owners.

Rage: Yeah, I realize that.  But I also realize that, if I dare confront Christian, he’d would more than likely book me in a thong match or some bullshit like that!  Mark Ward would just send one of his goonies after me.

Rage takes a seat in the chair, as Synn and Shane remain standing.

Shane: Look, mate, we all know what you are capable of, and we are all confident that you will not only win this tournament.  But, out of all the guys in this tournament, you have two big pieces of competition, and one of them you have to get through on Sunday.  

Rage: And the other one would be?

Shane: The guy who has it out for The Seven Deadly Sins…Goth.

Rage is about to respond, but Synn stops him.

Synn: Let’s not worry about Goth at the moment, Shane.  Tom Dudely is first on the list.  Tom is a former World Champion, and I’m sure he’s not going pass up the chance to win gold again.

Rage: I don’t expect him too.  I want my shot at Nick Jones and the Heavyweight Title, and I don’t care who I have to get through to get my shot.  Tom Dudely wants to try and stop me?  I’m more than capable of stopping him.

Synn: That’s it.  A lot is at stake for The Seven Deadly Sins over the coming weeks, and I have full confidence in every single one of you.  Now, why don’t you go check out some of Tom’s old matches on your laptop?

Rage glances at Shane, who lets out a laugh.  Synn looks at both of them, then shakes his head.

Synn: You broke another one?

Rage: Are you really surprised?

Synn shakes his head, then walks over and grabs his laptop and hands it to Rage.

Synn: No, I suppose not.  You can borrow mine for the night, but please don’t break this one.

Rage is hesitant to take Synn’s laptop.  Shane looks at him, cracking a smile, knowing exactly why Rage doesn’t want to take it.

Rage: You think I’m crazy?  I don’t know what I might find on that thing!

Synn: Oh, relax.  I expected you to say something like that, so I took the liberty of clearing my browser history.  Not that it needed to be cleared.

Synn then places his laptop in Rage’s lap.

Rage: Right…like any one of us would believe that!

Rage takes a hold of the laptop as he stands up from the chair, and prepares to head back to his room.

Synn: Remember…don’t break it!

Rage holds a hand up, signaling he understands, as he walks out the door.  Once the door is safely closed, Shane looks to Synn, with a grin on his face.

Shane: You’re gonna want to follow me.  There’s something you won’t want to miss.

Synn: Does this have anything to do with the ‘Get Rage laid’ cause?

Shane lets out a laugh and nods.

Shane: Gabriel and Despy got Rage a surprise…

Shane and Synn then walk out of the room, where they see the others peaking their heads out of their rooms, and just down the hall.  They spy as Rage disappears into his room, and Gabriel and Kittie both snicker, while Despayre looks on innocently with excitement.

Gabriel: I give it a minute.

Shane: Hey, he might actually go through with it…

Gabriel looks at Shane, then shakes his head, before they all turn their attention back toward Rage’s room.  Not even a minute later, the door to Rage’s room opens, and a woman wearing, well, next to nothing, runs out, holding her clothes, and runs down the hall, and away from Rage.  Not long after, Rage steps out, looking down at the others furiously.

Rage: Very funny, Gabriel!

Gabriel: Hey, it wasn’t my idea!  I just went along with it!

Rage balls up a fist, but refrains from punching the wall, as he disappears back inside his room.  Synn looks at the others, slightly confused.

Synn: Who was that woman?

Despayre: She was one of the friendly ladies standing on the corner earlier.  Angel said she was looking for a good time, and that Rage needed a good time, too…

Gabriel: Oh, that was so worth losing money over.  Getting Rage laid might be more difficult than I originally thought!

And once again, every member of The Seven Deadly Sins gets a good laugh at Rage’s expense…but this time Gabriel paid the price.

Stay tuned as the #GetRageLaid campaign continues!

« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 10:33:34 PM by Rage »