Author Topic: The REAL Misty  (Read 696 times)

Offline O Malley

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The REAL Misty
« on: March 23, 2012, 08:51:25 PM »
 (OOC Note: I apologize if this isn't up to my normal standards.  I've had a crazy week, and this was actually a bit rushed tonight.  Hope it works anyway.)

You all thought you had Misty figured out, didn’t you?  You were all blinded by her lies…by the show she was putting on.  She had you all fooled for years!  I can’t believe any of you actually believed a damn thing she said or did.  Hell, she even had herself fooled for a while there.  I just had to help her see the real her…the real Misty.

Some of you know Misty from her days in GXW…the place where she started really started her wrestling career.  From the moment she stepped foot in GXW she was the REAL Misty.  She was this bad ass bitch who didn’t give a rat’s ass what anyone thought about her.  She knew what she wanted, and she didn’t stop until she got it.  She fought like hell, even pissed off a few people in the process, but she got what she wanted, and what she deserved, and not just once.  She was a three time GXW Women’s Champion.  She was the LAST GXW Women’s Champion, and she was awarded the title of Woman of the year for 2004.

She achieved all her success without anyone’s help.  SHE made a name for herself…until she met HIM…Spike Staggs.  The name just makes me cringe!  He completely changed her…brainwashed her.  The real Misty never needed a man in her life.  She didn’t need to experience love, or all the cheesy feelings that comes with it.  No…she was perfectly fine leading the life she was before she met him!  She was on track to be the greatest female wrestler in history.  But then she had to persuade herself that she actually loved the guy.

And then he got her pregnant, and she REALLY changed.  Misty gave up everything to be a mother to their child..sorry, children, because she adopted Spike’s son Timmy, also.  She told herself that her wrestling career was done…that she didn’t need it anymore.  Boy, was she wrong!  She was lying to herself…and to everyone else, honestly.  She never wanted to give it up.  She never truly wanted that life.  Don’t get me wrong, she loved her kids, but she never imagined herself as a mother.  Spike forced that life on her!

I’ve been watching her for years.  I’ve been paying close attention to every move she makes, and let me tell you, a couple of months ago, I had had enough!  I couldn’t believe anything I was seeing.  She didn’t care that she was losing matches…she didn’t CARE!  How could she not care?  How could she not be royally pissed off?  Sure, she was upset after a loss, but the REAL Misty, would be LIVID.  She wouldn’t accept it.  But this Misty did.  I simply could not allow it anymore.  I had to stop her.

Before she went through with the wedding.

Sunday March 18th
The Hilton Garden Inn, Fontana California
Misty’s Hotel Room

The curtains are closed, holding back the first signs of daylight.  Misty is sleeping in one of the beds, and the comforter on the other is thrown back, showing where Dixie had been.  Dixie walks out of the bathroom, and heads over to the curtains.  She pulls them open, allowing the sun to shine in, startling Misty, and Eden, awake.  Misty pulls the blanket over her head and growls.

“Rise and shine!  You’ve got a busy day today!”  Dixie says, pulling the blanket away from Misty’s face.  Eden has jumped out of the bed by this time.

“Five more minutes!”  Misty says, holding her arm over her eyes.  

Dixie folds her arms across her chest and laughs. “What are you, ten?  Get your butt out of bed!  We have a lot to do today!”

Eden takes it upon herself to get back on the bed and proceed to jump up and down excitedly. “Wake up!  Wake up!  Wake up!”

Misty pulls her arm away from her eyes and looks at her daughter with a smile. “I’m awake, sweetie.  Be careful or you’ll—“

Before she can even finish her sentence, Eden falls off the bed.  Misty shoots up to a sitting position to make sure Eden is okay, but the four year old has already gotten back to her feet, all smiles.  Misty shakes her head, and as she is about to speak, she looks past Eden, and her eyes grow wide.  It seems as though her ghost has returned, and what a day for her to choose.  Sydney looks at her, a weird smile on her face.

“Hey, Dixie, how about you take Eden downstairs to get some breakfast.  I’ll get up and take my shower and be down there in a bit, okay?”  Misty says, turning her attention to her sister, and maid of honor.

“Umm…okay.  What do you say, Eden?  Does that sound good to you?”  Dixie replies.  Eden jumps up and down again.

“Yeah!  Yeah! Yeah!  I want donuts!”

Misty laughs, as does Dixie as she takes Eden’s hand and leads her out of the room and down to breakfast.  Misty folds her arms and turns her attention back to Sydney.

“Geez what the hell do you want now, Syd?”

Sydney smiles the same mischievous smile and says, “I told you I wasn’t done with you, didn’t I?”

Misty gets out of bed and heads over to her suitcase.  She grabs some things out of it, ready to head into the bathroom to take her shower. “Actually, you are done.  I don’t need you distracting me today.  It’s my wedding day, and you’re not going to get me upset.”

Sydney shakes her head and laughs. “Oh, I’m not planning on getting you upset, Misty.  But, I can promise you this…there will NOT be a wedding today.”

This has managed to get Misty’s attention.  She turns her head sharply to glare at Sydney. “What the hell are you talking about?  Of course there is going to be a wedding.”

Sydney shakes her head. “No, there won’t be, and YOU are going to be the one to stop it.”

Misty bursts out laughing. “Oh…that’s good, Sydney.  That’s REALLY good.  Why the hell do you think I’m going to stop my own wedding?”

“Because, you don’t want this.  You don’t want to go through with the wedding and actually marry Spike.  You’ve never wanted any of it.”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about, Syd.  Of course I want to marry Spike.  We have a family.  I love him.”  The tone to Misty’s voice suggests otherwise as she says this.  Sydney can tell, which is why she pushes the issue further.

“You’re not fooling me, Misty.  Do you REALLY want to be living in Spike’s shadow for the rest of your life?  How long have you guys been engaged now?  Five years?  How come you never forced him to set a date?  You only hinted at it every now and then, but you could have given him an ultimatum at one point.”

Misty starts shaking her head, but she doesn’t respond.  Sydney walks up right next to her.

“This isn’t you, Misty.  You’re not this family oriented woman!  Where is the selfish bitch?  I’ll tell you where she is…she’s begging to be set free!  She’s begging you not to go through with this sham of a wedding!  WAKE UP MISTY!  THIS ISN’T THE LIFE YOU WANT!  ADMIT IT ALREADY!”

Misty shakes her head vehemently now, dropping everything she got out of her bag to the floor. “No!  Stop it!  I do!  I do want this!”

“No, you don’t!  You’re better than this.  You’re BETTER than Spike…then the New X-Tremes.  You’re better off by yourself, and you know it…embrace the real you, Misty.  COME ON!”

Misty drops to her knees, and starts rocking back and forth.  Sydney kneels down in front of her, and she raises Misty’s head, so she is looking Misty in her eyes.

“Get rid of him, Misty…End it, before you have the chance to regret it.”

Misty just blinks her eyes, as she stares at Sydney.  A smile suddenly grows on her face, and she starts laughing.  Laughing?!  It’s like something in her snapped, but she doesn’t speak.  She just continues laughing.

Sydney smiles. “That’s what I thought.  Now, you know what you have to do.  How do you plan on getting rid of the trash?”

“I know what I have to do…and I know the perfect way to do it.”


Tuesday March 20th
Las Vegas-Spike and Misty’s Home

Misty’s 2011 Chevy Traverse pulls into the driveway of the home she has shared with Spike and their kids for the past six months almost.  It has been two days since she shocked her whole family, and the entire SCW and its fans when she turned on Spike, leaving him at the altar and embarrassing him.  She has been staying at a hotel ever since, but she’s back, only temporarily, to get more of her belongings.  

No one appears to be home.  Spike’s car isn’t in the driveway, and neither is Dixie’s, signaling the kids aren’t either, as Dixie would be babysitting if Spike was the only one gone.  Perfect timing, she thought.  She could go inside, get her things and leave without being bothered by anyone.

For the first twenty four hours after the “non-wedding” her phone was blowing up.  Her family was sending her text messages, or calling her and leaving her voicemails, which she has yet to listen to any of them.  She has no intention of listening to any of them either.  She knows what they have to say…what they all think of her, but she doesn’t care.  She has to focus on kicking Angelica’s ass all over San Francisco, and she doesn’t need her family nagging her about what she did to Spike.

As she walks in the front door, Dero, the family cat, is standing a few feet away.  He stares at her, and surprisingly growls at her.

“Aww, you hate me, too, Dero?”  She says with a laugh, as she sets her keys on the table by the door. “Don’t worry, I’ll be out of here shortly.”

When she goes to walk past Dero to head up to the bedroom she shared with Spike, Dero swats at her, nearly catching her ankle with his claws.  She jumps back, and looks at him in surprise.

“Do that again, and you’re gonna go flying across the room!  I don’t know how I ever liked cats.”

Dero hisses at her, then darts off into another room.  Misty shakes her head, and heads upstairs.  She goes into the closet into the bedroom, and pulls out a large suitcase, tossing it on the bed.  She then begins pulling out all of her clothes from inside the closet, and puts them in the suitcase.  She does the same to her dresser drawers.   She doesn’t hear or notice her sister, Dixie, walk up to the doorway.

“What are you doing here?” Dixie says.  

Misty refuses to turn around and face her sister.  She continues going through her things, deciding what she wants to take now.

“I could ask you the same thing, little sister.  You’re not with Spike, playing nurse and healing his wounds?”

Dixie rolls her eyes.  “What the hell happened to you, Misty?  How could you do this?  How could you be so…cold.”

Misty laughs. “I guess you just didn’t really know me, Dixie.  You didn’t meet me until after I was with Spike, anyway, so don’t try to act like you really knew who I was, because you didn’t.  Go home.”

“I’m here checking on Dero while Spike and the kids are gone, for your information.”

“Okay, so go check on Dero and leave me the hell alone.  I don’t have time to listen to your pathetic lectures.  I need to get to San Francisco, and I only came here for my stuff.”  Misty says, as she zips up her suitcase, turns around and glares at Dixie.

“You realize that everyone hates you right now, right?  Even people who don’t particularly care for Spike are on his side after what you did to him…even Angelica.”

Misty throws her head back and laughs. “Like I give a shit?  I’ve seen her spew her bullshit on Twitter.  I’m a big girl.  I can make my own decisions.  People don’t like it?  Too damn bad.”

Misty is about to walk past Dixie, but Dixie steps in front of her, preventing her from leaving.

“I hope Angelica rips you apart.  I can’t stand her, but I really hope she kicks your ass for what you did to your family.  You’re a cold, heartless bitch, and you’ll get what’s coming to you.”

Misty’s nostrils flare and she looks into Dixie’s eyes.  She drops her suitcase, breathing slowly.  Just then she shoves Dixie so hard, Dixie falls hard on her butt.  She looks up at Misty, wide-eyed and shocked, but Misty stands her ground.

“The only one who will get ripped apart on Sunday is Angelica.  I’m going to make sure she NEVER gets a shot at my NWA Cruiserweight title.  Oh, and one more thing, Dixie.”  Misty proceeds to remove the engagement ring Spike had given her, and tosses it on the floor in front of Dixie as if it were nothing.

“Give that back to Spike for me.”  She then grabs her suitcase, and walks back downstairs and out of the house.  Dixie reaches for the engagement ring, still shocked, but she grips it in her hand and gets back to her feet.  She looks at the ring, and shakes her head.

“Spike is sooooo much better off without her.  Heartless bitch is putting it lightly apparently.”

The scene fades away as Dixie heads downstairs to go check on the family cat.


Saturday March 24th
San Francisco, California

The scene opens up inside of Misty’s hotel room, inside of an unknown hotel.  Misty is on the bed, sitting back and watching some TV.  She seems to be quite relaxed, as she flips through the channels, when there is a knock at the door.  Misty looks toward the door, confused, as she didn’t tell anyone where she would be staying before this week’s Climax Control.  She turns the TV off, sets the remote on the bed, then heads to the door.  She looks through the peephole, and sighs as she sees who is standing outside her door.  She slowly opens the door, revealing SCW interviewer, Pussy Willow standing in front of her.  Misty leans against the doorway.

“How the hell did you find me?  I didn’t tell anyone where I would be staying.”  Misty says, the annoyance clearly coming out in her voice.

“Oh, I have my ways of finding people.  You’ve been very hard to get in touch with this week, Misty.”  Pussy Willow responds with a polite smile.

Misty rolls her eyes. “For good reason.  I have nothing to say to anyone right now.  You wasted your time coming here.”

Pussy Willow shakes her head. “Everyone deserves an explanation, Misty.  The fans…the entire SCW roster.  Why did you turn on Spike?  Why did you attack him in front of your whole family and everyone watching?”

Misty shakes her head and smiles. “No comment.”

“Okay, then.  How about we talk about your big match against Angelica tomorrow?  Are you at all worried that she could very well upset you and walk away with the win?”

Misty laughs, and folds her arms. “Are you serious?  First off, this is hardly considered a ‘big’ match.  I’ll be dominating this match, and Angelica will be lucky if she gets in one shot against me.  Second, there’s no chance in hell that Angelica will beat me, so no, I’m not at all worried.”

“This may be a non-title match, but if Angelica beats you, she’ll---“

Misty holds up a finger, silencing Pussy Willow.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah…If Angelica beats me, she’ll get a shot at my NWA Cruiserweight Title at a future date.  We all know this already!   She’s not coming anywhere near my title…plain and simple.”

“Angelica seems to be saying otherwise.”  Pussy Willow responds.

Misty shakes her head. “I don’t give a damn what Angelica says!  That talentless hag doesn’t have what it takes to be the NWA Cruiserweight Champion.  Hell, she doesn’t even have what it takes to be the Bombshell Champion.  Especially now that she is hanging out with that supermodel reject, Veronica Taylor.  You really say some of the stupidest things, you know that?”

“Veronica Taylor and Angelica seemed to have teamed up on Twitter, and started quite the war of words with you.  What do you say about that?”

“What do I say about that?”  Misty laughs again. “The only thing those two are good at is using their mouths.  Whether its spewing out a bunch of bullshit, or…well, you catch my drift…that’s all the REAL talent they are useful for.  Angelica wouldn’t even have this opportunity if she wasn’t doing personal favors for Hot Stuff.  But, I shouldn’t complain.  It just makes my first match as Cruiserweight Champion that much easier.  She and Veronica can say all they want on Twitter.  I simply do…not…care.  How many times do I have to tell you that?”

“Once more as always, it seems.  What do you plan to do if you run into Spike tomorrow at Climax Control?”

“I won’t have to worry about that.”  Misty replies confidently.

“Why not?”

“Because if I know Spike, which I think I do, he won’t be there.  He’ll be sulking in his own self pity and will be too scared to show up to Climax Control.  Even if he was, it wouldn’t bother me.  Now, are you done wasting my time with these pointless questions?”

Pussy Willow smiles politely again and nods.  “If you are done answering, then I suppose I am.  Good luck tomorrow night.”

“I won’t need it.  Buh-bye, now.”  Misty then slams the door in Pussy Willow’s face without hesitation.  Pussy Willow seems slightly surprised, but not for long.  She shrugs her shoulders and walks off down the hall, heading to her next interview.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 08:57:31 PM by Misty »