Author Topic: Did you know? (vs Seleana)  (Read 960 times)

Offline Kim Pain

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Did you know? (vs Seleana)
« on: February 10, 2023, 11:44:21 AM »

Someone in management either really likes Kim which is highly unlikely or.. They truly hate Crystal Zdunich and anyone that has anything to do with her because why else would this match have been signed. It has been made more than obvious that Kim wants to seriously hurt Crystal. Kim is a fiercely loyal type of person if you are one of the few she calls a friend or family. Kat Jones is one of those people. Now Kat can handle herself just fine but she is unable at least for now to handle in ring business herself. And when Kim saw the latest fuckery Crystal has been pulling on Kat well.. It just does not sit well with her.. Or for anyone that knows Kat. If Kim did not want to squeeze the life out of Crystal for the betrayal.. She definitely would have wanted to for the bullshit that recently followed. Now why does management either like Kim or hate them. Simple.. They are feeding her Seleana.. Crystal’s little wifey.. Don’t get it wrong. Respect is given for earlier accomplishments but.. Seleana is in for a whole lot more than she can handle. You see there is revenge to be had.. And if there is one thing that Kim is very.. very good at.. That would be getting revenge on those that wronged the ones closest to her. And if it was not clear to everyone yet… Remember how Kat has her brother Mac Bane.. They also have a sister… Her name.. Kimberly Pain.. So Seleana.. Sorry about your damn luck.

I know the family dynamic is not one known to many. So let’s break it down for all of you once and for all. Let’s start with the matriarch of the family. Her name is Rebecca Curci better known to those in the industry as Whisper. She gathered this bunch together. It was molded into a family that consists of street rats, cowboys, misfits, hellcats and outcasts. Is she their mother.. In some ways yes.. They respect her.. Rebecca and her brother René, otherwise known as Renegade, started the HellsGates Training school. When she started this she knew she did not just want to find some kids and train them.. No, she was crafting a family.. One that would stand by and stick by each other no matter what.. And she did..  First was Kimberly Penston, she was a hot little feisty bitch originally trained in Los Angeles but found her true calling as Kimberly Pain when she started training with the family she has now.. Plague, Ari, Cyrus Riddle, Kat Jones and Mac Bane followed. Many have come and gone through those doors at the HellsGates but only a rare few remained true.. And those are the ones that have become Whispers ArchAngels.. Her harbingers of pain and destruction.. Oh.. As nurturing as Whisper has been to their minds, bodies, hearts and souls.. She will always remain one of the darkest and most dangerous individuals you could have the misfortune of facing inside the ring.

To this very day I would suggest to tread lightly around her.. She will not hesitate at 47 years old to lace up those boots and kick your ass and have you begging for mercy only to find that she has none.. That is the matriarch.. Those most true and loyal call the others their brothers and sisters.. They all wrestled over different companies and even dropped off the radar a few times but if the call is made… They come home and do what they are good at. And what they are all very good at.. Well that is what brings them success.. They love to fight.. Causing pain and destruction in any federation they have stepped into..  Winning titles and accolades.. Something that has lacked most of the schools in this business is that they have all done it for the glory and for the fame.. What binds this band together is their love for it.. They love the business.. They love to fight.. They love each other.. Nobody will fight harder for you than they will if you become one of them.. And that brings us to the heart of the matter… Why is Kim so eager to face Seleana.. Why does she want to hurt Crystal so badly and provide the first measure of pain through her wifey.. Well that has everything to do with this family.. Kim trained Kat for years.. And has watched the little street rat grow into a very successful young lady.

Kat is her baby sister.. And there is something poetic about putting Crystal through the pain she had to endure.. Crystal is going to have to watch her wifey suffer like Kim had to watch Kat suffer.. The betrayal.. That is something not taken lightly.. And it will be a joyous occasion for Kim to extract the first measure of revenge.. Is it going to be easy.. She hopes not.. Seleana has a good history in SCW.. But Kim has had a good history everywhere she wrestled..  It has been years since Kim suffered a 1 on 1 loss.. A good 13 years to be exact.. She loves competition and it has looked promising so far in SCW.. She is actually not used to fighting women and so this is a new challenge for her.. She was fighting men pretty much exclusively for the better part of her career.. She holds grudges like you would not believe and most girls hate her intensity and the sheer level of violence she likes to bring to the ring.. I know you would not think that behind that sexy entrance and the whole blonde bombshell look, but Kim is that bitch.. She is that bitch that will gladly rip you apart while having a dazzling smile on her face.. She is that bitch that will go to war for her family.. And she is that bitch that will get the most pain filled screams out of her victims to get that measure of revenge that she is looking for… And Seleana is going to find that out first hand on Climax Control..

Kim was working in her office at the HG when at the end of what had already been a very long day Whisper came into the room with paperwork in hand. She raised an eyebrow and the unspoken question was clear to Kim.

Kim : Yeah I am signing with CCPE.. Kat and Chris asked..

Whisper : Keep an eye on your brother will you.. I fear he may overwork himself..

Kim nodded.. She had seen it in him as well..

Kim : I will.. And I will talk to him.. If not, Kat can always slap some sense into him.

Whisper nodded and was about to walk out but Kim had seen the dead blank eyes..

Kim : You okay Becca.. It has been a rough few weeks..

Whisper : I will survive.. Should have known better but gave him a chance he should not have gotten..

Kim got up and held Becca tight for a moment..

Kim : You only have to say the word.. And he will be permanent history..

Whisper shook her head slowly..

Whisper : It is not worth the jail time..

Whisper untangled herself from Kim’s arms and put her hand on her cheek softly..

Whisper : I will be fine.. You have a match to prepare for. As much as she may not be in your league.. She does not know that. Make sure that by the time you are done and that bell rings that she will never ever forget it.

A little of that dark and dangerous side showed and it brought an evil smirk to the face of Kim. One that was still on her face when Cy walked into her office at the end of the day.. He loved that evil side of her.

Cy : I know that look all too well..

Kim : You do indeed babe. I am ready to go if you are..

Cy : Let’s go home..

Kim nodded.. She grabbed her things and tossed them in her bag and walked with him turning the lights out before stepping out of the office..

Cy : Do me a favor while you are there.. Try and get through to Mac..

Kim : You are the second person to ask.. I will or I will sic Kat on him.. But you know he has the week off right so he is getting some relax time right now..

Cy : Tell him this from me.. Call home. He should know what it means…

Kim : You and Mac are getting too comfortable talking in Riddles.. No pun intended.. I will call Mac when I get to the house..

Cy just smirked and wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they headed out of the HG.. Neither of them noticed a pair of proud dark eyes watching them leave together. The couple made their way home quickly as it was just a few miles up the road from the HG. And when they were inside their mountain home Cy was quick to light a fire to drive out the cold of the February weather. Kim sat down at the dinner table and grabbed her cell phone and called Mac. It rang but he did not answer so she left him a voicemail.

Kim : Big man.. Why am I being tasked to tell you to take it easy huh? You trying to outwork me big brother.. In all seriousness though.. People are getting a bit worried.. Call me back when you can okay.. Oh.. And Cy said that you had to call home. You would know what it meant. Love you! Bye!

Kim placed the phone down on the table and sighed.. She turned towards Cy who had heard the voicemail message. He said nothing but walked over and kissed her softly just to show he gets her concern. She had her packing to do for the show and travel to San Francisco.. Not too bad from where she lives but still far enough away to not want to travel on the same day as the show if she could help it.. There are a few things to do for her before she could go and shooting a promo is one of them.. She grabbed her phone and shot Cy an evil smirk. One that he loved so much from her..

The scene opens on Kim standing on the deck of their home with snow surrounding her.. One thing she loved and hated about living in the mountains.

Kim : Seleana.. Former champion that should not be overlooked by me.. That hype man in SCW sure knows how to set things up. But… Why should I not overlook you.. Everyone else seems to be doing it.. What have you done recently that is worth much to talk about in the grand scheme of things.. Your wifey holds a title and you know she would toss you in the trash for that shiny little belt.. She sort of already did that once right.. Just so you know, I don’t think you are as active on twitter as she is.. That is not the only time she is doing it either.. Miss Caldwell, Hilton, Zdunich.. Or whatever alias she decides to get this week is not exactly the best role model for wifey material now is she.. Not exactly the smartest person on the planet either.. I mean just the other week she was sliding into a man’s DM proposing a threesome with him and you… Were you aware that she was basically renting out your crotch up for use by a man?

Now to make this even worse by your wifey.. Check this out..  This man was not even single.. As he and his girl got no secrets from each other she saw the message on his phone and it explained why he nearly gagged on his coffee because the last thing he wants is another one night stand with the dead fish in bed that is your wife.. Now were you aware of that.. I don’t think so.. Of course when confronted she tried to claim that she was testing him to see if he was legit.. With the amount of bullshit he got from everyone on the damn planet for the relationship to start with, I would say he is legit as he has stuck around through all that crap.. Now why would I be telling you this.. Well the man she proposed too.. The man she was trying to get into her bed.. That is Kat’s man..

Kim rolled her eyes and crossed those devious long legs as she leaned back against the railing..

Kim : The same Kat Jones she befriended and stabbed in the back.. Then tries to make friends with her again.. Is then surprised that Kat does not trust her.. and to top off the crazy fucked up sunday then goes and does this.. Want to laugh though.. We all know Kat is magic in the kitchen and your wifey wanted a slice of the heavenly red velvet cake.. And then she was hurt and surprised that she was turned down.. Really.. Now just between us.. If you befriend and then backstab a person.. That is enough reason to not trust you right.. Only to then try and fuck around with her man… Is it really that surprising then that Kat was banished to the VIP room with Angel so that she would not run into your little wifey and end her.. You see Kat may not be cleared to compete.. She can and would fight your girl.. And quite frankly if I had to put money on a real fight between those two.. It would bet on Kat all day every day because she has a mean streak bigger than this damn mountain..

And the kicker to this… I get to have the honor of getting revenge for Kat.. You see.. Kat is my baby sister… We are a big strong family and she is the youngest.. We are just a tad bit protective of our little hellKat and I was very happy to find out that I had you in a match.. You see I am coming to dish out the pain to your wife that I felt.. The pain I felt for Kat when she was stabbed in the back.. betrayed and beaten up two on one by your wifey and her girl… But I will be doing this by myself.. I will gladly kick that crap out of you so she can feel as helpless to stop it as I was sitting at home watching it happen.. She was a sneaky bitch too, making sure to do it on one of the few shows where the rest of the saviors were unable to come and help her.. Making herself relevant again by any means necessary.. That is the woman you married. Well I hope for you and her both that your insurance is up to date..

Kim snarled and her dark eyes showed the anger bubbling underneath the surface.

Kim : My way of getting revenge involves pain.. A lot of pain.. You see Seleana.. You can jump and fly across the ring as much as you would like but if I want to.. I can keep you tracked in a four by four foot radius in the middle of the ring.. It is hard to jump and fly when your knee has been twisted into oblivion. It is hard to Get your offense in when I ground you to the mat.. It is damn near impossible for you to match my ring style while me on the other hand.. I can do what you like to do. But it is not my thing.. My thing is to catch those little jumping fleas and twist them into a tiny little pretzel.. As there is nothing more satisfying to me than to hear the broken screams of those I destroy inside the ring.. Now are you aware of what I can do to you.. No.. You only know what little you saw in my debut in SCW.. But that is okay.. I will teach you exactly why my name is Kimberly Pain…

When it is all said and done there is one person you can blame for your pain.. And it is not me.. I am just the tool used for revenge.. No.. The one person you have to blame is your wife.. Or what is supposed to be your wife.. And then you can deliver a warning to her.. What I am going to do to you.. That is exactly what I am going to do to her but ten times worse. I am going to make her wish that she never found out what wrestling truly is.. I am going to destroy her and laugh while doing so.. Her screams of agony will become your future nightmares Seleana.. And in the end when you are sitting next to a hospital bed clutching to your bruised and battered wifey’s hand.. Holding on to a mere ghost of what she used to be.. That is when I am satisfied with the measure of revenge taken.. She fucked up.. More than once.. And she is going to pay the prize.. But so will you.. Because as her wife you should have stopped her.. If you knew only five percent of the crap she planned out over the years. You should have stopped it.. Stopped her from signing her own death warrant.

Kim’s smirk grew wider for a moment as she began to speak again..

Kim : I am not saying this to try and scare you.. I am warning you.. The big difference being that I always make good on my warnings and promises.. And I promised myself that I would get even for all that was done to my sister.. All in the hunt for a golden strap around your wifeys waist. And I am not having anything less than those screams in horror and hear the pitch change of the screams when ligaments and tendons tear underneath my grip. Those that have been around the industry and have known me for a little longer than the SCW faithful.. They know that I do not make idle threats and empty scare tactics.. Nah.. That is not my style.. I make people wish for death so that it might end their suffering in the ring and I have more often than not had to get creative in removing blood stains from the wrestling gear I was wearing that night.. And I will have no problem spending some of that precious down time I have from working in and around the wrestling business all day every day on cleaning your blood from my gear.. It will be worth it..

Do I care if you were in on it or not.. Not really.. You are to serve a means to an end.. And that end is your wifeys career down the gutter where it belongs along with her.. Kat was the gutter grown street rat and while Crystal saw no use for her as a friend she made the biggest mistake of her life.. Your wife has the worst reputation in the business.. Hopping from cunt to dick on a whim.. She may be married to you but her straying eyes never stopped wandering.. But this time she wandered to the wrong spot. Kat had no use for her and she betrayed her.. She was wrong.. Kat is now the CEO of the biggest wrestler management enterprise this business has ever seen.. The biggest, best and most talented wrestlers are signed there.. Kat is a success and your wife.. She is a fucking joke..

Kim tilted her head and her voice got low and soft.. A near whisper..

Kim : I will ask you this.. And I will ask you only one time.. Think about it and give me the answer in the ring.. Did you know.. Be very careful with how you answer.. You are going to pay regardless for what has happened as that is the way we are.. But it might save your career.. Did you know..

With that said Kim ends the video and sends it off to SCW.. She went into the house and the look on her face made Cy smile.. It spelled trouble for those that fucked with their family..