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Messages - Sam Marlowe

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 â€œHey sleepyhead,” says a voice as a redhead opens her eyes and offers the owner of the voice a sleepy smile.  Montgomery Christopher leans against the door jamb as Sam Marlowe sits up in the bed, her curls tousled as she rubs at her eyes.  â€œHow did you sleep?”

“Mmmm slept very well and I needed this for the longest time,” says Sam as she stretches once more before turning to let her legs escape the blankets.  Dressed in just a long white button-down, she slowly walks towards the door and offers Monte a soft kiss before moving past him.  Monte smirks before following the redhead down the stairs and into the kitchen where she starts to rummage through the fridge that she had opened.  

“Ummm Monte, you don’t have anything for breakfast do you?” ponders Sam as she pulls out a bottle of milk and sets it on the counter.  â€œOr is it your plan to keep me here faint from hunger?” she jokes.

Moving behind her, Monte reaches over the fridge for a box of cereal that he shakes lightly.  â€œI got this but I don’t know…the keeping you here sounds like a good idea,” returns Monte as he pulls the box out of the hands of Sam who had been reaching for it.  â€œTell you what, why don’t we just do that hmm?”

Sam cocks one eyebrow at Monte before moving into him and sliding her hand up his chest then arm to pull it down as her lips barely caress his only to pull away with a smirk as the box of cereal is in her hand.  Turning, she moves to the cabinets and opens them to find a bowl which she pulls down then pulls out a drawer to add a spoon.  Monte reaches for the cereal box once more but a growl of warning has him holding up his hands in surrender.  Sam pours herself a bowl then pours milk over it.  With a smile, she slips the spoon into the flakes and takes a slow bite, letting the spoon trail over her lips which close while she chews.

Monte leans against the counter watching as Sam stands over the sink eating the cereal.  He lets his elbows rest on the granite countertop as he watches Sam who seems intent on her cereal.  Monte leans over and nudges her with his finger forcing a soft eep to escape.  Sam turns to look at Monte who smiles.  â€œWhat do you say about staying?” he asks with a hopeful look.  â€œI got this place here in Boston and I want you to share it with me.  So whadda ya think?”

Sam chokes down the bite in her mouth and sets down the bowl carefully as a confused look crosses her face.  â€œWhat do you mean staying?  You want me to move in with you?” ask Sam slowly.  â€œBut Monte, we talked about this before…school is out in Vegas and I am just getting my career back after a rather dreadful time.  Besides, we have only been together for such a short time…”

Sam is stopped mid comment as Monte straightens and then moves to grasp Sam’s hand.  She looks confused again as she looks down at his hand then up at Monte who had moved closer and let his other hand caress her cheek.  Unsure of what is going on, Sam lets a soft giggle escape before she takes a long breath.  

“Monte, what is this?” she asks suspiciously

Monte pulls Sam into the middle of the kitchen and slowly lowers himself to one knee.  Sam gasps softly, her hand moving to her mouth as she watches Monte reach into his pocket and pull something out.  â€œSamantha Marlowe, I have thought about this a long time since I had to come back to Boston and I think I am sure I want to make it official,” says Monte as he flips at the catch of the box in his hand and reveals a small gold ring with the flash of a heart shaped ruby.  â€œI know this is a surprise but Sam, I realize that I need you in my life and I want you to stay with me forever.  Will you ma…”

Sam stops him with one hand before he can finish his thought.  She pulls him to his feet and slowly nods her head.  â€œOh Monte,” she exclaims, tears trailing on her cheek.  He swipes at one with a knuckle of the hand holding the box.  â€œI don’t know what to say…”

“Say yes Sammi,” he encourages her as he pulls her close.  â€œSay yes and we can just stay here and not have to worry about you going back to Vegas except to pack up and move here.”

Sam lays her head against the chest of Monte as she listens to the beat of his heart as well as his words.   “Monte, I have to go back and I still have my wrestling to think about,” she replies only to hear the rumble of his chest as he laughs at the comment.

“Sam, say yes and you will not have to get back in the ring either,” says Monte.  

Sam pulls away from Monte, a hurt look on her face.  â€œNot wrestle anymore?  What are you talking about?  I have a match coming up in New York in the finals of the Blast from the Past tournament and Ben and I are going to win it all.  Then I will be the number one contender to the Bombshell championship and I can’t let down the fans and I definitely can’t let Ben down, he is my friend.”

Monte’s face takes on a look of anger.  â€œYou can’t let Ben down?  What has he ever done for you huh?  Yeah the pair of you go to the pub and yeah do the friend thing but what about me Sam.  I am the man that loves you enough to want to settle down now.  Can he do that for you huh?” demands Monte.

Sam reaches a hand up to Monte’s cheek at the sound of the jealousy in his voice.  â€œMonte, Ben is only a friend and that is all.  What I am trying to tell you is that Sin City Wrestling is something I love.  Hell I must love it enough to have let Christian Underwood make me look like a goofy jill of all trades,” jokes Marlowe which doesn’t get a smile from Monte.  Sam’s smile fades slightly as she leans into Monte and wraps her arms around his midsection.  â€œI am sorry Monte, but I can’t give up SCW right now, I have too much investment in making it back to the top once more.”

Monte pulls away and goes back to leaning against the counter as he runs his hand through his hair mussing it as he grits his teeth and closes the small box with a snap.  â€œI guess I can’t compete then,” he snarls as he slams the box onto the granite countertop.  Sam rushes towards him and puts both hands on his cheek.

“Monte, don’t.  I don’t want you to make me have to choose right now.  Why can’t we keep what we have for now?” she asks quietly.

“Because Sam I don’t want to keep what we have, I want to move forward to the next step,” he answers angrily.  â€œBut you don’t want that do you.  You want to give this up for wrestling?”

Monte motions down his body as he gives Sam an angry glare then once more rubs his hand through his hair.  Sam looks down and one hand falls from Monte’s cheek to ball into a fist at her side as once more tears begin to well up in her eyes.  Monte sees them and again swipes at the trickle of one on her left cheek.  â€œPlease don’t hate me Monte but I can’t say yes right now,” she offers almost guiltily.  

Monte says nothing and doesn’t look at Sam who pulls away almost reluctantly.  She moves towards the doorway but is stopped by a hand on her arm.  Monte pulls her back and into his embrace as his arms tighten around Sam.  She leans into the embrace and inhales a deep shaky breath.  Pulling away only enough to look into Monte’s face, Sam softly speaks.  â€œAre we ok Monte?”

Giving Sam a look, Monte’s lips tighten as he begins to nod slowly.  Sam stops the nodding with a hand and caresses Monte’s cheek.  â€œListen Monte, I want you to save that question for when I retire and then maybe the answer will change?” she teases.  Monte can’t help but smile at that comment.  Sliding the box back into his pocket he murmurs deal as he leans in for a kiss.  Sam returns it with a smile before hearing the clock in the hallway chime.  Reaching down to grab Monte’s hand, she pulls it upward, twisting it to check out his watch before exclaiming excitedly that she is going to be late…like Ben Jordan late.  Monte’s eyes narrow at the comment as Sam hurriedly rushes out of the room before he follows her out.

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A redhead can be seen back stage at a studio with multiple people surrounding her and helping her get ready for the show.  She spies Ben Jordan and excuses herself to head towards her friend who proceeds to try and get Sam to reveal what they are doing here at Saturday Night Live.  Smiling at her friend, she avoids commenting which only makes Ben look more concerned.

Sam can’t help but bite her lip as she can see Ben getting more and more concerned.  Finally taking him by the arm, she guides him to the curtain where they are joined by Lorne Michaels who points them through the curtains and into the scene…

The live audience can be seen watching as the White House oval office set is seen.  Sitting at the small desk beside the presidential desk, Alec Baldwin is dressed as Donald Trump who is playing with an expandable globe of chain links and laughing.  Suddenly the door opens to reveal Kate McKinnon as Kellyanne Conway and Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer who move to talk to ‘Donald’

“Mr President,” drawls Kellyanne.  â€œWe found them sir and they are just outside.”

“Spicy thinks you did the right thing sir.  These two are going to make it all okay for you,” says Spicer.

“Well bring them in,” says Donald as he gets to his feet.  â€œThis will be yuge!  Amazing even Kellyanne.  When these two are on my side, not even James Comey will be able to beat me.  All those supervillains will get what they deserve for going on and on about the Russian thingie.”

Kellyanne Conway slides towards the door and flings it open to reveal Sam Marlowe and Ben Jordan who walk into the room.  As they do, Donald reaches for a phone and begins to type out a message, speaking as he presses the buttons on the cell phone.  â€œBad guys beware, I got superheros to help me out. #Yugeadvantage.”

“Mr President, let me introduce you to…” begins Kellyanne but is stopped by Donald who moves forward and pumps the hand of Ben in a yanking handshake that pulls him off balance.   “I know who these two are Kellyanne.  We got Clark Kent here and Natasha Romanov,” he says.  Sam and Ben share a glance as Ben holds up a finger.

“Oi mate, I ain’t no Clark Kent,” offers Ben as he tugs his jacket.   “I’m a Cockney gent.”

“Don’t lie, I know you are Superman and Black Widow,” offers Donald.  The redhair gives it away on her.  And you, the chiselled cheeks, cleft chin and yuge muscles.  But I guess it is good that you are under deep cover you know…”

“I’m sorry Mr. President but I am not Black Widow and he isn’t Superman,” says Sam with a bit of a giggle.  Ben nudges her and gives her a wtf look which causes her to fight back a laugh.  â€œWell at least not in public.”  Ben gives her another look as she sticks her tongue out at him.  

Donald begins to pace along the length of the desk as Kellyanne coughs and drawls at the trio.  â€œMr. President, this is Ben Jordan and Sam Marlowe from Sin City Wrestling.”

“Do I own that?” demands Donald who is fiddling with his cell phone as Sam and Ben look at each other once more.  â€œNo sir,” drawls Kellyanne.  â€œYou wanted me to find someone to help you fix your image sir and well Sin City Wrestling is in New York for their supercard Into the Void,” adds Kellyanne.  

Spicer smiles as he stands on his podium and moves closer to Ben and Sam and crowds them slightly towards Donald.  â€œSir, these two do what you call promos and debates with their opponents in the ring and since you need to make your speeches a bit more punchy, we brought these two in to debate you.”

“Why would I need to debate anyone,” demands Donald.  â€œI beat Hilary, it was huge.  Big electoral college win you know.”  Donald begins to tap on the cell phone but Kellyanne moves across the set and pulls the phone out of his hands.

“Look, could be fun Mr President,” offers Sam who moves closer.  â€œNow why don’t you show me what you would say if you were in a match with…”

“If I was in a match with you, I would do my finisher on you, the grab her by the pu…” says Donald with a leer as he moves towards Sam, his hand reaching to grab her as Ben steps in front of her slightly.

“Mate, I wouldn’t be grabbing Ginge here, that ain’t cricket,” warns Ben as Donald nods and pulls his hand back.  

“So then how are we going to do this?” pouts Donald as he moves to sit behind the desk.  â€œAre you sure you can’t be Superman?” adds Donald as he takes a picture of Ben and Sam with the cellphone he had grabbed from Kellyanne.  Spicer brings in moving podium then jumps off it and rushes to the side to ride a second one in for Ben and Sam.  Donald Trump gets behind the podium and prepares to speak by taking a sip of water, sniffling slighty as Ben can be seen fighting off Kellyanne who is trying to get handy as she helps him up behind the podium.  Sam is guided behind the presidential desk and is handed a couple of cue cards.

“Okay sir, Sam Marlowe is going to be asking the questions for you.  And go,” says Sean Spicer.  Sam nods and begins to ask questions.  

“First question is about being a fighting champion, what do you think you will need to do to be a champion…Ben?” asks Sam.

Ben smiles and he prepares to speak but Donald beats him to the punch and yells ‘WRONG’ before he can speak.  Sam raises her eyebrow.  â€œMr. President, Ben hasn’t had a chance to respond. “

“To be a champion you have to beat the best,” begins Ben only to have Trump interrupt with a Wrong again then he looks at Ben realizing the accent of the Cockney.   Ben tries to ignore the interruption and speaks again.  â€œYou need to have the drive and abilities to take the fight to anyone and everyone.  Like this week coming up, I am in the ring with my housemate and my friend and we are going to beat each other to win the chance to face the champion and become champion.”  

Sam smiles as she turns to Trump.  â€œSame question sir, what do you need to do to be a champion?”

Donald takes a sip of water then sniffles as he begins to speak.  â€œFirst off you need to have a good campaign manager, right Kellyanne?” he jokes as Kellyanne just waves her hand in a whatever motion.  â€œThen you need to have a good campaign team that have some very good contacts and change your story every five minutes.  Never let em catch you doing it though…and if they do, lie.”

Ben’s smile widens as he listens to the comments from Trump.  Shaking his head he grips the podium sending it towards Donald’s which prompts Donald to call for the Secret Service.  A man who looks suspiciously like Putin comes in and steps between Ben and the president holding a green glowing rock.  Donald pats him on the back as Ben just tilts his head.

“Kryptonite comrade,” growls the Putin lookalike.  Ben bats the green rock out of Putin’s hand as Sam gets to her feet and joins Ben.  Putin flexes as Ben and he match up.  Sam moves to stop them but Kellyanne Conway gets in her way.  As the two pairs of people are facing each other, Spicer moves between them as a microphone drops from the ceiling.  

“Keep it clean,” says Spicer as he rings the desk bell.  Putin reaches for Ben who locks up with him and then twists Putin into a headlock as Sam catches Kellyanne with a wristlock.  The four turn to the camera and smile as they all shout…


The scene moves into the opening montage as Ben and Sam shake hands with Alec and Kate and Melissa.  The pair moves off into the backstage area as Melissa McCarthy hurries to get out of the Spicer costume.  Suddenly the sound of the announcer calling out Melissa’s name stops them and Ben and Sam turn to watch her go out.

“Thanks for doing this opening with me Ben,” says Sam with a laugh.  â€œWhen I got the call from Lorne Michaels, I wasn’t sure you would want to do it.”

“It would have been better if you told me what was going on Ginge,” replies Ben as the two continue to watch the opening monologue.

“Yeah but if I had, it wouldn’t have been as fun as seeing you wondering earlier Prat,” jokes Sam only to have Ben shake his head and mutter some flavourful cockney words that Sam smiles at but appears to ignore as music plays to end Melissa’s monologue and move into the next scene.

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Sam Marlowe can be seen in a pair of torn jeans and a Ben Jordan tee as she walks along Time Square that is lit up brightening the nighttime scene.  As she walks along, she can be seen talking into her cell phone.

“Well here we are, Into the Void is only days away and I can’t get it out of my mind that I am in the finals and Ben and I will be facing people that some would say are friends.  But the question is, are they really friends and if so, will this be a match of mutual respect?” ponders Sam as she walks.  â€œOf course the answer to that is a resounding maybe.”

Sam is called out to by someone on the street that recognizes her causing Sam to smile and wave back before turning to the camera once more.  The lights behind her flash and blink enveloping her in a halo of color.

“I say maybe because I have this sneaky suspicion that for one or two people, it won’t be friendly.  Of course I am talking about Evie and her natural impulse to be evil.  I saw it when she and Ben took on Jamie and Amy in a mixed tag.  She talks a good game about wanting to be friends then tears people to shreds to get ahead.  Yeah, that is really some kind of friend,” offers Sam as she slowly looks around.  â€œI can just imagine what she is saying about me and you know what..that is fine, whatever she needs to say to help her sleep at night, she has every right to say.  And if truth be told, I really don’t care because I am not concerned about words.”

Sam smirks slightly as she begins to move once more along the famed square.  She puts one hand in the pocket of her jeans as she walks, the cellphone held in front of her.

“I suppose if I really wanted to talk about this match, I would have to talk about what kind of people we are.  Evie and I are as different as day and night.  She needs to be the center of attention, constantly needing to be around Ben and Jamie and all of us.  She is a hanger on that couldn’t stand on her own so she began to leech off anyone she could get her claws into.  Sad part of that is that she realizes how it looks and doesn’t think of anything but her own gratification no matter what,” says Sam with conviction.  â€œWhereas I don’t get to spend all my time with Ben because I don’t need to.  I have a life other than draping myself all over someone.”

“Yeah people call me a goodie two shoes because of my personality and that is because that is who I am.  I am not one thing one minute then doing a complete one eighty the next.  I don’t flip flop attitudes and I definitely don’t talk a big game like Evie.  That is another difference between the two of us.  She is in your face talking about how she is going to be beating someone like they are a little bitch…excuse the language…” offers Sam before continuing.  â€œMe on the other hand, I don’t need to talk a big game.  I don’t need to say bad things about people to get my point across.  I just go out there and do what I do best and that is make people sit up and take notice of me in the ring with my skills.  Yeah, maybe I don’t trash talk like Evie does and I am sure she is giving a mouthful of it about me for the match at Into the Void.  And if she needs to do that then fine, go right ahead Evie.  Be my guest.”

Looking confidently at the camera again, she offers it a smile.

“You know Evie, for all your talk and all your in your face throwing yourself at Ben, enjoy because you know what…it just shows your desperation and need for a friend.  Sure you are tough, I will give you that,” concedes Sam, “and I am sure that you and Raab are going to be coming to that ring to beat Ben and I and rise to the top of the ranks in SCW.  And if you do, bravo.  But I also know just what I am capable of and I know what Ben is capable of and I trust him not to let me down as I know I won’t be letting him down either. ”

Sam looks at the camera and sucks in her bottom lip as the look of confidence fades slightly.  

“You want to know what has made me laugh about this match Evie?  Do you want to know how I feel about this match?  I am really looking forward to stepping into the ring and I am really looking forward to testing myself against you just to see if this tournament wasn’t a fluke but in all seriousness, I have to admit, I don’t want to face you either.”

Bringing her freehand to her head, she runs it through her curls that have begun to float on the breeze and into her face.  She stops with the lights of Time Square behind her.  

“That’s right Evie, I don’t want to face you because you are a not so nice person that needs to be the center of attention.  Part of me wanted to throw the match and not even show up.  How does that make you feel Evie?  To know that I don’t want to have anything to do with you in the match but like I said, I won’t let Ben down.  So I will step in the ring and I will do what I need to do. “

Sam can’t believe what she had said but takes a long drawn out breath to calm her nerves to continue.

That is another difference between you and me Evie.  I don’t believe in letting people down.  I smiled through the torture that Christian Underwood put me through because I refuse to let him down even when he let me down.  I was given the shot in this tournament by Mark Ward and for his faith in me I will not let him down either.  So will you be able to overcome the fact that I am too dang stubborn to let you win in that ring?  Will you be able to get past my desire to prove the faith that was put in me was well placed?  Or are you just going to laugh in my face.  I suspect it is the later and that is okay by me.  Because when you are laughing, I am going to be beating you from ringpost to turnbuckle and I am NOT going to stop until Ben’s and I’s arms are raised in victory.”

Sam slowly raises her arm to emphasize her comment.

“I’ll see you in the ring Evie and I hope you bring every bit of the darkness and evil that is you because that is what you are going to have to do,” offers Sam.  â€œBut remember, good always wins.”

With that comment, Sam begins to walk again joining the crowd in Time Square until she disappears.

Climax Control Archives / Solioquay of a bombshell
« on: April 28, 2017, 11:57:42 PM »
 A noise can be heard behind a door that is closed.  Suddenly the sound of a whirl and click is heard and the door slowly pushes inward to reveal Sam Marlowe entering, a dragged carryon behind her and a rather large purse banging against her denim covered waist.  A pair of silvered sunglasses hold back a rather messy pile of red curls with one lone curl brushing across her cheek with each bouncing step.

“Oh my goodness,” escapes the redhead as she looks around the hotel room she had entered to take in the vases of flowers resting on every table surface in the room.  She lets her purse slip from her wrist to land with a bang on the floor.  

She moves further into the room after letting go of the handle of the carry on.   Approaching the bed, she notices there is a teddy bear sitting on the pillow.  Smiling she moves closer and picks up the white bear.  A piece of paper flutters to the bed that draws her attention.  Holding the bear close, she reaches and read the page.

Beary excited to invite you out to dinner to welcome you to Boston.  Dress pretty and I will let Monte can come with us.

A small smile crosses Sam’s face before she sets the paper down and then the bear.  She looks around again at the flowers and sighs as she shakes her head.  â€œMonte you are crazy,” she murmurs as she moves towards the carryon and pulls it towards the bed.  Opening the suitcase, she pulls out a rather simple dress and twirls with it held to her chest and stops as she catches a look at herself in the mirror.

“Guess that Monte must have found out when I was arriving and I can’t believe he would do something like this.  I mean I know he is romantic but this is next level romance,” Sam mentions to herself as she brings the dress to the closet near the hotel room door and brings out a hanger.  Draping the dress over it, she then moves towards the bathroom and hangs the dress near the shower before turning on the hot water and lets the steam begin to fill the room.  

A soft dreamy music begins to play as Sam turns and heads towards the purse on the floor and pulls out her phone.  Swiping along the screen, Sam answers the phone.  â€œHello darlin’, I got your message,” she says, the lilt of a smile in her voice.  â€œYou went overboard but I love it,” she adds before listening to the voice on the other end.  â€œOf course I have time for dinner Monte but this weekend is going to be hectic.  So I’ll see you like in a couple of hours?”

A mumbling reply is heard which only widens the smile on Sam’s lips.  Sam says goodbye to Monte then hangs up the phone before turning to move towards the bathroom where a small cloud of steam escapes into the room.  Tossing the phone at the bed, Sam disappears into the room and closes the door as she whistles softly before leaning out of the room and tosses her shirt on the bed.

Forty minutes later, Sam is dressed in a pair of dark panties and bra as she sits at the makeup table and picks up the comb and begins to slick it through her damp hair then rolls a pair of large curlers into the hair at the top of her scalp.  Looking into the mirror at her reflection, she lets a soft thoughtful murmur escape her as she softly begins to speak to her reflection.

“You know Sam, everyone has been talking about how this week you are in the semi finals of the tournament.  I bet a bunch of people have also claimed that you and Ben are probably going to win it all and well, if truth be known…” begins Sam before she shakes her head and once more speaks to her reflection.

“Who am I kidding” she admits to herself.  â€œI haven’t really heard anyone talk about what is going on and if I am honest, that kind of worries me.  You would think that there would be people who think that Ben and I have what it takes to win this week and there are probably others that will say that we don’t stand a chance.  And as much as I want to just admit that we are going to be giving it our all, we do have to admit that we are facing the team that everyone else says have got just as much of a chance, maybe a better one.  Yeah, probably see Mercedes and Max beating us. Would they be wrong though?” ponders Sam.

Reaching for a makeup brush, she glides it across her skin softly as she continues to wonder out loud.    â€œI know that Ben has to worry about Max Burke and the fact that he is rather a tough competitor, I can’t    worry about him and I put my faith in his abilities but the question is going to be can I step up and put Mercedes in the position of losing the match.  That is a very good question and the short answer might be yes although she would say that I would have a snowballs chance to pin her shoulders to the mat in this match.”

Sam wrinkles her nose at that comment hanging in the air.  Looking away for a moment as she sucks in her bottom lip and worries it with her teeth, Sam softly snorts at the idea of losing to Mercedes.  â€œThere is no way I am going to let Mercedes Vargas get the pin on me because I am not going to be in the position to cost Ben this match.  I have heard him saying that this is his last hurrah and if that is the case, I want him to go all the way to the finals and win it at Into the Void.  Seriously I think that if he does win it, it might prove to him what I have been saying all along.”

Sam’s reflection shows a look of smugness for a moment before dissolving into a fit of giggles.  â€œBen is going to have to justify walking away from Sin City and then I am going to have to kick his ass to make him realize that he needs to do what he does best and that is beat the best.”

Sam brightens as she realizes what she has said and then leans closer to look at herself as she begins to speak again.  â€œI just thought about it and you know what Sam, I bet that Mercedes would be sitting there talking about how she has done it all, how she has been the grandslam champion…as if that really worries me right now.  Right now all I am worrying about is getting into the ring and not letting my partner down and if that means I have to beat Mercedes or let Ben beat Max, that is what I am going to do and let me get this out there, I am going to do that to move Ben and I into the finals.”

With that said, Sam reaches for the small lip gloss and twists it open to glide the wand along her lips to leave a smear of color.  Once done, she closes the lipgloss and then sets it down.  Getting to her feet, Sam grasps the dress as she moves to the door of the room and exits into the main salon.  Taking the dress off the hanger, she slips it on and lets the flowing skirt swirl around her upper thighs.  Turning back to the bathroom, she tugs the curlers from her hair and then tosses it to loosen the curls.

A knock sounds at the door as Sam flips her hair back.  Slipping her feet into the shoes that she tossed to the floor, she moves to open the door that reveals Monte standing outside of it with a single red rose held out for Sam.  Taking in how she looks, Monte lets a slow whistle of appreciation escape him as Sam smiles and blushes.

“You look like an angel,” he comments as he moves closer, his lips pressing against her cheek for only a moment then slide slowly to the outer corner of her lips before their lips melt together in a kiss.  Moments later, their kiss is broken reluctantly as each softly pants in an attempt to catch their breath.  â€œYou ready?”

Sam nods as she moves to pick up her purse and then reaches on the dresser for the key card of the hotel room.  Monte opens the door as the two of them move out of the room and head down the hall.  The door closes behind the pair as their voices fade into the distance.

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Mercedes, I want to talk directly to you right now because if the truth be told I am not going to be beating around the bush when it comes to this match.  I mean I am going to have be right on the top of my game and trust me that is something I can really focus on now that we have reached the rarified air of the semifinals of the Blast from the Past tournament.

Let me say this in terms you can understand.  This match is something that I need to get past and trust me I know that you are going to be talking about how you are in the Mean Girls and that the Mean Girls are the alpha group within the bombshell division and that no one will stand a chance against you.  But then again, you guys have been very winning…well some of you have.

And I have to admit Mercedes that we have faced off and you have beaten me and I have beaten you. So in that ring we are pretty much even when it comes to matching up skillswise.  I think that it is going to come down to who wants it more and I will confide in you that I want it more than most.  

Let me see if I can explain it to you in terms you can understand.  Being the archivist that you are with matches and history of Sin City wrestling, you are probably going to be talking about how last year I made it to the semifinals with my partner Rage and that was where I ended my blast from the past because I got ahead of myself and I cost Rage the match when Lucy Seraphina slammed a chair upside Rage’s head.  But this year I am not teaming with Rage and I am not the rookie that I was then.  See back then I was concerned about straight shooting and protecting my partner.  But when push came to shove, my concern was the deciding factor in eliminating me from the tournament.

This year however, there have been some changes that I have gone through and I would like to think that they are for the better.  The first change is that I am going to let Ben fight his match against Max Burke and I am going to put my focus on what I need to do to get this match done and in the history books with the W for Ben and I.  That will mean that I am going to be focused on YOU and only you in that ring.  I don’t have to beat Max Burke, I just have to beat you.  

Which right there is almost worrisome because after all, you will remind me that at Climax Control about this time last year, you beat me for the title that is the prize for this tournament and that this year you are part of the dominant group of bombshells in the company.  Yes, you are a Mean Girl but I do have to ask you, with all that y’all claim to be, why is it that when someone calls y’all on your bs, you tend to fold like an ace high poker hand.

Mercedes, I’m calling you out on just how much of a challenge you are going to be on Climax Control.  I realize that you have every intention of bringing the fight to me and every intention of beating me to advance to the finals and probably for all intents and purposes propel yourself to the finals and a win of the whole Blast from the Past.  Good luck because I have only one thing to say to that…

I will be damned if I am going to let you beat me in this match.  You need to realize that I am burning with a desire to go all the way.  I am consumed by the need for redeeming myself from last year and not repeating the loss in the semifinal round of this year’s tournament.  

I came to Boston to the semifinals to win and I am going to leave Boston with it no matter what you think you will be able to do to stop me.  I am ready for whatever you decide you want to try to do or use to win and  believe me when I say that I am motivated to make sure it is Ben and I that move on to the finals.  So try your worse Mercedes because that is what you may need to even make the attempt to win against me.  Or you can just stay on the side of the ring and watch as Ben beats Max Burke one on one.  Either way, you will have to watch as Ben and I advance and you go back to the Mean Girls looking for sympathy that you don’t deserve but will want anyways.

So good luck Mercedes.  Got mad respect for you but also know that I have no choice but to push myself to the win.   And win I will.

Climax Control Archives / What you will
« on: April 21, 2017, 11:58:55 PM »
 Standing on the side of the train tracks of the thirtieth street station in Philadelphia, young redhead Sam Marlowe adjusts a pair of silvered glasses over her eyes as she studies the arrival and departure schedule of the Amtrak trains.  Taking note of when the train to DC is due to arrive and depart, she smiles and reaches for the handle of a rather battered wheeled carryon, shoulders her bag and moves down the tracks towards a sign showing a coffee cup.

She walks up to the counter and then smiling at the barista there, she orders a tea and small muffin.  Paying for the beverage and snack, she moves towards the small café setup in the hallway that is imitating a patio in the main concourse of the train station.  Setting the cup on an empty table, she sits down and pulls the carryon closer and unzips an outer pocket.  Pulling out a small book, she zips it back up and then opens the book to spread it on the table then opens the muffin.  

“Excuse me,” says a voice above her head which catches Sam’s attention.  Looking up at the young person standing there, Sam offers her a smile as she crosses her arms over the book.  Sam takes in the rather grungy jeans and ripped hoodie, straggly hair and ratty shoes which causes her smile to falter for only a moment.

“Hi there,” says Sam as she gives her attention to the girl.  â€œYou talking to me?”

The young girl looks around and then nods slowly.  â€œI was wondering if you could spare some change.  I got jacked by this jerk and he stole my wallet.  I was going home but now I can’t because I can’t afford to get a ticket,” she says as she sniffs loudly, one hand reaching up to swipe at her nose while she once more checks around the terminal.

The natural kindheartedness of Sam begins to bubble up in the redhead who immediately reaches for her bag that she had dropped at her feet.  The young woman begins to smile realizing that she had probably found an easy mark.  Sam straightens and holds out a cell phone.  â€œDid you want to call someone and see if they can buy you a ticket?” offers Sam.

“Ugh, nah, I don’t think that anyone is home right now but could you lend me some money to get something to eat then?” replies the girl with another sniff and swipe at her nose.  Sam’s eyes narrow before she again reaches for her bag and pulls out a five dollar bill and is about to hold it out to the girl when a hand stops her.

“Get lost and quit annoying this person,” threatens a young man with a Sam tee on.  The young girl glares at him then skulks off.  The young man waves at the back of the retreating girl then turns with a smile and sits on the small fence that divides him from Sam.  â€œI am a fan of yours for like ever!” he gushes.

Letting a slight blush cross her face, Sam waves off the gushing with a laugh.  â€œThanks, love meeting the fans,” says Sam as she once more shoves the five dollar bill back into the bag and letting it once more fall to the floor.  She leans her chin against her hand as the fan motions towards the chair beside Sam with one hand as he lifts first one leg then the other over the fence and seats himself.  Sam moves away slightly as the fan puts his elbows on the table.

“Sooo, are you wrestling this weekend?” he asks.

Nodding slowly, Sam shrugs lightly.  â€œYeah, this week is the quarter finals of the Blast from the Past and Ben and I have a match.  I am pretty worried about Ben though, he sounds like he is getting sick and that makes me worry.  So I know that I am going to have to be prepared to really step up to help him out.”

“How are you going to help him, you aren’t allowed to fight the guys are you?” says the fan as he reaches for the muffin and pulls off a small piece and shoves it into his mouth much to Sam’s surprise.  

Sam shakes her head negatively.  â€œNo, I can’t face the guys but this is a mixed tag match and I will be going one on one with the bombshell side of the tag match.  And this week is going to be one heck of a match because we are facing Dax Beckett…” begins Sam only to be interrupted by the fan who whistles low.

“He’s a beast!” exclaims the fan.  â€œYour partner is sure to go down to him.”

“Hey, this is a tag match and I will be in the match as well,” returns Sam with a huff of surprise.  â€œSadly however, I am facing our friend Amy Marshall across the ring.  Amy is going to be a good match though.”

“Dax is teaming with Amy Marshall?” demands the fan.

Sam nods.  â€œAs much as I have loads of respect for Amy, sad part of it is that the only time I faced her I beat her so the law of averages says that it is her turn to win.  But I can’t let that happen and I won’t if I can help it.  But…”  Before she can finish, a hollow voice can be heard call out the train to Washington arriving which has Sam reaching for her bag and getting to her feet.  â€œWish I could stay and chat but that’s my train.  Nice chatting with you,” says Sam as she begins to head towards the train tracks leaving the fan to watch her leave.

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Sam sits quietly on a chair near the ring as she is reading a book.  Suddenly she looks up at the cameraman who has moved to stand in front of her with a camera on his shoulder.  â€œI’m here,” he says as he motions to the camera.  â€œYou want to film here or in the ring?”

Sam debates where she wants to do this and then gets to her feet and lays the book on the chair and moves towards the ring.  The cameraman follows her as she rolls under the bottom rope and into the ring.  Getting to her feet, she moves to the middle of the ring and turns to face the cameraman who has gotten on the apron.  She waits as he begins to count her down and then points at her.

“I guess I should begin by saying that who would have thought that I would be once again in the Blast from the Past tournament and advancing to the quarter finals.  Well given that I am teaming with my friend this year, I am not surprised that we are considered to be one of the teams to go all the way,” offers Sam as she brings her hand up to press against her chest.  â€œAnd let me tell you that I appreciate the thought, I really really do.  And given last year when I went all the way to the semifinals and all teaming with someone that I didn’t really know.  The fact that Ben Jordan and I are friends and we have this teaming this year is more of an incentive to do better than last year.”

Sam takes a moment to think of what she wants to say then begins again.  

“This week is the quarter finals and Ben and I have an interesting matchup against Dax Beckett, a bad boy and our friend Amy Marshall.  I’ll leave Dax Beckett to Ben since we aren’t allowed intergender dust ups in the ring.  That means that Amy and I are going to be in the ring at the same time.”  Sam sighs slightly as she brings her hands up to wrap around her waist while she speaks. “Amy and I really haven’t been in the ring against each other and we haven’t really had many times to chat as friends in and out of the ring but I want her to know that I have mad respect for her and I am looking forward to the match this week.”

Taking a deep breath, Sam offers a smile to the camera.  â€œListen Amy, I know you are probably going to see this and you are going to have to think that I am out here talking through my rear about respect and friendship and all that but I have to tell you that even with the respect I have and our friendship, I have three reasons why if it comes down to you and me in the ring, I am not going to hold back,” offers Sam as she brings up her hand and holds up three fingers.

“Reason number one is the fact that this is the Blast from the Past quarter finals and I want to move on to the next round,” says Sam as one finger lowers.  â€œSecondly, I can’t let Ben down because he deserves the win and chance to move on and show everyone what I have believed since he returned to SCW and that he deserves to be champion. And third, I want to join an elite club here in SCW…I want to be a three time Bombshell champion.  In fact I want to be the youngest triple time bombshell champion.  And to do that I have to win this tournament with Ben to get the title shot.  So sad to say that means Amy that I am going to have to beat you this week to advance.”

Sam offers a somewhat melancholy smile to the camera.  â€œSo Amy let me offer you this.  We leave it all in the ring, nothing but respect and friendship going in, letting it all out in the match and walking out with respect for each other.  But I apologize now, I am sorry Amy, I HAVE to walk out with the win and if that means I have to pin or submit you for it, I will.  Good luck to you,” offers Sam as she smiles for a final time then motions out of camera view for the camera man to stop filming.

“Thanks Sam,” says the cameraman who presses stop.  â€œWe got it.”

“Thanks for meeting me and helping me get that promo cut…now if you will excuse me, I have some training to do,” says Sam as she moves to the ropes and slides through them to jump to the floor then walk slowly to where her book and bag are.  Pulling them towards her, she leaves the cameraman and heads up the aisle and disappears behind the curtain.

Climax Control Archives / Pushing through the heartache...
« on: April 14, 2017, 11:45:24 PM »
 A hand can be seen pressing play on a small hand held ipod that is slid along the side of a light jacket with the earbud cords dangling almost to the ground.  They swing slightly by the red converse hightops that are worn down slightly.  Suddenly they slowly start to rise as a hand pulls them upward then a second hand helps to settle each small unit into a pair of ears framed by red curls and a hoodie.  Faintly, “Eye of the Tiger“can be heard to start before the person turns and begins to run towards a set of stairs.

Climbing slowly up the stairs at a light run, Sam Marlowe seems preoccupied as she moves up the rise of stairs.  Intent on the top of the stairs, Sam begins to speed up slightly as she gets closer to the top.  Standing there at the top is Pussy Willow who is watching her friend approach.  Just as Sam makes it to the top of the stairs, Pussy steps forward scaring her friend and pulling a screech of fright from her.

“Dang it Pussy, you scared the bejesus out of me,” growls Sam as she reaches for the headphones and then wraps them around her neck and puts her hands on her hips.  â€œNext time warn a gal will ya!”

“Sorry Sammi, thought you saw me,” answers Pussy who hangs her head slightly.  â€œYou were looking right at me so I figured you would see me.”

Sam looks away into the distance, the skyline of Philly in view before turning back to Pussy and shaking her head.  â€œI’ve had a lot on my mind this morning and well, not really into paying attention.  After last night and getting the news that I did…I am just not thinking straight.”

Pussy shoots her friend a look of concern.  â€œEverything ok Sam?” she wonders as Sam takes a long breath and sucks in her bottom lip to worry it slightly.  Pussy moves closer to Sam as she sees the unshed tears in her eyes.  â€œOkay Sammi, spill it.  You aren’t all right at all are you?”

Sam tries to hold her back and shakes her head as one single tear escapes to run down her cheek.  â€œPussy, let it go.  It’s something I need to deal with alone and talking about it won’t help so why don’t we talk about something…anything else.”  Sam pulls at the hoodie strings as she looks up as if to force her tears back into her eyes.  

Pussy nods as she moves to Sam’s side as she looks around for somewhere to sit.  Guiding Sam to a bench nearby, Pussy pushes her down then joins her.  â€œOkay if you don’t want to tell me what is bothering you, then let’s talk about what is happening at Climax Control this Sunday night.  You got a match with Veronica Taylor and since she is going to be facing Jessie Salco for the Roulette title, you are going to be having the match under Roulette rules.  What do you have to say to that hmmm?”

Sam swallows and wipes at her face with her fingertips as a small grin flits across her lips.  â€œHoly déjà vu Pussy, what can I say about having to face Veronica Taylor yet again.  I guess the only thing that I can think of right now is the fact that no matter what when we step in the ring, she and I tend to be like oil and fire, explosive.”

Sam takes a moment to yank up her sleeves and push the hoodie down from her hair.  â€œI mean how many times does it take for me to beat Veronica Taylor?  I seriously think that Christian Underwood is probably behind this to pay me back for winning my first match in the Blast from the Past or for the fact that Mark Ward named me to wrestle in that tournament.  But if you really ask me,” begins Sam, “I think that he might very well be giving me more than I can handle to get me out of the tournament early.”

“You don’t think he is that bad do you Sam?” asks Pussy.

“Nah, I don’t think that anyone could be that bad,” offers Sam as she moves to cross her legs.  â€œBesides, I guess this is a good thing that I get this tune up match before Climax control 178 where Ben and I will probably be facing a really hard team.  If I had my wish, it would probably be Grimm and Misty.  But that is next week.  This week I am facing Veronica Taylor in a match.  So I suppose that I should be talking about it and her huh?”

Pussy offers Sam a smirk and a nod.  â€œWell maybe you might want to say one or two things about her.  Say, why not do your match promo here at the top of the Rocky stairs.  I’ll film it for ya.”

“Y’all don’t think that might be a little cheesy?” demands Sam as she gets to her feet as does Pussy who moves to stand a few steps down the stairs.  Pussy points her phone in Sam’s direction and begins to film as Sam begins to lightly bounce on her feet, her hands up in fists and shadowboxing with the morning air.

“Veronica Taylor, I have to admit when I saw that the two of us were facing off this week on Climax Control I have been of two minds,” begins Sam.  â€œFirstly I thought that I got this match in the bag and really didn’t think of you at all.  I figured that when I am on the top of my game, you are just a warm up match for the Blast from the Past tournament.  But the last few hours have got me thinking and I realize that I am taking you too lightly.”

Pussy nods in agreement as she continues to film Sam, slowly walking up the stairs and beginning to move around her.  â€œKeep talking Sam,” she calls out.

“I will admit that since this morning, my mind ain’t been on the match at all.  I got some real bad news this mornin’ and I’m still processing it but that doesn’t mean that I am going to be taking you lightly at all this week.  I know that once I step into the ring there ain’t going to be anything that will pull my focus from you.  And as for stipulations for the match, that don’t matter either.  Since it is roulette rules and we could be in any type of match, I am focusing on just how I am going to beat you and that is all I am going to say about that,” offers Sam as she throws a couple of quick jabs and punches into the air while the smile on her face at the comment fades.

Pussy nods excitedly as she presses stop on the phone and lowers it as Sam stops bouncing on her toes, her expression once more a serious one.  Pussy sees it and steps up to Sam.  â€œOkay Sammi, enough is enough.  You are going to tell me what is bothering you and you are going to do it right now!” demands Pussy which only makes Sam nod slowly.

“All right Pussy, I’ll tell you.  I got a call this morning about my friend…” begins Sam as she starts to walk away, her voice breaking as she is joined by Pussy as the pair disappear down the stairs, their voices fading before they disappear under the horizon.

Climax Control Archives / As you like it...or not
« on: April 07, 2017, 11:19:43 PM »
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“All play and no work makes Sam Marlowe a straight C student.”

The comment floats in the air of the small hotel room where Sam Marlowe can be seen, a pair of dark grey lulumon yoga pants riding low on her hips with a rather worn hoodie over a black midriff shirt.  In front of her is an open laptop with a pile of books around it. Pulling her bare foot up to rest on the rather cheap looking chair, she reaches across to press play on a youtube playlist.  Suddenly Todrick Hall’s voice can be heard while she pulls a book towards her.

Intent on the page, the ringing of a skype call is ignored for a moment by Sam.  Suddenly the ringing of the phone beside the laptop joins the ringing of the skype call which Sam looks towards but then rolls her eyes as she reaches over to pause the music then taps answer on Skype.  The window of the caller opens to reveal Cyn Marlowe who can be seen smirking at her sister.

“Y’all took long enough to answer Sammi.  If I didn’t know better, I would say you are trying to avoid talking to me,” snarls Cyn in a sickly sweet voice that makes Sam cringe.  The sneer on Cyn’s face widens to a smile as the leans towards the window.  â€œSo I thought that I would call and talk to you about the Blast for the Past tournament and the utter delight of you teaming with your little friend Benny.”

Sam takes a slow breath as she runs her tongue across suddenly dry lips that taste faintly of vanilla.  â€œThanks I think,” she offers while raising one eyebrow before pulling her other foot up to the chair and leaning one elbow on the table and letting her chin rest against her hand.  â€œSo how are things in Houston?” asks Sam.

Cyn sighs as if speaking about it tires her out.  â€œIt is just dreadfully boring if you must know Sammi.  I mean I am here with nothing to do because Daddy and Mother are on their little vacation to…well somewhere they wanted to go.  I think they said it was Jamaica or Japan or something that started with J,” answers Cyn.  â€œI wasn’t paying attention when Daddy said where they were going.  But I was paying attention when he told me about you and what you have been up to in Sin City Wrestling.  Did you really let Christian Underwood do that to you, a Marlowe?  Samantha Annalise Marlowe, how dare you let yourself be degraded like that?”

“Listen Cyn, it isn’t a problem anymore.   Besides, Christian Underwood is my boss and well not doing what he said would have voided my contract,” replies Sam.  

“You should have quit right then and there!” exclaims Cyn, her hands slapping out of sight on her table top.  Sam once more cringes at the violence of the response.  Cyn leans back and brushes her hands over her hair to smooth it down and then smiles once more.  â€œOh I forgot who I was talking to for a second there.  Well since it is in the past, let’s just let it go shall we?”

“Yeah we shall,” says Sam.  â€œSo since we have gotten that out of the way, could I maybe get back to work on this report I am working on.  I have training I still have to get done and I already gave myself a day away from working on it.”

“Silly Sammi, I can’t let you do that because we have so much to talk about considering that I have the wedding to plan and my fiancé is being sooo difficult so I need someone to help me,” pouts the redhead in the window which makes Sam sigh.  â€œI know you would help me Sam, I have NO ONE else.”

“But I thought…”

“You do that too much Sammi.  Think that is,” offers Cyn.  â€œI just want you to listen and let me deal with this situation!”

Sam lowers her head and begins to nod slightly.  â€œOkay Cyn, what are you needing to get off your chest?”  With her head still in her hand, Sam moves the book she had been reading into her lap and she glimpses down at it as Cyn begins to speak.   Every few moments, Sam looks up and nods as if trying to understand what Cyn is saying before looking back into the pages.  Getting drawn into the play, Sam is surprised by a shriek in her headset from Cyn.  

“Sam, I just told you that I need someone to pay attention to me!” snaps Cyn.  â€œIf Mother were here, she would make you listen to me.“

“You know what Cyn, you are right, if Moms were here she would make me talk to you but since she isn’t…” says Sam with a smile as she reaches for the mouse pad of the laptop only to have Cyn stop her with a raised eyebrow and finger.  Sam pauses for only a moment then swipes on the laptop.  â€œAs much as I would love to stay and chat, I have a match to get ready for and need to get this report started.  So I am gonna say good…”

Cyn interrupts Sam as she is talking.  â€œWhy don’t you talk to me about your match Sam.  Who are you facing and please don’t say talk about that jacka…”

“Cyn, don’t talk about Ben like that, he is my friend and I won’t stand for it,” warns Sam as she glares at her sister who holds up her hands in mock surrender.

“Okay okay, I’ll not say another word about that person,” says Cyn with an eyeroll.  â€œSo who are you facing in the first round?”

Sam puts the book from her lap onto the table and then focuses on Cyn who appears to be listening intently.  â€œWell, I am facing Remi and someone called Jordan Williams.  Ben says that Jordan taught him a lot about wrestling and that he won this thing before and that we will have a good match against the pair.  Guess I don’t have to really worry about Jordan Williams, he is Ben’s problem but I have to face Remi and she is a tag team wrestler already.  But lately she and her sister haven’t really been doing well in the tag ranks so I think that I might have a shot at beating her although I am probably rusty from not wrestling too much lately yanno.”

Sam had taken her eyes off Cyn as she spoke, her focus moving to the faded flowery curtains of the hotel.  On the screen, Cyn can be seen to lean back and pull a nail file into view, sawing it softly across well-manicured fingernails in a lazy fashion before pushing her hand out of view to check on it as she mutters ‘mmhmm’ to Sam’s comments.   “So this Remi, is she any good?” Cyn mutters as she begins to file her nails again.

“Gosh yeah, I guess you could say she is pretty good.  I mean she has been not winning as much as I am sure that she would like to but Doc says she is good and I trust him.”

“And just who is Doc?” demands Cyn.

“Oh that’s Ryan Keys,” admits Sam as she offers a smile to the computer.  â€œHe’s another friend of mine in SCW.  I think that he and Remi might be ummm…well according to twitter they appear to be very…close,” says Sam with uncertainty.  â€œEither way, I am going to have to really be prepared for this match.  I can’t let Ben down you know.”

“Of course you can’t,” replies Cyn.  â€œAfter all don’t you remember what happened with your partner last year Sammi.  Wasn’t it you that cost Rage the match and his shot at the Heavyweight title?  And I am sure that Benny wouldn’t want to lose out on his shot either.  But we both know that when you get into matches where it is going to count, you choke don’t you?  You did it last year and I am hoping that you won’t let that affect you going into this year’s tournament.”

Cyn can see the effect of her comments as she watches the smile on Sam’s face fade with each word which only makes Cyn’s smile widen.  Suddenly, Cyn straightens as a phone ringer can be heard.  She looks at the Iphone 7 she pulls into view and then with an apologetic look at Sam, she waves the phone.  â€œI have to take this Sammi…we’ll talk again soon.”

Without saying good bye, Cyn can be seen to reach across and close the chat window and the sound of Skype shutting can be heard.  Sam glares at the screen in disbelief as she reaches to her own mousepad and closes the skype window.  Snarling slightly to herself as she mumbles about Cyn just trying to get under her skin, Sam pulls her books towards her and flips the top one open.  Trying to get into it, Sam tries to breathe normally but anger tenses her body and finally explodes as she slams the book closed and then tosses it across the room.

“That’s it, day is ruined, might as well work some of this anger off,” says Sam as she makes her way to her feet.  Moving to her suitcase, she pulls out a pair of socks and sits herself down on the bed to pull them on and stands to slide her feet into a pair of running shoes that are laying on the floor in front of the television.

Locking the computer, she reaches down to the rather worn bag that was resting against the table leg.  Pulling it up, she moves towards the small in room refrigerator and pulls it open to grab a bottle of water from it and then with a slam, closes it and moves to the door.  Opening it, she steps outside the motel room and towards the rental car sitting there as the door closes and locks behind her.  She gives the car a look then shrugs as she pulls the bag’s straps over her shoulders and begins to look around before setting off at a slow jog along the pavement of the sidewalk.

About twenty minutes later, Sam pulls open the door of the arena where she can see activity happening where the ring crew can be seen to be setting up the six sided ring.  Moving along the hallway, she finds the work out area where she stops and looks around.  The mats are barely set out as well as any weights or machines that could offer her any challenge.  Angrily she sets down her bag and stuff her hands into the pockets of her hoodie as she kicks at the mat.

From the sound room nearby, Pussy Willow can be seen walking out with her cameraman who she is talking to softly.  A rather colorful comment catches her attention, the southern accent making it sound refined which draws a laugh from Pussy who pats the cameraman’s shoulder and motions him to go on as she redirects her feet towards the redhead standing there, hands in pockets.

“Sam, what are you doing here?” asks Pussy with a look of surprise on her face as Sam turns with a growl.  â€œAren’t you supposed to be getting ready to write that report you were telling me about?”

“Hey Pussy, have to admit, my mind isn’t on the report right now.  Hell I could chew nails thanks to Cyn and her call earlier,” answers Sam with a snort of anger.  Pussy nods sagely as she pats Sam on the shoulder.  â€œSo here I am looking to do some working off of my anger and not a heavybag anywhere to be seen.”

Pussy looks around the room as Sam motions.  All she can see is the mats.  Moving to stand in front of Sam, she gives her friend a look and then jerks her head towards the middle of the room.  â€œI ain’t a heavybag but I can hold up my hands and you can shadow box if that will help,” she offers only to have Sam shake her head.  

“Sorry but I would be afraid to hit you Pussy,” says Sam.   “I guess I will just run off my anger.  Besides, I have to go and do some studying once my mind clears…”

Pussy moves closer as she puts her hands on the shoulders of Sam who lets her voice fade away.  â€œI have got a better idea Sammi…I’m here and you are here and well what better way to work out your feelings that by doing an interview with yours truly,” says Pussy with a satisfied smirk.  â€œI promise that you can say whatever it is you want and we can edit it later.  Ooo and why don’t we do it in a sit down at the announce table at ringside?  Say yes!”

Pussy’s enthusiasm begins to break through the shell of anger as Sam looks back towards the ringside area and then at her friend.  â€œAren’t they busy setting up the ring?”

“Of course they are but the crew will be more than willing to let us have the ringside area since union rules say that have to have a fifteen minute break right about now.  So let’s go and we can get this done then you can go back to doing your studying or whatever it is you need to do tonight.  Come on,” answers Pussy as she turns Sam and points her towards the arena bowl where the workmen can be seen putting up the ring.  The two women move into the arena and down to ringside where the announce table can be seen, empty for the most part as the ring techs give the two a strange look.  Pussy smiles at them and then jerks her thumb in the direction of the catering table.  â€œBreak time boys!” she offers with a smile.  â€œTell em Pussy sent ya and grabs some drinks from the truck.”

The crew give Pussy and Sam a thumbs up and the group of guys heads up the ramp towards the back as Pussy perches herself on Belinda’s seat while Sam leans against the ring apron.  Pussy crosses her legs and leans towards her friend.  â€œOk Sammi, let’s chat,” she says.

Sam gives Pussy a look and then smiles slowly.  â€œAnd what shall we ‘chat’ about?” she returns.

“Let’s see, tell me about how you felt when your name was put into the tournament,” offers the interviewer.  â€œYou accused Ben of punking you and that was hilarious!”

Sam brings both hands up to her face to hide her embarrassment which only makes Pussy laugh harder.  â€œOh em gee Pussy, why would y’all bring that up.  Only lucky thing is that Ben ain’t bringing it up anymore.  I couldn’t believe it when I found out.  I mean I was on the sh…bad books of Christian Underwood and there weren’t any ways I was going to get off of ‘em I thought.  But Mr Mark Ward named me to the tournament and y’all could have knocked me over with a feather when I realized that it was true that I was gonna be in the tournament this year and with Ben Jordan as my partner.”

“I gotta ask Sam,” says Pussy as she looks around the empty area where they were.  â€œAre you happy to be teaming with Ben or would anyone have been an okay partner?”

Sam waggles a finger at Pussy who gives her a ‘who me’ look that only makes Sam shake her head.  â€œBefore you say anything else, you know that I had no intentions of being in the tournament until I was named to it but now that I am, you have to say that I really got the luck of the draw to so speak.  Looking at everyone that signed up for the Blast from the Past, teaming with Ben is the best possible partner to have to go all the way.  We are friends and there ain’t anyone else I would like to team with in the tournament…well except maybe Jamie Dean or Ryan Keys.”

“Speaking of Ryan Keys, you are facing his girl Remi on Sunday for the bombshell side of the match,” says Pussy.  â€œDo you think that will be a problem or do you think you won’t have to worry much about her?”

“I am sure that Ryan has probably told Remi that I am someone that she needs to be worried about.  After all, he’s a good friend too but I am pretty sure that he is going to be cheering for both of us and if it were me, I would be for sure,” says Sam as she once more leans against the apron.  â€œThat is something you really have to be careful of when you are involved with coworkers I suppose.  Good thing I don’t have to worry about that huh?”

“True,” offers Pussy.  â€œBut I need to tell you that Remi isn’t the only one that you guys will need to look out for.  She’s had her partner replaced with Jordan Williams and he was the first superstar to win the inaugural Blast from the Past.”

“Yeah, I don’t know who that is and well I am pretty sure that Ben knows who it is and what he is going to have to do to beat him.  That is why I am putting my trust in Ben for his part of this team.”

“Are you saying you don’t always have faith in your partner?” inquires Pussy with a waggle of her eyebrows.

“I will always have faith Pussy,” returns Sam without really answering the question.  â€œBut let me say this, I ain’t going to let anyone down this time.  This time, I am going to go all the way to the finals and win.”

Ms Willow smiles as she slides off the table as she sees the crew coming back.  â€œWell I guess our girl talk time is done so do you feel any better?”

Sam takes a long slow breath and lets it go slowly.  â€œYou know what, yeah, I do feel better.  Thanks Pussy.”  Sam straightens and moves away from the ring apron to join her friend as the pair of them walk away from the ringside area before disappearing behind the curtain where the crew had returned from.  The pair makes it back to the hallway and stop near the doors to the outside.  Sam reaches down to the bag that she had left there and put it over her shoulder.  With a final smile for her friend, Sam pushes at the door’s handle and opens it to the outside before offering a quick wave and walks through it to let it slam behind her.

<img src=>

Sam Marlowe is Live…

Hello to all of you and let me just say that I can’t wait for this year’s Blast from the Past.  As you know, last year I made it to the semi finals of this tournament only to lose.  This year I am looking forward to going all the way and winning this thing.  

Now I am sure that all of you are chattering about the fact that I wasn’t even supposed to be in this thing and that I am just a lucky lil cowgirl that gets to once more try out her luck in the tournament by the grace of God…or Mark Ward as the case may be.  And I would have to say you are right, I am lucky but I also know that you make your own luck which is what I am fixin’ to do on Sunday.

Another stroke of luck is being teamed with one of my best friends here in Sin City Wrestling, Ben Jordan.  What can I say about that, oh gosh, lots.  I mean there are those that are saying that Ben and I are the dream team for this event and that we stand the best chance to win it all.   If I was someone that brags about things, I would definitely say we are the team to beat.  

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.  This is just the first round and I don’t want to jinx it by saying that we will be the ones to win.  I am going to focus on the matches round by round with each one the only thing that I need to worry about.  But that also means that I am going to consider each match in each round as if it is the finals of the Blast from the Past.  

I say that because each team that is entered in the tournament could potentially be the winners on skill alone and if I let my cockiness let me not push myself, then hell, I don’t deserve to be in the tournament.  And you can be dang sure that I ain’t going to let Ben down.  Not this week and not ever.

Speaking of this week, Ben and I are facing Jordan Williams and Remi from Team Technicolor.  And in the tournament, it is superstar against superstar and bombshell against bombshell so I am not the one that has to deal with Jordan Williams even though I know that Ben has a past with him from what I hear, Ben is going to be giving his all.

So that leave Remi and I and I want to talk directly to her about this week.  Remi, as much as you and I don’t know each other very well as we have run in different circles I have to admit that you are a helluva wrestler.  And that means that I am going to have to step up my game to counter the fact that you have wrestled more recently than I have and that I have some ring rust to knock off.  But don’t you worry, I am ready willing and able to do that.  

Most others would be tearin’ y’all down Remi.  And I know that I have to do what needs being done to win the match but that doesn’t mean that I can be disrespectful of you.  You and I are both very capable in that ring and when we face each other across that ring, will you think that I will be thinking that you aren’t going to be a challenge?  

You are definitely going to prove to be a challenge but I like challenges and I am looking forward to stepping in the ring with you.  But I am also looking forward to winning this match and moving on to round two just as I am sure you are.  I am going to say though that as much as you want to win, I want it just that little bit more.  

So Remi, let me just say this…Good luck to you and Jordan because between the four of us, we are going to light up the night and when we are finished and the dust settles, you still have my respect.  And I offer this right now, when Ben and I win, know that you gave us a fight that I won’t ever forget.

I’ll see you Sunday night in the ring Remi.

Live feed is over

Supercard Archives / Samantha Marlowe Vs Chelsea Payne
« on: January 14, 2017, 11:42:06 PM »
 A redhead dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a well worn University of Nevada hoodie sits quietly on the top turnbuckle of a six sided ring in the middle of the darken arena.  No one can be seen in the seats, the only noise the soft hiss of breathing from the woman as she sits there.

From the side, a voice breaks the silence and catches the redhead’s attention.  “Hey Sammi, what are you doing here and all by your lonesome,” says the voice of familiar backstage interviewer Pussy Willow as she walks along the ramp and towards the ring where Sam Marlowe is sitting.

“Thinking Pussy, just thinking,” says Sam as she manages to give Pussy all of two moments of attention before she directs it back into the ring.  

Giving her friend a confused look, Pussy makes her way closer to the ring and begins to climb the stairs.  Once on the apron, she can see a hand resting on an open book on her lap.  “Soooo…whatcha thinking?” asks Pussy as she slides between the ropes and into the ring.  

“I’m thinking that I am putting myself in a position that I don’t know if I can actually see my way to give my opponent my respect like I can for all my other opponents,” says Sam as one side of her lips curl upward slightly in a grimace.  “I mean I can usually find something good to say about my opponents but I have been spending all my time thinking about how much of a spotlight needing person Chelsea is.  Did you see what she did at Climax Control?  I was minding my own business and spending time with my superstars when she decided to target me instead of paying attention to the match.  And if that wasn’t enough Pussy, I bet she had the nerve to say it was my fault she lost.  I don’t know about you but I have the sinking feeling that Chelsea doesn’t like me very much.”

Pussy snickers at the comment before wiping her hand over her mouth as Sam gives her a look.  “What makes you so sure she doesn’t like you Captain Obvious?” chokes out Pussy as she moves to the ropes beside Sam.  The redhead shakes her head as Pussy leans on the ropes and gives Sam a smiling look.

“Well, first she decides that she wants to hurt me because I happen to stand up for myself then sends me for stitches no less,” begins Sam as she clenches her fist on the book.  “Then of course, just like I always do, I go to spend some time with the kids from the hospital and she needs to constantly showboat for me and what happens, she gets counted out because she had to mouth off to me.  Hell I even warned her for sobbing out loud.”

Sam’s last comment is muttered almost to herself as she once more focuses in the middle of the ring.  Pussy looks from Sam to the center of the ring then back at the redhead.  “Listen Sammi, from the looks of it, Chelsea is just trying to make a name for herself and is using you to do it.  So that means at Inception, you just have to be the roadblock in her dreams of making her way to the top.  Chelsea has got the nerve but you have the skills Sam.”

The dream like stare of Sam is broken as she starts to laugh.  “You know what Pussy, you are right.  I can’t tell you how relieved I am to hear you say that,” jokes a now laughing Sam Marlowe.  “Do you really think that is going to make me feel better when I have to get in this ring with Ms Chelsea I’m Gonna Beat you Bloody Payne?  Seriously Pussy, the only think I feel right now is…”

“Fear?” interjects Pussy which only earns her a glare.  

“Noooo…more like disappointment.  After all what is she to me really?  A woman that seems to think that I am her personal cross to bear because I happen to be the one she set her sights to bully and I stood up for myself?  Do you really think I haven’t lived through a bully before?  I could totally care less if she thinks I am going to back down in this match because I have decided that the only thing I can do is continue just what I am doing and that is getting under her skin,” states Sam.  “Chelsea must think that I am a push over because of my recent downhill slide with wins and losses.  Maybe she thinks that I am not even in her league when it comes to wrestling but I know something she doesn’t know Pussy and come Inception I am not going to be afraid to use it.”

It’s Pussy’s turn to give her friend a glare as she leans closer, one hand moving to rest on the hand that is clenched on the book.  “What are you talking about Sammi?  What could you possibly know that Chelsea doesn’t?”

“She doesn’t know that I know I am getting under her skin,” says Sam, her mouth quirking ever so slightly.  “I am getting under her skin and I could care less if she talks trash about me which I am sure that she will be doing as much of it as she can and that is ok.”  Sam pulls her hand from Pussy’s and then gently closes the book on her lap.  Golden letters are embossed on the cover and Pussy leans over slightly to read the title.

“Julius Caesar?” ponders Pussy Willow only to receive a nod from Sam who begins to smile.  

“Seemed fitting in some ways and I thought that maybe I might get some insight into Chelsea Payne from comparing her to him and well, if you ask me, this play is very apropos.  It is all about this guy who thought he was indestructible and on top of the world, kind of like Chelsea.  And it is about how that person was taken down quite a number of pegs by the others,” offers Sam as she holds up the small book and uses it to emphasize her points.

Pussy looks at Sam and then reaches out to grab the play and shake her head.  “Ok, I think you took one too many hits to the head.  How is Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar going to give you the win at Inception hmm?”

Sam jumps down from the turnbuckle and takes back the book that Pussy is holding out.  As she does, she hugs it to her chest and begins to smile before walking to the middle of the ring and then opening it and looks up at Pussy.

“This match that I have coming up at Inception Pussy, this match is going to be her Julius Caesar moment where her sense of self-worth will be taking stabs and punctures in that ring.  This match is going to be me making sure that her ego is deflated like a balloon,” offers Sam as she looks onto the page and her smile widens.  “To paraphrase Shakespeare, I haven’t come to praise Chelsea…I am coming to bury her.”

Pussy is shocked by the look on Sam’s face.  The smile was gone, her eyes glittered with desire and bad intentions.  Moving closer to Ms Willow, Sam shuts the book with a snap under Pussy’s nose.

“I only have one more thing to say tonight Pussy,” offers Sam with deadly intent.  “And that is ‘Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!’”

With that, Sam turns and moves to the side of the ring before looking back only once at a shocked Pussy who is speechless in the middle of the ring.  Hanging her head, Sam moves back to her friend who gives Sam a look of surprise.

“That was intense Sammi,” offers Pussy still shocked and standing in the ring.

“That was Shakespeare Pussy,” teases Sam as she guides her friend towards the ropes.  “I was studying for class and the presentation I have to do on Julius Caesar.  So I figured I would do it like a wrestling promo since I am sooo good at them.”

Sam and Pussy move out of the ring and then up the ramp as Pussy comes to and then with a goofy growl, she smacks Sam on the shoulder as the pair disappear through the curtain.

Climax Control Archives / Stitches removed...
« on: December 31, 2016, 11:56:37 PM »
 OOC:  I want to apologize to Song, just lost a major part of my rp due to a power outage so will have to only post the first scene I had worked on earlier in the week.  


The smell of antiseptic hangs in the air, tickling at Sam Marlowe’s nose as she sits on the guerney, her feet swinging slightly as she stares at the poster of the human body that is directly across from her.  A soft hum escapes as she continues to read the body parts listed on the poster.  Her attention is focused on it as the door is pushed open and a person in scrubs walks into the room.  

“Hello dearie,” says the older woman who sits down in front of a computer and lets her fingers fly over the keys.  “What are we here for?” she adds as she turns to look at Sam who smiles back.

Sam’s hand rises upwards and her index finger caresses an angry red welt on her cheek that has small black threads running along the length of it.  “I am here to get this checked out and the stitches removed,” says Sam with the smallest hint of a grin.

The nurse nods slowly as she continues to type.  Wheeling around on the stool, she reaches for a blood pressure cuff that is resting in the small wire basket of the machine that gently blinks.  Moving towards Sam, she puts the cuff on her arm and reaches for the small clip and motions for Sam to hold her hand out.  Lifting the hand off her lap, Sam watches as the nurse puts it on her index finger then presses the button to set the machine in motion.  Sam watches patiently until the beeping stops and the numbers flash on the machine.  The nurse takes notes then types them into the computer.

Sam once more turns her eyes to the poster to read the medical terms once more.  The turning back again, the nurse smiles as she stands up.  “The doctor will be in to see you quite soon,” she says as she pulls open the door of a cupboard and pulls out a stitch removing kit that she sets beside Sam before she leaves.

Suddenly from the side chair, a buzzing can be heard from the purse sitting there.  Sam looks at the bag then jumps off the guerney and rushes to pull open the bag.  Pulling her phone from the bag, she presses some buttons on the face of it and then looks at the home screen where the applet button for her email shows that she has one message from SCW.  She presses the app button and opens the email to read that she has a match coming up on the special New Year’s edition of Climax Control.  

She is intent on the message without noticing another person in scrubs who had entered the room where she was.  A soft cough gets her attention making her bobble the phone with a small gasp trying her best not to let it fall to the floor.

“Hello Ms…” he says as he sits in front of the computer.

“Sam Marlowe,” the redhead replies as she crouches to put her phone back into her bag.  Looking up at the doctor, she moves once more to the guerney and sits beside the kit.  The doctor moves to stand in front of her and raises a finger to turn her head into the light and gives it a look.  Taking the scissors from the kit, he lifts them towards Sam’s face as her eyes close.

“So Sam Marlowe, how did we get this little cut on your cheek?” he asks.

“I got it from a very jealous person that decided she wanted to make a name for herself by being a real b….ee with an itch,” says Sam as she winces as the first stitch is removed.  “See I was at the Wrestling match where I was in a triple threat and she decided to give me a gift and when I fought back, she came at me with a broken ornament that cut my cheek.”  The doctor tsks loudly as he continues to remove stitches with more small talk as he works.  Once he is done, he moves to pick up a disinfectant and lightly dabs it on her cheek.  

“Well Sam, my suggestion is no more extreme matches for you,” he offers as he pulls off the rubber gloves and tosses them out.  “Now I hear that you will be wrestling for New Year’s so be careful and don’t let her hit you in the fact and reopen the wound.”

Sam stops as she is packing up her purse.  “How did you know?” she wonders as she shoulders the bag.

The doctor smiles and nods towards the door and moves to guide Sam out.  “Big wrestling fan and I have tickets.  Good luck by the way…”

Sam smiles and turns to the doctor to shake his hand.  “Thanks, gonna need it against Song, she is amazing.  Thanks again Doctor.”

Sam moves down the hall after shaking his hand, once more humming along to some song playing through her head only to disappear around a corner.

Climax Control Archives / If you do a promo alone and no one is around...
« on: December 16, 2016, 11:45:04 PM »
 Rushing from the ring, Sam Marlowe only paused long enough to tear off the striped shirt that she had worn to referee the mixed tag match and toss it into a garbage bin nearby before heading to the garage.  Approaching her car, she slams a hand against her head as she turns realizing that she has forgotten her keys.

Turning back to the locker room hallway, she debates heading back to get them but stops and moves farther into the garage upon seeing Christian walking along.  Deeper in the garage, she finds a quiet spot to sit and hangs her head onto her lap.  This is where she is found by Pussy Willow who leans against the stairs that Sam has perched on.

“How you doin’ Sammi?” she asks the redhead who slowly looks up and offers her friend a sad little smile.  

“I ain’t great Pussy,” Sam replies.  “I guess that is what you get when you get to watch two of your best friends go at it in the ring and you are the one that has to make the three count.”

Pussy looks around the area where the two of them were and shrugs.  “Guess that is why you are hiding out here.  Looks pretty depressing so must be matching your mood.  If it was me I would be getting ready to head home…ya know.”  

Sam can’t help but nod slowly, a grimace of embarrassment flashing across her face as she rests both arms on a drawn up knee.  “I would have been gone already but silly me, I forgot my car keys and bag in the locker room.  And I saw Christian walking along the hall and well, let’s just say that one encounter with him was one too many tonight.”

Pussy lays her hand on the shoulder of Sam in sympathy as she remains silent.  Suddenly, she brightens and straightens up.  “Listen Sam, why don’t I go get your stuff and you can head back to Vegas?” she offers which brings a smile to the face of Sam.  “Don’t go anywhere, I will be right back,” adds Pussy as she rushes off.  

Sam gets to her feet and watches as her friend moves down the hallway.  Keeping to the shadows, she keeps an eye out for Pussy who disappears into the bombshell locker room then opens the door to return, a familiar bag over her shoulder.  As she is making her way towards the garage, she is stopped by Christian.  The two appear to talk and the body language of Christian implies his not being too happy about what had gone on earlier.  Sam watches as Pussy says something else and the answering snap from Christian before Pussy nods and walks away.  Christian only watches her for a moment then walks off himself.

Sam sees Pussy coming closer and moves out of the shadows.  “Wow, looks like Christian wasn’t too happy to talk to you,” says Sam with a look of surprise on her face.  

“Well considering that he is the boss and all that jazz, and the fact that I said it was pretty low what he did to you earlier,” begins Pussy only to be interrupted by Sam who stops her.

“You didn’t get yourself into trouble did you?” asks a worried Sam as she looks in the direction that Christian had gone.  “I am going to go talk to Christian and tell him that you were only sticking up for me and that…”

Now it is Pussy’s turn to stop Sam.  “Sammi, it is all good.  I mean he wasn’t too happy to hear it but that isn’t the only thing we talked about.  Seems he has some booking ideas for next week and well, he did say that he was a bit impressed on how well you did and that he was going to reward you.”

Sam’s eyes narrow slightly at that comment.  “Reward me for being forced to referee that match?  Okay, lay it on me, what kind of reward is he thinking about?” Sam demands, her arms crossing over her chest as she shoots a hard look at Pussy.

“He said he is putting you in a match that is right up your alley,” replies Pussy as her hand moves to tease through her hair, “taking on two bombshells that you have beaten before.  Something along the lines of payback and it being a bitch he implied.  Listen, I understand where he is coming from but you gotta know that maybe you need this match to start your comeback with a win for the final show of the year.”

Sam lets her head fall forward allowing her red curls to hide the eye roll she does at Pussy’s comment.  “So you going to tell me who I am facing next week or will I have to wait?” murmurs the redhead.

“Oh yeah, Christian said you are facing Jessie Salco and Mikah in a triple threat and if you remember from last year, this is the show that gets all these crazy Christmas stipulations.  I can’t wait to see what kind of match you are going to be in,” teases Pussy as she pulls Sam’s bag off her shoulder and holds it out to Sam.

The talk of stipulations brings Sam’s head snapping up to give Pussy a surprised look.  “I totally forgot about that,” offers Sam slowly as her look changes to one of concern.  “And I bet you that no matter what will happen in that match, it is going to be brutal.  After all, I am sure that Mikah and Jessie are both still smarting from their title losses and think that they are going to work out that frustration on me because I decided that I want to work my way back to the title instead of doing what they did and demanded their shots.  What am I going to do Pussy?”

“You can’t ask me that Sammi, I ain’t a wrestler.  But hypothetically, kicking their ass might be the thing to do,” jokes Pussy which only draws a glare from Sam as the pair begin to walk towards Sam’s car.  “What, I said it was hypothetical.”

“Seriously Pussy, it wasn’t funny.  Just for that, no cookies for you next week,” jokes Sam as she reaches her car and pulls the keys out of her bag.  Sliding the key into the lock, she opens the car door and tosses her bag inside then turns back to Pussy who has pouted her bottom lip out at Sam’s comment.  The stern look on Sam’s face melts into a smile as she holds up her hands in surrender.  “Okay, maybe one gingerbread man…”

Pussy reaches towards Sam and pulls her into an impromptu hug.  “Yay cookies!”  Pussy exclaims as she releases Sam allowing the redhead to climb into the car and start the engine.  As Sam begins to pull out of the parking slot, Pussy waves for her to roll down her window.  “Listen Sam, I know this week was hell but it will get better…it has to right?”

Sam tilts her head slightly and sighs.  “As much as you say it, let’s hope it does.  But if not, let’s hope we stay out of Christian’s way from now on until he returns to the way he was.  And Pussy, thanks for the chat, made me feel a bit better,” says Sam as she waves before pulling away to leave Pussy watching her drive away.

Moments later, Sam Marlowe is on the road heading towards Vegas, music muted as she drives but the redhead isn’t singing along with it.  Rather, she is talking to herself, giving voice to some kind of promo for a match that is taking place on the next Climax Control.  

“I’m in a triple threat match that will see Mikah and Jessie and yours truly in the ring facing each other and with all three of us looking to end the year on a high note.   As much as I want to say that I am a shoo in to win it, I can’t honestly say that I will definitely win because I am in the ring with someone who can legit claim to be the workhorse of SCW and the other has the record for dominating the Bombshell championship,” offers Sam as she checks into her rearview mirror before sliding along the lanes towards the interstate highway onramp.  

After merging into the sparse traffic this late at night, Sam continues to speak to herself.  “Now I could go off on both women and be justified in what I could possibly say but then again I have to sit here and be honest.  Take Jessie for example.  I mean this is a woman who goes all out week in and week out and she isn’t a slouch in the ring.  And I am sure that she’s going to say that she wants the win badly because it would give her a reason to go to the boss once more and ask for another shot at the title.  And she could legit do that should she win this match.  And should she get the win, she will use it to go and ask for that shot I bet.  But no matter what I think, or say for that matter, Jessie is definitely a threat in the match and I for one won’t be taking her lightly.  And then there is Mikah…”

Sam sighs as a car zips up behind her, the halogens of the headlights forcing Sam’s eyes to squint.  Finally she rubs at her eyes to remove the faint glow left as the car passes her.  “Mikah, the most dominant bombshell I have ever faced in the ring and once more she is back and with championship aspirations to once more wear that title that I beat her for,” muses Sam as she signals and changes lanes, her foot depressing the gas pedal slightly to speed up.  “Mikah is one hell of a competitor and practically has owned everyone she has faced.  And I am sure that she is expecting to do so in this match too.  And if I am honest, now that she has found her desire to win attitude, the odds favor her.”

Sam shakes her head, a soft chuckle escaping her as she taps at the steering wheel.  “Oh em gee, if they could hear me now, what the hell would they all be saying?” wonders Sam before answering her own question.  “They would be saying that you aren’t going to win Sam, you are too nice and a sweetheart and I have to say, they probably would be right.”

Sam stops and looks at herself in the mirror only to find staring back at her, a redhead with a half-smile but a look of sadness crossing her face before fading to a look of determination.  “You know what, I just realized Sammi that you give everyone the win because you have been burned one too many times because you are a nice girl.  Well missy, that is going to change this coming week in the ring because this week is when you are going to finally do something for you and that is give yourself permission to go all out to win this match,” she says as she points at her reflection.  “You Sammi are going to gift yourself something for Christmas and that is to finish the year with a win!”

Looking out the windshield, Sam spies the sign for Vegas up ahead and looks over her shoulder to check before sliding across the lanes of traffic and hits the offramp.   As she turns along the road, she reaches for the radio dial as Nine Lives by Def Leppard begins to play.  As it does, the redhead shifts from her promo talk to singing out with Tim McGraw as she drives into the night heading home.

Pulling up to her home moments later, Sam is quick out of the car and slams the door behind her.  With her keys in her hand, she approaches a door that looks like it has been holding back from a Christmas explosion with a tasteful wreath in shades of silver and gold.  Sliding her key in the lock, she pushes it open and disappears inside.

« on: November 12, 2016, 11:48:47 PM »
 The sound of a door opening echoes in darkness before the reveal of a square of light that is blocked out by the silhouette of a body before the door swings shut and sends the room into darkness once more.   Footsteps sound hollow and loud then stop before the sound of something hitting the floor drowns out the sound of the lights coming on with a soft hum of the fluorescents floating in the air.

Standing there, a look of contemplation on her face is Sam Marlowe.  Hair pulled up into a high ponytail hangs over one shoulder as she looks at herself in the mirror and takes in the baggy sweatshirt that covers her body and barely skims across her upper thighs.  Tights hug her legs as she walks forward, her hand pulling a bag along the floor towards the mirror that has all of her attention.  Behind her are multiple poles that seem like a forest reflected in the mirrored walls.  Reaching into her bag that is resting on the floor, Sam pulls out a small speaker and an Ipod that she sets on a bench that is against the mirror.  

Straightening up once more, she looks at herself in the mirror, a slight frown appearing as she contemplates her reflection.  Her hands move down her body and tugs lightly at the bottom of the University of Nevada sweatshirt pulling it upward.  Her vision is blocked by the cloth as she pulls the shirt over her head and then lets her left hand drop with the material in it to reveal a rather tight half shirt that molds her body.  Tossing the sweatshirt to the side, she moves and presses the button for the music allowing the soft beat to fill the empty space.  Sam lets a smile cross her face before turning her back to the mirror and moves to one of the poles and lets her hand trail along the pole as she slowly begins to circle it.

Turning to face herself once more as she slides down the pole to rest against it as she hears the door open and a voice call out to her.  

“Sam, I got your text,” says the voice as Monte is revealed in the doorway.  Looking towards him, Sam motions him inside the room.  “What the hell are you doing Sammi?” he adds intrigued as he moves towards the redhead.  She pulls herself upwards and then slowly walks towards Monte who is dressed in a pair of jeans, sneakers and a soft polo shirt.

“I am preparing for my match Monte,” Sam replies with a smile.  

“By pole dancing?” answers Monte with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows as he looks at the poles behind Sam.  She lowers her head slightly to follow his gaze then turns back to look at him with a slight nod.  “How is this going to prepare you for your match?”

“Maybe it is because I need a career change,” taunts Sam who turns back to the poles and reaches up to put her hand around one and pull herself closer and upward on the pole.  Suddenly the music changes as Monte moves closer to her and stops her with a hand on her waist.  Turning her towards him, he brings her into an embrace and looks down.  

“Where is this coming from Sam?” he asks, concern etched on his face as he wonders at her attitude.  “This isn’t you and you know it.  I’ve seen you beat down but I have never seen this kind of defeatist attitude before.  Wanna talk about it sweetheart?”

Sam’s smile cracks only a little before she fights it back into place.  Putting her hands on the chest of Monte, she forces him back slightly and breaks the hold.  “I don’t want to talk about it Montgomery,” she says softly and then guides him towards the bench where her ipod is resting.  Pushing him down onto the bench, she leans down and lets her lips rest against his for only the barest of moments before she teasingly lets her hand caress his cheek and pull away.  “Can you please press next song,” Sam asks as she backs away.  

Monte looks down at the ipod then back up at Sam and reaches for the ipod.  Instead of starting the next song, he presses pause and curls his hand around the item before tucking it away as he crosses his arms across his chest.  “Talk to me Sammi,” he demands softly.  “I ain’t going to play this until you tell me what is going on.”

Sighing with frustration, Sam stops then moves to straddle the bench and grabs at the sweatshirt that is heaped on the floor beside it.  Throwing her arms into it, she pulls it over her head and down her body hiding the skin tight halter.  Monte watches her, one eyebrow rising as he tilts his head but remains silently intent on his girlfriend.  Neither speak for the moment until the silence finally is broken by Sam who growls softly.

“I beg your pardon,” Monte tries to tease which only earns him a glare from the redhead.  He returns it with a questioning glare of his own.  

“You want to know what is going on,” she begins.  “I’ll tell you what is going on Monte.  I think that it is time I quit fooling myself.  That is what is going on!” she exclaims.  Reaching up, her hand plays with one long curl of hair, twisting it around her fingers like some worry bead in an attempt to fight the urge to scream and her gaze lowers to the side.  “I don’t know what to do or where I belong any more.  I see person after person getting the shots because they demand them.  I see bombshell after bombshell get push after push and I see myself losing value in Sin City Wrestling.  I ask to be challenged so I can fight my way back to the top.  To prove that I can earn my rematch rather than whine and moan about the fact I deserve it.  Where has that gotten me…absolutely nowhere!”

Her tone begins to sound more and more frustrated as she focuses on her fingers that are tangling together in her lap as if she is trying to hold her emotions in check.  From across the small space between them, Monte sits back as he watches her struggle with emotion without saying anything.  Sam forces a smile onto her face as she looks up.

“I tried to warn you that I didn’t want to talk about it but lucky you gets to hear it now that you brought it up,” she adds in a hollow voice, a mocking chuckle escaping her.

Monte leans forward and offers the redhead a smile.  “Get it off your chest Sam, don’t let it fester,” he offers.  “No one is here to listen except me and if you can’t trust your boyfriend, who can you trust hmmm?”

The first genuine smile he has seen since he got there flitters across her lips before fading slightly.  “I am not one to complain Monte,” she says.  “I am always the one that buries it deep and smiles for the world.  I beat up myself rather than make waves for others.”  Pulling one foot up onto the bench, Sam wraps her arms around the bent knee and leans her chin on it.  “I’ve always been that way.  I let it build and build until it explodes and when that happens, it doesn’t matter who is in the line of fire, I let them have it.  And as much as I fight it, as much as I try to hold back, I can’t.  Are you sure you want to be in that line of fire?”

Getting off the bench, Monte lays the ipod down and moves to sit behind Sam as his hands move to rub gently at her shoulders, his warmth tugging at her physically to lean into his arms.  “Talk to me sweetheart, let it out.”

Sam glances sideways into the mirror to see him offer her a smile.  “Okay, you asked for it,” she teases.

“Promise me one thing Sam,” interrupts Monte before she can begin.  “Once you get this off your chest and out of your system, you won’t let it happen again.  You got me to talk to,” he adds.  “So tell me why you feel you are losing value in SCW?”

Sam nods and then takes a deep breath.  “Have you been following the show?  Have you seen how I have been losing over and over again?  People are rising in the ranks that I have beaten before and I am getting pushed further and further down the card.  I know that everyone in SCW is great and very talented wrestlers but I think I am losing whatever it was that brought me to the dance,” says Sam.  “I get in that ring and I kick ass like no other but no matter what I do, no matter how hard I fight, no matter that I give everything I have and then a little bit more, somehow I always come up short.”  Again frustration begins to creep into her voice as her eyes glaze over wetly.  

Monte says nothing as he puts his arms around her and pulls her back into his embrace.

“I am fast becoming the joke of SCW,” Sam continues as a hand reaches up to wipe at her cheek.  “To hear Cyn, my sister tell it, I am THE jobber of SCW.  Do you realize Monte, I won the Bombshell title…TWICE only to lose it to a self-absorbed self-centred gloryhound who then did absolutely nothing for the next few weeks…didn’t even show up on the shows?  And did I get my rematch…no.  They let the champ do NOTHING for weeks.  And I didn’t complain or bitch about getting a title shot.”

“But you got a title shot at the last supercard didn’t you?” asks Monte softly only to have that comment be met with a scoff.  

“Yeah, I got an Internet title shot against someone that kept complaining that nobody wanted to face her and what happened…I lost again even thought I gave it my all.”  Sam looks at herself in the mirror as her head falls back on Monte’s shoulder.  “I feel like I am just nothing anymore…maybe I am washed up as a wrestler?” she mutters.

“A has been at twenty three,” jokes Monte as he rests his chin on Sam’s shoulder.   The smile on his face is sympathetic which forces Sam to sit up and turn to him.

“That isn’t funny,” she says as the hurt in her eyes cuts Monte to the core.  

“It’s not meant to be Sam,” he says as he rests his lips against her temple.  “I am trying to make you laugh but guess that wasn’t the way to do it.  Listen sweetheart, I know how hard you work and I know how hard you train and I know you fight your hardest.  And you have to know that you won’t win all the time but you can’t lose all the time either.  So what you need to do is pull yourself together and I want you to clear your head and start over from here. “

Sam offers him a look from under tear covered lashes as she slowly sucks her bottom lip into her teeth to worry it slightly.  Monte brings a hand up and caresses Sam’s cheek, his thumb brushing the bottom lip out of her teeth.  She lightly kisses his thumb then rubs her cheek against the hand caressing it.  

“Feeling better Sam?” he asks, smiling as Sam nods mutely.  “Because I want you to know that regardless of wins or losses in the ring, you are still my champion sweetheart,” he adds.  Sam lets a crooked smile cross her face as Monte grins back.  “So now that you got that off your chest and all…why did you ask me here?”

Sam blushes as she lets her head hang down and a slight giggle escapes her.  “Ummm…a bit of training that I have wanted to show you.”  As she says that, she presses play on the ipod as Ariana Grande’s Dangerous Woman begins to play.  Reaching for Monte’s hand, she turns him around and then moves back towards the poles, her hands pulling her shirt up again and then tossing it behind her.  Turning to Monte, she winks and begins to move around the pole then pulls herself upwards and begins to dance and undulate to the music.

Monte watches as Sam begins to sing along with the song as she dances towards him.  

“Something about you makes me feel like a dangerous woman…” she softly sings as she reaches the man on the bench.  She leans forward and pushes him back as she straddles him to continue with “Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn’t.”

“Sam…” groans Monte as she wraps her arms around his neck and leans up to whisper the next lyrics into his ear with a soft smile.  His hands move to her hips as she tangles her fingers into his hair.  The last thing seen is their bodies melding together as their lips meet and lock with a soft whimper from Sam the last thing heard.

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Have you ever felt less than nothing?  Have you ever questioned yourself about where you fit in for any situation?  Have you ever thought about giving up and giving in to despair and self-doubt?  Have you ever reached the point of saying f*ck it and throwing it all away and quitting?

Between you and me, I have been having these thoughts lately.  To the point that I am seriously contemplating walking away from it and moving on, to turn my back on Sin City Wrestling and stop being a bombshell.  I have had serious talks about it with my friends and they have been trying to get me to realize that I am too hard on myself about my win loss record and that I will bounce back.

And if I am more honest, the question at the bottom of it all is do I want to?

Now I could say that it would be easy to say no.  The urge to prove myself and move above where I am right now and prove that I can be the champion I was and could very well be again is very strong.  And I love being out there in front of the fans week in and week out.  To hear the fans chanting my name, to have my superstars from the children’s hospitals in the cities we wrestle in that attend each show as my guests as part of my giving back, those are things that put the smile on my face.

And then there are the moments when I think why bother because I am the hardest on myself and take each loss to heart, squeezing it tighter and tighter and making me feel more and more down on myself and my abilities.  Or the feelings that I am just floundering and doing nothing except be filler for the lower card matches which just proves my sister right.

My father keeps telling me that no matter what I want to do, no matter how much I want to quit, I should always keep trying because every dog has their day and the wheel of fortune will turn and rather than be under it, I should roll with the punches.  Just saying that makes me think I really need to get my father a book of proverbs or something to stop him mixing his metaphors.

But Daddy is right about one thing, how I can think of quitting when there is so much I have overcome in Sin City.  I set a record…I was the youngest Bombshell champion ever in SCW.  I beat someone that was unbeatable to win that title.  I was handpicked for that match and took advantage of the opportunity given to me.

Then I got cocky.  I convinced myself that I was valued as the champion and I proudly carried that title into the Blast from the Past and made my way to the semifinals and you know what, that was the start of my stumbling blocks.  Then I lost the title and fought like an SOB to win the title back in Japan and I did only to come back and lose it again.  I dropped a notch in that loss but still got to try for the belt in a record setting match, the chamber of fate.  And once again, I came that close to winning that match only to have it snatched away at the last moment.  

Then I watched myself get booked for the Internet title.  And I thought good, a chance to win another title on the road to being a grandslam champion.  And I once more worked myself up and fought hard for that title only to be taken out but not pinned for the win.  I lost but wasn’t pinned.  And my ego took another hit.  The worst part about it was hearing how close I came to the win and ‘awww, maybe next time Sam’ piece of advice I got.  Yeah, those words of wisdom really did me wonders to hear them.

Then wonder of wonders, a shot at the roulette title that I also lost because of choices I made which added another loss that pushed the idea of quitting closer to the surface.  Sam Marlowe, former champion that couldn’t get a win even if her career depended on it…

So what is the point of this rant hmmm?  Is it some kind of self-prescribed therapy to convince myself that I am right to decide to retire and quit and move on to something I know I am good at?  Finish off my master’s degree and do something other than wrestle.  Take my place at Daddy’s company and be the best ‘son’ my father never had?

Or is it something more?  Is it to finally give vent to all the anger and frustration I feel in Sin City Wrestling?  Is it the self-punishing pep talk that some people need to kick themselves in the keister and get back to work after picking themselves up from being knocked down?   Is this the last dying cry against the dark of depression and self-doubt when it comes to my career?

Whatever it is, I need it…desperately!!

You see, at High Stakes Six, I am in a match.  It isn’t for a title but it might just be the tipping point for me.  Maybe I will use this match as my divining rod.  Maybe this match will be what decides if I still have what it takes to be here and actually wrestle.  Maybe this match will be the one that gives me the push to fight out of my depression and return to myself, the Sam Marlowe that loved being in the ring, the Sam Marlowe that looked forward to any and all challenges.  The Sam Marlowe that will never give up, never give in…NEVER QUIT!

The stakes will be higher than anyone could ever imagine for me.  I hope I am ready…

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A redhead can be seen sitting on a rooftop patio, the dawn barely appearing on the horizon as she brings the bottle that is hanging limply in her hand to her lips.  Dressed in a pair of jeans and a Vixen tee, Sam is barefooted with her toes wiggling in the slight breeze of the morning.  Taking a long sip from the bottle, she barely glances at the soft footfall of someone creeping along the patio towards her.  Sam watches as Pussy Willow tries to navigate around a maze of beer cans and playing cards.  Resting on the floor is a rather battered hat that had seen better days.

“Sam, do you realize what time it is,” says a sleepy Pussy Willow as her cameraperson joins her.  Sam turns with a smile at her friend who is dressed not in her usual snappy wrestling business casual she is usually sporting but in a pair of ratty jeans and an oversized tee.  Pussy’s blonde hair is pulled up in a rather sloppy topknot and she is makeupless except for mascara and lip gloss that she spreads slightly with a swipe of her tongue.  In her hand is a drink tray with dark brown McDonalds coffee cups and a bag with the golden arches on it.  “So why do you want to do this interview so early Sammi?  I could so still be sleeping you know.”

“I’m sorry Pussy but I wasn’t able to sleep last night because I have way too much on my mind and I wanted to get it said before I lost it.  So how much do I owe you for breakfast?” asks Sam as she reaches down to a purse that is sitting beside her.

Looking around in disgust at the mess, Pussy waves off the question.  “You don’t owe me anything Sam.  I have been worried about you and I was going to drop by if I hadn’t heard from you.  I can see that you have been drinking…”

Sam smiles as she holds up the bottle and waves it slightly back and forth, the liquid inside sloshing back and forth.  “Yes, yes I have Pussy and it has given me some clarity if you must know,” offers Sam with a smile before she drains the bottle and sets it down with all the precision of a drunken architect.

“Clarity you say,” answers Pussy as she tugs the coffee she brought for Sam out of the tray and hands it over with the bag of food.  Sam crosses her legs and after setting the coffee to the side opens the bag and pulls out a hashbrown that she takes a bite from, her eyes closing in grease lover ecstasy.   Pussy can only laugh at the antics of Sam as the cameraperson opens up a small hand held camera and turns it on the pair sitting side by side.

“That’s right Pussy,” says Sam as she points her hashbrown at her friend only to watch it fall limp and point down at the floor.  Pulling back the treat, Sam takes another bite that she shoves into her cheek.  “I think that I am going to let my match at the supercard decide what I will be doing in the future,” she says around the bite that muffles her words slightly.  Swallowing, she looks at Pussy.  “Did you get that?” she asks after seeing the confusion in Pussy’s face.

“Not really Sam, what are you talking about?” asks Pussy as the camera focuses back on Sam who by this time has pulled the egg mcmuffin from the bag and has unwrapped it to bring it to her lips only to stop at Pussy’s question.

“I am talking about my career ending Pussy,” says Sam before taking a rather large bite of the sandwich.

Pussy looks hard at Sam then the cameraperson then Sam again.  Suddenly she starts to laugh and shake her head.  “It is not nice to mess with me like that Sam, especially not this early in the morning.”

Sam chews slightly before once more replying around the mouthful she has.  “Who says I was messing with you Pussy?” she asks.

“You can’t give up your career Sam.  You are in a match at High Stakes against Alexis Edwards and Mikah and this could have very big consequences for the winner.  It would definitely put someone in contention for titles for sure,” snaps Pussy in a no nonsense tone that catches Sam’s attention.

“Whoa Pussy,” offers Sam in a conciliatory voice as she recognizes that Pussy has lost her temper at the words Sam has been saying.  “I am sorry to tell you but you have to wonder why should I still do what I am doing in SCW?”

Pussy looks hard at Marlowe who has the grace to flush.  “And just what do you think you have been doing in SCW that needs you to quit?”

“Losing!” replies Sam more harshly than she wanted before deflating visibly in front of her friend.   “Losing,” she says again, this time calmer as if trying to convince herself of the truth before adding, “and floundering around with no direction.”

Pussy can see how much the confession has cost Sam and puts a hand on her shoulder.  “And you know why you are?  It’s because you don’t do what everyone else does and make your own opportunities.  You don’t go crying to the bosses for title shots, you are one of the hardest working bombshells in the company and are content to let others get over before you do.  Why don’t you demand what you want?” asks Pussy.

“If I did that Pussy, it would make me just like them.  I shouldn’t have to cry or moan about getting title shots.  Hell I even asked to be given the opportunity to prove I deserve the shots and still have not been taken as serious as I should be,” says Sam, her voice sounding more sober.  

“You don’t think that the match at the supercard isn’t an opportunity to prove that you deserve to be on the roster?” demands Pussy.  The cameraperson catches the pair talking, trying to remain out of their observation but poised to capture each and every emotion that is passing over Sam’s face.

“I suppose,” offers Sam as she takes another contemplative bite of the sandwich, a dribble of melted cheese falling into the bag open on her lap.  “I mean I guess facing Mikah again is something and a chance to face Alexis too…both of them have been champions and are really tough challenges.”

“There you go, now you are talking,” says Pussy a smile now crossing her face.  “So, still think that you are going to hang em up?  After all, Mikah is someone that you have beaten before and probably will stand a good chance of beating again.”

Sam shoots her friend a glance with her nose wrinkled and a slight grin.  “Yeah yeah, I beat Mikah before and I also know that since then she really hasn’t had her heart in wrestling but still she keeps winning.  And I have yet to beat Alexis Edwards.”

“Yeah I know but she has never been Bombshell champion and you have…twice,” teases Pussy with a nudge of her elbow against the shoulder of Sam that knocks her somewhat askew.  “Listen Sam, I would be the last person to tell you to quit and I am not going to be the first one to agree with you about it.  So smarten up and get your head in the game.  I don’t care what you do but just do it!”

Sam’s grin turns goofy at that comment.  “You my friend should work for Nike,” jokes Sam as she stuffs the last bite of mcmuffin in her mouth.  “Okay okay, I will give it my best shot and stop moping if it will make you happy.”

“Good,” Pussy retorts as she gives a slight shoulder shimmy in congratulations for bringing her friend out of her funk.  The cameraperson continues to film the pair as Pussy and Sam move closer and begin to talk more about the upcoming match quietly.  

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High Stakes, the supercard that will see me face off against Mikah and Alexis Edwards in a triple threat match.  No titles and nothing on the line except for the chance to say one of us beat two other women.  Now I am going on record now as saying I wish the both of you luck because this match has some very big expectations in it.

First you have Mikah, a woman who has been a dominant figure in the Bombshell division of SCW and is someone that holds the record for holding the Bombshell title the longest.  This is a woman that on any given day can step in the ring and kick anyone’s rear end and probably will.  But this is also a woman that has more on her mind than just a match against Alexis and I.  She is a newlywed who’s friend was injured last week and is going to be in the corner of when he defends his title.  So will she really be focused on the match or will she be preparing to defend Despayre from Ruby Rose when he faces TNA?  Will she let our match be the second thought because of her friend?  I doubt it but you never know.  

And really, with Mikah turning over a new leaf, will she have the edge to be as ruthless as she used to be?  When I faced her for the title, she was ruthless but now, I don’t know.  I suspect that her killer instinct has dulled a bit in her efforts to go against her nature.  Don’t get me wrong, I applaud the change, I really do but I have to say that if she isn’t on her game because she is trying to walk the straight and narrow, she is going to have to realize that I have been on the straight and narrow my whole short wrestling career so I am not fighting my natural inclinations to follow the rules and fight a fair fight.  

I feel for her I really do so good luck Mikah.  And I know that you will do your best when you are in Despayre’s corner and will give Alexis and I a good fight.

Then speaking of Alexis Edwards, I have to say that between you and me, we have been having a really bad time of it lately.  You with the hard fought battles against Evie Baang and me with my losing streak.  I want to say that you really impressed me stepping up to Evie like that and I know you did Vixen proud when you were in that hardcore match, she told me so.  I also hope that you are at one hundred percent for our match.  I wouldn’t want you to be at anything less.

You I guess I see as my real competition in this match.  After all, you have also been trained by Spike and Vixen Staggs.  Even worse, you are almost family to them since you are dating their son.  I get that and I know that Vixen talks highly of you.  But I want you to know that even though you have been trained by them, so have I.  And where you pushed Vixen away, I embraced her training and I learned everything that she tried to teach me.  Will it stand me in good stead?  Who knows but I know one thing.  She taught me to not take my eye off the prize because when you do, you lose focus and you beat yourself.  Well now I have to tell you that I have honed my focus and I am looking right at the pair of you that I am facing.

Win lose or draw, I am coming for a fight.  I am coming for something more as well.  I am coming to regain my confidence in the ring.  Sadly I lost it and I let that loss get to me.  So now, I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  So either you two are going to have to deal with someone who is focused and ready to win or you are facing someone desperate to hold on to her emotion and fighting for her career.  

So you better be ready for our match ladies because it is my career that is the stake that I have put in this match and nothing is going to stop me from winning to keep it.

Climax Control Archives / Trying out the Ben finger snap...
« on: October 28, 2016, 11:53:48 PM »
 Standing in the middle of a room, Sam Marlowe holds a hot chocolate as she looks around to spot an empty table and sitting in front of a window that shows the strip, she looks around suspiciously then smiles as she looks directly towards the camera and waves as her other hand moves to her ear and tweaks it slightly before snapping the fingers of her waving hand.  Around her, nothing freezes as behind her people can be seen continuing to move.  Shaking her head, she lets it fall forward for a moment then once more looks up and lets her hands wrap around a white cup with a hot liquid sloshing inside of it.

“Ok, I still don’t know how Ben and Jamie do it but I might as well just move on and not worry about it,” she offers as she draws the attention of a few people sitting nearby.  She feels the looks and with a smile, she points towards the camera lens and mouths the words ‘fourth wall’ before turning back.

“Okay, I have to be honest with you, I was completely surprised at the card for the Halloween show,” she says as she tucks her hair behind her ear.  “Not that I was booked for the show, that would have been a given but the fact that I was given the match that I was.”  Bringing the cup to her lips, she lowers her eyes slowly as she sips at the drink then looks up again as if spoken to.  “Oh in case you hadn’t heard, I was booked into the match for the vacant Bombshell Roulette title.  I never suspected that when I challenged Mr Ward and Mr Underwood to challenge me so I could work my way back into contendership for the Bombshell title that they would offer me a the challenge of the Roulette title.”

From the side, two older ladies turn to Sam and one brings a hand up with one finger pressed to her lips in the classic shhh pose.  Sam offers a self-conscious smile and nods then crooks her finger to invite the camera closer and lowers her voice.  “Now if you had asked me, I probably would have had me facing someone one on one in a lower card match considering that I have had a real win problem recently.  I won my last match but that was my last match…the matches before that weren’t that good for me.”  Sam again pauses as she sips at the drink and then sets it on the table in front of her to focus on it as if looking for what to add to the comments.

“Don’t get me wrong,” she adds slowly.  “I am flattered that management seems to think that I have what it takes to be in the Roulette title match.  After all, I was only looking forward to wrestling on the show and now I am looking forward to possibly winning the Roulette title.  And if I do, I look forward to doing it proud by defending it to the best of my abilities.  I don’t want to let Christian Underwood or Mark Ward down which means that I am going to fight tooth and nail to deserve it and do my best to win the match.”

The lady gets up and moves towards Sam who smiles as she looks at Sam then towards the camera.  “Who are you talking to young lady?” she asks the redhead.

Sam gives her a look and then looks at the camera with her.  “I am talking to the fans…”

The lady looks at the camera then Sam and shakes her head.  “You realize that the first sign of insanity is speaking to yourself.  And you look like someone that isn’t crazy.  So stop talking to yourself and just enjoy your drink and let the rest of us enjoy ours,” says the lady angrily before putting her hands on her hips.  Sam gives her a guilty look and then nods slowly before looking at the camera and shrugging as she mouths goodbye to the camera and then snaps her fingers again which freezes everything.

“Ah nuts!  BEN!!!”

Climax Control Archives / Sam Marlowe's ready for a reset
« on: October 14, 2016, 11:53:15 PM »
 The soft clang of metal against metal can be heard as well as soft puffs of breath being caught from exertion.  Pulling back from the pair of hands on a silver bar, the camera reveals a rather sweaty and smiling Sam Marlowe as she lies back on the bench and pulls the bar off the supports and begins to lower it to her chest then back up again, her lips pursed as she focuses on breathing through the reps.

To the side, Pussy Willow can be seen behind the camera looking at her friend who is being spotted by a smirking Montgomery Christopher.  Filming the pair as he encourages Sam with the reps, Pussy can’t help but smile herself as she calls out across the small gym.  “So Sam, looks like you are intent on something with these workouts.  I mean I can see from here that you aren’t looking too happy lately with what has been happening in the ring,” offers Pussy as she straightens up and points the camera at her friend.  

“Seriously Pussy, if you want to get me riled up for this week’s Climax Control, you are going about it all wrong,” offers Sam as she finishes with the barbell and then brings it to rest on the stand and pulls herself to a sitting position.  “I already know that Veronica Taylor is going to be all over my win loss record and use it to point out just what kind of woman I am.”

Monte looks between the two as Pussy just laughs at the comment.  “Ok, not a wrestling fan so you are gonna have to do some splainin’ sweetheart,” he teases as he reaches for a towel and tosses it to Sam who uses it to towel off the sweat before letting it fall into her lap.

“Veronica Taylor has this umm way of talking about the other bombshells that is rather derogatory,” says Pussy as she beats Sam to the punchline.  

“She calls most of the bombshells uggos and basics.  She’s very “mean girl”esque,” adds Sam.  “Even though I have beaten her multiple times she will probably still consider me a basic.”  Sam tosses her head and shrugs with a half-smile.  

“You’re kidding right…” he wonders as he looks at Pussy who shakes her head negatively.  “She can’t be that obvious?”  

Pussy moves from the bench she is sitting on and moves toward Sam as she once more points the camera in the direction of the redhead who has gotten to her feet, the towel in her hand as she moves to the water fountain for a drink.  Monte watches the pair as he slowly straddles the bench.

“Sam, I think we need to send a message to Veronica,” says Pussy as Sam straightens.  “You need to beat her to the punch and deflate that ego before she can do the same to you.  And since I am here and I do have the video capability…”

Sam laughs as Pussy waves the camera around dizzyingly.   “Okay Pussy, okay.  Y’all going to give me a second to prep for it?”

Eagerly Pussy nods as Sam moves towards a bag resting on the floor.  Pulling a brush from it, she runs it through her sweat soaked curls trying to tame them into some sense of order.  Monte moves to stand beside Pussy to watch as Sam rolls her neck and begins to pace slightly talking to herself under her breath.  

“This seems so surreal,” Monte says as he looks at his girlfriend who has turned to the mirror and appears to be talking to her reflection.  “I get the fact that I don’t know much about this wrestling stuff but seriously, since Sammi and I got together I am learning and trust me when I tell you that she is taking this way too serious…is she always like this?” Monte asks.

“You have no idea,” replies Pussy as she looks down into the camera then with a smile turns to Monte and holds it out to him.  “I think you need to learn a thing or two about the wrestling biz.  So for the next few minutes, you get to be the cameraman for this interview.  SAM!” calls Pussy as she shoves the camera into Monte’s hand.

“Coming!” answers Sam with one final look into the mirror before turning to see Pussy showing Monte how to hold the camera then moves to Sam and motions for her to stand close as she counts down into the interview…

“I’m here with former two time World Bombshell champion Sam Marlowe who lately has been on a streak of rather bad losses and this week will be facing former Roulette title holder Veronica Taylor.  Sam, we have to know, with the fact you have been on a rather bad losing streak, how is it going to feel to get another win under your belt?” asks Pussy as she holds an invisible mic towards Sam who has a look of shock on her face.

“Ummm…yeah losing streak hasn’t been all that fun,” admits Sam with one raised eyebrow.  “I guess you could say I have been beating myself up about needing wins.  Wait, are you saying that because I am facing Veronica Taylor that it is going to be an easy win for me?”

Pussy gives the camera her best broadcast journalist look before looking back at Sam.  “Well if you look at the record books, Veronica Taylor has never beaten you in the six sided ring.  She was the first one you ever faced and she was the first person you beat in your debut.  So why not consider Sunday’s match a redebut of sorts.  And if you do that, and the fact it is the first person you faced and beat, I have a strong sense of history repeating itself,” offers Pussy.

Sam seems to give that a thought or two as Monte smiles at her from behind the camera.  “Since you put it that way, yeah I can see history repeating itself in that ring.  After all, I do have incentive to get back to winning and who better to win against than Veronica Taylor.  Maybe if I remember that she is the one that I tend to get a win from on a road to a comeback, this week it will be another win on another comeback which might just propel me back into the title scene.”

“Is that something that you want?” asks Pussy.

Sam thinks for a moment, her head slowly beginning to nod.  “Yes, that is something I definitely want.  I want to get back to my winning ways in the worst possible way and if I pull a win out against…”

“If Sammi?” interrupts Pussy, her eyebrow raising quizzically.

“When I beat Veronica,” begins Sam with a laugh, “It is one small step towards a chance at maybe getting my name back in the minds of management when deciding on title challengers.  After all, I do still have a title rematch.  But I am going to earn my way to that and if Veronica is the first step in that journey, then so be it.”

With those words, Pussy motions for Monte to stop taping.  He looks down at the camera then up at the pair that is watching him.  He holds out the camera and hangs his head slightly.  “Here,” he says as Pussy takes the camera.

Sam gives him a surprised look as she moves closer.  “What’s wrong darlin’” she asks as she puts her hand on Monte’s.

“I wasn’t filming,” he admits as Pussy looks dumbfounded and Sam can’t help but laugh as the scene fades out.

Supercard Archives / Melody Grace Vs Sam Marlowe Vs Mercedes Vargas
« on: September 23, 2016, 11:54:49 PM »
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The soft glow of dawn can barely be seen as a taxi pulls into the parking lot in front of a rather squat building with a large sign that is lit up.  A big window beams with a welcoming glow as inside, a group of people can be seen gathered around a large work area that is lit up with dials and switches and above them hang boom microphones.

The door of the cab opens to reveal a rather tired looking redhead who has her hair pulled back in a rather loose ponytail and dressed in a pair of jeans and a rather worn sweatshirt with University of Nevada on it over a black tank top.  Her sneakers squeak slightly on the pavement as she steps out of the cab, her attention on the window.  Suddenly from behind her, the voice of the cab driver pulls her out of her thoughts as he demands the fare.  Reaching into her bag that is slung casually over her shoulder, she sheepishly blushes as she counts out the money and hands it over, waving off the offer of change with a smile as she backs away and heads towards the window.  

Inside, one of the group catches a glimpse of Sam Marlowe and motions to someone that can’t be seen to go and open the door and once that is done the man motions for Sam to head to the door to her right.  A moment later a young lady pops her head out of the door with a smile and motions Sam inside.

“Hey there,” the young woman says as the door closes behind her and Sam as they walk into the building.  “I’m the producer of the Morning Hot Tub, they call me Pancake.”

“Y’all let them call you that?” asks Sam skeptically as the producer laughs and shakes her head.  Softly from the ceiling, the sound of the people in the booth can be heard talking.  

“I don’t mind,” she offers.  “Anyways, let’s go and meet the gang once they finish this spot and start playing a new song.”  Just as she says that, the sound of New Romantics begins over the words of one of the men in the booth.  As it fades up, the light indicates that Sam and Pancake can walk into the studio.  As they do, the four disc jockeys get to their feet and move towards the pair offering Sam a smile as the bearded man holds out his hand towards the redhead.

“Hi, I’m Mauler and I have to tell you that I am so excited to have you here,” he says.  “Normally it is usually the big name companies that end up coming to Ottawa but I went to the show you guys had here before and man, I can’t wait to see this Violent Conduct that is coming to Ottawa on the weekend.”  His smile is infectious as Sam returns the hand shake with her own smile and nod before having her hand released then grabbed by a blonde woman who just waves off Mauler’s gushing with her free hand.

“Don’t mind him, he is fanboying,” she says as she pumps Sam’s hand.  “I’m Jenni and I am the one that tries to keep these two in line on air.”  She motions to Mauler and then the other man who smirks at her and raises one hand to pat her on her head.

“She is so precious isn’t she Mauler?” says the man with the curly hair as he once more pats Jenni on the head only to have her brush it off as she growls ‘Rush!’.  Sam raises one hand and lowers her head slightly, enough to hide the giggle that is barely caught in time.  Rush offers her a wink as he extends a hand.  “As Jenni here growled, I’m Rush, and it is a pleasure to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you…Rush,” answers Sam.  “Is it just Rush or is there anything else?”

“You can just call me Rush,” he replies before moving back to his spot behind the booth set up.  Mauler moves to his seat as a woman with long hair approaches Sam and offers her hand.  Jenni offers a smile as she moves to her seat as Sam is greeted by the last person of the group.  “And I am Josie, nice to meet you,” she adds as she shakes Sam’s hand then moves to her own spot.  As she does, the song begins to wind down and Mauler brings up his microphone as Pancake motions for Sam to be quiet.

“That was Taylor Swift and the New Romantics.  It is six forty five in the morning and we are the Morning Hot Tub.   As you know, Sin City Wrestling will be here in the capital on Sunday night for their supercard Violent Conduct three.   We have been joined in the studio by one of the Bombshells of SCW and we will be talking with her live after this…”  Mauler presses a button as he switches off his microphone and motions for Sam to join him.

Moving around the room, Sam gingerly sits herself down on the chair that has been pulled up for her as Pancake hands her a set of headphones.  Placing them over her ears Sam looks over to see Mauler smiling with his thumbs up.  Nodding, she offers her own thumbs up as Pancake moves a spare microphone in front of Sam and then moves off to begin the countdown to the end of commercials.  As the final few words of the commercial play, Mauler reaches for the switch to the microphones.

“We are back at Hot Eighty Nine Nine and we are joined by Samantha Marlowe, one of the Bombshells of Sin City Wrestling who will be at TD Place arena this coming Sunday night.  Say hello Samantha,” says Mauler as he points to Sam.

“Hey y’all,” says Sam as she leans closer to the microphone.  “And please call me Sam, calling me Samantha makes me think I am in trouble or something,” she adds jokingly.  

“All right Sam it is,” says Rush as he leans back in his chair and addresses his microphone.  “So, Mauler here says that Sin City Wrestling has its supercard Violent Conduct coming up this weekend and you are in one of the matches on the show.   Tell us about it.”

Sam thinks for a moment then addresses the microphone as her hands curl around the cup of coffee silently put in front of her by Pancake.  “Well, I don’t know if y’all know anything about SCW but the company is one of the best indy promotions out there and we are based in Vegas down in the States.”

“Indy promotion,” comments Jenni questioningly.  

“Independent promotion…It means we aren’t one of the bigger named companies that are in everyone’s faces.  But if you ask me, I would say that we are right up there with those guys.  The level of talent we have is awesome.  And I ain’t just saying that.  I have been in the ring with a lot of the women in the company so I am speaking the truth,” says Sam as she warms to the interview.

“I see,” says Mauler before he looks over at Sam.  “I have heard that there are some people in the company that actually come here in Ottawa.  Connor Murphy and Vixen are natives of the city.  Have you ever gotten in the ring with either of them?”

Sam shakes her head, the loose ponytail whipping at her cheeks.  “I can’t say I have been in the ring with Connor because the superstars and bombshells aren’t to face each other.   And as for Vixen, I am new to the company and she had retired before I got there.  But a friend of mine suggested that I look her up to help me in the ring so yeah I have faced her across a ring but only in training.”  

Sam takes a sip of her drink as Mauler speaks up once more.  “The last time that Sin City Wrestling was in town, Vixen stepped out and spoke about a return and you yourself had a match against Veronica Taylor.  This time, ten months later, Vixen still hasn’t made a return but you have.  So will you be facing Veronica Taylor again or will you be in a different match?”

“I remember that night and I remember submitting Veronica Taylor to the Sammi wrap but this card has me in a different match all together,” offers Sam.  “I actually am in a title match at Violent Conduct against two other bombshells.”

“A triple treat!” exclaims Rush as he leans forward, his eyebrows waggling as Mauler can only shake his head.  “I think you mean triple threat Rush,” says Mauler before turning to Sam once more.  “Now that we have set him straight, this triple threat match seems like it will be right up your alley won’t it?  I mean you are fighting for a title after all.”

“Well I don’t mean to sound cocky but yeah, I think I have a good chance in that match for sure.  After all, I am a former champion after all,” says Sam which gets her a surprised look from Rush.  “Of course at the time I was the Bombshell world champion.  Sunday night though, I am not going for the Bombshell title, I am going to be facing Mercedes Vargas and Melody Grace in a match for the Bombshell Internet title.”

“Isn’t that a step down,” asks Josie as Jenni nods beside her, “to go from being a world champion to being the Internet one?  No disrespect but if it was me, I would think that.”

“None taken Josie,” says Sam.  “Yeah, if you look at the ranking of the titles, the Internet title is the second tier title and the World Bombshell title would be the holy grail but all the titles in SCW are held by very talented people.  If I wanted to challenge for the Bombshell title I do have my rematch clause that I had in my contract…”

Mauler looks at Sam with his eyebrows drawn together.  “You mean you could have been in the match for the Bombshell World title and you said no?”

“I wasn’t given the chance to be in the Bombshell World title so instead I was booked to face Mercedes and Melody for Melody’s Bombshell Internet title.  Now before you give me the riot act, let me explain something about me and the way things are in SCW.”  

Before she can say anything else, Mauler holds up his hand.  “Right now we have to take a commercial break, so Sam, can you hold that thought.  And speaking of holds, Rush has offered to help us demonstrate the Sammi wrap so you have to stay tuned…”

As the commercial begins to play, Sam’s laughter as well as a huff from Rush can barely be heard.  As the microphones cut, Rush turns to Mauler.  “What the hell Maul?  Offering to put me in the hold?  Like that ain’t right and I am not going to do it!” Rush exclaims.  Mauler smirks but Jenni can’t help but speak up. “Are you saying Rush that you would let a girl beat you?”

The taunt hits home as Rush shakes his head negatively.  Getting to his feet he moves around the desk towards Sam and stopping in front of her, he looks down and puts both hands on his hips.  “Okay Sam, I’ll let you put me in the hold but you gotta promise that if you can’t hold me you won’t be disappointed.”

Sam looks at the others then at Rush.  “Are you sure you want to do this.  I mean I can show you the hold but I can also make sure that you don’t have to do it,” Sam offers only to be greeted by a negative response from Rush.  Mauler motions for the return to air as Rush stands beside Sam who slowly gets to her feet.  

“We are back and we are live with Sin city Wrestling Bombshell Sam Marlowe who is going to put Rush in her hold called the Sammi Wrap.   While you prepare Rush, care to tell us what the Sammi Wrap is Sam?”

Sam leans forward awkwardly as she doesn’t realize that she doesn’t need to be right near the microphone.  “Well basically it is a guillotine choke hold that is a submission hold that stops a person in their tracks.  If you get the hold in correctly, there is very little that can be done to escape it.”

“For our listeners out there, Sam is getting ready to put Rush into the hold and if you want to see the results, go to eightynineninedotcom.  So Sam, time to Crush Rush…”

“This isn’t time to Crush Rush, Mauler, this is a physical thing.  And I don’t think she has what it takes to crush me anyways,” taunts Rush as Sam takes off her headset then moves towards Rush.  He prepares as she helps him to the floor of the booth and pulls his head under her arm and then locks in the Sammi Wrap loosely.  Jenni can’t help but laugh as Rush struggles hard to try and get out of it.

“Are you okay Rush,” says Mauler with a laugh as Rush can be heard to mumble something that really can’t be said on air.  Sam releases him slowly as she offers him an apologetic smile.  “There you have it, Rush has been crushed already once today and pretty soon we will be looking to go two for two.  But for right now, we still have Sam Marlowe here and there is something I have been dying to ask her to do so come back right after this.”   Mauler switches the microphones off as the call sign of the radio station begins to play.  

When both get to their feet, Sam offers her hand to Rush who shakes it and teasingly pulls her into a headlock.  After a pat on the head, he releases her and then rushes around the desk once more and slides his headphones on quickly to prevent Sam from retaliating which only makes her laugh.  Mauler stands up and moves his boom microphone between the two of them as the countdown to return is done.  Rush reaches over and switches on the microphone.

“Mauler here and I am about to do something that not very many people get to do and that is cut a wrestling promo against Sam Marlowe, SCW Bombshell and quite possibly the Bombshell Internet champion after Sunday.  So let me get into character,” says Mauler as he appears to try to be bulking up as Sam can’t help but hold her midsection in laughter.  “Listen Marlowe, this week at the supercard I am going to kick your rear end all over that six sided ring and there will only be two things you can do about it…take it and like it!”

Jenni breaks into laughter right over the air as Rush’s eyebrow rises in surprise at his broadcast partner who begins to flex and stretch.  Jenni’s laughter slows as she coughs and then looks at Sam.  “So Sam, what do you think…does Mauler have what it takes to make a good wrestling promo?”

Sam wipes at the tears of laughter on her face before nodding her head.  “Oh he definitely has something y’all,” she teases before breaking into laughter once more.  Mauler smirks at her comment as he once more begins to flex before acting like he got a Charlie horse.  Rush rolls his eyes as he pulls the microphone over to his lips and then addresses it.  “While we get something to help Mauler, let’s thanks Sam Marlowe for stopping into the station to have a chat.  You can see Sam and the rest of the superstars and Bombshells at Sunday night’s Violent Conduct Three at TD Place Arena,” says Rush before Mauler adds, “and here is Let it Go by Def Leppard…”

Sam’s theme begins to play as Mauler turns off the microphones. Once that is done, the four surround Sam to offer her thanks for being on the show and asking for her to take a picture with them in front of the Hot 89.9 sign.  The group moves against the wall where the sign is and pose as Pancake pulls out a camera and motions to the five to get close.  Mauler puts Rush in a headlock as Sam looks on in seeming shock.  The song is getting to the end as the picture is taken and the quartet move back to their microphones as Sam moves to leave the studio.  Another song begins to play as Pancake moves off to call Sam a taxi.

“There goes Sam Marlowe, everyone wave,” says Jenni as Rush and Mauler begin to talk about the Crush Rush segment and asking for the Hotties to call.  Sam stops at the window as she watches the antics as she waits for her taxi.  She can’t hear them but the group seems to be having a lot of fun inside. Turning at the arrival of her taxi, Sam gives them a last wave before sliding into the car and shutting the door.

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It has been fun and games the last two weeks.  I mean I could be sitting here and doing nothing but training for the match coming up at Violent Conduct.  Oh don’t you worry, I was doing that but I was also doing what we don’t normally get a chance to do.  We have been in so many different cities and half the time it is a whirlwind of flying in, wrestling and then flying out.  But luckily I have been given an opportunity to take a little time for me and I took advantage for sure.

I realized that I am in a very strong position going into Violent Conduct this weekend because I have done nothing but think. I have thought about why it could be that I was put in the match and I thought about how I could make history again.  I thought about how I could be on the road to doing something that no one has ever done in this company and that is be the closer for a title.  Think about it, Mikah was the Bombshell champion that no one wanted to face…see where I am going with the similarities…and what happened…first she challenged all the bombshells to step to her and everyone that did fell by the wayside.  Then there was me, content to work my way to the Roulette title and was given one hell of an opportunity by Mikah and was given a shot at her title.  The rest was history when I beat her one two three in the middle of the ring and took the title from the dominant and undefeated champion at the time.  Now we have Melody Grace, a dominant undefeated Bombshell Internet champion who has challenged everyone to step to her but no one wants to face her for reasons I will get into later but still, no one wanted to get in the ring with her except Mercedes Vargas who lost to her.  Everyone lost to Melody in the recent past which just made her talk like Mikah used to.  And guess what, her next title defense is against the person who really didn’t want to be in the title match against Melody.

That’s right, once again Sam Marlowe is in the match against an undefeated champion for a chance at a title.  This is where you cross your eyes and spit through a needle to try and cheat fate in lightning striking twice.  The only difference is the title.   Then it was the Bombshell World title, this time it is the Bombshell Internet title and when you realize that for all that Melody talks a good game, she really hasn’t faced me before so she doesn’t really know what I could be capable of now does she.

I will freely admit the last few weeks haven’t been great for my win loss record and yeah, she could probably be proven right when she says that I have done nothing recently to prove that I deserve the shot at her title.  I get that, and I really don’t care what Melody thinks about me and the fact that my last few matches were losses.  I guess when you wrestle not at one hundred percent, yeah you will end up having losses.  So I figured that for this match I need to be one hundred and ten percent and believe you me on Sunday, I will be.  

I think though that, and forgive me for stating facts but I don’t really think that Melody has that much to brag about being the champion she has been.  Yeah sure, she beat a couple of people in a couple of matches and overcame Mark Ward putting her through hell to win the title but then what did she do?  Let me remind you of something Melody, when you are champion, you need to be front and center.  Take your man, he has ego to spare and has stood five feet in front of anyone in the company as champion since he won the title and what have you done really?  

For the first little bit of your title reign, you were under a twenty four seven title defense rule and what did you do?  You hid, you let your boyfriend protect your title.  How proud can you be of that?  You did nothing but cowered like some greedly child not wanting to share their toy.  For that amount of time, you were just a paper champion…or worse because you were a coward.  Harsh words I know but still, I don’t claim to be anything but a straight shooter and I am telling it like it is.  It’s not like it is something I am making up to make me look better in the match Mel, it’s documented for crying out loud.  Your James protected your title to make his Melly happy which of course would make him happy.

Then little by little you came out of your shell.  You managed to scrape up a win to end the twenty four seven threat and once that happened you realized that maybe you could actually back up the hype of being Ms J2H.  Then you decided that maybe just maybe you were just like your man, untouchable and started to talk like a champion.  And that is where I began to just shake my head.  You started to talk like you were all that and a bag of chips like my Daddy says.  

And for the longest time you were until you lost to Mikah recently and with that loss you started to get whiny claiming you were cheated by the referee, that they were unfair to Lil Ms Sunshine because you are taking the loss to heart.  You couldn’t woman up and admit that maybe someone could beat you.  But someone did.  And now come Violent Conduct what are you going to do if god forbid you get beaten again?

I will admit it Mel, maybe I shouldn’t be in this match.  After all I have lost my last three matches and seriously maybe I should have just been given a match more to my talents.  To hear you talk, I should be curtain jerking because I have lost so much.  But I also know that yeah maybe I have lost a few matches but last time I checked, I was a two time World Bombshell champion.  Matter of fact I was the youngest ever World Bombshell champion.  And I won that title in my rookie year here in SCW.  So the next time Melody you want to questions why I was given this opportunity, I want you to look back a little farther than just the last few matches and I want you to realize that I fought my way to this opportunity.  I earned a shot at this title because maybe management wanted to give you a challenge since you claim you haven’t gotten any so far.

Maybe you really should be careful what you wish for.  You might just get it.

Then I just have to address Mercedes Vargas.  Considering you are the other threat in this match.  There are three of us you know and I did just talk about Melody so you are the next one to talk about.  I have to say that I am lookin’ forward to this match between you and me.  After all we have had our other matches and you have had my number for a couple of them but when we step into the ring at Supercards, that is where I have the better record compared to you.  Now not to brag because we both know that is just asking for bad karma.  But when it comes to us, I just like keep things real.

But I know that any given day you have the ability to beat anyone in this company.  Heck, I know you are the historian when it comes to Sin City Wrestling and you could tell me each and every time the Internet title was won, who won it, how many matches they have been in.  I have to ask you Mercedes, when it comes to matches that I am challenging for a title for a first time, what usually happens?  If you say that I tend to win those matches, you would be right.  First time I challenged for the Bombshell title I won that title…this is my first time challenging for the Bombshell Internet title and frankly, I am thinking that I am pretty confident as I step into the ring.  Given I could theoretically walk out with my second title in the quartet to be half way to the grand slam title that very few Bombshells have laid claim to.

But as much as I want to trash you to make me look better, I just can’t.  Not only because I respect the hell out of you but because of what you represent and what you have done in this company.  Do you realize that you hold records…of course you do.  And you are one of the women that have the ability to claim you are a Grand Slam champion.  You are someone that I can only hope to emulate but to do that I have to do something this week that will start me on that path and that is beat you and Melody for the Bombshell Internet title.

So Violent Conduct…triple threat for the Bombshell Internet title…three women, one winner…are you ready?

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There is the sound of a pounding on a door that brings Sam out of a bedroom, her hair a mess as she stretches slightly in a long tee and a pair of booty shorts.  Padding barefooted across the floor she hears the door knocker again and reaches to look out the peep hole.  Seeing no one, she pulls away, her hand moving to her hair to ruffle it as she shakes her head and turns away from the door only to hear another knock.  Turning back, she reaches for the door knob and twists it to yank open the door which reveals a woman bent down to check on a little girl who smiles at Sam.

“Mama,” says the youngster as she points up at the redhead before putting her thumb in her mouth.  The woman looks up and smiles herself as she straightens up.  Sam gets excited as she rushes towards the woman.

“Vixen!” she cries as she hugs the woman who hugs her back.  “What are you doing here?”

Vixen gives her a look of ‘really?’ before reaching down to pick up Bijou.  As she does, she walks inside as Sam backs into the room.  She sets the little girl down then turns back to Sam.  “Well, since you did ask, I am here to prepare you for your match this week.  Considering what is going to be happening and who you are facing, I figured that I couldn’t just leave you on your own for this.  And with it being here in my hometown, of course I was contacted by management asking me if I wanted to be here for it.”

Moving deeper into the apartment, Sam can’t help but laugh.  “Yeah I really need the help,” she jokes before turning to see Vixen giving her a hard look.  “What?”

“If you are taking it this seriously maybe you don’t need the help to lose the match,” replies Vixen as Bijou moves towards the kitchen dragging her mother behind her.  

“You were being serious?” asks Sam, a now sheepish look on her face.  “I thought you were joking around.  After all, I thought you said that I was ready before Toronto, but here you are now and I don’t know what to think.”

Vixen stops and turns to Sam to put a hand on her shoulder and offer her a small grimace.  “That was before I found out you were facing Melody Grace for her title and that Mercedes was also in the match.  That is when I decided that I would come up a few days early and get some training in.  Because you see, I have faced Mercedes like you have but even though I haven’t faced Melody, I have faced the person that probably trained her so you need to realize that you are going to need a crash course on how to beat a certain Aussie sensation’s BFF.  So first things first, you get ready to go and Bijou and I are going to grab a drink and we will be waiting for you outside.  You got…” Vixen looks at her wrist then back up at Sam.  “Five minutes.  Oh and pack an overnight bag.”

Intrigued, Sam stands there for a moment before Vixen begins to count down.  Realizing she is serious, Sam rushes towards the bedroom.  Exactly four minutes and fifty five seconds later, she is struggling with her shoe as she hops towards Vixen who is about to leave the condo.  Grabbing her bag and keys, Sam follows behind Vixen and shuts the door, inserts the key and locks it.  Turning, Sam joins Vixen at the rental car she has parked outside.  Motioning for Sam to get in the passenger seat, Vixen straps in her daughter then slides behind the wheel to start the car.  

The trio of girls head out and Vixen guides the car towards the Queensway.  Sam looks at Vixen as they pass the Y near her house before getting on the on ramp.  “Where are we going Vix?  The gym is that way…” Sam says her voice fading as she realizes that Vixen isn’t stopping.

“We are going to do some real training and I have arranged with a friend of mine to get it done,” she says as she guns the engine and slips across to the fast lane of the Queensway.  “He’s stationed in Petawawa so we’ll head there and then spend the night at the farm where Spike and Kit are.”

“What is a Petawawa and why would you want to?” teases Sam.

Vixen can’t help but laugh before giving Sam a look.  “Petawawa is an army base and we are going there to work on some prep for your match.  Sit back and relax.  So, have you heard anything from Melody or Mercedes?” asks Vixen.

Sam shakes her head negatively.  “Nope, not a word really.  I mean I am sure they are talking but I just haven’t really wanted to get into listening to what they had to say.  I mean I see all the stuff that Melody posts on Twitter and haven’t really seen anything from Mercedes at all,” replies Sam.

Vixen thinks about it and nods.  “Sounds about right,” she offers.  “I mean I could tell you stories about how Melody’s friend would do the same things.  Oh I would hear stories but when it came right down to it, she wouldn’t really go public with her talking but you knew in your heart of hearts she was probably somewhere talking sh…bad about you and questioning your ability and all that.  And if Melody is just like Odette, I tell you that all she wants is to be the center of attention in this match.  And how she does it is by being a bi…bad girl and talking bad about her opponents.”

Sam sighs.  “I know I have been seeing her at the shows talk like she is some kind of champion queen that is so put upon because she has no challengers.  Given how she has been as champion, really makes me agree that no one wanted to face her because of the way she acts.”

“All sunshine and rainbows and unicorns unless it goes her way I bet,” offers Vixen.  “Sounds so very familiar and the next thing will be if she wins she will start to get even more unbearable and if she loses she will be ready to hang em up.  Believe it or not, sounds very déjà vu ish if you ask me.   Sounds very much like Odette Stevens to me.”

“Who is Odette Stevens?” asks Sam.  “I don’t think I have heard of her.”

“Odette is Melody’s best friend and the one that brought Melody to Sin City Wrestling,” admits Vixen as they speed down the highway.  Before Vixen can continue, Bijou calls from the backseat asking for her mother to turn on the music.  Vixen gives Sam an apologetic look and then reaches for the radio and turns on the music for her daughter as she turns to look out the window lost in her own thoughts.  

An hour later, the pair exit the car at the entrance to a gym that is filled with military women in uniforms.  Nearby a man smiles as he approaches.  “Foxy, tu est en retard mon amie!”

“Guertin!” exclaims Vixen before she is grabbed in a big hug from the uniformed soldier.  “Put me down you silly man.  I’m a married woman you know!”

“I’m still jealous,” taunts Guertin before letting Vixen go.   Vixen moves towards Sam and brings her towards the soldier.  “This is my friend Sam and she is looking to get some combat training in.  I knew that the gym at the Y wouldn’t have what I would need to get her ready for her match so I thought I would call in the few favours you owe me and give her some UAC skills for facing Melody and Mercedes.”

“UAC?  What are you talking about Vixen?” demands Sam who gives her a suspicious look.  “I ain’t in the army and I don’t know if I could be.”

“Don’t worry Sammi, just going to give you a crash course on unarmed combat is all,” says Vixen as she motions for Guertin to lead them into the base gym.  “When I am done, there won’t be anything that Melody or Mercedes can throw at you that you will not be prepared for.  So let’s get started shall we?”  Vixen opens the door to the gym and waves Sam and Bijou through.  

Guertin follows at a slower pace, holding back slightly.  In French, he confronts his friend about what she is going to be teaching Sam.  Turning slightly, Sam can hear them talking but can’t decipher what they are saying in the other language.  Looking down at Bijou, she smiles a little.  “What’s Mama saying little one?”

Bijou looks at her mother then calls out to her.  Vixen catches up the little girl and walks towards Sam.  “Why don’t you warm up with Guertin putting you through some exercises while I get ready.”  Vixen walks away as Sam pus her bag down then turns to the soldier with a smile.  He motions her towards the mats as Vixen disappears into the change room.

Ten minutes later, Vixen appears as Sam flops onto the mat after her fiftieth push up.  “You haven’t tired her out have you,” Vixen says to her friend only to get a shake of the head.  Sam gets to her hands and knees then to her feet.  Vixen nods at the fact that Sam got to her feet.  “Ok, now you are ready to get a real lesson.”

Vixen leads Sam towards the wrestling mats and then waves her to lock up with her.  Sam rolls her neck and locks up with Vixen only to be spun into a headlock then hammerlock then another headlock.  “Jeez Vixen…what the hell?”

“Melody and Mercedes aren’t going to be going easy on you, this is a title match Sam.  So you need to be more steps than you can count ahead of what they might do.  You saw how easy it was for me to put you in the headlock in the first place.  You can’t give them any opening.”

Sam glares at Vixen, her mind going back to a conversation she had with Spike after the Blast from the Past loss.  He told her that Vixen believes in not losing focus.  Sam nods and then moves towards Vixen again, this time instead of locking up in a collar and elbow, Sam ducks under the grasp and takes Vixen down with a single leg takedown that Vixen twists into a single leg takedown to bring Sam to the mat and locks on a leg bar.  Frustrated, Sam slams her hands on the mat then rolls away from Vixen who begins to smile realizing she is getting to Sam but is surprised by Sam rushing in once more this time catching Vixen with a hip toss that brings her to the mat.

“That’s it Sam, don’t get mad, don’t lose focus, just keep attacking.  If they don’t stop you, you stop them,” offers Vixen.  Now show me again what you need to do in that ring.”

Getting to her feet, Vixen crouches slightly as she brings up her hand and motions for Sam to attack as the scene fades out on the pair locking up and Sam managing to catch Vixen in the head lock only to scream in pain as Vixen reverses it.

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I can start to feel the excitement beginning to build, I really can.  In mere days I will be stepping into the ring with Mercedes Vargas and Melody Grace and I think I am ready, or at least as ready as I will ever be.

After the training session with Vixen at CFB Petawawa, I still ache but you want to know something, that ache isn’t there to make it easy for me to be beaten, it is there to motivate me.  Because you know that once I fight past that ache and the pain and the memories of the recent losses, I am not going to stop until I have what I want.

That’s right, I realized what was holding me back.  It wasn’t that I didn’t want to face Melody it was because I thought in my ego that I was above her.  I thought that I was too big of a Bombshell to even bother with the lower tier titles and their holders.  I was a two time Bombshell champion and I thought I was better than the Bombshell Internet title.  Can you believe it?  Me, Sam Marlowe believed in my own hype and I let it blind me to what I really wanted.

Now before you say it is that I want to work my way to the Bombshell title again, that is part of it.  But it is also about shutting up the naysayers who don’t believe I deserve what I have been given.  It is about proving that no matter what, I am a force to be reckoned with.  Hell, I am one of the best bombshells in the company but everyone writes me off because I have lost a few matches.  Yeah so I did.  But I have also won matches too.  Like beating a certain Mikah, the same Mikah that recently beat Melody in a non-title match.  

I have beat Mercedes Vargas and I have been beaten by Mercedes as well.  And when I step in the ring I am quite sure that she and I see eye to eye.  We won’t be friends in the ring but we both respect each other enough to see each other as the threat we are.  

But there is one unknown for me and that is Melody Grace.  I have never faced her and I never thought I would face her either.  She had her matches and I had mine.  She dominated the Internet title scene…well, sometimes dominated and sometimes hid behind a protective boyfriend’s wanting to keep a title on his girl.  And now she has taken the bit and run with it by being overconfident in the fact she hasn’t had to woman up and really defend her title.  Well on Sunday she will definitely have to defend her title against someone that has decided they are no longer above the Bombshell Internet title.

I should never consider myself better than any title.  Just because I started at the top with championships doesn’t mean that I can’t be ambitious for other titles.  And my appetite for the Bombshell Internet title has been whetted and now it is a desire that is grown in me.  So Melody, Mercedes, I want you to realize just what this is going to mean for the two of you.  It means that Sam Marlowe is coming to Violent Conduct to take the title and there will be nothing you can do to stop me.

Good luck ladies.  

You are going to need it.

Supercard Archives / Melody Grace Vs Sam Marlowe Vs Mercedes Vargas
« on: September 17, 2016, 11:47:05 PM »
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Sitting on the plane as it taxis down the runway of Billy Bishop Airport, Sam Marlowe can be seen slumped in a seat as she had her hair pulled up in a long damp ponytail and no makeup on.  In her lap is a rather small book of Shakespeare held on a notebook with Disney princesses on the front.  As the plane gains momentum and the slight tug of the gforces of the takeoff pull on her eardrums forcing her to close her eyes and swallow hard to equalize the pressure, Sam tries to let go of the disappointment of earlier in the night and change her focus.  

As she feels the feeling of the plane leveling off, she opens the small book and begins to read the notes there as she pulls the tray table out to set the notebook on it.  As she does, it opens slightly to reveal a small folded note that ends up in her lap.   Setting the Shakespeare book upside down to hold it open, she grabs the note and opens it.  A smile crosses her face as she reads the words written there.

Hey Sweetheart, I know that you gotta be in Canada and I want you to know I’m missing you.  I can’t wait to see you when you get home again.  I’m wishing you luck and wanting you to stay safe.  Love Monte

“Awww ain’t that so sweet,” says a familiar voice over Sam’s shoulder that forces her head up to look into the smirk of Connor Murphy who is leaning over the seat back.  

Sam shakes her head.  “Ummm…it isn’t polite to read other people’s letters you know,” Sam says as she pulls the paper against her chest and lays a hand over it protectively.  

As she does, Connor steps around her seat and motions for her to move into the empty seat beside her.  When she doesn’t move, he shrugs and then puts her tray table up and sidles into the seat and flops down.  Sam watches the whole movement with a look of uncertainty.  “Oh don’t worry toots, I ain’t gonna do anything unless ya want to join the mile high club,” he taunts.

Sam holds her hand up and shakes her head negatively as she leans as far as she can from the rather unkempt Connor who smirks.  “Thanks for the offer but I got a boyfriend,” she answers softly.

“Your loss then,” he replies as the stewardess arrives and leans over towards the pair.  “What can I get you and your husband to drink?” she asks with the patently fake smile that all stewardesses are required to learn.  

Both Connor and Sam look at her and respond at the same time.  “We’re not married,” they say before sharing a glance.  “I’ll take a rum and coke,” adds Connor as Sam asks for a bottle of water.   Once both drinks are handed to the pair, Connor turns to Sam and gives her a once over as the stewardess moves down the aisle of the plane.

Sam can almost feel the glance as she reaches for her book intent on studying as they fly back to Ottawa.  For a few minutes, Connor just studies her as she fights to keep her attention on the book but finally after reading the same passage for the third time she looks up and addresses him.  

“Ok, why are you doing this?  I mean I get you are flying to Ottawa on the same flight obviously but…” she begins while waving between the two of them with a confused look before continuing.  “We don’t really know each other so why?”

“Hey, don’t blame me,” offers Connor as he sips at the dark liquid in his glass.  “Vix asked me to kinda keep a lookout for ya.  She happened to hear about the supercard and the fact you are taking on Melody Grace and she knows that Melody has J2H and she said something about you needing back up or some shit like that and well, I was the only one she was able to get a hold of so just consider me your guardian angel,” says Connor with his trademark smirk widening as from across the aisle a woman winks at him.

Sam smiles at the mention of Vixen but then gets serious once more.  “Listen I appreciate it, I really do but I am a big girl and besides, I don’t think that Melody Grace is going to rely on her boyfriend to win the match.  Have you seen how she has been winning since she came back?  I am going to have to work double hard for the match.  But if you are talking to Vixen, thank her for me,” says Sam as she unscrews the top from the bottle of water to bring it to her lips, sipping slowly at the drink.  

Connor in his seat just shakes his head.  “Ya know, for someone that claims to be a big girl you are really naïve yanno.  I have been in this company for a while and I have seen things go down that would curl your hair…well more curly than yours is now.”

Sam can’t help but chuckle at that.  Connor adds his laughter as the pair of them let the chuckles die to an awkward sigh.  Sam leans back into the seat as she lets her eyes rise slightly to take in the small little lamp of the overhead light.  “I get it and I have to say thanks but I can’t be anything but me.  I get that in this match I am facing Mercedes and Melody and well, I have to believe in myself enough to get the job done,” she says to herself, the tone of her comment not even sounding confident at all.  

She manages to turn her head to see Connor purse his lips as he studies Sam.  Her look of ‘what?’ only makes him once more shake his head.  “Do you want it or not?” he demands.  “Because if you don’t then why the hell are you in the match?”

His pointblank comment causes Sam to take in a sucking breath of annoyance as she straightens in the seat and glares at Connor.  “I am in the match because I was put in the match by Christian Underwood and Mark Ward.  And as for wanting it, yeah, I want the win but I will be damned if I have to change anything about me to win!” she exclaims.

“So there is fire in ya, good to know,” taunts Connor as he leans back in the seat.  As he does, the seatbelt sign lights up as the captain comes over the intercom to announce the arrival at the MacDonald Cartier airport in the nation’s capital.  “It’s going to be good to get home,” he adds as he puts the now empty glass on the tray table and buckles himself into his seatbelt.  The stewardess comes along and grabs the glass and with a smile at the pair, she toddles off once more.  As she does, Connor leans closer to Sam.  “Listen Sam, I ain’t the enemy but you have to realize that you are the underdog in this fight because when it comes to Melody Grace she has all the confidence in the world because she has everyone kissing her ass because of who she is and who she’s with.  So you ain’t fighting a fair fight when it comes to it.”

Sam deflates slightly as she once more slumps in the seat as she replies.  “Don’t I know it.  But I just have to realize that even though everyone will say I don’t stand a chance, I have to prove otherwise and it means that I have to walk into this match with my eyes wide open.”  

The plane begins its descent into the airport’s runway as the cabin lights lower.  Sam can’t see Connor anymore as the sound of squealing tires hitting the tarmac indicates they are on the ground once more.  The lights come up again as Sam turns to see Connor smiling at her.

“Piece of advice kid,” he begins.  “Do what Vixen taught you, don’t take anything for granted and kick ass with zero prejudice and extreme confidence.  After all this is Violent Conduct and you need to get to that level.  So get violent and have fun,” he adds before he unbuckles his seatbelt and motions for Sam to get a move on as the stewardesses begin to help the passengers deplane.  She hurriedly gets out of her seat to allow Connor to leave the plane.  

Slowly reaching for her carryon, she pulls it down and turns to deplane only to run smack into the back of Connor who has stopped as he talks to the stewardess.  Her running into him sends him hands first against the stewardess who squeaks with surprise as his hands meet her chest.  Sam blushes as Connor smirks but begins to talk up the stewardess again, offering a night out as Sam quickly works her way around him and leaves the plane and disappears down the skyway.

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At the last supercard, I fell short.  I was in the chamber of fate match and wasn’t able to get it done against Crystal Millar to win back the Bombshell title.  Since then I have only had losses, no wins.  But given the fact that I haven’t been one hundred percent, I still managed to give my all and make it close.  

I guess that is why at Violent Conduct three I am being offered a chance to go for a title again.  But I am not in the Bombshell title match, instead I am put in a match for the Internet title against Melody Grace and Mercedes Vargas.  Well when I found that out, you could have knocked me over with a feather.  

I could see why Mercedes would be in the match, I really do.  She has enough talent to face Melody Grace.  Hell she’s a grandslam champion, she has done it all.  And she beat me in our last match so if I had to vote for anyone to face Melody Grace it would be Mercedes.  I mean come on, Melody and Mercedes put on a great match the last time they faced off and a Melody Mercedes two would be a big event .

I can hear people now wondering why the hell lil Sam Marlowe is put in a match for the Internet title considering that Melody is such a strong champion and the last few matches saw me fall in defeat.  Even I was wondering why I would be given the shot.  Was it because I am no longer good enough to fight for the Bombshell championship and this is a demotion?  Is it because I am just filler because Melody needed someone to face at the supercard and everyone else had a match?  Two logical theories but I have another one…

Stay with me now…might be out there but what if they put me in this match because of my history?

I don’t know if you remember another title that had someone with a strangle hold on the belt.  Mikah was the dominant Bombshell champion.  No one could pin her, no one could take her title.  It got to a point where they had no one to face her and she herself decided to give a rookie a shot at her title at My Bloody Valentine this past February.   In that match I was totally the underdog, I was not picked to win the match at all. I walked into that match with a cloud over my head because I was challenging for a belt that was all but retired on the current champion because no one could beat her.  I have to be honest and say that even I didn’t think I could beat her at the time but I swore to myself that I was going to step into the ring and give it my best and the rest is history.

That night I beat Mikah for my first Bombshell championship.  I think you are seeing where I am going with this.  I did something that no one thought could be done and I beat Mikah to take her title.  I guess there might be a little interest in seeing if lightning can strike twice.  Because here we are, an Internet champion who has a strangle hold on the title and once more, lil Sam Marlowe is in the match for a hard to win title.  Will history repeat itself or will I continue to slide?  Two perfectly logical questions and if you ask me there are only the following answers…History will be repeated and no, the slide stops now.

I do have to ask myself though how can I be so confident in this match facing a dominant champion and a woman who now holds a couple of wins over me.  If anything I should be thinking that I just need to make a good showing but I gave that up.  Screw just half assing it in the ring.  I am a former two time Bombshell champion, something that neither woman can claim.  So maybe I just have to walk into the ring with that attitude and do what I do best…Overcome the odds.

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Sam Marlowe can be seen sitting on a rather beat up chaise lounge with her feet tucked up under her.  In one hand is a large paper coffee cup with Second Cup written on it.  In the other is a stylus that she pushes against the screen of an ipad that is sitting on her lap to switch two candies in Candy Crush.  Suddenly, the sound of an incoming call gets Sam’s attention as she pauses the game and opens a Skype window on the screen.  Seeing who was calling makes her drop her head and sigh…

“Hi Cyn,” she says in a tired voice as the image of her sister can be seen on the screen.

“Oh hello Sammi,” Cyn Marlowe says as she waves at the screen.  “I thought I would give you a call and see how you were doing.  After all I thought I should be giving my little sister a friendly piece of advice about her match at this upcoming supercard.  I saw your match by the way from Sunday and I gave you a couple of days to wallow in misery before I called so I wouldn’t have to deal with moping Sam.”

“Thanks Cyn, you’re an angel,” says Sam sarcastically.  

“Between you and me, I am surprised it took Mercedes that long to beat you, after all you were laid up in the hospital for almost a week the week before the match and you still managed to give her a fight.  Obviously she isn’t really that much of a threat if you ask me but then again, you never do.  Ask me I mean,” Cyn says with a put upon sigh as if she couldn’t be more disappointed in her sister.  

Sam’s eyes glaze over as she looks out the window beside her to prevent Cyn from seeing her disinterest.  “I guess Mercedes was having an off night then if it took her that long.  I suppose you would never believe that I could have been able to put up a fight right?” demands Sam in a soft voice.

“What was that Sammi?  Did you say something?” demands Cyn as she leans closer to the screen again.

“It was nothing Cyn,” replies Sam with a smile for her sister.  “So other than gloating about last week’s match, why are you calling?”

Cyn looks hurt as she puts a hand over her heart.  “Oh Sam, how cynical you are.  I am calling as I said to offer you some advice for your match.  Did you think that maybe I might have a bit of knowledge about this kind of thing?  After all, I was a wrestler too you know.”  Cyn looks nostalgic for a moment, a smile at past victories and her career in the six sided ring crossing her face.  

Sam sucks lightly at her bottom lip, tugging it between her teeth to prevent a laugh from escaping.  “Ok, so what is it?”

“Well for Mercedes I suggest you send her out of the ring a lot.  Punish her by throwing her out of the ring and to the floor as if she were last week’s garbage because between you and me, that Latina needs to be taught a lesson about getting above her betters.  And if that isn’t enough, I want you to slap her for beating you when you were sick.”

“Cyn,” begins Sam, “Mercedes is a great competitor and yeah she beat me and I have to commend her for it.  And I can’t be like how you want me to be.  What will that prove huh?  I am getting along fine being me.  At least I can look at myself in the mirror every day knowing I don’t have to stoop to the level of bad girl that everyone seems to think I need to be.  If I can’t get it done being me then I don’t need to be in this company fighting for titles.”

“So you are going to let yourself be walked all over as you fall closer and closer to curtain jerking,” taunts Cyn with a smirk.  “I guess it is a title I suppose…” Cyn adds as her voice trails off as if demanding that Sam question her.

“What’s the title you are talking about Cyn?” wonders Sam as she tilts her head in confusion, almost leery at asking what she could mean.

“Why jobber Sammi,” says Cyn with a straight face.  “That’s what you are starting to become.  It is horrid how they just throw you in matches to lose.”

Sam fights hard to control the anger at her sister’s comment.  Unseen by Cyn, Sam’s hands are balled into fists, her nails biting into the palms of her hands.  “I don’t think they see me as a jobber Cyn,” says Sam, her voice soft but menacing but totally beyond Cyn’s realization that Sam’s temper is rising.  “If you ask me I think they are putting me in matches because of my skills and not because they want others to have easy wins.  And considering who I am facing, you have to admit that I am facing top talent in SCW.”

“Sure Sammi, Mercedes Vargas and Melody Grace for the Internet title…real competitive,” says Cyn with a roll of her eyes.  “But if you are content with that then who am I to try to push you.”

Sam’s eyes close as she slowly breathes in and out.  Cyn can see her sister’s anger rising and smiles before putting a hand over her mouth to cover the smile as Sam opens her eyes and once more looks at her sister.  “Thanks for calling then Cyn and I will talk to you soon…” offers Sam as she reaches towards the disconnect button on the call but Cyn holds up a hand.

“Wait Sammi, we haven’t talked about Melody Grace yet!” exclaims Cyn.  “You have to admit that she is the one that is the one everyone is pulling for because she is the one that has her face in everyone’s business.”

Sam doesn’t even rise to the bait as she leans back and watches as her sister.  “And you say that because?” comments Sam.

“Oh come on Sammi.  We have all seen it and there is nothing you can do to deny it.  Melody Grace has to be the center of attention in whatever she does and her twitter proves it.  Plus when she gets called on her bullshit,” says Cyn with a nod, “she pouts and whines and basically gives up on Twitter.  You know you have seen it all on there Sammi, admit it.  You have seen her tweets…’I give up’, ‘I heart you J2H, you complete me’, ‘Sad Melody face because J2H told her off’ to ‘Alright fine, we’ll still be a couple but doesn’t mean I trust you’ with her ‘kissy face because she still has her JaMel’ replies to the ‘no we can’t get a puppy Melody pouty face’ reply and I could go on and on…”

Each comment is accompanied by Cyn’s very sarcastic air quotes as Sam ignores the jibes or tries to.  Cyn leans closer to her screen as she narrows her eyes at her sister, prodding her for a response.

Cyn Marlowe:  Aren’t you going to say anything Sammi?  I mean I need buckets of popcorn for her drama.  You obviously have to say something too.

Sam turns to her sister on the screen with a sigh.  Taking a moment to collect her thoughts, she holds up a finger.

Sam Marlowe:  All I have to say to all the drama is “Not my monkeys, not my circus.  I am too focused on getting ready for the title shot than dealing with all the drama that surrounds her.  And besides, I don’t really care about it.  So she wants to live her lovelife online via twitter, more power to her.”

Cyn can’t believe her sister is sitting there calm as calm can be.  “How can you sit there knowing that she is out there like that and has all of her ‘Melephants’ behind her wanting her to keep the title.  I mean really Sammi, get a backbone!”

Sam smiles at that comment from Cyn and sits up to lean towards the screen.  “You are so right Cyn, I do need to get a backbone as you say..” says Sam.

“About time!” exclaims Cyn before her face disappears as Sam presses disconnect on the call.  Quickly before Cyn can call back, Sam logs off Skype and shuts down the ipad.  Uncurling from the chaise, Sam walks towards the other room after picking up her cup and sipping at the now cold drink.  Her lips curl in sadness as she disappears down the hallway.

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Journal entry:

You know, I have always believed that when I needed to vent about things that I wasn’t ever able to share it with people and so I write things down.  Maybe it is the act of putting on paper the thoughts that I have never wanted anyone to know that makes it feel like I have someone I can confide in.  I have always been the one that people come to but when it comes time for me to be as open I tend to keep things close to the chest and let it fester there until the explosion and emotions tend to hurt me rather than have the pressure relieved by talking it out.  Well I vow not to let that happen anymore.  But instead of sharing it with friends, I am going to put it down on paper then let it go.

Like for instance the fact that I am in a triple threat match with Mercedes and Melody.  

I have to be honest, I love facing Mercedes because I have respect for her.  That woman has done it all and if I’m really honest, I could learn a lot from her.  And trust me, I know she is a hard hitter and has it going on when she is on her game.  And even if she isn’t on her game, she can still pull out the win from almost anywhere.

Mercedes tend to bring out the best in me.  I know that when I step in the ring with her I know exactly who I am facing and just what she brings to the table.  Mercedes is a woman that will tell you exactly what she is going to do and she’s like me, straight shooter and respectful even when she kicks your ass as she has done to me a couple of times LOL.

Then we have Melody Grace.  And here is where I really have to be honest…

I didn’t want to have to face her at all.

You may ask why I don’t want to face her and are probably scratching your head at the statement I just made.  Let me repeat it.  I didn’t want to have to face Melody Grace!  Now let me explain why.

I am totally trying to live my life drama free.  I don’t have time for the drama and bullshit that happens in SCW.  I get that we live in a fishbowl so to speak on Twitter and facebook and other social media sites but when it comes right down to it there are people that thrive on social media and then there are others that could care less.  Melody is one of the former and I am one of the latter.  I sit on twitter and tweet every so often for the fun of it.  Just to see if anyone notices me and if they do great…if not, no skin off my back anymore.

But if you happen to follow Melody Grace on Twitter, your phone or device will ping constantly with her comments or musings or her cries for validation.  We have all seen it and I bet if she could read this she will say that I am just crying or jealous because she has all these fans and people she talks to on Twitter.   My answer to that is that I honestly don’t care.  I watch and shake my head at it all.  If she needs that much validation then more power to her.

All I know is that I have been booked against her and that I have to step into the ring with her.  Okay so I will do that.  And when I do, as much as I like Melody and you really can’t help but like Melody, I know that I have to beat her at her own game.  See, she might be Ms Bubbles but in all honesty, I get a sense that being around J2H is starting to rub off on her and she might just be ready to get as much attitude and sense of entitlement as he has because I am starting to hear it every week when she rants about how no one cares about her title or facing her for it.  

Okay, so I will take the title opportunity that has been given to me at Violent Conduct Three and I will fight like hell to win that Internet title from Melody Grace and Mercedes Vargas.  They have just got to be put in a place of being opponents and nothing else.  Although I am sure that she and Mercedes are saying they will beat me and maybe just maybe they will.  

But I have to say with confidence that I am getting prepared for this match like no other.  I have the very strong possibility of winning the Internet title and then I will be half way to becoming a grandslam champion just like Mercedes and be as dominant an Internet champion as Melody Grace.

But one step at a time and that first step will be stepping in the ring at Violent Conduct Three…

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The soft slap of running shoes on the pavement of the pathway that hugs the curves and windings of the Rideau Canal matches the beat of the music that is only heard by the woman jogging along.  With her eyes on the pathway in front of her, she doesn’t see the person riding a bicycle along the path filming her as she jogs.  With her hair swinging behind her, the soft tee hugging her form and cutoff shorts moving with each step, she could be anyone from Ottawa enjoying an early morning jog.  The red curls identify her as SCW bombshell Sam Marlowe and the cyclist behind her continues to film her.  

Suddenly she stops and turns causing the cyclist to veer sharply into the grass.  “Why are you following me?” she demands as she moves closer.

“I’m part of the Morning road crew for Hot 89.9 and we were told that you were here in Ottawa to get ready for Violent Conduct Three that is coming.  My bosses are big wrestling fans of Indy wrestlers and they wanted to see if we could find anyone in the city now.  I was told you were staying here and so when I found out that you were jogging along the canal, I knew it was only a matter of time before I would see you,” admits the cyclist.  

“Hot 89.9?” asks Sam as she raises an eyebrow.  “What’s that?”

“It is a radio station here in Ottawa and we wanted to get one of the wrestlers on air for the lead up to the Supercard that SCW is having at TD Place.  So, you want to go on the show?” he demands as Sam reaches her hand down to help him up from the grass.

“Let me get this straight, you want me to be on the radio promoting Violent Conduct Three,” she asks skeptically.

“That’s right Sam, I can call you Sam right?” he states.

“Sure and I would love to be on but I am not ready today.  Why don’t we exchange information and we can make plans to talk early next week,” she offers.  The cyclist reaches into one of the saddle bags on his bike and pulls out a small pad of paper and holds it out to the redhead who takes it and writes out her contact information.

“I can’t wait to tell Rush and Mauler about you wanting to be on the show!” he exclaims as he reaches down and pulls the bicycle back up.  “They are gonna be so jealous I met with you first!”

Sam watches as the cyclist mounts his bike then begins to pedal away.  She laughs as she looks down to see his pad of paper still in her hands.  She raises it up and yells at him before starting to run after him.  Once she gets his attention, she waves the pad once more as he turns and pedals back towards her.

“Guess I am going to need that huh?” he jokes as she hands it over to him.  “We’ll talk soon,” he adds as he stuffs the notepad into his saddle bag.  Sam nods as she begins to jog away as the cyclist pedals in the opposite direction.  

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Radio AD

Rush:  Mauler, what do you get when you mix beauty and brains in a ring?

Mauler:  You get the Bombshells and Superstars of Sin City Wrestling who will be at TD Place on Sunday September 25th.  And on Monday’s Hot Tub, we talk to Sin city Bombshell Sam Marlowe.  Don’t miss it.

Rush:  Or she’ll put you in a headlock.  I wonder Mauler if she will be able to tell you the difference between a wrist lock and a wrist watch.  

Mauler:  Tune in to the Morning Hot Tub to find out!

Climax Control Archives / Sam insight into the past week
« on: September 09, 2016, 11:58:48 PM »
 Monte Christopher stood outside of Sam Marlowe’s house, his one hand raised to knock, his other holding a bag from a local grocery with a small paper wrapped bouquet of flowers.  Whistling softly, his knuckles connect with the solid wood of the door.  After a moment, the portal is opened by a rather annoyed and pale Samantha Marlowe who widens the door to allow him to enter.  She turns without saying a word and stalks back towards the living room.  Monte comes inside and shuts the door, a confused look on his face as he sets down the bag that had been in his arm and follows her.

“Sam sweetheart, are you ok?” he asks the redhead who slowly crawls back into the nest of blankets on the couch.  Moving to sit beside her, he is taken aback by the glare levelled at him.  “Whoa, what has got you in a mood?”

Sam’s voice is pitched low and vibrates with suppressed annoyance.  

“You sold me out,” she says.  “You told Jamie about the fact that I was laid up and that my doctor prescribed me bed rest!” she exclaims in a rather tight voice.  

“Well I figured that you would listen to him,” answers Monte with a smile.  “Considering that you were not listening to your doctor or me.  I would have gotten that Ben to help too but I couldn’t remember his twitter handle or email.  What’s the big deal Sam?”  

“The big deal Montgomery is that Jamie and Ben didn’t know,” responds Sam, the use of his full name causing him to cringe.  “I don’t tell Jamie or Ben or anyone for that matter how bad things are with me,” she adds.  “They don’t have to worry about me because I tend to take care of myself.  They have too much going on in their lives to have to worry about mine.  Besides, I don’t like to share things like that.”

Samantha snuggles deeper into the blankets as if they were some kind of protective shield.  Monte tilts his head at Sam’s comments.  “You are telling me that you never told Jamie or Ben, your friends, how sick you were and are?  Hell Sam that is not something that you keep to yourself.”

Sam turns her eyes towards Monte and raises one eyebrow.  “I may not have told them but also, they didn’t ask.  So why share it huh?  Besides, I am getting better and I should be out of bed but thanks to you, I have to stay in it for today because Jamie is threatening to use the info you gave him to let my doctor know that I am ignoring his advice.  Thanks Monte!” she huffs.

Holding his hands up in surrender, Monte manages to shoot an apologetic look at Sam.  “Well sorry for caring.  I mean what else was I supposed to do when the girl I am dating is out to make herself more ill than she already is.  When I found you the other day it didn’t look too good for you.  And a stay in the hospital wasn’t on your list of priorities I suppose either.  And from what I am gathering, there is going to be a night when you are booked for a match and will need to get ready for it.  So take the one more day of bedrest, enjoy it because knowing you, when they book you, you are going to kick your own butt training for whoever they put you in the ring with.”

Sam grumbles but doesn’t argue with Monte.  He smiles softly as one hand moves to caress along a faintly fevered cheek.  “I am going to the kitchen and I am going to cook you up a Christopher family recipe for making people well again.  And you are going to sit here and you are going to relax or I am going to call Jamie and have him give you the whatfor.”

Sam can’t help but giggle as Monte begins to wag his finger at her.  “Okay okay, you win for now.  I am relaxing on the couch but you won’t stop me from beginning training tomorrow.  I already made a call to Vixen and she said I could head over to the Dungeon and train,” she says.

“As long as you take it easy missy,” Monte replies.  

“Oh I will,” promises Sam, her fingers tangled in her lap.

Monte leans over and gently places his lips against the red curls teasing at her forehead.  “That’s my girl,” he says before standing and heading towards the kitchen living Sam to relax in the living room.

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Two days later, Sam can be seen in the ring of the Staggs Dungeon with Vixen on the outside calling out to the redhead who is practicing bumps on the mat.  One final bump leaves a now sweaty and tired Sam in a heap on the canvas as Vixen rolls into the ring and walks towards her.

“Okay kiddo,” offers Vixen as she holds out a hand towards Sam.  “From what you told me, you are in no shape to be going this hard,” adds Vixen once Sam grabs her hand and moves to a sitting position.  “Now, I want you to tell me what is what and don’t think you can hide anything from me.”

Sam sighs as she rests her arms on her upturned knees.  “I need to get back into fighting shape because this week I have finally been booked again and it is against Mercedes Vargas and this woman is tough…double tough.  She beat me and put an end to my first title reign.  Since then…I don’t know I feel like I have to prove something,” says Sam as she looks at Vixen, a mixture of sadness and determination on her face.  

“I remember you told me that she beat you because you lost your focus on her and put it on Crystal Millar.  And you won the title back again,” says Vixen as she kneels down on a level with Sam.  “Granted you lost again but to Crystal Millar but don’t ever let me hear you doubting your ability.  Hell, if you only knew how many matches I went through to earn the titles I did.  So what you have to prove that you belong in that ring and at that level.  If you have any doubts about it, you have to remember, you have done some pretty amazing things yourself.”

Sam smiles and looks as if she is contemplating Vixen’s last comment.  “You’re right you know.  I have done some pretty amazing things,” teases Sam as she gets to her feet.

“Don’t get cocky,” warns Vixen who straightens and moves to the ropes.  “So, tell me where you have the show this week.”

“It’s in Toronto,” says Sam as she joins Vixen at the ropes.

Vixen shoots Sam a look of surprise as she sits on the middle rope to allow Sam to exit the ring.  “Toronto you say?  This weekend?  Were you able to find a place to stay at all?” asks Vixen.

Sam shakes her head.  “I’ve tried a couple of places but everything seem to be booked up or so far away from the venue that I guess I am flying up that day and then flying back that night.  Which sucks because it would mean I won’t have time to relax or anything that day.”

Vixen gives Sam a look then jumping off the apron of the ring, she heads to the office and pulls out a small ring of keys, flipping through them until she comes to one that is on an Ottawa Ontario keychain.  Turning back to Sam, she holds it out.

“You are welcome to stay at my place,” offers Vixen with a smile.

“But Vixen, you live in Vegas?” begins Sam only to be interrupted by the other woman.

“I kept my condo in Ottawa as well as the farmhouse we have.  Since Devlin got his own place, you are more than welcome to stay there.  And why not make it a vacation for you and stay there til Violent Conduct is over.  That way, you got a place to stay near Toronto that flying in and out of is a breeze.  And you can spend the next two weeks in Ottawa preparing for the supercard if they give you a match there.”

Sam look surprised at Vixen then hugs her trainer.  “Thanks Vixen, I think I might take you up on that.”

Vixen hugs her back then steps back slightly, her hands still on Sam’s shoulder.  “You have to promise me one thing…I am going to make you an appointment to see Guertin, an old army buddy of mine.  He’s going to help you train once you are up there.  Treat him like you would treat me and the two of you will get along great.  But tell him that I told you to tell him to go easy or I will be up to kick his derriere once more.”

Sam can’t help but laugh at that but Vixen’s face shows that she is serious.  Sam takes the offered keys and takes them to her bag to attach them to her keychain.  The scene fades out on Vixen and Sam moving back into the gym toward the ring discussing strategy.

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Sam Marlowe is LIVE:

Mercedes, here I am in Ottawa Ontario Canada and I am getting ready to head to Toronto this weekend to face you one on one in the ring.  Now I know that you and I have had our matches and ups and downs but it is and always has been about giving the fans the matches they deserve.  Hell I have a lot of respect for you and I know that you are very capable of kicking my rear end when push comes to shove.  But you also respect the fact that I could very well do the same to you.

You have seen what I am capable of in the ring.  You have even said that I am no fluke when it comes to what happens in the ring.  I have done things in the last thirteen months that some people have yet to say they have done.  I have won titles in that one year that have taken other women years to win if they had even won them at all.  We both know that you are the one that can quote match and verse of every Climax Control and supercard like some kind of A&E documentary.  

And I have to say that I appreciate the fact that you respect me and my capabilities in that ring.  After all you have stepped into the ring and seen me lose focus and a title to you.  You have seen me beat you and another woman for the Bombshell title.  And you have seen me lose that title twice.  So no one knows better just what can happen in that ring.  

But Mercedes, I also have to remind you of something else.  Win lose or draw in that match, I am not going to be anything but me in that ring and we both know that when I set my mind to it, I can be damn dangerous in the ring.  

So before we meet at Climax Control I have three things to say to you…

Number one, I respect the hell out of you.  You are someone that I consider it an honor to step into the ring with and put a show on for the fans.

Number two, I am gonna apologize now for anything that happens in that ring on Sunday.  I am fighting to prove that I deserve to be in the upper ranks of the bombshells and if that means beating the living hell out of you or else, I am willing to deliver that beating any time or anywhere.

And finally number three, this match is going to be another one for the ages between you and me and I want to give the fans closure on just who is going to be the better woman.

So good luck Mercedes, and be prepared because I am going to be walking out of Toronto a winner.

End transmission

Climax Control Archives / Samantha Marlowe...Learning new things
« on: August 19, 2016, 11:47:00 PM »
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Sam Marlowe, calm relaxed and looking forward to an evening of quiet video viewing can be seen padding between her kitchen and living rooms as the sound of her doorbell catches her attention as she is walking towards her tv room.  With a rather large cherry coke in a frosty glass, she looks around for somewhere to set it down before walking to the door and pulling it opens slowly to reveal Monte on her front step dressed in a pair of dark pants and a soft blue cotton buttondown.

“You don’t look like you are ready for our date,” he says as he takes in the bombshell wearing a pair of acid washed denim shorts and a faded high school baseball jersey that is knotted just under her chest.  “You know, if you want, I can wait while you go and change.”

Sam smiles sheepishly as she leans against the door and shakes her head.  “I thought that maybe I could try to convince you to stay in and have a movie night,” she replies as she brushes her red curls back over her shoulder.

“I thought we could go out for dinner and maybe some dancing,” he offers with his own smile.  

Sam’s smile fades as she sighs and motions for Monte to come into the hall.  Once he crosses the threshold, Sam shuts the door and leans her hand on it as she takes a deep breath before turning and shaking her head.  “I can’t,” she states as she picks up her drink and moves once more towards her tv room trailed by Monte.

“What do you mean you can’t?” he asks.  “I thought that you said yes to the date, you ain’t changing your mind are you?”

Sam quickly turns and shakes her head negatively.  “Oh no, I have been looking forward to this,” she says as she motions between the two of them.  “But I had hoped to convince you that maybe we should just order in and watch some movies because I can’t…” she adds before letting her head hang as she continues in a whisper, “dance.”

Monte leans forward as if he hadn’t heard her.  “Can’t dance?  A southern belle who has her come out like you probably had and you never learned to dance?  This I can’t believe!” he jokes as Sam sets her drink down on the table in front of her sofa and then turns to Monte.

“I didn’t learn to dance because I was too sports oriented,” she argues.   “Daddy was my co-conspirator when it came to learning to dance and well because of that, I didn’t make my come out much to my mother’s horror.  So I can’t dance and I wouldn’t know the first thing to do about it,” she says as she flops on the sofa and offers a smile to Monte as she pats her fingers on the opposite cushion of the sofa.  “So here is my offer, I got the number of a great pizza place nearby and I have a few new movies so I figured that maybe we should order pizza and watch some Shakespeare,” she says as she reaches for the videos sitting on the coffee table to hold them up for his inspection.

Taking them out of her hand he looks over the films before looking up at Sam who has a hopeful look in her eyes.  Tossing the movies between the two of them, he leans back and gives Sam a narrow eyed glance.  “This once you got a pass but I got a counter offer for you.  I’ll settle for pizza and movies but I also get to teach you how to dance,” he offers.

Sam bites her lower lip as she contemplates the offer.  Stealing a few glances at Monte, Sam relents and nods slowly.  “Okay you win, but I make no promises about your toes.”

“You go order pizza and I am going to find a song to teach you to dance to,” he suggests as he moves to pull out a smartphone and brings up a streaming site.  Sam gets off the couch and moves towards her phone and the menu she has set beside it.  

Dialling, she calls out to Monte.  “What kind of pizza did you want?” she asks only to receive a mumbled ‘surprise me’ from Monte who is intent on his telephone screen. Pressing call, she waits as the other end rings and then is picked up.  She gives the person on the other end her order then hangs up and sets her phone back down on the table.  “I hope you like Hawaiian pizza,” she adds as she moves to sit down again but is stopped by Monte.

“Matter of fact I do and where do you think you are going?” he demands as he holds up the phone to shake it slowly with a smirk.  “I got the music and pulled down a playlist that we can teach you to dance to.  I got four songs to use so I figure that we should start right now while we wait for the pizza.  So come here,” he adds as his finger curls beckoning for Sam to join him.  

“Are you sure about this?” she asks with a bit of fear in her voice as she moves closer to Monte who presses play on the phone and then sets it to the side before pulling Sam into his arms.   Her breath catches softly as his warm hand moves along her bare skin exposed by the knotted jersey.  

“I’m sure,” he states as he puts her hand on his shoulder then reaches for her other hand and holds it out.  “Just let the music move you and follow it and me ok,” he adds as the opening strains of Better Love by Hozier starts to play.  “Just follow the beat and…”  His comment is cut off as Sam inadvertently steps on his foot before he can move it out of the way.

“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry,” she blurts out as her hand covers her cheek in embarrassment.  Monte shakes his head and mutters ‘it is all right’ before he straightens out again this time moving to the beat and pulling Sam into a stumbling jumble of step and avoid.  Instead of looking into his eyes, her eyes trail downward to watch as he moves his feet, her own matching the steps haltingly as the music plays.  

“Sammi, you have to look at me,” he prompts which causes her to raise her eyes to his and promptly she steps once more onto his foot.  He backs away from her as she holds up both hands in apology.  Monte holds his own hand up as he shakes his head in the negative as Better Love continues to play.  “I would have thought that a woman that does what you do in the ring would be better at not stepping on toes to the music.”

“I did warn you Monte,” says Sam as she helps him towards the sofa where he leans against it and checks on his foot. “So, how about those movies now?” she teases which only earns her a glare from Monte who shakes his head once more.  

“I am going to teach you to dance if it kills me Sammi,” he vows as he straightens up and holds out his hand to the redhead who reluctantly takes it.  Suddenly the song changes, the speed slightly more upbeat as Calum Scott’s voice fills her room.  Monte guides her into an open area and moves behind her, one hand moving to her bare stomach as he begins to guide her to the music.  “That’s it Sammi,” he murmurs against her ear as the pair of them move to the song.  

Sam can’t help but smile as she leans into the embrace and moves along with the music.  The song begins to fade slowly and Monte moves to the front of Sam applauding slowly.  “You realize you just danced through one song and broke no toes at all?  Now the next one is a bit faster but still slow.  I am going to hold you and you have to look at me and trust me,” says Monte as he moves close again.  “Just look into my eyes and I will guide you.”

Sam can’t speak but nods slowly with a hunted look on her face.  Monte takes her hands and places one on his shoulder then takes the other as Ed Sheeran’s voice begins to fill the space.  Just as they are about to start the dance, the doorbell rings and both break apart with shakey laughter.  Sam points at the door and blurts out, “Pizza!”  She moves to the door after grabbing her wallet and slips out her credit card.  As she pays, Monte takes the pizza to the table in front of the sofa and sets it down. Sam quickly shuts the door and joins him as the box is opened to reveal the hot pizza.  

Taking a piece, Monte blows on it then slides the end into his mouth to take a bite.  As he chews, he motions to Sam.  “Now, since I am taking all this time to teach you how to dance, I want you to promise me that we will go out and put these lessons into practice.  This weekend,” he says.

Sam swallows the bite she had taken at the suggestion of going out for the weekend.  “I would love to Monte but I am going to be flying out Saturday for Calgary, I have a match this week.  Flight and hotel already booked,” she responds before adding, “unless you wanted to show up at the show like you did last week.”  The look in her eyes however was teasingly coy as one eyebrow rises.

“You aren’t getting out of it that easy there sweetheart,” he replies.  “I can’t make it a habit of heading to all your shows but I think that maybe what I might do is make plans to join you for a couple of them.  One of these days I definitely need to meet this Jamie Dean who keeps tweeting you about me.  Maybe he can explain the whole meatcake naming thing he did.”

Sam has the grace to blush at that comment as Monte finishes off his slice then stands and holds out his hand to Sam.  Wiping her hand on one of the napkins sprawled beside the pizza box, she allows herself to be pulled up to her feet.  Once more Monte pulls her close, this time their bodies barely a whisper apart.  Sam looks into Monte’s eyes as he smiles and then resumes the music, hitting repeat before setting the phone down.  

“Don’t you think that maybe we have learned enough tonight?” Sam asks breathlessly as the soft strains of the song “So Close” begins to play.  Monte doesn’t reply as his hands move along Sam’s arms to bring them to wrap around his neck before stroking along the bare flesh of her arms and downward to encircle her waist.  As the music plays, they begin to move slowly in time.  

“Monte,” begins Sam only to have him lean close and teasingly move to rest his cheek against hers, softly singing along with the lyrics.  Sam blushes but smiles as she leans in closer, her head moving to rest against his shoulder.  As the song winds down, Sam lifts her head and looks up at Monte with a smile that slowly fades as he leans forward, his lips softly brushing against hers as his hands move against her skin pulling her deeper into his embrace.  The music ends with the pair locked in an embrace.

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Calgary Alberta and Sam Marlowe is walking along the street, her smartphone in her hand as she is on her way to Prince’s Island.  As she walks, she can be heard to softly hum to herself as she makes her way along the park like setting where scores of people can be seen lining up to enter what looks like a natural amphitheatre.  A sign nearby advertises “Shakespeare by the Bow:  HAMLET” as the venue fills.  Sam moves to a shady part of the landscape with a great view of the stage area.

People watching for a moment, Sam leans back against the lush grass.  Taking her phone, she opens the face time app and looking around at the fellow spectators, she gets to her feet and walks away from them and begins to speak.

“This week I am facing Roxi Johnson and I can’t tell you whether or not I am nervous.  I mean for one thing, the last time I was in the ring, I was in the Chamber of Fate match where I beat her wife.  And now this week I could very well be in for a world of hurt because I am facing the other half of the Fisher-Johnsons,” says Sam as she adjusts the light blue straw hat over her red curls that cascade along the cotton of the light dress she is wearing.  “I get that this match on its own is a great match up between two bombshells that have nothing but respect for each other but being the inquisitive person that I am, this matchup has also made me think that there are some things I really need to get off my chest as well as get some answers so bear with me while I work this out.”

Sam takes a slow deep breath as she thinks about how she wants to start the conversation with the camera.    “Roxi, I know we really haven’t sat down and talked or even chatted over anything other than Twitter and I really regret the fact that all we are so far is acquaintances that have to face each other across the ring this week.  Now I could do the typical thing and talk about which one of us will win and which of us will fall but I would rather spend my time talking about other things and getting some answers, or at least talking out what I think might be the answers.”

Sam smiles as she addresses the lens.  “So Roxi, I have to ask and this is asked with all sorts of respect,” she says.  

Sam looks down for a moment as if collecting her thoughts then looks back up.

“I know you and your wife both claim to be superheroes and that is a great thing, we need more of you in the world.  But if you are superheroes, why are you wrestling against mere mortals?  I mean being a superhero would make you able to beat us without breaking a sweat and dominate every match you are in.  And conversely, when you lose to us mere mortals, what does that do to your credibility among the supervillains you are nemeses of?” Sam softly demands, her hands moving and emphasizing each part of her question.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love the fact that you step into the ring and face people and I guess that means you hold back your “powers” so as not to overwhelm us mortals,” says Sam as she brushes a non-existent piece of grass from her skirt.  “Now if it was me, I would think that you would understand how special it is to be a “superhero” and wouldn’t bother with something like this.  After all, from what I hear, you guys train so hard in ways that none of the other Bombshells can expect to match.”

Sam starts to move along the Bow and continues to speak.

“And Roxi, speaking from the heart, I have to wonder if you hold back in the matches or if somehow you have some kind of Kryptonite that keeps you at the same level as the rest of us,” Sam wonders for the camera.  “I can’t help but figure that you just play at being a regular bombshell.  Because if you were really as powerful as everyone says you are, you would win every match you are in.  And granted you have won a lot of matches, you have also lost too.”

From behind her, the announcer of the Shakespeare on the Bow production comes out to say that the show will be starting soon.  Sam looks back for only a moment before addressing her phone once more.  

“Addressing the fact that you have lost matches, what has that done for your standing with the villains in the world hmmm?” asks Sam almost rhetorically.  “I mean if I was a supervillain and I heard that my nemesis could be beaten by a mortal, I would be all over that like you would not believe.  I am sure you have taken this into account too and have some kind of answer for that as well.”

Her eyes focus completely on the camera, her look intent as a smile slowly crosses her face.  “I am not here to doubt you Roxi, really I am not but when it comes down to it, I have these questions and I felt I should take the opportunity to ask them to someone who could answer all of my doubts in and out of the ring.  And being the person I am, you know I wouldn’t be shy about asking right?  And I have probably really done a bad thing to raise these doubts but you know what curiosity did to the cat right?” asks Sam with a soft giggle that draws the attention of an actor who is moving towards the stage area.  Sam stops and offers him a look before smiling and wandering in the opposite direction.

Stopping to look at the river, Sam brings the camera up to take in the skyline of Calgary and then focuses back on herself.  “Now I get to talk about the match this week and the fact that I get to face a woman that for all intents and purposes could be considered one of the best Bombshells on the roster today.  And I have to say that I am honored for sure because this is a woman that will be in the Hall of Fame and rightly so.  But I also have to tell you that for all the respect I have for you, that isn’t going to stop me from pushing you to your limits and beyond to get the win in the ring.  I can’t let up on what I have to do,” says Sam with conviction.  “I am sitting here with your wife and Jessie facing each other for a chance to face Crystal for the title.  I am going into this match with intent and that is to win and to keep winning.  I have nothing but respect for you however, that respect won’t get me a rematch with Crystal.  That respect won’t prevent me from stepping into that ring to EARN my shot once more.    Just like you keep saying on Twitter to your wife, title shots are earned and this week I am going to have to work towards earning my shot by beating you.”

Sam looks at the hand gripping the phone, the knuckles white as the grip on the phone is tightened by emotion.  Fighting it back, Sam lets her grip go slack as she looks into the camera of the phone.  “I am sorry Roxi, really sorry when I tell you that I HAVE to beat you this week.  I have been quiet and I have been training and I have been preparing for Climax Control,” says Sam as she begins once more to walk towards where the play is about to begin.  

“I will say this Roxi.  Good luck at Climax Control and I hope that we can leave it all in the ring.  Outside of that six sided ring, I would love to be better friends, at least on a better than acquaintance level but in that ring, hero or not, I am not going to settle for a loss or a draw.  I am coming to win Roxi, make no doubt about that,” adds Sam as the announcer comes out from behind the curtain.  Sam can see the show is about ready to start and she holds up the camera to face her once more.

“Let’s leave it all in the ring Roxi.  And may the best bombshell win,” offers Sam before winking and giving her phone a wave.  Sliding a finger over the screen, she ends the video and focuses on the stage as the actors come out to begin the play.

 The crowds stood on the dock where the SCW superstars and bombshells could be seen arriving.  Standing among them, a redhead has a pair of sunglasses covering her eyes with a rather large floppy sunhat hiding her features.  Dressed in a light sundress of dark blue, Sam Marlowe slowly makes her way towards the ramp and upwards.  Suddenly, a voice calls out to her, catching her attention which makes the crowd turn and begin to cheer.

“Sam Marlowe!” calls out the other redhead, this one dressed in a rather tight pantsuit, her own red hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail.  “Don’t tell me you were trying to sneak onto the ship.”

Sam’s glasses hide her eyes rolling as Cyn Marlowe approaches.  Moving beside her sister, she puts an arm around her and directs her to pose for the fans who are snapping pictures.  Sam smiles as she reaches for the glasses to pull them off so she can wave to the crowd before turning and moving up the gangplank as she drags a small suitcase behind her.  Cyn begins to follow her after motioning for the three ships crewmates who are pulling the luggage of Cyn.  The two sisters arrive at the cruise director who is looking at a clipboard.  

“Welcome aboard the Royal Princess ladies,” he says with a short salute.  “Can I help you?”

Sam pulls out a small bag that she begins to rummage through as Cyn pulls out a pocketbook and opens it to reveal her ticket information.  Handing it off to the young man, she watches as he looks over the ticket then hands it back to the older Marlowe.  “You are on the Lido deck ma’am in one of our premium mini suites.  Enjoy your stay with us,” he says as he hands back her ticket then reaches for Sam’s information.

“So what are you doing here on the ship Cyn?  I thought you were still in Houston,” asks Sam as the young man looks over his list.  She watches as Cyn looks around the ship, her attention caught up with the group of fans pointing towards the two.  She straightens up and poses for the fans as they begin to take pictures.  Sam can only shake her head as Cyn moves to block her out of the camera’s views.  The fans finish then move off as Cyn turns back to her sister.

He looks up and smiles as he hands back her ticket.  “You are on the…” he begins only to have Sam interrupt him by holding her hand up and shaking her head no as she rolls her eyes at Cyn then looks away before the pause catches Cyn’s attention.  The cruise director puts a finger against his nose then winks.  “Enjoy your stay with us Ms Marlowe,” he says as Sam begins to walk away towards the interior of the ship.  

“Thanks,” calls out Sam as she continues on her way.  “So Cyn, you didn’t tell me why you decided to come on this trip,” Sam reminds her sister who has finally caught up to her as she managed to be handed her luggage by the crew as the director motions for them to get back to work.  Sam slows down as Cyn struggles with the five bags she has brought.  

“I wanted to be here for you Sammi,” huffs Cyn as she fights the bags along.  Sam watches for only a minute before she reaches for the handle of the suitcase in Cyn’s hand.  Cyn releases it and then stops the two of them long enough to slide off her carry all and hang it over the shoulder of Sam who staggers a bit.  Freed from the luggage, Cyn moves faster along the hall as she begins to speak again.  “After all, I had to miss your last title match because you didn’t tell me about it.  And we both know that you obviously need me to motivate you considering that this is a big match.  And who better to be here and keep you training for the match hmmm?” offers Cyn with a hand over her heart and a sneer on her lips.  

“Cyn, this isn’t all about training for the match,” offers Sam as they near the elevator.  “I can take a bit of time relaxing you know.  All work and no play makes Sam…”

“Makes Sam a loser!” exclaims Cyn as the doors slide open for the pair.  Cyn moves with confidence into the elevator with the small pile of luggage leaving Sam to struggle with the rest of the bags.  Once inside, Cyn reaches for and presses the button for the Lido deck.  Sam watches the lights over the door as Cyn continues to speak.  “I mean really Sam, you have so much to do to get ready for this title match.  You lost the title right after Into the Void where you were lucky enough to win the title.  And you are facing that person once more aren’t you?  What’s her name…it starts with a c…”

Sam turns to look at Cyn who has crossed her arms over her chest as one perfectly manicured nail taps against her red stained lips.  “I think you are looking for the name Crystal,” says Sam with a sigh as Cyn’s eyes light up and she snaps her fingers to point at Sam.

“That’s her name,” says Cyn as the elevator pings once more then the door slip open.  Cyn moves into the hall as Sam once more fights her way out of the elevator to move along the hallway towards the front of the ship.  Followed more slowly by Cyn the pair moves toward the suites at the front of the ship.  Reaching her door, Cyn slides the key card against the lock and pushes the door open to walk into the room without waiting or holding the door for Sam who just manages to catch the door open and levers the luggage inside.  Leaving her own suitcase by the door, Sam carries the others to Cyn’s bed and leaves them on the floor.

“Well, now that we have you here, I am going to head to my stateroom and settle in for the week then I am going to see if Ben and Jamie have made it to the ship yet,” says Sam as she backs towards the door while Cyn stares out the door of the balcony.  Before she can make her escape however, Sam is grabbed by Cyn and guided to the balcony where Cyn brings her to the rail and points downward to the people on the dock.

“Sam, we need to talk,” says Cyn in a somewhat serious tone.  Sam gives her sister a look as Cyn takes a deep breath and rests her arms on the balcony.  “I have been thinking about it and I feel that maybe I need to do more for you in SCW.  After all it was me that got you noticed in this company and if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t even know about Sin City Wrestling and well I think that maybe I should make a return to the ring,” says Cyn who quickly turns at the sound of a scoff from Sam.  “What is so funny about that Sam?”

The younger redhead swipes a hand over her lips as if trying to wipe the smirk away and failing miserably.  “Cyn, I don’t know if you think that it is that easy to get a job with Sin City but need I remind you that Christian Underwood still has that restraining order against you being backstage at SCW events,” says Sam.  “I mean I am sure that with everything you have going on right now, you probably don’t have time to really get involved I am sure.  Besides would you really think that you would be able to still hang in the ring with the bombshells they have now?  And would you even be ready to face me in the ring?” demands Sam with a slight laugh as Cyn’s look of outrage causes her to turn away.

“Oh laugh it up Sam,” snarls Cyn who moves back into the room and reaches for her purse and pulls out a cell phone.  She approaches Sam and with a glare, hands over the phone.  “Go ahead Sam, I want you to film me doing what I know you don’t have skill in doing.  So I am going to do you a favor and give the promo you yourself are incapable of giving, considering your goodie two shoes status as a babyface.  So sit back and listen and learn how to do it correctly.”

“Cyn, you don’t need to do this,” says Sam as she tries to avoid being handed the phone.  Cyn grabs her hand and slaps the phone into it and holds it up to point at her.  “Honestly Cyn, I am fully capable of doing a promo for my match at Summer XXXTreme,” adds Sam as she is pushed back a bit and Cyn smiles at the phone.

“Just film!” orders Cyn as she begins to smile at the camera and then strikes a pose.  “I am here to talk about those five other bitches in the main event match of Summer XXXTreme four where yours truly will give her unbiased view of each and every one of the losers in the match and why MY sister Sam Marlowe will walk out of the Chamber of Fate match the Bombshell champion once and for all.”  Cyn reaches up and brushes her hair off her cheek as she looks out over the water as the loud toot of the ship’s horn can be heard as the crowd cheers the departing boat.  

“Cyn, I would really love to just stop this and get to my stateroom and re…” begins Sam only to have Cyn arch a brow and glare her into silence.  Resigned to filming her sister, Sam sighs and points the camera at the other redhead.

“Now as I was saying, this coming weekend my sister steps into a match that no one has ever seen bombshells in before and do you know what that means?” asks Cyn as she begins to warm to the topic.  “It means that she is going to make history once more.  Not as important as say having me in the match but still, it is the main event of the card.  Now I don’t know why they decided to put the people they did in the match.  Well I know why Cristy is in the match.”

“You mean Crystal,” calls Sam.

“That’s what I said wasn’t it?” demands Cyn which makes  Sam open her mouth about to reply but thinking better of it just motions for Cyn to continue.  “Crystal was put into the match to lose her title.  And we all know she will because she has held the title and not had to defend it like Sam did which means that she was saved from the fact she would have been the one to lose the title after her first defense which is going to occur in the ring at Summer XXXTreme.    Now Crystal may talk a great game about how she is the best at what she does and that she is the face of the Bombshells.  Honestly the only thing that she is the best at is being so bipolar no one has any clue what kind of person she is.  You know the one, the ‘oh I am such a great person and great champion’ to the ‘why doesn’t anyone like me?’ whiner we see day in and day out on Twitter.  Boo fucking hoo Crystal, the only reason people even care about you is because you are a paper champion that has been set up to lose.”

Sam’s mouth drops open as Cyn talks.  “That is harsh Cyn, I am sure that Crystal isn’t like how you are painting her,” says Sam sternly.  “You can’t talk about her like that!”

“Sammi, listen, I know you are nicer than I am and I get that you don’t want to talk mean about these women but someone has to lay it out on the line for them and if you won’t then I am going to need to.  And we both know she would be doing the exact same about you and how you are overrated and a pushover and nothing compared to her.  I am just doing you a favor like I said.  So who else is in the match?”

Sam pauses to look towards the room debating with herself on whether or not to tell her sister.  “Jessie Salco is in the match,” answers Sam.  

“Oh Jessie Salco, that heavy metal dweeb who thinks that she is going to win I bet,” replies Cyn with a chuckle.  At Sam’s nod, Cyn begins to speak once more.  “So tell me what the hell has she done to deserve this shot?  Whine and cry like a bitch…kiss up to Mark Ward?  Tell me how she managed to get into a match for the Bombshell title.”

“She won a match at Climax Control to get into the match,” answers Sam which causes a loud guffaw comes from Cyn.  “What?  She did Cyn!”

“Yeah and like Daddy says, dogs and sunshine and asses you know,” replies Cyn.  “Honestly what the hell were they thinking?  She is a sideshow freak that doesn’t deserve to be out of the Roulette title picture let alone in the Bombshell championship.  Wait…I got it, they have her in the match for the laugh factor?  She’s the comedy relief isn’t she?”

Sam shakes her head negatively.  “Cyn, Jessie deserves to be in the match,” Sam says angrily.  “She has paid her dues in SCW.”  Sam moves towards Cyn and tries to hand her the phone.  “If you are going to talk about the bombshells like that I am leaving.”

Cyn reaches out and holds Sam on the balcony to avoid being handed the phone.  “You know you want to talk like this about the match Sam.  So you just keep feeding me the names and I will keep doing what you have always wanted to.  So who is next?”  

“No Cyn, I am not going to let you talk about the others in the match,” says Sam angrily as she once more tries to give Cyn the phone.  Her sister grabs her wrist and holds the phone and her hand up to continue filming the promo in a blair witch style that bobs and weaves as Sam fights her.  As the pair move along the balcony, the door is opened by a ship’s steward who appears with a bottle for Cyn’s room.  

“I bet you know the show’s card,” she calls out to the steward who nods.  “Who’s in the Bombshell match?”

The young steward thinks a moment then begins to rattle off names.  “Crystal Millar, Mikah, Jessie Salco, Keira Fisher-Johnson, Mercedes Vargas and Sam Marlowe there,” he says as he points at Sam.  “Will that be all?” he adds as he backs towards the door as Sam glares at him.

“Oh yes, that is all I need and thank you,” gushes Cyn as the steward nods and leaves the stateroom.  Cyn turns back to speak into the camera’s lens once more.  “Mercedes Vargas is in the match?  Wow, can you say desperate?  Underwood and Ward are really scraping along the bottom of the barrel with the competition aren’t they?  I mean Mercedes Vargas, really?  Didn’t you beat her in Tokyo to win back the title?”

“Yes, I lost the title to her then won it back,” growls Sam as she pulls away from Cyn.

“They actually put a title on her why?” demands Cyn.

“Mercedes became a grand slam champion when she beat me,” admits Sam.

“They will give that ‘title’ to anyone won’t they?” asks Cyn who shakes her head.  “Well almost anyone.  I bet they won’t put it on you because you are so much better right?  It makes me sick that they have people like that given the opportunities when they don’t deserve them and then the people that do deserve their rightful shot don’t get it.  But I am sure you showed Mercedes all the respect she deserved didn’t you Sam?”

“Of course I did,” responds Sam.  “She beat me because I didn’t keep my focus on her.”

“And did you get a one on one rematch?”

“No, I had my rematch in a triple threat match.  But I did get my rematch,” says Sam as she pulls away from Cyn who has snatched the phone out of her hands and is pointing it at herself to film her continuing comments.

“And now you have to get your rematch in a chamber of fate match that has people in it that really shouldn’t be.  You know I am talking about Keira don’t you?”  Cyn can’t help but smirk as she moves to stand beside her sister and bring her into the shot.  Sam shakes her head no as Cyn sighs.  “As much as she doesn’t want to admit it, Sam agrees that Keira shouldn’t be in the match for the fact that she is so out of her safe zone.  Admit it Keira, your wife does all the heavy lifting when it comes to you and your career.  She carried you in the tag division, she lay down for you to give you this shot and if you could have her in the ring for you I am sure you might stand the slimmest chance of winning.  As it stands right now, I have to change my opinion about Jessie Salco being the comic relief.  Just hearing that you finally bitched and moaned your way into a title shot, I couldn’t help but laugh.  And when you get eliminated and I know you will be, I am going to be laughing even harder.”

“Oh my god Cyn, you are just being so toxic.  I don’t need to stay here and listen to this,” says Sam as she pulls away from Cyn and moves towards the stateroom door.

“But if you leave, you won’t hear what I have to say about Mikah,” calls out Cyn as she follows Sam slowly into the room.  “I mean maybe I might just be nice and say that Mikah stands the best chance out of everyone in this match.  Considering that this little trip is where she is getting married to Drake Green and all that.  Can you say wedding gift of a title shot?  Poor Mark Ward had to get her something for marrying that man after all.  She’s only the latest bimbo that he has hit on and I am pretty sure that the only reason she is marrying him is desperation because everyone that she gets involved with seems to leave her in the dust like a bad habit.  Even Mark Ward used her for an ego stroking good time, emphasis on the stroking I am sure…”

Sam makes it to the door and yanks it open as she grabs her suitcase handle and without a look back at her sister begins to make her way down the hall with Cyn’s voice following her.  “Did you want to know what I would have said about you?” she calls with a chuckle.  Sam shakes her head negatively before disappearing near the elevators.  People in the hallway watch as Cyn takes one last image then give them all a glare before disappearing back into her suite.  

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Days later, Sam Marlowe moves slowly towards a room dressed in a long black silken robe, her hair pulled up in a rather rushed bun on the top of her head.  The scent of chocolate fills the air as she pushes at a door to enter a room.  The interior is a soft beige brown colour that hints at a creamy milk chocolate cream.  

“Welcome to the Lotus Spa and the chocolate experience,” says the masseuse as he motions towards a table where a small pot of chocolate can be seen, a soft float of steam escaping it.  “If you will just recline right here I will be right back…”

Sam gets on the table as the masseuse leaves the room.  Taking her robe off, she lies on her stomach after draping the towel over her lower section.  Letting her eyes close, Sam breathes slowly and deeply  as the scent of chocolate fills her nostrils.

“Smells good doesn’t it?” offers a voice that causes Sam’s eyes to open quickly.  Taking in her friend Pussy Willow who is dressed in a pair of white capris with a blue and white sailor shirt, Sam smiles as she once more lets her eyes drift closed.  “So Sam, I came to talk to you about a couple of things that we need to chat about.  You have been quite secretive lately and it is getting to me.  I hear certain things and talking to Jamie Dean, he says that you outbid everyone for Ben at that auction.  Care to talk about that?” demands Pussy as she sits herself down at the end of the table as the masseuse comes back into the room.

“Nope, I don’t care to talk about it,” answers Sam as the masseuse takes a small brush and dips it into the chocolate then brushes it across Sam’s bare shoulder causing a soft sigh of pleasure to escape the redhead.  

“Oh come on Sam, you bid fifteen kay for Ben Jordan and a date with that man,” says Pussy as she glares at her friend.  “Are the rumors true?”

Sam turns her head to give Pussy a look and wink.  “It was for charity Pussy,” comments Sam.  “Besides, I owed him for saving me at a charity auction after all.  Ben’s my friend and that’s why I did it.  My story, sticking to it and that is all I have to say about that,” adds Sam as the brush strokes more chocolate over her back.  “Now I don’t want to talk about Ben and the date I bid for.  I have other things on my mind than that.  Like a chamber of fate match at the supercard this weekend.  So I don’t have to worry about Ben and our date or Monte and what’s going on with him or anything other than the match.”

“Monte has some goings on?” asks Pussy, her eyes lighting up at the mention of Sam’s study partner.  “Okay Sam, sounds like there is something you aren’t telling me.  You wouldn’t do that to your friend would you?”

Sam lets one eye open to look at her friend.  “Okay, listen, there are goings on but that is going to be off the record so if you want to talk about the match fine but Monte is off limits and off camera discussion.”

Pussy claps her hands and nods crazily as she tries to calm down.  “We’ll chat about that later then.  But I do have to ask you some questions about the match so why don’t we talk about that then we can go get a drink and you can fill me in on Monte.”

“Deal,” responds Sam as she once more lowers her head to relax under the slow strokes of the brush full of chocolate on her back.  “So what do you want to know Pussy?”

Pussy thinks for a moment then begins to speak.  “This match is a first for Sin City Wrestling, a match that will see six bombshells in a chamber of fate match where it is elimination and four bombshells start out in their own little cages.  What do you think the odds are for the best position to be in for the match?”

Sam gets up slightly as she crosses her arms in front of her chest to rest on as she thinks of just what to respond with.  “If you ask me there are a couple of places in that match that could be very advantageous.  Starting as one of the first two in the match, if you can eliminate the other person quickly, it is a great advantage.  But it also means you have to fight from the start and no matter how good you are, you are going to hit a wall where you won’t be able to keep up with the numbers and can be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of others.  Then you could argue that the last person could have the advantage because they will be the most rested out of everyone.  So I guess there is advantage to all entries to that match.”

Sam rolls her neck and then rests her chin on her right hand that she has put up.  “Needless to say that match is going to be the one that everyone will be watching.  I mean if you look at it on paper, the level of talent in the ring is off the charts.  And as much as everyone is hyping some of the competitors, it is anyone’s game.  I am in for a fight and I have prepared for that.  I mean I could lie and say I am ready,” says Sam, “but I would be lying to say that this is something that one person can claim will be their match.  There are too many variables to definitively say that this match belongs to any one bombshell.”

Pussy nods for a second then stops as her eyebrows draw together.  “But everyone that has talked about the match has said they are going to win the match like it is built for just them.  Are you saying that you don’t think you are going to win it?”

Sam chuckles as her head shakes slightly.  “I didn’t say that Pussy, I just said that it is anyone’s match.  But that doesn’t mean I am going to be a rollover in this match either.  See I am fighting for something that I have had a desire for ever since it was announced I would fight for at My Bloody Valentine earlier this year.  When Mikah chose me to face her for the Bombshell title I realized that I was ready to be at this level in the company.  I was ready but no one saw me as winning the title.  People still tend to think that I won the title because Mikah was getting tired of having no competition.   Do you know what that does to a person Pussy?” asks Sam.

“No, what does it do?” responds Pussy.

“It makes people want to prove people wrong,” replies Sam as she tilts her head slightly to take in Pussy who has crossed her legs and is leaning back to listen.  “When I heard how people thought I was just a throw away match for Mikah, it made my blood boil and I had this gnawing desire deep inside to prove people wrong.  I vowed then and there that I would win the title and I did.  And do you know what Pussy?  That desire has only gotten stronger.”

“It has?  Why would it get stronger if you held the title Sam?” asks Pussy with a curious look at her friend.  “You had it won and was wearing it proudly.  Why would the desire get stronger?”

Sam’s eyes glitter as she looks at her friend.  “It gets stronger because being champion is like a drug almost.  Having that title around your waist or over your shoulder has its own rush that you feel.  You are THE champion and you are the one that is the challenge and you are the one that people need to beat to feel good.  And when you lose it, you lose a little bit of the excitement of being champion and you need to get that back or suffer withdrawals about it.”

“So you are saying that being Bombshell champion is like being an alcoholic?” demands Pussy.

Sam thinks about it for a second then slowly begins to nod.  “You know what, I am comparing it to being an alcoholic I guess.  I mean I know I have been high on being the champion and I have had the lows of having lost the title.  And I am getting that itch to wear the title again, to feel like I am on top again.  I am jonesing to be the Bombshell champion again.”

“For the third time right?” demands Pussy.

“Yep, I’ll join Misty and Vixen in that rarefied atmosphere,” returns Sam as the masseuse begins to slowly work the chocolate off Sam’s body as she chats.  “But joining Vixen and Misty as the youngest ever bombshell champion to have won the title three times, that is going to be special I think.”

“Well we all know that everyone thinks you don’t deserve it or that you will get it back based on the fact you choke…their words not mine,” says Pussy.  “I only say that to give you the opportunity for you to respond to that.”

With Sam finished, the masseuse lays the silken robe over Sam’s shoulders and helps her upwards, the robe quickly covering her nakedness.  Turning with a smile, she thanks the masseuse and then hops down from the table.

“What should I respond with Pussy?” asks Sam.  “That I have won the title before?  That I am going to win it again?  Seriously as much as I have listened to everyone talk about how they are going to win the title and how everyone thinks that I am not going to win or that I am over rated or a choke artist or whatever they are saying to put me down I don’t care.  All that is going to do is fuel the fire that is burning.  Stoking the flames of desire for the title and if that happens, all I have to say is that there are five bombshells that are going to be burned by the end of the night at Summer XXXTreme.  And that is all I am going to say Pussy, I am too relaxed to talk any more about it.”

Sam begins to walk out of the spa followed by Pussy who is fighting to hold back from asking anymore questions.  The two walk along the deck towards the lift in silence.  Pussy looks out of the side of her eyes at Sam who is smiling as her fingers play along the robe’s silken tie.  Reaching the lift, Sam pushes the button and the doors swing open.  The pair gets inside the elevator and as the doors are closing Pussy turns to Sam.

“Soooo, since you aren’t talking about the match…tell me about Monte!” exclaims Pussy before the doors finally shut on Sam turning with a laugh to her friend.

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Sam Marlowe moves slowly along what looks like some kind of cage on the deck of the Royal Princess, her hands trailing over the steel structure almost lovingly as she is proceeded by someone with a camera.

Sam Marlowe is LIVE (on Facebook)
Here we are, only days away from Summer XXXTreme and I can’t help but think that we are only days away from a title change in the Main event Chamber of Fate match.  I could be wrong but from where I am standing, there will be nothing staying the same after this match.

I am standing here, outside the ring looking in on where the six of us will be locked in with only one thing on our minds and that is eliminating the other five bombshells to win the title and trust me, not one of us will be worried about the pain of trying to hold back.  Because in this match you can’t, not if you want the title as much as the others.

I have been listening to the others talk and I have been focused on preparing for this match where others will say they have been but I have seen them doing anything but preparing.  Hell you have Mikah preparing for something other than the match.  Where has her focus been I ask you?  On her wedding that happened today.  I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you Mikah, you looked beautiful and so happy and as much as you think that you are going to live happily ever after, there is going to be one dim spot on your honeymoon and that is going to be at Summer XXXTreme when you have to realize that the dream of a two time title reign will collapse like a soap bubble.  As much as you think you are ready for the match, you will still be on cloud nine from the bliss of your wedding and that lack of focus will be your undoing.  But don’t worry, as much as you know you are good enough to wear the title, on Sunday, you won’t be that good enough to overcome what might be the fight of your life.  I have faced you in the ring one on one and took your title before.  And if I am in the ring with you again one on one, I will do it again.

And Crystal, champion that you are, as much as you think that you know me I have to tell you that I am coming for the title.  You may think that you are the silver screen queen and the end all of the Bombshell division but sweetie, as much as you are desperate to hold the title, it makes it that much easier for it to slip through your fingers.  I get that you beat me for the title by knocking me out from the pain and without your husband in your corner.  Yes, I will admit that you were the better woman that night and I give you all the kudos for that.  But that was then, this is going to be Summer XXXTreme.  You won the title on a Climax Control, a special one but a Climax Control.  Last time you faced anyone for the title at a Supercard, it was Into the Void in Tokyo where you lost to…me in a triple threat match no less.  But this time, it is a double triple threat if you look at it.  So that will mean that you could possibly lose it for the second time.  Kind of puts the odds in my favor doesn’t it?

Oh and let me address Keira.  I know you were looking forward to facing me one on one for the title and if I had been able to, I would have given you that shot but it wasn’t to be because you had to earn your way to the title match and you did by beating your wife.  Some might say that she laid down for you and some might say that you beat her but either way, you are in the match and I am looking forward to how we are going to be testing each other in that ring.  And I know that when push comes to shove, you have that hero thing to fall back on and I know if you believe the comic books, heroes always win.  This isn’t a comic book Keira and you aren’t going to be able to rely on the fact you are a hero to claim the win because if truth be told, even superheroes can be beaten.  We will see this on Sunday.

And Jessie, as much as you think you are all tough and probably are, there is something you need to remember when it comes to this match.  I have been in the Bombshell championship match and I have wins as Bombshell champion and yes I have had losses but when it comes to facing the odds in the ring and rising above the backtalk and the doubts and the overall ‘you aren’t going to win’ mentality of everyone that thinks I can’t do it, my odds just keep getting better and better.  And I like those odds.

Finally Mercedes Vargas, someone I have the most respect for in the match.  Mercedes and I have a complicated history when it comes to the title and the fact that she beat me and I beat her.  I guess this is our rubber match isn’t it?  I think that maybe you are the one that I am looking forward to meeting in the ring the most.  Because regardless of what we have done in the past, you still have the respect that you have shown me time and time again.  You don’t let your in ring personality discount how much I am a threat in any match at any time.  Just like I don’t take you for granted either.  

So as I stand here, inside the cage that is known as the Chamber of Fate, I want to remind all the bombshells that will be locked in here with me Sunday…

Fate can be a fickle thing.  And to quote Shakespeare…It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.  And inside me is a desire to do the impossible and win the Bombshell title for the third time.  

Good luck ladies.

The image fades to black showing the chamber of fate cage with Sam standing inside it, her fingers tangled with the steel.

 Dear Diary…

I am in the match of my career and once more I have to drop everything and jump to Cyn’s command…

Sam Marlowe sits in a seat on a plane, an empty seat beside her, the soft whoosh of the aircraft cutting through the sky not noticed by the redhead as her head is down, earbuds in and a pair of silvered glasses covering her eyes.  Dressed for comfort in a pair of light acid washed jeans with holes in the knees, black cowboy half boots and a faded Ben Jordan tee, Sam kept her focus on the Ipad in her lap.  On it was her email open to the recent email from her mother that was showing a rather ugly dress in a mishmash of styles and colors.

“Oh my god that is so ugly,” she mutters as once more she reads over the words of her mother.  

You need to come home Samantha, your sister needs you to stand up with her for the wedding.

To one side, a couple of people are talking, one gesturing towards the redhead who hasn’t seen them.  The other nudges his friend who leans across the aisle and lightly taps Sam on the arm.  With her attention caught, she turns to see the pair and offers them a smile.  The person who had tapped her arm motions for her to take out the earbuds as his partner waves her hands in front of her face at the possibility of meeting someone famous.  Sam gives the pair a smile as she reaches for the headphones.

“Oh shit,” says the young man as he turns to his partner.  “Missy here and I are big fans of yours,” he adds as he motions his girlfriend.  “What are you doing flying to Houston when Summer XXXTreme is on a cruise ship out of Los Angeles??”

Sam nods slowly as she lightly pushes her glasses up to catch her red curls and pull them off her face.  “I’m heading home, my sister needs me there this week for her wedding and well I am a bridesmaid according to my mother,” offers Sam with a shrug.

“Whoa, shouldn’t you be like preparing for your match on the boat?  After all, you are in the MAIN EVENT!” Missy exclaims excitedly.  “And with the women you are facing, you are gonna need a lot of time in the gym working out.  I mean I am sure that you knew that,” Missy adds with a bashful blush when she realizes just what it is she said.  

Sam nods as Missy speaks, not minding the enthusiasm of the fan. “You are totally right but family, can’t live with em, can’t shoot ‘em,” answers Sam.  

The young man can’t believe it and leans towards Sam.  “You mean to tell me that you are going to blow off the title match because your sister’s getting hitched?  You told her you were in this match right?” he questions.

“Yeah, but she invoked a higher power,” replies Sam with a sigh.  Holding up her Ipad, she flashes them an image of the dress and points with her free hand to the email of her mother.  “Moms won’t let me out of it.  And trust me, when my mother talks I have found it easier to just nod, smile and do what she wants.”

Missy unbuckles her seatbelt and moves past her boyfriend to cross the aisle and sit in the empty seat beside Sam.  The redhead is surprised as Missy leans over the arm of the seat and gets right into the view of the Ipad.  Looking over at the young man, she gives him a confused look as he can’t help but chuckle.  “Don’t worry,” he says as he nods towards a now smiling Missy.  “She’s pretty harmless but her filters…kinda lacking.”

Missy lets her smile widen as she pats Sam on the knee near the Ipad before she speaks.   “Trust me Ms Marlowe…or can I call you Sam?” asks Missy who is answered by Sam with a nod.  “Sam, I know it must be horrible to have to neglect what you need to do because of your parent but I am sure that even with the fact that you are heading home for this week, you will have next week I am sure to get ready.  After all, I know the women in that match are tough, you are the youngest ever Bombshell champion in SCW history.  I read the SCW Historian’s notes and that is what she said about you.”  

“She does you know,” adds the young man.  “Reads anything SCW she can get her hands on.”

Sam’s head rocks back and forth between the pair.  Missy gets her attention again.  “I have been scouting this match since they announced it and I think that the logical thing is to pick you to be in the top three.  I got my money on you but if you believe the smarks out there, they say the fix is in for Mikah because she is getting married at the supercard.”  

The last was said in a loud stage whisper that makes Sam’s eyes widen.  Shaking her head in disbelief, she holds up a hand and laughs slightly.  “That isn’t true Missy.  From what I know, there isn’t any favoritism backstage at all.  And just from the fact that recently Mikah hasn’t really been focused on the title belt in favor of focusing on her wedding with Drake, I think I might have a bit of an advantage there since I ain’t too worried about the whole romance thing.  Who said it was a good thing to mix business with pleasure anyways?” jokes Sam only to be met with stunned disbelief from Missy as her boyfriend leans over to Sam again to address that comment.

“Don’t be so naïve Sam,” he says as he emphasizes his comment.  “We all know that there are shenanigans that happen and when they do, people tend to be screwed over.  Odds are that is going to happen again at Summer XXXTreme.  If not for Mikah  then Crystal Millar is tapped to win.  You know the whole sympathy thing because of her husband leaving her because she f*c…”

“Charlie!” squeaks Missy.  “that is just your theory…you have nothing to base it on.  Don’t listen to him Sam,” offers Missy.  “But I do have to say that Crystal is another one you have to be careful about.  I mean she did make you pass out and took your title before.  And I am sure she will be looking to do that again.”

“That will be a bit more difficult this time because it isn’t going to be just one on one at Summer XXXTreme.  There will be four others that can stop her from winning that way.  And besides, she hasn’t been making any friends in the ring and out of it so I think that Sunday might just see her eliminated and losing the title,” says Sam with a nod as if to emphasize the thought even as a smile crosses her face.  “So we have talked about two of my opponents…what has scouting done to tell you about the others?”

Charlie gets a smirk on his face as he motions for Missy to talk.  Sitting back, Missy crosses her hands over her ample stomach and thinks for a minute.  “Well you have Mercedes who hasn’t really been seen around so she is kind of a wildcard but from the looks of it, she isn’t really going to be a factor.  Still, I would watch my back if I were you, which I am not but you know…” explains Missy as her head turns on the headrest to take in Sam who is listening intently.  

“Tell her Miss about Jessie!” exclaims Charlie with a grin.  “You gotta hear this,” he adds as he nudges Sam’s upper arm a little too enthusiastically.  Sam rubs her arm as she turns back to Missy.

“Jessie Salco is out for her grandslam moment and she thinks that she is going to get it on the Cruise.  Little does she know that she is just a little out of her league in this match.  I don’t know why management allowed her a shot at it.  If I was booking this I would see her facing Melody Grace for the Internet title because I just don’t see someone like Jessie holding the main title in the company.  Don’t get me wrong, she’d put up a helluva fight but have you seen who is in the match?”

Sam nods slowly with a confused half smile.  Listening to the fan was making her smile as Missy warmed to the subject.  

“Now the final person in the match other than you of course is Keira Fisher-Johnson.  Nothing against ambition but I think someone really needs to put her in her place and that place ain’t the World Bombshell championship match!” vows Missy.

“But she beat Roxi Johnson to advance to the match,” offers Sam slowly.  

“Beat Roxi Johnson, yeah right,” scoffs Charlie as both Sam and Missy give him a look.  “Wha…you honestly think that she beat her wife in that match?  If that is the case I got some oceanfront property right there in Arizona for ya.”

Missy just rolls her eyes and leans closer to Sam.  “He’s a Roxi Johnson fan and he thinks that she lay down for Keira and he’s pissed about it,” whispers Missy which causes Sam to shoot him another look as he is facing forward, his mouth working as he speaks to himself.  “Anyways, Keira is someone that I think needs to realize that just because she wants something doesn’t mean she should get it if you know what I mean,” Missy says.

“But Keira has been part of the most dominant tag team in the history of the bombshell tag teams.  She and Roxi…” begins Sam only to be interrupted once more by Charlie who exclaims ‘EXACTLY’ to interrupt Sam.  She gives him a look then turns to Missy to speak again.  “She came to me to ask for a shot at the title and I put it on the bosses to give her a chance.  And they did and she did beat Roxi and now she is in the match too so she is going to be considered as much of a threat as everyone else.  So when I get on that cruise ship I am going to step in the ring I am going to fight my hardest to take the title back and join a very elite group of women and make history again.  I want to be the youngest every three time Bombshell champion in SCW history. I want…”

”Ladies and gentleman, we are approaching the airport in Houston Texas where it is…” The voice of the captain drones on telling everyone in the cabin just what is happening on the approach.  Sam catches the reflection as the seatbelt light reflects on the Ipad.  

Sam reaches for the belt and buckles herself in as she swipes at the Ipad to power it off.  Missy gets to her feet and moves back to her seat beside Charlie to buckle herself in as well before leaning forward and nodding at Sam.  “It was great to talk to you Sam, good luck to you on the cruise.”

“Yeah, what she said,” offers Charlie as the three can feel the plane descending.  Sam reaches up and pulls the shades back down over her eyes and lays her head back as the plane lands.  

Once it had taxied to the terminal and stopped, Sam watched as Charlie and Missy deplaned with the others.  After the rush was over, Sam stands in the now almost empty plane and reaches for a small carryon that she pulls out of the overhead compartment and sets on the floor of the plane before grabbing the Ipad and deplaning herself.  Walking along the terminal she heads towards the parking lot where she begins to look for a cab.  Finding one sliding to the curb where she is standing, she waves it down and climbs inside giving her family’s address and leaning back against the seat for the drive.  

After twenty minutes, the cab pulls up in front of a rather large Tudor house.  Sam climbs out then hands the driver a couple of wrinkled bills she pulls out of her pocket before turning to enter the house.  Once inside, she lets go of her bag and calls out.

“Moms…Daddy!  I’m here!” she shouts to the empty foyer.  For a moment, no one answers until suddenly from the second floor a voice floats down to Sam drawing her attention upwards.

“They aren’t here right now,” says Cyn Marlowe who walks towards the top of the staircase and begins to descend.  “Daddy took Mother on a business trip to New York and…” begins Sam’s older sister.

“You’re getting married on Friday and Moms isn’t here?” demands Sam, her arms thrown out in surprise.

“Who said I was getting married Friday,” says Cyn as she takes the last few stairs to the foyer then passes Sam with a half grin on her lips that turns to a sneer when she takes in the Ben Jordan tee.

Sam watches as she walks away from her then follows angrily.  “I have an email from Moms saying that I need to be here to stand up with you…with a picture of a really ugly dress…” says Sam before biting her lip as she thinks then continues  “wait…a minute, when did Moms and Daddy leave?”

Cyn airly waves her hands as she responds.  “Oh a couple of days ago,” she answers.  

Sam’s eyes narrow as she looks at Cyn.  “So Moms didn’t send the email did she?  And you aren’t getting married on Friday are you?” questions Sam.  

“I sent it because I knew that you wouldn’t come to Houston if I was the one asking you to,” says Cyn with a false sniffle.  “I want to get your bridesmaid dress fitting done but you seem to think there are other more important things happening so you would ignore my asking you to come home.”

“Oh god Cyn!  I have a match to get ready for and don’t have the time to deal with your tricks!” exclaims Sam as she begins to pace.  “I have classes and I need to pack for Summer XXXTreme’s cruise and there is the charity auction that Jamie and Ben are in on Saturday night and…” says Sam.

“Sam! This is not about you, honestly.  I am the one getting married and I want you to get your dress fitted and you care nothing about it.  You would rather be doing what YOU want.  Is Ben more important than you sister, fine, you go and be with your friends and ignore me,” says Cyn with a sneer.  “I will tell Mother that you couldn’t be bothered to help me.”

Sam stops pacing as Cyn crosses her arms over her chest and lowers her head with a heavy sigh and begins to walk deeper into the house.  Growling slowly, Sam follows her and then lays a hand on her sister’s shoulder.  “Cyn,” she begins, “you know I am willing to help but I also have the supercard coming up and I really have to get ready for that match too you know.  I have a chance to get my title back and the bombshells are main eventing the card.  I guess I let it get to me but tell you what…why don’t we spend the rest of the day looking at dresses and I will fly back to Vegas tomorrow for class on Wednesday.”

Cyn’s head comes up as a smile crosses her face.  “We don’t have to go anywhere, I have had the designer come here and he is waiting upstairs for us.  Come on Sammi, I have the most pretty dresses you can try.”

Tucking her hand into the arm of Sam, Cyn guides her up the stairs to the second floor and into a rather large bedroom.  Once inside, she is pushed forward as the designer holds up the ugly dress that had been in the email.  Looking back at Cyn who claps with glee, Sam shakes her head at the dress as the door closes on the pair with Sam offering a desperate look for someone to save her.

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Wednesday morning, Sam drags herself into a classroom where she searched for her study partner.  Finding Monte sitting in the middle of a group of girls who were watching him, Sam made her way to his side and then set herself down beside him.  He spares her a glance with a smile that fades slightly as he sees how tired she looks as she reaches for her bag to pull out her Ipad.

“Man you look rough,” he comments to the pleasure of the girls surrounding him.  Sam can only offer him a faint smile as she brushes her hair out of her eyes with one hand as her other brings a large coffee to her lips.  “Been training too hard again?” he asks as he leans closer.

“I wish,” replies Sam after another sip of coffee is taken.  “I just got in from my flight from Houston.  I haven’t even had a chance to grab breakfast or anything.  My sister lured me there to look at bridesmaid dresses because she seems to think it is all about her even when it should be all about me getting ready for Summer XXXTreme and the cruise.”  Setting her Ipad up on the desk, she lets a yawn escape her before sliding down in the seat and closing her eyes.

Monte sends her a glance out of the side of his eye as Sam’s breathing evens out.  He nudges her slightly to keep her somewhat awake.  “Yeah, speaking of, when do you leave for that?” he asks in a low voice.  “I was wanting to ask you something before you left.”

Sam cracks open one eye and half smiles.  I leave Saturday morning for California and a charity auction that my friends Jamie and Ben are in then going to the ship,” she replies.  

Monte nods slowly as he thinks about what he is going to say next.  Suddenly a ping is heard and a small window opens on the Ipad indicating a tweet on twitter with Sam’s name attached.  She sits up slightly as Monte leans over to read over her shoulder.   The comments begin to come fast and furious as Jamie Dean tweets his #wednesdaywisdoms which make Monte laugh and Sam blush furiously.  

“You gotta tell him I agree about the sandwich tweet,” says Monte teasingly.  Sam rolls her eyes but types the message only to see a response returned rather quickly of Jamie making the suggestion of the things he would do to Monte.

Sam points down at the message and gives Monte a ‘what did I tell you?’ look.  With a blush burning her cheeks she shakes her head at Monte’s response of not liking sandwiches after sex.  After she types that response, she turns off the Ipad as the professor comes into the room.  Both turn their attention to the professor for the next hour until the break.  Once the break starts, Monte turns to Sam and leans his cheek on his hand as he studies her.  “So, why don’t we make it Friday?” he suggests.

“Make what Friday?” asks Sam.  

“Dinner so we can talk about this,” answers Monte, his finger waving between the two of them.   “I have been meaning to ask you out to chat but you always seem busy or something is going on with you and your friends.  So I am giving you advanced notice about us needing to talk.  What do you say?”

Sam offers him a look, her eyes widened in surprise and wonder.  “I guess Friday could work.  It will give me a couple of days to get ready for the supercard and train for the match.  After all, I have five opponents.”

Monte smiles as he leans back.  “Good, then it is a date!” he exclaims as the professor brings the class back to order.  As she does, Monte leans back and smiles at Sam.  “Got any plans other than Friday?”

Sam shrugs.  “I suppose Pussy will be coming to interview me at some point.  She’s a great friend to have especially when I have a match to promote.”

The professor sends a dirty look towards Sam and Monte who have the grace to look apologetic.

Two hours later, the class is dismissed as the pair of them pack up and head out of the class room.  Sam shoulders her bag as they walk down the hall.  Monte stops near a vending machine and pulls out some change and slides it into the slot before slamming a closed fist against the coke button.  The whirring and thumping of the drink is heard before a bottle of coke slides into the opening.  Sam feels a vibration as music begins to come from her bag.  Pulling out her phone she looks down and with a smile swipes answer as she looks at Monte.  “Well what do you know…it’s Pussy calling,” she says as she offers a wave at her study partner before she puts the phone to her ear and walks away leaving Monte to watch her with a strange look on his face.

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Summer XXXTreme four is less than two weeks away and I am in preparation to take part in a match that has never been seen before in Sin City Wrestling.  People have been asking ever since it has been announced that the Bombshell championship would be defended in a Chamber of Fate match.  

I have to admit I was a bit curious about what that kind of match was but regardless of the match, I could only see this match as an opportunity.  See since I have joined SCW, I have been making history.  And now I have a chance to make history again.

Let’s talk about the history I have made already.  History fact number one, I was the one that ended the dominant reign of Mikah when I beat her for the Bombshell championship at My Bloody Valentine.  Speaking of, Mikah is actually one of the bombshells in the match at Summer XXXTreme so this gives me an opportunity to beat her again.  But I think that this time she is going to be more prepared to see me as the threat that I am.  But that doesn’t mean she will be ready to counter that threat.  

Secondly, with that win over Mikah, I became the youngest ever bombshell champion in the history of SCW.  I am only twenty two years old and I made history as the youngest ever champion.  Now I have heard that Jessie says she will be the youngest champion but as we all know, she is older than I am and I am not going to let her get away with winning the title at the supercard.  

Another history fact, I am the youngest two time Bombshell champion.  I won my second title only three weeks after being screwed out of it by Crystal Millar.  And how did I do it, by pinning said Crystal Millar in the middle of the ring at Into the Void.  And speaking of Crystal, she helped me realize another historical fact.  That I am the one that holds the record for the shortest Bombshell title reign.  That’s right, she made me pass out in the middle of the ring to gain my title at CC150.  And I will admit that she was the better woman that night but only because I couldn’t respond to the referee asking me if I submit.  So Crystal, that win finally got you the Bombshell championship but you never really pinned me or submitted me for that belt.  So take that hollow victory you cling to so you can justify just how good you really are.  Because in comparison to me, it took you four years to win the title.  It only took me months and when I did win it, I beat Mikah to do it.  Which is something that you have yet to do in Sin City Wrestling isn’t it Crystal?

I have a chance to make history and join a very select few women at summer XXXTreme.  I have a chance to become only the THIRD woman to be a three time Bombshell champion.  I actually have a better than good chance to do that.  And think about it, should I do that, I join two Hall of Famers who have won the Bombshell championship three times, Misty and my mentor Vixen Staggs.  And what would you say to that, what would anyone say to being that strong of a champion in less than a full year in SCW.  

I admit that for the past little while I have been focused on more than one thing at a time I have decided that I am going to be doing something that I think is going to make some people sit up and take notice.  See I am focusing more on this match because this is something that I want.  I have sat back and listened to others and I have had to swallow the insults of Crystal Millar, I have had to smile as I got screwed out of a title and I as always show good sportsmanship and a sense of sisterhood with the Bombshells I have faced in the ring and outside of it.  

But how many times can a person take being put down for something that she shows everyone.  How often do I have to be the better person because I have respect for everyone?  Well, I still have respect but I also have a fire that is starting to burn for me in the ring.  Crystal Millar has put herself on a pedestal talking about how she is so damn good but when it comes down to it, she is nothing more than a challenge because she can’t fathom the idea of respecting an opponent, no she has to bring them to her level by treating them like dirt.  Even when she beat me, I was able to congratulate her.  I wonder if she will be able to do the same when I beat her on the cruise ship?

Then of course, Mercedes is also in that match on the ship and I have the utmost respect for her.  She was able to realize that she didn’t beat me herself and she was woman enough to admit it.  And she showed me the respect I deserved even though I had lost.  I look forward to facing her in this match.  And to her I say good luck.  From the past few weeks, it looks like she may need it.

I also wish Keira Fisher Johnson luck as well.  She also has something called respect and when she stepped up to me she showed it.  But for all I respect her, I have to remind her that as much as she is a ‘superhero’ this company is not Marvel or DC.  This is not a comic book and she can’t expect to have me believe that a ‘superhero’ will be able to hold me back in that ring.  This is my title to win back and, with all due respect and affection Keira, I am going to win it back and if I have to beat you to do it then that is what I am going to do.

Finally we have Jessie Salco, someone else that I have mad respect for.  She has a chance to be a grandslam champion in this match and she is ready willing and able to achieve the next level in her career.  I have heard nothing but good things about Jessie and I had an opportunity to team with her a few weeks back and well as much as she tries to say that she didn’t carry the team but she got the win for the team I have to say that isn’t how I remember the match ended.  I was ready to get the win when she tagged herself in and took the victory.  Now I know that got us the win and I wasn’t going to kick but I want to remind you Jessie, I did a lot of the work in that match and at Summer XXXTreme, it isn’t going to be a tag team match.  It is going to be an all-out war for the Bombshell championship.  

And I don’t intend to lose this match at all.  So mad props to you all and good luck.  Because I am coming for what is mine.  And there will be no way you will be able to prepare for me.

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Friday night and Sam Marlowe was taking the last few moments to check over how she was dressed.  Monte was due to arrive at any time.  Smoothing a hand down the bright red silky jersey of the short dress she had on, she pushed any wrinkles from the fabric.

Taking one last glance at her phone, she turned in front of the mirror and snapped a picture with a bit of a smile.  “Okay I think I am ready,” she offers to her image in the mirror as her doorbell rings.  

Grabbing up a small clutch purse, she rushes to the door and opens it slowly to reveal Monte in a dark jacket over a white button down and jeans.  He lets out a low whistle as he takes in the red dress and high heels with her hair cascading in curls down her back.  “You look like a walking sin,” he jokes as he moves to the side and motions towards his car.  

Sam only laughs as she turns off the house lights except for a soft lamp just inside the door and then closes and locks it.  Turning to face him, she gives him the once over and nods slowly.  “You certainly clean up nice,” she teases which only prompts him to brush his fingertips along the suit jacket.    “So where are we going?” she asks as he opens the car door for her.

“It’s a surprise Sam,” he responsed before closing the door and walking around the car.  Opening the door, he slides behind the wheel then starts the car and moves out of the drive and into traffic.  The interior of the car is dark as Sam looks out the window to watch where they are headed.  Monte can notice her fingers playing with the clutch nervously and he reaches across to take one hand in his.  “You nervous?” he asks softly.

“It’s that obvious is it?” she replies.  “I don’t really do things like this because I haven’t really dated anyone since high school.  I mean on something like this,” she adds as she uses her free hand to motion between the two of them.  Thanking the darkness that is hiding her blush, she again turns to the window.

“Hey, that is a surprise considering,” he returns as his focus remains on the road.  Gently Sam pulls her hand out of his and he lets it go almost reluctantly.  

“So, you said you wanted to talk to me about something,” Sam asks, curiosity peaked as she folds her hands together.  “Is it about class?”

Monte spares her a glance and shakes his head in the negative.  “I was wondering about what is going on with you outside of class.”  Suddenly he lets the car slow down as he turns into a restaurant parking lot.  Pulling into a space, he turns off the motor and turns to Sam.  

Sam releases her seatbelt and is about to get out of the car when Monte holds his hand up.  “I guess what I am asking Sam is does your wrestling and studying allow you time for someone in your life?” he says in a rush.  “We have been working together for a couple of months now and well I want to get to know you a little better but I ain’t going to push things just in case you know…it will affect our partnership.”

Sam looks down at her hands for a moment as she thinks about what he is trying to say.  “Are you asking me about going on a date other than a study date?” she asks softly.  At his nod, Sam shrugs as she again thinks about it, her bottom lip softly pulled between her teeth.  “I never thought about it actually.  Like I said, I haven’t dated since high school so I really can’t say.  But I am willing to explore it I guess.  I just ask that we don’t rush things because right now I am going to be leaving for at least a week so can’t really do anything about it now. “

Monte smiles as he nods curtly then opens the door to the car and then rushes around to open Sam’s door.  “I can handle that,” he offers as he holds his hand out for Sam to take.  Tucking it against his elbow he leads her toward the restaurant.  The pair go inside and disappear behind the closed door.  

Hours later, Sam and Monte exit and head towards the car once more.  The two are laughing and talking about the upcoming cruise.  

“So tell me again what a chamber of fate match is,” he says as he fumbles for his keys to open the car door.

“Well, you have the ring and it is surrounded by a cage.  And inside the cage is four little cages with a bombshell in each.  The match starts with two women and then after a bit of time, one of the little cages open and that bombshell joins the match,” says Sam as she uses her hands to emphasize her speech.  “To win the match, you have to eliminate the others until one bombshell remains.”

“And how do you eliminate them?” Monte asks as he pulls open the door to the car.

“That is the hard part.  You either have to pin or make them submit.  And when all the bombshells are in the ring at the same time, no one is safe and no one will be easy to eliminate,” Sam says as she slides into the car.  “I am not looking forward to the match but I am looking forward to the challenge I am in for in that match,” jokes Sam.  “There are three women I have respect for and look forward to testing my mettle against them and then there are two that I really want to beat because they deserve it.  And I need to definitely get some training in while I am on the ship.”

Monte slides into his side of the car and turns the ignition.  The drive back to Sam’s is filled with discussion on strategy and just what each competitor might bring to the match.  Pulling up in front of Sam’s house, Monte gets out of the car and walks Sam to the door.  As they get there, Sam puts her keys in the door and opens the door.  Before she can move inside, her hand is taken by Monte and she is turned to face him.

“Good luck Sam, stay safe,” Monte says as he moves closer to Sam.  “I’ll see you when you get back to Vegas.”

“I’ll try,” she answers as she offers Monte a smile.  “Good night,” she adds and half turns into the doorway only to have her chin caught by Monte’s finger.  

Guiding her slowly back to look at him, he lowers his lips against hers for a lingering kiss then pulls away with a smile.  “Good luck Sam,” he says softly with one last caress before turning and walking towards his car.

Watching him pull away, she offers him a wave and then lowers her hand to her lips.  “Oh my,” she mumbles as she goes into the house and closes the door.

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Sam stands outside of Akbar, the music filtered slightly as she pulls out her phone.  Dressed in a black sequined jacket over black boots and a pair of black hotpants, she turns on face time and begins to talk…

I am taking a few minutes before I attend this charity auction tonight to talk about my match at Summer XXXTreme.  See I haven’t been able to get much time giving my version of what is going to happen in that match and when I arrived here in LA it was a long day already so I decided that I was going to spend it on me.  But now while I have a few minutes to myself before the auction I wanted to talk about the match and offer you what I have planned for the supercard.

I realize that I have a golden opportunity in the middle of the ring.  I could join Misty and Vixen Staggs as a three time bombshell champion and to do it I have to face and beat five other women, four of whom have also been Bombshell champions.  A feat that in itself is one hell of an achievement I grant you.

But before I get down to strategy and just how I am planning to make the opportunity a reality, I need to get a few things off my chest about this match.  See I have had a fire that has been eating at me, a desire that nothing short of winning the title back can quench.  I have felt ever since Climax control one fifty that I never lost the title the second time, I had it pried from my grasp because I lost consciousness.  See I never was pinned and I never submitted.  How many women can say that in this company?  None of them can.  Oh to hear Crystal, she talks about how she is the end all and be all as Bombshell champion because she is who she is.  Actually Crystal, you just got to take advantage of my never surrender attitude by making me pass out.

And this match at Summer XXXTreme is going to be one match that no one will be the same after.  See we are making history with this match and surprise, we are headlining the event.  This match is one that is being talked about and it hasn’t even happened yet.  And when it does happen, they will be talking about it for a long time.

I suppose though before I go inside I really should address the women in the match.  After all, isn’t that the way you need to do these promotional things?

Sam smiles into the camera with a wink.

First let’s talk about Jessie Salco.  Here is a woman…wait a minute, hold on, just whoa.  Talking like that sounds so familiar that I ain’t going to do it.  See I have respect for what Jessie can do and what she represents.  This is someone that has stepped up to challenges before and now has a chance to do something few women have done and that is become a grand slam champion and as much as I would love to see it, I know it just isn’t going to happen because in order for her to do that, she has to beat me and that isn’t going to happen a week Sunday.

And Keira, I have to apologize now.  I know you wanted to face me one on one for the title but it seems that it is not to be.  You and I are part and parcel of a match that will see six women fighting for one belt.  So that means you have a one in six chance of seeing your dream achieved of winning the Bombshell title.  And just like Jessie, you have a record to be proud of but just like Jessie, you have to beat me and I can’t…NO, I won’t let that happen.

There is one woman I have to say I am looking forward to seeing in that match and that is Mercedes Vargas.  Between us we each have a win over the other one on one but this isn’t going to be one on one Mercedes which means this is going to be new ground we are treading and when it comes down to it, this is going to be a match that I make my own, which means I am going to use it to prove once and for all there is a reason I am at this level in Sin City Wrestling.  There wasn’t any mistake in having me fight for the Bombshell championship.

The music inside begins to change and Sam begins to smile a bit more

Only two other women to address before I head inside, Mikah and Crystal Millar, the first is the most dominant champion in company history and other is the current champion.   Interestingly enough these women have faced each other and every time that happens, Mikah manages to beat Crystal.  Interesting true but the thing is that when Mikah does beat Crystal, it won’t mean that she will be walking out of the chamber with the title.  Because you see, Mikah has Crystal’s number and when push comes to shove, will more than likely beat her.  But when it comes to Mikah, there is one woman who has her number and that happens to be the one that ended her streak and who could that have been? Hmmm I wonder huh?  Maybe just maybe I ignore Crystal and let Mikah beat her and then beat Mikah.  Or I could do what I have been wanting more than anything and that is getting my hands on Crystal Millar and giving her reason to worry about how she treats me.   She thinks I am over rated…she thinks I am nothing well I am ready to show her exactly who it is that she wants to put down.  Yes, she took my title but was only able to do it when the pain of her hold knocked me out.  That won’t happen again, my promise to everyone in that match.

I am coming to Summer XXXTreme with a purpose.  I am coming for my title and I won’t be leaving that cruise ship without it.

The door to Akbar opens interrupting Sam who turns to see who it is.

“Hey Ginge…the bidding is going to start soon,” calls out Ben as he peers around the door.  Sam nods and waves as she swipes at her smartphone and tucks it into her jacket pocket.

“On my way Ben,” calls out Sam as she follows him inside to disappear behind the closed door.

Climax Control Archives / More than just studying? Que pasa?
« on: July 08, 2016, 11:46:46 PM »
 The low thrum of voices talking are muted by the sounds of music as Sam Marlowe directs her eyes at a book lying flat on the table in front of her.  With her hair pulled back into a long ponytail that hangs over her shoulder, she plays with one curl as her lips move slightly mouthing the words of what she is reading.  Not paying attention, she is joined by Montgomery Christopher who just sits back in the seat nearby and watches her.

“I can see you,” she says without even looking up at her study partner.  

Shooting her a half guilty smile, Monte shrugs and nods before he replies with a “I was sure you did but you looked so intent on what you were reading that I figured I would let you get it out of your system before I made my move,” he teased.  “I wouldn’t want to compete with the Bard and all.”

Sam raises her eyes from the book to look at Monte who has leaned back slightly in his seat as he grabs a menu from the table nearby and begins to look through it.  “Ummm so did you bring your books?” she asks as she looks for the telltale messenger bag that she usually saw Monte with.

“Nope, figured that we needed to get to know each other better,” he jokes.  “After all, it ain’t every day I get to work with someone like you.”

Sam leans back herself as she eyes a nonchalant Monte who is looking over the menu.  “But y’all said this was a study date Monte,” she says slowly as her head tilts slightly confused at the way Monte is acting.  “And what do you mean work with someone like me?” she asks suspiciously.

Monte turns his blue eyes upward and offers Sam a bit of a smirk.  “Someone as sweet as you that can kick butt like you do,” he begins.  “I have done some studying and I’ve learned some things that intrigued me.  And when something intrigues me, I need to find out more.  And how better to do it than over dinner so are you ready to order?” he asks as a waitress moves closer to take their order.  

Sam looks at the waitress then holds her hand out for the menu as Monte gives the waitress a smile before handing the menu to Sam.  “We’ll need another few minutes,” he offers before ordering a drink.  The waitress smiles back as she sticks the pen she had hovering over her notepad into the messy bun at the top of her head.

Sam ducks behind the menu for a moment and studies the food listed there as she fights to stop a blush from creeping across her face.  Monte pretends not to see it as he reaches across the table to pull the menu down slightly.  “Sam, are you blushing?” he teases softly.  

“I am not blushing,” retorts Sam whose reddening cheeks give lie to the fact.  “This is just so surprising is all,” she adds.  “I get that we are study partners for class but I never thought…I mean I never suspected…”

Monte chuckles as Sam fumbles with trying to explain what it is she is trying to say.  Finally he leans forward once more and offers Sam a smile as he lays a hand on hers.  “Like I said Sam, you intrigue me.  So tell me something, what the hell is a woman who wrestles doing going for her Masters in English lit?  I saw some of your matches and you are pretty good so why split your focus?”

Taking a slow breath, Sam shrugs.  “I guess I do it because I like the things I am able to do in the ring.  Oh don’t get me wrong, I know it isn’t a thing that I see myself doing forever but for the here and now, I like the attention and the athleticism of it.  As for the masters, well it is because I eventually want to move into teaching once I am not able to wrestle anymore.  And with me being in Vegas, just gives me a great opportunity to study between shows.”

The waitress approaches with Monte’s drink and sets it in front of him.  Both look up as she pulls the pen free.  Sam orders then lets Monte order before she turns to look at him once more.  “So Mr. Christopher, are you the only one allowed to ask questions because I have a few of my own,” says Sam as she laces her fingers together and sets her chin on her clasped hands.

The scene fades out on Monte smiling at Sam as the pair continues their discussion.

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Sam Marlowe is Live:

Hi all, Sam Marlowe here and this week I have an amazing match that will be something to see.  

As you all have probably heard, I have a match at Summer XXXtreme for the Bombshell title, a chance to wear it for the third time.  In a six pack challenge against five other bombshells I am going to get my shot at the title.

But first I have this week and a lethal lottery tag match that was thrown together with three of the five bombshells in the world bombshell title match.  It has me teaming with Jessie Salco to face Mercedes Vargas and Keira Fisher-Johnson.  Now I know that when it comes down to it you got two former Bombshell champions teaming with two former roulette and bombshell tag champions.  The amount of titles in that ring is epic and the match itself will be one for the books.

Take for instance Keira Fisher-Johnson.  She beat her wife Roxi to get into the six pack challenge and is definitely a challenge for sure but she is a challenge that I have beaten before.  Not to discount her or anything because she is one hell of a competitor and not one to be taken lightly.  She has held the Bombshell Roulette title and the Bombshell tag titles.  She is also definitely one of the best tag team wrestlers out there…but this isn’t her wife she  is teaming with, this is a woman that she is going to have to face at the supercard.

Speaking of the woman she has to face, Mercedes is the one that ended my first title reign and is a newly minted grand slam champion that can’t be taken lightly either.  She can pull out a win from the jaws of defeat and that is something I take very seriously.  I have been in the ring with Mercedes and she does hold a pinfall win over me.  And like I said, she beat me for my title.  But then again, I beat her to win it back but I did it by pinning Crystal Millar and not her so there is a question there on whether or not I have what it takes to beat her.  Maybe this will be answered this week in the tag match or maybe I might have to wait until Summer XXXtreme to find out if it is doable but one way or the other I will find out and I will prove to her and myself that I can stand toe to toe and pull out the win,

Then there is my tag partner Jessie Salco, another person that is on the cusp of winning the grand slam in the company.  I don’t knock her abilities either and this week when we are teaming I want you to know Jessie that I am going to do my damnedest to make sure that it is our hands raised in victory.  But once the match is over I hope you know that I still respect you but I will be looking to beat you and the others for the Bombshell title.  So no hard feelings a’ight?

Climax Control 153 is going to see four of the six in action and we are not going to disappoint the fans when we step in the ring.  But I do want to tell my partner and my opponents one thing.  I respect the hell out of all of you and know that in this match, anyone can win and anyone can lose.  But not only is this match going to be a warm up for the supercard, it is going to give me the chance to feel you out and get an idea of what I am going to need to do to beat you for the belt at Summer XXXTreme.  So good luck ladies, I think we are all going to need it.

Climax Control Archives / What you will...
« on: June 24, 2016, 11:37:04 PM »
 Sitting in class watching her computer screen as she waited for the rest of the class to enter gave Sam Marlowe a bit of a relaxing moment to reflect on her recent past.  Slowly clicking through images of the past few days makes her smile as she remembers the story behind them…

The small bundle of beige toe attacking dervish was quiet for the moment as Anubis curled up purring on the lap of Sam Marlowe as she sat on the couch in Jamie Dean’s loft.  One hand gently stroked along the furry tip of Anubis’ nose and ears as the other held up the head of Sam as she leaned against the couch.

“So sorry that you lost the title love,” says Ben Jordan from the side as he joins Sam on the couch.  

Sam offers him a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes.  “It stung to lose but Crystal did manage to pull it out,” says Sam as Anubis barely opens his eyes as a large yawn flashes his teeth at the trio sitting there.  

Proud daddy Jamie moved to pick up the small bundle of fur that Sam has picked up.  Cuddling him close, Jamie nods slowly.  “Only reason she won it was because you passed out from the pain Sam,” he says.  “You didn’t submit or tap or anything.  So you should be proud of that fact.”

Ben turns to Sam with his characteristic grin.  “That’s right Ginge, you technically didn’t lose,” he jokes.

Sam rolls her eyes at Ben and Jamie and holds up her hands in surrender.  “Guys, y’all are makin’ me feel really good but I am ok with the loss,” she says to the pair.  Both raise their respective eyebrows as they share a look then turn back to Sam.  “Really, I’m good with it.  Don’t get me wrong, I ain’t happy I lost the belt but in theory, Crystal is only holdin’ the belt for the moment until I can win it back.”

Sam curls her feet up underneath her as Ben leans over and glares right into the face of Sam, eyes narrowed as if he doesn’t believe her while Jamie leans closer, a now awake Anubis also giving Sam the eye.  

“What?!?” she demands as she glares at the two right back.  

“Right,” begins Ben, “So you are going to win it back are ya?” Jamie snickers as a mew from Anubis punctuates the question.

“Of course I am gonna win it back,” vows Sam.  “You heard Mark Ward when he said that I am going to be in that six bombshell match at Summer Xxxtreme.  And trust me when I tell y’all that I am not going to let that opportunity go to waste.  Besides I tend to rise to the occasion at supercards…”

The scuffling of bags and books breaks Sam out of her reverie.  Suddenly a body flings itself into the seat beside Sam as Montgomery Christopher offers her a lopsided grin.  “Well if it isn’t the Bombshell champion herself,” he teases.

“You’re right,” replies Sam with an answering grin.  “I lost the title this past weekend at Climax Control.”

Monte’s smirk fades slightly as he leans forward to put his arm on the desk in front of him.  “Oh damn, sorry to hear that Sam.  You ok?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she replies as she pushes a stray curl behind her ear.  “I mean ended up passin’ out from the pain of the hold and the referee called the match and gave Crystal the title, but all in all, I am fine.”

Suddenly a small window opens in the lower right hand corner of Sam’s screen as a tweet from Jamie appears.  Reading it quickly as Monte grabs his books, Sam can’t help but giggle at the comment which only gets her a confused look from her study partner.  

The class begins to quiet down and the professor starts to speak.  Sam’s attention is on him but the flash of another tweet from Jamie Dean provokes another response Sam as she ducks her head and quickly pushes her fist in front of her mouth to stifle the laughter bubbling up there.  And so the class goes, the lecture somewhat boring but the occasional tweets from Jamie providing a bit of a distraction.  His banana penguin brings a bark of laughter to Sam that she desperately fights to cover up with what she hopes is a believable coughing fit.

After an hour of lecture, the professor lets the class go and begins to pack up.  Sam closes the window that she had been typing in and prepares to shut down her laptop when she notices that Monte is looking at her with an unreadable look on his face.

“Is everything all right?” Sam asks as she tucks her notebook into the messenger bag she had set on the desk.  

Monte nods slowly as he closes his own books.  “I know we are studying the comedies but Shakespeare ain’t that funny,” he says.

“He isn’t,” agrees Sam before pulling up her phone and swiping to open the twitter feed on her phone as she proceeds to show off the tweets that made her laugh.  “My friend Jamie was tweeting these things and they were making me laugh.  I guess note to self, don’t open twitter when in class.”

“Probably not a great idea,” agrees Monte as he puts his books into a bag by his feet before looking back up at Sam.  “So I was thinking,” he continues, “why don’t we get ourselves a coffee and you can tell me all about your friend Jamie.  Is he your boyfriend or something?”

Sam gives Monte a look before her eyes widen then her lips part as laughter escapes her.  “I ain’t Jamie’s type,” she says with a grin.  “You on the other hand would probably cause him some emotion or three.”  Monte’s own eyes widen as he realizes what Sam is saying before laughing a bit self-consciously at the thought.  “Good to know then if I want an in with you, I could go through your friend,” he flirts.

Sam shoulders her bag and turns to offer a smile to Monte.  “Jamie isn’t the only one that you would have to go through,” she says.  “There’s also my best mate Ben,” she adds.

“And he’s your boyfriend?” questions Monte.

“Everyone seems to think he is but nah, he and I are good friends and that is it,” Sam replies.  “He’s got my back and I have his.  But if y’all want to go for that coffee, why don’t we get it right now because I have to head back to get ready to pack for my next match at Climax Control.”

The pair begins to climb the stairs to exit the class room.  “You are wrestling this week so soon after losing your title?” asks Monte.  “Don’t you like take some time to get over losing?”

Sam shrugs.  “You haven’t ever watched wrestling have you?” she asks softly only to be answered by Monte shaking his head negatively.  Sam takes a slow breath.  “People in the company don’t tend to take the time off if they can get in the ring week in and week out and well, some of the wrestlers and bombshells tend to be booked more often and ever since I began to really put my name out there, I have been booked more and more.  Christian says it is because I am good for business or something like that.”

Reaching the door, Monte holds it open for Sam.  “If that’s the case, I am going to have to start booking time with you too I guess,” says Monte as Sam walks out of the doorway.  He follows her as the door closes blocking the view of the pair.

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Sam Marlowe can be seen, dressed in a pale blue tee and dark denim jeans that are tucked into rather worn cowboy boots.  With her hair pulled back into a high cascade of curls down her back, Sam looks relaxed and ready for anything.  

The camera seems to follow her as she moves along what appears to be a hallway.  She stops and looks up into the lens and begins to speak…

Mercedes Vargas, one woman I respect very much.  One woman who actually holds a very dubious distinction and that is that she beat me to end my first title reign as Bombshell Champion.  Granted it was very tainted on how she managed to but still, credit where credit is due, Mercedes Vargas is one tough woman that I know might have just won the title on her own.  And that brings me to this week and Climax Control one hundred fifty one which will see me going one on one with Mercedes.

I am pretty sure that she will have talked about how she respects me and that I am a strong competitor.  And I am pretty sure that she is confident about her chances in this match as well.  And I wonder just what it is that she has said about me and the fact that I beat her once more to get back my title only to lose it when we got back Stateside.  Because really that is only talk and when push comes to shove, talk is well and good but it is the actions in the ring that speak the loudest.

Climax Control 151 is where I am stepping into the ring on the same level as Mercedes.  The two of us are contenders for the title that both of us have worn and at the supercard will have the chance to wear again.  I want to tell you Mercedes that I am coming to Laughlin with my head held high and every intention of proving to you that your win for my title was just the result of Crystal’s distraction.  I lost focus in Kobe but in Laughlin, you are directly in my sights and I am not going to lose focus on you and beating you for the win.  This match isn’t going to be for a title but I am going to consider it as if the title were on the line and I will rise to the occasion and deliver what I believe will be the first victory on my way to my title.

So good luck Mercedes and want you to know, when the bell rings, I will be there to hold my hand out to you in respect for a good match.  Just because we are facing each other across the ring doesn’t mean I won’t respect you when all is said and done.  This match is business plain and simple.  

And my business is to get back the Bombshell Championship…

With those words, Sam turns once more and begins to walk away, the camera following her as the images begins to darken and fade.

Climax Control Archives / Climax Control 150 - Sam's Ready to retain
« on: June 17, 2016, 11:47:16 PM »
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Walking along the beach near the Cuban home of Ben Jordan, Sam Marlowe appears deep in thought as the mesh bag of groceries swings by her leg with each step.  Not really paying attention to what is going on around her; she kicks up small clouds of sand which sends the gulls who are angrily squawking at her into a frenzy of flights and fights over scraps that had been disturbed with the soft kicks.

Dressed in a pair of faded denim shorts and a silvery blue bikini top, Sam has her head down reading something in her hand.  Soft sea breezes blow the tendrils of curls that are escaping the messy ponytail she had her hair in and let them tickle along her cheeks which prove enough of a distraction from the smartphone in her hand.  Using the hand holding the phone, she brushes them back before bringing the phone into view as the curls again blow lightly in the breeze.

“Dammit!” escapes from Sam as she stops and then putting the mesh bag over her wrist; she continues to mutter as her fingers fly over the keys.  Pressing send, she begins the trek towards Ben’s home once more, this time tucking the phone into the pocket of the jeans.  Getting closer and closer to the house, she can’t help but smile at the carnage that seems to be spilling out of it.  People had flocked to the house to take part in the party that Ben had invited everyone to and like any good party, most had slept where they had fallen the night before.

Tiptoeing into the kitchen of the house, Sam sets the mesh bag of groceries on the counter and begins to unpack it.  Softly humming to herself, Sam begins to search for pans and dishes to cook the breakfast she had brought back to the house.  Mere moments later the sea breeze mixes with the scent of bacon frying as Sam begins to cut up the fresh fruit she had bought.

A bleary eyed Pussy Willow moves into the kitchen, her nose lifted as she inhales the scent of the bacon.  Holding the counter across from Sam, she shoots her now smiling friend a glare.  “Why are you so chipper?” she demands as she fights to pull out a barstool at the counter then fights her way up to the seat.  “You were drinking just as much as I was last night.”

Sam nods slightly.  “Yeah I started the night drinking and well let’s just say I decided that I needed to stop,” admits Sam as once more she begins to cut the fruit and sets it into a large bowl beside her.

Pussy’s eyes narrow as she takes in Sam who ducks her head as if to avoid any questions.  Being the investigative journalist she is, Pussy leans forward and rests her arms on the counter as she confronts the redhead.  “What do you mean you needed to stop Sam?” she asks.

Trying to avoid the question, Sam turns away to check on the bacon only to hear her name called from Pussy.  Turning back, she puts both hands on the counter, leaning forward slightly as she does.  “I tend to have a different sense of humor when I drink and I also have a very low tolerance of drama and BS and with the Dutch courage alcohol gives you, I tend to get a little…” Sam lets her voice fade as Pussy realizes what she is saying.

“So you sobered up so you wouldn’t say anything,” says Pussy as she points at Sam.  “Man, you take good girl to the next level.”

“It wasn’t my party to be doing stuff like I was so I needed to stop,” Sam admits as she mixes the fruit in the bowl then slices a lemon to squeeze the juice over it.  “This is Ben’s place and his party.  Besides, what kind of a friend would I be if I let loose with what I really thought?  So I found me a quiet little corner and watched the night unfold.  Seriously, I had a pretty interesting night regardless.”

Sam stops talking as she continues to putter around the kitchen.  Taking the bacon from the pan, she grabs a couple of eggs and sets them to frying.  Turning around Sam is surprised by the hard look on Pussy’s face as the interviewer leans in again.  “You can’t fool me Sam,” begins Pussy.  “Friends are one thing but…”

Sam holds up her hand to stop the comment from Pussy.  “Don’t even think it Pussy,” says Sam with a smile.  “I don’t see Ben as anything other than a friend and I am sure that he doesn’t see me as anything either.  Besides, I don’t have time for that kind of thing happening to me.  I have my title to defend and I have classes starting this week.  So let’s just let it go and not feed the rumor mill anymore.”

Pussy nods slowly, the look on her face indicating she was about to argue with Sam who deflects the argument by waving the strong scented bacon right under Pussy’s nose.  Raising one eyebrow in question, Pussy brings her hand to her mouth as she gags slightly.   Pussy pulls her hand away slightly, still gagging at the bacon grease and scent to say ``Sam, that wasn`t fair.”  Losing the fight, Pussy scrambles off the stool and heads deeper into the house brushing past Ben Jordan who is walking into the room.

“What’s up with her?” asks Ben as he moves to grab a piece of bacon.

Sam shrugs as she puts her eggs on her plate and sets it on the counter.  “I have no clue what,” says Sam as she turns back to turn off the stove.  “I guess she just can’t handle being hung over,” she adds as she turns back to find Ben eating her breakfast.  “HEY!” she exclaims as she reaches for the plate only to have Ben yank it out of the way of Sam’s grasp and takes another bite of the eggs and mumbles ‘what’ at the redhead who glares at Ben as the scene fades out.  

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Sam Marlowe is LIVE!

Hello to all of my fans out there, Sam Marlowe here and I want to just let you know that coming up on Sunday is the 150th edition of SCW’s Climax Control.  It is going to be a special night for sure because it is the night where we will raising money for the American Humane Society.  Joining me that night will be my Askem…
The image of Sam holds up a small bundle of blonde fur as the softest squeak escapes the fennec fox who squirms against her cheek.

…Who is excited to be out and about with the rest of the pets of the superstars.  He promises to be on his best behavior don’t you Askem?

But let’s talk about the show.  This will be the first title defense of my second championship run and believe you me I am ready for it.  After all this will be Crystal Millar’s chance that she sabotaged when she cost me the title the last time.  See, if she hadn’t of interfered, this match would have happened at Into the Void in Tokyo and she would have gotten the title shot she kept crying about deserving.  I don’t fault her in that because she did win the Blast from the Past and I was all set to face her at the supercard one on one.  But she decided to cost me that match by helping Mercedes beat me for the title.  I just have to ask you Crystal if you are listening…did costing me the title work for you?

Now, a little bit of history shall we?  In Japan, I lost my title to Mercedes Vargas.  And in Japan I lost a mixed tag match to Crystal.  Okay, so it wasn’t a successful tour in Japan for me until the final night where I regained the title by pinning Crystal Millar in a triple threat match to once more become the Bombshell champion.  

Now I am pretty sure that after that match Crystal probably went to management and demanded the one on one match she deserved for winning the Blast from the Past tournament and you know what, I am glad that the first defense of my title is that one on one shot she earned.  It will be the opportunity that I need to prove to everyone that one on one I can beat Crystal Millar.  Because trust me, I have heard the stories and I have seen the posts online about how Crystal Millar is the next big thing in SCW.  Bravo Crystal, maybe you deserve to be called that.  And maybe you might get a shot at my title but that is all you are going to have to deal with a shot at the title but not the win of the title.

I am the type of person that when you put a challenge in front of me I rise to it.   Hell living with my sister, I had to work double hard to succeed which is why this title defense will be as intense as I need it to be to retain my title.  All the naysayers say you are going to take the title because you are the best right now in the title picture.  Each little comment to that effect, each little endorsement that you get just is another prod to retain.  And not to be cocky but I consider you a challenge and will rise to it accordingly.

Sam looks determinedly into the camera before a smile crosses her face then is replaced by a concerned look.

I do also have to ask Crystal if you are going to be able to compete at Climax Control.  I remember that TMZ talked about you in the hospital on your deathbed due to an allergic reaction to dogs that you had.  And this week we are celebrating the Humane Society and from what I heard, there will be all sorts of animals there and I am sure some of them are going to be dogs.  And if you knew me, you will know that I am someone that gets right into the charity event to help promote this very worthy cause.  That is why I am worrying about you.  I don’t want you to end up dying by getting your rightful title shot.  

Now if you want to postpone the match to another night that won’t kill you, I will understand.  I don’t know if Christian Underwood and Mark Ward would though.  My suggestion to you would be to bring an EPI pen to ringside and I will ask that for our match that they have EMTs at ringside.  Because let me tell you Crystal, if you do decide to go through with this match, I am going to do what I need to keep my title and I don’t want you to think that should you lose you will be able to say it was because the match went to the dogs.

Sam appears to giggle at that comment before wiping away the smile and get serious once more.

At Climax Control 150 you get to step up to me one on one and take your shot at my title.  You get the title shot that everyone else got before you.  Christian Underwood and Mark Ward fixed the mistake that you claimed they made by overlooking you.  Bravo Crystal, the spotlight will be directly on you at Climax Control 150 when you step in the ring to face me for this…

Sam pulls the Bombshell title belt into view.

This is going to be the prize that the two of us are going to be fighting for in the match at Climax Control and as confident as you are and as confident that everyone else is that you are going to beat me I just have to tell you good luck Crystal because you are going to need it.

The image freezes on Sam smiling at the camera as she holds the title near her shoulder.  

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The shuffling of feet and slamming of books landing on tables is blocked out by the headphones worn by Sam Marlowe as she tries to be invisible in the classroom setting.  Having grabbed one of the higher seats in a corner with her back to the wall, she gives the class the once over as she opens her laptop.  One light haired person returns her look, his dark eyes eyes narrowing slightly as if he was trying to figure out who she was.  Suddenly the look changes with a slight shrug of his shoulders as he nods and waves slightly before turning to the girl beside him and sitting down.  

Ducking behind the laptop screen, Sam rolls her eyes as she opens her email and reads some of the fan mail, losing herself in the comments of her fans and detractors.  Suddenly she is tapped on the top of her screen by the person sitting in front of her and her attention is directed to the front where the professor can be seen getting ready to teach the class. Pulling the earbuds from her ears, she presses stop on the music and then rolls up the cord to lay it on the seat beside her where her bag is resting open.

“Good afternoon students,” says the professor as he moves towards the board and writes out the course name.  Turning back to the now seated class, he smirks.  “This class is about lovers and fighters and generally the soap operas of Shakespeare and we are going to immerse ourselves into those lives.  So I have decided that for this term, you will have a partner to work with which I have chosen for you.”

That comment is met with groans and muttering from the students.  From her perch, Sam can only imagine what or who her partner could be. The professor begins to call out names as her focus moves once more to her email.  

“Well now this is interesting…Christopher Marlowe is our next pairing.  Ironic wouldn’t you say?” asks the professor with a smirk.  Sam’s attention had been caught by the mention of her name but for the life of her she couldn’t figure out who Christopher was.  “At the end of class I want you to join your partner and introduce yourselves,” he adds before turning back to the board and beginning to write.

After the class was dismissed, Sam Marlowe stood packing her bag and tossed it over her shoulder only to hear a soft ‘oomph’ which sends her spinning to see the man who had looked at her earlier.  Up close she could see his eyes were a dark blue.

“I am sooo sorry about that,” she says as she holds up her hand towards his chest but curls it into a fist as she offers him an apologetic smile.  “Sometimes I don’t know my own strength.”

Coughing slightly as he tries to catch his breath he waves off the apology.  “Don’t worry about it.  I shouldn’t have been standing so close,” he replies with a half-smile.    “I was asking around and you are that Marlowe person that the prof mentioned earlier aren’t you?” he adds.  

“Yeah, I’m Samantha  Marlowe,” Sam answers as she tosses her hand out for a handshake.  “I guess I should go and try to find the person that I am partnering with this term,” she says as the hand she extends is caught up by the man in front of her.

“You found him,” he says as he gently pumps her hand in greeting.  “Montgomery Christopher at your service,” he adds with a bit of a wink before continuing.   ”But most of my friends call me Monte.”

Sam lets an answering smile cross her face.  “Nice to meet you Montgomery,” she says.  “Most of my friends call me Sam although there are a couple of nick names out there for me from friends.”  Shouldering the bag better, she takes a slow breath and then looks at the door then back to Montgomery.  “I really hate to introduce myself and run but I have somewhere I need to be right now.”

“It’s all good but I wanted to talk to you about this project we have to work on,” says Montgomery as he moves slightly to allow Sam to move by him.  As she does, he follows her slowly.  “Prof said he wasn’t our ideas before the next class which is in like two days,” Monte adds.  

Sam gives him a sideways glance as the pair leaves the classroom and move into the hallway.    Taking a slow breath she looks both ways then upwards before turning to look at the young man who smiles at her again as if apologizing and gloating all in one.  “Listen, I have to go and do an interview for something but if you want to come along we can go for a coffee afterwards.”

“Interview?  Wow, are you famous or something?” he asks.

“Something like that,” says Sam as she gives him a suspicious look.  “You really don’t know who I am do you?”

“No, should I?” he says as he shoulders his own bag as the pair begins to walk along the hallway.  “Wait, you aren’t kidding are you?” he continues as the smirk changes to a look of surprise which causes Sam to laugh.  

“If you are going to be coming with me I guess I better tell you who I am,” Sam offers as she pushes open the door to the parking lot.  Moving towards her car, she opens it and tosses the book bag on the back seat.  Once that is done, she turns back to Monte who is looking at her curiously.  “I’m the Bombshell champion for this wrestling company based here in Vegas,” she offers only to be met with a chuckle.

“Yeah, you are a wrestler,” scoffs Monte which only causes Sam to turn and grab a second bag.  “I mean I would have thought maybe you did a bit of modeling or fitness or somethi…”  Sam holds the title out towards him which causes his voice to trail off.  “I don’t believe it!” he says emphatically as Sam gently places the belt on the seat.

“Believe it,” she responds.  “I am on my way to do an interview with my friend Pussy Willow because I have a title match this week on Climax Control.  Kind of comes with the territory of being champion.  So if you don’t want to come with me, we can make arrangements to meet afterward.”

“I’ll come with you,” he jokes.  “After all it isn’t every day that you get a chance to see stuff like this.”  He motions at the car.  “Do you want me to come with you?  If so, you will have to drive me back for my car later.  Or I can follow you either way I ain’t going to believe it til I see it Sam.”

Shaking her head, she motions into the vehicle as she pulls open the door.  “Hop in and I will bring you back later.  I can’t believe that I am doing this,” she mutters as Monte moves around the car and climbs inside.  Once buckled up, Sam puts the car in gear and pulls out of the parking lot.

About twenty minutes later, Sam pulls up to the Gold Coast Casino where Pussy Willow can be seen standing talking with a cameraman.  The cameraman points at Sam’s car as she kills the engine.  Pussy moves towards the car with a smile.  

“About time you got here Sam, we don’t have all night you know,” says Pussy before turning to the young man who exits the car.  “And who do we have here? Hmmm?”

Sam shoots a look at Monte then back to Pussy Willow who seems to be devouring him with her eyes.  “Be gentle Pussy, this is Montgomery who is my new study partner for one of my classes.  My professor seemed to get a kick out of our name combination,” says Sam as she reaches into the car.  Monte comes around and holds out his hand for Pussy who smirks and shakes his hand.  Turning back to Sam she becomes all business.

“Okay Sammi, this is going to have to be hard hitting since you are facing Crystal and we both know how that woman is ,” says Pussy as she walks towards the casino with Sam who shoulders the belt and joins her.  Monte moves to open the door which causes Pussy to flirt with him by gently chucking him under the chin and winking at him.  Monte blushes slightly as Sam giggles before Pussy begins to talk once more.  “Let’s get set up and we will do this.”

The pair of women head into the main room where the set-up has been done for Climax Control.  In the ring is a pair of chairs that Pussy leads Sam to.  Climbing on her own seat, Pussy fluffs out her hair as she waits for Sam to join her.  Monte meanwhile moves to the ringside area and sits down a few rows back to watch.

“We are taping in three…two…one…”

“This is Pussy Willow and I am here with the two time bombshell champion Sam Marlowe who this week is defending her title against the Blast from the Past winner Crystal Millar.  Sam I have to ask, there are a lot of people out there that don’t think you have what it takes to beat Crystal.  Your thoughts?” asks Pussy.

Sam thinks for a moment then puts a hand on the belt that is resting on her lap. “I know that people don’t put much stock in what I do in that ring.  After all I was the underdog the first time I challenged for the belt and I beat Mikah.  Then everyone said that I was the underdog in the match at Into the Void and I stepped up my game and pinned the person I am facing on Climax Control, Crystal Millar in the middle of the ring to win this title for the second time.  And now she gets her one on one match and once more people are saying that I am in the underdog position again but do you know what Pussy, I like being in the position because when I face a challenge like I am faxing on Sunday, I just tend to bring everything I got and do the unthinkable and win,” says Sam as she smiles.  “And you better believe that I am ready for Sunday because I am sure of one thing and one thing only.”

Pussy pulls the microphone back towards herself.  “One thing Sam, and what is that one thing?” she questions.

“That is the fact that I am coming to Climax Control to prove one thing to the world and that is that I am not a fluke champion or a paper champion like some people seem to imply.  I will defend the title in the ring and successfully retain but I do have my reservations Pussy if I am honest.”

The response clearly surprises Pussy who leans back with a questioning look on her face.  Sam leans forward and speaks again.  “I mean Pussy, this week we are honoring the Humane society and there are bound to be some dogs there that night.”

Realization passes over Pussy’s face as she pulls the microphone to her lips.  “That’s right Sam, and isn’t Crystal fatally allergic to dogs?”

“If TMZ is to be believed she is and I have to wonder what will happen if she gets to close to them or even worse, I end up contaminated by dog hair because both of us know I can’t seem to resist cute animals,” offers Sam only to be interrupted by Pussy who winks at Monte as she says that she can see that.  “Pussy, I am really concerned for Crystal who could possibly die at Climax Control.”

Pussy turns back to Sam and nods seriously.  “So what is that going to mean for you?  Will it mean that you used any excuse to win the title?  Because we know that is what Crystal will probably say if she loses to you,” states the interviewer as she leans forward with the microphone.

“I don’t want to say that she would do something like that Pussy but this is Crystal Millar and we know that she has said before that they were all against her by passing over her shot for others that were not deserving to get the shot,” begins Sam as her hand rests possessively on the belt, one fingers tracing along the nameplate.  “I don’t doubt that if she loses, she will try to say that they stacked the deck against her.  I have offered to let her have her shot at another show where her health wouldn’t be at risk but I have heard nothing from her so I guess that means she will be stepping in the ring and taking her chances with this title shot.”

The redhead looks concerned as she gently pulls the belt closer.  “I seriously don’t want to win if it means that I will hear over and over again that she lost because she almost died due to a dog allergy.  So once more I put it out there, Crystal tell management that your life is more important than this belt.  Ask them for a raincheck and face me when you won’t have to worry about your allergies.”

Even the earnestness of Sam Marlowe can’t move Pussy who does look sympathetic but shakes her head sadly.  “We both know Sam that she won’t do that and if she did, upper management won’t allow it.  So you better be prepared to defend that title at Climax Control.”

“Believe me Pussy, I will be more than ready to defend it,” responds Sam with a smile.  “Just because I can sympathize with the fact that Crystal will be taking her life in her hands, I also know that I am not going to let the challenge go.  I won the title in Japan and I will retain the title in our first match back on American soil.  I am not going to let this title go!“

From the floor a wolf whistle is heard as Monte leans forward, his arms on the seat in front of him as he grins.  The two women turn towards him who makes him smirk and lean back.  “Couldn’t help it,” he jokes.  “You just sound so confident.”

Pussy laughs as Monte puts both arms over the backs of the seats beside him.  Sam rolls her eyes, all pretense of seriousness lost at the enthusiasm shown by her study partner.  Pussy holds up a hand as she motions towards Monte.  “I think we have enough here Sam, why don’t you go and I’ll stay and edit this for the show.  Besides I don’t think Monte here wants to listen to us talk about the business.”  Sparing a glance at Monte who is looking around the venue, Pussy leans forward.  “And I think that you need to get to know this man better,” she offers in a soft voice.  

Sam’s eyes widen as she realize what Pussy is saying.  She tries to hide blush that covers her cheeks  behind her hair as Pussy laughs.  “Pussy!” exclaims Sam.  “I am not that kind of girl!”

Pussy looks around Sam at Monte who has occupied himself with his book bag.  Leaning back and moving closer to Sam, Pussy whispers “I could be if he was my study partner.  Have fun girl.”

Sam gets off the seat and moves to the side of the ring to set the belt on the apron then slide through the ropes to drop to the floor.  Grabbing her title, she turns back to Pussy in the ring with a wave.  “See you Sunday,” Sam calls as she moves towards Monte.  “So what do you think?” she teases as she waves towards the pair in the ring , her motions taking in the venue.

Monte’s lips press together as his eyes follow her wave, taking in the casino and ring.  His head slowly begins to nod.  “Interesting…very interesting.  But it gives me a whole new appreciation for you,” Monte says as the two of them move towards the exit.  “Who knew I would be paired up with someone like you but if this is who you are, I think I could get to like this partnership.  Unless you will put me in a wrestling hold if I don’t do my part of the work?” he asks with a teasing grin.

Sam’s eyes roll at the blatant teasing.  “If you aren’t careful I will end up showing you the difference between a wrist watch and a wrist lock,” she teases back in a friendly way.  “Come on, I’ll drive you back,” she offers as she pushes open the door and waves him through.  Monte brushes past her and out the door followed by Sam who lets the door close blocking the pair from view.

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A room can be seen with row upon row of silvery cages.  In the silence, the sounds of snuffling and whimpers can be heard with the occasional bark being heard.  Suddenly a hand moves into the shot and opens one of the cage doors.  The same hand reaches inside the cage to pull out a small puppy who wiggles and whines before being pulled into an embrace.  The camera pans away to reveal Sam Marlowe is holding the puppy and stroking the soft fur.

“This is Arlo and he is one of the many dogs at the Humane Society here in Las Vegas.  He’s one of the reasons that the Bombshells and Superstars of Sin City Wrestling are supporting the Humane Society at the historical 150th Climax Control.  That night we will be in the ring wrestling for these little guys and we want you to donate to this worthy charity,” says Sam as she wrinkles her nose and brings it close to the puppy’s.  The dog wiggles closer and begins to lick her face causing her to giggle.

“Donations made at Climax Control will be used to help dogs like Arlo and all his other friends here at the Humane Society…so we want you to give generously,” says Sam as she walks to the middle of the room and sits down on the floor.  Once she does, the sounds of cages being opened and the clicking of nails on the hard floor indicate a stampede of animals.  

Suddenly Sam is swarmed by the dogs and is knocked backwards and under a puppy pile.  Her laughter mixes with the whining and barking of the dogs.  The director of the shoot yells cut and handlers come to rescue Sam who is smiling as she gently pushes the last of the puppies away enough to get to her feet.  Once on her feet, she moves towards a table where a few bottles of water can be seen.  

As she approaches it from one side, Rocky Mountains moves in from the other side.  “Imagine meeting you here,” says Rocky with a smile.  “Could I get an interview from the Bombshell Champion?”

Sam takes a bottle of water and opening it, takes a slow sip then nods in the affirmative.  “Sure, let’s do this,” she says as Rocky pulls a camera from her purse and turns it to begin filming Sam who smiles.  

From behind the camera, Rocky begins to speak.  “This week Sam you are taking on Crystal Millar a woman that most say could be taking your title on Sunday.  What do you have to say to the people out there that are expecting a new champion?”

“Well Rocky, as much as people tend to write me off when it comes to defending this title, you have to admit when the chips are down I tend to step my game up.  And believe you me, the chips are down on Sunday,” offers Sam as she takes another sip of the water.  “Don’t get me wrong, I know what I am stepping into but nobody seems to have faith that I can do it,” adds Sam.

“Don’t be like that Sam, there must be people out there that are saying you will win,” says Rocky as Sam just shakes her head.

“Trust me Rocky, everyone is saying this is Crystal’s to win and maybe just maybe it is,” offers Sam.  Using one hand to brush her hair off her cheek, she continues.  “I don’t really care what the odds are and how many are saying that Crystal will beat me.  The only person that can beat me this week on Climax Control is myself.  I mean I could stand here and talk about how she beat me and how I beat her but when push comes to shove, it is going to be the two of us one on one in that ring and when the dust settles, there will be only one person holding the title when it is through and I am fixing for that person to be me!”

Rocky nods as she films Sam who is looking towards the animals that are being set up for the next shot.  “Sam, how comfortable are you with the fact that Crystal Millar has been relatively quiet about the match?”

“Oh Rocky, she may have been quiet about the match but that doesn’t mean she has been quiet all week,” offers Sam.  “I have been watching twitter and trust me she hasn’t been quiet at all.  Crying about how she needs her husband who isn’t talking to her and they share the same house.  Complaining that she needs more friends…with a friend like her, who needs enemies?  Seriously Rocky, as much as she has been front and center with her life I don’t think that I will take her lightly because she does hold a win over me in a mixed tag match.  And I hold a win over her in a triple threat.  Sunday night’s match will be one on one and then she won’t have any excuse if she loses because she finally got what she was asking for all along.”

Rocky Mountains gives Sam a hard look which is returned with a look that speaks volumes about the confidence of the bombshell champion.  A slow smile begins to cross Sam’s lips as she is called over to finish another promotion for the charity.  Patting Rocky on her arm, Sam moves off with a soft apology.

As she joins the director, she is handed a pair of kittens who begin to climb on her as she listens to what she is needing to say.  Rocky watches as the shoot happens.

This week on Climax Control 150, the bombshells and superstars of Sin City Wrestling are fighting for the Humane Society.  We are asking for your support for this very worthy charity.  Open up your hearts and checkbooks, you won’t be sorry at all…”

The scene fades out on Sam Marlowe being clawed as a kitten crawls up her shoulder to butt his nose against her ear with a soft meow that brings a smile to the face of the Bombshell champion which is the last thing seen as the scene fades out.

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